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Author Topic: A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy  (Read 29726 times)

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A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy
« on: September 22, 2013, 01:34:28 PM »
From our 2002 Archives:

A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy

Welcome To the Family

Eighteen year old Christopher Prim frowned as he watched his Mother and the man who would soon be his stepfather drive off, on their way to Nevada for a quickie marriage and two week honeymoon. A lot had changed in the last few weeks, and not for the better, in Christopher's opinion. Ever since his Father had died, almost a decade ago, it had been just the two of them. Christopher had liked it that way, and he always thought his Mom did too. He had barely known his father, the ambitious man had almost always left for work before

Christopher awoke and returned only after he had gone to bed. Christopher had actually feared the intense little man. The few times the frail little boy had seen him, he would complain that Christopher was too soft and girlish, and that his Mother was raising him to be a sissy. He had even wanted to send Christopher off to a military academy! The very idea had been terrifying, so Christopher had not been sad when a heart attack had taken his Father at an early age. And, since he had left them well provided for, Christopher had never missed him.

Since then their life had been idyllic, as far as Christopher was concerned. Another boy might have complained that his Mother, convinced that Christopher had inherited his Father's weak heart, had become far too overprotective. She wouldn't let Christopher participate in any activity she considered too strenuous. Why, if she saw so much as a bead of sweat on her darling's brow, she would rush him off to bed, [And sometimes keep him home from school the next day!] But Christopher adored being pampered so. He had been looking forward to the end of school and the opportunity to spend even more time under the care of his doting Mother. But, just over two weeks ago, his Mother had met Larry Baker at her accountant's office and everything had changed.

Apparently, it had been love at first sight for the both of them. After only two days, and two dates, Mr. Baker had proposed and his Mother had happily accepted. The first Chris knew about it was when he came home from school the next day and found his Mother busy redecorating their large house to accommodate Larry and his three children. Christopher feared if he was being shoved aside to make way for a new family. One he wasn't sure of his place in. His first meeting with Larry hadn't gone at all well. The gung-ho man reminded him of his father, except for being almost a foot taller, and he seemed to think Christopher did not measure up to what was expected from an eighteen year old boy. Even suggesting to his Mother that Christopher needed to learn how to be a man, and that perhaps he should see about joining the military.

To Christopher's horror, his Mother, rather than arguing as she had done when his father had wanted to send him away years ago, seemed to consider the idea seriously. And when he met his future step siblings for the first time, two days ago at the local amusement park, it had been even worse. Sixteen year old Linda had been nice enough, but she seemed to consider him a mere child rather than a young man two years her senior. Christopher was used to that reaction, of course, since he had inherited his fathers diminutive size, if not his intensity and toughness. That, combined with a baby face and complete lack of muscle development, gave him the appearance of a girlish preteen. But usually, once people realized his actual age they at least tried to treat him appropriately. But, after speaking briefly with him about his future plans for college or employment now that he had graduated, and discovering that he had none,

Linda had apparently decided that her first impression was correct. Her fourteen year old brother, Mike, was worse. When they had been introduced he had crushed Christopher's small hand in his larger one, and sneered contemptuously when Chris squealed in pain. Then the obnoxious brute sarcastically remarked "That's some grip you got there, Chrissy," and laughed as if he'd made the funniest joke in history. Christopher, near tears, looked to his Mother for help, but she joined the rest of the party in laughter, and admonished Christopher for having a poor sense of humor!

But twelve year old Mary had disturbed Christopher the most. Not that she had been mean. Far from it. If anything, she had been too friendly, attaching herself to Christopher's side like they were best friends and acting as if they were equals. Nothing Christopher said or did could convince her that he was a young man and she was just a little girl. Indeed, as the night wore on, it seemed that his status was being downgraded to little brother instead. That wasn't all bad. In fact, he was rather grateful when she defended him from her brother's taunts. Which started as soon as the bigger boy found out that Christopher would not go on the roller coaster, or any of the more adventurous rides. Poor Christopher had tried to explain that he wasn't afraid. That all that spinning around and jerking up and down made him nauseous.

But Mike just WOULDN'T listen. He kept calling Christopher chicken and saying hurtful things. Like "You better hold Chrissy's hand in the haunted house, Mary, so baby doesn't wet his panties." OR "Don't cry if the merry-go-round goes too fast." Soon Christopher WAS crying, which, naturally, only served to spur the cruel boy on. So, when Mary intervened, Chris didn't even think to complain about the ignominy of being rescued by a twelve year old girl. He was far too happy about being rescued at all. Although he did wish she hadn't started calling him Chrissy after that. But he knew that he would never have had the courage to stand up to her brute of a brother the way she did, and the shame of that fact robbed him of the will to object to ANYTHING the little girl did.

He went along, tame as a lamb, as she energetically dragged him around by the hand, taking the lead in everything they did. She even, when he was slow to decide, ordered his dinner for him -- Off the children's menu! While she had a salad like his Mother. What he really hated was when she tied the paper bib that came with his meal around his slender neck __ And even cut his fish sticks into bite size pieces while her brother snickered! But he was far too flustered and intimidated to complain. To top it all off, this morning his Mother informed Christopher that the girls would be moving in this afternoon. Which was fine with him, since, despite his age, he had never been all alone for more than an hour or two before, and the prospect of spending the night alone frightened him. And he was very glad to hear that Mike was going on a camping trip with his friends and he wouldn't have to worry about the thug for three more days.

But, when she added that Linda would be in charge, and told Christopher to obey her, he had to complain. After all, he was the oldest, and he shouldn't have to take orders from a younger girl. But his Mother insisted, pointing out that she was very mature for her age and had more experience managing a household. She did not add that Christopher was not very mature at all, but making him promise to be a good boy and do as he was told made that point very well. He blushed at the memory. Shaking himself, he pushed his worries aside. It was still early, Linda and Mary weren't due until late afternoon, and there was something he really wanted to do while he had the house to himself.

He quickly made his way to the former guest room that had been designated as Mary's new room, heart racing in anticipation. Christopher's Mother loved pretty things, and had always wanted a little girl to dress up and pamper in silks and satins. While Christopher was a darling boy, and she had been able to pass on her skills as a homemaker to him, she had not thought it proper to dress him as a girl. No matter how much she was tempted. So when she had learned she was getting two daughters, she had gone a little crazy in buying them things and decorating their rooms, especially little Mary's.

All of Larry's children had been in boarding schools, and she had not been able to get any of their input. So it's not too surprising that Mary's room was a pink and white confection that would give any five year old a toothache. With closets and drawers stuffed full of clothes equally as darling. Instead of something that would suit a modern adolescent. Perhaps not entirely by coincidence, Chris also loved pretty things. In fact, his favorite chore was the laundry. Since it afforded him the opportunity to fondle his Mother's lingerie to his hearts content. He had even often wished he was a little girl. Then he would be able to wear silk panties all the time -- Instead of just when he was alone.

Not to mention satin dresses all his own. He could play with other little girls, and dolls too, and nobody would tease him for it. So it was not too surprising that the satin and lace adorned fairyland took his breath away. Slowly, he pushed open the door and gazed about. Taking in each precious detail and committing them to memory. He had a very good idea of what most twelve year old girls considered stylish, and after meeting Mary he had little doubt that massive redecorating would soon be taking place. There wouldn't be many opportunities to enjoy this feminine dream.

Finally, he drifted over to the closet and opened the doors. Almost squealing in joy -- And actually beginning to salivate -- when he saw that it was full of new dresses, all of them apparently as luxurious as the room. And hanging on the door was a pink silk and chiffon baby doll nightgown. A quick check revealed matching silk panties with adorable rows of white lace on the seat. Christopher shed his pajamas in a flash and reverently pulled on the panties and settled the nightie over his head, giggling at the new sensations. He admired himself in the floor length mirror, twirling around and bending over to shake his panty covered behind at his reflection. Giddy with delight he practiced a few curtseys, feeling a little silly, but loving how much he looked, and felt, like an adorable little girl. He blew himself a few kisses before prancing over to the canopy covered bed and pulling back the covers to feel the cool silk sheets.

He laid down on the bed and wiggled about on the slippery sheets for a moment before rolling over onto his stomach and starting to slide his hips slowly up and down, delighting in the feelings emanating from his engorged little peenie, gradually increasing his pace as he neared release. The rapturous boy was completely oblivious to the world as he writhed and moaned in ecstasy, and his first clue that he was not alone was the sting of a sharp slap to his bare thigh. Christopher squealed in shock as he rolled over to see Mary standing over him, smirking in amused contempt. With a mocking lilt in her voice, she inquired "Well, Chrissy Sissy Panties, just what are you up to?"

Part 2 Proper Places

Christopher was mortified to be caught in such an embarrassing act. He desperately hoped that he had somehow fallen asleep, and this was only a terrible nightmare. "Wh..what are you doing here?" he sputtered. "I live here now, Babydoll. Remember?" Mary replied calmly. "And I asked you first." "B..but you weren't SUPPOSED to be here until LATER," Christopher whined, frantically trying to change the subject. Mary wouldn't be deterred. "So? We decided to get an early start. And you still haven't answered my question, Sissy Pants," she insisted. "What were you doing?" Chris' mind raced as he tried to come up with a plausible lie.

But the best he could manage was "I..I w..was just laying down..and...and resting" he whimpered, starting to get up off the bed so that he would be in a better position to flee. Mary giggled, but was by no means satisfied with the silk clad lad's explanation. "You certainly didn't look like you were resting. You're all sweaty," she snickered, pushing him back down and bending down to come face to face with the fearfully trembling teenager. "I think you were doing something naughty." Chris started to shake his head no. But

Mary took his chin in her hand and moved closer to whisper conspiratorially in his ear, "You know, I think you were MAS...TUR...BATING." She stood back as Chris bleated denials. Mary laughed at the panicked boy's efforts to regain his dignity and, pointing at his silk covered crotch, matter of factly asked, "Well, if you weren't, then what's that?" Chris looked down to see a tiny tent in the front his panties, and a clearly visible wet stain at it's tip.

Shamed, he quickly covered the evidence with his hands and insisted, "Th..that's nothing!" "Well, it's certainly not much," Mary giggled, then seemed to dismiss the matter. "This sure is a nice room you have here, Chrissy, it really suits you. But don't your friends tease you about it?" Flustered, Chris whined, "This isn't my room. This is your room." "My room?" Mary said, incredulous. "This is much too sissy for me. Next you're going to tell me that's my babydoll and my panties you're wearing." "But, th...they are!" Chris insisted, baffled that she would think such girlish things were his. "Oh, Chrissy," Mary sighed, shaking her head sadly. "Masturbating is one thing, I know that boys can't control themselves. Mike does it all the time." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "I think he looks at pictures of sexy women, instead of dressing up like a little girl. But, boys are so weird you never know."

She giggled at the thought of her macho big brother in babydolls. Then schooled her features and continued in a more serious tone, "But sneaking into your big sister's room and making a mess in her panties is very naughty. I'm afraid when I tell Linda you're going to be spanked." Chris had never been spanked in his entire life, and the thought terrified the delicate boy. "No! Please, Mary, don't tell! I'll never do it again! I promise!" he wailed. "I'm sorry, Chrissy, but we don't keep secrets in this family," she solemnly answered, then brightened. "But -- babydolls really aren't my style, so I'll let you keep them," she chirped, smiling down at Chris as if she had just announced Christmas in July. "Doesn't that make you feel better?"

She didn't wait for an answer from the befuddled teen, instead she turned around to survey the room, seemingly lost in thought. "You know, Chrissy," she muttered, "This room really is much too sissified for me. All my friends would die laughing if they saw it." Again she suddenly brightened. "I've got a great idea!" she almost shouted, spinning back around to face Chris while smacking her fist into the palm of her hand. Poor Chris, who had been stealthily rising to his feet in another escape attempt, was rather startled by her abrupt action and plopped back down on the bed with a squeal of terror.

Mary didn't seem to notice, though. "We can trade rooms," she blurted "That way everybody's happy! I won't have a baby's bedroom. Linda won't have to spank you, since, technically, you were just being a perv in the privacy of your own room -- And," she added with a wink, "In the future you can, um, -- Entertain yourself -- however you please. " She stood there coc-kily, hands on hips and grinning from ear to ear, quite pleased with herself for having solved so many problems with one simple idea.

Chris wasn't so thrilled with her solution. "B..but this is a g..girls room." Mary frowned. "It's really more of a sissy's room, which makes it perfect for you," she reasoned, then continued in a firmer tone of voice. "Besides, it's obvious how much you like it. Now come on. If we hurry we can get all your things out of my room and in here and Linda will never know the difference. That way you won't have to worry about getting spanked." Not waiting for an answer, she grabbed her pretty little stepbrother's dainty wrist and dragged him off the bed.

Part 3 More Powerful Than A Limp Noodle

Chris tried to put a halt to her insane scheme, stammering protests, dragging his feet and frantically prying at the fingers wrapped around his wrist. None of which the determined twelve year old seemed to even notice. He was dragged out into the hallway before Mary paid any attention to his struggles, and that was only to deliver a swat to his silk encased backside and order, "Stop dawdling!"

Before poor Christopher regained a semblance of composure Mary asked,"Which room's your's, baby doll?" So sweetly and reasonably that Chris automatically pointed it out to her before he could stop himself. And faster than he could resume his protests, the door to his room had been flung open. Mary looked around, a bemused expression on her face, and declared the room suitable for her needs. "We just need to take out your clothes, rip those stupid posters off the wall, move your dolls to your room, and we'll be set," she stated with conviction. "They're NOT dolls!" Chris whined indignantly, defending his collection of action figurines and models of comic book heroes. "And my posters aren't stupid, either!"

They also featured super heroes, and many of them were collectors items. He had a large collection of comic books, taking up closet space, as well. Chris loved super heroes. Right then he was wishing, as he often did, that he had powers like their's. Then he would show Mary who was a sissy. "You like super heroes, huh? I bet you wish you were one," Mary said, seeming to read his mind. "But what kind of super hero could you be?" she mused, her mocking grin betraying the innocent tone. "Chrissy, The Boy Wonder, `cause you wonder if he's a boy? The Pink Featherduster? Wonder Wimp? Private Pantywaist of the Pansy Platoon?"

She was laughing openly now, while Chris struggled to hold back tears. "I know! I know!" she crowed, "Look! Starting to cry! It's a baby! It's a little girl! It's SISSY BOY!" Mary was laughing so hard her sides hurt. Chris, however, did not think it was funny. "That's not fair!" he wailed, stamping his foot. "Stop calling me a sissy. I'm not a sissy. I'm not!" Mary was far from convinced "STOP! she howled, "Your awesome power to make people laugh at you is killing me!" Chris was at a loss. He stamped his little foot again in frustration, then turned his back on the laughing girl before burying his face in his hands and bursting into sobs. That actually helped Mary get ahold of herself. "Oh, I'm sorry, Chrissy," she apologized, fingers crossed and hugging Chris from behind. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

Chris wasn't ready to forgive her. Still, she seemed to be at least TRYING to be nice to him, and that went a long way towards dispelling his anger. "It's not nice to laugh at people," he whimpered, hoping to get some more sympathy. "Well, I couldn't help it," Mary said, gently massaging his shoulders, "You really are a sissy, you know?" "I am not," Chris sniffled. He would have denied her claim more forcefully, but he was finding it hard to stay mad. "Oh, sure," Mary replied, giggling again. "Of course you're not a sissy. Why, all the boys I know like to dress up in pretty pink silk baby dolls and panties." Only then did Chris realize what a spectacle he must have made, standing there, all in pink, insisting he wasn't a sissy.

He could hardly blame Mary for laughing about that, could he? He couldn't even suppress a little giggle of his own just thinking about it. He wasn't about to relinquish his role as the injured party, though. "Still," he mewled, "It wasn't very nice to make fun of me." "Whatever," Mary said, rolling her eyes. "Let's get to work. Okay?" she added, dismissing his complaints. "Unless you'd LIKE Linda to spank you?" After Chris fearfully shook his head, Mary added, "Okay then. You start on the posters and I'll start on your closet." Mary, suiting actions to words, went over to the walk in closet, flung open the doors, and began to pull out all of his things.

Chris panicked at the sight of this, fearing that she would discover his most secret, and beloved, collection when she reached the back of the closet. He shouted "STOP!" and when Mary turned and gave him a puzzled, and annoyed, look, he nervously stammered "Er..I..I don't th..th..think I want to um.. change r..rooms any..m..more." "Why on Earth not?" Mary vented, exasperated "You were fine until...?" She smiled as she made the connection. "What are you hiding in your closet, Chrissy Sissy Panties?" "N..n..nothing," he stuttered, turning beet red. Mary laughed, remembering his earlier evasions. "Well, it's probably not much either," she snickered. "But I'm sure it's something."

She returned to her task with new purpose. Chris was frantic! He knew he had to stop her, but he didn't know how. He tried demanding, "NO! STOP! Get out of my closet!" When that produced no results, other than laughter, he switched to pleading, "Please, Mary, don't look in my closet. Please?" This actually got Mary's attention, she turned towards Chris, smirking. "Not a chance, Sissy Pants," she cackled, "Not now that I KNOW you're hiding something." She then returned to the hunt. Christopher did not deal with pressure well. He was prone to losing his head and making very poor decisions, and whatever he did usually made the situation worse. That held true this time when the frail teenager decided to use force.

With a cry of fury he launched himself at the little girl. Determined to wrestle her into submission and set things back to their proper order, with him in the position of authority over the much younger girl. Maybe, if he had known a few more things about his new stepsister, he would have thought better of this strategy. He already knew [Or should have] that the twelve year old was stronger than him. But he did not know that Mary, like her father and her older siblings, was a very talented athlete. The star of both her baseball and soccer teams. Or that she practiced the martial arts, and had already earned a black belt in Judo and a brown belt in Karate. Needless to say, things went poorly for Chris. He quickly found himself on his knees, his wrist in a very painful submission hold, and wailing in pain.

Mary calmly chastised him, "Oh stop bawling, Crybaby, it doesn't hurt that much." She frowned when her words had no effect. "Okay, have it your way. Now this.....," she spat, twisting the eighteen year olds fragile wrist, just a little bit, eliciting screams from poor Chris, "....Hurts!" She then relaxed her hold to see if he had gotten the point. Gratified that the sniveling boy had understood, and had quieted down considerably, she scolded, "Throwing temper tantrums and starting fights is definitely not allowed in this family. You've just earned yourself another spanking!"

When he started to wail in protest she twisted his wrist again to quiet him. "There's no use crying about it, Chrissy, it won't change anything. I can see that your Mommy has spoiled you rotten. But in this family we run a tight ship, and when children are naughty they get a spanking. No exceptions. Now, tell me what you're hiding and where..." "What in the world is going on?" The cry from the doorway interrupted Mary's interrogation. Both children looked up to see Linda, an angry expression on the sixteen year olds beautiful face.

Part 4 Panty Poacher's Penalty

After dropping Mary off, Linda had gone to the post office to make sure that their mail would be forwarded. The line had been mercifully short, greatly relieving the harried girl who was on a very hectic schedule. She had not planned on coming over to their new home so early. But, after her almost stepmother had told her a few stories of her panicky son's near disasters whenever he was left alone for long, and having a nightmare of arriving and finding the house had been burned down, this morning she had decided to bring Mary over to keep an eye on things.

Her little sister was a level headed girl, and after observing the two together the other night Linda had no doubts that she was more mature than Christopher and would have no trouble taking charge. But, hearing a child scream as she got out of the car, she feared a horrible mistake had been made. She ran into the house quickly, but hesitated as she tried to determine where the screams had come from. Then she heard Chris wailing and shot up the stairs towards the sound. Of course, Linda knew that Chris was a sissy, that was obvious. But still, the sight of him kneeling and crying before her sister, dressed in pink babydoll pajamas, came as quite a shock. Mary was surprised to see her sister arrive so soon. She knew how post office lines could be, and expected at least another half hour to set things in order.

But she quickly regained her composure and calmly told Linda her version of all that had happened. Poor Christopher could only blubber in shame. When Mary finished, Linda asked Christopher if that was all true. And, after he had managed to sob out a rambling excuse that amounted to an affirmative, she demanded that he produce whatever he was hiding. Christopher saw no way out and reluctantly did as he was told, going into the closet and bringing out a small bag containing nine pairs of pilfered panties the silk besotted boy had acc-umulated over the past year. The fact that the panties were in different sizes showed that they could not all have come from his Mother.

Both girls were furious, and Linda demanded, "Where did you get these? You little thief!" When Chris only sobbed louder and shook his head she slapped him. "You had better tell me who you stole every single pair from, or we'll take you door to door, telling everybody that you're a panty thief, and ask if they recognize any of them, until every pair has been returned. So you can tell me now, and only the girls you stole from, and Mary and I, will know. Or you can keep quiet, and the whole neighborhood will know that you're a sneaky little sissy panty thief." Chris cried louder still, since all of the panties had been stolen from the house of his only friend, and belonged to her and her sisters.

He was sure that when she found out she would hate him. Especially after seeing how Linda and Mary had reacted to the discovery -- And they weren't even their panties! But, once again he saw no escape, and haltingly told Linda the truth through his tears. Linda listened to the blubbering teen's rambling and excuse filled confession impatiently. When he had finally gotten the pertinent details out she slapped him. Abruptly ending his blathering and setting off a fresh wave of tears. Which were ignored as she angrily scolded him, "I can't believe you'd steal panties from a girl who thought you were a friend!"

Chris shamefully hung his head, but the sixteen year old grasped his chin and forced the sobbing boy to look at her while she continued, "And her sisters too! That's absolutely despicable! I'm ashamed to even be in the same family with such a pathetic little pervert! Aren't you ashamed to be related to this sissy, Mary?" The younger girl solemnly nodded, and Linda took a hold of Chris's arm and dragged him over to the bed. "Well, you've certainly earned a severe spanking, Panty boy. And whatever punishment the girls you stole from recommend as well," she said as she pulled the squealing teen over her knee. Chris struggled frantically to escape, but Linda was a strong girl and had no trouble securing the frail little eighteen year old.

She pulled a large wooden hairbrush from her purse and pulled the already wailing boy's panties down, exposing his plump, pink cheeks to her wrath. His wails turned to screams as the first blow landed. Linda had meant to beat the little thief's bottom until it blistered, but Chris had another surprise for her. Since being discovered by Mary, pleasuring himself on the silk sheets of her bed, Christopher had never quite lost his little erection. When Linda had pulled down his panties, it had come in contact with her bare, silky smooth thigh, exciting him more than anything ever had before.

With every blow he thrust forward in an attempt to lessen the pain, fruitlessly, but grinding his manhood {such as it was} into her thigh with every thrust and bringing him ever closer to orgasm. Chris knew what was going to happen, but was too ashamed to say anything. Instead, he prayed that he would be able to make it through the spanking without completely humiliating himself and increased the volumes of his screams in the hope that Linda would decide he'd been punished enough. Linda was in no mood to show mercy, though, but before she had delivered a dozen swats he exploded in the most intense orgasm of his life.

When Linda felt the hot, sticky, fluid squirt across her leg she paused in her task, confused. Briefly, she feared that she somehow had drawn blood from the screaming boy, before realizing what must have happened. She leapt to her feet, dumping Chris on the floor. "Ewwwwww, yuk," she moaned, as her suspicions were confirmed. "What the hell did you just do?" she angrily shouted. Chris only wailed louder as he curled into a fetal position while Mary burst into uncontrollable giggles when she understood what was bothering her sister. "It's not funny!" Linda protested, but then, she too saw the humor in the situation and joined Mary in laughter.

The humiliated boy cried all the louder. After their giggles died down, Linda looked at her watch and, "Tsked," saying "I don't have time to deal with this. I have to get back to the apartment and meet the movers." She turned to Mary and said "You take charge, I'm sure you can handle the little wimp." Mary smiled. "Sure, no problem. Is there anything you want done before you get back?" "Hmmm... Well, he should wash and iron all the panties he stole. This evening we'll take him over to return them, and apologize. And you can go ahead and switch rooms. And he needs a bath. I'd tell you to finish his spanking after that, but I think the pervert would enjoy it," she laughed "But I'll leave however you punish him, or whatever you punish him for, up to you. He's completely in your hands."

She handed the hairbrush over to her little sister. Mary took it reverently, it had belonged to their late Mother, and being given possession of it seemed like a passage into womanhood for the girl. Linda felt much the same way, she passionately hugged her sister, tears in her eyes, and gushed "You're growing up so fast. I'm so proud of you." Chris watched the odd exchange from the floor, wondering what kind of lunatic family his Mom had married them into.

But he didn't have much time to ponder. Linda dried her eyes and left after kissing her sister goodbye. Mary turned to him and smirked "Upsy daisy, Babydoll. You've got a lot to do this afternoon." Chris started to protest, after all, it was ridiculous for a twelve year old to be bossing him around. Mary knew how to handle a disobedient child, though, and before he knew what was happening she had crossed the room to where he was laying and delivered three smacks to his his tender fanny. "No arguments, Sissy," she warned. "Now get your chubby little butt up and get into the bathroom!" Chris moved to comply, but too slowly to satisfy Mary. "This instant!" she added, adding another smack as well, and sending Chris scampering to the bathroom as quickly as he could. Which wasn't very quick at all, since his panties were still down around his knees and Mary would smack him whenever he slowed down to try and pull them up.

Chris was almost hysterical by the time he hobbled into the bathroom. But Mary was by no means satisfied that he understood his place. She was determined that he have no doubts who was the child, and who the adult, in their relationship. "Strip, Sissy," she commanded, while she started the bathwater. Chris hurriedly obeyed, by now quite cowed by the little girl.

Part 5 Mind Your Sister

Mary critically examined the eighteen year old's frail, juvenile build, noting that with his small, delicate hands, scrawny arms, soft, rounded shoulders, infirm chest, and cute little pot belly. he could easily pass for a little girl from the waist up. For that matter, his plump buttocks, flabby thighs, weak calves and dainty feet could have belonged to one of the coddled girls in Mary's old dorm. If it weren't for his minuscule male genitals and sparse body hair the illusion would be complete. Mary shared her opinions with Christopher while looking through the cabinets.

Soon, having found what she sought, she returned to the sobbing boy and ordered him into the bathtub, handed him the lady bic razor, and commanded him to shave. Christopher did not understand, at first, since he had no trace of facial hair, but Mary explained, in detail, what she meant. Chris balked at this, he wasn't about to remove his only evidence of maturity, so he angrily shouted, "NO, I WON'T!" and added, "You can't make me!" for good measure. Mary had expected resistance. So, faster than Chris could blink, she had pulled him halfway out of the tub and pinned him there, before starting to spank him with a vengeance.

It didn't take long for what little fight there was to go out of the fragile teen, but Mary did not stop until her arm was exhausted. "Now, are you going to be a good little sissy and do as you're told?" she asked, "Or do I have to spank you even more?" "I...I'll b..be good," Chris sobbed. "You'll be a good what?" Mary demanded, giving him another swat. "I'll be a good boy?" Chris squealed. "You're not a boy, you're a sissy," Mary corrected. "So say you'll be a... Good... Little... Sissy."

Each word was punctuated with another smack. Chris didn't hesitate at all to say the humiliating words "I'll be a good little sissy!" he practically shouted. Willing to say anything to end the abuse to his burning bottom. "Good," Mary smiled, finally satisfied, and released the tamed teenager. "Now, when I come back there better not be a single hair beneath your neck, or I'll start pulling them out with a tweezer. And then you'll get another spanking," she said, smacking her palm with the brush to emphasize.

Chris flinched, then scrambled to find the razor where he dropped it in the tub and started shaving as instructed. Mary saw that he wasn't going to give her any more trouble for a while. So she left him in the tub and went to find some clean clothes for her sissified stepbrother, and for herself as well, since she had gotten soaked disciplining him. She went first to the ultra girly room that Chris would be moving into, but was distressed to find that the only day clothes available were party dresses a five year old, or Christopher, might adore, but nothing she would be caught dead in.

She thought of just wearing pajamas until Linda returned with her things, but all that was available were several babydoll sets, and she did not care those, either. She was almost resigned to wearing wet clothes for the rest of the day, before remembering that Chris actually had boy's things in his old room. Cheered, and not at all surprised she could have forgotten something like that, she quickly picked out the plainest dress available, which wasn't very plain at all, and set of underwear for Chris, then went to her new room to find a change of clothes for herself.

Mary returned to the bathroom after changing into a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. She was pleased to find that Chris had finished shaving and was waiting for her docilely, quietly whimpering. She ordered him to stand and examined him thoroughly. Chris obeyed, trembling as he turned about at her bidding. Mary could see that the childlike teen-ager was absolutely terrified of her and was exhilarated by that knowledge. Satisfied that Christopher had indeed done as she ordered, Mary ordered him out of the bath and directed him in cleaning it with a few more smacks of the brush. When he finished she patted him dry with a fluffy towel and began to rub a scented lotion into his soft skin.

She didn't neglect a single inch of him, including his groin, but when her ministrations caused an erection she slapped his little peenie and, giggling, scolded the squealing teen, "There's no time for that now, Sissy Chrissy." When she finished she told him to go to his room and put on the clothes laid out on the bed. He earned another smack from Mary when he went toward his old bedroom "That's my room now, silly," she corrected "You're room is the sissy's room, remember that from now on, baby, if you want to stay out of trouble."

Chris gasped when he entered the room and saw the pink party dress and matching undies laying on the bed. As much as he knew he would love wearing the adorable ensemble, he didn't want anybody to actually see him dressed so girlishly. But, far to intimidated to complain, he reluctantly went over to the bed and began to dress. The panties were made of pink satin, with four rows of delicate white lace rumba ruffles on the back. And there was a little pink bow in front at the waist, and matching bows on the sides at each lace frilled leg opening.

Blushing, he pulled them on, grateful to at least be covering his nakedness. It did not escape Mary's notice that his little erection returned in the process. He then pulled on the pink satin girl's vest, a perfect match for the panties, before pulling the princess style petticoat over his head. It had a white satin bodice with three layers of organza skirts and a white lace trim with pink ribbon threaded through it, and tiny pink bows attached for good measure.

Chris shivered as it settled over his waist, and couldn't help swaying back and forth a little, delighting in the feelings as the the soft material brushed against his sensitive skin. Mary giggled at the sight of the obviously enchanted boy, and Chris blushed furiously as she buttoned up the back for him. Finally came the dress, a vision of girlish beauty in pink and white satin. Mary helped her awe-struck stepbrother squeeze his feet into a pair of matching mary-janes. They were a size too small and pinched his feet painfully.

He managed the courage to whimper a complaint, cowering in fear that Mary would hit him. But Mary didn't even scold him, only saying that they were the only shoes that went with the dress, and that they could go shopping tomorrow to find him some new ones. For a finishing touch she used the brush for it's originally intended purpose, parting his dishwater blonde hair in the middle. Then two pink ribbons were employed to make short pigtails on each side of his head, tying the ribbons into cute little bows. Mary pulled him over to the mirror and Chris realized that, except for his short hair, he did look like a little girl.

But his hair made it obvious, in Christopher's opinion, that he was just a sissy boy in a dress. A very short dress at that, the edges of his petticoats were peeking out and he knew that bending the slightest bit would put his panties on display. Mary produced a pinafore from the closet to complete his ensemble. As she tied it on she explained the rules. "It's really very simple, Chrissy. You do what you're told, when you're told. And I don't want to hear any arguments or any whining. Understand?" After Chris nodded, she continued, "And don't even think about throwing a temper tantrum. If you break the rules, even just a little bit, you'll be spanked. Absolutely no exceptions. Understand?" Chris fearfully whimpered, "Y..yes M..M..Mary." The last thing he wanted was to be spanked again.

First Chris had to hand wash the panties. A job he would have enjoyed if Mary hadn't been hovering over him with the brush, threatening to smack him if he dawdled. After hanging them out to dry they started on Mary's new room. Instead of taking his old things to his new room Chris was told to take them out to the garage. Mary explained that he would not be pretending to be a boy any longer, so he did not need any boy things.

She seemed to consider letting him keep his comic books and related paraphernalia since, "They are kind of sissified." But, after perusing one of the comics she changed her mind. "Oh, no. These are much too violent. No wonder you think you can get away with starting fights and throwing tantrums. No, these aren't appropriate for a sweet little sissy at all." Chris wanted to protest, but when he looked at Mary she was idly twirling the brush and grinning mockingly at him, practically daring him to say anything, so he kept his mouth shut. "Don't worry, Chrissy," Mary mock sympathized. "When we go shopping tomorrow I'm sure we can find more suitable reading material for you."


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A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2013, 01:55:06 PM »
A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy

Page 2

Part 6 Dirty Little Secrets

Mary closely supervised Chris as he went about his labors, ready and willing to smack his legs whenever she felt he was dawdling. Christopher, well aware of this, literally hopped to do the cruel twelve year old's bidding, and just tried to ignore her near constant stream of taunts. Thus the work was done in an efficient and brisk manner and without further incident until Christopher returned from a trip to the garage to find Mary stripping his little youth bed of its coverings. "Wh... what are you doing?" he asked, alarmed. "What does it look like, dummy," Mary retorted, ignoring his panicked tone. The timid teen always sounded a little panicky to her. "I'm getting your baby bed ready to move. I have my own bed to put in here, you know."

Christopher, far too afraid of Mary to voice a protest, much less interfere, could only stand fearfully by as she peeled back the sheets to reveal the shiny, pink, symbol of what, to Christopher, was his most shameful secret. "OH MY GAWD! Is that a rubber sheet?!" Mary squealed. Quickly eliminating Christopher's faint hope that she would not recognize its significance. "Oh my gawd, Chrissy, you still wet your bed?! Like a baby?!"" "NO!" Chris fibbed, but under Mary's withering glare he quickly amended, "Well, sometimes. But hardly ever!"

Mary was by no means satisfied. One menacing step toward the trembling teen was all it took to make him tearfully confess that he usually wet the bed about once a week, had never gone an entire month dry in his life, and, in fact, had wet every single night since he learned of their parent's engagement. "Oh, poor baby-kins," Mary mocked. "Was hims afraid hims was losing his Mommy? Gawd, Chrissy, just when I think you COULDN'T be more of a SISSY!" Christopher wanted to slap the chortling girl, but he couldn't. He was too afraid of Mary even to tell her to shut up. All he could do was burst into infantile sobs. Mary rolled her eyes. Her estimation of Christopher went down every minute. She could not believe he was actually eighteen.

She could barely believe he was twelve. Physically, he may be able to pass for a girl in her class, but with his cry baby personality even the first grade girls at her exclusive private school would eat him alive. It was a wonder to her that he had graduated from the public schools without developing some kind of spine. Or at least a shell. Seeing no other choice if she wanted to get her charge back to work, she went over to the blubbering teen and enveloped him in a maternal hug. "There, there, baby," she crooned, utterly failing to keep a mocking lilt from her voice. "Mary didn't mean to make poor little sissy cry. Mary loves her little sissy, and was just teasing hims. Silly baby-kins, hims not losing a Mommy, hims getting a Daddy and a big brother AND two big sisters to coddle and pamper their pretty little sissy-wissy."

