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Author Topic: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1  (Read 9918 times)

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dolly bo peep

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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2019, 06:48:14 PM »

Those 2 chapters were excellent, advancing the story at a believable pace and I enjoyed reading them.

I'm looking forward to the next chapters.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2019, 11:12:01 AM »
My sister and I ran upstairs. In my room, I removed my dress and petticoat. My sister burst into my room as I was removing my pantyhose.

“Jill, what are you doing?”  As I instinctively placed my hands in front of my crotch. “Get out! I am standing here in my underwear.” I started laughing realizing that Jill was standing in front of me only wearing her panty and bra.

“I brought you one of my nightgowns to wear.”

“A nightgown?”

”Yes, Susan! A nightgown!” she smiled. “But if you don’t want…”

Blushing, I took the blue nightie without another word. I pulled the short cotton baby doll nightie over my bra and let it float down to my waist. I turned my back to my sister and removed the panties I was wearing and replaced them with the matching panties. The panties had ruffles around each of the leg openings. It also had puffy short sleeves and ruffles galore that barely covered my body, revealing the matching panties every time I moved.

“Oh,” I moaned as I looked down at myself. When I looked up, my giggling sister was wearing a matching yellow baby doll nightgown. She ran into her room and returned with two short robes.

“Here, put this on and let’s go down and show mom”

Mom was just finishing preparing dinner when she looked up at her two pretty “daughters”. At dinner mom announced that she was going to have me stay at home the next two days. “I think it would be easier. That way, we don’t have to remove and replace your fall and nail polish for the next two days. I also think you need practice walking, sitting and acting as a girl if you don’t want anyone to figure out that you are a boy in a dress.”

After dinner, mom asked Jill to get me shoes with three-inch heels. I put them on and stood up. Jill caught me as I stumbled a little.

“Susan, I want to see you do some things,” mom said with a determined tone in her voice. “Let me see you walk.”

I obliged. I was getting along well with the heels. I Started to enjoy wearing them. I minced to and fro several times for my sister’s benefit. “Oh my’” my sister exclaimed breaking into laughter, “you walk just like a girl. Look at him mom…” She continued in this vain for several minutes.

Seeing that I seemed to feel comfortable walking, mom decided to teach me another lesson. “Susan, do you know how to sit properly with a skirt? Here, I’ll show you.” Using the kitchen chair, she demonstrated the well-known technique. “You gather your skirt by sweeping your arm behind it, push it forward, and then sit down.”

I made an attempt but failed to gather enough of my short nighty.  “No silly, you have to bunch it up. Try again.” She ordered.

This time I did it properly. My sister complimented me. “Susan, you make a convincing girl. Now let me see you cross your legs.”

I did it wrong on purpose. “No, like this, silly.” I did it right. “Look at him now mom, he’s sitting just like a girl.

I enjoyed this little exercise. I liked the guidance my sister was giving me, I sensed that it was motivated by affection.

It was a different matter when she asked me to talk. Although my 12-year-old voice was relatively high-pitched, I was still worried that it still sounded male and would give me away. The clothes and makeup did not change that. My mom chimed in, “Just talk a little quieter and you will be fine. People will believe that you are a girl if you believe you are. Nothing will give it away if you don’t want it too. Just be yourself and let the feeling of the clothes convey how you should move, walk and sit. It is about attitude.  You’ll be fine.”

My legs were starting to get sore from the heels and I was glad mother let me take them off and relax. “We’ll practice more tomorrow. Now, let’s have a girl’s night in. Jill, go make some popcorn. Susan, get some drinks. We’ll pick a movie to watch. I’ll go put my pajamas on.”

Mom returned wearing a nightgown and robe and carrying a small makeup box. As we started watching the “Princess Bride”, my mom announced that we should paint my toenails to match my finger nails. My sister thought this was a marvelous idea and offered to do them for me.

