Betty Pearl's Sissy Stories 20.1
Menu => Active Sissy Stories => Topic started by: Pretty James on June 14, 2022, 08:43:18 PM
This story was not written by me but by Charlie on the petticoat discipline quarterly site which unfortunately no longer exists this is why I post it here, if the author doesn't want this to be posted here let me know.
A gentle breeze blew across Brian's face momentarily giving him a reprieve from the muggy afternoon summer heat. The sky was filled with low hanging white fluffy clouds, but the sun still made its presence felt, occasionally shining through gaps in the cloud cover but otherwise filling the air with a humid heat as it cast its rays through the clouds. It was a Monday afternoon and School was over for the day once more and although it was the start of another week at school, there was now only one week left before they broke up entirely at the end of term for the summer holidays, and the end of the school year. Like just about every child the world over, Brian had been looking forward to the end of school and the onset of the summer holidays, but now he wasn't so sure. His mother had told him only a few days before that he was going to be spending most of it having to attend a summer club at a nearby nursery school. During the summer the nursery took on older children up to the age of fifteen to be cared for at the nursery along with the usual toddlers and three to four year olds. Having to spend most of his summer holidays having to go to a summer club or a camp would have been bad enough but this being one at a nursery school, left Brian feeling especially hard done by. Nursery schools were for preschool babies and toddlers, not fourteen year old boys like him. What could they possibly have to keep him entertained? Brian was filled with gloom as he struggled to imagine how he would pass the time at a nursery school surrounded by little children, and the thought of being patronised and treated like a little child, as he no doubt would be by the women carers there, rankled and annoyed him. To add to that, now he was supposed to be going there early before the start of the summer holidays, as the nursery had started taking the older children in as part of an after school club in order to slowly acclimatise them to the nursery for when they would eventually be going to the day club, and of course it would also get the little toddlers used to the big children.
So Brian stood there waiting outside the school for a minibus van from the nursery, that was supposed to come and pick him up. School had finished barely five minutes before and already there was almost no one else left waiting outside the school gates, apart from three first year girls who were stood off over to the other side of the gates chatting among themselves. Brian presumed they must still be waiting for a parent to come and pick the three of them up, as he stood there now starting to feel a little worried and anxious about what it might be like at the nursery. His increasing nerves made him feel even more hot and bothered than before as he stood there still dressed in his full senior school uniform of his long grey school trousers, grey shirt with a stripy blue and yellow tie, and his grey school blazer, which felt thick and heavy as he stood there in the humid heat. They had been given the option of wearing the official school shorts, but Brian thought they made you look like a sissy little junior boy, as they still had 70's style short legs that barely came down a couple of inches from the crotch and were almost covered by the hem of the blazer, which made it look almost as if you weren't wearing any shorts or trousers at all and were stood there in your just pants. So Brian had dismissed getting any of the school shorts when his mother had offered to buy him some and instead had chosen to endure the discomfort of the hot sweaty heat.
That morning Brian's mother had given him a plastic bag with some of his older clothes for him to take and change into out of his uniform when he got there. In the bag was his old blue two tone polo shirt and an old white t-shirt of his that had a print on the front with the word Denmark and a cartoon Viking boat beneath it, which he'd got on holiday there over a year ago, and was now starting to fit a bit overly snug as he grew out of it. His mother gave him the choice of an old pair of blue jeans or a pair of his old shorts. Brian chose the jeans over the shorts easily, as the shorts were a pair of his old stretchy towelling type ones, which seemed rather childish looking for a boy of his age now and like his Denmark t-shirt, they fitted rather too snuggly and looked more like he was wearing a pair of towelling underpants rather than shorts. Like the school shorts, those towelling ones were also rather short legged, especially now that he was starting to grow out of them, so much so, that if he crouched down, the legs of the shorts would ride up and his underpants would poke out from underneath and be humiliatingly revealed around the backs of the legs. Along with his jeans and two t-shirts, his mother had also put in a spare pair of his underpants, which the nursery had requested that they do. They were of course yet another pair of his colourful patterned y-fronts, that Brian seemed to have so many of. Brian didn't yet get any say in the underwear that was bought for him, and whilst some boys at school got to wear the latest fashionable trendy looking briefs and slips, Brian had to put up with a steady stream of full fitting cheap nylon y-front briefs with two tones colours or brightly patterned prints which were sometimes quite childish in nature, which his mother bought from market stalls or the cheaper shops up town.
As it was the last week of school and exam time was now over for the years above him, the teachers had stopped handing out homework, so Brian had left his school bag full of books back in his locker and just had with him the plastic bag with his old clothes in as he stood there waiting and sweating fretfully in the hot humid air. A few minutes later a small van that had been converted into a minibus with a logo of the nursery emblazoned down the side, pulled up in front of the school gates. The driver side door popped open and out stepped a plump jolly looking lady who was in her late forties or early fifties.
"Hello! I'm sorry I'm a little late!" she exclaimed cheerfully as she jumped out the van and quickly began to open and pull back the sliding side door of the van for the rear seating. To Brian's surprise the three first year girls now also began to walk over to the minibus just as he had started to himself, and it appeared that they would also be going to the same nursery as he was too. This now made Brian feel even more awkward than ever, as the lady stood there and read out the names of the three girls. "And you young man, must be Brian Maynard?" she said to Brian cheerfully as he stood there looking a bit awkward and uncertain. The three girls quickly got in the van taking the three rear seats, giggling and chatting away as they did so, and as Brian got in after them he felt himself blush with shame as he momentarily caught their eyes before sitting down on the seat in front of them, wondering what they would be thinking of an older teen boy like him having to attend a nursery school to be babysat and looked after.
Fortunately the journey didn't last too long, and Brian sat there quietly as the three girls gossiped and chatted among themselves behind him. When they finally arrived, Brian saw that the nursery was just a large brownish red brick house situated in one of the more modest middle class suburbs of the town. It looked as if the nursery had once been two semidetached houses that had been knocked through into one at some point and then converted into the nursery. The whole of the front garden area of the house had been bricked over and turned into a parking area, which the van now pulled up onto along one side of the building in front of a large tall wooden gate, which was about nine foot or more high. As they got out of the van, from the other side of the tall gate Brian could hear the sounds of lots of little children playing outside. The lady then shepherded Brian and the girls in through a door in the side of the house into an entrance hall area. Immediately on the left was a set of stairs going up to the next floor, whilst on the right hand side of the hall was a large row of pegs with lots of little coats and bags hanging on them, each with a colourful little name tag above it, and beyond the hall, an open doorway led in to a long corridor with doors either side of it. Most of the doors were open and from many of them Brian could hear the sounds of children playing and being supervised by the ladies there, and every now and then a few children would pop out of one room and quickly dart into another. The children he saw looked to range in age from about four to eight years old and were mostly girls with a few little boys every so often. Along one side of the corridor up against the wall in between the doorways, were a few large sturdy looking old dark brown wooden wardrobes. As they entered the hall, the lady that had brought them in began to deal with the girls first, giving them directions to a room upstairs that they could change in and told them to bring their uniforms back down with them, so that she could safely put them out of the way in one of the wardrobes. After the girls went up the stairs, the lady then turned her attention to Brian who was stood by patiently waiting.
"Right Brian, come with me and let's get you sorted out and ready too." The lady said cheerfully as she motioned Brian to follow her down the corridor. Brian had assumed that she was taking him to a room along the corridor that he was going to use to change in, when suddenly they stopped at one of the large wardrobes which the lady then opened up. "Right this one's got the boys things in." She said, opening it up to reveal a series of shelves divided into little cubbyholes. In many of the cubby holes were neatly folded little piles of clothes. They were mostly little pairs of trousers and t-shirts, some with little pairs of underpants neatly placed on top, but he also spotted a few grey school uniforms here and there. On the front of the shelf in front of each occupied little cubbyhole, a simple piece of masking tape had been torn off and stuck there and had a name written on it with a felt tip marker pen. "Ah, there is yours." The lady said, looking at one of the larger ones near the top. "You've got a bigger one because you're a big boy of course!" she added in a rather cheerful patronising tone that made Brian cringe. "Right, are those the clothes you've brought along with you?" she asked, looking at the plastic bag Brian was holding, to which Brian nodded. "Oh good! I'll take these off you and sort them out on your shelf for you, whilst you get yourself out of that uniform." The lady carried on cheerfully as she took the plastic bag with Brian's clothes from him and started delving into it to see what was in there. Brian stood there for a moment feeling a bit confused and uncertain. Did she just ask him to take his uniform off? Where does she want him to get changed? Is she going to give him some clothes from his bag to take with him?
"Urm... err... Miss? Urm... where do you want me to get changed?" Brian asked timidly as the lady began pulling his clothes out of the bag.
"Oh, just here will be fine please." She replied, and Brian just gawped at her with a look of shock and incomprehension. "Yes, just here please!" she repeated again when she saw Brian's startled and confused face. Brian started to slowly and tentatively take his blazer off still looking startled and uncertain. "Yes, that's it. Now if you could just hurry it along a bit, as I'm sure you don't want me to have to take your things off for you, do you?" she said, now trying to hurry Brian along a bit.
1.4 Brian's mind whirled and raced as he stood there and began to take his uniform off. He could hardly believe it. She wanted him to get undressed right here in the corridor where he could be seen by anyone, especially the little girls that kept running past every so often. Brian's face flushed with nerves and trepidation as he took off his jacket and began to work on his tie with fingers that now trembled and fumbled. As Brian removed each item of his school uniform, the lady took them off him and neatly folded them and placed into the wardrobe up in his cubbyhole. Brian finally undid all the buttons on his shirt and took it off, leaving him standing there bare chested and feeling awfully exposed and rather embarrassed, and he almost jumped as a couple of little girls ran past into another room giggling. Next Brian laboured over taking his shoes and socks off; trying to delay the dreadful inevitable moment he would have to take his trousers off. As Brian pulled off his last sock he could hear his heart pounding, as at last he moved his hands down to the waistband of his grey school trousers and began to unfasten and unzip them. Hoping that no little girls would come past him, and with the lady standing there watching him intently with a look of impatience, Brian began to slow start to take his trousers down. Brian felt almost faint as he pulled down the waist of the trousers lowering them down to his thighs and exposing his brightly patterned y-front underpants. Just as Brain was about to take them all the way down he suddenly heard the voices of the three first year girls as they rapidly came running along the corridor.
"Here you go Miss! Where would you like us to put our things?" the three girls asked as they quickly came along the corridor to where Brian and the lady were stood. Caught by surprise, Brian stood there and froze for a moment as he looked in utter shock at the three girls now stood right in front of him. At that moment the girls suddenly noticed Brian's state of undress as he stood there half naked in front of them with his trousers round his knees and his underpants on full display. The girls burst into loud fits of surprised and amused laughter as they saw him standing there with his trousers down. Then Brian suddenly came to his senses and quickly pulled his trousers back up whilst blushing furiously.
"Oh, just leave your things here girls. I'll sort them out for you, don't worry." The lady told the girls, seeming completely unconcerned about the embarrassing little underpants exposing incident that had just happened to Brian. Once the girls had left their stuff and gone on down the corridor to go out into the back garden, Brain was once more left in the position of having to finally remove his trousers. Now thinking it probably wiser to get them off quickly so that he could get dressed in his casual things as soon as possible, Brian now hastily took his trousers down before any more girls came passing by. In his haste Brian tripped and stumbled as he tried to pull the legs of his trousers off over his feet, causing him to panic and fumble even more. Finally Brian had his trousers off and he stood there red faced with embarrassment and feeling very exposed now wearing nothing but his underpants out in the middle of the corridor in this busy little nursery school. The lady took his trousers off him and neatly and carefully folded them before putting them on his shelf on top of the rest of his uniform. She then looked him up and down appraisingly as he stood there shyly; all exposed in his underpants in front of her, making him feel quite humiliated and belittled. Brian just wished she would hurry up and give him his casual clothes so that he could quickly get dressed again.
"Hmm, let's give you this one today I think." She finally said before selecting his two tone blue polo shirt from his things. Rather than hand it over to Brian, she then made him hold up his arms so that she could dress him in it herself. Brian felt like a little child as she pulled the shirt over his head, making sure his arms were in before pulling the hem down, which to Brian's surprise she then neatly tucked all round into the waistband of his underpants. "Right, that'll do you for now I think. It's far too hot and sticky to be wearing those jeans on a day like today." She then said as she gave Brian an appraising look before turning round to shut the wardrobe doors. Brian could only stand there stunned as he looked on with utter dismay as she closed the big thick wooden doors of the wardrobe and then pulled out a set of big old iron keys on a ring, one of which she stuck in the key hole of the wardrobe and locked it with a loud solid click. Brian was now stood there in the corridor wearing nothing more than his polo shirt and y-front underpants, with all his clothes now locked securely behind the big thick wooden doors of that wardrobe, and with it seeming increasingly unlikely he was going to get them back any time soon. A mounting sense of shock and horror swept through him as he realised that he was now obviously expected to spend the rest of the day dressed like this in just his underpants and shirt. As Brian stood there stupefied, a couple of little girls about seven or eight years old came out of a room and walked past to go into a nearby one, and as they passed Brian they let out amused little giggles as they saw him standing there in his underpants. Brian's face flushed hotly with embarrassment and humiliation and he rather pathetically tried to put his hands down to cover his exposed underpants as they passed by. "Right, come on Brian. Let's get you out into the back garden and out in that lovely sun and we'll introduce you to some of the other children, although I'm sure you probably already know the three girls from your school of course." The lady eventually said to Brian as if nothing at all was wrong, and took him by the arm and began to lead him down the corridor and towards the exit out into the back garden, and all he could do was stumble along beside her in a state of shock.
Brian was led out into the back garden, which was a surprisingly large square of plain flat grass, bordered on all sides by a tall boarded wooden fence. Out on the big square of grass, lots of various garden toys and bits of play equipment were scattered about, and of course there were also lots of little children running around playing with it all. The majority of the children there seemed to be little girls, but there were also a few odd little boys running around too. Brian noted that nearly all the boys were dressed nothing more than just their little y-front underpants, but there was also the odd little boys in shorts and t-shirts here and there. Most of the boys looked aged no more than about three to six years old at the oldest, all apart from one junior aged boy who looked about nine, that was currently squatting precariously on top of a small plastic buggy obviously meant for toddlers. The boy was stripped down to just his yellow y-front underpants that had a contrasting navy blue trim, and he was looking quite agitated and worried as two girls about seven years old sat near him giggling and looked as if they were having a bit of fun teasing him. The girls by contrast were all dressed in either shorts or skirts and t-shirts or light summer dresses, and some of the girls were still wearing their junior school uniform dresses and skirts. Not a single one of the girls had just been stripped off to their underwear, even the little toddler aged girls were all dressed properly. The average age of the girls looked a bit higher than that of the boys too, and their ages seemed to range from about three up to about eleven or twelve due to the three girls from the first year of his school, who were the eldest girls there. There were also a lot more junior aged girls there and quite a few looked between the ages of seven and ten.
Still holding Brian by the arm the lady led him over to where a small wooden indoor climbing frame of the sort used by toddler groups, had been placed outside and surrounded by a few foam filled safety mats. On the frame a few little preschool aged girls and one junior aged looking girl were having a clamber about. Around the base of the frame a couple more junior girls were playing about on the mats. The slightly chubby looking junior aged girl up on the climbing frame, who looked about eight or nine, was just about to take a turn down the slide attached to the side of the climbing frame, when the lady brought Brian over to stand before the frame and present him to the girls. Brian could hear his heart pounding and almost felt faint as she brought them both to a halt right in front of these junior girls.
"Right girls, I want you to say hello to Brian here, who's just joined us today. I know he's a big senior boy, but that doesn't mean he won't be feeling quite shy with all your new faces around to get used to. So I want you all to give him a nice welcome and make him feel at home." The lady said to the little junior girls, who stopped what they were doing to stare at Brian, as he stood there before them all exposed in his brightly patterned y-front underpants and two tone blue polo shirt. With that the lady just left Brian stood there as she then went off round the other side of the climbing frame to watch over some little toddlers. Brian stood there rooted to the spot blushing furiously, as the three junior girls looked up at him stood there in his underpants and began giggling and laughing at him. The chubby girl then quickly came down the slide to land at the bottom so that she could get a better view of his underpants. In front of him a little girl of no more than about seven, dressed in her little light blue school summer dress looked up at him smirking and giggling. Over to his left an older ten year old looking girl dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and a sun hat, who had been sprawled out on one of the mats, was busy pulling herself backup with the frame behind her, so that she could also get a better look at him. She was having a hard time trying to pull herself back up though, as she burst into fits of amused derisive laughter and giggles as she stared at Brian timidly stood there in his underpants. The chubby girl to his right that had now come down the slide also joined in with the giggles and laughter, and Brian could only stand there looking pathetically shy and nervous. Brian's face flushed hotly with shame and humiliation, and at first his hands instinctively came down in a clumsy and pathetic attempt to try and cover his exposed underpants from the staring giggling girls. He soon realised that it was utterly pointless trying to cover himself from their watching eyes and after a few moments he meekly let his hands fall to his side in resignation, letting the girls properly see the front of his fully exposed underpants as he bowed his head down in shame and submission before them.
"Urm... hello..." Brian finally said in a weak meek voice to the girls. The girls however just continued to stare at his exposed underpants laughing and giggling.
"Ha! Ha! You've been made to play in your pants like a little pre-schooler!" the oldest of the three girls then said in a highly amused mocking crowing voice. To which the other two girls joined in with more cheeky derisive giggles of their own. Brian could only stand there feeling utterly subjugated and dominated by these three little junior girls, who he now felt completely at the mercy of. As Brian stood there in submission he suddenly heard the two little girls who were sat over by the nine year old boy suddenly call out.
