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Author Topic: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party  (Read 6114 times)

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  • Ultimate Sissy
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Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« on: March 25, 2023, 03:28:27 PM »
This story is dedicated to Betty Pearl. Hopefully, Betty is looking down with a smile and will enjoy the read.

I had started this a while back intending to complete it for Christmas but unfortunately could not. Since we don't know how long the site will remain active, I took a little time today to finish it.



  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2023, 03:32:46 PM »
These events took place during the month of December when Mike was 15 shortly after his Halloween adventure as Alice…


Tentatively, Mike Bradley entered the house after school and quickly closed the door to keep out the winter chill. Some snow already dusted the ground, and the days were definitely getting shorter. As he stripped off his winter coat and hung it on the coatrack, the teenager shivered slightly—but not because of the weather. He was uneasy because he knew midterm progress reports had been emailed to parents today, and his grades were borderline at best.

 Although not terrible, his marks were far from great. Ordinarily, he probably would have escaped with a mild lecture. Now, however, he worried that recent events might lead to something more substantial. He tried not to think about… her.

Despite himself, his thoughts returned to his ill-fated shoplifting caper just before Halloween. He cringed silently as he remembered his punishment for that episode. Even after his humiliating turn as Alice in Wonderland at the carnival, the ordeal had continued. For two full weeks following Halloween, he had spent every afternoon after school and all weekend long engulfed in fussy petticoats and pretty dresses. His friends knew he was grounded, but he was still running out of excuses when they asked him any details about his punishment. He knew he was suspiciously vague about it.

The only small silver lining was that his excruciating experience at the carnival had somewhat placated his mother. He was thankful that Cla—he stopped himself and tried to push that name from his mind. He was thankful that ‘her’ last visit ended sooner than expected. Still, Mike knew he remained on thin ice with his mother. His shoplifting had truly upset her. As a result he had been trying hard to stay in his mother’s good graces.

“Mike, is that you?” his mother’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “I’m in the kitchen, dear.” Without waiting for a response, she directed him, “Come here please, honey.”  Then, ominously, “I need to speak to you.”

Mike’s heart fluttered as he walked nervously toward the kitchen. “Uhh, I’m coming Mom,” he called with a shaky voice.

Entering the brightly lit kitchen, he saw his mother seated at the table. There were several papers on the table in front of her. “Come sit down, dear,” she said evenly. She didn’t look too upset, but he knew his mother well. The corners of her mouth turned up slightly as she smiled at him. This was a telltale sign. Whatever was going to happen had almost certainly already been decided.
Carol Bradley watched her slender teenager slide obediently into the chair next to her. Subconsciously, he smoothed the front of his gray slacks in a very particular way. Of course, Carol immediately noted the feminine gesture with satisfaction. It pleased her that these habits were always present now and never seemed far from the surface.

To Mike’s surprise, she didn’t start with his progress report.

“We received this lovely invitation for a holiday party in the mail today,” she began cheerily as she handed him a festive looking card. “It seems Mrs. Haverford from the bridal shop is hosting a small gathering on Sunday, and she was kind enough to think of us.”

Mike swallowed nervously as he read the card and thought of Mrs. Haverford. She knew all about his petticoating! He immediately recalled with shame the moment Mrs. Haverford snugly fastened him into a corset for the first time. When he saw that an RSVP was requested, his groin tingled unexpectedly and he remembered another invitation to a certain birthday party years ago. He shuddered to remember that one and his ‘Princess Best’. Then, he saw how the card was addressed, and his cheeks reddened immediately.

“You can see that it’s addressed to “The Bradley Family”, and then in parentheses it says ‘Carol, Michael… and Clarissa,” his mother said gaily. Mike winced as his mother said that name aloud. It was right there next to his on the brightly colored invitation. But he was also a little confused; Mrs. Haverford surely knew that they couldn’t both attend.

Seeing his perplexed look, his mother continued, “Mrs. Haverford was kind enough to include a personal note with the invitation. She understands that Clarissa might not be available to come, but Michael is still more than welcome. It seems she’s invited all the other ‘Honorary’ Junior Belles from the Halloween carnival, and she wouldn’t dream of leaving you out just because of what she called your “special situation.” She was very diplomatic and wanted you to know that you are welcome either way. I thought it was very thoughtful of her, don’t you dear?”

This was not the conversation he had expected to have this afternoon. Mike had no interest in going to that stuffy holiday party, but at least it appeared he might be able to avoid going in a dress. Warily, he replied in agreement, “Oh yes Mom. That’s very thoughtful.”

