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Author Topic: It Never Rains but it Pours  (Read 40771 times)

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Sissy Poopsie

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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2019, 11:36:45 AM »
Loving this story so far. I hope that when he comes out of his trance that he knows what's really happening to him. He deserves his treatment for his cheating ways.

Maybe his mother would approve of his new life style and want to visit. That would make baby Tom squirm I am thinking. Lol


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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2019, 12:11:22 PM »
Liking this story more and more.  Not your usual husband cheats, wife finds out and punishes him with nappy discipline.  It seems that Susan's methods are actually therapeutic for Tom despite her initial and continuing objective.  Tom's early life was apparently horrible and his poor choices as an adult may reflect his early life.  No excuse for his behavior but Tom may end up cured of any psychosis resulting from his earlier life.  Given this most recent episode, I can't continue to see Susan as a talented, yet scheming b___h.  In fact, she may end up giving Tom exactly what he needs.  (ironic smirk)


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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2019, 12:13:20 PM »
Chapter 9

Sarah was becoming very plump and was allowed to use the en-suite bathroom in her luxury patient room. There were no mirrors allowed anywhere near her as she would have been shocked at her transformation. She wore a really old-fashioned heavy nightie with her underwear underneath, not the sexy frillies that she was used to but functional full cut items that supported and covered her up in the appropriate places. They had also managed to find her an old-fashioned knitted bed jacket in a nasty shade of pink that made her look as if she was twenty years older than her real age. Her hair was almost permanently in rollers and hidden under a hair net. On her feet were pink fluffy slippers that sported giant pom-poms on the toes. She slouched about in her room, dragging her feet because the slippers were a size or two too big. To an outsider, they would have said that she looked a bit of a slut, all she was missing was a cigarette hanging out the corner of her mouth. Sarah had lost all interest in her appearance.

The small table in the room was always piled high with chocolate bars, fancy cakes and packets of biscuits that she would pick at almost constantly. She was denied any television or radio and she had little contact with the outside world apart from seeing Julia, Mary and Susan who came in to clean and groom her. Mrs Bowling was her most frequent visitor who came five times a day with breakfast, morning snacks, lunch, afternoon tea and supper, which she ate at a chair which had a little table that could be wheeled in front of her.

The high sugar loading in her diet was starting to take its toll on her teeth and her lack of dental hygiene meant that plaque and caries were becoming a real issue. Her teeth became yellow and her gums developed gingivitis.

Her clothes were replaced every Monday and by the previous Sunday night her night dress and bed jacket were marked by the spillages of her clumsy eating habits. Susan reflected that the total lack of anything to occupy her, meant that food became the sole focus of her life and she ate every meal as if it were her last, shovelling huge mouthfuls of Mrs Bowling’s delicious and tasty treats in to her mouth as fast as she could.

Susan had been regressing Sarah in a very different set of sessions to Toms. It was never possible to make anybody do anything that they would not normally consider under the influence of hypnotism, but it was possible to present a suggestion and for that person to accept the logic of that proposal. So it was that Susan had implanted the need for a dolly that Sarah had owned as a child. Day after day she had implanted that the very best thing in the world was a full-sized baby doll that Sarah could love and care for. It soon became a real burden for all the women as Sarah whined and pleaded to be given a little dolly to play with at every opportunity. Susan started to administer an injection at the end of each session.

After three months of nothing to fulfil her days, Julia brought in a carry cot containing a ‘new born doll” that looked very realistic. Susan carried in a changing table, Mrs Bowling brought in a stack of beautiful baby clothes including nappies and plastic pants, while Mary carried in baby bottles and other items.

Sarah jumped up and down like an excited school girl, clapping her hands together and shrieking in delight. She clutched the doll to her chest and then seemed shocked.

“My baby smells stinky, she has a dirty nappy” she cried

“All babies have smelly nappies sometimes Sarah” explained Mary (who had used some of the contents of one of Tom’s nappies to clothe the new doll) “you have to clean up the baby and put her in a clean nappy”. Mary went outside the room and bought in a baby bath, a nappy pail and a bucket of hot water filled with baby bubble bath. “Now you carefully undress baby and put her dirty nappies in this nappy pail, then you give baby a lovely bath in her bubbles.”

Sarah brightened up immediately and watched as Mary shared her skills as a nanny, carefully washing, then drying the baby and then fitting her in a nice clean nappy. “I love my baby” she said almost in tears.

“Now we will have to take baby away every morning to make sure you are looking after her properly” said Mary “but it will not be for long, and once we are happy that she is okay then we will bring her back to you.”

The four women left Sarah being the perfect mummy and cuddling her little baby and talking baby talk to it as she had with Tom. Downstairs in the kitchen, Susan explained that in a day or so, Sarah should start lactating and that Mary should teach her how to use a breast pump.

She also explained that Tom would be starting the final phase of his treatment.


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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2019, 11:05:10 PM »
I love that you are going to start her lactating hope the dolly gets replaced with the real adult size baby.  Be a fitting ending for the two of them.


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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2019, 06:11:07 AM »
Chapter 10

Tom had progressed over the last four months and had come along really well. He was now using his nappies very happily as a result of his regression therapy and the reinforcement that it was perfectly normal for a baby to wet and soil their nappies. He nursed on his dummy almost continuously and became very upset if he misplaced or dropped it. He now had a pink ribbon attached to his bib with a nappy pin that connected to the ring on his dummy. In addition, Susan had hung dummies of different colours from the bars on his cot with Velcro, so that he would never be without one.

It was impossible for him to use normal cups and glasses and even a sippy cup was difficult with his mittens on, so he had taken to his ba-ba very successfully and always had his drinks in a large baby’s feeding bottle fitted with a NUK 5 teat that she had managed to purchase from Germany.

The main problem was that he looked like an adult, thought like an adult and talked like an adult. Changing him was not going to be easy (and we are not talking nappies here because they were easy!). It was true, that the months spent sitting in his cot had meant that his leg muscles were very much weakened. The bulk of his nappies meant that he tended to walk a little bow-legged and these two factors of bad stance coupled with a general weakness made him toddle very convincingly and he often collapsed on to his well-padded bottom after a few short wobbly steps.

Extensive electrolysis eliminated much of his unwanted hair and the giant course of feminine hormones was certainly having a beneficial effect on him. His stubby crayon of a pen-is no longer seemed to function and erections were becoming a thing of the past. The CB-6000 chastity device that they had purchased was still wrapped up in its box and had never been put to use. If there was a negative, it was in the developing breasts that were becoming increasingly noticeable through his onesie.

All the women were very fond of him and although a smelly nappy twice a day was somewhat unpleasant, they did enjoy him when he was a sweet smelling baby in his sweet baby dresses and playing with his many toys and fluffy animals. He was very restricted my his mittens and they severely restricted what he could play with, but they knew they had to stay on until he was “fixed”.

That day arrived and Tom was secured to the ECT treatment couch, his reins tightly secured, his wrists secured with Velcro to the arms of the chair and a gag fitted between his teeth to prevent him from biting his tongue, or worse, swallowing it. Tom looked terrified, his eyes wide and staring, darting from Mary to Susan in the hopes of finding an explanation to his situation. The mask was fitted to his mouth and the anaesthetic turned on. The electrodes were applied to his forehead with a conductive gel and his vital signs monitored on a screen next to Susan. She tested the circuits and all was well. She nodded to Mary, who help his hand, and began the shock therapy. Tom arched in the chair and shook violently; the vital signs went off scale but she continued with the treatment long beyond her normal protocol period. Oxygen was administered, Tom’s lips were looking dangerously blue and it was a huge relief when he started to turn pink again.

They removed all the straps, took off the mask, unhooked the gag and re-fitted his dummy as Tom slowly opened his eyes. He looked quite vacant, he seemed totally unaware that he had soiled and wet his nappy, only the slow deliberate suc-king of his dummy showed that anybody was in.

They put him in a wheel chair and wheeled him to chair lift that went to his room. He said not a word until they started cleaning him up. “Baba” he spluttered through his dummy, “me baba” he repeated.

They changed his nappy and fitted new plastic pants

“What is your name?” asked Susan

“Me baba” came the reply from Tom and that seemed to be the end of the conversation as he slipped in to a deep sleep.

Over the next three days the process was repeated and Tom was rendered totally listless.

They took off his reinforced mitts and replaced them with pure wool mittens. Tom barely flexed his fingers, but suc-ked on his dummy and drooled far more than normal. He started to make strange noises “ma ma, goo goo, dum dum” it was a primitive baby talk. There seemed no end to it, and his experimentation with vowels and syllables had no bounds as he began to babble incessantly. He flapped his arms up and down with animated excitement as Mrs Bowling brought in his bottle.

Susan and Mary wondered whether they had over-done his treatment as the old Tom has appeared to have been completely burnt out. The hundreds of shock-induced mini strokes had left him almost a vegetable.

“They do recover and bounce back a lot after a few days” said Susan uncertainly, but Mary did not look convinced. Mrs Bowling shook her head not knowing what to think and returned to the kitchen. Mary undid her apron and dropped it on the floor, she then undid the buttons on her tunic and put that on the floor. She then took off her lacy bra and slipped down her pants. She stood naked in front of Tom who looked unresponsive and stared straight through her. Susan was unable to resist her and they began kissing and fondling in front of Tom who continued to suc-k his dummy totally unmoved.

“That is not good” said Susan once they had both orgasmed several times and Tom has transferred his gaze to the mobile above his cot as it glinted in the sun’s rays. “I think I might have damaged him”

“Really?” said Mary “what the hell are we going to do now…….?”

Four months earlier Susan was talking to Mary in bed

"Of course there is always the other scenario" she said "if we don't give the treatment to Tom we can always........."

The two of them started giggling like school children and went back to their frantic love-making.


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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2019, 04:56:14 AM »
hope that is not the end cuz this is a good story


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Re: It Never Rains but it Pours
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2019, 05:33:44 AM »
Fear not Krystal!

I could not decide how to progress this story because there were two scenarios. I have taken the first alternative to its critical point, now I will do the same for the next part. I will leave it up to you guys to decide which version you would like me to complete! If the site goes then you will have to buy the new stories off Amazon! [I do not sell them there by the way!]

While I am writing I have to say a huge thank you to Betty for running this site and for providing the platform for us authors to share our ideas with the community. We are very lucky to have a place where we can visit - and to those who read the stories please contribute - the writers give their time for free and it seems fair for the readers to support Betty and her excellent works!


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