"MISS! MISS! Justin's wet his pants!" the two girls called out gleefully to another lady that was over at the back end of the garden not far from them. All the girls then turned round to look in the direction of the boy, with the three junior girls in front of him now getting up to have a better look at the commotion. The boys was still sat rather awkwardly on the plastic buggy and now had a rather distraught look on his face as one of the girls near him sat there pointing at his underpants. The crotch of his underpants now looked dark and wet, and a little trickle of pee could still be seen emanating from the soaking wet crotch of his pants to trickle down the front of the plastic buggy. The girls near Brian were all now craning to have a better look, as the lady down near the boy hurriedly strode over to see what was going on. The lady looked down at the boy with a look of annoyance and disdain and reached down to grab the boy by an arm and forcibly hauled him up off the buggy. As soon as she had stood him back up on his feet, her free hand swung down to deliver several loud thwacks across the boy's bottom. Then she roughly tugged the boy along behind her as she led him back over to the house. As she led him past Brian and the girls, the boy stumbled along behind her crying, with his underpants still wet and dripping between his legs.
"AH HA HA!" the girls all jeered loudly and laughed as the tearful distraught boy was led past. Thankfully that little interlude seemed to break the spell rooting Brian to the spot and keeping him in the thrall of these three little girls, and as soon as the boy had gone past the lady that had brought him out called him over to the climbing frame.
"Brian, perhaps you'd like to come over here and have a go on the climbing frame and show these little ones what a big boy can do? I'm sure the frame will be able to hold your weight, it's quite sturdy enough and firmly pegged into the ground." The lady said as Brian walked over to the frame. A flush of shame blossomed in his cheeks as he noted the three first year senior girls from his school were now stood near the lady and now looked at Brian as he approached with big broad amused and gloating grins written across their faces. "Right why don't you just climb up and have a play around for bit so that the little ones can see what you can do." The lady now said to Brian.
Brian now had a small audience of girls watching him as he tentatively started to mount the climbing frame. The three senior girls from his school were now watching him intently with highly amused smug grins, and they tittered and giggled to each other as he gingerly climbed up the frame. Behind him the three junior girls had now got up off the floor to watch as well and he could also hear them giggling and chuckling as he climbed up the frame. All the watching girls got the most intimate views of Brian's underpants from just about every angle and position possible, as he climbed up the frame and over the bars, spreading his legs apart as he straddled bars and slipped and pulled himself between the rungs, giving the girls the most intimate views of his crotch between his spread legs. The girls also seeming to delight when the soft lumpy protrusions of his little boy's bits squished up against the bars as he straddled them between his legs climbing over the top of the frame. The lady even had Brian hang upside down with his knees hooked over the top rungs, and Brian felt utterly helpless as he hung there in front of the girls in his underpants with his arms dangling limply down to the floor. To round off his little show, the lady then wanted Brian to go down the slide, and he rather precariously started to sit himself down at the top, trying to steady himself before attempting to go down the narrow little slide. Just as Brian was gingerly trying to sit himself down at the top, his feet suddenly lost grip on the slippery smooth surface and an instant later caught completely by surprise, Brian let out a startled panicky little fart as he rapidly slid down the slide on the seat of his underpants with his arms and legs flailing about in shock. Brian landed in a big heap at the bottom, arms and legs still flailing about in surprise, as the girls all stood around laughing loudly at his rather inept and ungraceful panicked little flight down the slide.
After Brian had recovered his composure at the bottom of the slide, the lady then took Brian around the garden showing him other little activities he could join in with. Of course they were all silly little things much more suited to little preschool children than anything a teen like him would be interested in, and at each little activity there was yet another little group of girls and children to be introduced to him. Most of the younger infant girls, whilst looking at him curiously, were none too fussed by the sight of Brian in his underpants, but the junior girls certainly all had a good little giggle at this older senior boy being made to play in his underpants and t-shirt. After his little tour of the garden, Brian was then left on his own and was stood about wondering what to do. It didn't take long however, before some of the other little boys playing out in the garden soon gravitated towards this big boy newcomer, wanting him to play with them, and a little while later Brian soon found himself playing along with all these little boys silly little games and adventures. The boys were all about three to six years old, and like him most of them were just dressed in their underpants as they played. First they played on the climbing frame, pretending that it was a pirate ship and that the blue mats below were shark infested waters, so that they all had to clamber around trying not to touch the floor. Then they went off on an expedition around the garden searching for treasure, crawling through the little canvas play tunnels and digging about in the sandpit. Then after that the little group of boys rolled around on the floor having a bit of a play fight and wrestle, with all the little boys piling onto the big boy Brian of course. The little boys of course were most unselfconscious when it came to intimate physical contact with each other and Brian, as he wrestled with all these little boys in their underpants, and on a few occasions he ended up with a little boy sat on his face or straddling his hips and sitting right on top of his little boys bits, which Brian found a little bit embarrassing and awkward. The little boys however couldn't care less, as Brian found their little bulging crotches being thrust into his face as they crawled over his head or rubbing up against some other part of his body. As Brian lay on the floor wrestling with the little boys in his underpants, he looked up to see the three senior girls from his school looking down at him with amused mocking grins.
"Made some new friends have you Brian?" they crowed sarcastically, whilst laughing at him.
"He really is just like one of the little boys isn't he?" another girl said with amusement.
"I know. It didn't take him long to fit in with the little pre-schoolers did it?" they giggled down at him.
"Maybe next year you should go back down to reception class at infants school Brian. I'm sure they'll let you play in your pants and vest if you want." One of the girls said mockingly, causing the other girls to burst into little fits of laughter. Brian could only lay there on the floor, still wrestling with the boys but now feeling utterly belittled and shamed. Soon after that, the girls left, having had their fun teasing him for the moment.
A little while later, the boys tired of their little wrestling bout and they all broke off to play with other things in the garden for a bit. Not long after that, as Brian was once more left wondering what to do with himself, the sound of a little commotion caught Brian's attention and looking over towards the back door of the house where he could hear a few girls cheering and laughing, he saw the junior boy who had earlier wet his pants, being brought back out into the garden again by the lady that had carted him off. Brian was shocked to see that the boy was now dressed in a big thick bulky looking nappy which was covered over by a pair of milky white plastic pants. As the boy was led out waddling along in his big thick nappy, with his thick padded bottom waggling about from side to side, the girls all crowded round cheering and laughing, causing the dismayed pouting boy to once more burst into tears. The boy was then sat down over by a group of toddlers and he then just sat there in his nappy crying and snivelling, looking utterly dejected and crushed. It was at about that time that Brian suddenly started to feel a rather desperate urge to need to go to the toilet himself for a number two. Not wanting to end up like that little junior boy, Brian went over to ask the lady who had been looking after him where the toilets were.
"Are you desperate?" she asked, to which Brian nodded his head, as his need to go now felt increasingly urgent. "Right, well then you'd better go and use the little ones toilet which is down on the ground floor. Go back through the backdoor into the corridor and it's the first door on your right." She explained to Brian, who then hurriedly went off to find the toilet. When Brian got there he was dismayed to find that the toilets were completely open plan. Along the wall just inside the door to his left, was a line of little low down wash basins, that Brian would have to practically crouch down to use. Past them, along the wall over on the far left of the room, was a boy's urinal trough and in front of him along the back wall, was a row of toilets with toilet roll holders fixed to the wall next to each one. The toilets were all simply open to view; there wasn't even a dividing panel between them. The toilets all had little sets of plastic steps going up to them and child seat adapters on top of the regular seats. On one of the toilets a little four year old girl sat swinging her legs back and forth, as she sat there most unselfconsciously having a wee, with her dress hitched up and her little panties hanging around her ankles. Brian didn't have time to try and find the other toilets as his urge to poop became even more desperate as his tummy ached and his bottom now felt ready to burst. Having little choice, Brian quickly removed one of the seat adaptors from a toilet and quickly tried to take his underpants down whilst cupping his little private bits with one hand as he sat down on the toilet. The little girl who was sat one toilet down from him, finished her wee and spread her legs apart to give her little vagina a wipe, before pulling her knickers back up and going over to give her hands a quick wash. Brian sat there holding back, waiting for her to go so that he could do his poop in private.
As soon as she left and the toilet was empty, Brian let go and let out a long loud fart and was about to follow through, when suddenly to his utter horror three junior aged girls walked in, that he hadn't yet seen before when he was out in the garden. The girls must have been indoors in one of the rooms all the time he was outside and the three all looked about nine or ten years old. The girls, who were chatting animatedly between themselves when they walked in, suddenly stopped and went silent as they saw Brain, and looked at him with shock and surprise as they saw him sat there on the toilet with his underpants hanging down around his legs just below his knees. Brian had tucked his little boy's bits between his legs, but nevertheless he still put a hand down over the top of them to cover them up as they walked in and saw him. It didn't take long for the girl's gasps of shock to turn into astonished and amused laughter and giggles. The three girls, who had obviously just come in to use the wash basins, now stood there looking at him sat on the toilet with his pants down, completely besides themselves laughing and giggling at him. Brian once more blushed bright red with utter shame and humiliation, as he once again tried to hold back his desperate urge to poop, which was even harder than ever now that he had already started the process. The girls didn't seem to be about to go any time soon and carried on standing there laughing and giggling at him and making teasing comments among themselves. Seconds later Brian could just no longer hold his desperate urges back, and right there in front of the three girls he began to do his poo. Another fart erupted from his bottom as his poop finally forced its way out, followed by lots of wet pops and crackles and more little farts as a long sausage of poop slid out of his bottom and plopped noisily into the toilet bowl water below. As Brian pooped himself right there in front of them, the girls went almost hysterical with fits of loud laughter. Brian sat there feeling utterly mortified as the girls stood there practically in tears laughing at him. The girls still obviously had no intention of leaving and were very likely going to stay there until Brian got up and left. So whilst trying to keep one hand covering his private bits, Brian reached behind and fumbled with the toilet roll single handed trying to tear off bits to wipe his bottom with. All the while the girls stood there watching with amusement and teasing him whilst he tried to wipe his bottom. After a couple of quick wipes, Brian felt that it would have to do, as he now wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. Still keeping his little private bits covered with one hand, he now pulled his pants back up with his free hand. Once his little privates were covered again, Brain could once more use both hands to pull his underpants back up properly. Without thinking about it as he pulled them up, Brian once more tucked the hem of his polo shirt neatly into the waistband of his pants as the lady had done. The girls who had not seen Brian before of course, now had a good laugh and giggle at him as he stood there in front of them in his y-front underpants and polo shirt. Brian tried to ignore them as best he could, as he washed his hands, but their laughs and giggles and teasing comments still left him feeling belittled and humiliated. After he was done Brian quickly rushed away from those girls and back out into the garden again.
Out in the garden the junior boy was still sat in his nappy with the little toddlers and was now playing along with their little baby games looking utterly dejected and subdued. Meanwhile Brian found himself once more playing with the little boys up on the climbing frame, this time pretending that it was a castle or fortress, with the floor down in the middle at the bottom of the frame being the dungeon. Brian was cast as a big evil knight and he had to attack the castle climbing up the sides and over the top, where upon the little boys would quickly subdue him and make him sit at the bottom trapped in their dungeon. Then Brian would escape out the side underneath the slide, which was their drawbridge over the castle moat, and Brain would repeat the process and attack their castle once more. As Brian played with the little boys, the three junior girls he had first met there by the frame were once more back playing around at the foot of it. Brian once again made an attack on the little boys castle, climbing up the sides and swinging his legs over the top straddling the top bar between his legs and bottom as he climbed over, and once more the little boys put on their show of fighting him off, defeating and subduing the big evil knight, casting him down to the dungeon at the bottom of the climbing frame. Brian stayed in the dungeon again for a short while before once more making his escape by crawling on his hands and knees out from under the slide and away from the frame to avoid the detection of the patrolling guards at the top of the castle. As Brian crawled past the girls he suddenly heard a little cry of disgust from one of the girls.
"Ewww! Look!" cried one of the girls behind Brian as he made his way past on his hands and knees.
"Urgh! Ewww!" came more little amused cries of disgust from behind him.
"Miss! Miss! Brian's got poopy pants!" one of the girls then called out to the lady who was once more nearby the climbing frame. Brian now froze where he was, still on his hands and knees and tried to look behind him to see what was going on.
"Right Brian, stay right where you are!" he heard the lady shout over to him firmly, now sounding a little stricter than her so far usual jolly self. Brian then heard her come up behind him, and with him still down on the floor on his hands and knees, he felt her slip her fingers in to one of the legs of his underpants about level with his little bottom hole and pull them over to one side stretching them tight so she could inspect the seat of his underpants. "Oh dear, really Brian!" she said with a tone of disappointment and annoyance. "Did you remember to wipe your bottom after going to the toilet?" she asked irately.
"Urm... yes Miss." Brian replied meekly, sounding rather unsure of himself as he remembered the brief quick wipe he had given himself due to those girls being there in the toilets with him. Constantly climbing over that frame and straddling those bars between his legs must have rubbed his pants against his still mucky bottom, leaving a visible poo stripe in the seat of his underpants, he surmised with a now mounting feeling of shame and worry.
"Well you obviously didn't do a very good job!" she replied snappily. "Really Brian, older boys like you should be able to clean themselves properly by now." She said irritatedly, before then reaching down to pull him up off the floor. "Right, we'd better go get you cleaned up. We can't have you wearing dirty disgusting pants like that!" she exclaimed as she then led him off back into the house.
Once more Brian found himself in the little pre-schoolers toilets as the lady brought him back inside the house to clean him up. There were a few preschool and infant age children in the toilet when she pulled him in there, but that didn't seem to worry her, as without ceremony and much to his utter shock and surprise, she simply reached down and pulled Brian's underpants down and off over his feet. Brian stood there in the toilets surrounded by little girls and the odd boy, and he quickly put his hands down to cup his little private bits. Being a bit of a late developer, Brian was still quite hairless down below and although his balls had dropped a bit and his voice had broken slightly, his little bits were still quite prepubescent looking. Most of the other boys in his class by now had a good tuft of pubic hair or at the very least had started growing a few wisps of it. Brian though was still quite hairless and he still looked more like one of the eleven year old first year boys than the other teens his age. Not that any of the little children here would know about such things of course, but Brian still felt very self-conscious of it and he quickly covered up his little underdeveloped privates. The lady then told Brian to go and tear off several sheets of toilet paper. Brian tried to fumble with the toilet paper single headedly again whilst still trying to cover his privates with one hand, but the lady soon put a stop to his fumbling.
"What on earth is the matter with you boy? Use both hands!" she now snapped at him impatiently, and Brian now had to take his hand away from his shameful little private bits and leave them all exposed as he tore off a few sheets of toilet paper. Brian now turned to face the lady holding his sheets of toilet paper, and standing there completely naked from the waist down. The hem of his old polo shirt only came down a couple of inches or so past his waist, leaving his bare bottom and his little bits all fully exposed. Brian just stood there numb with shock as all the little girls continued to mill about around him, occasionally stopping to stare most unabashedly at his little private bits with curious intimate little stares. Even the lady gave his little bits a good look over, making Brian feel utterly helpless and subjugated as he stood there before her blushing brightly with humiliation. "Right, now turn around, bend over and let me see you give your bottom a jolly good wipe clean." She snapped irately at him, now starting to lose her patience with him. Brian did as he was told and most humiliatingly for him, he bent over in front of this lady and all the little girls, baring his mucky brown ringed bottom hole to them and then started to wipe it clean. "Now look at the sheets and tell me if they look clean." The lady snapped in her short tempered voice, as Brian finished using the first folded pair of sheets.
"No Miss." Brian replied as he looked at the dirty brown streak across the white toilet tissue.
"Right, now put those in the toilet and give yourself another wipe." She ordered firmly, and Brian once more wiped his bottom with the next pair of folder sheets. After three pairs Brian's bottom was now finally clean and after flushing the paper down the toilet Brian went and washed his hands. "Well you can't wear these again can you? Look at them!" she said in a loud irate voice, holding his underpants up for him to see the big thick brown streak in the seat of them, and Brian blushed shamefully at the sight of them. The lady then took hold of his arm again and marched him back out into the corridor to once more stand in front of the wardrobe. The lady stood Brian there in the corridor over to one side up against the wall behind her, and made him stand there meekly to attention with his hands submissively down by his side, and he stood there looking completely crushed and utterly subdued. "You've only been here one afternoon and you're already onto your spare pair of underpants. It's not what I expect from an older boy like you!" the lady said chastising him whilst she opened up the wardrobe.
As the lady fussed about inside for his spare pair of underpants, the three girls that Brian had seen in the toilets earlier, suddenly came out one of the rooms. The girls of course almost immediately spotted Brian stood there to attention by the wall, naked from the waist down and with his little boys bits all completely exposed. The girls quickly gathered around near Brian as they once more burst into fits of hysterical laughter and giggling as they looked down at his exposed little boy's bits. Brian now remained there standing meekly to attention with his hands by his side, completely subdued and subservient before the teasing laughing girls. The lady paid the giggling teasing girls absolutely no attention whatsoever as she eventually turned around to face Brian holding his spare pair of underpants, which she then made him step into before pulling them up and tucking him in again, all in front of the three watching highly amused girls. "There, that's your spare pair of underpants used now." The lady declared to Brian. "I'll have to put these ones into the laundry, but that won't be until Friday, so they won't be dry and ready for you again until Monday. So young man, you had better not dirty any more pants before then, otherwise you'll have to go into nappies instead, do you understand?" the lady said giving Brian a firm warning, to which Brian silently nodded his head meekly.
After being changed into his spare pair of colourful y-front underpants, Brian once more made his way back out to the garden. Now the girls had a new pair of underpants to look at and tease Brian about, especially as these ones had a rather childish pattern on them, and of course it didn't take long before the three senior girls from his school found their way back over to him.
"In your spare pair of underpants already Brian? You better not dirty any more or it will be nappies for you!" the girls mocked him and giggled and laughed at the thought of him having to wear a nappy.
"Aww! Look at his new pants, aren't they cute. They've got little cars and things on them." One of the girls teased, making fun of the childish pattern on his underpants of various little cartoon cars, trains and planes.
