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Author Topic: Jessica's Daddy  (Read 43308 times)

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  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« on: May 08, 2009, 07:02:52 PM »
Jessica’s Daddy

Chapter 1: For her first 10 years Jessica seemed to be in a typical 1950s household. Her mother stayed at home. Her father went out to the office. On Saturday s her father also spent lots of time on the Golf Course.

Jessica’s Mummy did all the housework, except for the little bits the child did to help. Several times Daddy got cross and shouted at Mummy when meals were late or slightly different to what he wanted.

Jessica was a clever child. She had mixed feelings about what she wanted to be. She quite liked Enid Blyton’s George and Jo March. But she also loved the idea of going to a boarding school. She thought that girls who went to such schools had an exiting time and lots of adventures.

Jessica also noticed how much her Daddy had NOT liked her Aunt Jane. Jessica had actually sometimes seen her Aunt during school holidays when her Daddy was at work. This was because her Mom rather liked her husband’s sister

Her Daddy told her that they could not afford school fees.  Jessica noticed that her father got most of what he wanted. He had an expensive car, the very best suits, and subscription to the most exclusive Golf and Tennis clubs.

Just after her 11th birthday everything changed for Jessica. Later that summer holiday she was allowed to go with her parents to look at different boarding schools and she had a real choice about which one she went to.

When Jessica came home at half term things had changed. Daddy did not ever shout at Mummy.  Jessica had noticed that although her Mummy did some of the housework wearing trousers she had rarely worn them in front of Daddy.

Now things had changed. During the half term holiday, and every other time Jessica went home, her mother wore trousers more often than skirts or dresses. In those days, the late 1950s and early 1960 women did not usually wear trousers in England.

Even more surprisingly Daddy always washed the dishes and did a lot or ironing. He NEVER went to play golf.

Oh and Aunt Jane had move in to a flat quite nearby. Sometimes when her Mummy seemed to be cross with Daddy either Jessica was asked to go to see Aunt Jane or Mummy picked up the telephone and Aunt Jane arrived. When this happened Aunt Jane took him by the hand and he followed her.

Jessica’s life was to change even more dramatically just after she was 13.

Chapter 2: Oliver Hill was just too young to fight in World War Two. He did very boring Peacetime National Service. Actually Ann (Porter) who married him had done rather more to beat Hitler. She was older than her husband.

Ann’s parents had been very anxious for her to marry.  Oliver worked in a family business run by his Great Uncles. Again it was thought that marriage would calm him down.

Ann tried to be an ordinary happy housewife and mother. She did her very best for her ungrateful husband and her happy appreciative daughter Jessica. She remained willing to do all her marital duties. Actually it was not all that surprising to her that Jessica was their only child. It was not Jessica’s fault.

Oliver had a different idea of what a ‘real man’ should be. He had lots of affairs. He did not flaunt them but Ann must have known of them. This did not please her.

Chapter 3: Now in one sense ‘Sexual Harassment’ did not exist in the 1950s. There was no word for it and no law against it. Still many old fashioned people in companies like the one Oliver worked at would not approve of adultery.

Oliver really fancied Molly. Miss Molly Stevens had become Oliver’s secretary. She and Michael, her fiancé, a postman, were saving up so they could put down a deposit on a house when they got married. Oliver had to do some negotiations in Birmingham. He had arranged for the meeting to take place early in the morning so that he would have to stay overnight.

   “Molly, I really rely on you, I need you to come with me to the meeting.”

Oliver had made two mistakes. One was that he told his secretary a week ahead of his planned encounter. The other was that Molly had met Jane Hill. Actually Michael Patterson knew Jane better.

Jane Hill was a solicitor (for Americans this is like a general practice lawyer). She was VERY unhappy about her brother’s behavior. She also remembered how her mother, and especially her great Aunt had dealt with Oliver Hill’s dreadful early teenage.

Jane had spent 2 years during World War 2 in occupied Europe. She had access to certain devices as well as having very great skills in self-defense. She was, bigger than her little brother.

Molly had carefully told her boss that, of course, she would go to the conference. She made sure that he was reminded that she and Michael planned to marry the following summer. Molly had a long chat with Jane, who took an earlier train to Birmingham and booked into the same hotel.

It was after 10pm. Oliver told Molly that he really needed to have her come into her room to take detailed shorthand notes, so that she could type amendments to the proposed contract. For about a minute the secretary was able to sit down with her notebook and take the shorthand. Then Oliver’s hands slipped onto Molly’s knee.

Molly had been briefed:

   “Mr Hill, PLEASE do not put your hands on my legs.”

He remarked:

   “I’m just being friendly.”

Molly replied:

   “I don’t think that is the kind of friend a boss should be.”

Half a minute later the Boss’s hand went under Miss Steven’s skirt.

   “Please stop Mr Hill.”

Oliver’s idea of ‘fore play’ was brief and crude. He then pushed Molly from her chair onto the bed.

   “Get off!”

Then the room door swung open. Oliver was shocked, and Molly relieved to see his sister.

   “It’s not what you think…”

Oliver said, weakly.  Jane did not shout but she said clearly:

   “Well, just to make sure a COLD shower is called for.”

Oliver finished undressing and obeyed his big sister. Molly seemed to be about to leave but Jane said:

   “I think you should see this.”

Oliver came out of the small shower room. He felt angry but also vulnerable. The next thing surprised him.

   “Hands behind your back young man.”

Oliver remembered, all to clearly, the phrase ‘young man’ from his childhood. Sometimes it had been his widowed Mom, more often from Jane but mostly from his terrifying Great Aunt Alice.

Jane very securely tied her brother’s hands. His little man had not been totally tamed by the cold bath. Jane knew what to do.

   “I think there’s a bucket of ice in the fridge, can you get it for us Molly?”

Molly obeyed. The ice was placed where it was needed. Oliver did not scream, but felt like it.

Oliver felt totally humiliated. He had not been seen naked by any woman, other than those he was about to seduce, for half his life. He did not even remember Jane seeing much of his anatomy when they were children.