Jill smiled, and started to work on my nails. After filing them, she buffed them to make them look smoother. Then she put on a coat of clear polish, which she said was a base coat. I had absolutely no idea what this meant, but she claimed it filled in the rough spots on my nails. When several more minutes had passed, she started painting each toenail red to match my fingers. I looked kind of silly with cotton balls sticking between all of my toes, but it was fun. As we were all lying around the den doing this, the conversation naturally turned to the competition and my disguise.

“In a few days, you’ll get used to the clothes and the wonderful benefits of being a girl.” Jill then got a little silly. “I like having a sister, so enjoy it for a while…before this weekend is over.”

“But all this work.” I started to moan.”

“Look, you need to feel natural in girl’s clothes so that no one gets wise.” mom laughed, “One day you will catch yourself with a cute little wiggle when you walk. Another day you’ll feel funny if you’re not wearing a bra. It’s all part of learning to be a girl.”

“Do you really think I can learn enough to pass?”

“With your sisters and my help and hard work, you can do it.”

“I don’t want to become a girl.”

“You’ll still be a boy… just one who can put on a dress and see what happens.”

My sister and I spent the rest of the evening lying on the floor and watching the movie. With our feet up in the air behind us, I noticed that we had matching red toenails.

When the movie was over, my mom announced that it was time to go up to bed, “Jill, take your brother upstairs and show him how to remove his make-up, I’ll be up soon to check on you.”

We went upstairs to the bathroom and my sister taught me how to use cold cream to remove my make-up. My other inspected and wiped a few places I missed.

I flipped off my light and slipped into bed. A short while later a tap came on
the bedroom door.

"Are you in bed yet, Susan?" asked Mom.

"I just got under the covers."

"In that case I'll come and tuck you in."

"I'd like that," I answered as she walked across the room and sat on
the edge of the bed.


“Yes dear.”

“I’m scared that someone outside our group will detect some male
trait in my disguise. Then, you know….”

“Don’t worry, we’ll practice more tomorrow. Trust me, no one will see anything other than a pretty 14-year-old girl.” My Mom said as she kissed me goodnight.

I laid awake for a long time, thrilling to thoughts of the next few days and luxuriating in the feel of my silken baby doll nightie. Before long I couldn't fight the sleepiness and dozed off. 


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2019, 09:07:09 PM »
Next morning Jill, already dressed in her school uniform, was sent to wake me. I finally responded to her gentle touch on my shoulder by slowly opening my eyes, she was standing
there holding my short robe.

"O.K., sleepyhead, sit up and slip your robe on," she said, at the same time pulling back the covers to reveal my silk-clad body. I sat up suddenly and reached desperately for the robe, but she clung to it stubbornly.

"Don't be silly. Put your arms out so I can help you on with your robe, “she told me. I slipped one arm into a sleeve and twisted around so my other arm could enter its sleeve.

"Now get off the bed so I can tie the belt around you." I complied hurriedly anxious to cover up as quickly as possible.

"Here, stick your feet in these scuffs, and let's get going. Breakfast is waiting." Taken by surprise and unable to improvise a suitable response to being ordered about by my sister I meekly followed her down the stairs.

“You’re so lucky that you don’t have to go to school the next two days.” She jealously said.

“I’m not so sure how lucky I am going to be. I’m not sure what mom is going to do to me today.”

“How much different do you think it will be from yesterday?” she responded. I shrugged. “Anyway, I think you had a good time.”

At the breakfast table no comment was made about my appearance and no one seemed to have cared.

As soon as my sister had departed for school, I was ordered by mother to look after the breakfast dishes. As she was leaving, she said, “Meet me in the bathroom as soon as you have finished the dishes." She hurried away and shortly I heard the noise of water running in the bathtub.

When I reached the bathroom, mom placed a shower cap on my head. I was instructed to climb into the tub and have a long soak while she prepared my clothes for the morning. "Don't lock the bathroom door because I will bring your underwear in after you're in the tub," she added as she turned to leave. I pulled off my robe and nightie, hung them on the back of the door, climbed into the tub, and began to soap myself. Moments later Mom re-entered the room,
opened the package in her hand and dropped its contents into the tub. "There," she said, "that bubble bath will help to make you smell girlie."

