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Author Topic: Sissy Baby  (Read 126119 times)

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  • Princess
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Sissy Baby - 29
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2006, 09:14:47 AM »
I felt like a prisoner being led to the execution chamber as she led me towards the dresses.  My tummy was tingling with anxiety and apprehension as she led me along.  I didn’t know what to do with my other hand.  If I left it at my side, I was touching my crinoline and felt like such a sissy for doing so.  So, I held it tentatively at my waist and was still self-conscious of how I looked.  Somehow, the journey I had begun when I started wearing plastic pants and diapers seemed somehow to be culminating with being plunged head first into wearing dresses.  Even though I’d worn a dress before, this was somehow different and I both knew it and knew there was not a thing I could do to prevent it.

When we arrived at the dress section, Mom and Marlene were just emerging from one of the dressing rooms and Marlene walked up to a mirror to see herself in the dress she had on.  It was yellow organza edged with white lace trim with a peter pan collar and a large bow at the back that Mom had obviously tied in place for her.  Marlene smiled as she saw herself in the mirror.  â€śI like this one a lot, Mom!” she exclaimed, “But I like the pale blue one, too.  Can I try that one on again, please?”  

“Of course, dear,” Mom responded, “Just go change out of that one and I’ll be there in a minute to help you.”

Marlene, after noticing me, laughed and hurried off to the changing room.

“How do you like Janet’s crinoline?” Mary Beth asked, “Isn’t it just darling?”

“It certainly is.  It’s just what I had in mind,” Mom replied with a smile.

“Here, let me show you what I’ve added to the picture,” Mary Beth stated as she lifted the hem of my crinoline to expose the white satin rhumba panties  â€śI thought these would be just perfect for Sunday best and, if you want more, we do have them in a selection of pastel colors.  What do you think?”

“You’re right!  They are just perfect for her.  We’ll definitely take them,” Mom enthused happily.  â€śPlease excuse me, Andrea would you mind giving Marlene a hand for a minute or two?  I think we need to get Janet started on picking out a dress.”

“Of course, I’d be happy to,” Andrea replied.

“Nancy, Jill, why don’t you see what you can find for Janet to try on?” Mary Beth suggested to the two other assistants.

“Yes, Ma’am!” they replied merrily as they hurried off to search the racks.

“While we’re waiting for them,” Mary Beth suggested, “Why don’t I show you something that might work well with her blouses?”

“Of course, please show me what you have,” Mom responded pleasantly.

“Over here we have some very nice pleated plaid jumpers that would work very well with her blouses,” Mary Beth suggested.

“Hmmm!  These are very nice.  Are they on sale, too?” Mom inquired.

“Yes, they are.  I thought you might be interested in them,” Mary Beth responded. “After we find Janet a dress or two, we’ll try one or two of those on her to see how they look.”

“By the way, did you bring her dress shoes with you as we discussed?”

“Yes, indeed,” Mom replied, “I have them right here,” she said as she removed them from her purse.

“Great!  I’ll just slip those on her now,” Mary Beth said as she took them from Mom and bent down to help me put them on.  â€śThere, now she’s ready for her dress fitting,” Mary Beth smiled as she completed fastening the straps on my white patent Mary Janes.

Shortly, Jill and Nancy returned with several dresses each in hand.

“Boy – or should I say girl – are you going to have some fun,” Jill laughed as she hung her dresses up on a rack nearby.

“Here you go,” Nancy proclaimed as she held up a pink organza confection, “Your first dress of the day!” she exclaimed as she unzipped it and raised it over my head.  

“Now, put your arms up like a good little girl,” Mary Beth teased me.  I reluctantly complied as all three of them helped me into the dress, guiding my arms into the puff sleeves.  The dress hugged my chest as Jill zipped the zipper all the way up to the base of the Peter Pan collar edged in white lace.  It seemed to billow out even more as Nancy tied the sashes in a cute bow at my waist as I looked back over my shoulder in dismay.  A tear trickled from the corner of my eye as I realized I was now truly imprisoned in my dress.