"Aww diddum's! Well he is just a little boy now isn't he?" another girl teased him, as they all stood there giggling and tittering at him. Brian just stood there subdued with his head hung down in submission blushing furiously.
Shortly afterwards they heard the ladies calling everyone's attention out in the garden and got all the children to gather round them. Apparently it was time for their daily group dance and movement session where the whole nursery got together. As the children in the garden gathered round the ladies outside, more children came out from inside the house, like the three junior girls that had teased Brian. A few more little girls and boys also came out, with some boys undressed to pants and vests and others in shorts and t-shirts, and of course all the girls fully clothed in shorts or dresses. All the children then formed a big circle holding hands and had to dance around and sing nursery rhymes as one of the ladies played along with a tambourine. The junior boy in his nappy waddled around looking quite miserable and dejected, as some of the girls giggled and smirked at him, making teasing comments about his nappy. Then a smaller circle of children was formed inside the main one and the children once more danced around but this time the two circles went in opposite directions. After those children had returned back to the main circle, the ladies asked the older children including Brian to go into the middle to perform some more expressive and creative dances for the little ones.
The ladies got them to pretend to be trees and exploding fireworks among other things, all of which made Brian feel quite childish and humiliated as he had to perform all these expressive dances in his underpants in front of all the watching little children. Once the group dancing was over, there was just less than an hour left before it was time to go home and Brian somehow ended up having to play with the little boys again who had now obviously made him their new friend. Towards the end of the day the little boys had clearly begun to run out of steam and as Brian lay down on one of the mats and leaned back on his elbows, a few of the little boys came over and began to cuddle up to him, with one in his lap between his legs whilst two more sat next to him and rested their heads against his chest for a brief snooze, all of which started to make Brian feel very tired himself. Brian eventually lay back on the mat with the little boys and started to nod off himself, as they all cuddled up into a sleepy heap of little boys in their underpants with Brian at the centre.
When Brian came round and woke up again, it was finally time to go home and the lady came along waking up all the little boys snoozing by Brian. Brian then had to go and wait by the wardrobe once more for the lady to come along and finally give him his uniform back for him to change back into. Brian could only stand there once more meekly to attention in his underpants and polo shirt, as lots of little girls paraded past him to the front entrance as their parents arrived to pick them up. Next to Brian a few other little boys now also lined up in their underpants, also waiting to get their clothes back, even the junior boy in his nappy arrived eventually to line up to take his turn and Brian wondered how he would be dealt with. After what seemed like an age after most of the girls had filed past, the lady arrived to give each boy their clothes back in turn. She started with the youngest preschool boys first, helping them to get dressed before moving onto the older infant boys, leaving Brian and the junior boy in his nappy till last. When the junior boy's turn came, the lady pulled out his grey school shirt which she quickly buttoned him into and then tucked the tails into the waistband of his milky white plastic pants. Then she pulled out his grey school trousers and told the boy to his distraught looking face that she wouldn't be able to put them on over his nappy, and so she would put them in his bag with his tie and other things. Then she pulled his grey knee socks on and slipped on his buckle on sandals before fastening them, leaving the utterly mortified looking boy stood there in his socks and sandals and grey school shirt, which was all neatly tucked into his milky white plastic pants. The lady then led the horrified looking boy out to the front entrance, and he waddled along noisily behind her in his thick bulky rustling nappy and plastic pants. Brian could only imagine how utterly mortifying it must be for that boy to be presented back to his mother half-dressed back into his school uniform and in that big nappy. Finally at long last the lady came back and made Brian stand there as she dressed him back into his uniform, making sure he was all neatly tucked in and well presented. It was then with some relief that Brian was taken out to meet his mother who had come to collect him and taken him back home.
Later that evening Brian of course argued and pleaded with his mother that he didn't want to go back to that nursery. He was far too old to be sent there, it was all for little babies and infants. Why couldn't he hang out with his mates or stay at home and do things for older boys? His arguing and moaning however, fell on deaf ears. He was going to be going there after school for the rest of the school term and then be spending his days there for most of the holidays and that was that. Realising that his mother wasn't going to be backing down on this, Brian then asked if he could have a pair of shorts to take with him the next day. No he couldn't, as the nursery had specifically asked that she only provided the minimum amount of items required by him to wear, as laid out in their rules. Besides, he was the one that had chosen to take the jeans instead of the shorts, and so he was just going to have to live with his decision. That as far as his mother was concerned, was the final reply on the matter, which caused Brian to go into a sullen sulk for the rest of the evening.
The next day at school didn't fare any better for him. During the morning break, out in the playground, the three first year girls that had gone with him to the nursery the previous day, cornered him with a few of their friends whilst Brian was momentarily apart from his friends. The group of about six little first year girls all crowded round Brian and began to tease him relentlessly.
"You've not gone down to the infant's school today to play in your pants with the boys there then Brian?"
"Did mummy dress you in your little boys pants this morning Brian?"
"Are you going to play in your pants now Brian?"
"Yeah, go on Brian, I'm sure the first year boys will let you play with them."
"Don't forget to wipe your bottom properly today Brian or you'll end up in nappies like a big baby."
"Aww! Coochy Coo!" The group of girls teased and made fun of Brian, who could only stand there blushing furiously with shame and humiliation. Later on during lunch break Brian managed to studiously avoid them by staying in his classroom or hanging out in the boys changing rooms. At the end of school however and once more waiting outside the school gates for the minibus, the three girls were once more able to tease him whilst they waited and the three seemed especially eager and excited to get back to the nursery again.
Back at the nursery, once again Brian had to strip off by the wardrobe whilst the three first year girls went upstairs to change. It was of course another hot day, perhaps even more so than the day before, so this time the lady just left him wearing nothing but his underpants.
"We'll get some sun tan lotion on you, don't worry, and if it looks like you're catching the sun we'll get a t-shirt on you." The lady said to him as she left him standing there wearing nothing but his y-front underpants. The crushing feeling of shame and submission soon reasserted itself and Brian was once more stood by the side of the corridor meekly to attention whilst he waited for the lady to finish sorting out his clothes in the wardrobe. The three girls soon came along the corridor having finished changing upstairs, and whilst they left their clothes with the lady, they stopped to have a good look and giggle at Brian as he stood there in his underpants. They had a good look at this new pair of y-fronts he was wearing and as they chatted between themselves about his pants, they made teasing comments about them, quite unconcerned that he was stood right in front of them. After she had finished sorting things out, the lady took him outside once more and then gave him a good rub all over with sun tan lotion as he stood there in his pants. The little junior girls all had a good titter and giggle when they saw Brian again, which still made him blush profusely. On spotting their new big friend again, the little boys soon rushed over excitedly to greet him, and after that Brian once more found himself playing games with the little infant and preschool boys.
Brian noticed the junior boy was there again and noted that he was once more in a nappy again, and had obviously just been put in it when he arrived, and Brian wondered how long it would be before he was allowed back into his underpants again. Would any of the boy's even get to wear their trousers again if this hot weather kept up all summer? Brian wondered to himself. As the afternoon went on Brian had pretty much resigned himself to his situation, and as he became more accustomed to the little boys games and began to integrate himself into them, he began to succ-umb to the feelings of being like a little innocent and naïve infant boy again. By the time the afternoon was nearly over, Brian was rushing around with the boys and almost whole heartedly joining in with their childish little adventures, climbing over the climbing frame or having a playful rough and tumble down on the play mats. The girls of course found Brian's transformation into a little boy most amusing, as he now played about in front of them in his underpants almost quite unselfconsciously. The girls would then have a little tease of him about his childish regression, momentarily snapping Brian out of his little world, causing him to cringe with shame and embarrassment and go bright red in the face.
The next day at school, the girls and their little coterie of friends once more tracked Brian down in the playground and surrounded him in a quiet corner of the playground. There was now about eight girls in their group and Brian was now a lot more meek and submissive as the girls teased and mocked him, laughing and giggling raucously amongst themselves as they did so, and Brian stood there feeling like a little infant boy as these "big" first year girls stood around teasing and making fun of him.
"Aww, look! Here he is, "little" Brian."
"Aww, aren't your little friends here to play with you?"
"Are you sure you're not too hot wearing all those clothes? Do you need help getting undressed?" the girls teased him.
"Yeah! Let's help him get undressed!" one of the three girl's friends said in a loud excited voice, and with that there was a sudden flurry of activity around Brian. One girl rushed behind him and grabbed hold of his hair tightly in her fist, jerking his head back painfully. A couple more girls suddenly grabbed Brian from behind pulling his blazer back along his arms pinning his arms back behind him. At the same time a few other girls rush in from the front to take down his trousers. One girl quickly began to unhook and unzip his trousers while two others stood either side of him and began to pull them down. Brian stood there feeling helpless with his head still painfully yanked back and struggled as these girls quickly took his trousers down to his ankles, giggling and laughing as they did so. As his shirt was all neatly tucked into his underpants, it immediately left them on full display, and as soon as his trousers came down, all the girls burst into fits of laughter as they saw his exposed underpants. Brian could do nothing as the two girls behind him continued to hold him back with his arms still tangled up in his jackets sleeves, and he stood there stumbling about with his trousers down around his ankles. The girls laughed hysterically and derisively at his underpants, which were yet another pair of childish y-fronts, with a pattern of sailing boats and anchors on them and little cartoon fish. As Brian stood there stumbling about, the girls ridiculed his underpants and pointed out the little lumps of his boys bits to each other, making amusing little comments about them. Brian was eventually saved by the bell signalling the end of break time, and the girls left him there to pull himself back together as they quickly hurried off.
Brian was now most subdued in front of the girls after school as the minibus came again to pick them up to take them to the nursery. Even though it was only his third day at the nursery, Brian now knew the routine well enough, and obediently stood by the wardrobe and striped down to his underpants, handing his uniform over to the lady as he did so. It was still hot and sunny, and according to the forecasts it would be for most of the summer, so Brian once more found himself out in the garden in just his underpants. After his run in with the three girls and their friends during the break time earlier that day at school, the three girls and indeed even the junior girls there at the nursery, now all somehow felt bigger and more senior to him and Brian now started to feel a bit intimidated by these once "little" girls. As Brian once more played with the little infant and preschool boys, he began to feel more and more junior and subordinate to all the little girls, even though in some cases he was nearly twice their age. Throughout the afternoon, because of the hot weather, the ladies made sure all the children were getting plenty to drink, and Brian must have guzzled down a good half dozen large plastic beakers of orange squash as he played with the boys. After he'd been playing for a while, Brian suddenly realised during a quiet moment, that he really rather needed to go for a pee. As Brian started to leave the boys and head for the toilet, the ladies suddenly started to call all the children together for the afternoon group dance and movement session.
"Not that way Brian. Over here please!" one of the ladies called out to him as he was heading towards the house just as all the children inside it began to come out.
"I... err... urm..." Brian stammered meekly.
"No ifs or buts! Come along and stand over there and join the circle please!" the lady firmly ordered, and Brian submissively obeyed.
Brian was now stood in the circle holding hands with two little girls of about five or six years old that were stood either side of him, as once more the afternoon dance and movement session began to start. The session began as it always did, with them dancing around in a circle singing nursery rhymes, and then after a short while a smaller circle being formed in the centre to dance in opposite directions. Whilst they danced around Brian began to feeling increasingly desperate for a pee, and as they moved and danced Brian was able to jiggle his legs about enough to hold off the desperate urges, but every time they stopped for a few moments the feelings of desperation in his bladder came back even stronger than before. Whilst he was still holding the hands of the two little girls next to him, Brian could do nothing but fidget about and rub his thighs together desperately. After the inner circle of children had re-joined the main circle again, Brian's urge to pee had now become quite intense and he had started to become quite worried and panicky as he struggled to hold it back. To Brian's dismay they then once more carried on all going around in a big circle singing more simple songs. They had just got through a few verses of Ten Green Bottles, when a sudden intense urge sent a desperate spasm of panic through him, and to his utter horror, Brian suddenly felt a warm glow rapidly spreading in the crotch of his underpants. A thick trickle of pee then began to flow from the crotch of his pants down between his legs, shortly followed by a shower of droplets that burst out from his now soaking wet crotch, which soon coalesced into other little streams of pee, jetting out and leaking from his underpants. The shower of pee sprayed out all in front of him splashing on his legs as he continued to be carried on round in the dance.
"LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!" One of the junior girls shouted loudly in a gleeful voice, breaking her link in the circle to point at the sudden shower of pee emanating from the crotch of Brian's underpants. Loud giggles and squeals of laughter rapidly broke out among the circle of children who were all by now looking at Brian as he wet his pants in front of them, and soon the air was filled with an almost deafening sound of hysterical children squealing with laughter. Their dancing circle soon ground to a halt as the children stopped to laugh and gawp gleefully at Brian as he continued wetting his pants, with little streams of pee still trickling down his legs and showers of droplets still raining down from his crotch. Little girls stood there pointing at his pants as they laughed and giggled uncontrollably, whilst the little boys who Brian had been playing with these past few days, also joined in too and were stood there laughing and giggling at him. Even the junior boy who was still being kept in a nappy was now stood there giggling with a look of amusement on his face and something approaching a look of relief, as now he wasn't the only one, and this time it was an even bigger boy than him who was wetting his pants. The three first year girls from his school were of course absolutely beside themselves with laughter, as they watched Brian wet his pants with ecstatic triumphant gleeful expressions. Panic and horror surged through Brian as he stood there wetting himself, making his pounding heart skip and flutter, and his faced flushed so hotly he thought he might faint. The sound of all the children laughing and giggling at him sounded like an impossibly loud jumbled roar in his ears as he looked around at all the grinning giggling jeering faces of the little girls and boys who were all looking right back at him and watching him wet himself. As the loud cacophony of squeal and giggles continued unabated, one of the ladies soon made their way around to where Brian was stood rooted to the spot as he helplessly wet his pants.
"Really Brian! Wetting your pants like a little baby! This is not what we expect from older boys like you!" the lady snapped at him sharply in a loud angry voice, as she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the circle of children and began to lead him away back to the house. The loud shrieks and screams of laughter still continued even as Brian was being led away, who now waddled slightly in his wet dripping underpants as he stumbled along after the lady who was roughly pulling him along behind her. Brian was quickly taken into one of the rooms that was used primarily for the pre-schoolers and stood over to one side of the room by a large changing mat that was surrounded by a variety of nappies and creams and lotions and packets of wet wipes. Brian was barely stood there for a second or two before he suddenly found his underpants being taken down and away from under his feet, leaving him stood there completely naked. After the removal of his underpants, the lady grabbed him firmly by the arm and began to scold and chastise him angrily about his wetting accident, before suddenly beginning to rapidly smack his bare bottom. The first few smacks caught Brian by complete surprise, sending stinging blows across his bare bottom before he even knew what was happening. After that, as each successive series of smacks rained down across his bottom, Brian danced about in pain, as the stinging blows bit deep into his bottom, spreading a hot fiery pain through his bare cheeks. The humiliation of his pants wetting and the pain of his spanking coalesced into one traumatic emotion and Brian soon burst into tears, and he danced about yelping and sobbing as his bottom futilely tried to avoid the blows whilst the lady held tightly onto him, making his little boys bits bounce about quite animatedly. His rapidly reddening bottom writhed and squirmed as the blows continued to land, but the lady had a firm grip of him around his arm and he was unable to get away from her relentless expertly aimed smacks. After what seemed like an age, but was really no more than about a dozen strokes across each cheek, the lady stopped and stood Brian still before her. As Brian stood there sobbing and whimpering, the lady now spoke to him in a more softly kinder voice and began to softly stroke his hot red bottom.
"There, there, hush, hush. I know that was painful, but it was for your own good Brian. You have to be punished and taught a lesson; otherwise you'll be liable to do that again won't you? Now, that bottom of yours will stay nice and rosy and warm for quite a while, but it will stop stinging eventually I assure you dear." She said soothingly to Brian. "Now lay down here on the floor for me please, and I'll start to get you cleaned up." She then said motioning for Brian to lie down on the changing mat. Brian did as he was told and laid down on the mat and put his hands up behind his head out of the way when asked to do so. Then the lady began wiping him down with a wet wipe all around his shamefully underdeveloped hairless little boys bits. It felt so odd and yet strangely exciting to have this lady's hands intimately wipe all around his little private bits. Even his own mother hadn't seen him properly naked since he was about eleven, and now here he was lying there with his legs spread apart all exposed before this lady, who was touching and rubbing him all around his most intimate parts. He even had to lift up his legs, to rather humiliatingly exposing his little bottom hole to her, so that she could clean all around his bottom too. After the wipe down, she then squirted a large dollop of baby lotion on to her hand and began to rub it in all around his private parts, first making him turn over onto his tummy so that she could rub the lotion into his still hot sore glowing red bottom. The lotion sent a feeling of warmth spreading through his bottom as she rubbed it in, making it once more feel all stingingly hot and uncomfortable as the lotion soaked in. Then he was flipped back onto his back again, and the lady applied another large dollop all around his little private bits and between his raised legs again around his bottom hole. As the slick lotion was rubbed in all around his little coc-k and balls, his coc-k began to excitedly stir and stiffen, and after only a few more moments his coc-k was stiffly erect under her hand, as she stroked it back and forth, gliding the palm of her hand slickly over its now stiff shaft. Then she grabbed his now fully erect stiff coc-k in her hand and pumped it up and down a few times along the length of the shaft and over its soft plump head, until some of the lotion creamed up around the top of his coc-k forming a little creamy ring, which with her other hand whilst still gripping his shaft, she then rubbed in all over the plump sensitive head of his coc-k. As she did so, his coc-k strained and pulsed in her grip, as orgasmic spasms were sent down through it, making Brian writhe and wriggle his hips while whimpering softly. Then she let go of it, leaving Brian's coc-k to twitch up and down frustratedly. Brian, who was now completely numb with shock with all that had happened to him out in the garden wetting his pants and then his spanking, now just lay there completely subdued as the lady then slipped a big thick disposable nappy underneath him and began to bring up the front and sides and firmly fasten him into it. The plain white thick plastic backed nappy crinkled and rustled noisily as she brought the bulky thickly padded front up between his legs and over his still stiff twitching coc-k, as she then fastened the sides up nice and firm. Not having worn a nappy since he was a baby, the sensation of having a big thick wodge of nappy between his legs felt very strange and awkward, and yet the thick fluffy padded filling felt lovely and soft and comforting as his little private bits nestled into it. Then on came a pair of milky white plastic pants, which she pulled up his legs, making him lift up his now thickly padded bottom so that she could pull them up over his nappy.
