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Author Topic: Harry's summer  (Read 11033 times)

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  • Super Sissy
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Harry's summer
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:07:01 PM »
Roberta was 20.  She was a smart and responsible young lady. She had taken more and more responsibility as her parents illnesses got worse. She had postponed her University entrance.

She had three younger siblings. Abigail and Jessica were twins aged 2. They were smart and adorable,

Harry was 16. He was not. He was always shouting and slamming doors. He also often stole money to get drunk. This was a big problem, as they did not have all that much money in the first place.

Roberta spent a lot of time with young mothers of toddlers. They were surprised that Abigail and Jessica were not going through the ‘terrible twos’

Roberta was taller and stronger than Harry. She was a sportswoman.

Roberta was very frugal. She used a blender rather than spending a fortune on small jars of baby food. She had saved the cost of disposable nappies. Jessica and Abigail wore traditional terry cloth nappies.

She had proudly told the other mums and guardians at the one o’clock club that not only were her little sisters potty trained in the day but that for the last month they had been dry at night.

Harry’s mum had done his washing. Somehow Roberta ended up getting this task.

She noticed brown on his underpants. She also knew that every Friday and Saturday after he got drunk his bed was usually wet.

Harry was going out and getting drunk more often.

Roberta was about to get rid of the nappies that Abigail and Jessica would no longer need. She had noticed in Boots plastic pants in larger size.

She took some of the old nappies. She used her scissors and sewing machine.

Roberta talked to her little brother.

  “If you get drunk again and wet the bed I will deal with you.”

Harry ignored her. He was in for a surprise.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: Harry's summer
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 04:39:43 PM »
Harry had wanted to date Angela. A few months earlier his bad boy act had attracted her. Then she realised it was not an act. Roberta slightly knew her. Harry had been supposed to work with Angela on history. He went off and got drunk.

Roberta phoned Angela. Now Angela’s great aunt was a wiccan. She did not ride on a broomstick but did know about certain herbal properties.

It was the last week  before summer vacation from school. Harry had taken it as an opportunity to get drunk every night.

On Tuesday Harry was especially pleased to see Angela. She was 18, could legally have drunk alcohol but in fact there was no vodka in her orange

After five pints Harry hardly noticed the powders slipped into his sixth.  It was ‘only’ 9pm and he had drunk ‘only’ five and a half pints. Yet he felt unsteady. Angela called his sister.

Roberta and Angela got him home.

Harry was confused. He was together enough to be embarrassed when  Roberta told the girl he desired about the state of his underwear. Roberta explained

    “So I have put all your old pairs of underpants in the rubbish bin. I have got you some new undies.”

He was a little embarrassed at the revelations. Still new underpants seemed good.
He barely resisted as his big sister undid his trousers. He had not yet wet himself freshly but there was a brown mark on the back of his underpants

He was confused as ‘towels’ were slipped under him. They were bulky. He was too weak and tired to resist properly as the plastics went over.

Now Jessica and Abigail had just got put into twin beds. They had previously shared a long cot lying at opposite ends. Angela and Roberta walked. Harry to what had been the girls’ room.

He fitted into the cot.

At just after 7am Roberta opened the curtains. The light from the East and his sister’s shaking woke harry.

The cot and the sheets were dry. This was because the carefully kite folded double nappies had done their job.

   â€œWhat the f*** is going on?”

He asked.  Roberta responded

    “Aunt Roberta’s going to change Harry’s nap naps.”

He was confused and angry

    “Hey what did you do?”

Roberta smiled

    “I prevented a wet bed.”

She explained.

He was confused and embarrassed as his big (nearly six foot) sister lowered the side of the cot and eased him onto his feet. She walked him to the bathroom.

He saw in the mirror. He had a pyjama top and soggy sagging yellow nappies under clear plastic pants

He did  not resist as she removed the top. She had him standing on old newspaper as she pulled down the plastic covering.  He saw in big letters “Harry’s nappy bucket.”.

He saw the nappies go into it. Then he got a big shock

Roberta was strong enough to lift him into the bath. This first time it was   full of COLDmg]


Roberta wore a long plastic apron.  She washed him all over. He tried to resist but she was too strong.

When she had finished and dried him Roberta lay her brother on towels
She sat on his tummy

  “Now lie still, you do NOT need big boy hair.”

She terrified him into lying still as he realised he was experiencing a very intimate shave.

She walked him down stairs, naked. He was shocked to see Angela and also Susan, their 10 year old neighbour eating breakfast.

Roberta talked to her immature brother

  "Now are you going to ask Aunty Roberta to put you into fresh nappies?”

Anger overcame embarrassment.

    “Shut up you f***ing b****. And give me proper clothes.”

Roberta was waiting for this.

    â€œSomeone needs SPANKING”

She said

There was brief one sided struggle. Roberta was able to get her brother over her knees.

At first he was aware of the most extreme embarrassment. He was naked. Two girls saw him in the shaming position. Roberta lifted her hair brush

Whap Whack Spank. WHAPPP!!!

After thirty seconds all he was aware of was PAIN!!!

It seemed that the spanking was lasting FOREVER

The spanking lasted for 30 minutes. To Harry it felt more like that many hours.

By the time it was over he did not resist as Roberta slipped on double nappies  around her brother’s intimate area. The plastic covering this time had a lock.

Roberta then explained

    “No more puddles in the bathroom.”  


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