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Author Topic: Left Behind  (Read 39888 times)

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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2017, 07:01:31 PM »
When late spring came children at the school started playing tennis and cricket in the brighter weather.  Frank had always liked playing tennis and watched the boys and girls running around the courts in their white shirts and shorts.

When he mentioned his interest in tennis to his mother, his aunt disappeared into the attic.  She came down holding an old tennis dress with a pleated skirt.  Frank winced.  All of the girls he’d seen at school wore shorts for games.  Inevitably his aunt held a pair of old fashioned frilly tennis knickers in her other hand.

So Frank walked out on court tugging the hem of his tennis dress, nervously eyeing the boys who were hanging around at the end of the court.  For the warm up, he ran around very carefully, trying to avoid his pleated skirt flipping up and revealing his frills.  When he had to pick a ball up, he was very careful to bend both knees and avoid bending over.

The coach came over.  “Now let’s practice serving.”  Frank cringed.  His back was to the boys.  He delivered an underarm serve.  “No, no!” the coach intervened.  “Can’t you do a proper overarm serve?”

Frank braced himself.  He threw the ball up and swung the racket.  He knew his dress had to ride up and his pleated skirt would swirl revealing the frills on his knickers.  The boys’ chatter behind stopped.  The ball went into the net.

He could hear the snickering behind as the boys waited for his second serve.  Frank winced but there was nothing for it.  So he had to play properly and run around the court trying not to think of the boys oogling his frilly knickers.  When he finally got to walk off court his face must have been burning red as he walked past the sniggering boys.

Later in Spring Frank was coming home when a gang of girls passed behind him as he headed for his front door.  They were giggling.  Frank was almost used to this now.  He knew he looked ridiculously big to be wearing the pink gingham junior school uniform with white tights and his pigtails tied up with ribbons.

“You know that Cindy could nearly be a boy!” one of the girls commented.  The other girls giggled.  Frank was distraught.  It was his worst nightmare that someone would figure out that he was a boy.  Everyone would remember his pink tutu and pink tights, his sausage curls tied up in bows, his pink party dress, going to church at Christmas in his sissy Christmas dress clutching a big doll.  He felt sick.

He went in the door, closed it behind him and leaned back against the door in relief.  Then he realised that he had also relieved himself.  Pee soaked through his panties and tights.  His aunt appeared and saw immediately.

He was quickly whisked off to the bathroom and his wet clothes were peeled off.  His mother arrived home and pushed him into the shower.  When he dried himself off his aunt had reappeared.

“My brother had a similar problem at that age so we have these”, she said flapping out a white cotton nappy.  “No please!” Frank begged.  But his aunt was having none of it.  He’d peed all over her hall floor.  Frank was pushed onto the bathroom floor towel and his aunt pinned him into the thick nappy.  His mother flapped out the plastic pants and pulled them over his feet and up over his nappy.

Frank protested and went to pull the plastic pants down.  His aunt slapped his hands away.  “We had the same problem with my brother”, she said as she handed something to Frank’s mother.  Both women pulled padded fingerless mittens over Frank’s hands and buckled them at the wrist.  He pawed at the nappy but couldn’t do anything to shift it.

So Frank spent the rest of the day in the nappy.  When he told them he needed to pee they took it off him and let him use the toilet.  He had to wear the nappy overnight but his mother took it off him in the morning and let him do his usual morning bathroom routine.

Frank was dreading school in case that girl had found anyone to believe her theory that Cindy was actually a boy.  When he emerged from the bathroom his mother went to put the nappy on him again.  “No!  I’ve got to go to school.”  “Yes and it was those schoolgirls who caused you to wet yourself yesterday.  Do you want to pee in your panties and tights in front of the whole school?”

Frank was speechless.  Of course he didn’t.  But he didn’t want to go to school in a nappy either.  His mother and aunt took advantage of his indecision and pinned him into a nappy again.  Then they pulled his plastic pants on.  His mother held his pink gingham uniform and his aunt held up his white tights.  “Please no!” he begged but he was soon dressed in his uniform and tights tugging his hem down as ever.

The dress only barely covered the bulge of his nappy.  If he raised his arms even a tiny bit everyone would see that he was wearing a nappy.  “I’m not going to school like this”, he insisted.  A row ensued but there was no budging him.

