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Author Topic: JUST LIKE HIS SISTER  (Read 37571 times)

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« on: April 04, 2006, 04:19:41 PM »
* Top Author for 2006*

Terry sat nervously in the back of the police car as he waited for his mother to arrive. The last day of school was supposed to be a fun romp, not the horrible chain of events that had him wondering if he'd be in high school or prison in the fall. Summer vacation was definitely not going be as the fourteen year-old had planned it.

He wondered what he was going to say to his mom when she got there. Of course he'd offer to pay, but would even that be good enough? Maybe she really would have him jailed. They'd fought most of eighth grade over his friends, clothes, music, and hair. Having "little miss perfect" for a sister wasn't much help either. Tina was eleven, an honor student and did any and everything their mom wanted. About the only she didn't do was boss him around. Being older, he would shut her up if she tried to tell him how he should be acting and would put her to work on the house chores if she bugged him while their mom was at work.

Mom wouldn't be happy about having to leave work early today, Terry realized as her car pulled alongside the police cruiser. He tried to jump up and speak on his own behalf when she got out of the car, but was silenced by Officer Anholt. For ten minutes he explained in detail how Terry had cut school and went to the mall with his friends. Lifting a few CD's became a major incident when they knocked over a huge display to stop the store detective from chasing them. The detective fell through the storefront glass. They'd almost gotten away, but Jared's car stalled just as the police roared into the parking lot. Officer Anholt opened the door and yanked Terry out of the car as he finished talking to his mother.

"Jared Stiles had a record so he's going away for a long time. The other three are being discussed with their parents at the station now. I'd have kept Terry locked up there, too, if I hadn't recognized his name. My wife's a teacher at Millwood Elementary. She always talks about how great Tina is and how she couldn't believe Terry is her brother." The police officer glared at Terry as he continued, "...anyway, rather than tie up the courts and make things bad for Tina and you, Mrs. Jameson, I noted in my file that Jared was the ring leader and that you might be able to offer a better "reform school" for your son than the state. I can and will press charges if you give the word."

Terry sighed with relief when his mother said she would make sure he would not get away with it, and that he would indeed pay for his mistakes. Terry slid into the front seat beside his mother, scared and silent. Officer Anholt finished his conversation with something that terrified the boy even more than he already was. "If he gives you any problems or you change your mind about keeping him with you, let me know. I have seven years to press charges and one word will get him to Grafton Reformatory with his buddies in a heartbeat. Hey Terry, you're lucky your mom is taking charge of you. You should be more like your sister..."

"Don't worry, Officer. This summer will not be a vacation for Terry. I fully intend to "reform" him and I'll certainly call if I need to. Thanks for all your help." The policeman tipped his hat as Mrs. Jameson drove out of the mall parking lot. Her mind was racing with anger as she wondered how best to punish her delinquent son. "More like his sister" had been the policeman's words and they echoed in her mind as she went home.


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« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2006, 09:28:14 AM »
It had been a scary two weeks for Terry. He'd been grounded and neither his mother nor his sister spoke to him other than to order him to do tasks. He obeyed without question, afraid he'd go to jail if he didn't. His mom hadn't even bugged him about cutting his hair. Today was the day his sister went to girl Bear camp. Tina was all excited and her mother was so nice to her that Terry wondered if she'd ever be nice to him again. They stopped about two hours out of town at a fast food place. His mom ordered all three of them salads and diet cokes. He hated both but angrily ate them anyway.

Tina reached for her drink but knocked it over instead. The lid came oFf and it soaked Terry's shirt and pants. He jumped up and screamed, calling her a "stupid bitch." Mrs. Jameson slapped him across the face and he turned pale, wondering what she'd do next. She had him go into the bathroom and remove all his wet clothes. Tina went out to the car to get something for him to change into. As his mother took his things and handed him the bundle, he realized that these were Tina's clothes. He groaned at the thought of wearing them but his mom's orders to hurry left him no options. He slid into the white nylon briefs, wishing there wasn't lace around the legs and waistband. Then he put on the stretchy yellow bike shorts and bra top, feeling ridiculous as he tried without success to tug the top down enough to cover his midriff.

Tina giggled as he stepped out and Terry heard a few laughs from some of the other customers. As they got into the car, Tina remarked that she wished she'd only packed dresses. Terry yelled again and raised his hand to smack her, but his mom's look and reply stopped him cold. "You know, Terry? I don't think I want you in my sight this summer. You keep proving you can't behave at home. Maybe a new environment will change your attitude. You're going to girl Bear camp with your sister...unless you'd like me to call Officer Anholt instead, then you could join your friend Jared and show him your new outfit. So which will it be?"

The thoughts of being hauled off to the reform school in this awful girls outfit and what would no doubt happen next filled his mind. Without hesitation, he said he'd go with Tina and be on his best behavior. His mother smiled as she started the car and they were on their way.

They stopped in Lakeview, a small town just outside of the Bear camps. She pulled up to the doorway of a beauty salon and gave Tina some money. She then gave Terry a look that let him know that he'd better listen to every word and follow them to the letter. "Tina, I have to go shopping for Terry. I want you to take him inside and have his hair done any way want." With an even harsher look at the terrified boy, Mrs. Jameson continued. "Terry, Tina is your BIG SISTER and if I'm not around she is in charge and you will obey her as you would me. Is that clear? Good. Now go in there and do as you're told."

The car drove off as Terry and Tina went inside. The owner was a large woman who eyed Terry suspiciously as she put the last few curlers in the head of an old woman she was working on. She was very overweight, which added to an overbearing personality that could easily overpower the toughest. "We don't allow boys in here..." she yelled as Terry blushed and wished he could melt into the floor. "Not even Tom boys!"

"That's why we're here M'aam" replied Tina as she ushered Terry to the waiting area seats and handed him a MARY-KATE & ASHLEY magazine to read. "My baby sister is going to camp with me and we don't want her to ever be mistaken for a boy again."


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« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2006, 09:32:40 AM »
"Then you've brought her to the right place!" answered the lady with a laugh. Terry wanted to jump up and run away as Tina giggled with the beautician and looked through the hair style magazine. She'd chosen one filled with pictures of girls no older than five or six. He stared blankly at the magazine before him and hoped she'd at least pick out a style appropriate for someone his age. The old lady got up and went to the hair dryers and Terry was waved to the chair. Tina showed the beautician a picture and her eyes widened a bit.

"Are you sure that's the style she wants? Not many girls her age would want to look so young."

"If you saw the way she acted at home you'd think she was a toddler. I think this is just the style she needs."

"If you insist..." said the matronly woman as she handed Terry the picture and took his hand, leading him to the shampoo area. Terry gasped when he looked at the picture. It was from a Christmas catalog and the little girl holding the ornament couldn't have been more than two years old. Her fine, wispy, honey-blonde hair was cut into bangs that barely crept down from her hairline. Curls and ringlets made up the rest of her style, and those barely touched her collar in the back and didn't quite cover her ears on the sides. The red velvet dress she wore barely went below her waist, revealing white tights and ruffly, lacy underwear. Terry dropped the magazine as the thought of Tina making him wear an outfit like that crossed his mind.

Terry was pushed back into the chair as the lady turned on the faucet. She squirted alot of smelly shampoo in his hair and as she went to work, he felt her large chest pressing into his face and he read aloud the name on the smock. "Gertrude."

"Yes, dear?" she answered as she vigorously worked up a lather in the boy's hair.

"Please don't..."

Tina started to say something but Gertrude raised her finger to her lips. "Don't let you leave looking as rough as you did when you got here?" Teased the lady, enjoying her part in teaching an out-of-control child to look and behave properly, "Oh I won't, honey. I'll have you looking so pretty, even you're mommy might not recognize you. Now just hold your head back while I rinse out the shampoo..."

After the rinsing she looked at the magazine picture again and went to the hair coloring shelf. Terry was facing away from the mirror so he couldn't see what was going on. All he could see the magazine propped up on the shelf and the inspiration for his new look. Tina sat nearby, reading her TIGER BEAT and sometimes looking at him and giggling as Gertrude busily worked. He saw his dark brown hair falling to the floor as she thinned and thinned it out. He couldn't believe this was really hapening, but had no doubts once he felt the delicate fringe of his new bangs tickling his forehead. Then some strong smelling stuff was gooped into his hair and he cried ouch now and again as she tightly wound his hair onto the curlers. Gertrude then marched him to the front of the salon and sat him down in front of the window to wait for his "hair to set" and she attended to other customers.