“I’m sure Mrs. Haverford would be disappointed if we didn’t go at all,” she began. “If you went though,” she continued thoughtfully, “and Clarissa wasn’t there, the other girls would certainly put two and two together and then we’d probably have to do some explaining.”

Mike flinched as his mother said that name again. It also pained him to remember that at least two of those girls knew already. Molly and Mary from his ballet class had seen him petticoated multiple times now. If he went to that party, it seemed inevitable that more people would learn his secret shame. This was an awful predicament. He really didn’t want to go now.

His mother continued, “Of course, I had planned to discuss all the options with you and then let you decide for yourself what to do.” She paused deliberately for a moment, and then she spoke again. “That was, of course, before I saw this,” she said firmly as she handed him another piece of paper.

Mike stared down glumly at the printed copy of his school progress report.

“I honestly wasn’t that upset about the three C’s dear. Anyone can slip up now and then. But then I saw that you failed to turn in five homework assignments… Five! If you had made even a minimal effort there, you could have gotten all A’s and B’s,” she said reproachfully. She then clucked her tongue ever so slightly, and Mike’s heart skipped a beat.

His mother kept speaking, “And then I noticed the funniest thing. When I looked at the days you failed to do your homework, I realized that none of those days were during Clarissa’s last visit!” She now wore a tight little smile. “Clarissa did all her homework on time!” she said in conclusion. “What do you have to say about that, honey?” she asked him sweetly.

The fifteen year old was now blushing even more. He began to stammer, “Well, uhhh… Cla… she… uhh… well they give us a lot of homework!  No one’s perfect… uhh.. in my class I mean… almost nobody is perfect!”  His voice trailed off weakly.

“It seems Clarissa was perfect dear,” his mother corrected him. She let that last sentence linger for a moment. Mike felt a bead of cold sweat run down his back.

“I think another reminder that there are consequences for our actions is in order, dear,” she said. “You obviously need a little nudge to get back on track before the end of term!” she finished. Her mind was made up.

Dejectedly, Mike began to ask the question he already knew the answer to, “Uhh… does that mean that… for the party…?”

His mother interrupted him before he could finish his thought. With a sweet but firm tone, she asked, “I think you know who’s going to the party, don’t you dear?”

There was a long pause, and then Mike let out a soft sigh.

“Yes Mother,” he said finally. Seeing that she was waiting for him to say it, he continued in a soft voice, “Clarissa will go to the party.” Then, knowing well what his mother expected to hear, he added slowly, “I’m Clarissa.”
“Wonderful!” his mother replied at once. “Then it’s decided! I’ll RSVP to Mrs. Haverford right now and let her know we’ll be there!”  Her words now coming in a flurry, she continued, “Today is Thursday and the party is Sunday, so we don’t have much time to pull together your holiday outfit, but I already have some cute ideas!” Carol Bradley beamed in anticipation now. “In the meantime, Clarissa, let’s get you changed into something more suitable so you can start your homework!”

“Yes Mother,” the defeated teen replied.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2023, 03:55:55 PM »

   An hour later, a glum Mike Bradley sat primly at Clarissa’s wooden school desk doing his English homework. Of course, there was no trace of the teenaged boy who came in the front door an hour ago. To all outward appearances, there was just a sweet and nattily dressed young girl working quietly on her lessons. From head to toe, he was all sugar and spice now. Clarissa was back!

   His long brunette hair was pushed back neatly with a white satin hairband adorned with darling little white plastic snowflakes. In the front, his mother had teased some curls to dangle adorably down his forehead and his temples. She had even used her smallest curling iron to make his girlish curls extra springy in a very juvenile way.

His mother had surprised him with yet another new dress! It depressed him to think about Clarissa’s ever-expanding wardrobe; she showed no signs of leaving him alone even now in his mid-teens. The sissified boy wore a stretchy royal blue sweater dress with narrow columns of tiny white diamond shapes leading cutely down to his waist. His dress was made of a thick knit material that his mother said would be perfect to keep him comfy on cold days. It fit quite snugly around his neck and was very clingy all around his chest and torso. His dress gathered adorably at the waist with a horizontal band of the same white diamond shapes. It was a wonderful dress to showcase his petite waist which was further accentuated by his confining corset underneath.

From there, his pleated skirt flared out in the most precious way and fell just below his knees. Of course, his medium weight white petticoat made the lovely skirt flare even more prominently. Since it was chilly, his mother had also insisted he wear a thick pair of white cable knit winter tights. His shiny black Mary Janes completed the darling winter look. Sitting at his school desk trying to concentrate on his homework, the unwanted tingling in his white nylon panties was growing even more insistent. He exhaled forcefully and re-read the same sentence for what must have been the hundredth time.

