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Author Topic: From 18 year old to 3 year old baby girl  (Read 25606 times)

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Re: From 18 year old to 3 year old baby girl
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2019, 01:26:41 AM »
yes definately keep it coming.  There is a lot of room to continue this story, i love it.


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Re: From 18 year old to 3 year old baby girl
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2019, 10:41:43 AM »
it felt like we wer sat on there ages  when my cousin announced she was done   they checke her potty pulled up her panties   and she was allowed to play  my other cousin  was also allowed to go and play    mummy checked my potty and it was  empty  she suggested I stay on it till I was done  .. I really didn’t need to go as I had already soaked my  nappies   I was on there a least an hour   every so often someone would check I was done  eventually I felt a little stream   go in the potty  everyone cheered  mummy made me stand up and  wiped ,my private area then made me lie down whilst she changed my nappies  . it was then suggested we take the girls to the park   mummy said we were going to .she  got a pink coat that  belonged to my sister and  put it on me   .  I  saw in the mirror  that it did not cover my nappies  so everyone would see me  .. mummy suggested we walk  and  aunty put one of the cousins in reins to stop her running off  .i have a spare set she said to mummy  perfect  mummys said  these  were pink with a little bear motive on the front  we walked down the street and people were laughing and staring at the big baby  I couldn’t help but cry   we arrived at the park and  the girls were allowed to go off and play   mummy took me over to the baby area and played with me in there   all the mothers were commenting on how pretty my dress was  and why I was dressed this way mummy told them this is what I wanted  and they laughed and said  it was probably  best   .Al l of a sudden I felt the urge to poop   I asked mummy if she could let me use the toilet and  she said  they hadn’t bought the potties with them  but sometimes they had one in the baby changing area  we walked over and there was a long queue  I started to squirm and  before I knew let out  a large fart and  filled my nappies   with poop  people could smell these  .and commented on ho gross it was  .. mummy was very embarrsed and  said she would have to change me  however it was unfair to  force all those queuing for  the changing room to have to put up with the smell     so she decided to change me on the floor  right by the side of the queue  every one was staring  at us a nd giggled when my nappies were lowerd and saw my  fake little girl parts   
sit seemed like she took ages to change me   eventually she was done and mummy went over tomy aunties and told me to sit on the floor  and play time was over for me  and I would be in bed when we got home  .Aunty asked mummy if we would  like to  come over Saturday  and   said  its baby dance class maybe we could register Baby  andrew   â€¦ I wanted to protest  but  kept quiet as I had already been threatened with a spanking


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Re: From 18 year old to 3 year old baby girl
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2019, 11:31:52 PM »
keep it coming love the story


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