“That’s just a darling dress,” my Mom enthused, “Don’t you think so, Janet?” she asked as she turned me so I could see myself in a nearby full length mirror.

Before me in the mirror stood a pretty little blond haired girl in white patent shoes with pretty pink ribbons tied in the tight little curls of her hair.  She was wearing a pretty pink organza dress and didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands which she held somewhat pensively at her waist as if she was afraid to touch her dress.  She seemed very shy and reticent.  I was that girl. I was the one in the pretty pink dress and the realization of the change was overwhelming.  I was truly a sissy in a dress and I realized somewhere deep down inside me that though I wanted desperately to deny it, I liked wearing that dress.  I liked the swish and rustle of my skirts; I liked the snugness of the bodice and the way the bow snugly hugged my waist.  It was at that moment that I discovered that I wanted to be a sissy.  I wanted always to be a sissy.  I loved my dress.  I loved my diapers and plastic panties.  It all felt suddenly so good and seemed so right and so perfect.  I found myself shyly smiling to myself in the mirror.  I was the little girl in the pretty dress and I loved it.

“Yes, Mommy.  I’m your little girl and I love my pretty dress,” tumbled numbly from my lips as I acknowledged slipping into sissyhood forever.  Then, I heard people clapping around me and looked around to see Mary Beth, Nancy, Jill, Andrea and several ladies nearby and a few of their daughters applauding my statement.  I blushed shyly at this unexpected acknowledgment.

“That’s my good little girl,” Mom smiled approvingly as she patted the back of my head.  â€śNow, let’s see you walk in this dress and we’ll put it aside then so you can try on some of the others.”

For the next hour or so, I tried on dress after dress in nylon, taffeta, organza and in lots  of pretty colors and prints.  Each one was a joy to wear and I found myself enjoying their rustle as I gently twirled in them at times.  Nancy, Jill and Andrea found this amusing.  Mary Beth commented that I was becoming more of a girl every second and suggested to Mom that I should be kept in dresses since I liked them so much.

When we were done, Mom selected a white nylon satin dress with a taffeta lining for me and I was asked to try it on one more time.  I gladly donned the swishy, rustling creation but little did I expect what was to happen next.  Once Nancy had tied the sashes at my waist into a pretty white bow, Mary Beth approached with a matching large white satin baby bonnet which she proceeded to tie in place.  â€śThere,” she gleefully proclaimed, “Now you’re just the perfect little sissy baby you should be!  Now, come along with me,” she said as she took me to the front of the store to have my picture taken in my new outfit.  

They had no problem getting me to smile in this happy little confection. Once they were done, we proceeded back to the dress section where I changed back out of the dress and bonnet and Mom had me try on my blouse along with the two pleated jumpers.  She was pleased enough with them that she bought both along with the white satin Sunday best dress.  Marlene also got a pretty pink organza dress that she had her heart set on.

Once we were finished and I was dressed in my rompers, bonnet, blouse and red shoes that I wore coming in to the store, Nancy, Jill and Andrea all thanked us for coming in.  After we paid and were about to leave, Mary Beth showed us the new picture of me next to the June Baby of the Month picture previously posted near the store’s entrance.  The title under it said “Sissy Baby Janet in her first dress.”  

“Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself,” she said condescendingly as she pinched my blushing cheek,  â€śHurry back soon.  We love giving special service to all our little sissies,” she laughed as Mom bade her goodbye and we turned to leave the store.


  • Princess
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Sissy Baby - 30
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2006, 07:03:28 PM »
Marlene and I both carried a shopping bag with our dresses in them and Mom carried a shopping bag with my two jumpers.  Despite my enjoyment of trying on dresses in the shop and my acceptance of my sissy status, I was still very self conscious dressed as I was in public.  We, or should I say “I”, received more than our fair share of stares, smirking smiles and comments on my sissy.  â€śWhat a cute little sissy,” one woman commented to her daughter who looked at me with dumbfounded curiosity as I blushed crimson in response.  Mom just looked down at me with a smile of pleased satisfaction at my flustered state.