Jane addressed her brother once more:

   “Great Aunt Alice told me about how she had a certain device when she was a governess to control certain male problems. I think it would be useful right now….”

There was a pause. Jane carried on:

   “Molly, could you get my bag? I left it just outside.”

Very quickly Oliver’s now VERY little man was imprisoned:

   “You can’t do this, what about when I need to use the lavatory…”

Jane smiled:

   “You can just sit down, it’s not hard, is it Molly?”

Fifteen minutes before his business meeting Oliver was invited to his sister’s room. He was shown photographs of his appalling misbehavior and played a recording, which made it clear what had happened.

Oliver happily signed the doc-ument put in front of him, rather than have the material sent to his great uncle, the Managing director.

   “I think it would be a good idea for me to have a long chat with Ann, don’t you.”

If the scandal of his behavior came out Oliver knew he would be ruined. He agreed to all the terms.

He would no longer object to Ann doing a teacher training course and working when she passed.

He would do all the housework Ann told him to do.

He would cut down on his spending, especially the Golf club membership so they could pay school fees for Jessica to go where she wanted.

He would accept appropriate discipline.

This discussion happened whilst Jessica was watching a movie. Oliver was not sure what it all meant.

On Jessica’s first night away at her new school some of the meaning became clear. Molly was invited to his home, by Ann.

Molly, Ann and Jane each gave him a very long very painful spanking.

He had prepared an excellent meal. He did not eat it. He spent the meal in a corned with his pants down and his very red behind on display.

For the next month Oliver’s life was rather odd. At work he acted as he always did: as a bossy boss. It is true that neither Molly nor any of his other female subordinates had quite the same problems that they once had. If anything he seemed a little more ruthless at work.

As soon as he came home Oliver was given a list of housework jobs to do. He did them. He did not like the kind of apron his wife had bought him but felt is safer not to complain.

Oh and a couple of evenings a week he went over to his sister’s flat, to do the cleaning there.

He did make one huge mistake at work. One day, when he thought that Molly was away, he remarked to a colleague:

   “Don’t you think that a woman’s place is in the home and that men should not have to do girl’s work?”

Fred Roberts agreed with his boss. Fred lived with his mother who waited on him hand and foot even though he was 28.

As it happened Molly had forgotten something and she heard her boss’s resentment.

That Friday Molly, Jane and Ann had a lovely meal. Michael came too. Actually on this occasion Ann had cooked because she liked the idea of trying some to manage some ‘exotic’ Indian cuisine. Michael arrived a little later than his fiancé. So there was a chat he did not hear.

Molly told them about how Oliver had disliked doing “girl’s work”.

Jane told Molly and Ann about how great Aunt Alice had dealt with a certain teenager being too ‘boisterous’ and not liking to do his fair share of chores because they were “girl’s work”.


  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 06:44:35 AM »
Chapter 4: So the next morning, as instructed, Oliver went to a local charity shop. His sister happened to know some of the volunteers at the shop. It was a Saturday and it was quite busy. Oliver handed the lady who seemed to be in charge a note, that he had hand written but Ann had dictated. It read:

   “My wife insists I do house work. I said it is girl’s work. Please find some suitable clothes for me and make sure that they fit.”

Oliver also handed over a pound note and a ten shilling note, quite a lot of money in those days.

Five or six volunteers popped into the changing room in the next half an hour as they checked that the various skirts, blouses and dresses fitted this particular customer. He left with a bag containing 2 bras, 8 pairs of panties, five slips or petticoats and 4 very flowery dresses.

Ann sat down and did her studying for the rest of that Saturday. Every so often she got up and watched, and took a few photographs of her husband hovering, scrubbing the kitchen floor and scrubbing in the bathroom as well as washing the dishes and doing the ironing.

Ann did not feel like cooking. Her husband did that. She did, however, feel quite proud of what she had achieved. She invited Molly and Jane

The meal that Oliver cooked was adequate. However Jane was very upset:

   “Ollie, you bought women’s clothes.”

He was defeated and vulnerable:

   “Yes, that’s what you said.”

His tall sister smiled and said:

   “Oh no, you did not talk about women’s work. You talked about GIRL’s work. I think you should wear GIRL’s clothes, as childish as possible. I think you need a spanking, have you anything to say.”

Ollieattempted a curtsey and said:

   “Please Miss Jane would you give me a hard spanking.”

Jane sat on the sofa. Oliver placed himself in the appropriate position. Very carefully and slowly firstly Jane pulled the skirt of his dress out of the way. Next the very frilly slip went up. Finally his pink panties were pulled down to his knees.

For about a minute Jane spanked her brother with her hand. It stung. Next she took a very heavy hairbrush. Olliewas crying after less than a minute with the hairbrush. However the spanking carried on for five minutes. Ann opened the kitchen window. The sound of his crying, as planned, went to their next-door neighbor, Mrs Bloom.

They sat down, to eat. Olliestood in the corner with panties around his ankles and holding up his slip and dress.

Just before they ate Ann dialed the number of her next-door neighbor. She said, in a loud voice:

   “I was a bit worried that you might have heard someone crying and wondered. You have no need to worry. It is just that my husband and he had to be spanked.”

The response surprised Ann.

   “I would have loved to watch.”

Lucy Bloom’s father had often spanked her, more often than her rather less well-behaved brother. She had married, Ben, a lovely man who, sadly, was knocked over by a car and killed.

Ann had a question for her neighbor:

   “Have you cooked your dinner yet?”

   “No, why?”

   “Oh, it is just that we happen to have spare supper.”

Two minutes later Mrs Bloom arrived. She pushed a big old-fashioned pram with her 6-month-old twins Nancy and Robert. They were asleep.

As they ate Jane explained what had happened. She told Nancy about Oliver’s problems with treating women with respect.

   “You made a pass at me, didn’t you?”

Ollie stood in his corner, holding up his skirts and showing his very red behind. He did not know whether to reply. Ann had the answer.

