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Author Topic: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015  (Read 32117 times)

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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2018, 10:07:16 PM »
Our authors posted in the good faith & promise that their work will be read by many for free, for a very, very, long time. Those who want a fee charged for their work, they are already trying to sell their stories at Amazon, or some other home publishing service.

Currently though, only our recent story section is viewable for non-members. Our older stories & other features require a membership to view. If you log out, you'll see there isn't much here except recent stories. That may change depending on support in the future.

Although 99.9999% of our visitors never donate or contribute anything, almost about 1% of our registered members do contribute something... either a useful post, story, share a link to us, recommend us, or donate.

Besides, we're officially a non-profit support group & archive supported primarily by donations. To charge something, we loose that status along with all the benefits & legal protections that status provides.


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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2018, 12:07:37 AM »
I'm curious! What do the different little icons next to each thread signify? Most of them seem to be a present with a bow, or different emoticons. Are they connected to hits for each thread, or posts, or?


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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2018, 10:19:38 PM »
Administrators, moderators, & even temporary moderators have the option of attaching the icon to any post. Whatever icon selected on the first post is the icon displayed for the entire thread at the board's index page. Most of our regular members also have the option to attach an icon to their own post. If it's the first post of the thread, that icon is also displayed for the thread.

There is also a default icon, which posts automatically for the first post of a thread. The default icon was the bow, but the bobby pin is our current default icon.

Half of them are just nonsense decoration. But smiles, bulb, question mark, or exclaimation points can be an indicator of the the topic too.


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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2020, 08:14:40 AM »
Betty, it's really time for you to consider revising your rule regarding maximum post length.

Even the most bargain-basement commercial webhost in the year 2020 does not have the sort of problem you mentioned. If the server is using SQL, the export is all one file anyway, and even if each page is being saved as HTML (a truly ancient practice from the late 90's), no webhost in the world will have such an issue. It's text. The only way you'll have a file size problem with a serious webhost these days is if you're uploading multi-gigabyte video files.

Doing the math, is it that each page shouldn't be more than 64k for some archaic reason? The comedy of errors required for that to be a requirement or a problem cannot possibly exist any longer.

I am posting my stories in four places: here, FM-site, DeviantArt, and Archive of Our Own (AO3). FM requires a bit more work due to its elaborate categorization system, but the other two are just copy, paste, tag, and go. This forum requires people to wait 180 seconds between posts. Therefore, to post a 44KB chapter here with 8KB parts takes fifteen minutes if I'm carefully watching the clock.

I know that time-consuming and baroque rituals based on decades-old practices are a common feature of the genre, but perhaps forcing the authors to do such things might be a bit much...?

I can't imagine that the average FM poster, let alone the college students who post on Fanfiction.net and AO3, would be anything but put off by such a rule. (Well, that and trying to read light-colored text against a background of a light-colored dress. But that's even more of a problem for older readers.)

Also, the lack of firm rules on comments (and comments to comments) means that criticism may or may not produce the general effect of throwing elemental sodium into a lake.


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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2020, 04:31:01 PM »
Betty, if you've provided guidance before regarding posting pictures/images in a reply could you give a link to it.  Just tried posting an image using the "insert image" icon and couldn't.  Wonder if the image was too large, wrong format, etc.  Could you provide some guidance if not previously posted?  Thank you.


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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2020, 02:55:37 AM »
Betty, it's really time for you to consider revising your rule regarding maximum post length.

For speed, efficiency, security, & our own encryption, we use database driven sessions, not file based sessions like you would do for images or video. Images & video cannot be database driven, only text, code, & scripts.

Large databases are easily stored & run on the servers. But if a database crashes, gets corrupted, lost, or hacked, a backup copy of the database is uploaded to the server from another server or from a hard drive in my home. These are uploaded to a database in lumps of pieces at a time, called packets. They can only be a limited size set by the servers.

