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Author Topic: Under 12s  (Read 36468 times)

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Re: Under 12s
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2016, 05:11:54 PM »
One day Joe's mother told him that she had a friend coming to visit their house.  "Now if you are a very very good baby when my friend is here, you can have some chocolate chip ice cream later."  Joe's eyes lit up.  He was rarely allowed anything but milk and pureed vegetables.  He was determined to earn the treat.

When the doorbell rang, Joe played enthusiastically with his rattles.  When the lady was shown in, he looked up and smiled.  "Oh isn't he adorable?!"  His mother was pleased.  "Would you like a coffee?", she asked her guest.  "Yes please."  "I'll get it now.  Sweetie, why don't you stand up and show off your pretty dress?" his mother suggested as she left the room.

Joe scrambled to his feet and stood bow legged in front of the guest.  She giggled on seeing the full extent of his nappy, the frilliness of his nappy cover and his long pink legs in the tights.  "Why don't you give me a twirl."

Joe waddled a twirl with his petticoats fluttering and faced her again smiling.  "Does Baby like his pretty dresses?", she asked, looking at the fine collection hanging in the wardrobe.   It killed him to pretend but he nodded and gurgled happily through his soother.  She was pleased with the answer.

His mother returned with cups of coffee.  "Tell me how this came about again", the lady asked, "I know it started with the advertisements."  "That's right", his mother confirmed.  "Well the film crew created such a wonderful nursery and made such pretty baby dresses for him, it seemed a shame not to make the most of it."

Joe flopped down on his bottom again and decided he should look happy playing with the blocks.  The women watched him as they chatted and smiled.  "Then the waitress from the restaurant told us she needed a room and it just seemed to make sense to let her have Joe's room while he was in the nursery.  Then the garbage men accidentally took away all his boy's clothes.  Well it just seemed like it was his destiny at that point.  It's so lovely having a baby to look after again."

"Yes, I can see that.  And Joe, do you need your nappies now?"  Joe looked at the floor of his pen and nodded gloomily.  Keep thinking of the chocolate chip ice cream at the end of this, he reminded himself.  "That's alright sweetie, don't worry", the lady said brightly.

"Are you happy here now being kept as a baby?" she asked.  Joe wanted to cry.  His mother looked at him with a fixed smile which managed to look threatening.  Joe nodded and suc-ked hard on his soother.  "Very good", the lady smiled and drank her coffee.

They chatted about the weather for a while and then the lady went to leave.  "Bye, bye, sweetie."  Joe held up his rattle and shook it and smiled.  She laughed.  Joe looked forward to his ice cream reward.  He was sure he'd earned it.

They left the room and he sighed with relief, no longer needing to keep up the pretence.  He could still hear them in the hall outside.  "Well, I'm satisfied and I'll report back to social services that there is nothing to worry about here.  He seems quite happy being kept as a baby in his nappies, pretty dresses and tights."  "Nnnngggghhhhh?????!!!"

Joe scrambled to his feet.  He heard the front door being opened.  "NNNNGGGGGHHHH!"  He shook his rattle desperately.  "Sounds like he needs a change", his mother told the lady.  "Well I'd better let you get on with it", she said walking out the door.

Joe heard the door close and the ladies' steps walking down the pathway.  She was gone.  As was his last chance of a reprieve.  His mother came into the nursery with a nasty smile.  "Well done sweetie.  You managed to convince her."  Joe flopped down on his thickly nappied bottom again.  A bottom that was going to stay thickly nappied.  That was it.  He was going to stay a sissy baby wetting his nappies and wearing frilly baby dresses.  That ice cream was going to taste quite bitter now.

[And that's it folks!  That's as much as I can wring out of this scenario.  Thank you all for the kind, encouraging comments - it really helps to know that someone is reading and enjoying it.]


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