She waited long enough to see the mass of bubbles begin forming around me, then gathered my night clothes and took them to the laundry chute. I leaned back in the warm bath so that the bubbles reached right to my neck.

It was twenty minutes before mom returned. She brought with her a large towel and a pair of plain white cotton panties. "You can rinse yourself off with the hand shower. Then get dried and put on the panties and your robe. When you’re ready come to my room" I carried out those instructions.

A minutes later I sat quietly while she combed out my hair and tied it back in a double ponytail with two pieces of ribbon.

"I hope you like the ribbon, it looks very pretty on you," she stated. "It's the most
convenient thing to tie your hair back with."

"I wouldn't want anyone to see me this way," I replied.

"Well, I wouldn’t worry! No one will see anything but a very pretty girl.”


I said nothing as she lightly applied powder, a touch of eyeshadow and finally a daub of rouge
on my cheek. The final touch was an application of lip gloss in a color that matched my fingernails. “Now go to Jill’s room and put on what I laid on her bed.”

Laying on her bed was a padded bra and Jill’s spare school uniform- a pleated skirt of red, white and navy check, a white shirt with a Peter Pan collar, a navy cardigan sweater, a pair of knee length white socks and a pair of black school shoes.

“Mom, why is Jill’s school uniform here?”

“Well,” she yelled down the hall, “Just because you’re staying home from school today, doesn’t mean that you’re getting out of your school work. I thought you would have fun doing your school work dressed in your uniform.”

“Ah sh-t,” I murmured. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do the school work.

I put on the padded bra first. Then unbuttoned the shirt and slid my arms into the
sleeves. I fastened the buttons and went in search of one of Jill’s school ties. I found one draped neatly over the vanity mirror in her room. I secured this around my collar and checked for length in the mirror.

'Very nice,' I thought as my breasts pushed gently against the fabric of the shirt.

I picked up the skirt and unzipped it at the side, stepped in pulled it up and re-zipped it. I adjusted the skirt until it sat square on my hips. Another glance in the mirror to check.

“Mom!” I screamed as the skirt settled halfway down my thighs, “The skirt is too short.” 

“Nonsense,” she said as she walked into the room. “You have not been paying attention to your sister or her friends. If they had their way, the skirt would even be shorter. They think it attracts the boys that way”

“Mom, I don’t want to attract any boys.”

“Of course not, but you do want to fit in.”

Agreeing with her, I put on the black school shoes tying them up with the neatest and girlish bow I could. Last, I put on the navy cardigan sweater noticing the school emblem sewed to its front. Staring in the mirror, the effect was immediate. I looked like a very pretty 14-year-old school girl. I smiled and the school girl smiled back. I was very cute, with brown eyes and long dark eye lashes, pink/red lips and a very innocent yet becoming smile. 

My mom the ribbons on my ponytails until the ends fell perfectly from them. “Perfect, no one will suspect that you are a boy. Go downstairs and start your school work.”

An hour after I was working on my homework my mother walked in. “Susan, your sitting at the table just like a boy!”  I was slumped forward with my elbows on the table and the palms of both hands under my chin. My legs were spread apart at the knees and I was oblivious to the fact that the panties were noticeable under my skirt. My feet were crossed in such a way that my shoes were being scuffed by each other.

“I thought we went over this last night.”

To mom, this was a cue to re-start his lessons in femininity. “Susan, I think the first thing you have to learn as a young lady is to keep your legs together. Your panties are showing."

I looked down and instinctively snapped my knees together at the same time taking my elbows off the table and putting my hands in my lap.

"That's better dear. Girls do not let other people see their undies. You will have to be careful of that when you are wearing a dress or a skirt." Admonished mom.

"Yes Mom." I replied.

"Another thing, from now on I want you to call me Mother. That's the girl's way.

"Yes Mother." I said meekly this time.

“Now practice sitting down.”

Satisfied with his effort my mother had me put on the shoes with three-inch heels from last night. I practiced walking around the house for the next half hour. 

“Try to concentrate on taking small steps when you walk; a woman's stride is normally much shorter than a man's. Try walking more on your toes, at least till you get used to the higher heel height that can help you adjust. If you aren't carrying anything, keep your arms tucked to your body at the elbow, with a limp wrist, hands relaxed. Try walking more on your toes, at least till you get used to the higher heel height that can help you adjust.”

I focused on walking as mother had described and carrying my body as she wanted. It felt really unnatural and I had to exert a lot of effort to let my arms go limp; that seems like a contradiction, but men tend to be tense and hold their muscles at the ready.

Mother was generally pleased with my progress and complimented me on how femininely I moved. I had figured out how to walk without wobbling in the heels, but they were getting a bit painful, so I was glad when she had me stop and change back into the flat school girl shoes.

It was lunchtime and mother asked, “How would you like to go out for lunch?”

Her invitation to go out, to lunch, instantly sent shivers of fear and dread up my spine as I saw in my mind’s eye everything but a hurricane descending on me if I took one foot outside the safety of the house. But, under my mother’s urging we went back upstairs, and she helped me repair my makeup. Then she had me stand in front of the mirror and asked me to take a good look. "Do you see a boy there?"

I shook my head no. It was the first time I had seen myself, so completely dressed, and looking my age from head to toe as a girl. The sight of my shapely legs, with the hem of my skirt high so high on my thigh, my hair well made up, my makeup perfect, and the smell of the perfume eliminated all traces of my male self, and I finally smiled at my reflection. It was more than I had ever dreamed of. I actually didn't look too bad!

"Well?" my mother’s words brought me back to reality. In her hand was a black shoulder bag. "Okay Susan, let's go have lunch!"

As the door opened, I realized that I was exposed to anyone who might pass by. “Aw sh-t.”


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2019, 09:37:01 PM »
My eyes darted right and left as I stood in the doorway and I didn't see anyone. My knees were shaking as I stepped out onto the front porch.

“What if someone figures out that I am really not a girl?”

“They won’t,” mom assured me as she fluffed my hair and straightened my skirt. “Unless you do something to give yourself away deliberately. Which you won’t, will you?”

“No way!” I vehemently agreed. “I don’t want anyone to figure this out.”

“Then behave yourself, and act like a proper young lady during lunch.” She reminded me. “And don’t wolf your food down. Take small bites, and chew all completely before you swallow>”

“Ok, Mommy.” I nervously responded realizing how much thought will have to go into convincing everyone that I was a 14-year-old girl.

My mother assured me that If any of the neighbors saw me, they would just think that I was a cute cousin. As we walked to the car mother reminded me how to sit, walk, use my hands and so on. "Don't look down because people will notice that, and don't swing your arms so much."

Remembering my mother's coaching to act positive and to keep my head high, I tried to put just the right amount of swing into my walk and to move my arms the way that Mom taught me.

“We’ll go to a fast food place and eat in the car." My mother lied to me.  We went to a restaurant at the mall.  Sure, it had a side entrance, so it was only a couple of feet into the restaurant.  But it was packed with people.  I pleaded with her to go to a drive-thru restaurant.

"No Susan, this will help you build your confidence."

"But what if any of my friends from school see me, Mother?"

"Your friends are supposed to be in school.  Therefore, the likelihood that you'll run into anyone that knows you is very slim.  Besides, you certainly don't look like David at this minute so even if we did run into anyone, they wouldn't recognize the pretty girl with me as being the gangly boy from school."

"But what if we run into someone that recognizes you and then looks twice at me.  Mom, please let's go to a drive-thru."

Putting her arm around my waist, Mom's strong right arm guided me as she gave me a definitive answer. "I expect people to look twice at you.  After all, you look like pretty teenage girl and I would be proud to be seen with you standing beside me.  Now, I don't want to hear any more.  We're going inside and you're going to order your lunch yourself.  Just remember the things that I've taught you today and you'll be all right."

She was right.  No one paid any attention to me except a casual glance or two.  And the waiter was busy looking at his order pad, so he didn't pay any attention to how much my hands were shaking as I held the menu in front of me.  As soon as the food was placed in front of me, I felt more relaxed.  After all, several minutes of sitting quietly with no one paying any attention to me was enough to restore my confidence.