   “I think that Ollie should SHOW Mrs Bloom why he won’t try to impose himself on ladies. Turn around.”

Lucy saw the chastity device. Jane added.

   “Well it does seem appropriate that he should be sitting down to go pee.”

They had a lovely dinner. They talked.  Molly said:

   “I agree that it would be good for Ollie to dress as a little girl rather than a grown up. He does talk about ‘girls’ rather than ladies. He is also very immature. But unless we specially make something, which would cost a lot of money how can we find the right frocks.”

Ann had an idea:

   “Mrs Bloom, you know your Maternity dresses looked a little childish, and with some adjustments could be made very childish. Have you still got some?”

Lucy laughed:

   “Oh, I would love to. By the way my American cousin Sam, that’s Samantha left her training bras here after her visit, she was so proud to wear a proper bra. And I can make the adjustments.”

Jane had one more thought:

   “Shouldn’t Mrs Bloom be compensated?”

Lucy was less sure:

   “Well, I don’t know. I know that paying for Jessica’s school and Ann’s college books cost a lot of money.  And well Ben had a good pension scheme and life insurance. So although I’m a widow I am NOT poor.”

Jane explained her brainwave.

   “Perhaps not money. How would it be if Ollie paid for his new dresses and the work you are doing by, say, washing Nancy and Bob’s nappies for the next three months.”

Jane then talked to her brother:

   “Isn’t it nice of Mrs Bloom to let you have pretty dresses. And I’m sure you’ll be very glad to help her out with the nappy washing won’t you?”

He nodded. This was not enough. He ended up having to write, and then read out loud a contract:

   “I Oliver Hill, also known as Ollie, promise to wash all the wet and dirty nappies belonging to Robert and Nancy Bloom.

   “In return Mrs Lucy Bloom promises to adapt her old maternity dresses so as to resemble those of young girl children and to give me the training bras and panties once worn by her cousin Samantha.”

They both signed and Jane, as a lawyer, witnessed the legally binding contract.

So whilst Jessica was away at school Ollie spent all his time at home wearing rather childish dresses. He did all the housework for his wife and also for his sister. He did other work for his neighbor. On a number of occasions he suffered spankings, usually with other ladies watching.

They did not feel that it was right for Jessica to see him in his frocks or across his wife or sister’s knees. Still Jessica could not help noticing that her Daddy now did ALL the housework. He even tidied Jessica’s room for her. Also the trousers he wore were often in pastel colors, and had once belonged to ladies.

Jessica did not see the training bra and childish panties her father wore underneath. Neither did she know that when her aunt invited her father to her home it was usually for a spanking.


  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2009, 05:13:06 PM »
Chapter 5:  Just after the first half term with Jessica at home Jane suggested some ways to reinforce Ann’s authority over her hubby. It took several spankings but in the end he signed some doc-uments.

Jessica was disappointed by her boarding school. It was not nearly as much fun as in the stories she had read. She did like most of the other girls. Then too Jessica was quite a strong willed person. She was often accused of ‘answering back’. She got caned several times. Luckily the school did the hitting in private and Jessica always had her thin school skirt and knickers (for Americans this is the British word for panties) to protect her dignity. Still it hurt a lot.

Then too the school was rather limited in what it taught.

Jessica met her friend Mary who was at the local State (that is what Americans would call a ‘public school’). Mary had lots of fun. The girls were encouraged to think and ask questions. They did learn about history and science. They could learn typing, needlecraft and Domestic Science (or Home Economics). However, this was a VERY progressive girls’ school. Girls did wood and metal work and technical drawing.

Jessica decided that perhaps it would be nice to go to the same school as Mary.

The summer just before Jessica’s 13th birthday Ollie very much encouraged his daughter to change schools. He hoped that with more money he might be allowed to have a bit more money for his leisure interests. In addition he reckoned that it would not be possible for Jane and Ann to keep him in frocks at all.

The school term was due to start on a Tuesday (some 11 year olds would go a day before the rest of the school.) The day before the new school term would be Jessica’s birthday.

Ann had tried hard to persuade her daughter to stay at the boarding school. As it happened she would be starting at junior school as a teacher the same term:

   “Don’t you love me Mummy?”

Ann had explained:

   “Of course I do, I just think that the school you go to will give you the best education.”

Ann had a long discussion with her sister in law.

   “Jane, I have to admit that Jessica’s got a point. I was never enthusiastic about sending children away and this local school is REALLY good. However we do need to keep Ollie on the straight and narrow. It is always harder to keep him under control during school holidays.

   “I think keeping him in frocks is best, but we can’t have Ollie in a dress without Jessica finding out. What should we do?”

Jane’s response shocked Ann. She thought about it for a week. And finally agreed with her sister in law.

A week before Jessica’s birthday Ann told Ollie of their plans for that day. Now by that time Jane had joined the family firm. Her legal qualifications were useful and she actually had greater management skill than her brother.

They mostly worked at different offices, however Jane had been able to increase the number of women in senior positions in Ollie’s office.

That particular week Jane was at the family Company’s Manchester office. However Ann was in regular telephone contact.

Ollie thought he could rebel because Jane was away. He went into the spare room. He removed the chastity device, VERY carefully with a file. He went back to wearing very conventional male clothes. He ceased to do any housework. At the office his hands started wondering, although admittedly not in Molly’s direction

At home Ollie swore a lot and Jessica heard it. Ann was very upset. Over breakfast that Friday Ann asked:

   “Ollie, are you going to change your behavior of the last week and go back to how things were for the last two years.”

He shook his head.

As agreed Jane telephoned Ann from a public telephone at Manchester station. She also had time to telephone a couple of senior people in the family firm. Ann had some good news for her daughter:

   “Your Aunt Jane would like to take you for a little holiday to the Isle of Wight over the weekend. You will be back in time for your birthday party.”

At 1145 AM Ollie, reluctantly, took a call from his wife:

   “Ollie, have you changed your mind about your behavior.”

He yelled, so that Molly, the outer office could hear.