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« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 12:45:52 AM »
Terry wanted to die as he felt the many stares of those around him. Passersby would often pause to look as well. As they waited, Tina began using her new power over "the man of the house" by making him read magazines aloud to her. He'd called her a dumb baby in the past and never read bedtime stories to her---he'd sure make up for lost time now. She was practically rolling on the floor as Terry read a diary article in Cosmo Girl describing a first date and how far the guy had gotten with her. Some of the older ladies in the salon thought the magazine too bold for young women and chastised Terry for "enjoying such trash." He was practically in tears as he kept reading aloud about "how firm and strong the boys lips tasted" and "how exciting it was to finally feel a boys tongue inside his mouth and hugging oh-so-tight."

The article ended before the girl went any farther, and Gertrude arrived to finish up with Terry. She asked why he was blushing then said he wasn't old enough to read that kind of magazine. "You're not reading PLAYGIRL too, are you?" she asked the horrified boy in front of everyone? When he defiantly said no, she sat him down at her station and sighed, "I thought so, you only look at the pictures."

"And looks and looks and looks..." Tina added and everyone roared with laughter but Terry. Gertrude took out the curlers and made some final adjustments. When she was finished she turned him around as she picked up the magazine and sat it next to the mirror. He was in shock as he looked at himself. His hair was identical to the toddler girl's in the picture. She removed the apron covering him and he felt so cold and exposed in the bike shorts and bra top. He didn't look quite like a girl but with a casual glance, he'd be very easily mistaken for one.

He didn't want to get out of the chair, but Tina tugged at his arm as their mom arrived with two armloads of packages. A huge smile beamed from her face. Gone was the juvenile delinquent who'd been delivered by the police. The tough with the ratty unkempt hair and gangsta clothes had been replaced by someone who looked demure and sweet. Though he no longer looked old enough to be wearing Tina's clothes, he certainly looked like he belonged in them. "What a wonderful look!" exclaimed Mrs. Jameson as she paid Gertrude. "all ready for Girl Bear camp and cute as a button."

"Just like his sister!" said Tina as they walked out of the salon.


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« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 01:41:59 AM »
Back in the car, Terry, Tina, and Mrs. Jameson began the short drive to Girl Bear Camp. Terry silently looked at the packages surrounding him. One contained a Little Mermaid sleeping bag and matching backpack, In the other were clothes from the "GS Uniform Shop" that he was afraid to look at. He was about to brave it anyway until his mother began talking.

"After seeing how cute you look, Terry, now I'm really sorry that I couldn't get you any Daisy Bear uniforms."

"Awwwwwwww....," interrupted Tina as she opened up the uniform catalog and read aloud, "Daisy Girl Bears are 5 or 6 years old or are in kindergarten or first grade---that sure sounds like Terry."

"I know," agreed Mrs. Jameson, "but he's just too big for his britches. So he'll just have to be a Taffy Bear and pretend he's '6-8 years old, or are in first, second, or third grade' like the book said. Show him the catalog, Tina, he'll still get to wear some very cute outfits. Those six I circled will be the one's he'll be wearing for the summer."

"Here's the sixth uniform, he'll look great in that.Ooooh, and I just love Terry's new bathing suit." giggled Tina as she pulled it out of the bag and waved the soft, stretchy one-piece in his face. Tears were welling up in his eyes at the thought of having to wear that and the rest of the clothes in public. His mother looked on at his discomfort with appproval, and was grateful that she had found the perfect "reform school" for her soon-to-be delicate delinqent.

"Show him the other bag, Tina," added Mrs. Jameson, "and help him pack them into his new backpack. Tina was more than happy to comply, and couldn't keep from giggling as she opened the packages. The panties were heavy cotton girls briefs with lace around the legs and waist. They reminded her of the training panties she wore as she was being potty trained. The matching cami-tees with the little bow at the neckline were just as babyish. Tina could just imagine how the other girls would react to having someone looking so immature in their midst. She then thought of her own plans and asked her mom about the camp program.

"Yes, Tina, you got into the "future olympians" program. You'll be doing all kinds of sports and exercises. TThe director said by the time you're done you'll be able to make any team you want at school."

"Am I in that program, too?" asked Terry, hopefully. Except for the clothes, that didn't sound too bad, and he could then stay in shape to keep his place on the football team in the fall.

"Sorry, Terry." answered his mom, "That program is booked up a year in advance and is only for junior and senior girl Bears, not Taffy Bears."

"What program is he in, Mom?" asked Tina, who totally enjoyed watching his face drop and his bullying days come to an end.

"The Taffy Bear Homemeaker and Jewelry Jamboree." answered Mrs. Jameson with a smile. She'll be learning to cook and sew and babysit. Let me read the brochure to you while we're at this stoplight: '...finish your stay with a week full of art that you can wear! Learn to make handmade beads, hemp macramé, awesome barrettes, unique paper-mache bracelets, and a treasure box to put all your treasures in.' Won't that be great, Terry?"