At last we reached the safety of the car and, after depositing our shopping bags in the trunk, departed for home.  Once there, Mom had us hang our dresses up in our closets; for me that meant alongside Diane’s dresses in her closet.  After that, Mom deposited me in the playpen and went next door to retrieve Diane from Mrs. Eppersley’s.

When she returned, Mom placed Diane in the playpen with me and checked us both to see if our diapers were wet.  Diane was dry but, to my surprise, I was wet.  I was surprised because I hadn’t remembered wetting myself.  It must have happened in the excitement of trying on all those dresses at Mary Beth’s.  Still, I was shocked that I hadn’t noticed wetting myself.  Mom took me upstairs to get changed.  She gave me a pair of pink plastic pants to hold to my chest as usual while she removed my diaper and cleaned me up.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your little trip to Mary Beth’s,” she said as she began to apply the diaper rash ointment and the baby lotion, “This Sunday you’ll get to wear your pretty new dress to church and show everybody what a good little sissy baby you really are,” she smiled down at me.  A tear trickled from the corner of my eye as I realized that my humiliated state was going to be on full display again.  â€śYou may as well enjoy your little diapers,” she smiled as she began to pin my fresh diaper into place, “You’re going to become quite used to them before too long, I’m sure,” she laughed as she took the pink plastic pants from my chest, slipped my legs through the legholes and began pulling them snugly into place.  After checking that my diaper was tucked in at the back of my plastic pants, she proceeded to pull the romper bottom between my legs and snap it in place.  â€śThere you go,” she said as she helped me down from the changing table and patted my well padded bottom, “Mommy’s little baby is all nice and dry again.  Now, let’s go downstairs and you can help me get supper started,” she smiled as she turned to lead the way.  I followed along somewhat reluctantly, glancing at myself in the hallway mirror as I passed it.  I was the personification of a little sissy; clearly too old for the diapers and rompers that I wore not to mention the shoes, socks and hairdo.

I helped Mom with supper and was fed, as usual, after Diane was done.  Then it was the playpen for the rest of the evening mimicking Diane as usual.  I fell asleep after a bit and only hazily remember Mom carrying me up to the changing table and changing me and giving me a bottle of formula which I nursed on for a few minutes before falling asleep.

Saturday morning I woke up to the sensation of wet diapers.  My bottle was still near at hand and, as it appeared Mom was going to sleep in this morning, I proceeded to nurse on the bottle of cold formula until it was empty.   After that, I curled up under the baby blanket and fell back asleep until Mom came in to change us.  After breakfast was done and Diane was in her playpen and Marlene was off to the Eppersley’s to play with Andrea, I helped Mom with the laundry and cleaning.  It felt funny to be out in the summer sun with my rompers on and the wind gently caressing my bare legs and arms as I hung up the laundry and later took it down and folded it.  In between, I helped Mom vacuum and dust the house.  I was becoming quite the little Momma’s girl helping around the house.  I was not an unwilling participant as I had no desire to be seen outside the house in my babyish apparel.  The rest of the day went pretty much as usual with the exception that Mom insisted I pick out the plastic pants for my nightly diaper change before bed.  I chose the yellow pair with very little hesitation and realized that I was becoming more used to my diapered state than I had realized.  â€śMaybe that’s what Mom wanted me to realize,” I thought to myself as I curled up under the baby blanket nursing on my bottle of formula.  I drifted off to dreams of playpens and visits to Mary Beth’s shop and Carrie’s Cut and Curl shop.  

I awoke sleepily Sunday morning to the feeling of my Mom’s finger checking my diaper under the waistband of my plastic pants.  â€śNice and wet, just like a good little baby,” she smiled down at me as I sleepily nursed on my pacifier.  She changed Diane first and took her downstairs and put her in her high chair and had Marlene start to feed her breakfast.  Then she returned to the nursery for me.  She had me changed and into a pair of white crystalline plastic pants in hardly any time at all.  Then it was my turn in the high chair with Marlene feeding me breakfast while Mom got Diane ready for church.  When I was done, Marlene was sent off to get ready for church while Mom took me to the nursery and got my crinoline, dress, bonnet, shoes, socks and panties out.  It seemed like she had me dressed in no time at all.   “There you go,” she smiled as she snugged the bonnet into place and tied a big bow beneath my chin, “my little baby’s all ready for church.”

I made sure I had my pacifier in place.  I was going to need all the anonymity I could muster for this little excursion.  Once again, I felt like a prisoner in my pretty white dress as Mom led us out the front door for the two block walk to church.  Mom had the stroller for Diane while Marlene and I walked together hand-in-hand in front of them.  We got there a little early and Mom sat with us in a pew about mid way up the side aisle.  People kept coming in.  I heard a few comments around me like “There’s baby Janet.  I didn’t expect to see her here.  Isn’t she cute in her pretty dress?” and “Isn’t that baby Janet we saw in Mary Beth’s shop yesterday, Mom?” from another little girl nearby.  One woman made a point of stopping next to my Mom and saying “What pretty girls you have and especially little Janet here,” with a broad, knowing smile.  Each comment made me nurse more furtively on my pacifier and tears started to trickle from the corners of my eyes.  There was nothing I could do about my sissified state, however.   If I made a scene, I would only call more attention to myself and my sissified condition.  So, I sat there helplessly enduring my fate; enveloped in the sensations of silky girls clothes and the scent of baby powder and baby lotion.  I noticed a woman I had seen in Mary Beth’s shop on Friday looking over at me with a knowing smile.  She waved and playfully blew me a kiss.

After church, Mom spent some time talking to her lady friends as she usually did.  Several of them wanted to know who I was and she introduced me as her “little Janet”.  If they didn’t suspect that I was a sissy in baby clothes, they must surely have known then.  They all found it quite amusing.  Mom told them how helpful I was and all the chores that I now so willingly helped her with.  One or two of them said that, since babying was working so well with me, it might be a good “cure” for their boys who were a little on the rowdy side and a lot less than helpful around the house.  It wasn’t too long before we left and walked quietly back home.  The rest of the day went peaceably but my adventures in dresses were only just beginning.  Mom made sure that I wore my pretty white dress to church every Sunday.  She even got me another pale blue organza dress a few months later.  I spent most of the summer in my rompers and blouses and was surprised when I found out Mom had found a lady who was willing to home school Marlene and me.  Mom explained that Marlene would be there to change my diapers as needed.  So, for the next seven years, until I was fourteen, I was home schooled.  After that, I was in the local public high school for four years.  However, by the time I entered high school, I was pretty much incontinent and it took almost a year of wearing disposable diapers and plastic pants to school before I was potty trained enough to attend without them.  I still needed diapers and plastic pants at night and do to this day.  I can’t really say it’s something I don’t like but it is certainly something I’ve gotten used to.

            ~ THE END ~

I hope you’ve enjoyed this story.  As Kris Kristofferson said of Johnny Cash:  â€śHe’s a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction”.  The same is true of this story.

I’d appreciate any comments you might have to make.  An author can always use encouragement and advice.  Thank you to the 600 to some 1000 faithful readers who have been consistent readers of this story.


Don't forget to buy sissy stuff for yourself or that special sissy this holiday season at great prices from Betty's Sissy Store!

Go to,


sissy servant 737-820-633

  • Princess
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Re: Sissy Baby
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2021, 12:41:53 PM »


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Sissy Baby
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2024, 03:05:00 PM »
JanetMarie, I doubt you will ever see this but,  I have read this story twice now. It is my favorite found in the Betty's Archive. It so simulates what I would have wanted back in the 60's when I was 5 to 12 years old. I would sneak diapers or even a towel and go into the woods, diaper myself, and use it. Being the 2nd of 7 children, diapers were always around!
What would have been exciting for me, as Baby Janet would be me squating down in Mary Beth's store (on my second visit) and pooping a load. Others would know what I was doing, and it would have very much sealed my fate. Thank you


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