“Right well the only children who don’t go to school are babies”, his aunt told him, strapping the mittens on his hands again.  “You can stay at home but I’m getting the old play pen down and you can sit in it all day like a proper baby.”  Frank was speechless again.  He looked to his mother for help but she seemed to agree.

His aunt fetched the wooden playpen and set it up.  She pushed Frank into it and closed the side bars.  Just as he was thinking that he could easily get out of the pen, his mother tied a dressing gown belt around his ankle and to the side bars of the pen.  “There, that will keep you in there!”  With his hands in mittens Frank knew that he wouldn’t be able to untie it and he was confined to the pen.

Then his aunt pushed a soother into his mouth.  He spat it out.  It had a ribbon attached and she pinned it to his dress so it dangled embarrassingly in front.  His mother placed rattles and play blocks in the pen.  “I guess these are the only toys Baby can play with”, she observed looking at his mittens.  His mother went off to work leaving Frank sulking in the play pen.


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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2017, 07:02:37 PM »
As the morning wore on Frank felt the need to pee.  “Aunt Teresa!  I need to pee!”  She looked over from her sewing.  “That’s fine, you have all you need.”  Frank was shocked.  “No seriously I need to pee!”  “Seriously!  You’ll do your toilet in your nappy as long as you refuse to go to school.”

Frank was shocked.  But he knew by now that his aunt was not to be trifled with.  He sat sniffling as the pressure from his bladder grew.  “Please Aunt Teresa”, he begged in his most pleasant voice.  But she ignored him.

Eventually he could hold out no more.  Warm pee flooded around his nappy.  He was sure that the plastic pants couldn’t hold it but they seemed to.  He was terrified of moving in case the shift in pressure caused a leak.  He started blubbering with this latest and greatest humiliation.

“I take it we have wet our nappy”, his aunt observed.  Frank nodded his tear stained face.  His aunt came over.  He prepared himself to stand up and leave the play pen.  But she took the dangling soother and pushed it into his mouth.  “suc-k on that Baby and I’ll go and prepare a bottle for you.  If you are very good and suc-k on your soother and drink your bottle, then I’ll consider changing your nappy.”

She went out to the kitchen leaving a startled Frank holding the soother in his mouth.  Once again he knew his aunt couldn’t be defied.  He was going to have to endure the soother and drink from a baby bottle in order to get his nappy changed.  He blubbered away as he waited but refused to actually suc-k on the soother – just held it in his mouth.

Eventually his aunt returned with a baby bottle of milk.  She pulled out his soother, let it dangle on its ribbon and pushed the teat of the bottle into Frank’s mouth.  He knew his aunt meant business so he had no choice but to suc-k on the bottle.  She had warmed the milk up as she would for a real baby.  Frank winced but continued feeding.

It seemed to take ages to finish his bottle.  The hole in the teat was tiny.  His nappy was already going cold.  He was relieved that he hadn’t resisted being given a baby bottle and would soon have his nappy changed.

When his aunt removed the teat from his mouth she immediately replaced it with his soother.  She let him out of his play-pen and led him towards a towel spread on the floor.  He lay back on the towel.  “Sweetie, you’re not suc-king on your soother properly”, she scolded him.  Frank glared at her but he was so close now to getting his nappy changed he had to comply.  He started nursing the soother.

His aunt pulled his tights down and then peeled the wet plastic pants off him.  Then she unpinned the soaked nappy and put it in a bucket.  She hummed happily as she wiped him all around the groin.  Frank was mortified.  “Over!”  Frank turned over and she wiped all around his bottom.  Then she powdered him liberally.  “Over again!”  She sprinkled powder all over his groin and rubbed it in vigorously.  Frank wanted to die.

Soon he was pinned into a clean nappy, she pulled dry plastic pants up over his nappy and put him back in his white tights.  She led him back to the play pen and he sat down on his thick but dry nappy.  “Do I have to tie your ankle?” she asked him.  Frank shook his head.  He would be good and stay in his pen.  “Soother!” his aunt scolded.  He resumed suc-king on his soother.  She sat down to her knitting again so he had to play with rattles and suc-k away on his soother for the rest of the afternoon.

When his mother arrived home she got a full report on his nappy change.  She brought Frank to the kitchen table and fed him a pureed version of their dinner from a bowl with a spoon.  Then she announced it was Baby’s time for bed.  Frank winced.  It only 7.30pm.  His mother put him in a pink nightie and it was clear he was staying in his nappy and mittens for the night.

She brought him a baby bottle of milk.  Frank frowned and whimpered through his soother because he knew this would make him wet his nappy again during the night.  But his mother was insistent and soon he was suc-king his way through his bottle.

When his mother tucked him in she said “see you in the morning” so he presumed that that meant that if he wet his nappy during the night, which was inevitable, he was going to be in it until the morning.

Frank couldn’t sleep what with the discomfort of the thick nappy and the worry over his new predicament.  He did drift off eventually but woke bursting to go to the toilet.  Soon he filled his nappy with warm pee again.  He could hear that the TV was on but reckoned that he was not supposed to disturb them to get his nappy changed.  He cringed with the thought of spending the rest of the night in a wet nappy.  Eventually he drifted off again.


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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2017, 03:57:01 AM »
He woke early.  There was no sound elsewhere in the house.  His nappy was cold and clammy but he couldn’t wake anyone now having endured it all night.  Eventually he heard movement.  But his mother passed his door several times.  He wasn’t sure if it was ok to call her.  His aunt had not allowed him speak all day but insisted that he suc-k on his soother.

Where was the soother?  He found it among the bedclothes.  He put it in his mouth.  The next time his mother passed the door he whimpered through his soother.  She opened the door.  “Oh is Baby awake?”  Frank nodded and suc-ked on his soother.  “Has baby a wet nappy?”  Again Frank nodded.  At last!

“Does Baby want to do poo-poo?”  Frank sighed.  He usually had an early morning poo and there was one building up.  The pause in his reaction was enough to confirm for her.  “Let’s wait until Baby’s done poo-poo and then we’ll change you”, she said leaving the room.

Frank flopped back on the pillows.  This was getting worse and worse.  He found himself suc-king on his soother for comfort.  That brought tears to his eyes.  He tried to pull himself together and work on this poo.  It was the only way he was getting his cold wet nappy changed.

In the end he had to get up on his hands and knees and push and eventually a large stool slid into his nappy.  He wanted to cry but there was more to come.  Several times he pushed and more poo filled his nappy.

When he was finished he didn’t know what to do.  He didn’t want to lie down again as that would squash the poo all over his bottom.  But with no sign of his mother he had little choice in the end.  He lowered his bottom oh so carefully and cringed as he felt the poo ooze under his weight.

Eventually his mother returned and knew immediately from the smell.  “Good Baby” she praised him and smiled wistfully as she noticed he was a little tearful and suc-king on his soother.

He preferred to look up and tried not to think of the mess that was there as she cleaned him up.  She seemed actually quite pleased to have a baby to look after again.  He was soon powdered and pinned into a clean nappy.  He winced at the sight of another nappy but never really thought that this would be an end to it.

She dressed him in his pink gingham school dress again and pulled his white tights over his nappy.  “So are we going to school today?” she asked him.  Frank winced.  He really didn’t want to be kept at home in a play-pen, being bottle fed and using his nappies but there was no way he was going to appear at school in a nappy.  At least he got some privacy at home.  He shook his head.

“Right, into your play-pen so”, she commanded.  He put his head down and trudged into the pen and his aunt soon appeared with his bottle.  “I think this school uniform is inappropriate for Baby”, his mother commented.  “You’re right”, his aunt agreed.  “I’m sure I can whip up something more appropriate.”

So as Frank sat in his play-pen all day he watched as his aunt took the yellow play dress and altered it appropriately.  She sewed layers of petticoats under the dress and added several little bows to the lace already decorating the hems and sleeves.

Frank wondered what she was doing next as she worked on making something in a matching material.  It appeared to have a crescent shape and eventually when she held it up it was clear to him that she was making a matching bonnet!

When his mother came home she was delighted with his aunt’s handiwork.  Frank watched as he was spoon-fed his dinner as the dress acquired more layers of lace and further lace was added around the wide brim of his bonnet.

His mother sat him on his bed as she administered his final bottle of the day.  He wanted to resist it as it guaranteed a wet nappy for the night but he knew he couldn’t.

His aunt came in with the baby dress and hung it on the back of his door.  She ran her fingers through the layers of petticoats and smiled.  She tied the matching bonnet to the hook on the back of the door so they could get an idea how the whole ensemble looked.

“So you’ll be wearing that tomorrow and every day if you don’t go to school”, his mother warned him.  Frank felt sick and felt a poo coming on.  He squirmed uncomfortably as he couldn’t take his eyes of the sissiest dress he had ever seen and its matching bonnet that was about to become his daily apparel if he didn’t agree to go to school in a nappy.

His aunt went to the drawers and took out a pair of his lacey white tights and draped them over the back of a chair in readiness and then she placed his frilly tennis knickers there too so it became clear what his whole ensemble would look like.

It wasn’t yet dark when they left him in bed and he couldn’t take his eyes off his humiliating baby clothes.  He seriously thought about going to school in a nappy but there was no doubt in his mind that the girls would quickly spot his predicament and he would have to sit there every day with everyone knowing that he was wearing a nappy.

He couldn’t sleep and soon wet himself and was desperately trying to hold off his poo until morning.  What to do!


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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2017, 03:49:35 AM »
Frank woke early the next morning and had a long time lying there contemplating the baby dress hanging on the back of the door.  The frilly panties, lacy tights and matching bonnet were right there for him to see too.  He couldn’t hold his poo any longer and soon filled his nappy.

Eventually his aunt came into the room and immediately set about changing his soiled nappy.  There was no mention of his baby dress but she made sure he was facing it as she wiped and powdered his bottom.  He realised that he was quickly approaching decision time.  Once he was pinned into a clean nappy and had his plastic pants pulled up over them his aunt held up his pink junior school uniform right beside his baby dress.  “So what is it to be?”  Frank sighed heavily and suc-ked on his soother.  It wasn’ t fair!

She came towards him with the school uniform.  Frank shook his head.  He just couldn’t face going to school in a nappy.  At least here he had privacy.

“Very well”, his aunt took the baby dress from the hanger and Frank felt sick as she ran her fingers through the layers of petticoats.  “Arms up!” she ordered.  Frank wasn’t going to cooperate in this.  He stood with his arms down by his side.

“If you don’t want to be left in a wet and soiled nappy for hours later today, you will do as I say”, she told him firmly.  Frank sighed heavily.  He knew he couldn’t beat her.

He held his arms up.  His aunt smiled and raised his new baby dress.  He had no choice but to stand there meekly as she pulled the humiliating baby dress down over him and zipped it up at the back.  She told him to sit on the side of the bed while she fetched his lacy tights.  Frank sat down and his petticoats ballooned around him.  His aunt pulled the tights over his feet and up under his baby dress and stretched them over his thick nappy.  Then she took the frilly tennis knickers and pulled them up over his tights.  He couldn’t actually see his tights or knickers below all his petticoats.

Frank watched glumly as she came towards him with the pièce de rĂŠsistance – his newly made bonnet.  She placed it carefully on his head and adjusted it so it was perfectly centred before tying the long ribbons tightly under his chin in a big bow.  It also had the effect of holding his soother more tightly in his mouth.

She pulled him off the bed and over in front of the mirror.  Frank wet himself a little when he saw his reflection.  His distraught face peeped out over his soother and above the big bow and was framed prettily in the wide lace of his bonnet.   The lower half of his frilly knickers were clearly visible below his petticoats and bulged over his thick nappy.  His long legs were encased in the flowery patterns of his white lacey tights.  He tried to push his petticoats down to conceal the obvious bulge of his nappy but it was pointless.

His mother walked into the room.  “Oh how adorable!”  She walked over to him admiring him from head to toe.  She ran her fingers through his petticoats and plucked at the frills on his knickers.  She tugged at the lace trim of his bonnet and flicked his nose playfully.  “Just perfect!”

The two women stood back and admired the boy squirming in his baby dress, matching bonnet, frilly knickers and lacey tights and were clearly very very pleased.  “I’ll start knitting booties today”, his aunt decided.  “That would be lovely”, his mother agreed.

Frank was led to his play pen and given his morning bottle.  His mother smiled down on him as she was about to go.  He looked up through the ring of lace that now framed his view of the world and continued suc-king on his bottle.  “Bye bye Baby” his mother waved cheerfully and left for work.

Frank sat in his pen looking down at his baby dress, arms resting on his mountain of petticoats and wondered how on earth he was going to get out of this predicament.  Meanwhile his aunt settled down with her knitting needles and matching yellow wool.


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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2017, 01:20:33 PM »
Sitting in his play pen in his baby dress and bonnet, trying to get some amusement from the rattles and letter blocks left Frank with far too much time to think.  His aunt knitted his booties at a furious pace watching over him and making sure that he played with his baby toys and suc-ked on his soother.  On the rare occasions when she wasn’t looking he tugged desperately at the padded mittens that made him so completely helpless.

Other than that he could only worry about when he would wet or soil his nappy again and be careful to be a good baby so that his aunt would change him promptly.

He actually thought fondly now of the days he spent playing dolls with Chris in his play-dress that actually covered his frilly panties (most of the time).  He recalled being able to dance even if he had to wear a pink tutu and tights and flash his frills in front of the boy’s rugby team.  At least he had been able to walk about … and use the bathroom.  Now he was confined to this pen and had to use a nappy for all his toilet.

He wondered if he could bargain with his mother and aunt.  If they would just let him out of his nappies and play-pen he would let them dress him in his pink party dress and pettipants and put his hair in ringlets.  Anything but this!  But that would require being able to speak to them and he wasn’t allowed speak but had to suc-k on his soother all the time.

When his mother came home Frank was wearing his new knitted booties, tied on his feet with white ribbons.  “Delightful!”  His aunt was already considering her next project.  “He’ll need more than one baby dress.  I’ll make the next one from scratch.”  Frank whimpered in his pen.  It sounded like they were preparing for him being a long time in nappies!

“I found this lovely pattern in a magazine”, his aunt showed them.  It was a pink dress with puffed-sleeves, a wide lace collar and a scalloped hem showing off layers of petticoats beneath.  “Gorgeous!” his mother smiled.  Frank cringed at the sight of it.  “Will you make the matching bonnet and bloomers too?”  “Of course, I might even sew a pretty heart on the bottom of his bloomers.”  “That would be lovely!”  And so his aunt started on his next baby outfit while his mother spoon-fed him his pureed dinner.

At bed-time his mother was feeding Frank his bottle when she had a thought.  “You know they have these lovely pink onesies in large sizes these days that some girls like to wear.  I must buy one for Frank.  It’ll be adorable.”  So Frank tossed and turned all night dreading being put in a pink onesie every night.

The next day he watched disconsolately as his aunt worked on the puffed sleeves of his dress, the wide brim of his bonnet and the lace heart on the seat of his bloomers.  That evening his mother returned with his new pink onesie.

She made him step into it and he discovered that it was footed.  She pushed his arms into the sleeves and then buttoned it up the back while he looked in the mirror at how his nappy bulged beneath the pink fleece material.

It was another sleepless night as he became accustomed to his new night attire.  If he even wiggled his toes he could feel the tug of his onesie right up to his neck.  He hated the complete enveloping embrace of his onesie but there was nothing he could do to remove it – even if the buttons had been up the front.  He was stuck in it until somebody allowed him out of it.

On Saturday his aunt completed his new dress and was just adding more little bows to the brim of his bonnet.  In the afternoon there was a delivery which they appeared to bring into his bedroom.  He could hear furniture being moved about but as ever was not permitted to speak and ask what was going on.

At bed time his mother buttoned him into his pink onesie as he suc-ked on his bottle.  Then she led him by the hand into his room.  He froze at the door. His bed was gone and had been replaced by a large wooden cot!   â€œNnnnnggggghhhhh!”

He resisted being brought towards the cot but his fleecy feet just slid on the polished floor.  His aunt lowered the side bars on his cot and his mother pushed him in.  Despite his resistance his aunt swung his feet up onto the cot and she raised the bars and they locked with a click.  There was a latch but his aunt turned it so it inserted into a slot and could only be opened by somebody who could use their fingers.  In other words, it was baby proof.

Frank clung to the bars of his new cot and climbed to his feet.  The side bars came up to his shoulders.  He tried to climb over the side but his fleecy feet just slid down the wooden bars and his mother and aunt just watched his futile attempts with amusement.

He pawed at the catch on the side bars refusing to accept that his mittens clearly prevented him from turning it.  Eventually he had to accept that there was no escape from his cot.  He slumped down on his thick nappy and sniffled and suc-ked on his soother.  “Excellent!  So baby is nice and safe in his new cot!” his mother observed while they exited the room.  “See you in the morning!”

Frank blubbered for a few minutes as his situation sank in.  Then he got a new resolve to get out of his cot.  He climbed to his feet again and shook and rattled the bars at every angle.  He studied every corner for a weakness.  He made several more futile attempts at climbing over the bars before finally sliding down onto his nappied bottom and bursting into tears.  It had all just served to reinforce the point that he was confined to his cot until somebody chose to let him out.

He suc-ked hard on his soother and eventually settled down.  He kicked out frustratedly in his onesie.  When he settled down he noticed his new pink baby dress hanging on the back of the door with the matching bonnet draped over it and his bloomers folded over the back of a chair – the pretty heart sewn on the bottom showing up nicely.  Clearly he was to make his debut in it tomorrow.


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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2017, 02:25:45 AM »
The following morning he obediently raised his arms so his mother could put him in his new pink baby dress.  She did up the many little buttons at the back.  He couldn’t lower his arms properly as they rested on his enormous layers of petticoats.

His aunt pulled pink tights up over his nappy, followed by his lace-trimmed bloomers.  The women tittered at the pretty heart on his bottom which he couldn’t see.  Then his aunt tied pink booties on his feet.  When had she had the time to make those, he wondered.

Finally his mother placed the bonnet on his head and tied the ribbon.  As she pulled the ends of the ribbon the brim of his bonnet gradually drew in around his face leaving only a small circle of vision.  And now his vision was framed with pretty floral patterns on his brim and the thick lace trim.

He was put into his play pen and sat obediently shaking his rattle and occasionally rearranging his blocks.  He could only just reach the blocks over the mountains of his petticoats.   His mother and aunt sat on either aside clearly pleased with their work.  They addressed him alternately and he had to turn his head sideways to be able to see each of them through the funnel of his new bonnet.  It became obvious that they were doing this deliberately entirely for their amusement, forcing him to look one way and then the other.

He was almost relieved to get out of the dress and restrictive bonnet and into his pink onesie that night.  His mother put him into his cot and pottered around the room.  As he watched her through the bars, he reached a decision.

He spat out his soother.  “Mum.  I’ll go to school .”  He couldn’t take any more of this.  “What?” she asked, surprised.  “I’ll go to school – even if I have to wear a nappy.”  She just smiled.  “Oh sweetie it’s too late for that.”  He frowned.  What did she mean?  She came over to the cot.  “We told the school you were being home schooled from now on.  You’re not going back.”  She popped the soother back in his mouth.   â€œNnnnnggggghhhhh!”  He tried to spit it out again but she just put her finger against his soother and kept it in position.

She took his pink baby dress and opened the wardrobe door.  Frank saw that the wardrobe had been emptied of all clothes other than his yellow baby dress which was now joined by his pink one.  He climbed to his feet.  They were planning to keep him as a sissy baby!  “Nnnngggghhhhh!”  He shook the bars of his cot.  His mother just smiled as she left the room.  “It’s all done Baby.  Nothing you can do about it!”  She shut the door.

Frank tugged ever more desperately at his mittens.  He pulled at his onesie and squirmed pointlessly within it.  He rattled the bars of his cot as hard as he could but absolutely nothing budged.  He collapsed on his nappied bottom and blubbered away into his soother.  He didn’t want to be kept like this.  How long would they keep him in nappies and baby dresses!?

“Mrs Smiley was asking after ‘Cindy’ yesterday”, his mother mentioned the next day.  “We’ll have to invite them over and show them Cindy’s new status now that we’ve decided to keep him this way”.  Frank whimpered through his soother in feeble protest from his play-pen.  They just ignored that.

“Let’s have them over for dinner tomorrow and we can show off his beautiful new pink outfit”, his aunt suggested.  Frank cringed at the idea of others seeing that he was now being kept in nappies and sissy baby dresses but he supposed that they couldn’t keep it a secret for long.

His aunt picked up the phone and spoke to Mrs Smiley.  When Frank heard that she had accepted the invitation he knew that he was facing humiliation in front of their neighbour and her little girl Chris.  He realised that he was peeing in his nappy.

He started crying and suc-king hard on his soother.  “What’s up sweetie”, his mother asked.  He pointed a mitten at his nappy area.  “Oh have we wet ourselves again?” she asked brightly.  Frank nodded as he blubbered.  His mother came over.  “Don’t worry sweetie.”  Frank looked up and momentarily stopped crying hoping for a little reprieve.  “You’ll soon get used to it”, she smiled.

Frank cried even harder at that as she led him off to have his nappy changed.  He didn’t want to get used to it!


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Re: Left Behind
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2017, 02:22:47 AM »
That night when they were putting Frank into his cot his aunt produced her latest creation.  She’d made a light bonnet for him to wear at night.  It was pink satin with a thin trimming of lace.  She placed it on his head and tied the ribbons tightly under his chin.

Frank lay down and realised that the tightly knotted ribbon made it difficult to get the soother out of his mouth.  Usually once he fell asleep the soother would slip out of his mouth and his mother would replace it in the morning when she came in.

After tossing and turning in his pink footed sleeper for a while Frank eventually nodded off to sleep.  His aunt and mother peeped in later when they heard the steady breathing.  They smiled as they saw the soother was still in his mouth.  Frank stirred in his cot.  They saw him wiggle his fingers within his mittens and reach out and touch the side bars of his cot and then he kicked his feet in his footed sleeper.  A frown crossed his face which was now prettily framed with the lace of his night bonnet.  They presumed that in his semi-waking state he realised he was still confined to his baby clothes and cot.  It wasn’t just a nightmare.  He suc-ked hard a few times on his soother and then settled down and soon they heard his steady breathing again.

Frank woke early.  He didn’t think too much about the soother having been in his mouth all night.  He was becoming accustomed to its permanent presence.  What preoccupied his thoughts was the visit of Mrs Smiley and Chris.

Once they saw that he was being kept in baby dresses and nappies they would surely tell everyone they met.  Everyone would soon know.  His classmates at school would hear, no doubt.  He would never be able to show his face in school again.  Never be able to appear in public again without knowing that everyone knew he’d been kept as a sissy baby at the age of fourteen!

He suc-ked hard on his soother.  There was nothing he could do about it.  His mother and aunt had decided and he was about to be exposed in public.  The only small consolation was that nobody seemed to realise that he was actually a boy.

After his morning change, bottle and feed his mother excitedly dressed him in his pink baby dress.  His aunt pulled his pink tights up over his nappy and then his lacey bloomers, tugging at the heart pattern to get it sitting just right.  His mother tied his bonnet under his chin while his aunt pulled his pink booties on and secured them with the ribbons.

Then they led him to his play-pen and put him in.  Frank plonked down on his bottom and looked up.  They smiled as they looked down on him in his pretty pink baby dress and he looked up nervously through the lace-trimmed funnel of his bonnet and suc-ked on his soother.

When the doorbell rang he shuddered.  This was it.  There was no going back.  The public were about to find out about his new status.  He realised that he was wetting his nappy again.  He cringed.  Was he going to have his nappy changed in front of the neighbours?  He hoped that they wouldn’t notice.

He could hear his mother prepare the visitors before she showed them in.  She told them about Cindy’s toilet problem and how she refused to go to school in a nappy and how they tried to get her to go by saying they would have to treat her as a baby if she wanted to stay at home.  Well it turned out she preferred being kept as a baby at home than go to school in a nappy.  “She’s in here.”  Frank peed again as the door opened.

Mrs Smiley and Chris walked in.  Their jaws dropped in unison when they saw Frank in his baby dress looking up from his pen, dutifully shaking a rattle.  “Oh my goodness!”  Chris looked up at her mother in shock.  Frank wondered would they be outraged and report his mother to the authorities over what was happening.

“Oh how adorable!  What a pretty dress!”  Frank sighed heavily.  Chris stood in her t-shirt and jeans and looked disbelievingly at this older girl in the frilly pink baby dress.  “Stand up so they can see your full outfit properly”, his mother instructed.  Frank climbed to his feet and tried fruitlessly to keep his layers of petticoats down.  “Oh those frilly bloomers!”

“Turn around”, his aunt told him.  “Gosh, that must be quite a thick nappy!”  “It’s a nice old fashioned cotton nappy with plastic pants”, his mother informed her.  “Oh that pretty heart on her toosh!”  Frank suc-ked hard on his soother a few times which he hoped was hidden by the deep brim of his bonnet.  He was sure that his soaked nappy must be sagging noticeably.  He didn’t want to have his nappy changed in front of the visitors.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender