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Author Topic: The BABY diet  (Read 10213 times)

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  • Ballerina
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The BABY diet
« on: February 25, 2019, 08:52:11 PM »
The  baby diet

Anna was 34 months pregnant  and  was really looking forward to the day her baby arrived  .She  lived with her husband dom   she was happy but she noticed recently  dom had taken to eating  everything and  he spent most of his days laid around the house watching tv  .he had put on quiet a bit of weight  and anna had  encouraged him to join the local slimming group  .he reluctantly agreed  and  went along   .   he tried  every week to lose weight but  his lifestyle didn’t help and he would fail  the weigh in every week  which was costing anna a lot of money as he had no job  eventually anna would have to give u work and go on maternity   .shes spent days arguing with  her husband  over money his laziness and his weight .she stormed out  and went to visit her mothers   she  broke down in tears  and  explained all to her mother  about his behaviour and disregard of her feelings  … he is just like a big baby her mother quipped  youll have two in the house soon enough she joked  ..she noticed  a magazine  on her mums table advertising  the  new Celeb diet fad  … as she read the article  it was about celebs who ate jars of baby food or toddler meals  to help them lose weight  . she spoke to her mum about it  and  they discussed in length whether it would work  with dom
He would never go for it  she said   but then her mother said then make him  . You cant live like this   can you not with a baby on the way  ..she took the magazine  home  and  showed her husband he read the article and said your kidding right  .. im not eating that rubbish   .Anna  didn’t respond and changed the subject as she did not want to upset her husband 

It was the big monthly weigh in and  anna decided  to go with her husband to see if  hed lost any weight  he had assured her he hadd kept of the pies and crisps  (he was lying) when it was revealed  that he had put on another 2 stone  she was angry and said we will discus this when we get home 

she stormed out of the  hall and sat on the  stairs   a lady was outside smoking she apologised  and said sorry  noticed your pregnant I will stop  anna responded she didn’t have to  .. tough night the lady asked  anna told her of her torubles and  the lady told her well im a   wet nurse I look after babies whilst there mums work  anna thought this was great cause it meant when baby was born she could go back to work she joked pity you couldn’t take care of my husband too  .. they chatted about him and the article  that anna had seen  . and the lady introduced herself as linda  and said  well if hes acting like a big baby maybe we should treat him like one  .

They decided that when annas baby was born then they would reduce dom into  a baby too   and that would start  when baby came home   .. I will take care of both babies said linda    and we will monitor Doms diet  .He will wear exactly the same as the baby  be fed the same and   grow as the  baby grows  . The two ladies spent the next few weeks getting everything ready for their new arrivals
Then the day came  that Annas waters broke   .. she asked dom to drive her to the  hospital  he said he was busy cause the football was on   . she had to drive herself   on the way she rang linda  who came to the hospital with  her  … little did Dom know his life was about to change  …..


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The BABY diet
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2019, 08:58:37 PM »
O my baby dom is gonna get hehehe

Sissy Poopsie

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Re: The BABY diet
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2019, 10:01:09 PM »
Great start to your story. Dom deserves everything that is coming to him. I see a long life in the nursery ahead for baby Dom.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The BABY diet
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2019, 05:13:33 AM »
Nice story, thanks for posting :)

I gotta say, though... that's gonna be one HUUUUUGE baby. After a three year gestation, he may be born out of diapers already!  :P


  • Ballerina
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Re: The BABY diet
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2019, 06:23:40 AM »
Anna asked linda to make sure everything was ready at home   linda let her self  into the house and sure enough dom was sat there watching tv  as she got closer  she realised he was masturbating to porn  .Whats going on here she bellowed .Dom jumped uo from the sofa and  tried to get himself ready   .. don’t worry about that  linda said we can get you dressed in a minute  . she stood and addressed dom just like he was a naughty toddler   she asked him why he wasn’t at the hospital  looking after his wife  .. hes said he was watching the football  …  she said to him I hope you enjoyed it it’s the last youll see  in  a  while  … she explained to him there  plans  and  he said you cant make me   ..well  she said we have a contract here you agree to everything or you can leave you will be divorced and homeless …. .. he eventually  agreed and signed the contract   

Just then  lindas phoned rang and  it was explained  that  anna had given birth to a bonnie baby girl  ..linda told dom its time to get you ready  she  led him  along to the spare bedroom which had been decorated as the nursey  he noticed there was two  cribs in there   she told him to get upon the  changing  table   and  proceded to diaper him   she next  produced some tights and frilly panties and  dressed him in these  .. next a  very pink and cute baby dress    as she put  the  pacifier in his mouth   he caught a glance in the mirror he looked like a very large baby girl  he started to sob ….  Linda  said this is how you will be dressed from now   on  you will become the twin sister of  Annas baby and  I will be yours and the babys wet nurse    ..  your diet will be the same as the baby   so you will be bottlefed  breast millk  until  she starts weaning   then you may progress to solids   and so forth    .. You will be treated like a baby at all times  and  we will not hide your baby status from anyone   

Anna  arrived hime with the baby who she had called  Sammy    .. she gushed  with joy when she saw Dom  she looks  amazing she said to linda   ..  anna said  that  she needed to feed  Sammy   and would linda feed  dom   .. she produced a bottle  of  breastmilk  and linda  sat on the sofa   and  fed dom the bottle    it was then announced Sammy was tired and needed sleep   and that dommy would be put to bed too  he noticed  it was only  5pm    he was led to the crib  where linda  tucked him in and  gave him his pacifier   see you in the morning she said   anna  came and lent over   tears formed in his eyes as she said  night night little  one    ..he begged her to let him out  but its was muffled  with the pacifier strapped in his  mouth   .. he knew it was gonna be a long night

Sissy Poopsie

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Re: The BABY diet
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2019, 12:35:08 PM »
Jamespir  great update thank you very much.

Oh how the mighty fallen. I think sissy baby Dommy's troubles have only just begun. ( Ha ha )


  • Ballerina
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Re: The BABY diet
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2019, 04:45:07 AM »
34 months pregnant .......lol


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