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Author Topic: His Aunt Nicole  (Read 19753 times)

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  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #56 on: March 10, 2024, 08:38:53 PM »
Chapter 48

They had arrived.  He slid his key into the lock, opened the door, and walked in.  He could hear voices in the sitting room.  He quickly got ahead of the girls, and rushed in.  He looked flustered and flushed.  They were all there – Nicole, Lavinia and Sarah.  They turned to look at him.
“Hello darling,” said Nicole.  “What’s the matter?  Oh, Chrissy!  And…Kaitlyn, isn’t it?  Come in, girls!  How nice to see you.”
“Hi, mum,” said Chrissy, sheepishly.”
“Chrissy?  I thought you and Kaitlyn were going straight home today.  Why…?”
“They’ve got a confession to make!” blurted Bobby, determined to set the tone.  “Haven’t you?”
“Confession?” said Nicole.  “Whatever are you talking…”
“They been spying on you, auntie!  They…”
“No we haven’t!” cried Chrissy.  “It was accidental!  Anyway…”
“Shush…  Quiet - all of you.  No - no more, Bobby!  Now, take off your jackets, get some drinks, and come and sit on the sofa.  No more talking till then, any of you!  Goodness…”

When they were lined up on the sofa, each clutching a glass, Nicole began the interrogation.
“Right, now then.  Bobby – say what you want to say, keep it as brief as possible, and keep calm, please.  Girls, you’ll be able to have your say next, so please don’t interrupt.”
Bobby was having second thoughts now, but having embarked on a combative course, he didn’t see very well how he could retreat.  So he went all in.
“Those two” – he jerked a thumb at them – “those two sneaked around the side of your house, auntie, and looked through a grill and saw…you know, the basement.  They’ve been spying on you!  And they won’t be able to keep their mouths shut, take it from me, they’re totally…”
“Enough, Bobby!  Well, girls?  Would you like to reply to that?”
“Miss – it’s true we did peep through that grill.  But we weren’t really spying.  See, we came round to see Bobby, but when there was no reply we went round to the back in case you were in the garden.  Then when we came back we caught a glimpse of light from this grill.  So we, like, just had a peep through, and saw some stuff, and…”  Her voice trailed off.
“I see.  What stuff was that?”
“I dunno…just stuff…”
“Like a big throne thing…and some bars, I think…” elucidated Kaitlyn.
“So what did you think?”
“Well…we thought it looked like…a dungeon…or something…”
“Okay.  Well, you didn’t do anything wrong.  That was just natural curiosity.”
“But miss…we saw something else too, one day…”
“What was that?  Bobby!  Wait your turn.”
“We saw…  Bobby on a lead.  You were taking him out…  He had little red pants on….”
At this point, Lavinia started spluttering with laughter.  Nicole gave her a look.
“Yes, well, that was my fault.  I had no idea anyone was watching…”
“They were, aunt!  They were spying.  And…”  He produced his trump card.  “And…Chrissy hacked her mum’s phone and she’s got a lot of stuff about me!”
Sarah, who had been smirking behind her hand, sat bolt upright.  “What?  Is that true, Chrissy?  It better not be!  Give me your phone.  Now!  Unlock it.”
Bobby gave the girls a triumphant look.  Sarah was scrolling through Chrissy’s phone.
“How did you get these?  When?  Tell me now, or you’re grounded for the next year!”
Chrissy’s eyes were full of tears.  “It was that day when K and I wanted to go skating.  I rang you again and again asking if I could go and if I could come and get my skates, and you never picked up.  So we came round, and there was your phone, and I checked it to see if you’d been getting my calls, and then I saw all these pictures, and…”
“Ah.  That day…”
“And…(sob)…well I know I shouldn’t have, but…you know, I was so amazed…”
“Yes, I guess you would have been…”
“An’ I just copied them, on the spur of the moment, so we could look at them later…”
“Right.  Now I get it.  Oh dear…”
Lavinia looked sympathetic.  “I don’t think you can blame her for that, Sarah…”
“No, I know.”
“What do you mean?” cried Bobby, indignantly.  “She copied them off you private phone…”
“Well it’s not that private if she left it on the table, Bobby,” said Nicole.
“Yes, I should have been more careful.  I should never have left it lying around in the house.  All that stuff’s on a passworded flash drive, now, of course.  I let my guard down.”  She went over to Chrissy and gave her a cuddle.
“Don’t worry, darling.  It wasn’t your fault.  I don’t blame you.  Cheer up, come on.”  She turned to Bobby.  “I’m really sorry, Bobby.  I should never have left my phone lying around like that.  I often ask Chrissy to look up something on it – I don’t keep it secret from her.  But I had no idea she would come back to the house right at that moment.  You must blame me entirely for what happened.”
“What’s done is done,” said Nicole.  “ I guess the stuff you found on your mum’s phone must have piqued your curiosity.  Right?”
“So then you started taking an interest in us….”
The girls lowered their heads.
“Well I can’t blame you…  I think we would have done the same at that age, don’t you, ladies?”
“Not half,” grinned Lavinia.
“So now you girls know something of our little games – and possibly something about me I’d rather you didn’t know,” continued Nicole.  She sighed.  “You know we trust you both implicitly…?”
“We would never breathe a word, miss…”
“I know you wouldn’t.”
“Wait a minute,” interjected Bobby, “you know they threatened to spread those pictures round the school…!”
“We were bluffing, Bobby,” said Kaitlyn.  “Obviously.  We just wanted you to tell us what was going on.  We’d never do anything like that.  You know how much Chrissy likes you, don’t you?”
Bobby looked bemused.  Did she?  He had never been sure.  He blinked.  He couldn’t think what to say.
“Yes – she has a bit of a thing about you, all right,” smiled Sarah.  “Don’t you, darling?”
Chrissy played coy.
“I’m not surprised she found the stuff on my phone so interesting.  Bobby, please forgive her.  Will you?  Bobby?”
Bobby looked at Sarah, then at Chrissy, and finally at Nicole, who nodded at him.
“O-okay…I guess...”
“Good.  That’s settled then,” said Nicole, briskly.  “Girls?  Have you got any copies of those videos and pictures?  No?  Okay then.  Sarah’s deleting them now.  So where do we go from here?  It seems to me we have a choice.  We can either dismiss the girls and tell them never to mention the matter again.  But if we accept that it was basically due to our own carelessness, I don’t think that’s fair, or even practical.”  She looked around.  “The only other option is…to let them in on it.”
“What?  No!”  cried Bobby.  Things were definitely not working out as he had anticipated.  But he was ignored.
“I think that’s a good idea,” said Lavinia.  “We can’t just tell them to go away and forget everything after what they’ve seen.  Sarah?”
“Well…if you both agree...  I may be biassed, but my daughter is honest and trustworthy, and Kaitlyn’s a good girl too.  I’d vouch for both of them.”
Nicole turned to the girls.  “How do you feel about it, girls?  Would you like to join our little club?”  The girls nodded vigorously.  Kaitlyn was ecstatic.
“Yes, please, miss!  That would be amazing!”
“We call ourselves “Ladies in Boots” – because we like to wear boots, and because Bobby likes ladies in boots so much.”  She laughed.  “We’d have to get you some boots too, of course, boots befitting his high standards.  Eh, Bobby?” 
“That’s right,” said Sarah.  “What sort of boots do you like, girls?  Chrissy, you got a pair of knee boots, but you need some new ones anyway.  Maybe I’ll get you some for your birthday.  What’s your favourite style?”
“Not sure, mum.  The other day I saw a girl wearing these calf-length boots with stiletto heels…  They looked pretty cool.”
“Mmm…sexy.  Kaitlyn?  What type of boots do you like?”
“Oh, if I could afford them, I really like thigh-length boots.  I’d wear them with a short skirt or hot pants.  I think women in high boots look really powerful.”
Lavinia and Nicole exchanged glances.  Bobby looked distinctly uncomfortable.
“Well girls,” said Nicole, clapping her hands softly, “welcome to the club!  We’ll throw a joining party for you to make it official, maybe in a week or two?  Is that okay?  And you three must be nice to each other from now on.  Come on, kiss and make up.  Bobby…?  Do what you’re told.  There.  Oh, how nice Chrissy – yes, do give him a great big hug.  Kaitlyn as well…  That’s so sweet of you…  Let’s hope this is the beginning of an exciting new chapter…”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #57 on: March 10, 2024, 08:44:40 PM »
Chapter 49