Oversized packets, like that of a long story part, stop the upload, fail, & abort, or it tries to cut up the story part into smaller packets, so it goes through. That usually doesn't go well, & results is a corrupted part with bits missing, strange symbols turning up in the stories, or gibberish in the story part.

I can sit down & take hours to manually rewrite the data base for each oversized story part into comfortably small packets that will work & not corrupt. But I really don't have the time or ambition to do that with every oversized part that appears here. Perhaps paid teams of a dozen or so staff familiar with coding & data bases can do that daily coding at mega-sites like FMania, & DeviantArt. But I'm working & running this all alone, so won't be scheduling those many extra hours of tasks to do every day or several times a week.

Comparing us to them is quite ridiculous anyway. There is no comparison. You're comparing a multi-million dollar well staffed mega-web company, to a simple SMF forum run by 1 person with their pocket money. It's like comparing a visit to your friend's house to a visit to Disneyland & seriously wondering why your friend don't have a roller coaster & theme park for you. You come here to visit your friends, you go there to visit Disneyland.

On the other hand, over the past 26 years, how much down time have they had compared to us? We may have had sections of our sites down briefly, or limited access to members only during transitions, upgrades, or security threats, but we've never been down entirely in 26 years. Even Google & Yahoo can't make that claim. So as odd as the system seems to an outsider, it works efficiently, securely, & reliably.

In it's current form I can load the database from here onto any fresh clean installation of SMF forums, or with simple conversion to any PHPBB, or Vbulletin forum with all the stories, & memberships intact in under an hour... except very long parts may get corrupted by breaking them down to smaller packets so they upload to the database server.

I find I get no corruption or problems if I keep the entire part in 1 big data packet. But if it's too big, the database transfer is rejected due to oversized packets.

Web servers also don't stay the same over mere months, or change their policies, raise their prices, fall out of favor, or just decide they don't want sissy sites or stories on their equipment anymore. I may have to jump to another server at a drop of the hat. Stories has jumped between 3 different servers in the past year & had to be rebooted from a backup database several times in just 2020. Most of the time you don't notice it because it's quick & seamless.

As for readability, I get lots of compliments on our nice, sharp, high-contrast text. It compares better than most since the trend these days is for grey or pale grey text on white... incredibly hard to read. And staring down a bright white lit up screen with dark text very long has already proven to cause a lot of eyestrain. My eyes hurt, get sore, & start to loose focus if I spend a lot of time on Facebook. Most of us don't have that problem here. The background is very dark so shouldn't interfere at all with the pure bright white text (not colored).

If it isn't, you may have your browser, DPI, or screen calibration set wrong.

The design gives a uniqueness to us, & gives me a chance to express some artistic flare, creativity, or imagination beyond just a boring grey, blue, & white generic BBS, plain FMania, or totally dark DeviantArt. I have to see these every day for 26 years. I need them to be pretty.

Facebook, many browsers, & other sites came out with night or dark mode so the screen doesn't overwhelm the room or your eyes in the evenings & mornings. But with the body of the text in pure white here, it can easily be read outdoors in bright light too.


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Re: Posting Rules-MUST read if posting. Updated Oct.15, 2015
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2020, 03:33:25 AM »
Betty, if you've provided guidance before regarding posting pictures/images in a reply could you give a link to it.

It's pretty much the web standard for any independent, or privately run, & underground forums or websites. JPGs only. No more than 60KB in file size per picture. You can post up to 6 pictures per post by clicking on "more attachments" but the total size of all attachments combined cannot exceed 120KB. No larger than 800 pixels wide by 600 tall.

Use Irfanview or similar image tools to compress the file size if you need to without shrinking the image size too much. I find saving the image in a quality setting of 70-75 compresses the image nicely without losing any noticeable quality.

Seems to be working fine from my end. Please let me know if it's still not working for you.

We don't get many pictures here for stories. Betty's Pub, our main site is geared more for pictures. They can be up to 100kb there, up to 8 pictures per post, & 200kb total per post. 800x600.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender