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Author Topic: For Mommy's Happiness by pottypantsgirl  (Read 13820 times)

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For Mommy's Happiness by pottypantsgirl
« on: March 04, 2016, 08:45:43 AM »
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For Mommy's Happiness posted by pottypantsgirl

The beginningā€¦

Things were all relatively normal for the Wiggins family. Susan and James Wiggins were married five years and although they had a relatively rocky marriage they were held strong for the love of their two children. Timmy had just turned six and Kathy is about two and a half. They lived together in suburb of Miami Florida. Mr. Wiggins was very successful and afforded a gorgeous house where each of the children had their own big room a nice TV and a fun play room.

Timmy was very smart and was finishing 11th grade with all ā€¯Check Plusesā€¯ which is the ā€¯A,ā€¯ for school kids. While he was doing well at school, his mommy was busy at home taking care of her precious little girl Kathy. Even though Mrs. Wiggins loved all of her children very much she had a special fondness with her daughter. She had always wanted a little girl to take care of and was quietly disappointed her first born was not a girl. Now she had her and gave her all of her attention. Timmy never minded as he still felt a lot of love from his parents and was also busy having fun at school and with his friends.

One sad dayā€¦

The day was June 23rd, 1997. It was a Saturday and the first ā€¯trueā€¯ day of summer for Timmy. You see school just let out for summer last Friday and now Timmy's vacation could begin. Like any six year old he was thrilled. The summer brings all the excitement for a little boy. He is going to play baseball with his friends every day, improve on his somewhat average roller blade skills and mostly have fun and get in trouble. The only downside is that his first real day of summer was a lousy day. It was dark, windy day and it wouldn't stop raining. What a let down! Timmy had been thinking all year about the first day of summer and having fun. It was around 6:00PM and Timmy got a call from a couple of his friends. Their parents were dropping them off at the kiddy arcade and wanted to know if he could come. It was always safe to go to the arcade as it they check in each child as if it was a day care and can only be signed out by their parents. It was a great system and allowed little kids to have fun in what could normally be a dangerous city. Plus it gave parents time to go out and relax a little bit.

Timmy was excited and went to ask his mommy to take him to the kiddy arcade. As he walked in to the kitchen he could hear his parents yelling. They didn't argue that much but the last week it seemed really bad. Timmy had no idea what they were arguing about and was used to it and didn't even cry anymore. He wishes he could say the same for his sister Kathy as she was always bawling when she heard her parents argue.

Timmy interrupts, ā€¯Mommy! Can you take me down the Kiddy Arcade. All my friends are goingā€¦ā€¯

Daddy barks back, ā€¯Damnit Timmy, Can't you hear that Mommy and I are talking?ā€¯

ā€¯I'm sorry daddy, but all my friends are going! You know this is the first day of summer! Pleaseee can I go.ā€¯

ā€¯I have no interest in taking you Timmy, you can blame your mother for putting me in a bad mood. Why don't you ride your bike?ā€¯ replies Daddy.

ā€¯Are you crazy James. It is five miles and the weather is horrible. He is not riding his bike. This is my point you are always irresponsible,ā€¯ shouts Mommy.

ā€¯Fine you take him.ā€¯ Says Timmy's Daddy as he walks in to the family room and turns on the TV.

ā€¯Sweetie the weather is really bad and I am tired can't you go to the arcade tomorrow?ā€¯ asks Timmy's Mommy.

ā€¯No mommy! it has to be tonight. All my friends are there. Please, please mommy!ā€¯

ā€¯Okay, go get your sister she can ride in the car with me as I drop you off.ā€¯ Timmy's Mommy says. She was clearly annoyed but reluctantly did agree to take him.

Timmy's mother carried her daughter Kathy and brought her out to the car. She was belted in her pink mini-mouse toddler seat. She really could have stayed at home but with the way she was felling about her husband James right now there was no point. He was probably just going to watch a baseball game or something and not even pay attention to the kids tonight. He always got that way after an argument.

Once Timmy was safely in the car she began to drive towards the Kiddy Arcade. The weather really was horrible. They had a modern mini-van but even they have a hard time with some of the pounding weather Florida gets in the summer. After about 20 minutes on the road she arrived at the Kiddy Arcade and dropped Timmy off. She made sure to sign him in, a kiss on the cheek and reminded him that she would be back around 8:30 to pick him up.

ā€¯Thanks for taking me Mommy!ā€¯ Timmy was always very polite.

ā€¯Your welcome, now be a good little boy and have fun,ā€¯ Mommy said as she drove off and headed home.

It was already getting darker and the weather was getting much worse. As she began to pull up a side road that led back to their house the wind knocked down a large spruce tree that cut right across the road. Timmy's Mom veered the car to the right sharply to avoid the falling tree. The rear wheels on the mini-van slip and the side slams in to a telephone pole. Susan was knocked out from the force of the accident. She was very groggy and could hear her daughter crying. As she slowly blacked out she could hear her daughter crying and then slowing the crying fadedā€¦

The Hospitalā€¦

Susan wakes-up in the hospital the next morning. The doctors came in and told her that she was going to be just fine. She suffered a minor concussion when her head hit the steering wheel. She would have a headache for a few days and prescribed her painkillers. As soon as Susan took in all the information her first reaction was towards her kids.

ā€¯What happened to Kathy? Is she okay? What about Timmy did anyone pick him up from the Kiddy Arcade?ā€¯ Susan was frantic with her questions.

From the side of the room walks in her husband James. ā€¯Timmy is just fine Susan. I picked him up from the Arcade. It was late and he was a little scared but he is fine now. He is at home and I called a babysitter to watch him.

ā€¯Oh that's goodā€¦ what about Kathy?ā€¯ Susan says with some relief. ā€¯It isn't good Susan. Kathy passed away last night. Her head hit the window and she didn't make it. I am so sorry.ā€¯

ā€¯nooooooooooooo god no!ā€¯ Susan said as she cried herself to sleep. ā€¯This can't be happening.ā€¯

Back at Homeā€¦

It has been three weeks since the accident and what was once a happy family is a complete mess. Timmy was sad for a week or two but quickly let himself get back to normal. He was young and really didn't understand the definitiveness of death and took some comfort believing his sister was in heaven and having a great time. His parents though were far from normal. Susan and James were fighting ALL the time. They were fighting frequently before but now after the accident it has really gotten bad. Susan was diagnosed with depression and was seeing a therapist regularly. James just couldn't take the married life anymore. His happy home was broken, he wanted to be single again and sadly leave this life behind him.

It really only took another week for James to get his wish. He filed for a divorce and moved out. Susan was going to therapy about three times per week. She was on all sorts of medication and her personality was changing rapidly. She started to get nasty and moody towards the only loved one she had left in her lifeā€¦ Timmy. It became obvious that Susan was taking her anger out on Timmy. It wasn't strange for her to yell at him and clearly blame him for everything that has happened. Timmy cried himself to sleep with memories of his mommy yelling, ā€¯This is all your fault. You and your stupid Kiddy Arcade.ā€¯ Timmy was sad but not nearly as sad as his mommy.

The ideaā€¦

It was now late early August and things were not anything close to being better. Timmy spent almost all his time playing with his friends and Susan spent just about all of her time in counseling. It was today that things would start to change. Susan was lying down on the couch in the counselors office, crying as usual.

The counselor started to speak to her. ā€¯You know Susan it has been more than a month now and you are not showing any signs of getting betterā€¦ā€¯

ā€¯You need to find something that makes you happy and really enjoy it. You can't let your life just fall apart like this. There has to be something that will make you happy again.ā€¯

Susan sat up from the couch and really thought about what the counselor just said. Nothing in her life made her happier then being with her baby girl Kathy. She loved her little girl. Loved taking car of her - feeding her, changing her when she was little and now the joys of potty training her. All of that was robbed from her life. She would never see her grow up. Thinking of Kathy just made Susan mad at her son Timmy. She got all worked up thinking how ā€¯he had to go to the Kiddy Arcade,ā€¯ in such terrible weather. This was his fault.

Susan sat on the couch in silence. Just reflecting on her thoughts and then it occurred to her. Maybe it was depression or maybe it was the medication or a combination of both. Everything just seemed so clear to her. It was all Timmy's fault for Kathy's death. Timmy stole her baby girl from her. She wanted her baby back and she knew just how to do itā€¦

Kevings House.

Susan arrived in front of Kevings house and pulled in the driveway. She was driving a Volvo wagon ever since the accident. It was considered the safest automobile and it was certainly fair to say that Susan has become even more of a safety freak since the accident.

Timmy and Kevin were playing basketball in the driveway when Susan pulled up. Timmy was completely shocked. He really had not seen much of his mother since the accident and really had gotten used to seeing her only at dinner.

Susan gets out of the car and yells over to Timmy. ā€¯Come on Tammy, it is time to go. We have to get to Sears before it closes.ā€¯ Susan giggles a bit as she slipped and called her son ā€¯Tammy.ā€¯

Of course Timmy was on the other end of the driveway and did not hear his mothers creative feminization of his name to ā€¯Tammy.ā€¯ Instead he was actually excited that his Mommy wanted to spend time with him again. He said his good byes to Kevin and ran over to the car. He went to climb in the front seat and instead his mommy got out of the car and opened the rear door.

ā€¯Timmy you know you can get hurt sitting in the passenger seat. If the airbag goes off you could get killedā€¦ā€¯ Susan said with passion.

ā€¯Yes Mommy,ā€¯ Timmy replied as he climbs in the back seat.

ā€¯Here Mommy will belt you in,ā€¯ As Susan snaps in the seat belt for Timmy, something he easily could have done himself.

Susan gets in the car and starts driving towards Sears.

ā€¯Mommy what do we need to buy at Sears? Can I get some toys please?ā€¯

Susan replies. ā€¯Mommy is very concerned about your safety baby. I don't want to see you ever get hurt like Kathy did. We are going to buy you a car seat. And NO! We are not going to buy you toys. If you are a good boy while Mommy shops for your car seat, I will buy you a surprise.ā€¯

Timmy begins sobbing, ā€¯But Mommy you said when I turned six that I wouldn't need a car seat anymore! I am a big boy now.ā€¯

ā€¯Be a good little boy for mommy and stop sobbing. You know Mommy is upset about the accident and just wants you to be safe.ā€¯ Mommy replies with a smile. ā€¯Now show mommy what a big boy you are and ask her to buy you the prettiest car seat at Sears.ā€¯

Timmy try's to be positive about this and knows Mommy has been sad since the accident. ā€¯It is okay Mommy, I understand. Please buy me a really nice - errr - pretty car seat.ā€¯

Mommy Smiles and says. ā€¯Thank you baby, I will.ā€¯

Shopping at Searsā€¦

Susan pulled the car up in front of sears and parks the car. She gets around as Timmy is already getting out of the car.

Susan quickly snaps. ā€¯Timmy, NEVER get out of the car on your own in a parking lot. You could get hurt. Now take Mommy's hand and never let go.ā€¯

ā€¯Yes Mommy, I am sorry.ā€¯ Timmy takes Mommy's hand. He thinks how over protective Mommy is acting around him. It bothers him a little, but then again he is really just happy to have his Mommy's attention again.

Susan holds on to Timmy's hand tight as they walk through Sears. At just about every sight of a Toy or Video game - Timmy try's to pull away but of course Mommy holds on to him tight.

ā€¯Timmy we do not have a time for toys and video games. The store is closing in 45 minutesā€¦ā€¯ Susan says as she walks with Timmy over to the Baby department and right to the isle that contains strollers and car seats.

ā€¯Timmy I want you to hold on to my dress. I need both my hands to find the right car seat for you.ā€¯ Susan giggles a bit to herself as Timmy does as he is told and holds on to her dress like a toddler as she shops for the cutest car seat she can find.

Timmy watches his Mommy walk down the isle looking at all the different car seats on display and talking to herself. ā€¯This one is not going to work, no not this one, I don't like how that one looks, ohā€¦ perfect! Timmy this one will be perfect for you.ā€¯

With a really disgusted look on his face Timmy replies,ā€¯ No way Mommy! Thatā€™s not a car seat, that thing is for real babies!ā€¯ Timmy stares at a yellow and pink baby seat. It looked nothing like the car seat he used to sit in until he turned 6. This one was not a booster - but a real baby seat that snapped in backwards in the car and faced the seat. It had multiple straps and the worst part is it was clearly decorated for a girl.

Susan replies, ā€¯Timmy it is perfect. The booster seats you sat in before do not protect you like a good infant seat will. You see it says for Infants all the way up to Toddlers under 50 pounds. You weigh 49 and this will be perfect for protecting mommy's little baby.ā€¯

Timmy starts to cry, ā€¯Butā€¦ butā€¦ but Mommy its for Girlssssssss!ā€¯

ā€¯Don't be silly sweetie. Baby seats, I mean car seats are for all sorts of lil kids. Besides who will ever see you in it. I don't have anymore time to argue with you on this Timmy. The store is closingā€¦ā€¯ Susan was quite proud of her explanation and that Timmy didn't put up much of a fight. That makes everything else Susan has planned easier.

Susan carried the floor model of the baby seat to the cash register and quickly paid for it. They had no ā€¯newā€¯ ones left, but that was okay as Susan certainly didn't have time to assemble one and this allowed her to get Timmy strapped in for the ride home.

With Timmy holding her one hand and carrying the baby seat in the other they walk back to the car. The entire time Timmy has the saddest look on his face as he hates the idea of sitting in what is clearly a baby girlsā€™ infant seat. Susan notices this and tries to reassure him. ā€¯Mommy only wants to protect her baby,ā€¯ Susan says as she smiles down at Timmy. ā€¯Now hold on to Mommy's dress as she sets up your new baby seat.ā€¯

Calling the car seat a baby seat really sets off Timmy. ā€¯No Mommy! I am not sitting in that. I am not a baby!ā€¯

Susan lets Timmy have his little tantrum as she finishes installing the baby seat. It is facing the back seat and is not something Timmy could ever easily climb in to and he definitely could never snap himself in. When she finishes she turns around and bends Timmy over her knee. ā€¯I have really had enough of your lip little boy. You will listen to your Mommy.ā€¯ Susan pulls down Timmy's sweat pants and leaves his tushy covered in Power Ranger undies sticking up in the air. After two hard spanks on Timmy's tushy he is immediately in tears.

ā€¯Timmy you know Mommy doesn't like to give you spankies. You were a naughty little boy having a tantrum like that. Now be a good boy and ask Mommy to get you strapped in your baby seat so we can go home.ā€¯ Mommy states this with a loving smile on her face as she keeps Timmy bent over her knee and waits for his reply.

Timmy sobs, ā€¯I'm sorry mommyā€¦ Please no more spankies. I'll be good I promiseā€¦ Can you please help me in my car seat?ā€¯

Now Timmy that's not what Mommy said, now show her what a big boy you are and ask properly.

While sobbing and with tears running down his face Tommy asks, ā€¯Mommy can you get me strapped in my baby seat so we can go home pleaseee?ā€¯

ā€¯Of course sweetie. Mommy just wants her baby safe.ā€¯ Susan says in a comforting voice as she picks up Timmy and guides him through the harness on the baby seat and fastens him in. She can't help but think how cute he looks strapped in safely in his new pink baby seat.

Susan gets behind the wheel and ignores the sobs from Timmy in the backseat. She starts the short drive home and thinks to herself how great it is to have her baby girl backā€¦

The drive home.

ā€¯Timmy, please stop sobbing and try to be a good lil boy for Mommy,ā€¯ Susan says as she drives home.

Timmy doesn't reply and just sits in his baby seat sobbing. He still can't understand why his Mommy is being so overprotective. The fact that he is strapped in to an obvious ā€¯girls,ā€¯ baby seat is a pretty big sign that his Mommy is taking this ā€¯safetyā€¯ thing a bit too far. Yet on the other side he is really just happy his Mommy cares about him again. To a little boy having little to not attention from his Mommy has been very difficult. To Tommy sitting in this Girls baby seat would be a social disaster if any of his friends saw him, but for the moment it makes his Mommy happy.

The car pulls up to the house and pulls in to the garage.

Susan gets out of the car and walks around to the driver side. She hears Timmy complaining and asking to get unstrapped. Susan just smiles at him in the back as she gets her purse and a few grocery items she purchased earlier. She completely unpacked the car before coming out to get Timmy. While Susan is not intentionally trying to torment her son, she does want him to realize that she is in charge now and that he better start getting used to his lost independence.

ā€¯Mommy, please let me out!ā€¯ Timmy screams. He is really getting frustrated over how helpless he feels in his baby seat.

ā€¯Shhhh baby, Mommy is here. Now lift up your arms so Mommy can unstrap you.ā€¯

Timmy lifts up his arms as his mother unstraps him and helps him out of the baby seat. Timmy next time I expect you to behave and ask properly when you get in and out of your baby seat. Yelling and screaming is not how a little boy should act. Is that understood?ā€¯ Mommy says as she looks right in Timmy's eyes.

ā€¯Yes Mommy,ā€¯ Timmy says as he walks in to the house.

ā€¯Good now go play as I unpack the groceries. What would you like for dinner?ā€¯

As Timmy runs to the family room and starts up his Playstation he replies ā€¯ummmmm Pizza!ā€¯ Timmy picks up his game controller and starts playing. He almost forgets about his terrible car ride experience as he gets lost in the excitement of ā€¯Grand Theft Auto.ā€¯ It was the coolest game he ever played. He could shoot gangsters and run over people in his pick-up truck. There is no way his Mommy would ever approve of the game but considering she wasn't really playing an active part in his life the past month, he doubted she even knew about it. As he finished completing one of the hardest levels he could hear his Mommy yelling for him to come in the kitchen for dinner. This set off two quick thoughts - one he hasn't sat down with his Mommy dinner in nearly three weeks and that there was no way he was getting up until he beats the next level.

ā€¯Did you hear me Timmy! I said it was dinner time,ā€¯ Susan says as she walks in to the family room.

ā€¯Just a minute Mommy, I am almost finished,ā€¯ Timmy replies.

Susan stands there watching him play only for moment. Then she is taken back in completely shock. The game was way too mature for Timmy. She saw people getting shot, cars being crashed, blood and guts all over the TV screen. This was unacceptable content for her little boy. Her first reaction is to run over and give Timmy a very hard spanking for playing games that she clearly wouldn't approve of. Instead Susan thinks to herself that it was really her fault. She had neglected her son for the past few weeks and allowed this type of behavior to take place. She realizes now more than ever that her plan for bringing her ā€¯baby girl back,ā€¯ is not only what she needs as a sad mother, but obviously what Timmy needs since he is clearly out of hand. Susan walks over to the TV set and turns the power switch off on the Playstation. This sparked an immediate reaction from Timmy.

ā€¯Why did you do that! Do you know how long it has taken me to get that far!? I hate you!ā€¯ Timmy shouts and screams throwing a big tantrum.

Susan replies calmly. ā€¯Timmy first I told you it was dinner time and you ignored me. Second you are clearly playing video games that you know Mommy wouldn't approve of.ā€¯

Before Susan could even finish Tommy is shouting back,ā€¯ I don't care what you approve of! That was my favorite game and you just ruined it for me.ā€¯ Tommy continues to shout in anger.

ā€¯That is enough little boy. You will learn to listen to Mommy. Now stand up! Stand up right this instance.ā€¯ Mommy helps Timmy to his feat and gets down on her knees in front of him. She immediately starts unbuttoning his pants and pulling them and his Power Ranger undies down around his knees. ā€¯Now mommy is going to give you a hard spankies for being a bad little boy.ā€¯

ā€¯No Mommy please! No spankies,ā€¯ Timmy cry's out.

Susan ignores him and bends him down. ā€¯Touch your toes Timmy, do it now or you will only make Mommy more mad.ā€¯

Timmy has never gotten a spanking like this but doesn't want to upset Mommy anymore. He reaches down and touches his toes with his little tushy in the air.

Susan holds Timmy over and begins spanking his tushy over and over again. ā€¯Timmy you have been a very naughty little boy. Youā€™re playing with grown-up video games and your talking back to your Mommy. Do you know that this is not good behavior?ā€¯ Susan asks in as loving a way as possible as she continues to spank Timmy.

Timmy is crying out and sobbing. ā€¯Wahhhhh! Mommy stop please! Wahhhhhh! I will never play the game again. I promise!ā€¯

ā€¯Mommy does not have time to censor your video games. You will not be using your Playstation until Mommy says so. I am going to pick-out all the toys youā€™re allowed to play with. You have been a very bad little boy Timmy but Mommy is going to help fix that,ā€¯ Susan says as she continues to give Timmy a very hard ā€¯spankiesā€¯ that he will never forget. No parent enjoys giving their child a spanking, but this was very important to Susan. If she was going to carry out her plan to get her ā€¯baby girlā€¯ back she needed Timmy to be accepting and helpless to Mommy's rules.

ā€¯Yes mommy! no more video games! pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! Stop the spankies!ā€¯ Timmy shouts. He is crying and sobbing from what is probably the worst spanking he ever got.

Susan stops and stands Timmy back-up again. She leaves his undies and pants around his knees and turns him around facing her. ā€¯Tommy you know it hurts Mommy just as much as it hurts you to give you a spankies? I hope we won't have to revisit this lesson. ā€¯Now stop crying and show Mommy how youā€™re going to be a good lil boy. I want you to tell Mommy that you promise never to play video games again without my permission and you will listen to Mommyā€¯

While still sobbing a bit, Timmy replies,ā€¯ I promise to be a good lil boy Mommy. I will listen and never play my video games again.ā€¯

Susan smiles,ā€¯ Youā€™re such a good baby. As she pulls his pants and undies back-up. ā€¯Now letā€™s go eat dinner.ā€¯

Susan takes Timmy by the hand and walks him over to the kitchen table. There is pizza already on the plates and a six pack of Coca Cola on the table. In Susan's eyes this was far from a healthy nutritious meal. However she was quite sure that Timmy was going to enjoy a far different diet going forward. So for tonight he could have exactly what he wanted, Pizza and Soda.

Timmy sits down at the table. His face squinted up as his tushy touches the hard chair. His bottom was obviously very sure. Susan of course smiled at the sight of a ā€¯spanking well doneā€¯.

Timmy waits for his Mommy to sit down and then immediately dives right in to his pizza. He loved picking the Pepperoni right off the pie and leaving only the crust. The trauma of his ā€¯baby seatā€¯ car ride and his unbelievably painful spanking has resulted in quite an appetite. Perhaps having his favorite meal would distract him from the terrible day that he prayed would just end already.

Potty Trainingā€¦

It was really Susan's intention to give Timmy a rest for today. She couldn't have been more eager to see her ā€¯planā€¯ come together but she legitimately felt that Timmy had enough for today. She really just wanted to enjoy her dinner but the opportunity presented itself.

Timmy was working on his second slice of Pepperoni Pizza and his third Coca Cola. There wasn't much chit chat between him and his Mommy while they ate. That was most likely because she had just given him a spankies and of course he was mad about it. It wasn't until the silence was eventually broken when Timmy asked to go to the bathroom.

ā€¯Mommy can I be excused?ā€¯ Timmy asked.

ā€¯What is it Timmy you have not finished your Pizza,ā€¯ replied Susan.

ā€¯I gotta go take a leak mommy,ā€¯ Timmy said. The soda had obviously filled his bladder pretty fast and he was already starting to get fancy to go to the bathroom.

Shocked his mother replied. ā€¯Timothy Eliot Wiggins, you will not speak to your Mommy like that. I will not raise such a foul mouth little boy.ā€¯

Timmy thinks to himself ā€¯wohhh! What did I do wrong now? Mommy only calls me by my full name when she is really! madā€¦ā€¯ He was completely shocked. What could he have said that was so offensive to his Mommy. Still, not wanting to risk another spankies he asks him a polite and scared way. ā€¯Mm mm Mommy what did I do wrong?ā€¯

ā€¯Timmy you will never use such foul language in front of me again. Is that understood?ā€¯ Susan says as she looks boldly at Timmy from across the table.ā€¯

Timmy nods his head. He is still not sure what he said wrong, but just listens to his Mommy.

Susan waits a moment, just looking at Timmy in a stern way. When she finally gets her composure back and calms her anger down a bit she speaks in a loving way to her little boy.

ā€¯Timmy if you ever want to get your fanny out of that chair you will ask Mommy like a good little boy. Now, I am only going to say this once. If I have to repeat myself it will be while your touching your toes and receiving spankies on your tushy. Is that understood?ā€¯

ā€¯Yes Mommy,ā€¯ Timmy says softly.

ā€¯Now you can say. Mommy I gotta go wee in the potty. That is the proper way to askā€¦ā€¯

ā€¯Mommy, that sounds so babyish! Do I have to?ā€¯ Timmy asks in frustration.

ā€¯First, Timmy you are Mommy's baby. Second, what did I say? Do you want another spankies?ā€¯ Timmy's Mommy states firmly.

Feeling defeated and even embarrassed asks, ā€¯Mommy I gotta go wee-wee in the potty.ā€¯

Timmy hated asking this. He already had enough humiliation today. First his mommy is making him sit in a girl's baby car seat, then she gave him a hard spanking on his tushy for playing a typical boys video game and now he has to ask permission to go potty. Things really couldn't be any worse, he thought.

ā€¯That's my baby. Of course you can go potty. Now sit right here and Mommy will be right back.ā€¯ Susan smiles as she hears her little boy ask permission to go potty as if he was still a toddler. That of course was her plan, but she did get a small sense of satisfaction as it was all starting to come together. Susan got up from the table and walked to the coat closet in the kitchen. She rummages around and comes walking back towards the kitchen holding something.

Timmy sits in the kitchen chair as his Mommy told him. He sees her walking back towards the table and is completely shocked. He is thinking to himself, ā€¯It can't be! No way. Mommy can't be serious.ā€¯ He says out loud, ā€¯Mommy, I don't understandā€¦ā€¯

Susan has a giant grin on her face as she sets down Kathy's pink baby potty in the middle of the kitchen floor. Susan was experiencing a thrill like she never had before. She was taking some great excitement out of the lesson that was about to be taught to Timmy. She had not even had a chance to start potty training Kathy on this ā€¯baby pottyā€¯. Not only was she going to get her ā€¯baby girlā€¯ back, but she was going to dish out this punishment on Timmy for taking Kathy away in the first place. As crazy as all this sounded to her, there was clearly no turning back now. She giggles to herself as she looks down at the pink potty. It looked just like a normal toilet but much smaller, it was made of pink plastic and had Mommy's Girl written in a cutesy design with flowers on the lid.

ā€¯Timmy, I could not trust you to climb in your baby car seat today like a good little boy. I couldn't trust you to play proper little boy video games and then you couldn't even ask to use the potty like a good little boy. So now how can Mommy expect that you will use the potty correctly?ā€¯ Susan asks Timmy. ā€¯Well little boy? Answer your Mommy?ā€¯

Timmy can't even respond. He is in total shock that his Mommy would actually expect him to go wee-wee in his sisterā€™s pink baby potty. There is no way! He eventually replies. ā€¯Butttā€¦ buttā€¦ Mommy I know how to use the bathroom! I'm not a baby.ā€¯ As he finishes his sentence he sees Mommy grinning in a mean way and already begins crying again.

ā€¯Timmy, Mommy thought you could do a lot of things and you demonstrated clearly you can not. Now I am not going to argue with you. Now come over to Mommy so that I can begin your potty training. Or would you like some more spankies?ā€¯ Susan can't help but let out a giggle.

It was like a dagger through the heart. Everything that made Timmy feel like a proud ā€¯big boyā€¯ was being stripped away from him. Just hearing his Mommy say, ā€¯Begin your potty training,ā€¯ was the worst kind of pain he ever felt. In one day all of his big boy privileges were being taken away. All he could do was sulk, stand-up and start walking towards his Mommy.

Susan smiles. ā€¯That's a good baby. Mommy didn't want to have to give that sore tushy another long spanky. I promise as soon as you can prove to me that you know how to use the toilet I will let you, but until then its Potty Training 101 for you little boy.ā€¯

Timmy again sulking and really doing his best to avoid another spanking, just nods his head.

ā€¯Don't be so sad Timmy. We are going to have a lot of fun. Baby's always have fun potty training.ā€¯ Susan says with a smile, ā€¯Now pick your head up. Show Mommy that youā€™re a good baby and thank me for showing you how to use your baby potty.ā€¯

ā€¯No, mommy please! I am not a little baby. Stop treating me like that,ā€¯ Timmy cry's out in desperation.

ā€¯Timmy your three seconds away from having a spankees,ā€¯ Susan replies promptly.

ā€¯Mommy thank you for showing me how to use my baā€¦ baā€¦ baby potty.ā€¯ Timmy repeats the phrase. He feels completely humiliated and defeated. This has to be the worst day of his life. He was thinking to himself - why was Mommy doing this? Was this some sort of dream? At the same time he was reminded by the fact that he really did have to go wee-wee and bad!

Susan felt very satisfied as she heard Timmy succ-umb to her authority as repeat the required statement. ā€¯That's Mommy's good baby!ā€¯ Susan proclaims as she claps her hands. With a smile on her face she begins explaining the steps to Timmy. ā€¯Now Timmy, a baby is always nervous at first to use the potty. Mommy understands that so we will take this very slow. The first step is to get those icky pants off and get your undies down. That way you don't get your wee-wee all over your clothes. For your first few times I will help you. Do you understand Timmy?ā€¯

Timmy is feeling the worst kind of pain inside. He is listening to his Mommy talk to him as if he was two years old. All he wanted to do was scream out that he was a big boy! Not a little baby. He knows how to use the potty already and that this experience he is going through is nothing short of torture. Of course this is what he wanted to say. Having already had his tushy spanked twice today he was not about to invite a third! Instead he just looked at his Mommy and nodded his head.

ā€¯Good baby, now ask Mommy to help pull your pants and undies down.ā€¯

A combination of not wanting another spanky and having to go wee-wee really bad made Timmy VERY cooperative. ā€¯Mommy, can you please pull my pants and undies down.ā€¯

ā€¯Of course I will baby.ā€¯ Susan says as she gets down on her knees in front of Timmy and unbuttons his pants. She looks at him with a smile and then pulls his pants down around his knees followed by his power ranger undies. ā€¯Timmy I promise to make this easier on you baby. These pants will take way too long to get down in an emergency. I will make sure to dress you properly next time I give you a potty training lesson.ā€¯

Timmy again nods his head, not really sure what his mommy means. Instead he just starts to feel sick thinking about how many times his mommy called him a ā€¯baby,ā€¯ in the last two minutes. Then the rush of having to go wee-wee begins to hit him. He turns around and is about to let it flow when his mommy interrupts.

ā€¯Timmy baby's do not stand when they go wee-wee, now sit down on your pink baby potty. Do not go wee-wee yet. We have not finished your lesson.ā€¯ Susan states.

Timmy listens to his mommy and turns around. He sits down on the baby potty and surprisingly it feels like a normal fit. He knew he was not the tallest six year old in the world, but he certainly didn't think he was small enough to fit on a baby potty. As he is seated he begins squirming around. The need to go wee-wee was really starting to consume him.

ā€¯Now to continue our lesson baby. The next step after you sit your little tushy down is to ask mommy if you can go wee-wee in your potty. The reason you have to ask baby is that maybe Mommy has not gotten your undies down yet and then you would want up wetting your pants. We wouldn't want that now would we baby?ā€¯

Timmy did not even have time to think of how embarrassing the moment is, instead he thinks of how his bladder is ready to burst. He blurts out,ā€¯ Mommy can I go wee-wee in my baby potty now.ā€¯

Susan smiles and starts to clap her hands. ā€¯Of course you can baby. Go potty. You are learning so well. I am so proud of you.ā€¯

As soon as Mommy gave the okay Timmy immediately began going wee-wee in the potty. His face was filled with relief. While he was relieving himself, he began to think about the predicament he was in. He was sitting on a pink baby girl's potty. His pants and undies were around his knees, his Mommy was treating him like a toddler and what was worse is that he was being forced to act that way.

ā€¯yeaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mommy is so proud of you,ā€¯ Timmy's mother says as she is clapping her hands. Despite the entire act, Susan knew what she was doing. She didn't really think Timmy was a toddler, but in her mind she was going to make him that way. And as long as that was her goal she would continue to treat him that way. Like any baby's first use of the potty - she was very proud! ā€¯Now Timmy don't get up from that baby potty. Mommy will be right back.

Susan got up and left Timmy sitting on the potty in the middle of the kitchen. She couldn't help but giggle to herself as she walked away, looking at him from the corner of her eye. She went to Kathy's nursery and came back with two items. The first was a package of Huggies Baby Wipes and the second was a toddlerā€™s picture book. She walks back to Timmy and gets down next to him. ā€¯Timmy you did a great job on your first time using the baby potty. You are such a fast learner. Now the next step in your potty training is getting your tushy cleaned. Now stand-up, turn around, bend over and grab your pink potty. When you get a bit older you can do this yourself baby.ā€¯

Timmy immediately began to protest. ā€¯Mommy! This is not fair. I am a big boy not a little baby. Please stop treating me like I am a baby! Please whatever I did I will be good! I promise!ā€¯ Timmy can't help but sob uncontrollably.

ā€¯You are doing such a good job baby. You don't want spankies again do you Timmy? Don't you want to be Mommy's good baby? Now do as your told Timmy or I promise you another spankies you will not forget.ā€¯

Still sobbing and feeling utterly defeated, Timmy begins to accept his momentary humiliation and stands up. He turns around looking at his wee-wee in the bottom of his potty while grabbing the sides. ā€¯Please wipe my tushy mommy.ā€¯

ā€¯That is my boy. If baby doesn't get his tushy wiped clean he could get a rash.ā€¯ Susan says as she takes out the Huggies Baby Wipe and runs it up and down Timmy's tushy. She thinks to herself that this process is completely unnecessary as Timmy did not even go poo poo, but regardless she felt he should learn all the proper potty training steps. Susan takes the used baby wipes and throws them in the potty bowl. ā€¯Okay sit down on the potty again baby.ā€¯

Timmy listens to his Mommy and turns around, sitting back down on the potty.

ā€¯Good baby,ā€¯ Susan says as she hands Timmy the giant picture book. ā€¯Timmy I bought this book for your sister when she was going to go through potty training. I can't think of anyone who could use it more now that youā€™re first learning how to use the potty.ā€¯

ā€¯Yes Mommy,ā€¯ Timmy said as he takes the book in his hands. He wants to lash out at his mother, especially now that he has finally relieved himself. Instead he chooses the easier path of going along with it and hopefully getting to bed soon. In his mind the sooner he can climb in to bed the quicker this night would end.

ā€¯Every time you have to sit on your baby potty, I want you to bring this book Timmy.ā€¯ Mommy reads from the cover ā€¯A Baby Girl learns to use the Potty, by Huggies.ā€¯ It was a cute picture book that Susan got when she bought two cases of Huggies Pull-ups for Kathy at the Supermarket. It was printed by Huggies and even came with a ā€¯Potty Training Certificateā€¯ at the end of the book. The book was pink and clearly showed the various steps a toddler girl would go through when using the baby potty. What was even more embarrassing is that Timmy just went through these steps. ā€¯Timmy this is going to be the first book Mommy is going to teach you how to read.ā€¯

Timmy had already begun to learn the first steps of reading at school, but with the way his Mommy was treating him today it was no surprise she underestimated his ability to read. While still sitting on the baby potty, he holds the book and says. ā€¯Thank you Mommy. I want to read it.ā€¯ Hoping maybe her hearing that will make his night a little easier.

ā€¯Good baby. Now to finish tonight, I want you to read out-loud this big sentence from the cover.ā€¯ Susan says as she points to the Huggies Pull-Up's slogan on the cover of the book.

Timmy sounds out the words in his head slowly and then speaks it out loud. ā€¯Mommy wwwow. Iā€™m a big girl now.ā€¯

Susan can't help but giggle. What was her proud six year old little boy is now reading the Pull-ups slogan while sitting on a girls pink baby potty, filled with his wee-wee in the middle of the kitchen. She knew it would come down to this and certainly more. She just didn't think she could make such progress on the first day.

ā€¯That was so good baby! You showed Mommy you know how to read. Every time you go potty from now on, I want you to put on a big smile and in the cutest voice sing that song for Mommy.ā€¯ Susan states.

ā€¯Ughhhhh! Mommy do I have too! Please!ā€¯ Timmy pleads. He looked at his mommy and already knew not to fight it. Instead he puts on the biggest fake smile possible and then singsā€¦ā€¯Mommy WOW! I'm a big girl now.ā€¯


Timmy finished singing his new ā€¯favoriteā€¯ song and was helped off the potty by his Mommy.

ā€¯Timmy you don't want to waddle around the house with your tushy not covered up. So ask Mommy to pull up your undies and pants so that we can get you ready for beddy time.ā€¯ Susan said while staring at her defeated little boy. Timmy didn't even take much time to think about his motherā€™s request. He already knew that this ā€¯potty training lessonsā€¯ could not be avoided. He even thought to himself the better he did the quicker it might be over. That was a strange thought from a seven year old boy who was clearly already potty trained. Regardless he puts on another fake smile for his mommy and asked, ā€¯Mommy can you pull up my undies and pants for bed time?ā€¯

Susan claps her hands and replies, ā€¯You know I will baby. You are so good at this.ā€¯ Susan then pulls up Timmy's undies and pants. Again she repeats, ā€¯Timmy, I know how difficult it is to get these pants and undies on. Mommy promises to make it easier for you. We don't want any wetties or poopy pants while your potty training.ā€¯

ā€¯Mommy that's crazy! You know I have not had an accident since I was 3!ā€¯ Timmy yells out. He just couldn't take hearing his Mommy talk to him like a toddler anymore.

Susan gives her son a stern look in the face. ā€¯Timmy you are on very thin ice. I am already thinking about having you touch your toes for a long spankies. Now, I know you don't want that. You are just confused over your potty training as all babies are the first time. Letā€™s get you ready for bed.ā€¯

Timmy just puts his head down and sulks as Susan leads him back to his bedroom. As he walks in he sees the mini-mouse comforter from his sisterā€™s toddler bed on his bed. ā€¯Mommy what's that about?ā€¯ Timmy says as he points to his bed.

ā€¯Sweetie, Mommy took the comforter and plastic sheets from your sisters bed and put it on yours. Since you are being potty trained again I don't want to risk and wee-wees or poo poos in your bed.ā€¯ Susan replies as she smiles at Timmy. It is really part of her plan to get Timmy nice and bundled in her daughterā€™s toddler bed entirely, but this would have to be a good start. ā€¯I also want you to sleep naked so that you don't ruin your clothes if you have an accident in bed.ā€¯

Timmy is again in utter shock. Its bad enough his bed now looked like a toddler girlā€™s bed, but that his Mommy actually implied the possibility that he would go poo poo in his bed. He hadn't even done that when he really was a toddler! Let alone now, ā€¯Butā€¦ butā€¦ Mommyyyyy!ā€¯

ā€¯The only but I want to talk about is yours in that bed!ā€¯ Susan interrupts. ā€¯Now take down your pants and undies and climb up on your plastic sheet and get to sleep. Or do you want Mommy to take down your pants and undies?ā€¯

ā€¯No, I can do it! Fine,ā€¯ Timmy says as he stamps his feet and walks towards his bed. He pulls down his own pants and undies and throws them in the corner of the room. He climbs in bed with just his t-shirt on and slips under the comforter. He could feel the cool of the plastic sheet under him as he stared at his ā€¯newā€¯ babyish comforter being tucked in around him.

ā€¯Awww you look sooooo cute all bundled up in your new blankie baby. Now try to hold your potty all night, but just in case you do have that plastic sheet for any wee-wee or poo poo accidents. Now thank mommy for putting it on your bed to protect you.ā€¯ Susan states as she walks towards the door to turn off the lights.

ā€¯Thank you mommy for my new plastic sheet! I don't want any accidents.ā€¯ Timmy says as he rolls over in bed, listening to the crinkly noise of his sheets. He hated everything about today. He would say anything at this point to just fall a sleep and try to forget about everything that happened. He closed his eyes and drifted a sleep.

Susan walks back to her room thinking about a job well done! What a day! She was saying to herself. The progress she made with ā€¯Tammy,ā€¯ was excellent. Her little girl was coming back sooner than she expected. She giggled with complete excitement as she thought about all the happiness tomorrow would bring her.


ā€¯Wakey wakey baby!ā€¯ Susan giggled as she shook her little boy awake.

Timmy was very grumpy and rolled around a few times before he woke up. He had a horrible nights sleep. Every time he turned or rolled around in bed the ā€¯crinkly,ā€¯ noise the plastic sheets made would always wake him up. He probably got less than three hours total sleep.

ā€¯Come on princess, wake up its bath time,ā€¯ Susan said as she shook her little boy gently.

ā€¯okayyyy okay Mommy I am up, I am up.ā€¯ Timmy replied as he begins to stumble out of bed not even realizing his mommy just called him a princess. A comment that would have surely sparked a reaction from him.

ā€¯Sweetie, do you need to sit down on your baby potty before bath time?ā€¯ Susan asks with a big smile on her face.

The baby potty comment was an instant reminder to Timmy of the hell he went through the night before. This cleared it all up. It was not a nightmare, his mother was not joking and this horrible routine she put him through yesterday was NOT going away. Timmy thinks for a second and then replies. ā€¯umm no Mommy, I am fine. I don't have to goā€¦ā€¯

ā€¯Sweetie, next time just say, ā€¯No potty time Mommy.ā€¯ That is how a proper lil boy would say when he is potty training. Is that understood?ā€¯ Susan commands.

ā€¯No potty time Mommy!ā€¯ Timmy says, obviously feeling quite childish

Susan smiles and leads Timmy to the bathroom located in her bedroom. Timmy follows along holding her hand. He is naked from the waste down and still very groggy from the lack of sleep.

ā€¯Timmy you look very tired. Mommy doesn't want you to fall a sleep in the tub and drown. I could never risk losing another baby. So I want you to step in,ā€¯ Susan says as she points to the yellow ducky baby bath seat in the tub. She used it almost every time she bathed her daughter Kathy. It was a cute lil yellow ducky with a seat on it that she would strap Kathy in to and make sure would never fall over in the water.

Timmy was very confused and replied, ā€¯Mommy I am not tired. I promise I won't fall a sleep. Please don't make me sit in that.ā€¯

ā€¯Do you realize that it takes less than one inch of water in the bath tub for a BABY to drown! Look at yourself - you can barely keep your eyes open. I am not taking any chances, now hold your arms up so Mommy can take your shirt off.ā€¯ Susan says with absolute confidence.

It was useless for Timmy to try and fight it. He really was kind of tired and it wasn't worth risking a spankies on his bare tushy. Instead he just started to pout and put his arms up over his head.

ā€¯Thatā€™s my big boy! Solo big!ā€¯ Susan says in her babyish voice as she helps Timmy out of his t-shirt. ā€¯Now letā€™s get you in your baby bath seat.ā€¯ Susan lifts up Timmy and sets him down in the bath seat and fixes the strap across his tummy. ā€¯Now play in your bath water while mommy washes your hair.ā€¯

Timmy really doesn't know what to do. He sits naked in waste deep water while strapped in his baby bath seat and just begins to cry. He really has not had a good cry since his spankies yesterday and feels like crying. He sobs for about five minutes. He continues to beg his Mommy to stop treating him like a baby but it fell on deaf ears. His Mommy just smiled and put Johnson's Baby shampoo in his hair and washed him.

ā€¯Timmy for the last time stop crying. I am going to give you a long hard spankies if you don't learn to be a good baby and play nice in your bath.ā€¯ Susan says in a raised voice as she finishes rinsing all the baby soap out of her little boyā€™s hair.

ā€¯Timmy, now play nice in the bath water. Mommy is going to go pick-out a cute outfit for you today.ā€¯ Susan stated as she got up from the side of the tub and walked out of the bathroom. She knew Timmy was safe strapped in safely in the baby seat and of course did not give him the opportunity to run off and get water all over the house. Susan walks down the hall and back in to Kathy's room. She gets a tote bag from the closet and begins to pick-out Timmy's outfit for today. Susan returns to the bathroom and puts the tote bag down next to the toilet.

ā€¯Mommy can I get out now? The water is getting really cold,ā€¯ Timmy asks with a small shiver.

ā€¯Yes sweetie but first mommy wants to get your clothes ready today.ā€¯ Susan says as she sits down on the closed toilet and takes out the clothes she packed. Timmy is immediately disgusted as he sees his Mommy take out nothing but pink clothes and stack them on the counter in front of him. ā€¯Mommy those clothes are so girlish and babyish! I don't want to wear them!ā€¯

Susan shakes out a pair of pink toddler overalls. They are a faded pink color with Toddler Time written in yellow across the front. The most distinct feature was the shiny snaps up the legs. These were clearly made for toddlers making the transition from baby diapers to training pants. After Susan lays the overalls out on the counter she replies, ā€¯Timmy, I promised you that I would put you in better clothes for your potty training lessons. You know it will take way too long to get your undies and big boy pants down when you need to do your wee-wees and poo poos on your baby potty. Now Mommy can just unsnap your overalls and help you get on your baby potty. Isn't that great Timmy?ā€¯

ā€¯Noooooooo! Mommy those are baby clothes. Please don't make me wear them. I don't wanna!ā€¯ Timmy cries as he splashes around in the cold bath water.

ā€¯Timothy Eliot Wiggins, stop splashing right this instance. You will listen to your Mommy. I am only trying to help you finish your potty training as quickly as possible so that you can grow up to be a big boy.ā€¯ Susan says in a half loving and half mocking voice.

ā€¯Butā€¦ butā€¦ but mommy I am a big boy,ā€¯ Timmy pleads.

ā€¯Sweetie you know you are mommy's baby, now ask nicely to unstrap you from your baby bath seat and get you dressed in your pretty clothes,ā€¯ Susan demands as she looks at Timmy squirming in the cold water.

Timmy splashed around in the tub for a few minutes longer. His heart was racing and his mind was wondering. All he wanted to do was scream and cry in the corner, but instead he was strapped in to this bath seat and if he wanted any chance of getting out in the near future he was going to have to do what his Mommy wanted. And with that he asks softly and with sadness in his voice, ā€¯Mommy, can you please unstrap me from my baby bath seat and help me get dressed in my pretty clothes.ā€¯ Susan gets up and walks over to the bath tub and unstraps Timmy from the bath seat and lifts him out. She smiles and lovingly dries him off in a giant Barney towel. She thinks to herself how cute Timmy is going to look in his new outfitā€¦

ā€¯Okay, letā€™s get you dressed baby.ā€¯ Susan reaches in to the bag and pulls out a small package of Huggies for Girls Pull-Ups training pants. ā€¯Letā€™s get your undies on Timmy,ā€¯ Susan says as she rips open the package takes out a Pull-Ups and holds them open for Timmy.

ā€¯Buttā€¦ Mommy! Thatā€™s crazy. I don't wanna wear those stupid things,ā€¯ Timmy says as he points out the pink training pants with the Cinderella and friends design on the front. Susan knew that she was going to get an immediate reaction from Timmy, there was no avoiding it, however she was more than prepared to respond. ā€¯Timmy, Pull-ups are what all babies wear when they go through potty training. I won't argue with you, you will wear these until you are finished learning how to use your baby potty. Is that understood?ā€¯

Sobs softly to himself and then gives in. ā€¯Yesss, mommy.ā€¯

Susan smiles and holds open the Pull-ups. ā€¯Now step in them Timmy, Mommy is going to let you pull-up your training pants all by yourself.ā€¯

ā€¯Geeez thanksā€¦ā€¯ Timmy replies with sarcasm and tears running down his face.

ā€¯I will have none of that lip baby. You are lucky Mommy is letting you pull up your training pants by yourself. I could have you strapped down on a changing table. Now whenever you pull-up or down your training pants, Mommy wants you to sing your potty training song. Do you remember your song Timmy?ā€¯

Timmy listens to his Mommy's instructions and just sobs out in complete humiliationā€¦ā€¯whyyyyyyyyyy Mommmyy! I don't wanna be a baby, im a big boy!ā€¯

Susan gets down on her knees in front of Timmy and looks him right in the eye with a stern look. ā€¯Timmy you were a big boy, but now your Mommyā€™s little baby. You proved to me yesterday that you are not ready to be a big boy yet. Now the sooner you start listening to Mommy and acting like a good baby, the sooner you have a chance at being a big boy again. Now pull-up your training pants and sing for Mommy. Right this instance!ā€¯

Timmy cries and fights to put on a fake smile. He reaches down to the pink and white waste band of his Huggies Pull-ups for Girls and yanks them up over his buttā€¦ He pauses for a moment and then sings his embarrassing songā€¦ā€¯Mommy WOW! I am a Big Girl now!ā€¯

Susan claps and smiles then says with a sinister voice! ā€¯You sing your song so well Timmy! I almost believed you were Mommy's big girl now! But you have a long way to go silly. Time for your new clothes, hold your arms up baby.ā€¯

Timmy is just sobbing and staring at his new undies. He can see clearly the giant Cinderella design on the front of his Pull-ups and the pink characters dancing on the butt side. He could clearly see how thick the training pants were over his tushy.

Susan notices Timmy looking over his new special undies and decides to point out a few of the humiliating features. ā€¯Timmy I am glad you are so interested in your new undies. Take a look at the cute girly Cinderella character on the front. If it disappears that means you went wee-wee in your Pull-ups. It is okay if it happens, all little babies have wee-wee accidents in their pull-ups. You see the sides? They can tear away if you have an icky poo poo accident. They help Mommy clean you up easier. Isn't that great Timmy baby?ā€¯

ā€¯Mommy I haven't had an accident since I was 3! It will never happen.ā€¯ Timmy barks back with disgust as he listens to his Mommy talk about his new Pull-ups training pants.

Susan smiles and replies, ā€¯All babies have accidents Timmy, now hold your arms up.ā€¯

Timmy does as he is told as Mommy slides his pink overalls over his head and down over his legs. Then she begins to fasten the changing snaps together all the way up the legs and to the crotch.

ā€¯You see Timmy, I told you how easy your new clothes would be to get off and on. This will make it so much better for your baby potty lessons and for changing your Pull-ups. Now thank Mommy for your new outfit.ā€¯

Timmy looked at himself in the mirror. His face was read and covered with tears. It looked as if he was crying for hours and he couldn't even recognize himself. The pink coveralls were beyond babyish with the obvious ā€¯Toddler Timeā€¯ lettering across the front of it. The pink color made it worse as the clothes were not just for toddlers but for toddler girls! The worst part was the bright silver snaps all up the legs and crotch that were meant at worst for changing a baby's diaper! Or at best helping a toddler use the potty, either way it was really humiliating for a six year old boy to be wearing. How could his mommy ask for him to thank her for this outfit! He couldn't thank her. He hated what he was wearing. This was clearly the most embarrassing set of clothes he has ever worn in his life. All Timmy could do was look at his mother, cry and beg her not to make him look like a toddler girl.

ā€¯Hush baby. Mommy knows you love your new outfit. All toddlers are learning how to use the baby potty need to be in cute clothes with snaps and thick Pull-ups training pants. Now stop your crying and thank Mommy. We don't have a lot of time. We have a big day ahead of us.ā€¯ Susan says with a satisfied look in her eye as she stairs at her new toddler girl

ā€¯Butā€¦ mommmyā€¦ Please!ā€¯ Timmy begs.

Susan interrupts, ā€¯Timmy must want to have a nice long spankies on his Pull-upsā€¦ is that what baby Timmy wants?ā€¯.

ā€¯No spankies Mommy, no spankies please! I love my new toddler clothes and pull-ups. Thank you.ā€¯ Timmy replies in a defeated and sobbing tone.

ā€¯Thatā€™s my good baby! Mommy will always take care of you,ā€¯ Susan says as she now feels a giant sense of accomplishment. She has made another giant step forward in her transition of baby Timmy.


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Re: For Mommy's Happiness by pottypantsgirl
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 03:13:28 PM »
Is there more to this please


  • Ballerina
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Re: For Mommy's Happiness by pottypantsgirl
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 04:58:41 PM »
Yes please write more.


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Re: For Mommy's Happiness by pottypantsgirl
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2016, 03:05:18 AM »
This is what I had stored in my computer. I am NOT the writer.


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