   “I’m going to act like a normal MAN, there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

There was a pause The Ann explained:

   “You are NOT welcome in MY house until you change your mind. I have changed the locks.”

Oliver Hill vaguely remembered some of the doc-uments he had signed 20 months earlier. Just after the telephone call was over Molly told him:

   “Miss Watson is here to see you Mr Hill.”

Miss Watson’s appointment as a senior personnel officer was one of Jane’s suggestions. Ollie had not liked her. Miss Watson asked Mrs Patterson, as Molly was referred to since her marriage, to leave.

   “Is this your signature?”

Ollie saw a Photostat of the paper he had signed two years earlier. He nodded.

   “Your employment contract requires high ethical standards. You have obviously not kept to them. You are dismissed. You have one minute to leave the premises. By the way I understand that your wife has sent a package for you to collect.”

Oliver Hill thought that this was not the moment to fight back. He obeyed. He picked up the parcel.

Now 4 days earlier he had taken two pounds, quite a lot of money, out of Ann’s handbag. However there was only eleven pence left. He sat in a park and looked in the parcel. It contained clothing. Two of the Maternity dresses that had been altered to seem more childish, four very childish pairs of panties, a training bra and 4 pairs of pink ankle socks.

Oliver needed money. He went to his bank. The Manager explained

   “You cannot close the account without your wife’s agreement. An as there is only three pence left in it I do not think that we can give you a payment without closing it.”

Oliver was angry:

   “Did you let that bitch take out all my money?”

The middle-aged manager explained:

   “We are NOT marriage counselors. Mrs Hill merely did, as she was legally entitled to and took out the four hundred and eight pounds in the account. If I could have stopped her I would have. I fear she had moved her account to a rival business.”

Oliver went to a telephone box. He thought that his family’s business was quite well known in the small exclusive sphere it operated. He knew the three other companies in that line. He assumed that they would be grateful to offer him a job and an advance.

He was disappointed.  All the other companies in his field had received telephone calls with telegrams to follow explaining his conduct.

Now Oliver had often remarked that there were too many lazy people on the dole. Now he found the Unemployment office. He explained the situation.

He was surprised to discover that the bureaucrat wanted to telephone his previous employer. He was shocked when it was explained:

   “Well Mr Hill, it is said that you were dismissed for misconduct. I am afraid we cannot pay you anything for at least six weeks. You might qualify for National Assistance. Oh and there are some jobs you might want to check out.”

Ollie checked on four of the jobs. The only one he was offered was as a dishwasher at late night café. He was also very shocked to discover he would not get paid for 6 days.

Ollie slept in the park that night. He then checked on room rentals. He knocked on thirty doors. All wanted a deposit and rent in advance. He worked on Saturday evening and left the café at 1am. Again he slept on a park bench. It rained very hard. He went to the café to start his shift at 2pm. The man running the café said:

   “I can’t have someone working for me looking like you, you’re fired.”

He was given six shillings and eight for wages. It started to rain. Then a hailstorm hit. A little after 7 that Sunday evening he knew he had to surrender.

Ollie rang Ann. He agreed to all her terms. Ann  thought about the unique birthday her daughter was going to have.


  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2009, 05:27:18 AM »
Chapter 6: Jessica and Jane had arrived back in London rather late. Aunt Jane telephoned Ann from a call box. Then Jane talked to Jessica.

   “Your mother is preparing a VERY special birthday surprise. It may not be quite ready until about nine o’clock tomorrow morning. Would you like to stay at my flat tonight.”

So the next morning Jessica came into her home. A breakfast with all her favorite things had been prepared. Mummy ate with her. Then her Mummy explained:

    “You know that I work and your Daddy did some work. We think that it is fair that boys do housework as well as girls. When you were a LITTLE girl Daddy did not do any of his share.

   “Your daddy was also VERY naughty in some other ways. One night your Aunt Jane found your Daddy being VERY unkind to Molly. Now what your daddy did was so naughty he might have gone to jail. I could have divorced him but I did not want to cause you upset.

   “So we punished him in other ways. That is why he now does ALL the housework. He had said it was ‘girl’s work’. He was also VERY immature. So whilst at home we treat him like a girl, a naughty girl. When you have been away he has worn clothes like a little girl and when he has been naughty he has been spanked by your Aunt Jane and I.

   “Now last week Daddy thought he could just do what he liked. Aunt Jane told the office what your Daddy had done. He was sacked. I told him he could not come home unless he promised to do what he was told.

   “Now in lots of ways you are a lady now instead of a little girl. Your Daddy does need people to tell him what to do. He does need to be punished for refusing to tidy your room and being rude to you.”

There was a pause. Ann called her husband.

Then Jessica saw her Daddy as he had been whilst she was away from school. He wore a rather short childish dress. A petticoat peeped out from underneath. He also wore black sandals and pink ankle socks. Oliver Hill curtsied to his daughter and said:

    “I was VERY naughty. I would like you to spank me as hard as you can.”

Jessica thought for a few seconds.

    “Mummy, you know that there are some girls from my old school coming to my party this afternoon. I think it would be better for me to spank Daddy then. I think he would remember it more and not be naughty so much.”

Aunt Jane, who was just about to go to work, had an even better idea.

    “Why don’t you give your spanking now and ANOTHER one this afternoon?”

Ollie went upstairs. He brought down a large armless chair, which Ann had called – ‘the spanking chair’. He then went up again and brought down a heavy hairbrush.

The 33 year old business man placed himself across the lap of his 13 year old daughter. Jessica had been getting quite big and tall and her father was never an especially  big man. This scene, therefore, looked odd rather than impossible and absurd.

Jessica hit her father twice hard on his dress covered bottom. Then her Mummy told Jessica something:

    “We usually find it works best to take the dress up and pull Daddy’s panties down.”

Jessica slowly took her mother’s advice. Then she hit her father VERY hard.

Oliver had dreaded the humiliation of having his young daughter being able to treat him in this way. He had kind of consoled himself with the thought that Jessica would not be as strong as Jane or indeed as his wife. What he did not know was that Jessica had played tennis at school. Her arms were now VERY strong.

Within a minute he was bawling and kicking  his legs. Jessica carried on the spanking for ten minutes.

In the afternoon Ollie acted as kind of a waitress for Jessica and six of her friends. He had prepared the food that the girls asked for. He cleared away the dishes and washed them. He repeatedly heard comments like:

    “What a cute dress…”

   “I had a dress just like that, when I was four…”

   “A polite young lady does not show everyone her panties…”

At 5pm the door bell rang. Molly, Ollie’s former secretary arrived. Soon Aunt Jane also arrived. Mrs Bloom from next door was there too. Her children were now two and a half. She let Bobby play in the back garden. He would be quite safe. However Nancy sat on her mother’s knees.

Ollie did what he promised

    “All last week I was VERY naughty. I did not do what I was told. I used VERY nasty words. I know that you spanked me this morning but please will you spank me again, Miss Jessica.”

Nine pairs of female eyes watched whilst Jessica slowly and ceremoniously prepared her father for his spanking. His dress was pinned out of the way as was his petticoat. His panties came to around his knees.

The same ladies watched an listened as the spanking went on. The room was full of the noise of a bad boy bawling and of lots of young teenagers giggling.

Stephanie, one of Jessica’s friends asked:

    “Can I have a go?”

So Ollie had to submit to five more spankings. Marta, originally from America, had another idea.

    “I have a better idea than a spanking. My aunt used to wash my mouth out with soap when I said a bad word or lied.”

Marta had to run to the shop but she was able to buy a wash cloth, carbolic soap and a waterproof apron.

Ollie had to kneel down in front of the young American and open his mouth. She scrubbed his mouth VERY thoroughly.

Unfortunately by then the guests had to go home. Just before being put to bed, in the spare bedroom, Ollie had to endure another mouth soaping, this time from Jessica.

Ollie also had to write letters to each of Jessica’s old friends thanking them for the spankings and one to Marta thanking her for telling people about mouth soaping:

   “I am sure that mouth soaping will make it much easier for me to only use nice and true words from now on.”

There were some more changes. They legally changed Jessica’s name to Porter, after her mother. Ollie’s last name was also changed. They moved house to a bigger place which was jointly owned by Ann and Jane who now lived with them.

Ollie, under his new name, did get to go back to work for the family company. His new job had always been known as – ‘The file girl’

Until then this task had been usually given to a 15 year old, just out of school who had not been good at typing or shorthand. It was the most junior and low paid. All the women working there knew of Ollie’s history.

At that time he did not wear frocks at work, though his trousers were not typical of those worn by businessmen. Every morning Molly checked to make sure he was wearing the appropriate underwear  including childish panties, a training bra and a chastity device.


  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2009, 06:46:50 PM »
Chapter 7: Jessica did indeed find that she liked her new school. She was both clever with her hands and her brains. She did not want to learn “Domestic Science” but did want to learn wood and metal work and design.

The teachers often encouraged girls to think for themselves and ask questions. Several of the teachers were elderly and had memories of the movement to give women the vote in Britain.

Jessica did make friends at her new school. She decided not to invite them to her home. She did not want to tell other girls all the details of her father’s new role.

Despite the unusual nature of her parent’s relationship Jessica was in lots of ways a normal teenage girl with normal attitudes and feelings.

One Monday she desperately needed to go to the nearest pharmacy, for very feminine reasons. This particular place was very old fashioned. There was no idea of getting what you wanted to buy. What happened was that you had to line up and ask for what you needed. The pharmacy was crowded; lots of people got their prescriptions filled on a Monday afternoon.

Jessica tried whispering:

   “I need some S.T.s”

Lots of people used the initials rather than the full word “sanitary towels” or sanitary napkins. She had to repeat what she wanted:

    “Are they for you dear, or  for your mother?”

Jessica wanted to avoid a repeat performance of this experience. Then she had an idea.  Jessica REALLY did not want to risk running out. So the next Monday she popped over to her father’s work, just at the end of lunch. She told him what to buy.

Except when he was getting shopping Ollie did not carry a bag. Jessica took a string bag with her. This bag was very useful because it could be quite small in a pocket or handbag but could carry quite a lot. It had, from Jessica’s point of view, one the great virtue of showing off the contents.

Jessica’s best friend was a girl in her class called Sophie. She happened to be at the pharmacy to get some aspirin for her mother. The next day at break she told several girls, including Jessica about her experience.

   “It was amazing. There was this bloke. He asked for sanitary towels. He then carried them with him in a string bag. Would you ever carry that stuff in a bag like that?”

Jessica smiled. She told her Aunt Jane and her mother what she had done.  She also had a brief chat to Mollie and to their neighbor Mrs Bloom. For the next three years nearly every Monday Ollie had to line up in the pharmacy and ask for sanitary protection.

A few times he was sent back because he had got regular sanitary napkins when night ones were needed or the other way around.

Jessica did well at school. Of course she had no chores to do, not even tidying her room or ironing her own clothes. A couple of timed Ollie had burnt her school uniform when ironing. On each such occasion Ollie knew what to do.

He curtsied:

   “Miss Jessica, I am very sorry I have been very naughty would you please spank me.”

Usually Jessica managed to make sure that her mother, her aunt or her neighbor was on hand to watch the spanking. Jessica did quite a lot of sport and exercises. Each spanking from his daughter seemed to hurt Ollie even more than the last one.

A few times Jessica found that her father had said things that were not 100% true or used naughty words. Jessica had got quite skilled at mouth-soaping.

Every half term and every holiday from her old school Jessica invited her friends from there. Ollie spent a lot of time waiting hand and foot on a group of giggling, rather privileged young ladies. At Jessica’s suggestion her friends usually wore trousers for these occasions.

Jessica was really uncomfortable about keeping this big secret from her current school friends, especially from Sophie. On the other hand she feared she would be teased and wondered what would happen if she found out.