It was, as it turned out.  And so is this. 
It was agreed the girls would stay for supper, and they and Nicole repaired to the kitchen to prepare the food.  Lavinia went and sat by Bobby and gave him a cuddle.
“Cheer up, sweetie.  They’re really nice girls.  Anyway, I thought you liked Chrissy quite a lot.  And now it turns out she likes you a lot too.”
“I know, aunt Lavinia.  I do like her…  But…  I mean, is she going to be…another mistress?  That’s not what I had in mind…”
“We’ll have to wait and see.  But what did you have in mind?  Nicole told me you had plenty of opportunities to ask her out, but you always shied away.”
“Did I?”
“Yes.  It was as if you wanted her to take the initiative, to take the lead…”
“Was it?  Yeah, maybe that is what I wanted…”
“So…?   Maybe you’ll get what you want…”
“I’m confused, auntie…”
“Don’t be.  Go with your feelings.”
“Oh, who’s that?”
Lavinia picked up her phone.  “Hi Clare.  How’s it going?  Yes, he’s right next to me.  Here, Bobby.  It’s Clare.”
She handed him the phone.
“Hi Clare…  Oh, that…  Yeah, I guess…  What, now?  All right…  All right…  Yes, I remember…  Well, I’m not doing anything Wednesday, if that’s…  Okay, then…  Okay…  See you.  Bye”
He looked at Lavinia doubtfully.  “She wants me to ring that Damien guy.  Tell him I’m free Wednesday evening, and that she and Wendy will be out.  She’s going to text me his number.”
“You agreed, then?  You sounded really upbeat.  Well done.”
“I don’t want to do it…  But Clare’s nice, even if she’s strict.  I find it hard to say no to her…”
Lavinia laughed.  “Oh, that so cute.  Yeah, she’s strict, but she’s nice, and very, very naughty.  Better not tell Chrissy – she may get jealous…”
“Jealous?  Why would I be jealous?”  Chrissy had stuck her head round the kitchen door.
“Nothing,” said Lavinia.  “Mind your own beeswax.  Actually Bobby has to arrange a date with someone…a guy.”
“A guy?  How come?”
“Don’t tell her!”
“He’s hitting on Bobbi the maid.  Thinks he’s a girl!”
“Oh, that’s hilarious!  But I can see why…”
“Shut up, Chrissy!  Here’s the idiot’s number now.”  He sighed.
“That’s his number?  Go on then – ring him!”
“In front of you?  No way.  I’ll do it upstairs.”  He left the room. 
“This’ll be interesting,” mused Lavinia.

Bobby took the plunge.
“Hi…  Is Damien?”
“Who’s that?”
“It Bobbi…  Bobbi housemaid from Wendy house.  You want I ring, yes?  About work?”
“Bobbi…  Yes, darling…very much I want you ring…” (chuckle)   â€œIs this your phone…?”
“Yes, personal phone.  Please don’t give out number.”
“No, course not, darling…  So, have you thought about my little proposition…?”
“I think maybe we need talk.  You pay good, yes?”
“Oh, yes, my sweet.  If you attend to your, er, duties diligently I’ll pay you double whatever you’re getting now.  Money is no object, but you must understand, in my world absolute obedience is a necessity.  Can you agree to that?”
“Excellent!  When can we meet up so I can explain in more detail what will be required of you?”
“I not allow to leave house, but my mistresses go to party Wednesday evening.  They say back very late.  If you free, maybe you call at house…?”
“Perfect.  I’ll be there about eight?  Excellent.  Until then, rosebud.”
Bobby ended the call.  “Smarmy piece of shit,” he murmured.  He dialled Clare’s number.  “It’s me, miss.  Done.  Wednesday evening eight o’clock.”
“You’re a star, Bobby!  Can you come round after school tomorrow and we’ll make plans?”
“I’ll be there, Miss Clare.”
“I’ll make you a nice supper.”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #58 on: March 10, 2024, 09:03:22 PM »
Chapter 50

Despite the reconciliation, Bobby feared the worst as he set off for school the next day.  He had tried to get Chrissy and Kaitlyn in trouble, but not only had he failed comprehensively, but they had been recruited into the ranks of his mistresses.  However, his fears turned out to be unfounded – at least for the time being.  They were waiting for him at the gates, and each took him by an arm, and cosied up to him as they led him into the playground.
“We love you, Bobby,” whispered Kaitlyn.  “Both of us.  How would it you had two girlfriends from now on?  Cos we can’t decide which one of us likes you the best.”
“Hey, look, about yesterday…  I’m sorry, but I felt really threatened by you having all that stuff on me.  I felt my only defence was to attack.  Do you understand?”
“Of course, silly,” said Chrissy.  “Don’t worry.  Now we’re in the club we’re gonna look after you.  We can’t wait to see you in your outfits.  Are you looking forward to being our boot boy and our maid as well?  I hope so.  In return we gonna give you a whole lotta love!”
“Er…yeah, course…  I’m looking forward to it...  I think,” he added under his breath.  They were still cuddling him, and he was sure they were both wearing perfume, which was prohibited in school.  The other kids were staring at them.  It was strangely exciting, despite - or perhaps because of - the unpredictability of their future relationship…

By the time Bobby arrived at Wendy and Clare’s that evening all the preparations had been made.  Bobbi’s new room had been cleaned, the bed made, and posters put on the walls.  Clare showed him his room, and opened the wardrobe door to reveal both his maid’s uniforms hanging up.
“You’ll wear the original pink latex one tomorrow.  I think it’ll appeal to Damien.  You must make sure you bring him up here to discuss terms.  Tell him you feel more secure here just in case anyone were to return early.  Above all, Bobby, you must go along with whatever he wants to do - understand?  You must stay in character, whatever happens, which means being an innocent, submissive maid unused to English conventions.  I want to see if he tries to take advantage of you.  If he goes so far as to put his hand up your skirt, all he’ll find is a chastity device.  I want to see his face when he realises he’s groping a boy!  Is that clear?”
“I understand, miss, but…well, do I really have to…?”
“You do, I’m afraid, unless you are prepared to suffer serious consequences…  I’m not playing games here.  Not with you, anyway.  Remember you’re my contracted maid now, and you do exactly what I say.  Yes?”
Bobby sighed.  “Yes, miss…  Okay - I get it…”
“Good.  Now we’ll get you ready tomorrow – dress you and make you up.  You’ll be a real doll!  You can act as shy and innocent as you like – from my experience of him, that’s how he likes his girls.  We’ll be watching everything – and recording it.  Hopefully he’ll make a complete fool of himself.

The next evening, after supper at Wendy’s, Clare took Bobby up to his room to prepare him for Damien’s visit.  As well as his two maid’s outfits, Nicole had dropped off a few accessories in case of need.  He was allowed to undress and put on his pink latex panties in private.  They were new ones, lacking the loops required when his member was not in a state of confinement, with tight white frills around the legs, and for once no anal plug – just pretty maid’s panties to match his dress. When he was done, Clare came in to help with the rest.  First, white over-the-knee stockings supported by frilled elastic tops.  Then the dress itself, his very first maid’s dress, with puff sleeves, a high neck, a gathered waist and a short skirt trimmed with white latex and with the words Little Maid Bobbi in red script.  Then the cotton apron.  Then his clumpy maid’s shoes, and finally some new gloves; tight pink latex reaching a few inches past the wrists, trimmed with white latex frilling and with another band of it at the wrists themselves, forming little decorative cuffs.  Around these cuffs Clare buckled a broad pink leather wrist-cuffs, equipped with D-rings, with a screw link dangling from one.
“What are these for, miss?”
“Probably nothing.  They’re just there as a symbol of your servitude.  I’ll be interested to see if he decides to use them.  It’s the sort of thing he might do.”
Bobby found this slightly disconcerting.  “B-but why would he…?”
“Who knows.  He’s into control, this guy…  Power and control.  But inside he’s a coward.  I guess I want to see if he’s such a wimp he uses an artificial aid even to control a helpless girl…”
“I’m not a helpless girl, though…”
“He doesn’t know that yet – and if he's going to find out he needs to do it for himself, okay?  You just play your part to the best of your ability.”
“Yes, miss.  I get it…”
“Right.  Now sit down and let me do your makeup.  I haven’t put your headdress on yet because I want to curl that pretty blond hair of yours a little.”  She turned on the curling tongs and sprayed some water onto his head from a plastic bottle.  “Nicole has deliberately allowed it to grow.  A few subtle ringlets would definitely not go amiss…”
She fussed with his hair for ten minutes or so, while Bobby watched in the mirror as his untidy thatch was transformed into a mass of soft curls.  On went his pink latex and white lace Alice-band headdress.  She plucked and pencilled his eyebrows, wiped his face and applied powder and some pink blusher, administered a little mascara, and painted his lips with pink lip gloss.  She even found a pair of tiny pearl clip-on earrings.
“He’ll think you got all dolled especially for him!” she remarked, giving him a squirt of perfume.
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” frowned Bobby.  He was having serious doubts about the evening, especially as all the attention he was getting from Clare was making him horny, which was the opposite of what he wanted to feel.  His device had become uncomfortable to say the least, and he could feel it quivering like a little taut spring against his panties.  He groaned.
“What’s up, darling?  You don’t look happy.  Remember to smile for Damien, won’t you?”
“No way!”
“Well, it won’t make any difference, I suppose.  What’s going on down there?  Stand up.” 
She lifted the hem of his dress.  “Ooh, I see!  It’s quite frisky this evening.  I hope that’s for me and not for Damien!  Oh, come on…  I’m joking.  Now, do a turn…  Wow, you look gorgeous, Bobbi!”
He grimaced.
“Now, now.  Get into maid mode.  He’ll be here in half an hour or so…”

The words were hardly out of her mouth when the doorbell rang.
“What?  Is that him already?”
Wendy came dashing in.  “It’s him!”
“Damn.  He’s early.  He must be eager.  Are we ready?”
“Not quite.  Bobby, can you stall him?”
Bobby took out Bobbi’s phone and dialled Damien’s number, while Wendy and Clare dashed around checking the cameras.
“Hello?  Mister Damien?  It me, Bobbi.  Is that….  Yes.  Yes, they out.  You early.  I finish dressing.  I be down in five minute.  Okay.  Yes, okay…”
“Thanks, Bobby.  Okay…everything looks good here.  Give us two minutes and then answer the door.”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #59 on: March 11, 2024, 01:44:59 PM »
Chapter 51