Then, from the kitchen he heard his mother on the telephone. After a moment, he realized she was speaking with Mrs. Haverford. Like a laser, the petticoated sissy’s focus shifted immediately. The discomfited teen tried to quiet his breathing and be still so he could hear every word.

“Thank you so much for the invitation,” he heard his mother begin. A pause while Mrs. Haverford obviously replied. “Yes, we’ll definitely be there on Sunday. We’re so looking forward to it.” Another pause. “Well, actually… I’m afraid Mike won’t be joining us. Unfortunately, he’s been misbehaving again.”

Mike cringed to hear his situation discussed so casually. He was on edge as there was another pause in the conversation.

“Of course, Dolores. However, Clarissa will most definitely be there,” his mother said with emphasis. “It’s probably for the best anyway, don’t you think?” she asked. Yet another extended break and then his mother laughed. “Oh that’s exactly right…” he heard his mother say cheerily. “Now I just need to find her a cute holiday outfit. She has so many pretty dresses, but nothing really Christmas-y.” Then, after another lengthy pause, he heard his mother gasp just slightly. “Are you sure, Dolores? I don’t want to put you to any trouble.” Another infuriating pause, and now Mike was on pins and needles. His mind raced as he imagined what this was all about, but he had a sinking feeling. Next, as he strained to hear again, he could just make out his mother say, “Oh that would be wonderful of you. I’ve been looking for something online today, but I’ll admit I’m a little behind. That would be absolutely lovely, and it sounds beautiful!”

Mike heard one last long pause. Then, his mother spoke again, “Of course tomorrow afternoon will be perfect.” As she ended the conversation, he heard her say excitedly, “Thanks so much and we’ll see you then!”

Mike realized he was sweating profusely now in his cozy sweater dress. The tingling in his groin was almost unbearable. He heard his mother’s heels clacking on the kitchen floor and he tried as best he could to return his attention to his studies.

“Good news, Clarissa!” his mother said excitedly as she burst into the den. “Mrs. Haverford has a dress that she thinks would be perfect for you to wear to her party!”

Mike’s cheeks flushed suddenly as his suspicions were confirmed.

“We’ll go see her tomorrow right after school, and that certainly solves our problem of an outfit for you,” she continued with eager anticipation. “Mrs. Haverford is still talking about how absolutely lovely you were in your Alice costume at Halloween. She confessed that as soon as she saw this dress, she couldn’t stop picturing it on you! She sounds thrilled for another chance to dress you up. Once I said you were attending the party, she was positively insistent that you wear it!”

Over the years, Mike had grown accustomed to the ways of his domineering mother. He detested Clarissa’s visits, but at least he had developed coping mechanisms. He was ashamed to admit it, but he had even started “enjoying” sleeping in his frilly nighties. In fact, he couldn’t deny that he was looking forward to some “enjoyment” again this evening.

But now, Mrs. Haverford’s keen interest in Clarissa and her no-nonsense demeanor made him wary. She was so authoritative. Even his dominant mother seemed to yield to her wishes. He ceaselessly fretted as he worried about this new development. Certainly she wasn’t the first person to learn about Clarissa, but somehow Mrs. Haverford seemed to be different…

“Let me check your homework, Clarissa,” his mother said jarringly. Mike’s thoughts were interrupted again. Flustered, he tried to look as demure as possible.

“Of course, Mother,” he answered reflexively.

As she reviewed his paper, she remarked, “I just love that hairband on you, Clarissa. Those precious little snowflakes are to die for!” Mike cringed at his mother’s remarks. Despite the fact that he was now fifteen years old, he was painfully aware that he looked about twelve. Even as a teenager, it chagrined him to know he could still easily pass for a pre-teen girl.

His mind was racing and he felt very off balance. Unprompted, he surprised even himself when he blurted out, “I just love my cute hairband Mother, and my sweater dress is soooooo comfy!” He was instantly angry with himself. Why did he say all that? He groaned inwardly as he realized that Clarissa was more in control than he thought. His hands trembled a bit, and his groin tingled even more excitedly. What was going on?

Reflexively, he daintily crossed his ankles and gracefully smoothed his knit skirt. Then, he shyly brushed a delicate curl off his forehead with an extremely girlish flourish.

Carol Bradley beamed with satisfaction.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2023, 04:17:11 PM »

   It was Friday afternoon and school was out for the weekend. This was usually the happiest time of any teenaged boy’s week. Poor Mike Bradley, however, was miserable. Knowing that all his friends were making fun weekend plans just made his current situation even more dismal. The feminized teenager was in the middle of another extended dress fitting session, and this one came with a new twist. Instead of suffering at home, he was back in Mrs. Haverford’s bridal shop.

   Now, both his mother and Mrs. Haverford were cheerily fitting him into the elaborate Christmas outfit he would be wearing to the holiday party. He stood prominently displayed on a little stepstool while his mother and Mrs. Haverford pinned, fluffed, and tugged his sissyish holiday dress just so. Under his dress, he was of course wearing a fluffy petticoat. A sweet pair of white patterned tights encased his slim legs. His tights were somewhat sheer with opaque white polka dots all over for an absolutely darling look. Buckled snugly on his tighted feet were a very prissy pair of navy T-strap Mary Janes his mother had brought from home. They had a low heel and sported fussy little bows on top.

   â€œI just love the way it falls here, Dolores,” his mother gushed.

   â€œOh yes indeed,” Mrs. Haverford agreed. “But perhaps we should add a couple of darts to really accentuate this lovely petite waist,” she added. “What do you think, Carol?” she asked.

   â€œAbsolutely,” Mike mother nodded her head in agreement. “Just pin it to your liking, Dolores, and I’ll make the alterations at home tonight,” she continued. 

Mrs. Haverford spoke next to her girlish charge, “That corset really makes all the difference, doesn’t it my dear?”

   â€œYes… yes Mrs. Haverford,” Mike replied in a tremulous voice. Once again, the helpless teenaged boy had found himself tightly fastened into one of Mrs. Haverford’s stiff corsets immediately after he had changed into his panties and tights. She had seemed to relish pulling its laces taut and encasing him in the restrictive garment at the first opportunity. He was dismayed to learn this new one was even more confining than the one he had at home. It compressed his already petite waist into an impressively delicate and waifish shape.

   â€œThat’s a longer corset than your other one, Clarissa,” she said with a pleased look. “We can truly highlight your slender silhouette properly with this one,” she added.

   â€œOh honey, you’re going to be so cute for the party,” his mother said lovingly. Doting on Clarissa always lifted her spirits. Carol’s eyes twinkled contentedly as she admired her sissified child’s outfit. “Don’t you feel so pretty in your dress, darling?”

   â€œYes mother,” the defeated sissy said nervously. “I just love it…” he added without enthusiasm.

His thoughts returned to what had happened a few minutes ago as they had entered the shop. This afternoon had already departed from Clarissa’s normal routine. He hadn’t gone home after school to change clothes. Instead, his mother had picked him and driven him straight to Haverford’s Bridal. Extremely self-conscious, Mike had walked in dressed in his normal boys’ clothes. There were few customers in the shop, but of course he was the only boy in there. Boys were a rare sight in this ultra-feminine space. Mike felt every eye in the store watching him with curiosity. He had tried to ignore all the inquisitive looks as Mrs. Haverford greeted them at the door.

   â€œCarol and… uh, Michael,” she had said awkwardly. “Welcome back,” she said as she recovered quickly. She was obviously surprised to see him dressed as a boy. He thought he detected a brief flash of distaste, as if she had bitten into something sour, before her normal smile appeared. “I’ve got everything all ready for you back in the fitting room my dear.”

Next, she called to her shop assistant, “Kaley dear, please mind the register while I’m in the back with the Bradleys.”

   â€œOf course Mrs. Haverford,” the young clerk replied cheerfully. Mike’s stomach fluttered when Kaley turned to him and flashed a knowing smile as she spoke to him, “Hi Mike! It’s nice to see you again!” Then with a wink, she added, “What an unexpected surprise to see you here!”

She knew him! Mike’s face turned crimson as he realized that she had graduated from his high school last spring. She had been a cheerleader. She evidently knew exactly why he was here today. Now, he was devastated to realize that this pretty young girl knew he was a sissy. Clarissa’s circle of admirers had just increased again.

   â€œUhh… hi Kaley,” he managed to croak, “It’s nice to see you too.” His cheeks burned with intense humiliation. His groin sprang to life as he blushed furiously.

   Sensing Mike’s discomfort, Kaley giggled slightly and whispered to him, “I understand someone has been a naughty boy!” Then, she had added, “I know you’re going to adore your pretty dress!”

   Mike had been beside himself at that point. His embarrassment was exquisite, and the phrase “naughty boy” had felt like a dagger.   

   Mrs. Haverford had stifled a small chuckle and said cheerily, “Don’t worry Kaley dear, you can be sure that we’ll have this one properly sorted out in no time!” Eager to begin, she said firmly, “Come along… Michael… so I can get started on you.”

   Noting Mike’s distress, Mrs. Haverford had said nonchalantly, “Don’t worry, sweetie. Kaley maintains the utmost discretion.” She had added, “she’s working here with me while she takes night classes to be a hair stylist and she knows EVERYTHING that goes on in this shop. I trust her completely.”

   This did nothing to soothe the nervous boy’s anxiety. The words “naughty boy” and Kaley’s smirk of amusement were now firmly etched into his memory. Chastened, he meekly followed Mrs. Haverford to the fitting room where he knew Clarissa’s wardrobe was waiting for him.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2023, 04:23:49 PM »

   â€œYou can step down now, Clarissa.”

   Mike snapped out of his reverie and back to the present as Mrs. Haverford issued another order. Obediently, he stepped off his stool at once. She continued, “that should do it. You can change now I think.” Then she couldn’t help but add with eager anticipation, “you’ll be an absolutely scrumptious little Christmas treat at the party!”

   Cringing anew at her remark, Mike shifted his feet and stood awkwardly. He knew there was no way he could remove his dress and tightly laced corset without help. He wondered what he would be allowed to change into. The only other clothes he had were his boys clothes from school.

   â€œDolores can you unzip her for me?” his mother spoke to Mrs. Haverford, “I need to fetch her other dress from the car.” Mike sighed softly. Of course, his mother always planned ahead for anything concerning Clarissa. She had long ago decided that petticoating was only effective when it was strictly and consistently applied. She was diligent down to the smallest detail and rigorously enforced her standards on Mike when he misbehaved.

   Mrs. Haverford grew thoughtful for a moment. It was clear she had something else on her mind. Then, she spoke a little conspiratorially. “You know, Carol, I have a very smart casual dress on the clearance rack that I think would be just darling, and it would be splendid for the cold weather. If you like it, I can let you have it at a very deep discount.” She asked, “would you indulge me just a little more?”   

   Pleasantly surprised, Carol answered immediately, “Well of course, Dolores!” She continued brightly, “You’ve been so generous already, and I’m always looking for new additions to Clarissa’s wardrobe.”

Mike grimaced. Another dress. His agony continued.

   Dejectedly, Mike watched Mrs. Haverford march to the front of her shop with purpose. Standing behind him, his mother unzipped his holiday dress so he could step out of it. He was certain he’d be in it again tonight and probably tomorrow too as she made her alterations. His mother left little to chance. And then, of course, he would be trapped in it again for the party.

In no time, Mrs. Haverford had returned with an absolutely precious corduroy dress. The skater style frock was a deep navy blue, and it was gayfully adorned with dainty white lace. 

   â€œThis will be simply lovely with those navy Mary Janes and tights,” Mrs. Haverford nodded approvingly.

   â€œOh that’s very smart,” his mother agreed, “I just love the way A-line dresses cut such a darling silhouette on her… so feminine! And we can just leave your corset and petticoat on too!” she finished brightly. “Let’s get you into it Clarissa!”

   In no time, Mike was zipped securely into the long sleeve corduroy skating dress. Mrs. Haverford guided him to the full length trifold mirror, and he saw a darling sissy girl staring back. From the neck up, he still looked a tad boyish, but his delicate features and carefully groomed longish hair gave him an androgynous quality. Everything else, however, was all girl. The petticoat made his flouncy skirt poof out adorably. Lace details around the wrist cuffs and a lacy white Peter Pan collar beautifully contrasted with the dark navy dress. A small navy front bow at the waist was embellished with more lace. Gazing in the mirror, he swished his petticoat out of sheer habit and his skirt bounced merrily above his slender legs in response. His navy Mary Janes looked so lovely against his white polka dot tights. The unwanted tingling returned as he gloomily studied the girlish figure in the mirror. He averted his eyes and looked down only to see the dainty bows on his Mary Janes.

   â€œIt’s lovely isn’t it Clarissa?” his mother asked leadingly. He caught her eye and saw her mouthing something to him. Chagrined, he knew what she wanted. The feminized teen turned gracefully to Mrs. Haverford and said as sweetly as he could, “Thank you so much, Mrs. Haverford. I love it!” Then, of course, he dipped into a sweet little curtsey.

“You’re most welcome Clarissa,” Mrs. Haverford smiled broadly.

Carol smiled happily at the lovely sight of her petticoated teen. After a brief moment, she spoke, “Dolores, thank you so much. I’ll get started on the alterations tonight for her party dress, and with any luck the shoes and other accessories you suggested will arrive tonight or tomorrow morning as we discussed. Thank you for sending me those weblinks. I paid for express delivery so I think it will all work out.”

   â€œI’ve got my fingers crossed too Carol, I can’t wait to see the whole outfit!” she gushed. “But if that shipment doesn’t arrive, then her black Mary Janes will work beautifully as a backup.”

Once again, Dolores Haverford admired the vision of girlishness standing shyly before her. In her mind, there was only one small thing amiss, but she had just the thing to fix it.

   â€œKaley, would you come back to the fitting room for a moment?” she called loudly. “And please bring one of those grosgrain hairbows from the display case… one of the navy blue ones.”

   Mike’s heart sank while his mother grinned in gleeful surprise.

   â€œComing Mrs. Haverford,” Kaley called from the front. “Did you want the medium or the large size?” she asked.

   â€œOh definitely the larger one… the one with those darling streamer tails,” Mrs. Haverford replied.

Mike was nearly certain he saw her lick her lips. His groin sprang back to life as he realized there was no escaping another humiliation.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2023, 04:50:37 PM »

After several long moments of tense anticipation, Kaley bounced into the room. She gasped abruptly when she saw the sissified teenaged boy. She immediately noticed that he was blushing intensely.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed with a stifled laugh. “Aren’t you just the cutest thing? Mrs. Haverford told me about your ‘special situation,’ but I had no idea you would be so… adorable!” She gushed, “I love that skater dress on you!” Inspecting the petticoated lad more closely, “Wow I can see you’re even wearing a corset. Your petite waist is just to die for,” she went on. “You look so natural in a dress,” she marveled, “almost as if you were born for it!”

And then with a smile, “That naughty boy I saw earlier has certainly been put in his place!” Suppressing another obvious urge to giggle, Kaley paused briefly before continuing brightly, “I don’t think I can call you ‘Mike’ anymore now, can I?”

Answering for him, his mother responded, “Oh, of course not!” Her eyes twinkled as she addressed her sweetly petticoated teen, “Go on and introduce yourself properly, honey.”

Mike’s cheeks burned with humiliation. Sweat trickled down his back and into his panties. To be exposed in this way was excruciating, and yet he was incredibly aroused. He felt lightheaded. All three of them waited on him to respond.

Aching with shame, he answered in a small voice the only way he could, “My name is Clarissa,” he said reluctantly. “I’m Clarissa.”

“Wonderful to meet you, Clarissa,” Kaley exclaimed cheerily with a wide grin.

The name hung in the air like a weight for several seconds before Mrs. Haverford spoke again. “Kaley dear,” she asked, “You do such a wonderful job with hair. Would you be good enough to help Clarissa with that gorgeous hairbow?” She added with satisfaction, “I think it’s a perfect match for the rest of her outfit, and I just love those nine-inch streamer tails!”

“Of course!” Kaley replied jovially, “It will be my pleasure, Clarissa!” Gesturing to a nearby folding chair, she said, “You can have a seat right there sweetie.”

Mike cringed and sat gingerly down on the padded seat facing the large trifold mirror. All three ladies appreciated how naturally girlish his mannerisms were as he gathered his skirt underneath him and then delicately smoothed it out with his hands in such a girlish way. He could feel his face growing warmer as he watched Kaley retrieve her small white purse from a nearby shelf and begin to rummage through it.

“I think I have all I need in here to fix you right up honey,” she said sweetly to her helplessly feminized charge. After retrieving a few items, she placed the purse on his lap and said, “Hold this for me dear… I’ll be done in a jiffy!” she added cheerily. Holding Kaley’s white leather purse on his lap, he could feel the heat on his face. It was matched by even more warmth underneath his dress and petticoats. He gingerly shifted the purse on his lap and it seemed to trigger electric tingles down into his panties. It was Friday afternoon after school and all his friends were having a ball somewhere by now. Meanwhile, he sat meekly here dressed completely as a little girl and holding Kaley's purse.  He felt hopelessly trapped in a sea of suffocating girlishness.

Mike sat motionless as Kaley stood behind him and ran her fingers through his long brunette hair. He was careful to sit modestly with his knees together as Kaley went to work. She began gently tugging and teasing his locks as she thought about what would look best. Then she pulled more firmly and spritzed a tiny bottle of spray gel on him once she decided. The clean scent of the styling spray filled the teenager’s nostrils. As Kaley continued to twist and tug, she used a few bobby pins to hold his hair in place. Next, Mike felt the familiar sensation of a hairbow being fastened snugly into his hair. Kaley pulled his locks more tautly, and he watched helplessly in the mirror as Kaley added two small alligator clips underneath the big bow to ensure it stayed exactly where she wanted it. Still facing the mirror, he saw the classic girly-girl hairbow was now prominently affixed near the crown of his head. The oversized navy monstrosity was adorned with fussy white lace edging and sported two long ribbon tails that dangled sweetly down past his neckline. To his shame, it was intensely exciting for him to be helplessly enveloped in this extreme girlishness.

With his hairbow securely in place, Kaley stepped around in front of him and sprayed more gel while carefully protecting the bow with her hand. She began working the gel into his bangs and twisting them into delightfully playful curls with her skillful fingers. When she was done, she brushed his shoulder gently and stepped back to the side. The all-too-familiar humiliation and helplessness enveloped him again as he was transfixed by his sugary sweet image returning his gaze.

“Well stand up and let’s get a good look Clarissa,” his mother instructed. Trembling a bit, the sissified boy stood up and faced the mirror. Mike’s knees grew weak as he studied his feminine reflection.

From his oversized sissyish hairbow down to his adorably cute Mary Janes, he was every bit a prissy little girl. His frilly petticoat rustled as he daintily shifted his feet and brushed airily against his lovely white tights. He winced inwardly as he examined just how tiny his feminine waist appeared in his tightly confining corset. Still holding Kaley’s white clutch purse, he was an adorable vision of girlishness.

“Precious… simply precious!” he heard his mother exclaim in satisfaction. Carol Bradley beamed as she watched her completely feminized teenager move with well-practiced girlish gestures and mannerisms. “That purse goes so well with your outfit! I’ll have to get you one as well!” she added. She noticed with satisfaction how delicately he swished his beautiful corduroy skirt without even thinking.

“You are just too darling for words!” Kaley gushed. “I never realized how soft and bouncy your hair was… Clarissa,” she said admiringly. Then, she finished with another compliment that made him grimace, “You really are much too pretty to be a boy!” 

Mike’s heart raced. Her words stung because they were true. He trembled involuntarily as he smelled Kaley’s perfume. The blend of humiliation and excitement was overwhelming. His shameful secret was fully exposed to this beautiful young woman. And, undeniably, something inside him was excited by it.

Mike took a deep, shaky breath and tried to calm down.

“Aren’t you going to thank Kaley for her help?” his mother asked leadingly, “or properly I should say?” Her intention was clear.

With a silent groan, the beet-red sissy slowly turned around to face Kaley. First, he returned her white purse to her. Then, he daintily held the hem of his skirt in his fingers and dipped into a lovely curtsy. The extra-long tails of his hairbow fluttered gaily as he dipped his head, but the bow itself did not budge. “Thank you for helping me with my pretty hairbow, Kaley, I just adore it,” he said softly.

“Oh my goodness!” Kaley exclaimed with delight at the sissified boy’s adorable transformation.


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Re: Clarissa's Visit: The Christmas Party
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2023, 05:54:49 PM »

     Saturday passed in a blur. On Sunday afternoon, Mike stood discomfited next to his mother as she rang the doorbell of Mrs. Haverford’s large brick home. There were already lots of cars there, and he could see through the windows that a good number of people were already inside.

He knew this was going to be miserable. He couldn’t help but think of all the fun his friends must have had all weekend. In contrast, he had spent his entire weekend in skirts, dresses, petticoats and panties. He stood here now as a completely powerless little sissy.  In a few short moments, the door swung open and Mrs. Haverford greeted them with a triumphant smile.

   â€œWelcome and come in,” she said cheerfully. Getting her first look at Mike’s completed outfit, she said excitedly, “Oh Clarissa I knew the minute I saw that dress it would be just perfect for you!” Beginning to blush already, Mike felt his mother’s firm hand on his shoulder as she steered him inside.

   â€œThank you so much for inviting us!” Carol Bradley said warmly as they stepped inside.

   With finality, Mrs. Haverford shut the door behind them and turned to the crowd inside. “Everyone, the Bradleys are here. For those of you who haven’t met them, this is Carol…” she said as she gestured at Mike’s mother.

“Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!” Carol said brightly to the group of smartly dressed partygoers.

“And this is Clarissa!” Mrs. Haverford said proudly as she gestured to Mike.

Dressed in his Christmas finest, Mike was blushing nicely now. “Me-- Merry Christmas,” he managed to stammer.

Feeling a subtle but deliberate squeeze on his shoulder, his heart fluttered as he knew what his mother wanted him to do. Delicately lifting the edges of his skirt, he dropped into the most darling curtsy, and he immediately received a wave of appreciative responses.

   â€œAwww!” “How sweet!” “So precious!” “What a darling dress!”

   Smiling radiantly, his mother said to him, “Why don’t you show them the back dear?”

   After a slight hesitation, he did an adorable little twirl so everyone could see the whole outfit… just as he had practiced earlier this morning.

   â€œI want everyone to know that Dolores gets all the credit for that beautiful dress… she picked it out,” his mother said appreciatively.