Sitting in a booth eating a salad with Mom, I felt more and more like a real daughter as we talked about the things that mothers discuss with daughters.  I laughed as my mother discussed the problem she had with a girdle she had just purchased.  I've never discussed clothes or underwear with my mother before and here we were in a restaurant as she calmly described how the girdle was so tight, she needed help from Jill getting it off.  She was talking to me in a relaxed tone of voice as if I was a close female friend instead of being her adolescent son.  I laughed so hard at our relaxed mother/daughter talk that I was afraid that I was going to cry some tears of joy and ruin my mascara.

Surrounded by a whole room full of people who were accepting me as being a real girl by ignoring me, I felt much more confident in my impersonation. I managed to get through lunch and as soon as I finished eating, I told mom I had to go to the bathroom.

“The ladies room is right around the corner, so you can go there now.” Mom informed me.

 Even though I was wearing girl's clothing, I never thought about the fact that I should use the ladies room.

"As this is your first time going in a ladies room you must sit down when you pee or you draw unwanted attention to yourself. Remember, girls don't stand, and we use toilet tissue to wipe ourselves when we are finished. And when you're done, wash your hands."

I still remember how embarrassed I was sitting down to pee like a girl. As I sat there, I could see my panties around my knees. After I had finished and pulled my panties up under my dress. I opened the stall door.

There was another girl standing at the mirrors checking her hair and such. I decided to not raise suspicion I grabbed my purse and headed to the mirror. I saw the other girl fluffing out her hair and then dig in her purse for her lipstick. I moved to the space beside her and started doing the same. Even though I was still nervous I thought the quicker I put the lipstick on the quicker I will be out of 'The ladies room. She saw me in the mirror, and we smiled. I applied another coat of lipstick, but as I was concentrating on my lips.

Once I was out of the bathroom, Mom suggested that we take a leisurely walk through the mall. 

I thought that we were just going to walk up and down the common area to give me the time to get more used to being in public, but she took me into a lingerie store.  Pushing me toward a rack of delicate bras, she was very explicit with her instructions.  "Every girl needs to have a good supply of underwear.  I suggest a white bra in the 32-B size and a black one."

Stunned by her suggestion, "Mom, this was just for a few days.  Remember?  Are you really ok spending money on clothes that I will only be wearing this weekend?”

"Well, a girl never has too much underwear. And you won’t have to borrow Jill’s anymore.  I've so enjoyed having another beautiful daughter, even if it is for a short period of time. Just let me enjoy shopping for a few items my new daughter.  So, let me buy this for you."

I tried to say No.  I tried to convince Mom that maybe we were taking this a little too far. But when she helped me select a couple of bras, some panties, a half-slip, a new pale-yellow baby doll nightgown with matching panties and something in a box that the clerk brought to her. I let her purchase them.

As we walked mom was all excited about finding me the perfect dress for the Saturday night banquet at the competition.  We went from the lingerie store to a girl’s apparel store that Jill has been too many times before with her friends. I wanted to die right there but before I could, Mom pulled me into the store. I was in constant fear that I would run into one of Jill’s friends as mom and I went from rack to rack.

After selecting three or four dresses, mom informed me it was time to try them on. I almost fainted as she led me towards the ladies dressing room. The room was one large area with some benches and a few private stalls at the one end. I went to one of the private stalls and took off my skirt and top. Much to my relief there was no one else in the changing room. I breathed a sigh of relief until I realized that I would now be standing in this room in my panty and bra trying on dresses.

The first dress I wanted to try was a lime green sleeveless dress with pink, orange and purple flowers on It. I pulled the zipper down to the waist and stepped into it. Then I pulled up the top, put my arms in and slipped it over my shoulders. When I had it on, I reached around and found the zipper. I started to pull it up and got to the middle of my back, but my arms wouldn't reach any higher.

“Do you need help?”


When mom zipped it up, the front formed around my padded breasts proudly. I loved my new look and I now especially loved the feel of the dress. I left the stall and paraded around for my mothers' approval.

"No that's not nice. Try the other one on"

She handed me a floral printed dress with short sleeves, a straight skirt, and back zipper. She helped me to immediately put it on, and naturally found it to be a perfect fit. The next was a dark blue sheath dress that really looked nice, but the last one was a Little Black Dress.

“Go try it on."

I took it and slipped into the back. The dress was a fit and flare sweater dress. Crewneck neckline with three-quarter sleeves, it fit like it was made for me. The hem was at mid-thigh. I saw mom looking at me, smiling as I walked around the dressing room.

“You’ll look smashing”

We decided to buy the LBD. I changed back into my school girl uniform while my mother paid for the dress.

We carried my purchases to the car, and I thought that we were going to go straight home. She said, "We have two more stores before we go home."

I reluctantly followed her into one of those earring boutiques fearing the worse.

“I don’t want to get my ears pierced.” I cried.

“Don’t worry.” My mom answered. “just see if there are any earrings you like.”
I pointed out the earrings that I liked, and the clerk took them out of the display and showed them to me.  "These are for pierced ears, you know. Are your ears pierced?" she asked.

"Well, uh…"

"I can pierce them for you," she said. "It only takes a minute, and it’s free when you buy a pair of earrings."

"Not today” Mom said. "But, for now, she needs clip-ons. She may get them pierced later, though."

"What about these?" the clerk asked, holding up a pair of pearlescent pink dangle earrings in a heart-like shape. Mm nodded and the clerk clipped them to my ears. “We’ll take them if you have a matching necklace”

My mom purchased the earrings, necklace and another pair of stud clip on earrings that I wore out of the store.

Finally, she turned us into a large shoe shop that had 'Sales – Prices slashed' or some such all over the windows.

"Honey, we need to find you shoes to go with your new dress."

We found ourselves in the women's section, so mom led me from display to display, looking for black shoes. I noticed that she seemed to be showing interest only in those with high slender heels. Finally, she selected a pair, what I later found are called 'court' shoes, in high gloss black leather, and with a straight 2½ inch heel, shaped almost like a chisel.

She looked round for an unoccupied assistant; a young teenaged girl came over to help. Mom asked her if they had size 8 in that style, and the girl went off to the back of the shop to search. We carried on browsing, and in a few minutes, the girl returned with a box. We found vacant seats, and the girl knelt down in front of me.

She took off my left shoe, and taking a black shoe from the box, eased it over my foot. It was a little tight in places, but the biggest difference was in how it curved so much from toes to heel. I put my foot down on the carpet, this felt quite different. My foot seemed to be bent into a quite unnatural shape.

The girl removed my other shoe and fitted the right shoe. Placing both feet down, side by side, I was concerned that I would have difficulty standing without falling forward. Mom perceived this and stood to help me up.

"Just put your feet a little apart, and if necessary, bend your knees slightly" she addressed to me, and as an aside to the girl "Her first high heels, she will have to get used to them, I suppose" and grinned.

The young girl grinned back. With mom’s steadying arm, I stood, and yes, bending the knees slightly did help. Even so, I doubted I'd be able to walk any distance in these heels, and even standing in them for any time would be exhausting. How on earth did women wear them all day?

I was then required to walk up and down the carpet, both so that I could find whether they fitted comfortably, and mom could see whether the style was acceptable to her.  They were far less uncomfortable than I expected, although such high heels did make walking a new experience. Mom told me to take smaller steps, and that helped. They were not as unstable as I expected, just a rather strange feeling on the ankles and knees.

Mom finally declared herself satisfied, and I was allowed to sit.

“it’s time to go home.” Mom said. “Jill will be home from school soon and Brad and Jeff are coming to practice.”

We loaded the car and started home.

“Mom, thank you, I had fun today. I’m glad that no one figured out that I am not really a girl.”

“You did great today. I told you that you are convincing.”

Sabrina f

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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2019, 04:54:28 AM »
Do not quit on this story please continue it


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