It was time.  Bobby descended.  Before he answered the door he took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves.  But, as Clare had remarked, it didn’t much matter, because it would be expected the maid would be nervous in front of such an important person!  Unconsciously he touched his new ringlets, smoothed his apron, and opened the door.
Damien must have been quite smitten.  He was wearing an expensive looking suit with a rather loud pink tie, and holding a small bouquet of roses.  Bobby saw his eyes widen as he took everything in.
“O-oh, Bobbi…  Sorry to be a bit early…  I, er, had business nearby, so I thought…”
“Please come in, Mister Damien…”  Bobby opened the door wide and stood to the side.  Damien quickly recovered his self-assurance.
“Thank you…  What a delightful little outfit.  If I recollect, you wore blue last time, but this is even prettier.  May I?”
Without waiting for a reply he reached out and felt her sleeve between finger and thumb.
“It is latex – I thought so,” he leered.  Does your mistress normally dress you in rubber, then?”
Damien was just the sort of self-important, lecherous guy that he hated.  He decided to have a bit of fun with him.
“It my special dress, sir, my mistress buy me.  I have to wear for parties, with panties to match.  I show you…”  He gave him a quick flash.
Damien puffed out his cheeks and looked her up and down as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing and hearing.  “Oh, I see…yes.  Your mistress has very good taste, don’t you think?   Do you like this uniform better than the blue one?”
“I not sure.  This dress rather short.  At last party all ladies say pretty, but I think some gentlemen try to look up my skirt to see panties, so I not sure… “  He looked doubtful.  “Which one you think nicer, Mister Damien?”
“Well my dear, I’m not surprised at all that the guests find this one particularly eye-catching.  I must say, personally I think I prefer it to the blue one.  Latex is very fashionable now, very sophisticated, and you look extremely pretty in it…  I love the wrist cuffs, by the way…very naughty… ”
“Really, Mister Damien?  If you like, then I wear for you.  You proper gentleman…  For gentlemen I do anything…”
Damien was rendered temporarily speechless by whatever thoughts that statement gave rise to, so Bobby chipped in
“Would you like to see room?  Miss Wendy give me very nice big room all to myself…”
At this, Wendy and Clare, who had been crouching on the landing shaking with laughter, scrambled as quietly as they could back into Clare’s bedroom, and seated themselves in front of the monitor.
“That was genius, Clare,” whispered Wendy.  “I didn’t imagine he was going to play the part so well!  And now you’ve done his hair like that I think he could take in anyone!”
“Well he’s certainly taken in Damien.  Shh.  Here they come…”
On the screen the door of the next bedroom had opened.  Bobby entered, followed by Damien.
“Oh, what a pretty little room,” he cried.  “So bijou, but very tasteful…”
“What mean “bijou”, Mister Damien?”
“Oh, it’s French.  It means “small but charming”…”  He was about to add “like you”, but he perceived Bobbi wasn’t as small as he had remembered her.  It must be those heels, he thought…  And as an afterthought, because he didn’t much like girls who weren’t shorter than him, he decided he would change her footwear to something with lower heels.
“That looks a very comfy little bed, Bobbi.”
“Oh, it is, sir.”  Bobby turned, bent over the bed and plumped up the pillows, giving Damien a rather longer view of his bare thighs and pretty pink latex panties.  He turned back to face his prospective employer.  Clasping his hands demurely in front of him, and opening his blue eyes as wide as they would go, and shyly fluttering his eyelashes, he enquired,
“Please, sir, Mister Damien…  What will my duties be in your house?  Will I have my own room there too?  Will I have pretty uniforms like I have here?”
“Well, if you do decide to join my household, you’ll have the best of everything.  I think I can say that with confidence.  For a start, you’ll have a much bigger room, with full-length mirrors, a proper dressing table, and of course your own bathroom…”
“Is true, Mister Damien?”
“Yes, absolutely.  Your bathroom itself will be as big as this room.  And we’ll discuss uniforms and buy you the prettiest ones we can find…”
“You are such kind man…  Will I be able to keep this one as well?”
“Oh, I’m sure your mistress will sell it to us…and the blue one, since they fit you so well.”
“You don’t think skirt too short, then?  I still grow, maybe…”
“Not at all, not at all!  It’s perfect.  It’ll be perfect for when I have a stag party.  You know what a stag party is, my sweet?”
“Oh, yes, I think…  When there no ladies, only gentlemen?”
“That’s right, my dear.  Do you think…that would be all right…?”
“Oh yes…if they’re your friends, Mister Damien.”
“They will be, of course.  Now, sometimes you may be called upon to perform…extra services.  Of course, you will get paid very well…  Maybe two or three times what you would normally expect…”
Really?  So much?”
“Oh, yes…  We’re talking about, maybe…two hundred pounds…or more…for one evening’s work.  Yes.  At least.  And you’ll be able to drink whatever you like.  We always have the best wines…”
Bobby had played his role so well, that by this time he felt more like Bobbi the maid than Bobbi the boy.  He was behaving and reacting as Bobbi.  And Bobbi was dumbfounded.  She stood there open-mouthed.  “T-two hundred…”
“Yes, easily.  Probably more…”
In the next room, Wendy murmured, “you fuc-king pervert…”
“Would I have to…please the gentlemen….”
“Ah.  I see you understand, dear.  Would you be prepared….”
“If they nice gentlemen…like you…”
“Oh they are…all of them.  They’ll love you, my dear.  I’m sure they’ll want to make use of these cuffs too…  Here, turn around…go on.  Shall we try them out?  Why not?  Connect them together, so…  There.  How neat.  Now you can’t do any cleaning, can you?  But you have other talents…”
Damien was breathing hard.  Wendy and Clare could see he had an erection.
“Wait for it,” whispered Clare.  “He’ll have his hand up her skirt any minute now…”
But she was wrong.  That was not what he had in mind.
“My dear…?  What’s that green thing by the door?  Is it…?”
“It kneeling-mat, sir…”
“I thought so…”  He walked over, picked it up, and tossed in down in front of her.  “Why don’t you show me how you use it?”
“What…now, sir?”
“Right now.  If I’m going to employ you, I need to be satisfied you know how to do your job…  And take off your apron.  No point in getting that messy, is there?  Here, let me help you.  Turn around.”
Bobby hesitated, then did as he had been instructed.  Damien casually untied the bow. 
Bobby turned back, and Damien slipped off his apron and tossed it aside.  Then he took Bobby by the shoulders, moved him in front of the mat, and pushed him down onto his knees, bringing him face to face with the bulge in Damien’s trousers.
“fuc-k,” said Bobby to himself.  “What am I doing?  Who the fuc-k am I?  What am I?  This is above and beyond…  Clare, I hope you’re watching this…  Get me out of here.  I want extra Brownie points for this…a shitload of them…”
He was panicking now.  Was he going to tell ‘Bobbi’ to unzip him with her teeth?  That’s the sort of thing these control freaks liked.  If that happened, he decided he would  pretend to hear Wendy and Clare returning.  He glanced sideways at one of the cameras, hoping they could read his intentions, and quickly come to his rescue.  But Damien was too impatient for such foreplay.  He opened his own zip, allowing his coc-k to spring out, already stiff and juicy, inches from Bobby’s nose!  Bobby’s mind raced.  He had a split second to decide whether to flee, or to follow Clare’s orders.  The consequences of disobedience made him hesitate for a moment – and in that moment of indecision, Damien had grabbed him by his curls and forced it between her lips!
“There, my dear…  Now, now…don’t struggle…  I’m a gentleman, and I’m going to be very gentle…  Aah…  And please don’t tell me this is your first time….”
Bobbi tried to nod.  “Mmmm…”
“It is?  No, I’m sorry, I don’t believe you…  I’ll soon find out, any way …”
He made a few gentle exploratory thrusts. 
“Is it true?  Is this virgin mouth I’m probing here?  It’s so soft…  Your tongue’s like velvet…”
He cupped one hand around the back of Bobby’s head and sank half his length into his mouth, making him choke.  Bobby realised that, with his hands secured behind his back, he had limited means of resistance; Damien was a strong guy.  At that moment he felt a lot more like Bobbi the vulnerable housemaid than Bobby the streetwise teenager.   He looked up at Damien with tearful and appealing eyes.  Damien looked down at him with growing excitement.
“It’s true then…  This is a new experience for you…”  He grunted with satsfaction.  “Well don’t worry, cutie…  I’m going to be very gentle with you…  You’ll enjoy it, just wait and see…”

Bobby gave up hope of escape.  He could have torn himself away, but then Clare would be furious.  There’d be a whipping for sure, and maybe she’d cast him out, or expose him.  In any case, though he wouldn’t have admitted it, the will to resist had all but evaporated.  It was not so much that he wanted to play the part of an utterly docile, subservient housemaid, but that his instinctive psychological response to being dominated, whether by a woman or a man, was to retreat into helpless submission.  Clare and Wendy must be ecstatic at the way things had panned out, he thought.  As Damien’s manhood pumped steadily at his stretched lips he tried desperately to think of a strategy.  All he could come up with was to bring things to an end as quickly as possible.  This was all the more urgent because for some inexplicable reason his own member was straining and oozing with arousal in its little plastic prison.  So he decided to reciprocate, and began to bob back and forth enthusiastically, using the tip of his tongue to stimulate the glans, and making suitably appreciative noises.  Damien was pleasantly surprised. 
“That’s right, cutie…aah…you’re a quick learner though, aren’t you…?”
He put his by his sides and relaxed, letting Bobby get on with his task.  Their eyes met.
“You’re a naughty girl, Bobbi!  My friends are going to love you – male and female.  I can tell you now…aah, yes, like that….  I can tell you, there’s going to be a big demand for your services.  We’ll get you…oh my god!  Slow down, please!  I almost…    W-we’ll get you the sauciest costumes…  My current girlfriend…  She’s really into all that kinky stuff…  fuc-k…just stop a minute, please…”
In the next room, Clare was throwing a fit.
“His current girlfriend!  Yeah, I know who he’s talking about.  I’ve seen that bitch with him a couple of times.  Black fuc-king lipstick and black leather.  So why are you still trying to mess with me, you fuc-king two-timing piece of shit?”
“Shh, darling.  Keep your voice down.  When we’ve finished here you’ll be able to do whatever you want with the bastard.”
“Yeah.   And I will, believe me.”
Damien had closed his eyes and was biting his lip.  He didn’t want to c-um just yet.  This was much too good to hurry.  But Bobby’s lip gloss had melted slightly, and was adhering to the foreskin, sliding it back and forth relentlessly as he bobbed.  Bobby could sense Damien’s climax wasn’t far away – his prec-um was by now flowing steadily down his throat.  Speeding up, he raked the underside of Damien’s pen-is with the tip of his tongue.  There was a second’s delay, then it twitched violently, Damien cried out, and the next moment hot c-um was flooding Bobby’s mouth.  Damien wound his fingers into Bobby’s curled locks, and held his head steady so he couldn’t pull back.  Taken by surprise by the suddenness and profusion of the reaction, Bobby almost choked, and was forced to swallow the first few spurts.  Then it was overflowing the corners of his lips, running down his chin, and plopping in sticky wads and strings onto his skirt.  In the midst of his climax Damien took hold of his coc-k, and, thrusting back Bobby’s head, proceeded with obvious pleasure to decorate his victim’s face.  Bobby would have tried to resist this final humiliation, but he was having his own crisis; he was in the throes of his own orgasm.  With his coc-k tightly imprisoned and unable to achieve any sort of erection, he had thought it impossible.  He had been wrong.  But instead of a pleasurable, satisfying eruption, however, it took the form of a difficult and prolonged emission, pleasure and pain gripping him in alternating waves, whilst his sperm merely oozed out into his panties in a slow stream.  With a groan he fell forward with his head against Damien’s thighs, allowing that gentleman, whose own climax had now subsided, to use his hair as a convenient coc-k-wiper.
Damien, his needs temporarily satisfied, saw no more reason to hang around.  He replaced his pen-is inside his trousers and zipped himself up.
“Well done, my sweet.  I’m pleased to be able to tell you I consider that a, er, more than satisfactory performance, for a beginner.”  He took a brown envelope from his wallet pocket, inserted a few twenty pound notes, and placed it on the dressing table.  “There is a little gratuity, my dear, together with your copy of our contract.  You will see I have already signed.  If you wish to take up the position offered, all you need to do is to sign where indicated and send or bring it to the address at the bottom.  If you agree, you would start on the first of next month.  You will see that your accommodation will be provided on top of your salary and, er, bonuses.  I do hope you are able to accept.  Well, I'll leave you to sort yourself out, shall I?  I can see myself out.”
And without further ado he turned and left the room.  Bobby heard the front door shut.  He was too exhausted to move.  He was slimy from his head to his knees, and he knelt there, breathing hard, and watching a little rivulet of c-um trickling slowly along a fold in the pink latex of his skirt.  When it reached the frilled hem, it made its way between the words Maid and Bobbi and descended in a sticky string to the plastic kneeling-mat.
His reverie was interrupted by the arrival of Wendy and Clare.
“Bobby!  Are you all right, darling?” cried Wendy.
He raised his head wearily, and wiped his sticky eyebrows with his hand.  “I hope you’re satisfied.”
Clare looked as though she was about to kneel and hug him, but then decided against it.
“Let’s get you to the shower.  We can talk later.”
She helped him to his feet, and guided him to the door.  “Listen, Bobby – you did an amazing job.  I don’t know how you put up with all that.  I’m going to make it up to you, I promise.  You really are a gem, you know that?”  She opened the bathroom door and ushered him in.  “Shower just as you are first of all.  Then shower and use loads of body wash – the rose one’s nice.  And shampoo your hair.  Ugh – it’s so sticky!  I’ll bring you a big towel and your clothes, and then we can have a nice lunch and make plans.”
“Plans?  What plans?”
“Never mind.  Get cleaned up first.  Off you go!”  And she closed the door.


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2024, 01:50:42 PM »
Chapter 52.

She turned, gave Wendy a thumbs-up, and, putting a finger to her lips, ushered her mother downstairs.  Once in the kitchen, with fresh coffee steaming in a jug, she released her delight.
“Can you believe…?”
“No, I can’t!  What a pervert!  To take advantage of…”
“What he thought was an innocent girl…”
“I know!”
Clare sighed.  “Poor Bobby.  He coped with it so well…  Don’t you think?  I mean, he even looked as though he was really into it at times…”
“Yes.  What an actor…”
“Either that, or….”
“What are you saying?”
“Well, mum, I hardly like to say this, but I was wondering….”
But her thoughts were interrupted by a text.  She picked up her phone, checked it – and gasped.
“It’s him!”
“Mister Pervert!  Hold on…”
She read the text.
“Hello Clare.  Thought you might like to know I just paid your sweet little housemaid a visit.  What an nice, obliging girl she is!  She would be an asset to my establishment, and I could pay her a lot more than you do, as well as offering her some much more interesting chores!  I’ve left her a contract to sign – I’ve no doubt she will, but whether she does or not doesn’t matter if you agree to transfer her to me.  There’d be a transfer fee, of course, darling.  Let’s talk?  Call me….”
“What a pig!  Tell him to fuc-k off, dear.”
“No, mum, we don’t need to.  Remember we’re the ones in control now.  We can sink him any time we please.  I’ll play along for now.  Let’s see…  I know…  “Damien!  How dare you!  Bobbi’s just called me, saying she’s signed a new contract with you!  How did you do that?  You must have forced her!  Just wait till we get home!  I hate you!”
There was an immediate response.
“You’re such a loser, Clare.  Face it, you’re no match for me.  I just gave the girl what she was craving, that’s all.  Let’s talk money tomorrow, yes?  Enjoy your evening!”
Clare allowed herself a quiet smile.  “Yes, let’s, Mister Pervert.  Lots of it…”

A moment later the subject of the conversation appeared at the kitchen door.  He had showered and washed his hair.  His cheeks were glowing, and he had dressed himself in his blue dress.
“You’re a star, Bobby,” cried Wendy, opening her arms for a hug.  Bobby trotted over and allowed himself to be cuddled.  Clare looked on approvingly.
“That can’t have been easy, Bobby.”
“It was disgusting…”
“But you pulled it off.”
“I mean, you played the innocent to perfection!  You totally took him in!”
“I didn’t have much choice.  If I didn’t convince him and he twigged I was a bloke it would have been so embarrassing…  Please don’t ever let on, will you?  I’ll never have to see him again, will I?”
Clare hesitated.  “See him again?  Well…  No, don’t worry.  Highly unlikely.  Yes.”  She glanced at Wendy, who gave her a warning look.
Bobby frowned.  “Will I?”
Clare quickly changed the subject.  “Bobby.  We need to talk about the weekend.”  Bobby looked puzzled.  “Pitt’s Wood?”
“Oh, do I have to go there again?” he sighed.
“You know you do.  Miss Poole wants to see you before the committee meeting next week.  She wants to feature you in the new advertising campaign she and that Magda lady are working on. ”
At the mention of Magda’s name Bobby quickly changed his tune.  “Me?  Really?  Well, if it’s going to help Pitt’s Wood Equestrian Centre of course I’d be up for it.  I’d do anything for Mag – I mean, Miss Poole.  Do you know what I’ll have to do?”   
“Not certain.  Something to do with a photoshoot, I think...”
“Oh.  Well it’ll be a nice change from being a maid, whatever it is.  They’ll probably want me to run a boot-shine stall or something.  Maybe I’ll make some dosh…”
“Probably.  I know they’re cooking up something with your aunts, but I’ve no idea what…” 


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2024, 03:06:58 PM »
Chapter 53