At the half term holidays girls were expected to do work on a project. The summer before she was 16 Jessica left at school a file with all the material for her project. Sophie saw this. She was very worried that her friend’s school work might suffer. She asked her teacher what they could do. The teacher gave Sophie the file and the address.

Sophie took the bus and went to her friend’s front door. Actually she was quite curious about what kind of a home her clever, kind friend had. Sophie knocked very hard.

At the time Jessica was reading a book and Ollie was busy with a huge pile of dishes to wash. Jessica did not want to answer the door to unexpected visitors. Ollie was shocked and scared. He always hated it when new people found out about his dress and treatment at home.

He dropped a vase. Jessica heard the sound of the glass breaking. Sophie decided to look at the side of the house to see if she could find her friend. The kitchen window was open. So Sophie heard Jessica yell

    “Ollie, that was Aunt Jane’s favorite vase. I am sure  she’ll give you a very hard spanking, but right now you can clean up the mess.”

Then Sophie saw through window. There were no drapes. Jessica saw her friend.

Jessica went to the back door and let her friend in.

    “Who is this?”

 Sophie asked, she was not 100% sure of the gender of person in a childish dress, with a petticoat peeping underneath. Jessica decided quickly the best way of using this situation. She looked at her father

    “This is Sophie, my best friend from school. I think you should tell Sophie who you are and why you wash the dishes and wear what you do.”

Ollie was confused.

    “Er erm…”

Jessica talked to him again:

    “Are you not going to curtsey to our guest?”

Ollie did a curtsey. Sophie was surprised. She had learned about curtseying when she was 8. But she had not used that skill since she was 9.

    “I am Jessica’s daddy. My name is Ollie. I used to be an ordinary man but I was VERY naughty. I need to be punished. I thought doing housework was doing girl’s work so I wear dresses like a little girl.

   “When I am naughty my sister Jane, Jessica’s Mummy spank me.”

Jessica twisted the knife a little more:

    “And who else spanks Ollie when he is naughty.”

He paused and then answered:

    “When I have been very naughty sometimes you do Miss Jessica, also any other lady who thinks I have been naughty can spank me.”

Ollie curtsied and made tea for the two girls whilst they talked about their projects. Sophie asked:

    “Does your aunt really spank your daddy?”

Jessica was surprised:

    “Of course she does. So do I. Now Ollie needs a spanking for breaking the vase. Would you like to watch when Aunt Jane does the spanking?”

Sophie was both fascinated and amused. What especially pleased her was that this man, who was only a little less than average height an build curtsied and asked his sister:

    “I was a very naughty child. I broke your vase. Pretty please will you spank me very hard?”

Sophie had been invited to dinner. She telephoned her mother who said it was okay for her to stay with her friend. Sophie noticed that the naughty man was not allowed to eat when he was naughty. Instead he stood in a corner, panties around his ankles and holding up his dress and petticoat.

Over the next few weeks Jessica, very carefully, sounded out a few other friends from school. Ollie got to explain himself to six more teenaged girls. Jessica was also waiting for an opportunity of her father being naughty. It came. He has actually forgotten to get her sanitary napkins. He said he thought the shop shut early, which was a lie.

Jessica, of course, always made sure she had more protection available than she needed at any one time. There was no danger of her running out. Her father did not know that.

So the next afternoon Ollie had to go to the shop. This time Jessica had told her friends of the shopping arrangement. Sadly the shop was not as crowded as it would be on a Monday. However six teenaged girls had asked for various tablets and things. They then looked at things whilst a middle aged man purchased sanitary napkins. As always on these errands he carried the purchase in string bag which showed any passer by what he was carrying.

They then stayed on the other side of the road, giggling, as Ollie walked home with the string bag containing Jessica’s order.

About a quarter of a mile from home the girls started to run. They were all ready when Ollie rang the doorbell. He was NOT allowed a key to the front door.

Ollie went upstairs and changed into his little girl dress and petticoat, As soon as he got down he curtsied and gave Jessica her change and her protection. Then six girls sat and watched.

   “You were supposed to get my special shopping yesterday, did you do it.”

He shook his head. Jessica was not satisfied.

    “Answer properly.”

He obeyed

    “Yes I did forget.”

Jessica had more questions:

    “Was that naughty?”

He answered, even though he knew her next question.

    “Yes it was naughty.”

Jessica wanted to savor the moment:

    “Please go upstairs and get the special chair.”

He obeyed. She continued:

    “Then go and get the heavy hairbrush, I think there is something you need to ask.”

Ollie went upstairs and brought down heavy wooden hairbrush. Then he curtsied as he handed the hairbrush to the 15 year old.

    “I have been very naughty, would you please spank me.”

Whap, whap WHAP!!

Jessica gave her father an especially long especially heavy spanking. He thought his punishment was over after he had spent half an hour in the corner showing of his very red bottom. He was wrong:

    “Ollie, did you say the chemist shut early?”

   “I did.”

   “Was that true or a lie.”

   “It was a lie.”

   “What do you ask Miss Jessica after you tell lies.”

   “Please Miss Jessica, would you wash my mouth out with soap because I have been a naughty child and I have told lies.”

This time Jessica not only allowed her friend to watch but also got them to take part in soaping the washcloth and scrubbing the inside of her father’s mouth.

Jessica was still a bit cautious about who she told about her father. Still every girl who did know thought that Jessica Porter was the coolest girl in school. Lots of other girls thought the same thing even when not knowing the specific reason for her coolness.


  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2009, 08:48:05 AM »
Chapter 8: Jessica had been a bit disappointed not to see more of her friend Mary. Part of the problem was that the secondary school did grades went by slightly different birth dates. So Mary, 15 was in the grade immediately behind Jessica.

Now it was not usually ‘cool’ for a fifth former, as Jessica now was, to be very friendly to a fourth former, like Mary. But when Mary wanted to talk to Jessica, she was very happy. Mary was not worried about herself. She was doing well at school as was her friend Angela. However Angela had a little sister called Melissa. Melissa was very worried about her friend Abigail.

Abigail was always very sad and Melissa wondered why. There were two problems. One was that Abigail’s Daddy had indeed been very naughty. He had taken money from his office and was now in jail. Melissa had always stood up for Abigail and not many girls in her class were nasty to Abigail.  Although there were also boys in the junior school the girls tended to play separately. So although Abigail knew of the nasty things those boys said she could ignore them.

Abigail’s real problem was at home. Now, to pay the mortgage Abigail’s Mummy had to work for a lot of hours. She had two jobs and did not usually get home until after eight in the evening. Abigail’s brother Ulysses was supposed to look after Abigail.

Abigail’s brother was a nasty bully. He not only spanked her but also pulled her hair. He found out that it REALLY hurt when he hit her on her hand. So he did that a lot. In those days it was pretty usual for girls to do more than their fair share of the housework. Abigail had learned to iron. She did not think it was entirely fair that she had to iron her big brother’s trousers.

There was one other thing. Abigail absolutely HATED nasty and rude words. Ulysses used these a lot in front of her, especially after he found out how much they upset her.

However what Abigail REALLY hated was that not only did she have to tidy her own room, most kids hate that and still do it. She also had to tidy Ulysses’ room.  If she put something somewhere he did not like she would get hit.

Jessica talked to Mary. Mary was the only daughter of a widow, so she, like Jessica had no experience of brothers. However Mary agreed that boys should do their fair share. She even agreed that if a boy did not do his fair share for a few years maybe he should do ALL the housework.

Jessica invited Mary to meet her father. Mary was astonished, but pleased, to see how Jessica’s Daddy did all she told him to. He looked silly. Mary did not really quite believe that Jessica could spank her father when he was disobedient.

Jessica then talked to Angela. She sounded her out. Angela too was invited to visit Ollie. This visit was even more interesting. Jessica had heard her daddy say a rude word. So after giving the girls tea he had to go upstairs and get the waterproof apron, the carbolic soap and the washcloth.

He curtsied and said:

   “Miss Jessica, will you please wash my mouth out with soap because I used a rude word.”

He then knelt in front of his 16-year-old daughter with her 15 and 14-year-old friends watching.

Then they made some plans. The boys’ school was near the girls’ school. Lots of times they used the same London busses. Usually girls were very careful about talking to boys. One day they just missed a bus. Mary agreed to have a coke in the nearby café with Ulysses.

The next day they went into the café and took the later bus. As it happened Angela had made sure she was near Abigail’s home so that the girl was not left on her own. Ulysses was only slightly grateful.

Mary told Ulysses that she did want to see the movie ‘Psycho’. She thought it would be easier if she were with someone who was clearly over 16. Ulysses suggested going at 10pm. Mary explained:

    “I do not think my mother would like that. You know it is on in the afternoon, there is a showing just after school”

Ulysses was about to say yes but then he remembered his responsibility:

    “The trouble is that I'm on brat sitting duty.

Mary had an answer:

    “Well my friend Angela could look after Abigail, she already keeps an eye on Melissa.”

Ulysses had mixed feelings but he agreed. Abigail was glad to have anyone other than her brother in charge of her.

Abigail was a bit worried when Angela took her to Melissa’s house. Angela explained:

    “I know that your brother makes you do the housework. I have arranged for someone to do that for you.”

As it happened Ollie’s work as a ‘file girl’ finished about the same time as school. Jessica had told him to carry a bag with his dress and petticoat in it. She then supervised him as he did all the housework that poor little Abigail usually did.

Ulysses then saw Mary two or three times a week. He knew that Angela had arranged for his sister’s chores to be done. He thought life was wonderful. He got to have fun, know his sister was being kept in line and also have the chores done.

Abigail had a LOT of fun. Her father had been old fashioned. Her mother was short of money. She literally did not own any trousers. Melissa usually wore trousers except at school She loaned some to her friend. Angela kept a close eye on her sister and her little friend. Still Abigail got to climb trees and have lots of fun in the garden.

The girls also played cowboys and Indians. Abigail did bring her dolls and Melissa played a bit with those. However Melissa thought she was a bit old for dolls.

Mary was very careful. She did not like Ulysses kissing her. Actually later she would decide that she did not like boys at all in that way. However she did manage the right balance of resistance and acquiescence.

After about 4 weeks the moment came. Ulysses’ first idea was that they go into some local woods, to ‘go all the way’. Mary said that her mother would be out at work until after seven and it would be fun to have a proper big bed.

Mary was lying on her mother’s bed. Ulysses was looking forward to what would be his first time. He was buck-naked.  Just as he was about to do the deed he heard a yell:


 It was Jessica.

    “You know that this young lady is 15. you were going to have sex with her. You could go to borstal.”

A borstal was like a jail for older teenagers. Ulysses was embarrassed.

    “I err, I think you misunderstood. Anyway I’m going.”

He turned around and reached for his trousers. He saw a third girl, it was Sophie. Jessica pulled open the window and Sophie threw his pants out. Sophie was quite skilled at sports. She managed to land the boy’s clothes in the small pond in the back garden.

Mary’s preparation had included locking every pair of trousers she or her mother owned into a case and hiding it.

    “I think someone needs to cool down.”

Ulysses went to the bathroom and submitted to a cold shower.  Jessica, Mary and Sophie watched.

    “Now, I think we can make sure this does not happen again.”

Remarked Jessica as the naked boy came out of the shower. She pushed a big bag of ice to an especially delicate area. He yelped. Then in seconds Jessica wrestled him. He was on his back. Jessica held has hand very firmly above his head. Sophie sat on his knees. It was Mary who fitted and locked the device.

    “Oh, by the way the keys are at Jessica’s house – in a safe.”

The delinquent spent an hour naked, except for a chastity device, which was in clear plastic. He knew it would hurt a lot if he got an erection . He also got his first experience of sitting down to pee. Mary kept the door open so that people could watch this humiliation.

Then Jessica explained:

    “Only women live at this house. You can go home naked or you can ask if Mary would lend you one of her uniforms.”

Now the clocks had just gone back for the autumn. That meant that it was dark by five. Ulysses decided he would be less conspicuous wearing his would be conquest’s uniform, including the than naked.

Jessica had brought a tape recorder. In those days they were real to real. She recorded Ulysses asking:

    “Mary I would be very grateful if you could let me borrow one of your uniforms. I would like to wear it.”

Photographs were also taken. They included one of him in a bra (padded with old stockings, and school knickers and a six more of him in the uniform.)

Ulysses’ punishment had not, however been finished. Not by a long way.


  • Super Sissy
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Jessica's Daddy
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2009, 02:53:09 PM »
Chapter 9: Ulysses had planned to run home as fast as possible, to give as few other people as possible a chance of looking at him in the twilight, in Mary’s spare uniform. However Sophie took his left hand and Jessica his right one. He was walked very slowly in the half light a half a mile to his home. All was dark inside. He hoped that nobody would see him as he was DRESSED.

Because Mary was smaller than he was her uniform did not fit ideally. It was very hard for him to avoid showing off his knickers.

Jessica had taken his keys from his trouser pocket. She opened the door. Just after he got in he heard steps from behind. Not only was Abigail coming up the path but so were Melissa and  Angela.

There was a discussion. Ulysses was sat in the middle of the sofa, Jessica and Sophie sat on either side of him, keeping a firm grip on his hands. He could not get up and therefore could not get out of the uniform.

   “Did you hit Abigail on the hand?”


   “Did you make Abigail tidy YOUR room?”

   “Yes I did.”

   “Did you make Abigail iron YOUR clothes?”

   “I am sorry I did that.”

   “Did you pinch her and pull her hair?.”

   “I did.”

   “Did you punch her in the face?”

   “Err I suppose so.”

   “Did you use nasty words in front of Abigail.”

   “I err- it depends on what you mean.”

This conversation was  being recorded in two ways. A new real had been put on the tape recorder and his confessions were being saved. In addition Mary was typing a statement.

He duly signed a confession, which also included trying to have sexual intercourse with Mary. This had been typed before the discussion; they did not want to go into details in front of little Abigail and Melissa.

   “Do you deserve to be punished?”

   “I suppose so.”

   “Do you want to go to borstal or jail or would you rather we handled it?”

   “It would make mother very unhappy if I got a criminal record.”

Jessica then asked:

   “Do you have any money?”

   “I have a bit, maybe I could give some to Abigail.”

Jessica thought a bit:

   “Yes I do think that your little sister is owed some back pay, however we need to get what we need to punish you. Please go and get the heaviest hairbrush you can.”

Jessica followed Ulysses to his room. He started undressing.”

   “No, don’t get out of the uniform, just get the money.”

He obeyed. He then went half a mile to a shop he hoped he was not known at. He bought the hairbrush. He tried to sound girlish. Jessica and Sophie had followed and listened as he bought the spanking implement.

As instructed, when he came back he said:

   “I have been very naughty, would you please spank me.”

Jessica was not satisfied.

   “I told you to curtsey when you asked.”

It took six attempts. All of them really showed off the green knickers under the dress he was wearing.

Now on quite a number of occasions Ulysses had been hit with a bamboo cane. Three times he had ‘six of the best’ but it was usually only one or two. He did not like the idea of the humiliation of all those girls watching him being hit but he guessed it could not hurt all that much.

However there was another factor. When the young man was caned at school it was always thought is trousers and underpants.

He lay across Jessica’s knees. She sat at one end of the sofa.  They did not want him struggling so that Sophie held his right hand and Mary his left one. His legs went over the side.

Jessica flipped up the skirt of Ulysses’ dress. At her request Abigail used nappy pins to make sure that the dress stayed out of the way. Then Jessica pulled his knickers down to his knees.

The first half a dozen blows with Jessica’s hairbrush did not hurt any more than a couple of hit with the cane. Six more blows followed. These were heavier.

It took Jessica a couple of minutes to get into her stride. It took seven minutes for the schoolboy to reach the point of crying. The spanking went on for nearly twenty minutes. By the end he cried like a baby and kicked his legs helplessly in frustration.

Jessica cooked a meal ready for Ulysses his sister and his mother. He stood in a corner with his knickers still down and his dress still up.

Jessica then explained what was going to happen in the future.

   “From now on you will get into a dress as soon as you get home. You will do all the housework including tidying Abigail’s room and washing and ironing her clothes. Mary, Sophie, Angela or I will be there just to make sure you do what you are told.

   “You will also wear school girl knickers under your school clothes except when you have to do games. Oh and the chastity device stays there until you are due to do games.”

Mary had one more suggestion:

   “Ulysses sounds like a hero. I think from now on we should change his name- I think that ‘SISSY’ sounds about right.”

There was one more punishment he had to comply with. Ulysses would have to go the pharmacy that he had been instructed to go to on Monday. There was a long line. He figures that he ought to get a receipt from the place.

There was a girl he did not know looking around, and listening. The schoolboy asked for and was given a bar of soap. As he left the pharmacy he saw Jessica.

   “Did he do what he was told?”

The girl he never saw simply said:

   “He just asked for a cake of soap.”

Jessica addressed him:

   “Sissy, you were told to ask for carbolic soap, and tell the lady behind the counted what it was for.”

The boy again went to the back of the line. Jessica, Mary and Sophie stood just behind. After lining up for fifteen minutes he said

   “Please Miss, I got the wrong soap. I need carbolic soap. My mouth needs to be washed out because I used REALLY bad words.”

The lady smiled:

   “Of course young man.”

Jessica added:

   “I think he needs a flannel and a waterproof apron.”

He completed the purchases.

This punishment was carried out in a different way. This time he curtsied to his little sister and her little friend and asked each of them to wash his mouth out with soap.

As it happened Abigail and Melissa’s smaller hands made them even more effective at the mouth soaping than older girls.


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