With that Brian was done, and at first he just lay there getting used to the strange sensation of being in a nappy. Then the lady made him sit up, and the nappy felt thick and bulky between his legs and over his bottom, and when she got him to finally stand up, Brian felt as if he would have trouble walking properly, as the thick wodge between his legs made it so that he couldn't close them together properly, and as she took him by the hand and started to lead him back out to the garden, he had to affect a sort of waddle to keep up with her. Every little movement and step he took made the nappy rustle noisily, and his now big thick padded bottom bounced from side to side as he waddled along. Now back up on his feet and dressed in the nappy, Brian was once more starting to come to his senses again, and a feeling of utter horror and dismay began to rapidly take hold of him as he realised that any moment now, he was going to be brought back out to face all those little children, only now dressed in a big thick nappy like a big baby teen boy. As Brian was led back out into the garden he was practically trembling with nerves and just as he was being led out of the doorway, he could see that the dancing had now finished and that some of the children were making their way back over to the house to head back indoors again. It only took a few seconds for Brian to be spotted by the three junior girls who had teased him in the toilets on his first day, and soon after that more squeals of jeering laughter and giggles erupted again. Children from all over the garden quickly came over to see what the fuss was about and then join in with the teasing and laughing at Brian. It didn't take long for all the children to crowd around the back door way of the house where Brian stood, still held in hand by the lady. There were lots of delighted squeals of laughter and giggles and lots of teasing comments being made about his nappy, and before long a little mocking chant soon broke out among the children.
"BAY-BEE! BAY-BEE! BAY-BEE!" Came the chant from the whole crowd of children as they all crowded round and cornered Brian by the doorway. Brian could only hang his head down low in shame, his face blushing hotly, trying not to meet the gaze of any of the grinning jeering little faces.
"Alright, alright! Calm yourselves down; otherwise you'll be wetting your pants in a minute." The lady called out to the crowd of noisy cheeky jeering children in a rather playful tone as she began to lead Brian through them, making the children have a good laugh and giggle at the mention of more pants wetting. The little crowd parted slightly as she led Brian through, and they all had a good giggle and tease and got a good close-up view of him as he waddled passed them in his thick bulky noisy rustling nappy. Brian was then placed down on the floor next to where a group of little preschool children had been playing and were once more settling down. As Brian was settled down, the crowd of children soon dissipated back to what they were doing previously now that they'd had their little bit of fun teasing the big boy in his nappy. As well as Brian, the nine year old junior boy also came and settled back down with the little toddlers, and the two boys sat there in their nappies with the little preschool children. Brian now found himself sat on the floor in front of an array of little baby and preschool toys, with little toddlers on either side of him playing with them. After a short while one of the little children picked up a toy and came over and proffered it to Brian, standing there in front of him until he took it. Brian then felt duty bound to start playing with it and soon after found himself playing with all the little baby toys down on the floor like one of the little toddlers. The little group of boys that had previously been playing with Brian now left him alone there with the little pre-schoolers. He was a baby now, and no longer part of their bigger boys games. Inevitably some of the girls passed by where he was sat to look down upon him and have a little gloat and tease. Some of the junior girls came by to have a laugh and giggle at him and of course so too did the three first year girls from his school.
"Aww! Look at the cute little baby!" they cooed down at him mockingly.
"Look at him all dressed in his nappy because he wet his big boy pants like a baby."
"Have you wet your nappy yet Brian?"
"Have you done your poo poos yet?" the girls mocked and teased as they laughed at him.
All Brian could do is sit there quietly, blushing furiously with humiliation as the girls teased him. After a while of sitting there playing along with the little toddlers, it was with some relief for Brian that the day thankfully soon came to an end. However he now worried about what would happen with him before he went home. A short while later Brian once more found himself stood to attention in the corridor in a line with a few of the other boys as they waited to get their clothes back. Brian and the nine year old junior boy were once more the last in line, and once again the junior boy was half dressed in his school uniform and then sent out to his waiting mother in his nappy. Now it was Brian's turn, he stood there brimming with nerves and trepidation. Surely the lady wasn't going to send him out to his mother still dressed in his nappy too, he thought worriedly to himself. Sure enough, to Brian's dismay the lady dressed him back into his uniform, but like with the junior boy, told him that she couldn't possibly fit his trousers back on over his big thick nappy. So when the lady was finished with him, Brian was left stood there almost completely dressed back into his uniform apart from his tie and his trousers. She'd tucked his school shirt into the plastic pants and even made him put his school blazer back on. The hems of it came down to partly cover the top part of his nappy, but still left the big padded bulk of his bottom quite visible from the back, and where his jacket was left open, the nappy was entirely visible from the front. Brian was utterly mortified when she finally took him by the hand and led him out to meet his waiting mother. As Brian was led out to meet her, waddling along in the thick bulky noisy nappy, his mother looked at him with shock and surprise. The lady soon explained what had happened about Brian wetting his pants, and having already used his spare pair up; he had necessitated being put into nappies for the remainder of the day.
"Oh really Brian!" his mother exclaimed loudly in an irritated voice. "Honestly! Wetting your pants like some baby!" she carried on indignantly. "Used up your spare pair already?" she gasped in surprise as the lady carried on explaining what Brian had been up to the last couple of days. "You didn't wet those too did you?" she questioned Brian irately. "Oh! Didn't wipe your bottom properly!" she exclaimed loudly with displeasure, as she stood there tutting exasperatedly in an increasingly irate mood as the lady explained things to her. Brian stood there feeling utterly ashamed and thoroughly embarrassed as the lady explained things to his mother, and he hung his head low in shame staring at the floor, with his cheeks and ears burning hotly. Apparently Brian would be sent back home in the nappy and his mother would have to return the plastic pants with him after being washed at her earliest convenience. After things had been explained, his mother then took him by the hand and quite forcefully pulled him along back to their car in a moody silence, whilst Brian's noisy nappy rustled humiliatingly as he stumbled and waddled along behind her.
Fortunately Brian's father was away for a few months overseas due to his work, so when they got home, Brian was spared the humiliation of being seen in his nappy by him. He would be coming back for their two week holiday at a camping site in France though, and Brian was desperately hoping his mother wouldn't tell him anything about this. Once home, Brian's mother did not change him out of his nappy, and in fact she told him quite firmly that he would be spending the rest of the night in them. After Brian had got changed out of his school uniform, he was only allowed to put on a vest, which his mother made sure was tucked into his nappy. She then laid out a thick fluffy blanket on the floor which she folded into a large square, and Brian was made to sit down on that for the rest of the evening after their dinner. After her initial snappy irate temper had begun to dissipate, his mother started to rather enjoy having Brian there beneath her on the floor in his nappy. Her usually stroppy and stubborn teenage son, was now sat there quiet as a mouse, looking most subdued and ashamed. Later that evening as they were sat there watching TV, his mother noticed his face suddenly flush bright red and seconds later heard a little trickling noise coming from his nappy. She sat there on the sofa quietly watching Brian with some amusement, as a rather distraught and dismayed expression crossed his face while he wet his nappy down on the floor before her. Tonight he would have to sleep in his wet nappy, she thought, but tomorrow morning she would have a bit of fun bringing him down a peg or two when she changed him. Earlier that afternoon when she had picked Brian up, the lady at the nursery had explained that Brian would be kept in nappies for the rest of the week now, whilst they evaluated whether he was ready to go back into his underpants. She thought to herself how nice it was going to be to once more have a nice quiet subdued and submissive little boy again. Not that he was a bad boy now that he was in his teens, but like most teenage boys, he could be quite sullen and argumentative at times, and would mope about the house being awkward and difficult. This evening though, he looked so sweet and cute sat there in his nappy, and she looked forward to the next few evenings with her little baby boy again.
The next morning Brian was suddenly awakened from his sleep by the sounds of his mother briskly marching into his bedroom and over to the window where she threw open the curtains to let the morning light come streaming in. "Wakey, wakey, rise and shine little man!" his mother called out cheerfully as she opened up the curtains and then came over next to his bed to stand beside him. Brian barely had time to stir from his slumber as she suddenly grabbed hold of the top of his duvet cover and quickly pulled it back right down to his feet. Brian's mother never usually came into his bedroom in the morning before he had changed, so this intrusion into his morning routine had taken him completely by surprise. Brian was now led there on his back almost spread eagled before her, wearing nothing but his nappy. Brian's cheeks flushed slightly as he started coming to his senses as he lay there all exposed to her in his nappy, especially as the previous night before he went to bed after brushing his teeth, he'd had to do another pee in his nappy and it was now rather soggy and full. Brian had rather liked the feeling of the thick squishy nappy as it had flooded with his warm pee, but now lying there with his mum looking down at him, he felt embarrassed and ashamed. To Brian's surprise his mother then reached down between his legs and grabbed a handful of the big heavy soggy crotch of his nappy and gave it a quick squeeze and shake. "My, my, that does feel wet!" she exclaimed, as she then further surprised him by sticking a few of her fingers right underneath the leg opening and into the crotch of his nappy, and Brian flinched as he felt her fingers probing and rummaging around brushing against his little private bits. "Oh yes! You have soaked that nappy haven't you?" she then added in a loud voice. "Right young man; put your hands up behind your head please." She now told Brian, as she plumped up one of his pillows behind his head. Brian did as he was told and stuck his hands up under his head beneath the pillow. "Now stay there like that and don't move whilst I go and get some things to clean you up with." She said and then quickly left his room.
Brian lay there helplessly, his mind still in a state of surprise and confusion after his sudden rude awakening by his mother. Was she really going to come back in here and change me? Brian thought with alarm. He'd just assumed that when he got up this morning he'd go and take his nappy off in the bathroom before having a quick shower. But now it seemed that wouldn't be so, as his mother came back in with a pile of items balanced on top of her arms, which she then placed on the bed beside him and began to get him ready. There was a plastic washing bowl that she took off the top of the pile and put down on the floor, which Brian could hear sloshing about with water. Then she took a double bed sized thick fluffy winter blanket from the bottom of the pile that was folded into a thick square, and got Brian to raise his hips right up as she slid it underneath his bottom, leaving his back arched up and his thick soggy nappy all raised up before her. After she had done that, Brian felt utterly mortified as his mother then quite casually began to pull back the sticky tapes fastening his disposable nappy. The last time Brian remembered his mother seeing him naked must have been when he was about eleven years old. After that he'd become a lot more conscious of his privacy, and would wrap a towel around his waist when he went to the bathroom for showers, and made sure the bathroom door was locked and his bedroom door was closed when changing. These days even being seen in his underpants by his mother would make him feel a flush of embarrassment; probably because it made him feel rather childish and subordinate like a little boy again. Now he lay there before her on his bed, all helplessly exposed in a wet soggy nappy like a big baby, and about to have his little private bits all exposed to her, for her most intimate inspection whilst she cleaned around them. Brian lay there staring up at the ceiling hardly knowing where to look, as his mother peeled back the fastening tapes either side of his nappy. Finally his mother then gripped the front of the nappy between her fingers and pulled it back to lie open between his legs, exposing his little private bits.
"Aww! Look who's still mummies little boy!" she exclaimed delightedly in a slightly teasing cooing voice as she sat beside Brian looking down at his exposed little privates, which made his face blush bright red. "Who's still got a cute little willy then?" she said teasingly as she reached down and grabbed the soft plump head of his little coc-k and gave it a little squeeze and a playful waggle, causing Brian to let out a shocked little yelp and jerk his hips suddenly in surprise. Then she picked up a wet flannel out of the bowl of soapy water and began to wipe down all around his waist and crotch, and of course all around his little privates. Brian lay there all tensed up, wincing and making the occasional quiet whimpering noise, as his mother gave him a good wipe all around and over his little bits. Then to Brian's further humiliation and embarrassment, his mother made him lift his legs up over his head so that she could have a good wipe down all around his little bottom hole. Brian felt thoroughly humiliated and subdued as he lay there in front of his mother, with his legs spread apart up over his head, with his crotch and bottom all wide open and fully exposed to her as she wiped him down.
After she had finished giving him a wipe down, and still making him keep his legs up over his head, his mother then produced a tub of Vaseline, scooped out a dollop with two of her fingers, and then began to wipe it all around his bottom area. Brian blushed with shame as he felt a strange but pleasant sensation, as his mother gently rubbed the Vaseline in around his bottom and traced a little circle with one of her fingers around his anus. Then for a brief few seconds she caught Brian by surprise as she suddenly slipped her finger into his anus and slid it back and forth into his bottom a few times before pulling it back out, which made Brian let out a surprised little whimper. Then he was allowed to put his legs back down, and his mother delved into the tub of Vaseline for another dollop, which she then began to start rubbing in all around his crotch. Now she rubbed the slick slippery Vaseline in all round his crotch and the insides of his thighs and of course all over his little private parts. She rubbed the Vaseline in over his tight little scrotum sack with the palm of her hand, making slow gentle little circular movements with it as she moved up towards Brian's coc-k. Then she reached Brian's coc-k and gave it a quick little rub with the palm of her hand before suddenly grasping it in her hand and slowly slid it up and down the length of his short flaccid little coc-k. It only took a few seconds for Brian's coc-k to start springing to attention and it rapidly stiffened in her grasp, as she slid her slick Vaseline covered hand up and down its short little shaft.
"Oh look, somebody's little soldier is all stood to attention for mummy!" Brian's mother cooed at him in an amused patronising voice, as she momentarily let go of his coc-k and watched it twitch up and down stiffly before her, before once more carrying on stroking it and rubbing it in with Vaseline. Brian's face was now an intense picture of shame, confusion and embarrassment which blushed brightly as he stared up at the ceiling above him, desperately trying to take his mind somewhere else as his stiff little coc-k throbbed excitedly in his mother's grasp, as she pumped and stroked it. As his mother kept stroking her hand up and down his stiff coc-k, Brian began to let out desperate little whimpers and moans and his hips began to writhe and buck slightly, thrusting his stiff coc-k deep into her hand. His mother now only needed to hold her hand still around his coc-k, as Brian kept thrusting it back and forth in her grasp. The foreskin of his coc-k had now pulled back completely, exposing its pinkish purple head, which now popped up out of the top of her grasping hand with each of his little thrusting movements. After letting him carry on for a few more little thrusts, his mother decided that it was probably about time she should let his stiff thrusting coc-k go before it got over excited and spent its load. As his mother let go of his coc-k, Brian lay there for a moment before her, still desperately writhing and thrusting his hips up and down with his stiff little coc-k twitching up and down madly with excitement, desperately seeking out the slick slippery hole of his mother's grasping hand. After a brief moment, Brian suddenly seemed to regain his senses, and he stopped his writhing and thrusting and lay there looking utterly mortified as his stiff little coc-k continued to twitch and spasm. After his little clean and rub down, his mother stood him up off his bed and began to gather his change of clothes for school.
"Right, let's get you all ready for school shall we?" his mother said cheerfully to Brian, once he was stood up before her. Brian stood there before her completely naked with his hands down by his side and his stiff little coc-k now hanging horizontally, still twitching occasionally as it began to wane. Brian just nodded silently and meekly as he stared down at the floor, not wanting to meet his mothers gaze, his face still glowing redly with a look of utter shame and dismay. Then she held out a pair of his bright colourful red paisley y-fronts for him to step into, which he did quietly and obediently. As she pulled his underpants up, she had to flick up his still stiff little coc-k with the waistband to pull them up over the top. Then when she had them on, she pulled them up all nice and snugly, running her fingers around the legs and smoothing out the material over his bottom, and rather cheekily she gave the front of his pants a quick smooth out too, rubbing her hand up over his stiff little coc-k, which made her grin with amusement as she felt it throb and pulse beneath his pants. Then she got him dressed in the rest of his school uniform, pulling on his socks and buttoning him into his shirt, making sure it was all neatly tucked into his underpants. Next on came his trousers and tie, followed by his shoes and lastly his school blazer. Then after a quick breakfast Brian was once more packed off to school and afterwards the nursery group.
That day at school the girls once more tracked Brian down during the break times and teased him relentlessly. Now that the story of him wetting his pants and being put into a nappy like a big baby had been spread around the three girl's other friends, they mercilessly ridiculed and mocked him. During the lunch break the little crowd of girls once more cornered Brian into a quiet unobserved corner of the playground and once more ganged up on him.
"Quick, let's see if baby's wearing a nappy!"; one of the girls shouted as they grabbed Brian from behind again, whilst some of the girls pulled his trousers down from the front. With his red paisley print y-front underpants all exposed to them, the girls stood there giggling and laughing at him as they mocked and teased him.
"Nice pants Brian! Did your granny buy you those?"; they mocked, making fun of his floral paisley print underpants.
"You're not going to wet your pants are you Brian?"; they teased as he stood there unsteadily on his feet swaying slightly as the girls held him back from behind with his trousers down around his ankles.
"Shouldn't you be wearing nappies like one of the babies?"; another girl teased, which cause them all to break out into a little chant of "Baby! Baby! Baby!"; just like the little children did at the nursery the previous day. After the girls had their fun, Brian was once more left to pull himself back together when the bell rang to signal the end of break time.
Once again after school, Brian had to stand outside the school gates with the three girls, feeling utterly crushed and subdued in their presence whilst they waited for the minibus to come and pick them all up. The girls stood there grinning smugly and confidently as they chatted among themselves, while Brian could only stare down at the floor in silence, feeling quite belittled in their presence.
At the nursery school, Brian was once more made to stand in the corridor and undress down to his underwear, this time however when Brian was down to just his underpants, the lady told him to go down the corridor and into one of the rooms on the right hand side, where he had been changed into the nappy the previous day. Brian walked into the room still feeling rather self-conscious at being dressed in only his underpants. In the room were a few little toddler aged children running about and playing and over on the far side by the window Brian saw the nine year old junior boy stood out the way to attention, also dressed in nothing but his y-front underpants. Three ladies were stood nearby the boy, chatting and laughing among themselves, ignoring him as he stood there obediently to attention at the side in his underpants, looking rather crushed and dismayed. Brian shyly walked into the middle of the room and stood there timidly in silence, reluctant to disturb the ladies while they carried on chatting, who were seemingly still unaware of his presence. Finally one of the ladies looked over at Brian standing there nervously, as if only just finally becoming aware of him.
"Ah Brian, there you are! We've been waiting for you."; The lady said to him pleasantly, as all three ladies now turned to look at him standing there in his underpants. "Right, go and stand next to Simon here while we get things ready for the pair of you."; The lady added and motioned for Brian to go and stand next to the junior boy, who was evidently called Simon. The two boys stood side by side, arms down straight and to attention, and watched as the ladies laid out a large square padded looking mat down on the floor before them, that was covered in a pink printed cotton material which had cartoon images of flowers and fairies on it. Around the edges of the mat two of the ladies laid out a packet of baby wipes and various bottles of baby lotion and talc, whilst the other lady came over holding two thick looking disposable nappies and pairs of milky white plastic pants. As Brian stood there watching the ladies lay out the nappy changing things, he soon started to look every bit as dejected and dismayed as the junior boy stood next to him.
Once the ladies had finished laying things out on the floor in front of the boys, one of the ladies, from where she was now kneeling on the floor at the foot of the pink mat, just reached over and grabbed hold of the junior boy Simon and simply pulled him down onto the mat in front of her. Whilst she was getting him to lie down on the mat on his back, one of the other ladies took hold of Brian and pulled him over to lie him down beside the other boy. The boys were made to put their hands up out the way behind their heads, and Brian found himself lying side by side close up to the other boy. The two boys were so close together on the mat that their bare thighs rubbed up against each other and their elbows jostled where they had them up with their hands tucked behind their heads.
Wonderful story! After Baby Bobby, Charlie is the best writer of diaper boy humiliation fiction. He also posted 2 other great stories at Petticoat Discipline Quarterly.
" Elliot's Playschool " & " Christmas Preparation "
Brian and Simon were now led side by side, each with a lady kneeling down between their splayed open legs. The ladies, who had now carried on chatting among themselves, simply got to work while the boys just led there meekly in silent resignation, of the shame and humiliation they were about to endure, and without a word spoken to either boy, the ladies began to pull their underpants off them. The boys had to each raise their bottoms up slightly to allow the ladies to pull their pants down, and then the ladies had to lift the boy's legs up in the air to pull them off over their feet. As they did so, the two boy's legs nudged and bumped into each other. The ladies then shook both boy's pants out and held them up by the waist bands in front of each other, and began inspecting them and passing comments to each other about the boy's pants as they compared them. With the boy's legs back down again, the ladies passed the wet wipes among each other and each began to wipe their boy's down. Legs had to be lifted into the air again whilst the ladies wiped around the boy's bottoms and little private bits, and Brian blushed with shame as he began to feel his little coc-k start to firm up excitedly.
Brian looked over at the other boy next to him and was somewhat mortified to see that the little junior boy had a bigger coc-k than his own still rather pre-pubescent looking little one. The little boy's coc-k looked nearly three inches long as it lay there flopping about as the other lady wiped around it, making Brian's little lump barely over an inch long, look quite pathetic by comparison. As the boy's floppy little coc-k lolled about on his tummy, Brian could see it too was also beginning to firm up. Whilst the two ladies on the floor carried on with the nappy change, the third lady who was still standing, hovered about looking down at the two boys watching most attentively with an amused grin as the boys were wiped down and displayed to her most intimately.
After the ladies had finished the wipe down, they then began to apply baby lotion to the two boys. The ladies squirted large dollops of lotion onto each boy around his crotch and then began to rub it all in. Again, legs went up in the air as the ladies rubbed the cream in all around the boys little private parts and their bottoms. As the lady began to rub the lotion in over Brian's little coc-k, it soon sprung up excitedly to attention and twitched up and down stiffly as she rubbed cream in around it. Brian looked over to see the little junior boy's coc-k was now also stiffly to attention and excitedly springing up and down as the lady's hand glided over it rubbing the lotion in. The junior boy's slender stiff coc-k stood erect by about four inches and the foreskin had slid back by about two thirds revealing a glistening little purple pink plump head. By comparison Brian's coc-k was barely three inches in length and was now fully erect. His foreskin had pulled all the way back, also revelling a glistening wet looking plump purple head. The two ladies then suddenly stopped what they were doing to have a look at the two boy's stiff twitching little coc-ks.
"Oh look! We've got "two"; little soldiers standing to attention for us today!"; one of the ladies said loudly with amusement, causing the three of them to break out into little laughs and chuckles as they watched the boy's two animated stiff twitching little coc-ks for a brief moment. "Let's get these little soldiers ready for their nappies shall we?"; the lady then said, and the two ladies then both squirted an extra dollop of lotion into the palms of their hands and then began to grip the boy's stiff coc-ks, before then beginning to stroke and masturbate them whilst rubbing the lotion in. For a brief moment all that could be heard was a slick squelching noise as the ladies hands pumped up and down the two stiff little coc-ks, which was then joined by the soft strained whimpers and moans of the two boys. The two boy's hips bucked and strained slightly as the ladies hands continued to pump up and down on their stiff coc-ks, squelching and suc-king as they went up and down. Brian felt as if his coc-k was about to explode as the two ladies suddenly stopped, took their hands away and left the boys there for a second, still bucking and straining as their coc-k's continued to twitch away furiously.
Wonderful story! After Baby Bobby, Charlie is the best writer of diaper boy humiliation fiction. He also posted 2 other great stories at Petticoat Discipline Quarterly.
" Elliot's Playschool " & " Christmas Preparation "
I doesn't have these stories could you put it on buffalobetties ?Or send a link to the stories ? thanks
With the two boys still lying there in the throes of orgasmic ecstasy, the ladies quickly grabbed two thick disposable nappies by them and shock them both out and slipped them under the boy's bottoms. With their coc-ks still twitching away energetically, the ladies pulled the fronts up between their legs and up and over their coc-ks, and then the sides were pulled up and firmly fastened over the fronts. At this point the boys seemed to regain a bit of their composure, as the ladies then got them to lift their legs up again, so that this time they could pull the milky white plastic pants onto them. Shortly afterwards the boys had to lift their bottoms again and the ladies pulled their plastic pants up nice and snuggly over the boys thick bulky nappies. With that done, the two boys were left lying there side by side, now once more dressed in their big bulky nappies. The boys didn't have much time to process things, as the ladies stood up and took the boys by their hands and pulled them backup off the floor. The boys still looked quite flush and red in the face, and their little coc-ks still strained away stiffly in their soft fluffy thickly padded nappies, as the ladies now led them both out to the back garden.
Now, two big baby boys were being introduced out into the back garden, and as they waddled along behind the ladies who were still holding their hands, their nappies combined to make a rather loud rustling noise. Brian flushed hotly with shame and humiliation as he waddled along, with his coc-k still stiffly rubbing against the soft padded insides of his nappy, giving him shameful thrills, deepening his humiliation, as at the same time he caught sight of the three first year girls looking at him with broad smug grins. Brian and the nine year old junior boy Simon were then once again made to sit down with a group of little preschool toddlers to play. Brian's band of little comrades completely ignored him now that he was reduced to baby status, and Brian sat there watching them with a pang of regret, as they carried on with their little games as if he wasn't there. Only a couple of days ago he had felt quite humiliated and belittled at having to join in with their silly childish little games dressed only in his underpants and t-shirt, and now he was sat there wishing he could be back in his big boy pants playing with them again.
"Brian, some of the little girls over by the Wendy house have asked if you could go over and join them in their play. Of course I've agreed to bring you over, as I'm sure you're a bit bored sitting there by now, and think you'll have a lot of fun playing with the girls."; One of the ladies came over and said to Brian as the afternoon went on. She then reached down and took Brian by the hand and led him over to where the Wendy house was situated in the garden along one side of the fence. The Wendy house was like a large square garden shed, except about two thirds the height and made to look like a little house, with windows either side of a front door and on each of the shed's sides. The house even had a little picket fence at the sides, coming around at the front slightly to form a little garden. Inside the house through the open door and windows, Brian could see a small play kitchen setup and some little chairs and a table and also a little dolls baby cot. Playing inside the Wendy house and out the front of it was a mixed group of girls of differing ages from about five to eight years old. Brian stood there submissively looking shamefaced and staring at the ground, trying not to look the girls in the eye, as the lady brought him over and stood him before the Wendy house. "Girls, here's Brian for you to play with. Now be sure to make him feel welcome and take care of him won't you?"; the lady said to the girls as she handed Brian over to them. The girls it would seem, were very much going to be in charge of Brian whilst they had him in their care.
"Now Brian, we're playing families, and you are going to be the baby of course!"; one of the little girls, who must have only been about six or seven, said to him commandingly. Brian obviously couldn't fit into the cot inside the Wendy house, or even just comfortably inside for that matter, so the girls laid out on the grass inside the fenced area, a thick quilted yellow bed blanket in a shiny nylon material, which had lacy white frill trimming the edge of it. Brian was then made to lay out on the blanket on his back, whilst they then fetched all sorts of baby things for him. Brian could only lie there completely submissively and do as he was told as they first popped a baby's dummy in his mouth whilst they looked for other baby things they could adorn him with which might fit him. A babies bonnet was found with a large stiff frilly lace rim, that was obviously too small for his head, but they still managed to tie it on under his chin. A towelling bib with a babyish cartoon print was tied on around his neck; whilst a pair of white cotton mop caps was tied on over his hands around his wrists as a pair of make do mitts. The girls looked in vain for some kind of dress or baby pants for him to wear, but to Brian's relief, they found nothing suitable. Brian was then handed a selection of traditional baby toys such as rattles and balls which they made him play with as if he was a little baby. "Come on! You have to shake it like a proper baby!"; The little girl in charge chided him crossly as he sat there forlornly holding the rattle and the little girls soon made sure Brian started acting his baby role properly. They even had little mock feeding sessions, and Brian had to sit there as they pretended to feed him with empty bowls and spoons and even a baby bottle, which he had to suc-k on pretending to drink milk whilst they held it to his mouth.
"Aren't you girls doing a marvellous job of looking after your baby?"; the lady exclaimed delightedly to the girls, as she came to check upon things as they were in the middle of feeding Brian his bottle of milk. "Perhaps tomorrow we can sort you out with some proper milk and food to feed your baby with, and maybe I‘ll see if we've got anything for baby to wear too, how about that?"; the lady asked, causing the girls to erupt into excitable little squeals of delight. As Brian lay there out the front of the Wendy house, he of course had visits from various groups of the girls, like the 3 first year girls from his school and the two lots of junior girls, and various others. Who all came over to see and tease the big baby boy as he was mothered by the group of little girls at the Wendy house. Towards the end of the afternoon Brian was miserably resigned to his fate, as the group of little girls made him their new baby doll plaything and were already planning what they were going to do the next day.
At the end of the day, Brian once more was sent home half dressed in his school uniform and nappy. This time however his mother wanted to stop off and visit a friend of hers for a cup of tea and a chat. Brian was of course utterly mortified as his mother took him into this ladies house with her. The lady ushered Brian and his mother into the front room, where there was already another lady sat in one of the chairs of the 3 piece suite. There was a coffee table in front of the sofa with a tray and a teapot and cups on it, and whilst the lady hostess and Brian's mother sat themselves down on the sofa, Brian was left standing there shyly and blushing with embarrassment in the middle of the room in front of the 3 ladies, half dressed in his school uniform and his big thick nappy. Brian's mother then went on to explain to the other 2 ladies why Brian was wearing the nappy, and took lots of delight in telling them in great detail about how she had changed him out of his soaking wet nappy that morning, and about how he was obviously a late developer, as his little private bits were still rather underdeveloped and prepubescent looking, and then how his little soldier had stood to attention for her and had excitedly twitched up and down. The ladies of course all sat there looking Brian up and down as they laughed and guffawed at his mother's little account of his nappy change. Brian could only stand there silently in front of them, going several shades of red with embarrassment and humiliation, as they laughed and made joking little comments about his excitable little private bits between each other.
Once they were home, Brian once more had to spend the night in his nappy only to be changed out of it again by his mother in the morning before he went to school. Once more in the morning she laid him out on his bed propping up his bottom and took off his nappy and gave him a good thorough wipe and rub down with Vaseline. Once again she brought him almost to the point of orgasm as she rubbed the slick Vaseline into his stiff excitable little coc-k. Brian again lay there feeling utterly mortified and yet seemingly unable to do anything about his stiff little coc-k, which eagerly sprang to attention in his mother's hands. He felt so utterly humiliated and embarrassed to have his mother touching him so intimately, but at the same time the sensations felt so wonderful. It made Brian feel conflicted and confused and he flushed with a deep shame as he couldn't help but thrust his stiff coc-k up and down in her gripped hand.
Finally it was the last day at school before the holidays and the girls were once more determined to have their last bit of fun with Brian before they broke up for the holidays. At least, Brian thought, he wouldn't have to endure this again after today. The girls once more corralled him into their quiet private little corner of the playground, only this time the girls seemed just a bit more pent up and aggressive than usual. They didn't grab him and force his trousers down like before, but now crowded round him and told him to take them off himself.
"Come on Brian, you know what we want you to do!"; one of the girls shouted at him.
"Come on, get them off!"; another shouted, and as Brian stood there timidly not knowing what to do, one of the other girls stepped over to him and punched him hard on the arm. Then a girl from the other side stepped over and also punched him and then grabbed hold of his hair and gave it a painful tugging. After that Brian did as he was told, and first he shakily took off his jacket, and as soon as he had done so, one of the girls reached over and snatched it off him. Then with all the girls watching, with trembling hands he began to undo and take down his grey school trousers. His grey school shirt was all neatly tucked in to his underpants which were immediately fully exposed to the girls as he began to take them down. His underpants today were another childish looking pair of nylon y-fronts, which had a baby blue trim and a print on a white background of little cartoon teddy bears playing all sorts of sports like football, tennis and hockey. The girls of course all burst into little fits of teasing scornful laughter and giggles at the sight of his rather infantile and childish looking underpants, and teased and ridiculed Brian about them. At first Brian only lowered his trousers part way down his legs, but the girls kept on at him to take them down further. Eventually he left them down by his ankles, but the girls wanted more.
"No Brian! All the way off!"; They insisted and shouted at him. So Brian then had no choice but to take his trousers fully off, and he then pulled the legs off over his socks and shoes. As soon as his trousers were off, as with his jacket, a girl quickly snatched them away from him, leaving him standing there in front of them all dressed in just his socks and shoes, shirt and tie, and of course his fully exposed y-front underpants. The girls all stood there laughing and giggling at him and teased him relentlessly, as they now enjoyed the complete control they had over him.
"I want to see him wet his pants like Karen said he did at that nursery."; One girl called out.
"Yeah, make him wet his pants!"; another girl cried out excitedly.
"Come on Brian, wet your pants!"; the girls all now started loudly saying to him in bossy bullying voices. To start with Brian just stood there meekly looking like a frightened rabbit, until a couple of the girls began to put pressure on him.
"Come on Brain, wet your pants! Otherwise we'll pull your trousers apart!"; two girls shouted at him, and with that, the two girls each took one of his trouser legs in their hands and then began to violently yank them towards each other in a mock tug of war. If those girls ripped his trousers in half, then he would be left completely trouserless, so Brian quickly had to capitulate to the girls' demands. A look of deep shame spread across Brian's face and he hung his head low as suddenly a dark wet patch began to rapidly spread across the crotch of his underpants, which was soon followed by a trickle of pee which started to run down one of his legs.
"Look! Look! Oh my God, he's actually doing it!"; one of the girls cried out in surprise and delight.
Then the trickle turned into a flood and a second later a shower of pee erupted from the crotch of his underpants. Pee showered down and also shot out in thick streams from his underpants, pattering down to the floor between his feet. The girls all stood there shrieking with shocked incredulous laughter, with looks of utter delight and disbelief on their faces, hardly believing that they'd actually got him to wet his pants in front of them all. As the girls laughed and jeered, mocking and ridiculing him as his pee showered out of his underpants, Brian could only stand there looking utterly crushed and subjugated.
"Maybe we should get him to poo his pants too!"; one of the girls called out in amusement.
"Yeah, let's make him poo his pants!"; some of the other girls agreed with fits of derisive laughter. Just then however, Brian was saved by the bell as it rang to signal the end of their break time. A little disappointed that their fun with Brian was brought prematurely to an end, the girls reluctantly parted from him, and after a last few mocking insults they threw his jacket and trousers down onto the floor into the wet puddle of pee down by his feet. Brian stood there still dripping wet in just his underpants as the girls walked off and headed back into school, as all the other children would be doing so too. Brian of course also needed to head back to his class, but he could hardly put his trousers back on whilst his underpants were still dripping wet with pee. First he quickly got his jacket and trousers off the floor and quickly put his jacket back on. Then Brian stood there rather pathetically trying to wring the last of the dripping pee out of the crotch of his underpants. The playground had now gone completely quiet as it had emptied, and Brian was now very aware of the seconds going by as he now pulled his handkerchief out of his trouser pocket and rather desperately began to try and pat his underpants dry with it. With his underpants still wet and clingy, Brian decided that he had no choice but to finally pull his trousers back on over his wet underpants. Brian then dashed back to his class and arrived late, looking hot and flustered as he stood there at the front of the class, apologising profusely to his class mistress, Miss Bellingham, for his lateness.
Miss Bellingham was a rather frumpy looking lady in her mid-fifties with a chubby jowly face which was framed by a pair of large thick rimmed spectacles and short greying curled hair which she often dyed a chestnut brown. She did not have a particularly attractive face and neither was she of the jolly plump looking sort, as her face had an almost permanent look of disdain written across it. She was always well presented though, wearing just the right amount of make-up, and her clothes were always smart and neat and tidy. In the winter months she usually wore skirt suits or thick office style pinafore dresses, and in the summer she wore more floral style lighter dresses and skirts. Today she was wearing a dark royal blue pleated skirt, with brown tights and a pair of plain black shoes, and up top she was wearing an almost matching dark blue blouse with a floral print on it, that tied at the collar with a plump neck bow. With her sneery look of disdain and fussily smart appearance, she affected the look and manner of someone who was of a much higher station.
"I was going to ask why you are late, but I think I can see why. Did you have trouble getting to the toilet on time Brian?"; she asked somewhat disdainfully as she looked down Brian's trousers with a rather contemptuous stern looking frown on her face.
"I urm... I... no miss..."; Brian stammered out in a flustered meek voice, looking rather worried.
"Well I only ask, because it looks rather obvious to me that you have wet your pants. Which you have, haven't you?"; she now said to him snappily in a firm strict tone of voice, as she stood there glaring at him and looking down at his trousers with a hard fixed stare. Brian then looked down at his trousers and saw with utter horror that his wet underpants had soaked through and wet his grey school trousers, making a large dark damp wet patch in the crotch of them, leaving it in no doubt as to what had happened. "Well, explain yourself boy!"; she snapped at him in a loud irate voice.
"Yes miss, I wet my pants."; Brian replied in a quiet subdued voice as he hung his head low with shame before her. Of course the whole class now erupted into fits of loud jeering laughter, and all the boys and girls of his class sat there at their desks looking at him stood up at the front of the class in his wet trousers, as they mocked and taunted him. Brian couldn't even look his friends in the eye, as he heard them too joining in with the loud jeering laughter.
Thank you for posting this story! It's terrific.
"Do you still need to use the toilet Brian? We don't want you pooping your pants as well do we?" she then added in a loud contemptuous scoffing tone.
"No miss." Brian replied in his quiet meek voice.
"Well, I can't let you sit back down at your desk in those wet trousers can I? So you'll have to take them off and I'll have to hang them on the radiator by the window to dry off. Then I'm afraid you'll just have to spend the rest of the day sat there in your wet pants, as I can hardly make you take those off too!" she said chastising him. Noticing his jacket was also wet, where it had been thrown into his puddle of pee, she made him take that off first and hand it over to her. How she thought he'd managed to wet that, she never said, but just glared at it irately. Then Brian almost felt faint with the shock of it all, as his class mistress stood there and patiently waited for him, whilst once more he was made to take his trousers off in front of an audience, only this time having to expose his embarrassing underpants to the whole of his own class. The whole class sat there making a laughing stock of him as he took his wet trousers off, exposing his pee stained y-front underpants with their childish and infantile looking little teddy bear print. The girls of course gleefully teased and ridiculed him about his underpants, and he stood there in front of the class looking like an incontinent little infant school boy who'd wet his pants on the first day of school. Still feeling faint, with his face blushing furiously, Brian kept his gaze down to the floor not wanting to meet anyone's eye, and sat back down at his desk whilst Miss Bellingham hung his trousers out to dry.
Brian then spent the rest of the day sat uncomfortably at his desk in his damp clammy underpants, and as he sat there the smell of his pee soaked pants began to waft up from under his desk as they started to dry out. All the while Brian sat there; feeling all exposed without his trousers on and his embarrassing underpants all on display to those sat around him. It felt almost unreal, like one of those dreams where you're in your class at school and you suddenly realise you've got no clothes on, only this wasn't a dream! His face burned hotly with shame and embarrassment as his classmates teased him relentlessly about his pants wetting accident and the girls made fun of his little infant boy style underpants. Of course he dare not tell anyone the truth about what had really happened. Just thinking about those bulling little first year girls sent shivers of dread and dismay through him. If he'd told any of his friends that he was scared of a group of bullying little first year girls, and that they'd made him take his trousers off and wet his pants for their amusement, they probably would have laughed at him and assumed he was joking, and if they believed him, then that probably would have been even worse. So as far as his class knew, he'd just not made it to the toilet on time and had rather humiliatingly wet his pants. Of course, there were jokes about him having to wear nappies to school next year, which instantly touched a nerve with Brian and made him blush furiously, as he started to worry and panic that they might find out about him being put into nappies at the nursery.
Finally the day was over, and so was another year at school. What should have been a joyous happy day and a relief for Brian, now that his school holidays had started, was now soured somewhat by the prospect of spending yet another afternoon at the nursery, and indeed having to spend many whole days there in the weeks to come. Of course he was also still feeling somewhat shaken and deeply humiliated by his experience out in the playground with the girls and his subsequent humiliation in front of his own class. By the time Brian had made his way to the school gates, the 3 girls had already been waiting for the minibus to the nursery for a little while, and just about all of the other school children had long since rushed out of school and disappeared off to start their summer holidays. Brian was late coming out due to being delayed in getting his trousers back from Miss Bellingham. Brian had to remain sat at his desk as all his class mates rushed out the classroom at the final bell, all whooping and hollering with delight at the end of another school year. When they had all gone and only Brian was left sat at his desk, then Miss Bellingham finally beckoned for him to get up and come up to the front of the classroom and stand by her desk. She remained sat at her desk as she looked him up and down, her gaze lingering over his childish looking y-fronts, as Brian stood there quietly to attention in front of her.
"Well, before I give you your trousers back I suppose I ought to check if your underpants are dry first." She finally said, and then reached over to his underpants and slipped her fingers under the legs and into the crotch. Her fingers rummaged around in the crotch of his underpants, pushing out the material to feel if they were dry, but they also rubbed and jostled rudely against his still smooth hairless little private parts, which startled Brian and made him let out a little whimpering gasp. "Well they seem dry enough." She declared, but continued to fuss around with his underpants. She ran her fingers around the waistband of his pants pulling them up snuggly and making sure his shirt was all neatly tucked in. Then she ran one of her hands over his pert bottom, neatly smoothing out the material and her hand lingered there and gently stroked his bottom. She then moved her other hand up and began to smooth out the material of his underpants over the front of his pants and of course his little private bits. Her hand on the front now also lingered on his pants and she gently stroked it up and down over his little private bits. All the while she looked at his underpants with her hard stern gaze, and Brian could only stand there quietly not knowing what to do. Brian felt confused and embarrassed as Miss Bellingham continued to gently stroke his underpants front and back, and soon enough his little coc-k had sprung to life and was stiffly pulsing away under the gentle stroking of her fingers. Brian blushed profusely as her hand kept brushing up and down over his stiff coc-k, and despite the wonderful feeling of it, Brian felt weirdly guilty, as if he had done something wrong. After all this was his teacher, who was in charge and to be respected, and yet here he was stood in front of her with his little coc-k all stiffly erect and stood rudely to attention in front of her. Finally she took her hands away and Brian now stood there before her with a stiff little tent in his underpants that was visibly twitching up and down excitedly. A glistening little wet spot had formed in his underpants at the tip of his little tent and Miss Bellingham sat there staring at it for a few seconds, seemingly mesmerised by its constant little twitch, up and down, up and down.
"Well Brian, I suppose we had better get your trousers back on and send you on your way." She said finally, getting up from her desk. "We wouldn't want you to miss the minibus for your nursery school would we?" she then added, as she went over to fetch his trousers from where they had been left hanging by the window. Brian felt a jolt of shock surge through his body as he heard her say that. He felt instantly dizzy and faint and his face suddenly flushed hotly, almost feeling as if it had pins and needles as it burned and blushed, even his ears felt hot with it. How did his teacher know about the nursery?!? How much did she know? Did she know about him being put into nappies? Brian never got answers to any of those questions, and he stood there wobbling unsteadily on his feet looking shocked and dismayed as his teacher brought his trousers over to him. Brian was utterly stupefied as she came back over to him. So much so that she ended up dressing him back into his trousers herself, as he just stood there motionless looking shocked. Brian stood there and ended up being dressed by Miss Bellingham as if he was still like some little infant boy that still needed his mummy to dress him in the mornings. Of course she made sure he was still all neatly tucked in and gave his trousers a good pat down front and back, then gave his bottom one last grope and fondle before giving it a good pat to send him on his way, whilst watching the stiff tent in the crotch of his trousers with much amusement as he walked off.
So Brian had come out late from the school and was still in a bit of a daze as he stood by the school gate and waited for the minibus to arrive. The 3 girls stood there a few feet away, staring at him as they giggled and laughed, with his humiliating pants wetting still no doubt fresh in their minds. Eventually the bus arrived and spirited them away back to the nursery.
"Oh, I bet you kids are over the moon! The last day of school, and the summer holidays all ahead of you." The lady driving the minibus said cheerfully to the children. Whilst the 3 girls all piped up cheerfully in reply, Brian just sat there looking utterly dejected.
Well I think it would be known to all his teachers about him needing to catch the minibus to the nursery school so that teachers don’t hold him back too long after school as he needed to take the bus it would also be the case for the three first years too.
Back at the nursery the 3 girls raced off upstairs to change, whilst Brian was taken by the hand by the lady and led over to the wardrobe in the corridor as if he was like one of the little 4 year old boys. The lady then opened up the wardrobe and without ceremony began to undress Brian out of his school uniform. Off came his jacket first and then off came his trousers. The lady paused as she looked down at Brian's underpants, which had now dried out, but his pee had left a visible yellow stain all around the crotch.
"Did you do your wee wee in your underpants at school today Brian?" the lady asked him in one of those put on childlike voices adults use when they're talking down to little children. Brian just stood there silently and went bright red with shame. "Oh I think you did, didn't you!" she said, after holding his trousers up to her face to sniff the crotch. "Well it's a good job you'll still be in nappies today. Looks like we might have to see about keeping you in them for a bit longer now, before we risk letting you play in your big boy pants again. We can't have you keep wetting your pants can we? I think next week, we should get you to join the potty training class before we can trust you in your big boy pants again." She carried on in her condescending childish voice, and then carried on undressing Brian out of his uniform. "Right I'd better get these off you so that I can put them in with the laundry. Now run along and see the ladies to be put into your nappy." She said as she took off his underpants, leaving him stood there completely naked. Brian cupped his hands around his little private bits and made his way down the corridor past the sounds of delighted squeals of little children playing in the rooms along the way. Brian felt utterly exposed as he walked along, affecting a slightly waddled gait as he felt ever so self-conscious of his bare bottom. When Brian finally got to the room, the ladies were already waiting for him.
"Ah, here he is! Oh, no pants today Brian?" one of the ladies said in a cheerful voice when he walked in. Brian didn't answer and just stood there silently blushing as the ladies prepared the changing mat down on the floor for him. Brian noticed that today the other boy was no longer there. Maybe he had been changed earlier or maybe thought Brian, that he was already allowed back into his big boy underpants again, leaving him now the only boy still in nappies. Once again the ladies changed Brian into his nappy down on the mat. This time the lady changing him had barely just begun to squirt a dollop of baby lotion into her hand, when Brian's little coc-k start to spring up to attention in anticipation before she had even touched him. This time, noticing how lively and eager Brian's little coc-k had become, she was a bit more careful in how she applied the lotion around his little private bits, lest she accidentally set off his frustrated stiff little coc-k. "Right I think that's you all finished with." She then said, once she had finished putting Brian back into a nappy and plastic pants again. "The girls over at the Wendy house have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, so why don't you pop along over to play with them?" she then added as Brian got himself up off the floor in his thick bulky nappy.
Brian was then left to waddle out into the back garden on his own. His thick padded bottom waggled from side to side, rustling noisily as he made his way out into the back garden again. Some of the little children stopped what they were doing to stare and giggle at him as he waddled past them, and Brian looked around the garden and noticed that the other boy was indeed now out of nappies again. The boy was of course still dressed in little more than his y-front underpants and a t-shirt, but at least that was better than still being in nappies like a big baby.
Yay! Our baby's back!" the little girls by the Wendy house cried out delightedly when they saw Brian coming over. When Brian got there they soon wasted no time turning him back into their big baby boy again. They dressed him back up in the makeshift little baby outfit and made him crawl around on his hands and knees pretending to be a baby. After about 10 minutes, one of the ladies came out into the garden with a small bundle of things and headed over to the Wendy house.
"Oh, I see you've got your baby all nice and settled in again." The lady said merrily to the little girls as she watched them mothering Brian for a short while. "Well I brought along some lovely things for your baby to wear today, and later on you can give him his milk and feed him some dinner." The lady said to the visibly delighted and excited girls. "Right let's get his lovely new things on shall we?" she said as she then settled down next to where Brian was laid out on his back on a blanket by the girls. Brian, who'd, had a dummy stuffed back into his mouth by the girls earlier, could only lie there and look on with dismay, as the first thing the lady pulled off the top of her pile of baby things, was a large pair of white frilly panties that were covered in rows of pretty ruffled lace. She held them up by the corners of the waist over Brian, and let them dangle there for a few seconds so that everyone could get a good look at them. Rows of ruffled lace started from an inch down from the waist of the panties and went all the way down to the crotch in thick fluffy layers. At the top of the panties in the middle of the waist was a white ribbon bow, underneath which were sewn two silver round bells, each about the size of a large marble, which softly tinkled with the swaying of the panties. As Brian lay there looking up at them, the panties swayed slightly in the warm gentle summer breeze, making the rows of pretty lace rustle faintly and the bells tinkle softly. The panties were just about the sissiest thing that Brian could imagine, and he stared up at them partly filled with a secret desire and longing to fondle and play with those lovely rows of sissy lace and partly filled with horror at the thought that he going to be made to wear them in front of all these little girls and the other children in the nursery.
"Aren't these simply wonderful? Our little baby boy here is just going to look so sweet in these lovely frilly baby pants!" the lady exclaimed joyfully to the little girls who had all come to stand around her and Brian in a little crowd. As some of the little girls standing closely around him leaned in to coo and ah over the pretty sissy frilly panties, Brian couldn't help himself from looking up the short summer skirts and dresses that some of the girls were wearing, to catch exciting little up skirt glimpses of their pretty little panties. One little girl rather unselfconsciously even stepped over his head to lean in and get a better look at the panties, and stood with her feet either side of his head giving him a view right up her skirt between her legs. Despite the fact that she couldn't have been more than about 6 or 7 years old, Brian couldn't help his little coc-k from springing to attention, as he looked up at the lovely lacy cuffs of her panty legs and the way the material had clung neatly around the bump and groove of her little pussy and petite bottom. As she stepped back, she looked down and saw that Brian had been looking up at her panties.
"Naughty little baby!" she said playfully as she looked down at him with a big grin and giggled, which made Brian blush profusely with a guilty looking expression on his red face. Brian didn't have more than a few seconds to feel embarrassed about the discovery of his little upskirt peeping, as the lady then started to get him ready to put him into the sissy frilly baby pants.
"Right, come on baby! Let's have those little legs up in the air so that we can put these pretty pants on you." She said to Brian in a jolly voice and made him raise his legs up so that she could put the frilly panties on over his feet. Once they were over his feet, she pulled them down along his legs, and Brian could feel the ruffled frills tickling the sides of his legs as she did so. Then Brian had to arch his back and lift his thick nappy padded bottom off the floor so that she could finish pulling them up over his nappy. As she did so, Brian looked down his chest to see the waves of pretty lacy frills bursting over his thick padded nappy and plastic pants as she pulled them on, and the two round little silver bells underneath the bow tinkled noisily as she tugged the frilly panties on over his thick bulky nappy. With the panties finally on, Brian could relax his bottom back down onto the blanket and he lay there feeling the strange sensation of the lacy leg cuffs and rows of ruffled frills over his crotch, bristling gently against the insides of his thighs. Brian looked down at his nappy to see them now covered with a plump frothy mound of white lacy frills. Despite all the humiliation of it all, Brian felt his little coc-k stir with excitement at the sight of all the lovely sissy frills, and as his coc-k began to stiffen and thrust against his nappy, he wriggled his hips to make to make it more comfortable, which then made the little bells tinkle along with his movements. The little girls were still all stood in a crowd around Brian, and they now looked down giggling and tittering at the sight of this big older baby boy, now all dressed in a very sissy pair of frilly baby pants as he lay there helplessly on the floor at their feet. Brian's little dressing up didn't end there, as next the lady pulled from the pile and held up a pretty little dress.
"Look, isn't this pretty! We managed to find this yesterday up in one of our boxes of old nursery things." The lady exclaimed joyfully as she held up the dress for all to see. The dress, such as it was, was actually more of smocked pinafore apron. It looked like something from the 70's and was made from a bright colourful stiff looking cotton or nylon type material. The dress was printed with a pink gingham pattern which was interspersed with pretty little borders which started at the hem and went up to the chest, and had a pretty pattern of little flowers and little yellow cartoon ducks printed in them. The skirt part of the dress itself, puffed out from the chest piece in stiff rounded looking pleats. The flat chest of the dress had one of these bath time style cartoon ducks as a large centre piece set against a white background with a flowery border. The pretty smock like apron dress was then completed by two short puffball sleeves and a trim of white fluffy lace that ran around the collar and along the sides of the apron, and from the collar and at the waist, hung pink draw strings to tie the apron round the back. Some years back in the 70's, this was obviously meant to be worn over the tops of little girls dresses, to protect them whilst they took part in craft type activities like painting or gluing bits of card or paper. For Brian however, this was to be his dress.
As the dress had to be put on at the front, Brian had to sit up on his knees and then hold his arms out, where upon the lady then pulled the puff ball sleeves on over his hands and then started to bring the dress towards him and then pull it around his back. She then fastened the dress at the collar around the back of his neck with a firm tight bow, and again at the waist of the dress, which was actually half way up Brian's back. As Brian knelt there, he could see that the hem of the dress only came about 3-4 inches past his waist, and where it flared out on the stiff pleats it left the bulk of his sissy frilly baby pants on display. Of course where the apron like dress was tied half way up his back, it meant that the dress parted over the big bulk of his frilly padded bottom, leaving it almost fully exposed. Most especially when he eventually went back down on his hands and knees to play baby again, as the sides of the dress flopped down, leaving his sissy frilly bottom totally exposed as he waddled about, with his layers of frills rustling softly. After his dress had been put on, his outfit was then finished with a pair of lemon yellow thick knitted woolly mitts that were tied on around his wrists with little ribbons, and on top of his head was placed a white cotton mop cap.
"There, doesn't he look a lovely little baby boy!" the lady exclaimed, cooing delightedly after she had finished dressing Brian. The little girls of course all agreed and stood around making excited little comments.
"We've got a proper little sissy baby now Miss!" one of them shouted jubilantly. After that, the girls now put Brian back to playing his baby role with great zeal. It wasn't long before other children out in the garden came over to see what all the fuss was about and to have a good laugh and giggle at the big sissy baby boy in his sissy dress and frilly baby pants. After a short while just about every child out in the garden had come over to have a look at him and even a few of those who had been playing in the main building. All the little girls were of course utterly delighted by the sight of Brian dressed in his sissy baby outfit and stood there giggling and tittering at him as he waddled about on the floor beneath them, with his frilly baby panties all on display and the little bells tinkling away. The junior girls there of course were absolutely beside themselves with laughter when they saw Brian, as of course were the three first year girls from his school. What made Brian really want to crawl into a hole though, was when the little boys he had been playing with on the first couple of days, came over and stood there in their underpants looking down at him, giggling and teasing him scornfully. After a while when all the children had, had their fun and finally lost interest in him, the little girls at the Wendy house got back to keeping Brian in his place as their little sissy baby boy. Then after about 30-45 minutes the lady who had brought all his baby things out, came back out carrying some more things with her.
"Right girls, who wants to help me feed baby his dinner?" she asked, as she came back over, clutching in her arms about 4 small baby bottles and a jam jar and a spoon and a large bib.
"ME! ME! ME!" the little girls all squealed excitedly as the lady came over to join them. Then lady first of all had Brian sit up cross legged on the blanket whilst she tied the bib on around his neck. The plastic lined bib was printed with a bright colourful childish pattern, that was obviously meant to appeal to little toddler aged children. Then she demonstrated to the girls how they should bottle feed Brian. She sat behind Brian and had him lean back and outstretch his legs and rest his head on her chest, which she then cradled in one of her arms. Then she brought the bottle up to Brian's mouth and had him start suc-king on the teat of the bottle. The bottle was filled with warm milk, and she just held it there gently squeezing it with the teat in his mouth, never once taking it away, so that he was forced to keep suc-king it down through the teat. Brian had to try and breathe in through his nose in between slurps, and if he tried to catch a gasp through his mouth, he ended up dribbling milk all down his chin. Brian could only lie there helplessly in her arms suc-king away until the bottle was finished. Brian gasped for air and let out a humiliating little burp as she finally took the bottle away from his mouth. Brian noticed that the bottle had held 300ml and he still had 3 more to go!
After that first bottle was empty, the lady then had Brian sit back up so that the girls could take turns giving him a feed with a bottle. The lady made sure that the girls were closely supervised and did it so that one girl was sat behind him cradling his head whilst another sat at the side and fed him from a bottle. It felt ever so strange having to rest his head in the arms of a succession of little girls, and then to have one put a baby bottle into his mouth and feed him too. The little girls of course weren't quite as expert or gentle as the lady, and often ended up squeezing the bottle hard so that too much milk flowed into Brian's mouth, which then ended up dribbling down his chin in streams and onto his bib. The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves as Brian lay there in their arms, noisily suc-king and slurping away and occasionally gasping for a breath and dribbling milk down his chin. Brian felt absolutely bloated after the last bottle was finally drained, as he'd now been forced to slurp and guzzle down over a litre of warm milk.
There was no respite from the feeding however, as the lady still had the jam jar of food for him to eat. The lady once more resumed her position behind Brian and cradled his head up on his chest, making him sit a little bit more upright this time. She then gave the jar and the spoon to the girls, who were to then take turns spoon feeding him from it. The jar was just an old jam jar that had been filled with what looked like a homemade concoction of baby food. It look like a sort of pale yellow and greenish vegetable mush with dark silvery bits of something unidentifiable in it. It looked quite unappetising. One of the older girls of the Wendy house crowd, who was about 7 years old had the first go at feeding him, and she sat down beside him with the jar and took the lid off and dipped in the spoon and scooped out a large dollop for his first mouthful. Brian was not looking forward to this at all, and he grimaced as the spoon laden with the sloppy gunk was proffered up to his mouth, but Brian had no choice but to open wide and let her push the spoon in. As Brian tasted the first spoonful, his face immediately screwed up in revulsion, just as he'd seen so many little babies do when being fed. The baby food was a mix of watery mashed vegetables, swede, sweet potato, carrot, peas, cabbage, sprouts, but worst of all, mixed into the mush were chunks of oily tinned sardines, which he absolutely detested. At first Brian just sat there holding that first spoonful of cold fishy vegetable goo in his mouth, not wanting to swallow it, but then the girl proffered up yet another spoonful for him to eat. Brian kept his lips firmly shut and shook his head from side to side as the girl brought the spoon up to his mouth, causing some of it to become smeared over his chin and cheeks.
"Now, now! Behave and be a good little boy. Baby's got to eat all of his din dins hasn't he?" the lady holding his head gently chided him, while the girl sat there holding the spoon up looking indignantly at him. "Come on now, swallow it down. You can't keep it there in your mouth for ever now can you?" she said to Brian as he sat there stubbornly with his mouth shut, until finally Brian forcefully swallowed it down rather than keep the revolting mush in his mouth any longer. "Good boy! Now open wide for another spoonful like a good little baby." The lady cooed condescendingly at him after he had finally swallowed his first mouthful.
"No I... Mmphfff! Uumngg! Mnnng!" Was all Brian managed to say in reply before the girl quickly plunged the waiting spoon into his open mouth, forcing more of the horrid mush into it. Brian was then forced to swallow down another mouthful of the disgusting mush and as he opened his mouth to catch his breath, yet another disgusting spoonful was shovelled in. Brian could only moan and whimper, as spoon after spoon of the horrible homemade baby food was forced into his mouth by a succession of little girls. The mushy baby food somehow ended up all over his face and he even had some on the end of his nose. Brian felt almost sick as finally the last girl scraped around in the bottom of the jar with the spoon, trying to dredge up the last few bits to spoon into his mouth. After his feeding was finally over, much to Brian's relief, his face and bib were a complete mess, and the lady had to give him a good wipe down before letting him go again. After that Brian just lay there on the mat feeling bloated and tired, if not somewhat queasy too, after his big feed of the milk and the jar of the disgusting food. The girls, thankfully, then left their big baby alone on the blanket for a little while to let him have a bit of nap.
A little while later all that milk he had guzzled down, finally start to have an effect on his bladder, and he began to develop a desperate urge to have a pee. He couldn't go to the toilet as he was wearing his big nappy, and besides with his thick woolly mitts on, he couldn't take it off even if he wanted to. Also he didn't want to just sit there and wet his nappy like a real baby in front of all those little girls, so he decided to just try and hold on as best he could. As he waddled around the little fenced off garden area of the Wendy house he would have to occasionally stop and waggle his bottom about from side to side to try and stave off his desperate urges to pee, which made the little bells on his frilly baby pants tinkle. The girls thought it rather fun to see their little baby crawling around and occasionally waggle his frilly bottom about for them, ringing his little bells. Then after a short while his little waggles got more frequent and more desperate, until he eventually sat down on the floor cross legged, shaking his hips and wiggling his bottom about, ringing his little bells, only to suddenly go very still as his face went bright red and a look of shame appeared on his face. Brian was unable to hold back his desperate urge to wee no more, and a sudden jet of pee burst out from the tip of his coc-k and began to flood his nappy. Brian flushed with utter shame as the warm glow of it spread out through the crotch of his nappy and then down into the seat of it, as it just kept flooding out. There seemed to be so much of it, and it was coming out so forcefully that Brian could even hear it streaming out down between his legs. By the time his stream of pee had abated, his nappy was almost completely soaked, and when he finally got back up onto his hands and knees, it sagged heavily between his legs. It didn't take too long for Brian's soggy nappy to be noticed by a couple of the little girls, as it swayed and sagged between his legs. Some of these little girls of course, had little baby brothers and sisters of their own, and so were quite familiar with what the signs of a full nappy were.
"Look! Baby's wet his nappy!" one of the girls called out to the others.
"Somebody go and fetch Miss, she'll have to change his nappy for us." Another said, and with that one of the girls disappeared off to go and find the lady.
Brian could only sit there in his soggy wet nappy looking utterly ashamed, feeling thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated at having soaked it in front of them all like a proper big baby. The girls all stood around tittering and looking down at Brian as he sat there blushing, whilst they waited for the lady to come out. Eventually, the girl that had gone off came running back excitedly with the lady following not far behind. The lady came along carrying a bundle of things with her. Tucked under one arm was the changing mat that they had put Brian on to change him indoors, and in her hands she had a spare nappy and other baby changing things like a bottle of lotion and talc. She then knelt down and set everything out besides Brian and then stuck her fingers into his nappy through the leg openings in the crotch to give it a quick check.
"My! My! Little baby bunting has done a big wee wee hasn't he?" she said in a playful surprised tone of voice. "You've completely wet that nappy right through haven't you my little darling? Well we're going to have to get you out of that and into a nice clean dry one straight away. We don't want baby getting a nasty rash on his bottom and around his little willy do we?" she carried on, talking down to Brian with her jolly little baby talk voice. "Girls, would you like to come and sit beside me and help me change baby here?" she then asked the girls, who all squealed gleefully with delight.
The lady then got Brian to lie down on the changing mat, whilst she knelt down to one side of him up near his chest. The little girls then all joined her and knelt down either side of him, so that he was almost surrounded by these little girls, all looking down at him as they knelt there next to him. With his dummy still stuffed in his mouth, Brian could only lie there dumbfounded, scarcely believing that he was about to be changed right in front of all these little girls. Brian then had to put his hands behind his head as the lady then lifted and pulled his dress up over his chest, leaving him bare from the tummy down. Then he had to lift his bottom up off the floor as his pretty sissy frilly baby pants and his plastic pants were taken off one by one. A few more girls had by now come over to see what was happening and stood behind the little girls kneeling beside him. Brian could see the junior girls and the three first year girls from his school all stood by, watching with amused and expectant stares. There was a palpable sense of excitement in the air and all the girls now looked on with thrilled expressions on their faces, as at last the lady began to peel back the tapes on the sides of his thick disposable nappy.
As the lady peeled back the sides of the nappy and then pulled the front back exposing Brian's private little boys bits, a loud chorus of gasping excited and amused squeals and giggles burst out from the crowd of watching girls. After being wrapped up in his warm wet nappy, his little private bits soon shrivelled and retracted in the cooler gentle summer breeze. After just a few seconds, Brian lay there with his smooth hairless little boys bits reduced to a shrivelled little bump where his scrotum was and his little coc-k had retracted back leaving just its little fleshy pink head surrounded by a little wrinkled circle of skin. The girls all laughed and giggled with great amusement at the sight of his bare hairless shrivelled little bits that now lay open and all exposed to them. The three first year girls from his school were beside themselves with fits of giggles as they stood there looking down at Brian's pathetic little bits. Brian could only lie there, blushing furiously and wanting the ground to swallow him up, as all these little girls knelt and stood around him, all laughing and giggling at the sight of his exposed prepubescent looking little boy's bits. Then the lady brought out some wet wipes and began to clean all around Brian's little private bits. The girls all giggled with amusement as she wiped him down all over his little bits.
So humiliating, good stuff could you please write more about the girls bullying him. There are so many creative ways for them to torment him.
"Right little man; let's have those legs up so that we can clean around your bottom." The lady then told Brian in her childish condescending voice. Brian then had to lift his legs up in the air, and the lady got a girl either side of him to then hold his legs up and apart whilst she cleaned around his bottom. With his legs pulled back and apart over his head, his most private little bottom hole was now all humiliatingly reared up before all the girls for their most intimate inspection. Brian wanted to die, as he looked down between his parted legs and saw the three girls from his school looking back at him through them, as he lay there on his back with his little bottom hole and his little private bits now all open and exposed to them, as they stood there giggling and laughing at him. Brian couldn't help but wiggle his little bottom about pathetically, as the lady leant over between his legs to give his bottom a good wipe down. With the girls still keeping his legs up in the air she then squirted out a dollop of baby lotion and began to rub it in all over his bottom and around his little anus. Then the girls put his legs back down and the lady carried on rubbing the lotion in all over his little boy's bits. As the lady's hands rubbed the slick lotion in all over his little bits, Brian's little coc-k soon sprung up back stiffly to attention again. The girls all shrieked and giggled loudly, as the lady took her hand away revealing Brian's little coc-k, which was now stiffly erect and twitching back and forth rather animatedly. Brian lay back with his eyes closed, blushing furiously as he heard the girls all break out into loud groups of excitable chatter and giggling as they watched his stiff little coc-k twitch up and down.
"OK girls, calm down! This is quite normal for little boys' willies to do. It's called an erection and it happens when their little willies get all excited, and then they stand up to attention for us like little soldiers. I think this little soldier is doing its push ups for us." The lady said loudly to the girls to try and calm them down a bit and explain Brian's stiff twitching little coc-k to them. Shortly afterwards, Brian's little coc-k began to calm down and just wavered stiffly as the lady then handed a bottle of talc over to the girls and got them to take turns sprinkling it all around his little bits. Brian had to once more have his legs lifted apart over head as the girls shook and puffed out talc all over his bottom and his little anus.
Then the lady got one of the girls to kneel between his legs and handed her a fresh disposable nappy which she had shook out and opened, all ready to be put down under his bottom. Then Brian had to arch his back up and lift his bottom up off the floor, with his stiff little coc-k, now all dusted with talc, pathetically wavering about inches away in front of the grinning girl's face as she leaned in to push the nappy under his bottom. The girls either side, helped pull the nappy up underneath him and then pulled the front of it up between his legs, tucking the sides down under him. Then two girls either side of him, each took one of the sticky tabs on the side panels and pulled them up over the front firmly fastening him into the nappy. One of the girls then rather cheekily gave the crotch of his nappy a playful pat, as she had no doubt seen other ladies do with their babies. Which prompted a few of the other girls to then join in, all giggling naughtily as they gave the thick padded crotch of his nappy over his little boys bits, a playful pat and squeeze. After that his plastic pants and the sissy frilly baby pants then were pulled back on. With his dress once more brushed back down over his tummy, Brian's change into a clean nappy was complete.
With the show now over, most of the girls disappeared off back to what they were doing before, to once more leave Brian having to play baby for his little family of girls. As the afternoon went on, all the little children once more gathered for their daily little song and dance, and being dressed like a big sissy baby did not preclude Brian from having to join in either. So Brian had to get up and dance around in the circle all dressed in his sissy dress that left the layers of fluffy lace ruffles on his pretty baby pants all exposed as he danced around. The little round bells on the front, tinkled noisily as he danced around in the circle. Brian of course felt utterly humiliated as he danced around all dressed up like a big sissy baby, waddling around doing the little dances in his thick bulky nappy and feeling the lacy frills of the baby pants bristling between his bare thighs and his dress swishing about.
Eventually the day came to an end, and Brian once more had to wait in the corridor by the cupboard in the nursery to be partly changed back into his school uniform. This time of course he had to wait there all dressed up in his sissy baby outfit as he waited for his turn to be changed. When it was his turn, the lady again dressed him back up only into the top half of his school uniform. His pee stained underpants and trousers she put into a separate plastic bag along with which she had another plastic bag, into which she had already obviously put a good few items and fussed about by the wardrobe adding a couple more that Brian couldn't see. The carrier bag was plain black plastic, so Brian couldn't see what was in it, but whatever was in it, it looked quite bulky and full. With his bottom half still bare and his nappy all exposed again, the lady took Brian out to his mother. Brian cringed with embarrassment and humiliation, as the lady told his mother about his obvious little pants wetting accident at school when she handed over the two plastic bags.
Back at home Brian was kept in nappies again for the rest of the day until the next morning, when his mother came in bright and early to change him. It was now a Saturday morning, and Brian lay there still half asleep not wanting to get up, and paid no attention as his mother came in and bustled about, bringing things in. At least he didn't have to go to school again today, or for a good long while now that the school holidays had started. He thought about perhaps going out on his bike to see his friends, but then blushed with shame as he remembered his pants wetting incident at school the previous day, and thought about how they'd probably make fun of him for it when he saw them, and so decided that perhaps he would just spend the day at home instead or maybe go up town to the shops.
As Brian lay there half asleep dreamily wondering what to do with his day, his mother pulled back his bed sheets and woke him up properly to change him out of his soggy wet nappy that he had once again soaked overnight. Brian blushed shamefully as his wet nappy was exposed to her, and she opened it up and took it off, leaving him spread out naked before her. He mother then began to clean him up again, with his little coc-k humiliatingly springing to attention the moment she began to wipe him down. Once again his mother brought out a jar of Vaseline and scooped out a dollop in her fingers and began to smear it all over his tightly bunched little scrotum and his stiff little coc-k. Brian soon couldn't resist thrusting his terribly frustrated stiff little coc-k up and down into the palm of his mother's hand which was all warm and slick with Vaseline.
After a few thrusts of his hips a pained expression suddenly took over Brian's face as his hips strained upwards. His mother quickly took away her hand, and she looked down at his little coc-k to see it straining stiffly upwards. Then Brian let out a desperate whimpering moan and suddenly his coc-k twitched and a squirt of white c-um shot out the end of his coc-k onto his tummy. His little coc-k which had been so teased and frustrated all week, now pumped out a stream of white c-um onto his tummy with each little upward twitch. Brian thrust his head back into his pillow with a strained expression, making increasingly desperate little moaning noises. With his coc-k still twitching away, the last few drops of c-um oozed out of the tip of the swollen head of his coc-k and dribbled down into a little white c-ummy puddle. After the last of it had seemingly dripped out, his mother then grasped his still twitching coc-k and squeezed the last few drops out. Brian just lay there staring up, looking utterly devastated and his eyes started to look a bit red and puffy as if he might start crying.
"There, there, don't you worry! That's a perfectly normal thing for little boys to do. You just lie back and mummy will soon have her little baby bunting all cleaned up." Brian's mother said soothingly in a little baby voice to try and reassure him. As Brian's mother cleaned up his c-ummy little mess, Brian lay back and closed his eyes and began to nod off after the emotional and physical exertions of his little c-umming. That final release had felt so wonderful, but also so humiliating and confusing having done so right in front of his mother, and a terrible feeling of guilt and shame washed through him as he thought about how he had kept on lustily thrusting his stiff coc-k into her slick slippery hand. Then his horror and surprise as that wonderful feeling welled up ready to burst in his coc-k which he was unable to stop, like when he wet his pants at the nursery, only this felt just wonderful as his coc-k finally burst forth and he began to ejaculate. The shame of having done all that in front of his mother and the sheer intense emotion of that final release, just made Brian want to cry and also made him feel very tired, and now Brian just wanted to shut his eyes and make it all go away and go to sleep.
As Brian nodded off, his mother finished cleaning him up and started to put him into another clean nappy. As Brian lay there having a light snooze after his emotional little c-umming, his mother then set about hanging out lots of clothes and things that she had been buying for him over the past few days, up onto the picture rail around his bedroom wall. When she finished she gave Brian a gentle shake to wake him up. "Come on Mr Sleepyhead, time to wake up!" she called to him cheerfully as she shook him awake. "It's time to get you dressed, and I've got lots of lovely new things for you to wear over the holidays!" she added. Brian stirred slowly, still looking a bit tired dazed and confused after the intense experience of his shameful little ejaculation. At first he noticed that he was now dressed in another clean nappy, and looked down at it with a fuggy perplexed expression. "Look at all the lovely things I've got you!" his mother exclaimed as he started to wake up a bit.
Brian then looked around his bedroom walls in complete confusion, as he saw several little sissy dresses and a good few pairs of sissy frilly baby pants hanging from the picture rail on hangers. All the dresses looked very short, as if they would come down no more than a few inches past his waist at most. There were a couple of pretty little printed cotton dresses, one in pink gingham and another with a colourful print of big childish cartoon style flowers on it in all different colours against a purple background with a white lacy collar and puffball sleeves with a matching white lacy trim. There were a couple of little school girl style pinafore dresses, one in a typical grey school dress material and another in a brown corduroy with a large childish patch of a cartoon bunny rabbit sewn onto the front. Then there were a few fancy Shirley Temple style party dresses in shiny white and pink satin with fancy puffball sleeves and all festooned with lots of lace trimmings and bows and little cotton flowers. Next to the satin party dresses were hanging three voluminous looking petticoats, one trimmed with white lace and another trimmed with pink organza, that made it look like a big ball of candy floss, and there was another that was trimmed with alternating layers of pink lace and white organza, that looked very frothy. Interspersed in amongst the dresses hung lots of pairs of fluffy frilly sissy baby pants. These also had an assortment of pink or white ruffles, with some layered with lacy frills and others with rows of fluffy organza ruffles, and all with a variety of ribbon bows and other sissy little decorations adoring them. One pair was even turned to face the wall, so that Brian could see the big ruffled lace rosette on the bottom.
As Brian lay there in bed staring up at this wall of sissy baby wear in complete befuddlement, his mother held up a pair of frilly baby pants to him. "Come on. Legs up for mummy, there's a good little boy!" His mother said as she motioned that she wanted to start putting the frilly baby pants onto Brian. Brian looked at the frilly baby pants with shock, as he recognised them for the previous day. They were the exact same pair that the lady at the nursery had made him wear, and as his mother held them there in front of him, the little silver round bells tinkled at him mockingly. Brian's mind whirled and raced in a daze of confusion, not knowing what was going on and he just leaned back and raised up his legs, lifting his feet up to allow his mother to pull on the frilly baby pants. Brian looked almost as if he was in a trance, as his mother then stood him up and took down the white lace trimmed petticoat and made him step into it before pulling it right up his chest, so that the waist band sat only a few inches below his armpits. Next she took down the purple cotton dress with the colourful flower print off the wall and proceeded to put him into it. The dress zipped up at the back, and as expected when Brian looked down, he could see large amounts of the frilly petticoat bursting forth out from below the hem. Then his mother pulled on a pair of thick knitted white woolly mitts, which she tied around his wrists with a pink ribbon bow. Then on his feet she slipped a pair of knitted white slipper socks that had a ring of ruffled lace around the ankle and a fluffy pink pompom on the back. On his head, she didn't put on a mop cap or bonnet but simply slipped on a large white pretty hair clip that had a little bunch of three small white plastic pretty roses on it, which she slipped into his neatly brushed side parting. Then when she was finally done, she stood Brian in front of her full length mirror which she had brought into his room earlier that morning whilst Brian was still half asleep. Brian stood there in as if in a trance, looking at himself in the mirror with a dazed and dismayed expression on his face. The bright colourful purple flowery dress, blossomed out from slightly below his chest height, to spread out over the top of the voluminous layers of the lacy petticoat, which burst forth out from below the hem of the dress, with layers of lace flowing down to meet the layers of ruffled frills of his baby pants, which were still about two thirds exposed. Then his mother took him by the hand and led him downstairs for his breakfast. Down at the breakfast table, Brian of course was unable to pick up any of his utensils to feed himself, so his mother sat next to him and spoon fed him his cereals and a boiled egg with toast soldiers.
"Right, go and sit down in the living room on the play mat I've set out for you, as I've put some things on there for you to play with, and then be over shortly with your milk." His mother said to him after she had finished feeding him. Brian was still in a state of confusion and befuddlement as he walked trance like through into the living room. It all felt like some weird dream, as Brian looked down at the floor and saw the large play mat his mother had put on the floor for him. The play mat was like one of those cartoon street maps that little boys play on with their toy cars, only this one was clearly meant for girls, as it had pink roads and the map had things like pink princess castles and doll houses as the locations. As Brian sat down on the mat, surrounding him was an assortment of basic little baby toys, like a rattle and a crude wooden train and various cuddly toys. At first Brian sat there for a while trying to process it all, not knowing what to do or quite what was going on. Was his mother in league somehow with the ladies up at the nursery? Had they told her everything hat had been going on? Was this some sort of punishment for wetting his pants at school? How long was she going to keep him like this? After a while Brian bored of asking himself all these questions he couldn't possibly answer, and feeling a little tired again, he lay back and picked up one of the toys to play with.
As Brian lay there he started to think back to when he was lying down out by the Wendy house in the nursery, and when all those little girls stood around him, and the views he had up their short little skirts and dresses, especially that one girl who had stood right over the top of him, giving him a view right up between her legs. As Brian tried to remember and visualise that view up between her legs, of the lovely pretty lacy leg cuffs and that snug clingy revealing panty gusset, Brian moved his thick woolly mitts down over the layers of lacy petticoat and began playing with them. Then his hands moved down to his lovely frilly baby pants and he began to rub and squeeze his thick nappy over where his stiff coc-k had now begun to once more stiffly thrust into his nappy. It wasn't enough to masturbate his coc-k but it was enough to give it a few thrills as he began to fantasise about the little girls all standing around him, now wearing nothing but their pretty little panties and vests all cooing and mothering him whilst he lies there in his wonderful sissy baby outfit.
"Oh dear, I need a wee wee!" one of the girls then calls out in a distressed voice as she stands before him doing a desperate little dance and jiggle, and then begins to wet her knickers right in front of him. Then she turns around and clutching her bottom tightly, she does a little fart and starts to poop in them too. "Oh no no! I've done my poo poo in my pants!" she then says in a shocked voice as she fills the seat of her white panties with a large brown lump. As Brian lay there on the floor of the living room fantasising, he rubbed the nappy over his coc-k even harder as he imagined her humiliation as she stood there in her soiled panties.
Whilst Brian is busy enjoying his little fantasy, his mother has finished preparing his milk in the kitchen and has made him a large bottle filled with warm milk, which also has a generous dose of laxative mixed in. His mother looked at the bottle she had prepared for him and hoped that Brian wouldn't taste the laxative too strongly, but even if he did he probably wouldn't know what it was and once she started feeding him, he wouldn't be able to stop anyway. With his milk done and bottled, she quietly sneaked up to the door of the living room which she had propped open earlier and peaked in to spy on Brian. There on the floor in the middle of the play mat lay Brian, who was rather enthusiastically trying to rub himself through his frilly baby pants and thick nappy, whilst also playfully fondling the thick mass of lacy frills of the petticoat. His mother stood there for a short while, watching him with amusement and listening to the sound of the tinkling bells on the front of his baby pants as he vigorously rubbed and fondled the crotch of his nappy and frilly baby pants.
"I see you're settling down and enjoying your lovely new clothes dear!" his mother then announced in a loud cheerful voice as she then suddenly entered the room. Brian, then snapped instantly out of his little fantasy and sat suddenly bolt upright with a shocked and surprised guilty expression on his face, as his cheeks quickly began to flush a warm rosy red.
"I... urm..." Brian stuttered out with an ashamed look on his face.
"Oh, no need to explain dear! I can just imagine what effect all those lovely pretty frills must have on little boys like you." His mother cut him short with a wry cheeky cheerful reply. "Right it's time for your milk little man, so you stay sat there whilst I come and sit beside you." His mother said to him as she came over with his bottle of milk. As she came over to sit by him, Brian noted that she was wearing her large floral apron with the white ruffled trim around the edges. In one hand she held a large bottle of milk which had a baby bottle teat stuck on the top of it, which she was busy giving a bit of a shake. Her other hand then dipped down into the large front pocket of the apron, from where she pulled out a big rubbery looking bib. The bib was bright yellow and had a scoop like catching pocket on the front, and as she sat down beside him, she fastened it around the back of his neck with a popper. Then she made Brian lie back so that she could cradle his head in her arms and proffered up the teat of the bottle to his mouth. Brian was by now, far too subjugated and bewildered by his transformation into a big baby over the past few days, that he was just mentally too tired to keep questioning why he was being treated like a big baby like this and felt powerless to fight back. So remembering the previous afternoon at the nursery when he was bottle fed by the girls, he simply opened his mouth without a fuss and began to suc-k down on the teat. As Brian began to suc-k down on the big baby bottle, his mother moved her free hand down and began to squeeze and massage the crotch of his thick nappy where she could feel his stiff coc-k still thrusting up against it, and as he slurped and suc-ked down the milk, he murmured contentedly. It took Brian a little while to guzzle down the litre of milk with its laxative payload, and when he finally finished, his mother withdrew the bottle and he let out a satisfied little burp. After she wiped his face down around his mouth, she then fished around in the big pocket of her apron once more and brought out a baby's dummy with a large teat and popped it into his mouth. Then she took off his bib and left him on the mat to play once more.
This time as Brian once more settled down on the mat to play with the toys, he was a little bit more circ-umspect about trying to pleasure himself and luxuriate in his sissy frills as he sat there dreaming up his little fantasies. Soon enough the milk had worked its way down his now rather full bladder, and rather than try and hold it back, Brian now just let go and began to fill his nappy with a flood of warm pee. As the warm wet glow spread out in the crotch of his nappy, Brian now found the sensation rather pleasurable, and he soon began to enjoy the feeling of his heavy wet nappy as it sagged and swayed between his legs as he waddled about on his hands and knees. A little while later following on from his nappy wetting, much to Brian's consternation, he soon started to develop a desperate urge to poop. Having his mother change him out of a wet nappy was one thing, but having her change him out of a messy pooped nappy like a proper big baby was quite another. He would just have to try and hold on and hope that in between nappy changes that his mother would give him the opportunity to use the toilet. Perhaps if he waggled his saggy wet nappy about a bit more, she might notice and change him again, giving him an opportunity to use the toilet properly. So Brian began to waddle around the floor on the mat, wiggling his bottom about and tinkling his little bells, in part to try and get his mother to notice his wet nappy and partly out of desperation to try and hold back his increasingly desperate urge to do a poo.
"Oh, has baby wet his nappy again? Well don't worry we'll get you changed into a nice clean one soon enough, when your new babysitter comes round to visit. I'm expecting her anytime now, so it won't be long." Brian's mother said, as she came in and saw him waddling about on the floor, quite animatedly wiggling his bottom and saggy nappy about in a desperate little waggle dance, which made Brian stop and look up at her wide eyed with shock. "Oh yes, I'm afraid mummy has to get you a baby sitter dear. Mummy can't look after you all the time by herself. I have meetings up at the church hall and evenings with the ladies that I need to attend, and I can't very well leave you on your own can I?" his mother said as Brian looked up at her in shock and surprise, and just as she finished saying that, the doorbell rang. "That'll be her at the door now. Now don't worry, she's someone you already know quite well, so I'm sure you'll feel quite at home with her." His mother said to him as she disappeared off into the hallway to open the front door for Brian's mystery babysitter.
As she opened the door, Brian heard his mother exchange pleasantries with the lady as she invited her in. Brian sat there frozen in shock on the floor, all dressed up in his sissy baby outfit and now also with a very obvious saggy wet nappy. Brian's heart skipped a beat as he then heard the two ladies make their way over to the door to the living room and he then stared up with utter horror and mortification as his new baby sitter appeared in the doorway.
"Hello Brian. My word, what an adorable pretty little baby you make!" said his school teacher Miss Bellingham, as she looked down at him with an amused sardonic grin. "I see you've got him dressed in nappies already. It's just as well. Did you hear about his pants wetting accident at school yesterday?" Miss Bellingham asked his mother.
"Oh yes, the ladies at the nursery told me that they had spotted his little accident." His mother replied.
"Well I was thinking that next year it might be a good idea if he was to come to school wearing nappies for the first term. After all, we don't want him having any more embarrassing little accidents at school do we? If we keep him down a year and make him retake the fourth year again, I can keep an eye on him for you and check if his nappy needs changing. I think that whilst his regular school uniform will be sufficient to cover his nappy, I don't think his gym kit will do so and I doubt you'll find any gym shorts to fit over it. However I think I can probably arrange for him to visit the junior school and have him join one of their first or second year classes for his gym period, where I'm sure he'll be OK joining in wearing just his nappy and vest, perhaps with a pair of his underpants over the top of his nappy too." Miss Billingham said to his mother.
"Yes, I think that would be a very good idea, and if you could get that arranged then I would be very grateful." His mother replied. Brian sat there staring up wide eyed in complete shock and horror, first at the shock and humiliation of finding out his school teacher Miss Billingham was going to be his babysitter and of her seeing him sat there like this in his sissy baby frills, and then secondly at the conversation he had just overheard. He sat there feeling utter dismay at the thought of having not only to stay down a year but to go to school wearing a nappy, and then being made to do his PE in front of a junior school class wearing it! It was all just too much for Brian to take, and suddenly he let out a loud long fart, which was quickly followed by the sound of slick wet pops and crackles as he rapidly began to fill his nappy with poop. Brian sat there looking utterly mortified and ashamed as the two ladies stood there looking down at him, as he noisily pooped his nappy in front of them. "Well it seems you've come just in time to help me get our little baby here changed into a clean nappy." His mother said to Mrs Billingham, as the smell of Brian's pooped nappy began to waft over towards the door where they were stood. "We should be able to get it done in time for when the girls come to visit. I've invited the three girls from your school that you go to the nursery with, round for tea and cakes and to come and play with you. They sounded very excited about coming round to see you. Won't that be a lovely afternoon for you?" Brian's mother said down to him cheerfully.
"Mmfffnnng... nnnggg... mmuufff!" was all Brian could mumble out in a distressed panicky muffled voice through his dummy, as he sat there in his squishy poopy nappy, looking up at the ladies pleadingly, with an increasingly alarmed and horrified face.
The End
Thanks for posting all of this great story. Would love to read more by this author if you have them to post.
Thank you, P. James for posting this remarkable story; remarkable in the sense that there are parts that are so arousing & with detail which I believe is unique to this site. Parts 4 and the Conclusion with Brian's diaper change with some of the girls assisting are good examples. Also, his mom changing him was exciting beyond words For my own personal use, I am planning to go through the story to change British terms to American. I wonder how you found this story. I used to read P.D.Q. fairly regularly some years ago, but never came across stories there, especially one as long as this one. What I remember is that there were letters from readers many of which deal with my favorite topic, diaper discipline of young boys just starting puberty. Someone mentioned that the writer's name is Charley. He was referred to as being nearly as gifted a writer as Baby Bobby. Do you know anything about him, especially any other sities where I might be able to find is other writings? Anyway, P.J., thanks again for making Betty's even more exciting.
You should be marking every part or chapter number, or with a page number, so when somebody downloads the whole thread, or we backup data or move it to another section or server, if they get mixed up, we can put them back in order with the part or page numbers.
You should be marking every part or chapter number, or with a page number, so when somebody downloads the whole thread, or we backup data or move it to another section or server, if they get mixed up, we can put them back in order with the part or page numbers.
Thank you, Betty, for the advice, I would be glad to do it unhappily it seems that I can't modify the first chapters anymore , could you permit me to modify them ?
You can't modify them anymore? I know there's a time limit of when you can change something if you're a new user (and a longer time limit if you're not new) but I thought the time was longer than that. Let me check what's wrong.
I think I fixed it. You should have up to 30 days to fix or edit a story.
I think I fixed it. You should have up to 30 days to fix or edit a story.
Thank you betty it's done
And thanks again for the advice