His feelings swirled furiously as multiple people began speaking at once. Standing in his beautiful Christmas frock, the sissified teenager’s embarrassment was exquisite. He immediately found himself the center of attention. He saw Mrs. Haverford smile with satisfaction as she practically drank in his Christmas outfit.

The petticoated teenager was an absolute Christmas sugarplum in the gorgeous red velvet party dress that Mrs. Haverford had selected especially for him. After the fitting at the bridal shop, his mother had made a few alterations so that it now fit absolutely perfectly. He was truly a vision of holiday girlishness! The rich red velvet material had a slight stretch which made it hug his lithe torso so nicely. The clinginess just made him more aware of the confining corset he wore underneath. The rounded neck was adorned with a wonderfully fussy collar made of airy white lace. The exceptionally girly frock had very feminine ruched flounce sleeves that gathered sweetly at the shoulder above clingy three-quarters length sleeves. Cute red tulle detailing accented the puffy shoulders to add to the girlish look. A wide red satin sash hugged his waist with a delightfully large bow in the back.

His exceptionally bouncy velvet skirt flared out beautifully. It was nicely pleated with a generous layer of sewn-in tulle that added nice volume by itself. In addition to the tulle, of course, he also wore a separate layered white petticoat which made the skirt stick out even more prominently. As his mother had commented to him earlier, it was an outfit “made for twirling!” His skirt fell just to his knees and was trimmed in more of the same red tulle detail as the shoulders. The dress’s cheery red velvet contrasted gorgeously with his thick snowy-white tights. His slender white legs looked so delicate under his billowy skirt, and the multiple rows of ruffles on his tights brushed ceaselessly against his petticoat.

Shifting his feet skittishly, he remembered how pleased his mother had been to find her packages on the doorstep when they returned home Friday. On his feet, he wore the brand new pair of red velvet Mary Janes she had ordered to match his dress. They had darling velvet bows on the toe box and gorgeous gold buckles for the dainty straps. In addition, they even had ballet-slipper style velvet ribbons that tied prissily around his ankles. He cringed at how exceptionally sissyish and girly they were even by Clarissa’s usual standards.

His hair was sweetly gathered back with a matching red velvet hairbow similar to the navy blue one he had worn on Friday. This one had darling streamer tails that were even longer. His mother had successfully recreated the sweetly curled bangs that Kaley had styled at the bridal shop. He wore sweetly subtle makeup for the special occasion:  a dusting of pink blush, some shiny lip gloss with a strawberry flavor, and a very light touch of eyeliner to make his eyes especially dewy and doe-like. His nails were painted a light coral pink and they glistened in all the festive holiday lights. He wore a delicate gold chain necklace with a tiny Santa hat charm attached. Completing his adorably feminine look, he wore his pretty gold stud earrings. He was an absolute picture of Christmas sugar and spice!

After a few excruciating moments, people began to return to their conversations and the focus of attention thankfully shifted off him somewhat. Looking around the room, he recognized some of the faces. He noted that it seemed to be mostly women and girls. Aside from a few husbands that looked bored and some much younger boys dressed in little boy holiday suits, it seemed to be a decidedly feminine group. He recognized Molly and Mary along with all the other girls from the Halloween float. Many of them seemed to be dressed more casually than he was. Most were in sweaters or blouses and simple skirts or even pants. To his chagrin, Mrs. Cranston his ballet teacher and Miss Elkins from the drugstore were also there. Indeed it seemed that most of the “Belles” were in attendance.

He spotted Kaley smiling at him. When she caught his eye, she called to him “Your hair is so cute, Clarissa, and I adore your dress!” He cringed in humiliation as so many people who knew his secret shame were here all at once. To his chagrin, he began to feel the familiar stirring in his lace trimmed Christmas panties as Kaley addressed him directly. Kaley giggled, but it somehow didn't seem mean-spirited. She seemed amused and fascinated by his sissified state, but not in an unkind way. She seemed almost a little protective.

“Thank you, Kaley” he said sweetly as his face turned a crimson red. His mother nodded approvingly as she stood watching close by. To be reduced to such a sissy before this attractive older girl was intensely exciting.

“I’d love to do your hair again anytime sweetie!” she added enthusiastically. “Perhaps the next time you are naughty,” she added in a whisper. But her next words truly shook the sissified lad to his core, "I'll bet you secretly like being petticoated, don't you? You are such a natural girly-girl!"

Mike was speechless as a wave of humiliation and excitement washed over him. She seemed to see directly into the most secret fears and desires of his heart. It dawned on him that she seemed to see him almost as a baby sister.

Mike gulped hard and opened his mouth, but no words emerged.


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