The dish that Miss Poole and the aunts were cooking up was of a rubbery consistency and had involved a large element of cooperation with Nicole’s  favourite company, Fantastex.  It was presently lying on Lavinia’s dining room table, on a bed of white tissue.  Miss Poole was examining it with close attention, and gasping with admiration.
“Nicole…  Goodness me!  What a beautiful suit!  How do they come up with such imaginative, unusual designs?  Are you sure it will fit?”
“Certain.  They have all his measurements.  See this heavy zip which runs right the way from the navel to the neck?  Once we zip this up it’ll fit him like a second skin!  What do you think of the colours?”
“Fascinating!  We have a chestnut in the stables exactly that colour!  And the four white socks are a touch of genius!”
“I’m glad you like it.  We chose a patterned matt finish to make it look more like a pony’s coat.  They made the front hooves slightly elongated to compensate for the shorter forearm length, so his back will be nice and straight.  I just decided to keep the hooves themselves plain black.  Actually they’re solid wood, which enabled us to bolt on the metal shoes – a little touch of authenticity.  They’re aluminium and you can see we made them quite thick to add a little bit more elevation.”
“Yes,” added Lavinia, “they’ll protect the hooves from wear, but the best thing is that when he walks on hard ground they’ll make a proper clip-clop sound.!”
“You girls have thought of everything!  Thank you!  I was just thinking of having Bobby in his boot boy outfit polishing up all the ladies boots, but this is much better!”
“Well, we can still do that, Violet,” said Lavinia.  “After all, the Gazette said they’d do a series of articles, and I know you’re planning several different posters.  Let’s do a second shoot the following weekend.  We can discuss it at committee.”
“Super!  Let’s do that.  But this is fab.  If you hadn’t told me about human ponies I would never have thought of such an idea all on my own.  It’ll be perfect for Pitt’s Wood.  Our members have a bit of a reputation for naughty pranks, and they’ll love this one.  But mainly it’ll be a great advertising gimmick!”
“I hope so,” said Sarah.  “It should certainly attract attention.  Now, here’s the box of accessories.  The headwear is my design.  We discussed various possibilities incorporating a rubber bit, but he would have been dribbling the whole time.  I also like the idea of just showing his eyes and nose.  So this is what we agreed upon.”
She pulled out a heavy rubber hood, matching the chestnut of the suit, slipped her hand through the neck, and held it up. 
“Right, so the ears…  Cute, eh?  Just like real horse ears, but always pricked!  The oval face opening will just show his eyebrows, and at the bottom it’ll fit tight under his nose.  If you look inside…  See?  A built-in ball-gag.  The rubber is thick enough to hold that in position, but in any case there are straps on the outside welded to the rubber and attached to these nice big steel cheek-rings.  When the head-harness goes on it will buckle to these, and the reins will attach to the backs of the rings.  The rider will be able to control his direction just as if he was wearing a proper bit, but there’s the bonus that he won’t be able to make a sound.”
“Gosh!  But I can see a little hole in that ball-gag…”
“Yes, we had it pierced and supplied with a little plug on the outside.  It means we can give him a drink when he wants one.  Similarly the ear-coverings are padded and pierced.  The default is that he can’t hear a thing, but if we need him to follow spoken instructions, again we just need to remove the plugs.”
“And the, er, head-harness?”
“Ah, yes.  Let me show you.  All the tack is made of pink leather, and it’s really soft.  Feel.”
“Gosh…  That’s beautiful…”
“So these are the reins – short, as you can see, and with clips to attach to the cheek-rings.  Now, here’s the harness itself.  This strap goes around the forehead and buckles at the back of the head.  This cross-strap it’s sewn to goes over the top of the head just behind the ears and the lower ends form cheek-straps which buckle to the tops of the cheek-rings.  Then there’s a short strap that goes under his chin and will buckle to the bottoms of the rings.  And finally there’s another short strap that attaches to the backs of the rings and buckles at the back of the neck.  Once that’s all in place and properly tensioned he’ll be a proper little pony, all tacked up and ready to go!  Ah, and there’s one other important accessory.  These blinkers can be clipped to the cheek-straps so that he’ll be unable to see anything that’s going on around him.  He’ll only be able to see straight ahead.  We’ll fit these when he’s being ridden.”
“The neck of the suit has four loops which fit through slits in the base of the hood.  This pretty pink collar will be fed through the loops and buckled at the throat, so it will lock suit and hood neatly together.  As you can see, there’s a D-ring next to the buckle which can be used for leading or tethering.  At some point Lavinia would like to get his columella pierced soon so we can give him a nose-ring too…”
Miss Poole was peering into the box.  “That’s a good idea…  But what’s that in there?”
“Ah, yes, Miss Poole,” smiled Nicole, pulling out what looked like a short skein of coarse chestnut hair, the upper end bound with cord and attached to a little round silver plate, not much bigger than a fifty pence piece.  “It's his tail!  Every pony needs a tail.”  She shook it, and it sparkled a little in the light.  “There’s a few glittery strands mixed in.  Cute, eh?  Shall I show you how we’re going to attach it?”
“It needs to stay put, especially as some of those naughty stable girls may be tempted to give it a tug.  You’ll notice a small reinforced hole in the seat of the suit.  The purpose of that is to allow for the insertion of this very special butt plug.”  As she spoke she took the plug from the bottom of the box and held it up.  It was about four or five inches long, and made of smooth black rubber.  It consisted of a slender, flexible shaft attached to a metal plate similar to that on the base of the tail, and culminating in a smooth egg-shaped head.  “Here, have a look.” 
Miss Poole took it, and turned it over in her fingers with obvious fascination.
“Goodness me…  So this part…goes inside…?”
“Yes.  Let me show you how it works.”  She took from the box a compact silver bicycle pump.  In the base of the plug was a threaded circular steel flange, and in the centre a brass valve like that on a bicycle wheel.  Nicole attached the connector, gave it three good pumps, and the rubber egg immediately inflated to roughly the size of a hen’s egg.  Miss Poole stared open-mouthed.
“My!  That’s so...clever…”
“Once it’s inflated there’s no way it can be ejected until the valve is released.  Inflating the head pulls the shaft firmly inside, and draws the baseplate in between the buttocks.  The internal egg is made of steel, and incidentally, contains a tiny powered vibrator which can be activated from my phone.  It’s encased in this skin of extra-heavy latex.  It won’t feel uncomfortable – just a little tightness, maybe.”
“So, then…the tail…”
“Yes, the tail attaches directly to the base of the plug.  You can see the steel flange fits exactly through the hole in the suit, and then all we have to do is to screw on the base plate of the tail to until it locks, sandwiching the reinforced ring of latex between the two plates.  Then the tail becomes, to all intents and purposes, an integral part of the pony. 
“How ingenious!  And there’s a vibrator as well?”
“It was an optional extra.  I thought it could be useful.”
“Yes, I agree.”  Miss Poole nodded vigorously.  “After all, we don’t really know how tractable he’ll be…  We don't want him having a tantrum or something in the middle of filming...”
“Oh, his options will be very limited, anyway.  But it may be a useful extra aid if, say, he decides to plant himself and refuses to move.”
“Of course.  It wouldn't look good if we had to resort to the whip to make him cooperate..."
“Hopefully it won’t come to that,” smiled Nicole.  “I’m so pleased you like our idea, Miss Poole.  We’ll take care of everything else, and hopefully we’ll be able to introduce you to your new pony on Saturday morning.  Lavinia’s going to lend me her three girls to help get him ready.  They seem very efficient judged by the way they handled him before.
“Yes, they’re very good, trustworthy girls.”
“You’ve arranged the photographer?”
“My friend Magda will take care of that.  Er…  Did you have any luck with the saddle…?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Miss Poole!  The most important thing!  I was forgetting.  Here…  Lavinia?  Could you pass us that pink Fantastex box on the chair?  Thanks…”  She transferred the suit to the sofa, placed the box on the table, and began opening it.  “They told me it’s been specially shaped to fit Bobby’s back.  They really can make anything, those ladies.  Now, let’s see…”
She opened the box and drew out a tiny saddle, complete with saddle flaps, girths and stirrup leathers.
“Ooh!  That’s pink as well!” cried Miss Poole.  How pretty!”
“Yes, all the tack matches.  Gosh.  It even comes with a little pink saddle-cloth.  What does it say on the packing slip?  “One miniature faux-leather ponyboy saddle with girths and accessories.”  And the stirrups are here too.  You may have noticed a couple of welded guide loops on the suit.  The idea is to thread the girths through those so the saddle will stay firmly in place.”
“Nicole, I’m so impressed.  You’ve thought of everything,” said Miss Poole.  “Thank you so much.”
“I think you should thank Fantastex.  I only explained roughly what we wanted.  They pay attention to all the little details.”
“I can’t wait to see Bobby all ponied up,” said Sarah. 
“So have you found a rider for him?” asked Lavinia.  “You can see from the saddle it’ll need to be someone quite small.”
“I have a couple of girls in mind amongst the younger riders.  She will need to have good posture and technique, and be well turned-out – though thanks to the hooves she’ll be able to ride with a full length of stirrup leather, so she should look quite natural.  I’ve asked several parents if their daughters would be available, though I haven’t explained what we have planned.  But they know it’s a publicity event, so I’m sure they’ll all want to be in on the action.”
“Sounds like Bobby’s going to be quite busy,” grinned Nicole.
“Oh, I’m sure he will be,” said Miss Poole, calmly.  “And even after the shoot I can imagine he’ll attract quite a lot of attention.  But I suppose you’ll have to take him away…”
“Not at all,” said Nicole.  “He’ll be fine in his suit.  I was even thinking he could stay with you that night, if you have a spare stable…”
“Oh, that would be lovely!  So he could entertain our visitors all the afternoon?”
“Why not?” laughed Lavinia.  “I’m sure Jasmine and her friends would only be too happy to look after him, if you can spare them.”
“Of course!” 
“We should at least let him have a rest from his device, don’t you think?” suggested Sarah.  “Talking of which, who’s going to be in charge of his toileting?”
“Absolutely,” agreed Lavinia.  “He can be free.  The suit also has a short lockable zip at the crotch.  I’m going to put Jasmine in charge of that.  She’ll discreetly take him off somewhere quiet when he needs to go.”
“But…how will she know?” asked Sarah.
“Oh, we’ll arrange some sort of code.  Maybe I’ll tell him to neigh three times or something.”
They all laughed.  Miss Poole stroked the saddle and looked at her friends.
“Really, we’re like a bunch of mischievous schoolgirls, aren’t we?  But why shouldn’t we have a little fun in a good cause?”
“Why not, Violet?” smiled Lavinia.  “And I’m sure Bobby will get to enjoy himself too – after he gets over the initial shock!”


  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: His Aunt Nicole
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2024, 03:13:48 PM »
Chapter 54

Bobby was back at Nicole’s on the Thursday evening.  He was in a good mood.  Chrissy and Kaitlyn were being nice to him, and though he knew they could afford to be now, it was still pleasant to have their attention and friendship.  He found himself luxuriating in the dilemma of having crushes on both Chrissy and Clare, and apparently having his feelings reciprocated.  He had no interest in a serious romantic relationship with either, but felt he would be happy to go on playing whatever roles they chose for him in return for their regard and their cuddles and kisses.  So when Nicole reminded him of his upcoming appointments, at Pitt’s Wood on Saturday and again for the committee meeting the following Wednesday, he accepted it blithely.
“Okay, aunt, no sweat.  What time are we leaving Saturday?  Is Clare coming with us?  What am I supposed to be doing there, anyway?”
Judiciously avoiding the last of those three questions, Nicole assured him that Clare would accompany them, and that they needed to leave early as there would be a publicity photoshoot in the morning.
“Oh, really?  They’re going to do some advertising at last?  Good idea.  So why am I needed?”
“Maybe you’d like to help, Bobby.  Magda’s organising the photography, so we thought…”
He pricked up his ears.  “Magda?  Oh, is she good at that sort of thing?”  He felt a slight fluttering in his tummy. “There’s Magda, too,” he was thinking.  “She so fuc-king cute…  Wonder if she’s going to be wearing those boots again…  Hope so…”
“And I’m going to give you a rest from that chastity device for a week or so, too.”
“You are?”
“You’ve been so good about it, darling.  You haven’t complained.  I think you deserve a bit of freedom.”
“Thanks, aunt.  Er, does that mean… Boot Boy duty?”
“Probably next week.  I haven’t had Miss Poole’s instructions yet.”
“Will, er, Magda be at that committee meeting?”
“Oh, yes, of course.  She’s an important figure in the committee.”
That was great news.  He and Magda definitely had some sort of unspoken thing going on.  The electricity was undeniable.  If he had to wear his boot boy outfit for anyone, she was the one he’d most like to show off to.  Maybe she’d take him somewhere quiet for a little snog…  He was sure she’d like to.  He hoped and prayed she wear those sexy red boots…  What was it she’d said?  “Maybe you could clean them for me sometime…”  Yes, those were her exact words!  His thoughts were nipped in the bud by a growing feeling of discomfort from the area of his device.
“Are you all right, dear?”
“Yes…yes, fine, thank you, aunt…”

At the same time Bobby was thinking about Magda, coincidentally Magda was thinking about Bobby – though perhaps not in quite the way he might have hoped.  In fact, she was on the phone with Violet Poole, discussing arrangements for the shoot on Saturday.
“If all goes well, Magda, the stable girls will aim to have Bobby suited up by nine or nine-thirty.  That’s the plan, anyway.  I hope he doesn’t make too much of a fuss.”
“That’s early.  We weren’t planning to start shooting till eleven.”
“Lavinia wants her girls to spend some time with him first, teaching him how to walk and so on, so he’ll have got used to being a pony by the time the filming starts.”
“Oh, yes, good idea.  It’ll give us time to get sorted out, think of good locations, and so on.  I’ll be doing the snaps, and my friend Zeta will be responsible for the videos. I’m so excited!  I can’t wait to see Bobby as a little pony.  What colour’s his suit?”
“He’s going to be a pretty chestnut with for white socks!  And his saddle and all his tack is pink!  Really, Magda, I think he’s going to look a treat!.  I hope everyone approves.  We’ve got a reporter coming from the local paper, too.  She may want to do an interview with him afterwards…”
“Seriously?  Do you think that’s a good idea?  He could say anything…”
“I know.  When she suggested it I foolishly agreed without thinking...”
“Leave it with me.  I’ll have a chat with him beforehand.  I want to assist with getting him ready, anyway.”
“Oh, would you?  I think you’d have more influence over him than anyone else.  He seems to like you a lot…”
“I’ll wear my red boots!” she laughed.  “If that doesn’t do the trick, nothing will!”


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