Christopher knew he was still being mocked, but his childish nature could not help but be comforted by the soothing words, and he allowed himself to bury his head in the little girl's budding bosom and release a torrent of infantile tears. Mary held her babyish older step-brother until his sobs quieted to sniffles. "There," she crooned, "Does baby-kins feel better now?" "Y... Yes," admitted the sniveling teenager. "But I'm not a baby," he added, attempting to regain a shred of dignity. Mary just laughed. "Of course hims isn't," she mocked. "Him's a big boy blubbering in hims pretty pink baby-dolls."

Christopher stamped his little foot in frustration, but he was all cried out for the moment, and Mary decided to ignore his childish display of temper. "Come on, baby-doll, help me finish stripping your old bed," she cheerfully sang. "You know, I haven't seen any diapers. What do you do? Just pee all over your sheets?" "W.. well, y.. yes," admitted a beet red Christopher. "And I bet your Mommy washes them for you, too? Man, did she spoil you rotten. We'll have to get you some diapers and plastic panties." "Diapers?!" "Yes diapers," Mary firmly replied. "I'm certainly not going to wash your sheets every day. And you'll have plenty of chores to do without adding all that work for no good reason." Christopher was flabbergasted. What chores? And she really couldn't mean to make him wear diapers, could she? "Don't worry, Chrissy," Mary added, seeming to completely misunderstand his reluctance, "I'm sure we can find some pretty sissy baby panties for you to wear over your diapers." Christopher opened his mouth to protest, then thought better of it.

He had learned that no matter what he said Mary would twist it around to cause him further embarrassment. He just could not win. He could only hope she was just teasing. Soon the two children settled back into the routine of Christopher doing the work and Mary supervising and they finished with the room in short order. Just in time, as it turned out. Chris had only just finished ironing, folding, and stacking the stolen panties neatly in a laundry basket when Linda returned with the moving men in tow. Christopher did not care to be seen by Linda in the pink party dress, much less two strange men. He turned to run to his room and hide, and found Mary blocking his way. Laughing, she dragged the sissified boy to the door, anxious to show off her handiwork.

Part 7 Pretty Enough To Kiss

Linda laughed when she saw how he was dressed, and praised, "I see our eighteen year old stepbrother didn't give you much trouble, Mary." The movers roared with hilarity to discover the little pink doll was not only a sissy boy, but actually older than the girl they had spent the afternoon drooling over. "Haw!" guffawed the taller of the two. "Yer the prettiest little fella I ever did see. Ain't he, Gary?" he asked his companion. "He surely is, Steve" jeered the short, stocky man "Why I don't know if I ever seen a prettier dress on a little girl" Mary took their comments as compliments on her work and thanked them. She then turned to Chris and commanded, "Curtsey and thank the nice men, Chrissy." At her petite stepbrother's pleading look she only snickered. "I'm sure a sissy like you knows how to curtsey." Chris reluctantly bobbed a quick curtsey and whimpered softly, "Thank you." Which drew more laughter from the men but came nowhere near to satisfying Mary.

She smacked his legs twice with the brush and scolded, "Where are your manners, Chrissy Sissy Panties? Now, give each of them the best curtsey you can manage and thank them each as sweetly as can be. Understand?" She smacked him again to make sure he got her point. Terror won out over mortification and Chris obeyed his stepsister. The men laughed so hard they were wiping tears from their eyes by the time he was finished. Linda gave them a moment to recover before instructing them to start bringing their things in. Poor Chris was sent out to carry in the lighter things and the men couldn't resist giving the sniveling boy a playful swat on his lace covered bottom whenever they passed him.

Luckily, for Chris, his stepfamily had lived in a furnished apartment, so there was only clothing and a few personal items to unload and they were finished quickly. Chris was told to curtsey his goodbyes to the laughing men. He had expected that and he breathed a sigh of relief that this ordeal, at least, would soon be over. But then, Mary ordered him to give them a goodbye kiss as well. He almost refused --Almost-- But by then he had learned that disobedience only made things worse. Shyly, he minced over to Gary, the shorter of the two men. Even though Gary was a short man, only Five feet five or so, Chris still had to stand on tiptoes, causing his dress to ride up and expose his panties, in order to chastely peck his cheek.

That would have been embarrassing enough, but Gary took advantage of the situation and roughly fondled Chris's satin clad bottom. Chris squealed in shock and tried to slap the leer right off the brute's face. But Gary easily caught his dainty hand "Now, you don't have to pretend to be mad, missy," Gary laughed, spinning Chris around and swatting his backside "I know you liked it."

Chris wanted to say something, but the girls were just laughing at his plight, and he knew there was no chance of him coming out on top in the dispute without their help. So he settled for giving Gary what he hoped was a suitably contemptuous glare while rubbing his poor abused derriere. Gary didn't seem put out by the dirty look, though, he just grinned and met Chris's gaze with mocking challenge. Chris soon lowered his eyes, blushing, and turned away. Now it was Steve's turn. He was thin, but very tall. At least six-four. Chris knew he would have to stand on a chair in order to reach him. So he stopped next to him and raised his face, eyes closed and lips puckered, and waited for the tall man to bend down for his kiss, praying that he wouldn't be as rude as his friend.

But he was worse. He reached down with one hand and scooped Chris up into the air. Then he kissed Chris on the lips! Then he forced his tongue inside Chris's mouth! Chris struggled, but Steve was much too strong for the frail teenager. He did not even seem to notice Chris kicking and squirming and beating on his chest. He was having so little trouble that he was still holding Chris with just one hand. Leaving the other free to snake under Christopher's petticoats and fondle his disconcertingly stiff little p_nis! Steve broke off the kiss then and laughed. Chris was actually grateful for that. He had found it difficult to breath with somebody's tongue tickling his tonsils. Steve ignored his captive's gasps for air. "Well, I'll be damned," he chuckled. "He is a little boy. And you were right, Gary. He does like it.

He's one of those fairies who wants a man. Ain't that right?" Chris was in no condition to reply. If he was, he would have denied that he liked kissing men and having them touch him. He didn't like it at all. He was at a complete loss as to why his little peenie stood erect, had, in fact, been erect ever since he pulled his satin panties on. But it wasn't because he was a fairy! Unfortunately, he was far too frightened to say any of this. He couldn't even force out a simple "No!" in retort to Steve's question. Unfortunate because his failure to answer apparently angered Steve. "I asked you a question, boy," he roared, squeezing Chris's little testicles. "You're a fairy, ain't you?" "YES!" Chris screamed in soprano. Steve relaxed his hold. "Well, that wasn't too hard, was it?" he laughed, setting Chris down and patting him condescendingly on the head. "I'm not in to little fairy boys myself, but if I meet someone who is, I'll send him over. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Chris knew when he was beaten. "Yes, that would be very nice," he simpered, staring at the ground. "Thank you, very much," he added, throwing in a curtsy for good measure.

Chris's total submission seemed to deflate the men's desire to humiliate him. They made a few more comments, but their hearts weren't really in it. Apparently, it wasn't any fun to bully someone who didn't resist. Linda gave them their check and they were on their way. Chris sighed in relief as the truck pulled away. The girl's had been so nice to the two thugs that he was surprised they weren't invited to stay for dinner. He briefly brightened at the thought that at least things couldn't get any worse. But that bubble was burst when Linda told Mary, "Go and put something nice on and we'll take Chrissy to return the panties he stole."

Part 8 I'll Be Your Mommy

Mary was ready to leave in five minutes. She picked up the laundry basket,and, grinning from ear to ear, handed it over to Chris. Who almost refused to take it, but noticed the hairbrush was still in her hands and decided not to make trouble. Linda joined them and, laughing, the two girls propelled the petticoated, whimpering teen out of the house. The girls flanked Chris, each taking a firm hold on an arm, and poor Christopher was shepherded to his doom, a little lamb to the slaughter, Chris had been so worried about the Jones girl's reaction to discovering his pilfering that he had not even thought about the half block walk to their house.

When he suddenly realized that he was out in the open -- Where anybody could see him! -- he tried to increase the pace in hopes of not being recognized by any of the neighbors. But the girls were satisfied to make a leisurely stroll of their little trip and pulled him back. To make things worse, there was a playful breeze billowing up his short skirts, exposing his panties to the world. With both hands occupied holding the basket Chris couldn't do a thing to hold them down, and the girls didn't seem to think it was a problem.

They had only made it halfway to their destination when Christopher's worst fears were realized. "WhooHoo! Nice panties, Baby!" Came a jeering call from behind. The girls looked back to see who it was, but Chris didn't have to. He recognized the voice of Jimmy McAlister, an obnoxious fourteen year old who lived across the street from the Jones's. And who, like most of the boys, and some of the girls, in the neighborhood, never tired of picking on "Chrissy the Sissy" as he had been dubbed. As the rude boy passed them on his bike he looked back to leer at the little girl who had been displaying her panties, and fell off his bike when he recognized who "she" was. The girls laughed but Chris knew the worst was yet to come.

Wherever Jimmy was, Liz Jones couldn't be far behind. Sure enough, seconds after Jimmy crashed she pulled her bike up next to them and started to apologize for her friend. "Don't mind him, little girl, he's just a perv..." she trailed off as recognization dawned on her as well. "CHRISSY?" she shrieked, "CHRISSY THE SISSY?" Then convulsed in laughter. Jimmy had recovered from his wipe out by this time and joined in. While poor Chris only sobbed pitifully. Which didn't elicit much pity from anyone present. Linda let the children's laughter die down before prompting, "Aren't you going to introduce us to your friends, Chrissy?" Chris almost shouted that the obnoxious pair weren't his friends. Almost. But he remembered Mary and her ever ready brush. So instead he curtsied, drawing more guffaws from Jimmy and Liz, but delighting his stepsisters, who were very pleased that their charge was already displaying such darling manners without even being told.

After the laughter ebbed Linda complimented him, "That was very sweet, Chrissy. A sissy should always curtsey before he addresses his superiors." While Linda spoke Mary was softly patting her palm with the brush and glaring menacingly at Chris. Sending him the message that it was more than just a suggestion. Amazingly, Chris got the point for once. Trembling and red faced, the teen curtsied again and whimpered through the introductions. When Chris had finished, Linda asked Liz if she was related to Christopher's friend, Cheryl.

After Liz affirmed that she was Cheryl's little sister, the third of four girls in the family, Linda told her where they were going, and why. Far from being upset at this news, Liz was practically elated "So Chrissy has been taking panties!" she gushed. "I just knew it! I told Cheryl, but she INSISTED that he wouldn't do anything like that. And refused to let any of us even ask the little fairy about it." She looked at Chris then and sneered, "Oooh, she's going to be SO mad at you, Sissy Pants. You'll be lucky to get away in one piece." She cackled at the thought of her gentle oldest sister tearing into the prissy little twit. She had never liked Christopher, she didn't understand how a boy could not like sports, much less like girly things as much as Chris did. But what really made her mad was when the girly boy would join with her sister's in teasing her about her utter lack of feminine charms.

She loved the idea of the haughty sissy finally being put in his place. Introductions over with, Linda suggested that they get underway again. They continued their walk as before, with the addition of Liz and Jimmy riding their bikes in lazy circles around them, taunting poor Chris. Chris tried hard to ignore them, instead contemplating Cheryl's likely reaction and hoping her sister wasn't right. Cheryl was nothing like Liz, who had always been an unrepentant tomboy. He had often wondered how a girl as nice as Cheryl could have such a crude sister.