As they drove through the gates of Girl Bear Camp, Terry looked at the swarms of girls everywhere. With his haircut and the new clothes, as well as Tina's new authority; he was beginning to think that the reform school might have been better.


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« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2006, 09:44:33 AM »
Terry's mother made him change into one of the "Taffy Bear" uniforms right there in the car. He was so nervous about being seen that he didn't notice that nobody was paying any attention. He slid on the brown skorts and the feminine t-shirt top as his mom and Tina unloaded the car. One of the counselors walked up and introduced herself just as Terry finished dressing and went to his sisters side.

"Miss Julie," Tina said to the counselor, "this is my little sister Theresa, everybody calls her Terri."

"You almost don't look old enough to be a Taffy Bear, Terri," stated Julie, who was in her twenties and would have made Terry drool had he and his friends seen her at the mall. "But that's ok, we'll have you grown up and helping Mommy around the house in no time."

Terry took her hand and limply shook it, as his mother said he was very shy about going to a big girls camp for the first time. Julie gave Terry a quick hug and told him about where he'd stay for camp and what he'd be doing. Unlike Tina, who'd be doing everything from archery to soccer and having the time of her life, he and "the other little girls" would be closely watched by several councelors as they cooked and cleaned and helped run the rest of the camp. They'd have occasional "swimmies" in the shallow end of the lake, but would spend most of the time would learn how to be "just like Mommy" around the house.

As they neared the cabins, Terry saw the girls huddled around the counselors. Tina grinned as she saw them, too. Even though they were in Taffy Bear uniforms, the style was definitely older looking than any of Terry's, and she knew her earlier guesses about him being the baby of the group were right. She'd love to be able to stay at his side all the time and enjoy his punishment, but she had a summer of fun ahead of her and she'd see him often enough to make the most. She almost burst out laughing when Julie made Terry curtsey and "say bye-bye to Mommy." Mrs. Jameson giggled as she kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye, reminding him to "be a very good little girl and mind all the big sisters."

A few tears ran down Terry's cheeks as he saw his mother head for the car and Tina grabbing her Nike bag and heading to the other side of the camp. Julie handed him his Little Mermaid bag, small and overstuffed with what would be his only belongings of the summer. Even though he was taller that most of the Taffy Bears in the cabin, there were a couple who looked older than 8 and were even bigger than he was. One of them glanced over at him and said loudly to her friend, "does the crybaby miss her mommy?" and remarked that "she better not have a top bunk or someone will get rained on when she wets the bed."

Terry ran to the far end of the cabin, away from the "big girls" among the Taffy Bears. He picked a bed and put his things in one of the foot lockers. several of the other girls came and helped him, adding that they'd protect him from  Tiffany. He sat on the bed and cried into his pillow, he never dreamed that he'd be bullied by a girl nearly half his age. He wished he'd gotten his growth spurt and body hair like Jared and the rest of his friends. Instead, here he was, blending in with little girls and scared to death not to. His mom warned him that if his "true identity" was discovered and he was expelled from camp, Officer Anholt would be the one picking him up. She had gotten special permission for him to bathe and change clothes apart from the other girls, telling the councellors that alot of his shyness was "due to her sickliness because of the 'tumors' in her crotch that she didn't want anyone to see, not even the counsellors." 

Terry sat up when he heard alot of talking and stirring about. The girls were starting to undress and get their bathing suits out. Before he actually saw anything, Julie grabbed his arm, handed him his bag and lead him to the "Big Sisters" bathroom. Alone and inside, he got out the weird belt and the thick cotton pad that hooked to it that his mom had left him. Pulling it on, he felt it squishing his privates a little. He was squished even more when he pulled on the one-piece bathing suit. The ruffles at the waist hid the lumps even more but the scooped neck and wide open back left him feeling so exposed and ridiculous.

Soon he was outside for his first "swimmie." He played and splashed around with the other girls, staying away from Tiffany and her friends. He occasionally saw the Senior Bears in their canoes and kayaks, and wished he could be there instead. Inflatable ducks and fishes were his boats, and the pink water wings on his arms reminded him that he was not to go beyond the safety ropes marking where the water was deeper than three feet.

The whole camp gathered at the picnic area and Terry passed Tina in the food line. She looked at him and smiled as she said "someone forgot their sunscreen." Terry then noticed the pale white "armbands" where the water wings had been and the warm, deep, pink of the surrounding skin. He touched his all but bare back and knew it was the same there. He knew that by the end of the summer the tan lines might as well be brands or tatoos.


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« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2006, 11:41:09 PM »
As the weeks went by, Terry continued to learn cooking and sewing and other "Mommy's Helper" tasks that were having an effect on his body as well as his increasingly nervous and shy attitude. The minimal exercise and lots of food was coating his once-boyish frame with what Tiffany kept calling "baby fat." Terry had an awful time staying away from her and her bullying. Once he complained to a counselor and was told that big girls solved their own problems and weren't tattle-tales. The other little girls would come to Terry's defense most of the time, which made his humiliation even greater.

As Terry got into his bed on a particularly cool night wearing a pink flannel nightie, he absentmindedly fingered the lace at his collar and wondered what Tiffany and her friends at the other end of the cabin were talking about, since they often paused to glance his way and then start giggling. The lights went out and the chatting and giggles died down, and Terry was glad that he was one day closer to the end of camp.

After the counselors had fallen asleep, the biggest of the Taffy Bears slipped away to the restroom. Tiffany stood guard as Brittany got a large bowl from the kitchen and Anna quietly turned on the faucett. Jenifer held her finger under and waited for it to get warm before waving for the bowl. As it was being filled, Julie ran over to the toilet and told Tiffany "that really does make you have to go."

"I told you so," answered Tiffany. "I'll teach that baby to be a tattle-tale on me. AS IF I'd really try to be a big sister to that mousy brat. Too good to use our bathrooms and change with us, now she'll have a reason to keep a whole bathroom to herself."

"I can't wait," whispered Jenifer, "till she finds out the camp rules about..."

"ssshhh" interrupted Tiffany when a counselors bedroom light came on. When it went back out, they carried the bowl to the other end of the cabin. Terry and everyone else was fast asleep. Tiffany slid down the covers and stared in disgust at the nightie. She regarded that and all of Terry's clothes as "sooooo babyish" that they and their wearer didn't belong at camp. Maybe this would get rid of the scaredy-cat once and for all.

As Terry slept, her hand held in the bowl of warm water, Tiffany and her friends watched. Jenifer noticed the strong odor and the others nearly burst out laughing when they saw the tell-tale stain growing in the middle of the bed. Anna took the bowl back to the kitchen and soon the girls were back in bed, hardly able to sleep with the excitement of what the morning would bring.

The strong smell of pee enveloped the far end of the cabin and Camp Counselor Julie angrily looked for the culprit. Terry was awakened by her announcement and as he listened to her he realized he was the focus of her lecture and stood at the side of his bed with his soggy wet nightie

smelling and stuck to his legs and displaying his childish undies to the rest of the Taffy Bears.

"...Girl Bear Camp is where girls come to grow up and help their mommies. We are not a baby-sitting class and we do not potty-train girls far too old for such nonsense. We don't send you home for your mistakes, instead we help you correct them with the help of your sisters in the camp. We told you the rules when you got here and you agreed to live by them. Theresa has been an exceptional little girl until now, but maybe her example will help the rest of you."

Pausing momentarily, Julie went to one of the cabinets and pulled out a small plastic envelope. Opening it, she handed Terry a Pull-on Pamper. He was almost in tears as he took the disposable diaper covered with pink flowers and teddy bears and wentr to the bathroom to clean up. A few moments later, he emerged wearing only the diaper and a pastel yellow, nylon t-shirt. Julie hushed the increasingly loud giggling as he went to remove his bed linens.

"...If you girls aren't big enough to keep your beds dry, you'll wear what Theresa has on until you are. And you'll be joining her in the laundry room instead of Swimmies to clean up any messes you make. Now go get ready for breakfast."

Terry was crying as he emerged from the laundry room to join the others for breakfast. Word spread all around camp and alot of the older girls would swat his bottom or brush up against him to hear the crinkly plastic and confirm the rumors. Everyone knew by the end of the day, and on the way back from supper, Tina and her friends lifted his skirt for absolute proof and asked if he was dry.

Tiffany and her friends were rolling on their beds laughing after they saw the tearful Terry rush inside and crawl under the covers whimpering. "Remember what Julie said," Tiffany giggled to Jennifer, "she has to wear them until she stays dry all night."

"Then I guess she'll be in diapers for the rest of camp." replied Jennifer with a laugh that soon spread to Anna and Brittany as well.


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