Christopher had an unusual relationship with Cheryl. While he honestly thought of her as his best, if not only, friend, he knew, even if he never quite admitted it to himself, that she did not think of him the same way. Mary had observed that Christopher was like a pampered toddler who had never been away from his doting Mommy's loving protection, and thus had never developed the ability to defend himself. In many ways, because of Cheryl, this was true. They met on the first day of kindergarten, when Cheryl had come to Christopher's rescue. After chasing away the bully she had returned to comfort the crying little boy. "I want my Mommy!" Christopher had wailed. "Don't cry little boy," Cheryl had replied. "I'll be your Mommy. And I'll protect you." And those were the terms of their relationship from that day forward.

Cheryl made friends easily and was a natural leader. She persuaded the other children, even the boys, not to be mean to little Christopher, and many of the girls were even convinced to be protective of the overdelicate boy, as well. Thus Chris had gone through school without ever being bullied, hardly ever teased, and maintaining a child's innocence and vulnerability. When Cheryl had started dating Christopher had, naturally been jealous. Even though the sheltered boy had not a clue about sex and, at sixteen, had shown nary a sign of entering puberty, he could not help but think that Cheryl should be his girlfriend. Other girls were nice enough to him, but they all somehow made it clear that they thought of him as a child, if not a sissy, and only tolerated him for Cheryl's sake. Only Cheryl really liked him.

Of course, Cheryl made it clear she had no romantic interest in him, but he could not help hoping. He spent a lot of time dreaming of ways he could be with her more often than just the walk to and from school. He found an answer at the beginning of their senior year in home economics class. He was the only boy in the elective class, but he had decided to take it in order to spend more time with Cheryl. Since she was a smart girl she was in more advanced classes than he was in every other subject. So home-ec had been his only opportunity to share a class with her. Despite the teasing he got for taking a "girls" class it had worked out better than he hoped. He had helped his Mother around the house for years and her lessons had served him well.

He was better at the class than most of the girls, so Cheryl had invited him over to her house after school to help her with projects many times. Which was how he got the opportunity to steal her, and her sister's, panties. Which was what led to his current predicament. So maybe it hadn't been such a good idea after all, he thought, glumly, as the odd little party arrived at their destination. In the last few weeks he had even developed new hope for love. Cheryl had suddenly started showing more interest in him. She had actually called him several times and asked to come over to watch a movie or just to talk.

Chris had believed that this meant she was starting to think of him as a possible romantic interest. Oddly, her visits had coincided with his Mom's dates with Larry. And for the first time he had been alone with a girl. While he had been too timid to make any advances he still thought of her visits as dates. And he had managed to convince himself that Cheryl felt the same way, but was just too shy to tell him. He felt certain, though, that she could never love a panty thief, and this horrible thought caused the sensitive teen to whimper as Liz opened the door and yelled for her sisters to come meet them.

Part 9 But I don't Want To Be A Baby

Chris was pushed into the house by Mary and Liz led the group to the living room. The youngest Jones sister, Sheila, who was twelve, squealed delight when she recognized their doll like visitor. While sixteen year old Natalie, practised in hiding her emotions, merely raised an eyebrow. They were soon joined by Cheryl, asking what all the excitement was about, before she saw Chris and blurted "Oh my." Torn between embarrassment for her friend and amusement -- he was cute in pink!-- she fought to regain her composure. Struggling for something to say, but finding nothing, she finally asked, "umm...Why are you dressed like...er... that, Chris?" and quickly put a hand over her mouth to stifle giggles.

Red faced, Chris tried to answer his friend but, fighting back sobs, could not get a word out. Seeing that they would be there all day if she waited for her stepbrother to get himself under control, Linda stepped forward and introduced herself and Mary. Automatically reverting to her usual good manners, Cheryl gushed, "Oh, Hi. I'm so pleased to meet you. Mrs. Prim has told me all about you." She introduced herself, and her sisters, before remembering Christopher's predicament and getting slightly angry.

Just because Chris was... well, a sissy, was no reason to humiliate him. "Why IS Chris wearing a dress?" she asked, frostily. Taken aback by the sudden switch in mood, Linda sputtered for a moment before saying, "Well, that's a long story. But..." "I'd like to hear it" Cheryl interrupted. Linda recovered her poise. "I think that's a story Chrissy should tell," she said, pulling him forward. Christopher's heart had soared when Cheryl defended him, but now remembered why he was here. Fresh sobs of shame erupted. "I..I'm...s..suh... sorry. I.. t..took..y..yuh..yuh..." he blubbered, but just couldn't go any further. He didn't have to, though. Cheryl noticed the laundry basket full of familiar panties, and realized what all this was about.

She had, of course, known that Chris was responsible for the rash of missing panties that had struck her home. But, no real harm done, she had tried to spare her little friend from embarrassment. But now that the cat was out of the bag, she was in a quandary at what to do. She had defended him against her sister's accusations, after all, and she didn't relish being exposed as a liar. But she didn't want to look like a fool either. Fortunately, she was given time to think when Liz, impatient to see the fireworks, took the initiative. "The sissy's been stealing your panties," she cackled. The other two Jones girls reacted with predictable outrage to the news. "Oooh! I just knew it," Sheila screeched. "And those were my prettiest ones too"

Natalie didn't seem quite as angry, but her remarks were more hurtful. "Well, well. I guess our little Chrissy really is a perverted little fairy after all." she snickered. "Just what were you doing with our silky unmentionables, you vile degenerate?" Chris couldn't answer, he was too busy crying. But he did turn a brighter shade of red. For her part, Cheryl still hadn't decided what to do. Stalling for time, she took the laundry basket from Christopher's trembling hands, took it over to the coffee table, and began to sort through the panties while the other girls verbally tortured poor Chris. Natalie started off. "That's a darling dress you're wearing, Chrissy, it really suits you."

Flipping up his skirts to see his panties she added, "Oh! And those panties are just perfect. They're much more suitable for a little sissy like you than the big girl panties you took from us." Then she had the audacity to cup his privates in her hand. "And I see you just ADORE them," she snickered, fondling his little erection. Linda came to her mortified stepbrother's rescue, sort of. "Be careful, Natalie, he's very excitable. He's already made one mess today." All three of the younger Jones sisters clamored to hear the whole story after that statement. Mary was happy to oblige.

Grinning, she told them everything. Starting from her discovery of a babydoll wearing Chris in the ultra girly bedroom and ending with her discovery of his rubber sheet. The girls constantly interrupted her story to tease Chris, so by the time she was finished revealing all the details Cheryl had determined a course of action. She had decided that it was better to be thought a fool than a liar. Which meant more suffering for poor Chris, but he had brought it on himself. She approached the wretchedly bawling teen and lifted his chin so that he was looking her in the eye "I'm very disappointed in you..., Chrissy" she said, simply. Chris reacted as if he had been slapped. While almost everyone else called him Chrissy, even his teachers -- And sometimes even his Mother! -- Cheryl had never used the belittling nickname before. Not even once. That she used it now was too much for his sensitive soul to handle.

He flung himself at the tall girl and desperately hugged her, wailing, "Please don't hate me, Cheryl! I couldn't bear it if you hated me too!" and buried his face in her bosom, weeping forsakenly. Cheryl had expected Chris' feelings to be hurt, but his reaction to her little taunt surprised her. Her heart went out to him. "Oh, Chrissy. I don't hate you," she cooed, bending down to cradle the petite teen in her arms. "I could never hate you. You're my sweet little baby."

Cheryl carried him over to the couch and set down, Christopher on her lap. Christopher refused to be comforted. "I'm not a baby!" Cheryl ignored the peals of laughter that statement, understandably, brought from the girls. "That's good, Chrissy, because I need you to act like a big girl, and be brave, for just a little while. Can you do that for me?" Christopher, always eager to impress Cheryl, nodded before he had fully processed what was asked of him. Cheryl didn't give him a chance to back out. "First, you must apologize to each of my sisters for taking their panties. And then..." she said, pausing so Chris could prepare himself for the worst. "I'm going to give you a spanking." "Noooo!" Chris screamed. But Cheryl was set in her decision. "I can't let you off with anything less, Chrissy," she said, sadly. "But after that the worst will be behind you. And you won't have to worry or feel guilty about it any more. Okay?"

Not waiting for an answer from the blubbering teen she set Chris on his feet, straightened out his skirts, and turned him to face the snickering girls. Christopher fought back his tears and decided to start with the girl who frightened him the least. "S... Sheila, I..." "CHRISSY!" Mary angrily interrupted. "Where are your manners?" Christopher whimpered, but, red faced, he curtsied to the little girl, who could not help but giggle at the sight, and stammered, "I... I'm s.. s.. sorry I t.. took your p.. panties, S..Sheila." He curtsied again and, head bowed, awaited her judgement. Sheila, of course, knew all along that Chris had been responsible for the missing panties. Who else could it have been? But she had not really been upset.

She thought it was rather cute that the teenager wanted to be a little girl. And she COULD understand, she adored being a little girl herself, and never wanted to be anything else. She did not consider that a problem, though. The world, after all, was full of grown women who behaved like five year olds, and, pretty as she was, a sugar daddy [Or mommy, she wasn't picky!] was sure to show up long before she was ever forced to accept any unpleasant adult responsibilities. She had actually felt rather sorry for Christopher. Boys, usually, were nowhere near as lucky as girls in avoiding adulthood. Unless they had athletic or musical talent, anyway. "I forgive you for that, Chrissy," she giggled. "And I'll even let you keep my panties. Aren't you glad?" Blushing, Chris, happy to have gotten off so easily, curtsied and answered, "Y.. yes. Thank you, Sheila." "But I am mad at you. Do you know why?"

Christopher could only fearfully shake his head no. And just barely remembered to curtsy. "I'm mad because when I asked you to play dress up with me, you said no. It's obvious that you DO like dressing up. So you must not like me. Is that it?" "Oh, no, Sheila, I L.. like you," Chris stammered, desperate that the little girl not be mad at him. "I.. I was just afraid y..you w..would laugh." "Well of course I'd laugh at you, silly," Sheila chortled. "A boy in a dress is funny. That doesn't mean I don't like you, though. I think you're cute as a button. And I do hope you'll want to play dress up with me now. You would like to be my little doll, wouldn't you?" she asked, her stern tone making clear it was not a question. "Oh, yes, Sheila," Chris sighed in relief. Really, he was just glad she had not claimed the right to spank him too. "I'd like that."

Part 10 Spankings s_ck

Christopher curtsied once more to Sheila, then, trembling turned toward sixteen year old Natalie. Even though she was two years his junior, Christopher had always been intimidated by Natalie. Even as a pre-schooler she had been extremely precocious. So smart and self assured that poor, timorous Christopher had been totally browbeaten. Naturally, Chris was terrified at the prospect of the domineering young woman being angry at him. He dropped a deep, respectful curtsy, and never daring to raise his eyes from the floor, stammered, "I'm s..s..sorry I t..took your p..panties, N.. N.. Natalie?"

Natalie could not help snickering at the sissified teen's pusillanimous behavior, but quickly schooled her features into a stern visage and commanded, "Look at me, Chrissy!" Christopher whimpered, but obediently raised glistening eyes to meet Natalie's contemptuous gaze. A frightened mouse in the cobra's thrall. "I'm very -- VERY! -- angry with you, Chrissy!" she spat, and was rewarded with the cowardly teen flinching from her outburst. But, slavishly, he returned his fear filled eyes to her, and she continued,

"Who knows what deviant, sick things you were up to with my panties?" She shuddered theatrically. "I feel so violated." Christopher started to bleat denials, but Natalie held up an imperious hand to silence him. "I don't want to hear any lies or excuses, you little thief," she said. "I just want to know what you plan to do to make me feel like I can trust you again." "I'll... I'll do anything you want," Christopher wailed. "But please don't hate me." "Well...," Natalie drawled, cupping her chin in feigned thought and using all her considerable willpower not to smirk.

Of course, she had known of his guilt all along, and with Cheryl soon leaving for a month long tour of Europe, had planned to use that fact to blackmail the domestically inclined boy into taking up the considerable slack her sister's departure would leave in the household duties. But things were working out even better than she planned. "I suppose, -- If you agree to do my chores for the rest of the summer? -- I might be able to forgive you." There was a boy from her class she had her eyes on, and this way she not only got little Chrissy as a virtual slave, but she would have more time to cut Bobbie from his Mommy's apron strings. And tie him to hers. (But that's another story)

As expected, Christopher was only too happy to curtsy and agree to any terms that did not include another spanking. "All right then, Chrissy-kins, I forgive you. And you can keep my panties, too," Natalie magnanimously added. Then snickered, "They're probably covered with sissy stains, anyway. Chris blurted denials, but Natalie dismissively shooed him away with a gesture. Leaving the tamed teen no choice but to curtsy his thanks for her generosity and fearfully turn to Cheryl. "I'm s.. so s.. sorry," he managed to stammer out before completely losing his nerve and wailing, "Oh PLEASE don't spank me!" "You forgot to curtsy," Cheryl coldly retorted. "Now apologize again. And get it right this time." Christopher's already pale face turned white.

He realized Cheryl was not going to show him mercy, and began to sob in earnest. But he curtsied, apologized profusely, curtsied again and awaited Cheryl's verdict. Cheryl did not say anything, only gesturing for the satin clad boy to come to her. Long accustomed to doing as she asked, Christopher found his feet shuffling to her of their own accord. Despite his strong desire to run away. When he reached her Cheryl lifted him up into her lap and, to his surprise, instead of laying him face down she hugged and kissed him. "There's my brave little baby," she praised, and asked the girls, "Don't you think Chrissy is a brave little baby?" "Oh, yeah," Liz snickered. "He's my hero." The other girls laughter confirmed they shared her opinion. Cheryl ignored them. "Well, I think he's very brave. And a good little baby, too. Coming to Mama Cheryl when he knows hims going to get spankies."

She hugged Chris again and asked him, "You are Mama's good little sissy baby, aren't you?" Blushing, Chris nodded, beginning to hope he would not be spanked, after all. "Yes hims is. And good little sissy babies don't need to spanked," Cheryl cooed, then dashed his hopes, "Too hard." She positioned the whimpering, but unresisting, little teenager over her lap. When Mary saw what the older girl was up to she offered her the hairbrush. But Cheryl declined, saying it would not be necessary. Flipping up the back of Christopher's dress, she gently rubbed his satin encased bottom, then began rhythmically slap each plump little cheek in turn. She did not put much force behind the blows, but Christopher's agonized screams assured that the spanking was painful for him.

Of course, just as when Linda spanked him that morning, Chris was thrusting his hips forward with each blow, inadvertently grinding his stiff little peenie into Cheryl's silky smooth thigh. Linda and Mary remembered how his earlier spanking had ended. And Cheryl and her sisters had heard the story. So they all knew what to expect. It was not long before the timbre of Christopher's screams began to change, speaking less of agony, and more of ecstasy, with each passing second. Cheryl, far from being upset, was encouraging it.

Between each slap she would briefly rest her hand on his panties, gently fondling the soft cheek she had just warmed. This constant mix of unaccustomed pain and -- Most unaccustomed! -- pleasure, was driving poor Chris out of his mind. His screams changed to wailing moans, building in intensity with each >SLAP< "Ohhhhh!" >SLAP< "Ohhhhhh!" >SLAP< "Ohhhhhhhh!" until >SLAP< "No-o-o-o-o-o-o!" Chris felt an explosion down below as he experienced an orgasm that made all the previous ones seem like, well, child's play. Spurt after spurt of hot cream filled his panties while he mewled in pleasure.

When the eruptions finally subsided he laid in a dazed state of bliss for a moment. But then where he was, and what had brought on his orgasm, penetrated the fog of his thoughts, and he was filled with shame. Completely humiliated, and emotionally, and sexually, spent. He collapsed into wretched sobbing. Cheryl let Chris lay over her lap, crying his heart out, for a few moments before she pulled him gently to his feet. Chris almost collapsed in a sobbing heap on the floor when she released him, so distraught was he over his humiliating accident.

But Cheryl slapped the back of his leg. "Stand up like a big girl, Chrissy, unless you want another spanking," she said, sternly. "And I promise you won't enjoy this one." The other girls howled while Chris, blushing furiously, quickly found the strength to stand. "There, that wasn't so hard was it?" Cheryl mockingly asked, then ordered him to hold up his skirts, slapping his soft thigh again when he was too slow in obeying. Whimpering and wishing the Earth would just open up and swallow him on the spot, Chris raised his dress and petticoats high. Exposing his soiled panties for the girls amusement. "My goodness, what a mess" snickered Natalie as the girls gathered around to get a closer look. "You're such a silly sissy, Chrissy, getting so excited about a spanking of all things" she teased, boldly wiggling her finger inside the leg band of his panties.

Chris squirmed to get away from this new humiliation. But he was so intimidated that he didn't dare do anything else. And after Mary swatted his backside and commanded him to stand still he could only cry and tremble in shame "But then again..." Natalie, tickling the head of the sniveling teen's now flaccid member, mockingly mused, "With this tiny thing that may be as close to actual sex with a girl as you ever get" The girls laughed at the stricken look on Christopher's face while Natalie pulled her finger out of his panties, dripping with his juices.

This elicited a chorus of "Ewww, gross!" from the three youngest girls. And keening wails of mortification from poor Chris. Which fit right in with Natalie's plans. She quickly inserted the offending finger into his open mouth. "Hush, Baby," she condescendingly cooed, then sneered. "Now be a good sissy and s_ck up your sweet fairy cream." The other girls roared their approval while Chris, fearing more punishment if he dared to disobey, diligently suc-ked on her finger. Tears streaming down his face. "My goodness, you certainly are good at this, Chrissy," Natalie teased. "Have you been practicing?" Chris, addled and wanting to give an answer that would please the cruel girl, in hope that she would then leave him alone, nodded.

Then, realizing what that must look like, frantically shook his head in denial. But Natalie, chuckling, grasped his chin with her free hand. "I think you were telling the truth the first time, Tinkerbell," she smirked. "But don't worry your pretty little head about it, Chrissy. Like I said before, you're just not equipped to satisfy a woman. So I think you SHOULD practice ways to satisfy men." Smiling broadly, she pulled her finger from his mouth with an audible "pop" While the girls, except for Cheryl, hooted in derision. But his ordeal was far from over.

Liz promptly inserted her finger into his panties. Adding her own taunts about Chris' small genitalia as she extracted a dollop of his love juices. Then, following her older sister's example, she thrust her finger between the whimpering eighteen year old's quivering lips. Sheila took her turn next, and Mary followed. The three older girls retreated to chat, leaving poor Chris in the hands of the younger sisters. Who took turns 'feeding the baby' as Liz put it. And in this humiliating fashion most of his emissions were neatly disposed of.


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A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2013, 02:09:28 PM »
A Sissy's Tale by Prissy Chrissy

Page 3

Part 11 New Baby In The Neighborhood

The entire process only took a few moments, but seemed like an eternity to Christopher. He was almost thankful when Liz, after a final thorough, and thoroughly mortifying, search in his panties, declared, "That looks like the last of it" as she popped her finger into his mouth. Sheila and Mary "Awwed" in disappointment, but Chris was hopeful that it meant an end to his trials as well. He was quickly disabused of that notion when Cheryl once more took charge.

Kneeling to pull his stained panties down his hairless legs. Chris began to lower his skirts to cover his nakedness but Cheryl Slapped his thigh again. Ignoring his squeal of pain she scolded, "Don't you dare stain your pretty petticoats, Chrissy." Trembling, and blushing positively crimson, Chris held his skirts up higher than ever. Cheryl soon finished taking his panties down and after lifting his feet one by one she pulled them off and arose. Ordering Chris to keep his skirts up, she left for the bathroom. Despite the attention the girls had been giving it Chris' peenie had remained soft. If anything, it had shriveled even more in embarrassment Sheila was the first to comment on this. "Why, it looks even smaller than it felt," she marveled. "I thought boys thingies got bigger when they got olde." "Don't worry, Sis," giggled Natalie from her seat on the couch. "They usually do." "I guess Chrissy just hasn't ever grown up," sneered Liz, as she took the object under discussion between thumb and forefinger to inspect it more closely.

She laughed when Chris erupted in loud sobs. "What this crybaby could really use is a pacifier." Linda laughed, "We'll get him one when we go shopping tomorrow." Natalie snapped her fingers. "I've got something you can use until then" she gushed. And scampered off to her bedroom. She soon returned, followed by Cheryl, and flourished a gag pacifier shaped like an erect pen-is. "Natalie!" scolded Cheryl, scandalized. "What are you doing with a thing like that?" "Oh, don't be such a prude, Sis," Natalie retorted, waving towards Chris. "It's not like we haven't all seen the real thing." Giggling, she amended, "Sort of. Besides, it's just perfect for our little Chrissy."

The other girls snickered their agreement. And Chris was soon suc-kling dutifully on the humiliating toy. Cheryl had brought back a warm soapy wash cloth and she gently began to clean off the residue of Chris' accident. His member responded to her ministrations and was soon standing proudly at it's full three inches. This amused the girls greatly. Sheila blurted, "Why, it's hardly any bigger than his paci." "Don't exagerate, Sheila," Liz reprimanded, giggling. "They're exactly the same size." Cheryl ignored her sisters as she finished washing Chris. Taking a pink nylon pair of panties that had belonged to Sheila from the basket she slipped them over the quietly sobbing teen's feet and up his legs.

They weren't as fancy as the pair he had soiled but they were still very nice. And the girls who weren't laughing too hard complimented Cheryl on her selection before she finally allowed Chris to lower his skirts. Leading him over to the easy chair she took a seat and pulled him into her lap. Chris sobbed into her shoulder while she conversed with Linda and Susan. When the thoroughly humiliated teen had settled down he was set back on his feet. After whispered instructions from Cheryl he removed the pacifier, curtsied, and thanked the girls for helping to clean him up. And promised to never again take any panties without asking. The pacifier was reinserted and his stepsisters then said their goodnights to the Jones girls.

Chris curtsied goodbye to each of the girls. And received a peck on the forehead from each of them in turn. Chris was once more handed the basket of purloined panties to carry. Cheryl had rinsed out the panties he had soiled. And, attached with clothes pins,m they were hung over the front of the basket. Thus prepared, and flanked by his step-sisters, Chris began the long walk home. As much as Chris had wanted to escape the Jones' residence, once he was finally outside he wished he could turn right back around. Jimmy McAlister had kept himself busy during the hour that Chris had been inside. He had wasted no time in spreading the story of Chris' theft and subsequent new wardrobe.

The trio had barely gone out the door when they were made aware of an impromptue welcoming party by a gleefully shouted, "There's the sissy now!" It seemed to Chris that every child in the neighborhood had gathered in front of the Jones' house to witness his humiliation for themselves. Chris balked, and would have turned and fled. But Mary and Linda kept firm hold of his arms and proppelled him towards the waiting crowd. The children quickly surrounded the two girls and their pink frocked step-brother. "He's just like a little doll!" gushed thirteen year old Mandy Thompson. "And those little bows in your hair are the perfect touch," she complimented the furiously blushing teen. "They just scream 'I'm a sissy!" she chortled.

The other children joined in her laughter while tears streamed down the sissified eighteen year olds face. "Awww, you made the widdle baby cry," smirked Matt Simpson, twelve. "It's a good thing he has his pacifier." With his hands full, and the pacifier between his lips, Chris could only whimper in protest as he felt little hands roughly pulling up the back of his dress. "I see Paris. I see France. I see Chrissy's sissy pants!" chanted the children. Nine year old Jenny Bartlett was the person responsible for this indignity.

Wanting to see the fancy panties Jimmy had said the sissy was wearing, she was just a little disappointed by what she found. "These are pretty panties. But they're nowhere near as frilly as you said they were," she reproved the older boy. Jimmy promptly defended himself. "Nah, you little goof. Those ain't the ones he was wearin. Those are," he snorted, pointing to the panties hanging over the front of the laundry basket Chris was carrying. "Looks like the pansy wet himself" Little Sarah Thompson, just six, reached out to touch the lace bedecked panties. "Ooooh, they are wet" she squealed, then started to chant. "Baby Chrissy is a Little Miss Puddle Panties...Baby Chrissy is Little Miss Puddle Panties." Chris was livid. He spit the pacifier into the basket "I'm not a baby!" he shouted. "And I didn't wet my panties either!" But the satin clad teen soon regretted his rash protest. "Chrissy! Haven't I told what would happen if you threw any more temper tantrums?"

Mary harshly scolded him. Then snickered at the horrified look on his face. "Well, if you're not a baby, Chrissy-kins, why don't you tell everyone just how your panties got wet?" Chris opened his mouth to answer. Then quickly shut it again, hanging his head in shame. The poor boy didn't know what to do. He knew if he said nothing the children would take his silence as an admission that he had wet himself like a baby. AS much as he hated the thought of that, he certainly was not about to tell the truth either. So he just stood there. Sobbing and trembling in fear, shame and indecision, before Linda, in a way, took pity on her hapless step-brother. Putting her arm around the pitifully weeping boy's shoulder, she gently suggested, "Apologize to your little friends for throwing a fit, Chrissy. And admit you're just a baby that can't help making a mess in your panties" Chris didn't like that idea at all.

But, by now absolutely terrified of earning the wrath of either of his stepsisters, he hesitantly began to mumble an apology. This despondent effort ended in a startled yelp, however, when Mary smacked his exposed thigh. "I'm not going to tell you again, Chrissy," she threatened. "Whenever you address your superiors you curtsey first." Chris goggled at her in amazement, only increasing her ire. "What's the matter, Sissy Pants, don't you think everybody here is more grown up than you are?" Chris timidly shook his head. After all, half of the kids were under nine. Mary just smirked. "Okay, Baby Doll, let's test your theory, " she said. "Everyone who's made a mess in their panties today raise your hand."

A few of the kids giggled but, to Chris' consternation, no hands went up. "Chrissy's on his third pair of panties today," Mary informed the crowd, drawing brays of laughter from everyone. "He should be in diapers!" a liitle girl shouted. Grinning like the cat who ate the canary, Mary informed them, "Oh, since Chrissy wets his bed, -- Every single night! -- he will be. Do any of you wet your beds?" One little boy blushed, Mary noted, but again no hands went up. "Now, Little Miss Puddle Panties," she told Chris, "Since you ere the only baby here, I want you to use your most prissy, sissy manners and say you're sorry for being such a naughty sissy baby." Absolutely mortified, and whimpering like a kicked puppy, the petticoated teenager nevertheless did as he was ordered.

Curtseying as best he could while enc-umbered with the laundry basket he simpered, "I'm s..sorry. I was bad. I..I am a baby and..and I make messes in my p..panties." He curtsied again, trying his hardest to ignore the children's guffaws. When Mary said, "I'm sure you can do better than that, Chrissy." He feared that she would make him repeat his performance. He could not help sighing in relief when she continued, "But it will have to do." But, once again, Mary's imagination exceeded his in finding ways to humiliate him. "Now bend over for your spanking, Sissy Pants," she commanded.

Part 12 Walk On The Wimpy Side

"Wh..what?" Chris stammered. "Honestly, Chrissy, I told you if you threw a tantrum again you'd be spanked," Mary impatiently replied. "Didn't I?" Chris was sure he had been punished enough. "Y..yes. B..b..but...," he whined. "You have three seconds to get your buh buh butt up in the air, baby," Mary cut him off. "I meant what I said." "I..I," Chris stalled, desperately trying to think of someway he could avoid his punishment. "ONE" "Oh, please..." the poor teenager whimpered. "TWO," the twelve year old calmly replied. Thwacking the hairbrush into her palm.

Chris swiftly bent over as far as he could, already blubbering, and exposing his panty covered bottom for the amusement of the gathered children. "Chrissy! You're soaking your nice, clean panties with all those tears," Linda scolded, helpfully taking the laundry basket from the squalling teen's hands. "Honestly, Chrissy, I haven't even touched you yet" Mary snickered "Stop that bawling right now!" She demanded, twisting her frail stepbrother's ear to make sure she had his attention. "Or I'll spank you with your sissy panties pulled down" This threat had the desired effect, reducing his sobs to soft, terrified whimpering.

Mary utilized the relative calm to think of how she could make the sniveling wimps punishment most effective. Looking over the crowd of giggling children and adolescents, an even dozen excluding her sister and herself, she realized that they hadn't been introduced to their new neighbors. Which gave her an idea "What's your name, little girl?" she said to the smallest child present. "I'm Sarah," the little girl answered happily. Glad to have attention paid to her. "And I'm six" she added. "I'm pleased to meet you, Sarah," Mary politely replied "My name is Mary Baker, and I'm twelve." Pointing to her sister she added, "And this is my sister Linda, she's sixteen."

After the chorus of hellos had died down Mary continued, "And everybody knows Chrissy. Right?" "Yep," Sarah giggled. "He's a sissy" "That's right, Sarah," Mary replied, amused. While noticing that Chris whimpered a little louder in protest, but did not dare say anything or rise from his doubled over position. "Well, our Daddy married Chrissy's Mommy. So now we'll be living here. And I'm sure we'll need everyone's help taking care of our sissy stepbrother." All the children promised to help keep the Chrissy in line. And the older girls all offered their services to baby sit. "Thanks," said Mary "There's a way you can help right now. Since Chrissy was rude to all of you, I think all of you should get to spank him."

The idea received hoots of approval. Only Christopher protested, but he still did not dare to stand up straight and defend himself. Mary just dismissed his feeble complaint with, "Hush, sissy panties." And handed the hairbrush to Sarah. "We'll go from the youngest to the oldest, and everybody will get one swat," she said. Disappointing some of the older kids who remembered spankings they had received because the goody-goody Mommy's boy had tattled on them. Sarah was perfectly happy with this arrangement though. And she swung the brush with a vengeance towards the eighteen year old's exposed pink nylon covered bottom, hoping to impress her big sister and the other kids. But Chris, who had been trembling in fearful anticipation of the blow from the moment he bent over, lost what little nerve he had. And at the last moment he desperately jerked away, lessening the impact of the little girls swat.

While she still connected, drawing a yelp of pain from the sensitive boy, she felt cheated. "That's not fair," she complained. "He didn't stand still and take his punishment like a big girl" The other children laughed and teased poor Chris for being chicken while Mary said, "You're right, Sarah, that wasn't fair. I guess you get another turn." She smirked at Chris, "And if you so much as flinch this time she'll get to go again, and again, until you can act like a 'big girl' and stand still. Understand?" Even though he seemed unable to get control of his mortified sobs enough to answer, she could tell by his terrified look that he did understand. She ordered her charge to bend over once more, and Sarah once more swung the brush. But even though Chris tried, really tried his best, he was unable to conquer his fear, jerking away at the last second again.

This performance was repeated three more times, to the amusement of most of the children, before thirteen year old Mandy Thompson grew impatient. At the rate things were going it would be dinner time before she got her turn. Forming an idea of how she could speed things up, she whispered conspiratorially with Linda for a moment. Linda smiled broadly and nodded enthusiastically. Mandy scampered off to her house, while Linda interrupted the proceedings. "I'm afraid little Chrissy's just too lily livered to take a spanking like a 'big girl," she mockingly said.

Bending down and lifting her sniveling stepbrother's chin so that he was looking her in the eye she asked, "Isn't that true, Chrissy?" Chris, hoping that it would mean he could avoid being spanked altogether, quickly agreed. But his rising spirits were rapidly crushed when Linda said, "Well then, we'll just have to make sure you don't know when it's coming." She smirked at his crestfallen look, taking a pair of panties from the basket. "First you need a blindfold," she pronounced, swiftly pulling the panties over his head. Next she carefully adjusted them so that his nose and mouth peeked out of one leg hole. Then another pair followed. Then another. And another.

Until the basket was empty and the still damp ultra frilly pair were pulled over his head last. When her work was finished she pulled back her hand and aimed a slap at his face. Stopping just before she hit him. Chris had not even flinched. "Nope, he can't see a thing," she chortled. By then Mandy had returned from her mission. She flourished a pink pair of ear muffs and daintily set them in place over the improvised bonnet to applause from the crowd. Chris was declared ready to spank. And Mary directed the quivering teen to bend over. Sarah swung the brush once more.

This time connecting solidly to the effectively blind and deaf boy's posterior. Chris screeched and jumped forward a few feet when the blow landed. And the boys, and some of the girls, made bets over whom could get the sissified teenager to jump the farthest and squeal the loudest. It did not take long after that to work through the line of kids. But to Chris it seemed like hours. And it took, for him, a supreme effort of will not to collapse sobbing into Linda's arms when the ear muffs were removed and he was told it was all over.

The makeshift bonnet of panties was left in place as he curtsied to the children and tearfully thanked them for disciplining him. His stepsisters gently took him by the hands and led towards home. Luckily for Chris he had been pointed in the right direction during his group spanking. And his little hops after each blow had taken him halfway home already. So he didn't have to suffer too long from the kid's taunts as they all followed along.

When they finally reached the door Chris was directed to curtsey goodbye to his "friends" and promise to come back out to play soon. As soon as the door closed behind them Chris did collapse. Linda and Mary, satisfied that their fey stepbrother had learned his lessons for the day -- And sure he would not be stealing any more panties! -- let him down gently to the floor and let him lie there and cry his eyes out.

Part 13 Nitey-Nite, Baby-Kins

The girls left Chris to cry while Linda left to do some shopping and Mary changed into a more comfortable outfit. Mary returned about ten minutes later, hairbrush in hand, to find the theatrical boy laying where she left him and still crying up a storm -- As if that would gain him any sympathy! -- He had removed the panties from his head though.

Not being the most patient girl in the world she applied the brush to his soft thigh. "Upsy daisy, crybaby, you've got work to do," she told him. "Now stop blubbering before I really give you something to cry about" Chris believed that he had already been given plenty to cry about. -- The whole neighborhood thought he was nothing but a big sissy! -- But he reigned in his tears rather than face the wrath of the bullying girl. "W..what do you want" he sniffled. "Your Mommy said you were a good little cook," she nonchalantly replied. "So you can be a good sissy and make a nice dinner for Linda and I." Chris started to protest that he was not their servant but Mary interrupted, "Or if you want you can be a naughty little sissy," she smirked, "And get spanked and sent to bed early." Chris shivered and bowed his head in defeat. "Okay," he whimpered, curtsying prettily. "I'll fix dinner for us." "No, Chrissy, you'll make dinner just for Linda and I," Mary corrected. "You've already had din-din, baby. Remember? And you wouldn't want to get fat, would you? You're already pretty flabby for such a little boy," she snickered, pinching Christopher's pudgy thigh to make her point and send him squealing to the kitchen.

Chris did enjoy cooking, and he temporarily forgot his troubles as he prepared the meal. Thinking he was being clever, he made extra portions in hopes that he would be able to eat the leftovers. Not surprisingly, he was hungrier than he ever remembered being. He had skipped breakfast, only had a sandwich for lunch and exerted himself more today than he ever had. But the girls, being active and athletic, had appetites bigger than the peckish little teen could have imagined.

They both asked for seconds and every scrap of food was gone before they were satisfied. He did blush with pride when Linda complimented, "That was absolutely delicious, Chrissy." But she quickly spoiled it by adding, "You'll make some lucky boy a wonderful wife some day." Chris slammed down the plates he was clearing and shouted, "I'm not a girl!" "Of course you're not, Chrissy," Linda soothed. "Everyone knows you're just a sissy." Chris burst into frustrated tears. "I'm not a sissy! I'm not!" he insisted, lacking conviction even to his own ears.

Both girls just laughed at his denial. "The baby's getting cranky, it must be past his bed time," Mary taunted, rising from her seat. "I'm not a b..baby, either," Chris whimpered, fearing punishment for his ineffective outburst. "Now, Chrissy, I'd hate to have to spank you again today," Mary warned. "Just be a good baby and Auntie Mary will get you ready for bed." She giggled as the familiar look of defeat washed over her weak little stepbrother's features. Taking Chris by the hand she led him off without further protest. The first stop was his new bedroom.

Mary briskly stripped the unresisting boy down to his blushing pink skin. She then led him by hand to the bathroom where he was instructed to wash his undies in the sink. Along with the panties he had soiled at Cheryl's house. And the panties that had adorned his head on the walk home. Chris moaned at the extra work, amusing Mary. "If you weren't such a total sissy you wouldn't have so much lingerie to wash, Chrissy," she sniggered. "But I can see that you love your work." It was true that his miniscule manhood had begun to rise. Mary gave its tip a hard flick of her finger. "None of that now, Chrissy," she scolded. "You've had more than enough excitement for one day."

After the lingerie was washed and hung out to dry Mary instructed her charge to go potty. Which he managed to do with only a little embarrassment. He was getting used to being naked in front of his stepsister. And then he washed his face and brushed his teeth before Mary led him back to the bedroom where she had a surprise [That did not really surprise him at this point] "Oh, please, Mary, don't put me in diapers," he whimpered when she pulled the items Linda had bought as he prepared dinner out of the bag. Mary smiled at his weak protest.

It seemed he was finally learning that she would have her way no matter what he did or said. "Don't be silly, Chrissy. You need diapers," she said, warmly, gently pushing him down onto the bed. "Dont you hate waking up in a cold puddle every morning?" Blushing, Christopher nodded. He did not understand why she was being nice to him all of a sudden, but he liked it. "I'll bet," Mary giggled. "It must be icky-wicky. Lift your pretty little legs."

Christopher did as instructed and Mary slid the diaper under his plump bottom. Then produced a bottle of baby oil and began to massage the soothing liquid into his soft skin. "You'll see, sweet cheeks, diapers will be much more warm and comfortable. I'll bet you'll beg me to diaper you tomorrow night." Christopher did not argue with her. In fact, he thought he might agree as she rubbed the lotion into his groin and his little peenie stiffened from the attention. This time, she did not smack it or even scold him.

Instead she took extra care anointing his dainty member, and introducing the teenager to a new level of pleasure. She stopped well before he reached release and, ignoring his mewls of disappointment sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder then pinned the thick diaper snugly on him. "There you go, baby Chrissy, all ready for beddie-byes," she giggled, patting his now puffy crotch. "You do like your diapers now, don't you?" She could tell by his blush that he did, and did not require him to reply.

Efficiently, she pulled a pair of plastic panties over his diapers and dressed the red faced teen in a fresh set of yellow silk baby dolls with matching, rhumba ruffled panties. Taking his hand, she pulled him up. "Come on, Chrissy, you can kiss Linda good night. And thank her for buying your diapers and plastic panties." Led by hand to the kitchen, where the older girl was washing dishes, Christopher realized that Mary had meant her words as more than mere suggestion.

Blushing furiously, he curtsied to the much amused sixteen year old and thanked her sweetly for his diapers before standing on tiptoes to kiss her cheek. "Goodnight, baby pants," Linda tittered in reply, kissing the babified teen on the forehead and gently patting his puffy bottom. Mary led Chrissy back to bed and tucked him into satin sheets. "Sweet dreams, baby sissy. Just cry if you need anything," she sniggered, turning out the lights but leaving the door open.

Which Christopher, still afraid of the dark, was thankful for. He could see by the clock that it was only six o'clock, and he was humiliated that he had been sent to bed so early. But poor Christopher was exhausted from his long day, and almost immediately drifted off to dreamland. In his dream he was a little girl for real. And everybody, her Mommy and Daddy, her big sisters, big brother and best friend Cheryl, loved her just the way she was.

They all called her Princess and took care of her and protected her from bullies and bad people. She was the prettiest little girl in the whole world. And she had prettiest clothes. And on her pretty head rested long, beautiful, golden curls that were the envy of all her little girl friends. And the boys did not make fun of her. Oh, no.

They all liked her and went out of their way to do nice things for her. She was a very happy little girl. Playing with her dolls and playing dress up in Mommy's clothes. And baking cookies in the kitchen with Mommy and being her little helper around the house. Just like good little girls everywhere did. And, just because she was so good, she never, ever got spanked.

Part 14 Dream Angel

Linda was on her way to bed after making a final check of the house to be sure all the doors and windows were closed and locked when she heard Christopher whimpering in his sleep. Determining that he was having a nightmare, she went to comfort the childish eighteen year old. Shutting the door behind her so that Mary, who had gone to bed an hour ago, would not have her sleep disturbed. Christopher's lovely dream had taken a bad turn.

She had been happily playing hostess at a tea party for her dolls when her big sisters had each taken one of her hands and led her away. She did not know why, but she was scared. She was struggling to get away but just could not get free from her sisters grips. She began to cry when a door opened in front of them revealing a barber shop. 'They can't cut my beautiful hair!' she thought 'I'll look like a boy!' But that was exactly the plan. Her Daddy suddenly appeared and intoned, "You've been playing at being a little girl long enough, Chrissy, now it's time to grow up and be a man." Chrissy redoubled her efforts to escape. But she could not get her hands free no matter how much she struggled. "I don't want to be a grown up," she whimpered. "I want to be a little girl"

Chris had started to talk in his sleep, and Linda heard this strange confession. In the dream things were going from bad to worse for little Chrissy. The men and boys in the barber shop had started to laugh at her and call her a sissy. Her Daddy picked her up and placed her in the barbers chair, saying, "Stop acting like a baby, Chrissy! You need to get your hair cut so you can join the army." The sinister barber approached, scissors snip snipping. Screaming, Christopher awoke. Linda took the frightened child into her arms as he hysterically sobbed and babbled, "Don't let them cut my hair, Mommy! I don't want to be a man! Please don't make me join the army! I want to stay with you! Please Mommy!"

Linda soothed her frantic stepbrother as best she could. Wondering what strange dream had made him say such things. Linda gently rocked Chris until his tears subsided and he became fully awake. Followed by full awareness that he was not really a six year old girl. And the breasts he was sobbing into were not his Mommy's, but his "wicked" stepsister's. The fragile teen burst into fresh tears of shame. "There, there, Chrissy, you're safe at home and no one's going to hurt you," Linda soothed, continuing to rock the little eighteen year old. "And nobody's going to make you join the army either," she could not help but tease. "They won't take anyone still in diapers."

Chris wailed in outrage and tried to push the bigger girl away. But she held tight. "Stop being such a baby, Chrissy," she scolded. "Crying because your scared or hurting is okay, I guess. A sissy like you can't be expected not to cry. But all this wailing and carrying on just because you're embarrassed or want people to feel sorry for you is just infantile! And has to stop!" She laid Chris back down on the bed and forced the piteously weeping boy to look at her. "If you want us to treat you like a baby all the time, that can be arranged. When we go to the mall we'll get you some really short dresses to show your diapers and plastic panties off. Is that what you want?" Chris frantically shook his head in denial. "Then stop crying like a baby," she ordered. And was pleased when Chris reined in his tears. "See, you weren't really crying at all. You were just trying to get sympathy."

Chris tried to deny this but Linda placed her finger on his lips. "There's no use arguing, Princess, I can read you like a book. Or should I say a fairy tale," she giggled, giving his padded crotch squeeze. "Oh, your wet," she observed. "Tell big sister all about the nasty dream that scared her little fairy princess so while I change you." Chris cringed. The dream had seemed so real and every detail was still fresh in his mind. But he did not want to tell Linda he had been dreaming about being a little girl. "I don't remember," he fibbed as Linda pulled his panties down and unpinned his diaper. "I think you do, sissy Chrissy. In fact I'm sure of it," Linda persisted. "Now out with it. And remember big sis can always tell when little sissy is lying." She chuckled. "And lying is very naughty and might get little sissy spanked."

Chris gulped and hesitantly began to tell her his dream. When she did not laugh at him, instead only occasionally asking questions to clarify the facts. Such as how old was he in the dream {just six} and who was his Daddy in the dream {his stepfather rather than his own late Father} the story gushed out of him in a torrent. When he finished Linda only asked, "Do you really want to be a girl?" Chris thought about it for a moment. "Sometimes," he whispered bashfully. "Well, I think you'd make a darling little girl, but you'd have to give up some of your favorite things," she said, squeezing his scarce evidence of manhood. "Like this little thing," she giggled. "It's only a toy, and not good for anything but playing make-believe, but I'm sure it's your favorite toy in the world."

Chris blushed, but he could not really argue with her assessment, so he remained silent. "I think what you really want is to not have to grow up," Linda continued as she pinned a fresh diaper on. "And to not be teased for loving girly stuff and being such a wimp." She gave the blushing teen a serious look. "Isn't that true?" Chris squirmed under her uncompromising gaze. "I guess so," he whimpered, afraid to be dishonest with her. "But it's not fair," he whined. "Everyone makes fun of me and bullies me just because I'm little." Linda laughed at that. "That's not true, Chrissy," she told him. "Everyone picks on you because you're a sissy. And you have terrible manners for a sissy." "What do you mean?" Chris asked. "I have very good manners" "Well, if you were an average teenage boy, your manners would be absolutely darling," Linda admitted, chuckling. "But for a little sissy you're downright rude. That's why you have so many problems making friends. You want to be treated like a teenager. But everyone can see that you're just a big baby. It's annoying when someone who's obviously inferior acts so superior. Do you understand that?"

Chris nodded and she continued, "You'll just have to get used to being teased. After all, you are eighteen. Almost every other boy your age is making plans to leave home and become men. But all you want to do is stay at home and be Mommy's little helper. And other teenage boys dream about making love to girls. Not about playing with dolls and having tea parties." Chris only whimpered. "No crying now, baby doll," Linda scolded. "I'm not trying to be mean. Everything I've said is true. And you know it." she explained, pulling his yellow, ruffled panties back up. "I'm just tired of your whining when you should be the happiest little sissy in the world. From what I've seen, any six year old girl would just love your new wardrobe. You can live out your dream, at least until Daddy and your Mommy get back."

She tucked him back under his satin sheets, kissed him goodnight and got up to leave, but Christopher had a question. "But what about when Daddy comes back? Won't he hate me?" "Oh, Chrissy, don't worry," Linda soothed. "I know Daddy can seem a little scary, but he's really a sweetheart, and he won't force you to be a man if you don't want to be." Then she warned, "But he won't let you pretend to be a man and behave like a child, either. Understand?" "I think so," Chris said. "But won't your Daddy hate me if he thinks I'm a.. a.. Sissy?" "No, dear, he won't hate you," Linda said, patting him on the head "He's very understanding. And if you really want to play the part of a little girl I'm sure he'll be okay with that. As long as you are a good little girl. Goodnight, Chrissy, sweet dreams now. And maybe your dreams will come true."

She left him to think about what she had said. And although he did not come to any decisions just then, he did feel a lot better by the time he drifted off to sleep. He dreamed the same dream of being a little girl. But this time when her sisters took him away from her tea party, they did not take her to the barber shop. Instead they took her to a surprise party just for her. Just because everybody loved her so much. And she got lots of pretty clothes and dolls. And many hugs and kisses from her family and all her friends. So Chris was smiling as he slept through the night. As happy as a sissy could be.


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