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Author Topic: All Fall Down  (Read 10187 times)

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Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: All Fall Down
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2019, 07:01:11 AM »
All Fall Down Part 8

“Hey, do you remember that woman with the little girl that inspired all of his,”  Helen said getting a fresh diaper ready on the other gurney as Barbie cleaned the first bottle Matt finished.

“I do,”  Barbie said.

“Met her outside again.  That little girl is actually a little boy dressed as a little girl.  She’s diapering him for her grandmother’s sake.  Dementia,”  Helen said.

“No kidding,”  Barbie said and suddenly stopped and gave a sly smile at Helen as she added, “and you’re telling me this because...”

“Just a point of interest,”  Helen said.

Matt went through two baby bottles of formula and a bottle of juice and had soaked his diapers by the end of lunch.  This time as Barbie focused on Matt’s dinner bottles Helen focused on Matt’s change.  It didn’t escape Barbie’s notice that Helen was not so gingerly touching him as she had been with his first diapering.

“Matt, do you mind if I actually relieve you before I put you back into your fresh diapers?  I’m worried about leaving you so messy so early,”  Helen said.

“No, I guess not,” Matt said not sure what all of that might mean.  Even Barbie got curious as she stopped washing out the baby bottles.

“This might be a little cold at first,”  Helen said.

“Okay,”  Matt responded.

Barbie kept watch as Helen, her hands in gloves, slipped a pair of snap on baby pants under Matt and brought them up between his legs.  At the front she squirted a dab of baby lotion over the plastic and brought it forward to cover Matt's erect pen_is within the plastic.  Helen gently circled the plastic around the tip, then slid the slippery fabric down his length before she began to slowly mastur_bate him.  Matt closed his eyes as the soft plastic began warming and sliding slowly up and down along his shaft.

Barbie stood motionless and in a mild state of shocked surprise as she watched Helen half close her own eyes to the obvious pleasure she was getting out of it.  It was clear by Matt’s physical response he was okay with what was happening as his legs stiffened once again.  There was also that tell-tale grunt suddenly and Matt’s toes curling with a noticeable arch in Matt’s back.

Helen kept mastur_bating Matt till he was completely flaccid before sliding the baby pants free.  Helen used a baby wipe to clean him.   Helen, not too shy lightly pinched the head of Matt's pen_is and shivered herself when Matt jumped a little.  Helen continued teasing Matt's tip till his reactions ended.  She shuddered one last time before she too allowed herself to relax.

The soiled baby pants and baby wipes used to wipe Matt went into a bio hazard bag and Helen began the process of giving Matt his "sponge bath".  Matt half closed his eyes as the water warmed by the propane camping stove and laced with baby bath soap washed him.  He could have slept for hours.

Helen managed another folded diaper with a soaker laced with baby powder under Matt to be pinned on before covering his diapers with a fresh pair of snap on plastic panties.  He'd been washed from his neck down with baby soap smelling of baby powder.  Matt fell asleep almost instantly

The memory of getting off by Helen still lingered with him as he drifted off.  He was actually beginning to hope it might take weeks to free him as he began to doze.  A moment later in the fog of sleep he began into wet his diaper. 

Helen and Barbie were outside on a quick break getting a little sun.

"So what's with you and this baby man,"  Barbie asked.

"What,"  Helen asked.

"You were actually getting him off this time,"  Barbie said and added, “nothing clinical about it!  That my dear was sex.”

"Maybe,"  Helen said snickering as she added, “okay, yes, and I was getting off too.”

"So I’m guessing this is turning you on,"  Barbie asked.

"Big time,"  Helen said.

"Dressing him or treating him like a baby or was it the sex part,"  Barbie asked.

"If that was a multiple choice question I think I would have checked the box marked 'all of the above,'"  Helen said and then added, "just something about getting a guy off that's about to be diapered and fed like a baby as I got him off gets me off."

"Wow, so correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re some kind of a dominate,"  Barbie asked

"A little maybe.  No, perhaps a lot.  Always have been I suppose,"  Helen said. 

“So what triggered it?  You came back from talking to that lady and all of a sudden you’re ravaging this guy,”  Barbie said and then added, “wait a second.  You don’t want to dress him like a baby girl to do you?”

"No, that's just it.  It's not a girl or boy thing, it's a cute thing,"  Helen said and added, "babies don't have a gender.  they just have cute and pretty."

"Cute?  Okay, you're right, babies are cute but that guy in there is still a guy,"  Barbie said and added, "so okay I get you getting turned on turning him into a baby, but you want him in a baby dress?"

"I know, sounds crazy when you say it in the light doesn't it,"  Helen said.

"In some ways, yes.  In other ways no,"  Barbie noted as she sipped her water and added, "so what else you got going?"

"I guess more of the same.  I was going to ask if you wouldn't mind letting me be the one to get him off,"  Helen asked and added, "I mean instead of us maybe taking turns that is?  I’m kind of keen on him getting use to me getting him off"

"Be my guest,"  Barbie said as she added, "for me it would have been a chore.  I will gladly give it up."

"Great,"  Helen said feeling the tingling in her loins as she took the last bite of her sandwich.  The next time she was going to slip a finger down into her own pants and climax with her baby man as she added, "I think I'll get him used to getting off with a diaper and plastic pants over his baby pants."

"Think he'll like that,"  Barbie asked.

"I think he will like getting off,"  Helen said and then added, “and I’m hoping by the time he gets out of here he gets used to getting off with a diaper and baby pants. Oh and that it’s me getting him off."

“So what do you plan to do about the dresses,”  Barbie asked.

“Ebay,”  Helen said.

“How do you introduce him to them,”  Barbie asked.

“Not sure,”  Helen said and then added with a snicker as she said, “I’m pretty sure it’s going to involve a lot of gentle stroking though.”

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: All Fall Down
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2019, 08:26:20 AM »
All Fall Down Part 9

There was a constant battering from the concrete chisels above Matt's head so his nap was short and he woke.  Helen called to him and he answered.  Matt also wet his diaper again and told Helen about his need for a bed pan to take care of a bowel movement.  That was unpleasant but having lined the bed pan in plastic made the chore less distasteful and using baby wipes helped. 

"I'm sorry about the erec_tion again,"  Matt said from the darkness as Helen laid a fresh diaper over the snap on plastic panties.  He was grinning since he knew he couldn't be seen.

"Don't worry about it Matt, I have just the thing to take care of that,"  Helen said as grabbed the baby oil for the baby pants she opened on top of the diaper.

"Really,"  Matt said sounding surprised.

"Yes. Now close your eyes,"  Helen said.

Barbie helped Helen set up the plastic panties over a diaper and another pair of plastic panties as Helen stepped up onto the short step ladder.  Helen slid all three items under Matt who had risen slightly for his change.  He knew what was coming as his erec_tion was throbbing.  Helen also had Barbie put some juice into a short glass baby bottle so he would be nursing a bottle while she mastur_bated him.

It was more of the same for that day and all of Helen’s doing.  She want to a fabric store and taking the advise of a sales women there purchased a soft satin fabric that she hemmed and attached to a baby blanket fabric. 

The woman at the fabric store had suggested the satin or nylon instead of anything cotton to keep the microscopic cotton fibers from creating maddening itches during the night.  For Helen it fell into her imagination as a kind of baby blanket.  The two women eased the makeshift baby blanket into the hole from either side then up to Matt's neck till it reached the back of his head.  They had enough fabric that they could bring it forward to wrap him with it. 

"Hey Matt can you feel that,"  Helen said  Moving the baby pants, diaper and baby pants mix under him.

"Hi Helen.  Oh... yes,"  Matt said feeling giddy at the prospect over what was coming just as it touched him.

"Are you okay,"  Helen asked..

"That blanket is really warm,"  Matt said and added, "soft too."

"Good.  Okay, your diaper is ready, you can sit again,"  Helen said as she tipped the baby lotion over the plastic pants just ahead of Matt's testicles.

"Diaper,"  Matt asked.

"I've got your baby pants and lotion ready but they are sitting on another diaper,"  Helen said.

"Oh.  Okay,"  Matt said blushing over the conversation.

"You can lower yourself,"  Helen said.

As Helen bathed Matt's lower half Barbie stepped up to the gurney with his first baby bottle meal. This one was a honey laced vanilla flavored oatmeal blend followed by a bacon flavored mix in a second bottle.

Matt could feel the moistened wipe cleaning him between his thighs as Barbie eased his baby bottle into the opening so Matt could take hold of it.  Matt lifted the bottle from Barbie and tipped it to his lips and through an endorphin shroud of bliss used his lips to press and pull the rubber nip_ple to draw the vanilla flavored meal in. 

Matt had lowered himself over his diapers and baby pants.  Helen handed the baby lotion bottle back to Barbie and then Barbie handed Helen the short baby bottle of juice.

"Matt, I've got a bottle of juice for you to drink as well.  It's a Pedialyte to help prevent dehydration and replace the nutrients and electrolytes you've lost,"  Helen said and added, "drink it while I take care of this other thing okay?"

"Okay,"  Matt said waiting in the small confines for the baby bottle.  He felt the cool glass bottle being handed up and brought it to his lips tipping it in and began nursing it as he also felt the cool lotion and plastic pants start to touch his pen_is.  Helen had reached under the thick diaper and outside pair of baby pants bringing all the layers up together to began slowly mastur_bating and playing with Matt.

Helen standing so she could easily mastur_bate Matt slipped her finger down into her jeans and began rubbing herself with the same up and down motion.  Helen carefully listened to Matt’s moans as she caressed him with his diaper and baby pants over the plastic layer covering his pen_is.  She timed her climax to match his as she squeezed him while she thrust her fingers further in.  Their moans almost sounded identical.

Helen continued long after till Matt was well past his ejacu_lations and sensitivity as Helen adjusted his pen_is to lay straight within his diaper after pinning it closed.  She snapped the baby pants closed but continued caressing Matt along his legs till the baby bottle was empty.  Matt handed the short glass bottle down and thanked Helen for her 'kindness.'

They were in their fifth day and had custom-designed a long thin pillow that fit behind Matt so he could lean against it while sitting on the gurney.  As before he was positioned now as if in a recliner laying on his makeshift baby blanket , wrapped in his lotion laced baby pants, diaper and snap on panties getting mastur_bated while suc-king on a baby bottle of juice.  He was routinely fondling the yellow satin as Helen slipped her free hand into her pants and panties and began to finger herself from the far side away from Barbie as she felt her own climax drawing close.

“I keep wanting to video this and post it,”  Barbie said snickering as she helped Helen clean the baby pants Helen had pulled free before closing Matt’s diaper.

“Don’t you dare,”  Helen said teasing Barbie back as she took the empty baby bottle from Matt to clean it.

Helen set up for that evening, deciding before giving Matt dinner, to see if he would take an actual pacifier.  She intended it to be a serious attempt at redirecting him towards the adult baby mode she was pushing for but knew she could fall back and call it a joke if need be.

“Matt,”  Helen said as she patted the front of his diaper in their latest routine.  She was checking to see if he was wet, which he was, because he started wetting the moment his diaper was pinned closed.

“What’s up Helen,”  Matt said from above.

“We’re out of juice.  Barbie has gone into town to get some more.  Meanwhile I’ve got a substitute for you to use while I change you,”  Helen said pushing through the hole with the pacifier.

“Got it,”  Matt said as he took the baby pacifier from Helen’s hand.

Helen stood motionless waiting for a protest or question but nothing came from Matt.  Obviously he’d taken the pacifier just as readily as he’d been taking the baby bottles. Helen wanted to ask him why but didn’t dare.  The fact that he was possibly nursing it was good enough as she readied his next set of changes and sexual release.

"This is such a turn on for me,"  Helen whispered loud enough that Matt might hear it over the noise from above. 

"What,"  Matt asked.  Helen's voice was close to Matt's waist.

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: All Fall Down
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2019, 08:09:38 AM »
All Fall Down Part 10

"I said this is turning me on Matt,"  Helen said a little louder.

"Me too,"  Matt said suddenly grunting and stiffening as Helen stroked his pen_is within the plastic panties..

"Truth is Matt, I don't want this to end,"  Helen said after a long pause and just after Matt collapsed.

"Me neither Helen,"  Matt said almost in a whisper.

“Matt, do you mind if we also do this in between meals,”  Helen said and then added, "you know, when you can get it up again?"

“Yes.  Definitely,"  Matt said.

“Do you like your pacifier,”  Helen asked and added, “I mean the bottle too obviously but I thought the pacifier would be cute.”

“I do,”  Matt said after a little hesitation.  He realized what Helen was asking and decided to throw caution to the wind as he added, “makes me feel a little more babyish.”

“That’s what I hoped,”  Helen said.

"I really love getting you off with the diaper and plastic pants added,"  Helen whispered loud enough but this time added, "I just wish I could dress you in something more babyish."

"Oh,"  Matt said just as softly.  He paused but then added, '”that would be sort of fun."

"Would you be interested in keeping this going once you’re out of here,"  Helen asked as she began to clean Matt so she could close the diaper around him.

“Definitely,”  Matt said suc-king on the baby pacifier as he felt the baby pants closing around him. 

It was Helen’s turn for the night off and she had taken a long hot bath to ease the tensions building up in her shoulders.  The stretching was taking it’s toll on her and Barbie as they went into their ninth day but the rescue teams had made a lot of headway.  They were ready for a sideways breach she’d been told and tomorrow was the day.

Meanwhile, dry and wearing her best bathrobe Helen went back to her spare bedroom to do a final inventory of things she’d gotten on Ebay and across the Internet.  Helen lifted the dress and swooned again over what she hoped Matt would be running around in.

She had found the dress on Ebay and had fallen in love with it first because it jumped off the screen with it’s iridescent shimmering organza fabric.  It was a very light blush pink high waisted baby dress plucked right out of a 1960’s catalog of baby dresses.  That sparkling organza gathered over satin to meet sheer puffy sleeves.  There was a self-tied sash sewn into a large bow that matched tiny bows at the puffy sleeves.  She had ordered the slip and matching diaper cover with it.

For bed time there were two vintage baby doll nightgowns with bubble panties to cover Matt’s diapers if she could leave him alone long enough to slip them over his plastic baby pants.  It wasn’t so much dressing him as leaving him alone long enough to do so.  She felt the pangs of another orgasm rising within her as she reached for the switch on her vibrator.  She pushed it on and set it to low and stroked the panties a bit before lifting the ruffled rumba panties she’d matched to a pastel bed jacket.

Barbie had agreed to let Helen take home all of the stuff that had been donated to rescue Matt during his ordeal.  The diapers, plastic panties, diaper bags and other baby items had been cleaned and packed into a large carry bag except for one final change that could go out with a smaller gym bag once he was dressed in street clothes.  The plan was to transport him to the local hospital for one final checkup before his release. 

Helen was going to wait in her car in the parking lot for his phone call.  She had asked for and received a weeks vacation due to the 24 hour on call nature of the rescue she’d been engaged in for the past nine days.  Matt had talked to his boss by phone had been on the payroll at “triple time from the moment he’d started work till the moment he stepped out of the hospital with a years bonus.  There was a new truck waiting for him when he was ready to go shopping for one.

Helen hung the dress and packed away the folded panties above the drawer with the diapers and plastic pants as she checked the room one last time.  She moved to her room to change into her EMT uniform and with coffee cup in hand made one last sweep of her house for locked doors before walking to her car.  Today was the day she mused as she shivered and fastened her seatbelt.

“Hey chief,”  Helen said walking up with her coffee freshened.  There were a thousand people lining the streets as rumors leaked of a rescue today.  Barbie was just backing her own rig next to Helen’s as a fireman on top of the scaffolding twenty feet above the ground waved.

“You guys ready,”  the chief asked.

“Will be in a minute,”  Helen said moving off towards the entrance to where Matt was.

“Stay hot on the radio and give me a heads up when you’ve got him covered,”  the chief said.

“Roger that,”  Helen said turning with Barbie to walk into the rubble.

With the exception of radio squawk there was mostly silence as everyone anticipated the final breakthrough.

“What possessed you to buy him baby girl stuff,”  Barbie whispered as they made their way into the tunnel that led to where Matt was.

“His long hair.  I don’t know.  Honestly that’s a lie.  I mean maybe not so much a lie as a half truth.  I was thinking what he’d look like with a bow or maybe two bows and ruffled panties at the same time I was surfing adult baby stuff on Ebay and these dresses start popping up.  Oh my God you should have seen them,”  Helen said.

“Cute,”  Barbie asked.

“Cute,”  Helen repeated.

“Adorable,”  If you didn’t know they were sized for adults you’d swear there really were for baby girls.  No waist, bubble sleeves cute little bows, animal motifs.  I mean some of these ladies are clearly mothers who have been sewing baby clothes for a long time and decided to make them big,”  Helen said.

“So you bought one,”  Barbie said.

“Two.  And ruffled panties and nightgowns and bed jackets and bubble panties and one of the dresses had a bouffant slip believe it or not just like we wore as little girls.  I even found a pair of Mary Jane shoes in his size,”  Helen said.

“And he’s going to wear this stuff,”  Barbie asked.

“Honey, when I’m done with him he’s going to be begging me to wear that stuff,”  Helen said as she went silent.  They had entered the area where the chamber had been widened.  Twenty feet ahead was Matt’s area.

“Matt,”  Helen called out.

“That you Helen,”  Matt yell,

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: All Fall Down
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2019, 08:17:24 AM »
All Fall Down Part 11

“Me and Barbie,”  Helen said and added, “you ready for big boy clothes?”

“I guess,”  Matt said sounding disappointed a little.  It made Helen snicker a little but she covered it as she and Barbie started making preparations for Matt to be pulled up and out of the rubble.  It took another fifteen minutes to clean him up and put him in regular underwear, shorts and socks.

Helen and Barbie packed the remainder of Matt’s diapers and baby pants and Helen carried the large and small bags to her rig.  She would transfer those to her car when the time came.  She went back and helped Barbie collapse the gurneys as two fireman came in and started removing gear.

“You guys ready,”  the chief asked over the radio.

“All set in here.  He’s covered.

“Okay, they are going to break through,”  The chief said as an air horn went off.  There was the remote sound a single jack hammer that lasted for about three minutes then some dust reached Barbie and Helen just as Matt’s legs started to disappear.  A minute later there was cheering.  Barbie and Helen met Matt at the rig as he was pushed into Barbie’s unit strapped to a gurney.

“I’ll see you on the other side,”  Helen said taking Matt’s hand.  He was cuter than Helen had expected and his hair was longer and fuller than she’d thought possible for a boy.  A shower and shampoo would really bring him out she mused.

Matt’s erec_tion was instantaneous as he pondered the evening Helen promised him once he left the hospital.  He was hoping he’d have time in the hospital to take care of that before things got too public as Barbie handed Matt a small bag before closing the doors.

“I’ll take that back when we get to the hospital,”  Barbie said before closing the second door.

Matt opened the bag and found a pair of baby pants folded with two wipes closed within a sandwich bag.  The baby pants had been coated with baby oil as Matt smiled, tossed the sheet back and arranged the panties so the slippery surface of the plastic laid over his erec_tion. 

He circled his pen_is for the first time imagining it was Helen’s hand and didn’t go past a dozen strokes before he shot his load into the slippery panties.  He laid there as the siren’s carried him through town to the hospital.  The wipes cleaned him and the baby pants as he folded the panties to return them to the bag.  The soiled wipes went back into the sandwich bag. 

“You okay back there,”  Barbie yelled through the portal as she added, “we’re coming into the hospital.”

“I’m good,”  Matt said laying back on the gurney as he added, “I put the bag on the shelf.”

“That goes back to Helen.  Don’t forget, she’s in the lot waiting.”  Barbie said as she slowed the truck, turned and stopped.  She put the rig in reverse triggering a warning horn as she backed slowly to the doors.  Bright lights started exploding as another dozen cells went up on both sides of the area leading into the emergency room.  Photographers were snapping pictures as orderlies and nurses opened the truck doors to slide Matt out and lower the wheels to push him into the hospital.

“Quite the celebrity,”  A nurse said as he was wheeled into a complicated room with another group of people already masked standing ready.  There was a doctor who started giving orders as the sheet covering him was stripped, gathered and left on the gurney when he was slid over to the hospital bed.  Blood was taken.  Mostly he was ignored but still the focus of everyone's attention.

They started a drip IV and did one complete scan plus an EKG while waiting for Labs to come back from blood and swabs.  It took two hours before the doctor came in, patted Matt’s leg and asked him if he wanted to leave because there was absolutely no reason to keep him.  Whatever he’d been fed it was first rate.  Everything about him was normal.

Matt laughed thinking about it.  It wasn't what he ate but how he'd eaten it.

“Not everything was back to normal,”  Matt whispered.

"What,"  the doctor asked.

"Just glad to be out of there,"  Matt said.

"I'll bet,"  the doctor noted signing papers.

Matt said it had been some kind of formula and couldn’t hold back the snicker considering it had been and all of it came out of a baby’s bottle.  There was still a couple of days worth Helen had told him when she and Barbie had packed everything up.  Helen promised he’d get the rest if he was a good baby and did what he was told.  Matt promised to be very good considering his reward.

Matt’s mother was allowed in as the paperwork slowly worked its way through the hospital's bureaucracy.  She had met Barbie and Helen leaving both with grateful hugs at the building site and was surprised to discover that her son Matt would be spending a “few days” with the EMT starting that day.  There was a twinge of jealousy considering Helen's age but twenty-five and eighteen were not that far apart.

This conversation was underway as Matt dressed in tee-shirt, Jockey brand shorts, jeans, socks and tennis shoes.  His wallet, mysteriously had been filled with ten new twenties.  Matt was sure that came from his boss Bob.  The man was making sure Matt was getting taken care of and that too brought about a snicker.

“What,”  Matt’s mother asked.

“Nothing,”  Matt said but showing his mother the open wallet to sidestep the issue of what he was thinking.  He was glad he had a light jacket on and immediately zipped it at the bottom to cover the erec_tion that suddenly appeared. 

A nurse came in with a sheet of paper showing a map of the first floor and a felt pin drawing to an exit door that would take Matt to the rear of the hospital and it’s loading dock.  Helen had brought her car around to that dock and was waiting there.  That would avoid the press.  Matt took the paper and brief explanation.

“Call me,”  Matt’s mother warned as she kissed and hugged him goodbye.  She had packed an overnight bag that Matt now carried down the hall to Helen’s car.  The bright lights caught Matt head on as he pushed the swinging door open and Helen’s voice caught his attention even before his eyes fully adjusted.

“Hey,”  Helen said standing just outside her car door as Matt came down the stairs of the loading dock.  There was a milk truck and laundry truck pulled in and unloading but no other persons when he pushed through the doors.  Matt got into Helen’s car as Helen sat before the wheel.

“Hungry,”  Helen asked.

“Famished,”  Matt said as Helen started the car and drove off.  Matt added, “and a little nervous I guess.”

“I know.  I got to thinking about that as we loaded you onto the gurney today.  All Barbie and I got was a voice and you from the waist down and all you got were hands and a voice.  Not exactly a proper introduction considering how intimate we all were,”  Helen said.

“Exactly,”  Matt said.

“Sort of like meeting from the bottom up instead of the top down,”  Helen said laughing and added, "so glad to meet you from the top down."

"Me too,"  Matt said blushing as he added, "and if you don’t mind me saying so, you're pretty - still."

"Still,"  Helen said.

"I mean, I know it sounds funny, but lying in the hospital bed this morning I got to wondering if it was all just a dream.  As bad as it was or I guess as bad as it could have been and I suppose it could have been way worse, it was wonderful.  Really wonderful, but more like a dream and the longer I lay there the more I thought of it that way."  Matt said and then added, "and you were too pretty to be real.  But here you are!"

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: All Fall Down
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2019, 07:29:57 AM »
All Fall Down Part 12

"Isn't that funny.  I mean, first, thank you for the complement, but waiting by the dock I was having those same thoughts.  You could have been terribly ugly but as it happens you were adorable and that wasn't just my opinion, Barbie thought so to.  You were actually my ideal fantasy,"  Helen said and added, "and here you are, pretty cute too."

"Why was I so ideal,"  Matt asked as she turned to look at him.  The eye contact brought on another painful erec_tion.

“I might be blowing this but it’s the truth, like it or not,”  Helen said and added, “it started when we decided that cloth diapers were the answer.  We had your measurements, weight and age in hand and were in the office of the diaper service.”

“I thought you guys had bought everything,”  Matt said.

“Nope, it was all donated,”  Helen said and added, “that diaper service was the biggest part because they had the baby pants. Like I said the son of the owner was looking over old inventory after we had mentioned your allergic reaction to Polyacrylate.  He said he had actual vinyl panties stored away but they might be too small.”

“Vinyl pants,”  Matt said.

“Actual baby pants,”  Helen said and then added, “which was the first time I got a hint that this whole baby scene might be a turn on for me.  Anyway, I confirmed your sizes which surprised him because he asked how old you were and when I said eighteen he was even more surprised.  Said you were very small for your age.”

“I am,”  Matt said and added, “had a weak valve in my heart till I was nearly eleven and could tolerate the operation to fix it, so they kept giving me shots that slowed the puberty process down a little and some kind of anti growth hormones till, like I said, I could tolerate the surgical procedure.  I got a new valve when I was twelve but by then I was pretty small.

“Exactly my point,” Helen said and added, “so I’m getting these fitted diapers and really cute snap on plastic panties for a young man I’m going to be taking care of over the next week or so, who is eighteen, and they fit a large baby.”

“Me,”  Matt said and then added, “which dovetails with my fantasy because some of the time I was home sick in bed mom has me in diapers and white plastic vinyl pants because it easier than trying to lift me and carry me to the bathroom or hold me up over a bedpan.”

“So were your diapers sexual,”  Helen asked.

“That’s the thing, they weren't till you came along,”  Matt said and then added, “or maybe they were and I didn’t connect them till you came along.  Don’t know for sure.  All I do know is when you came along all hell broke loose and it’s all I can think about.”

“Same here,”  Helen said.

“I was thinking that breakfast at a restaurant would help break the ice but I’m thinking I can’t really wait that long.  I’m getting a little wet right now just talking about it.  Would you mind some scrambled eggs and toast after I get you into a diaper and plastic pants and me through a vibrator,”  Helen asked.

“Thought you’d never offer,”  Matt said and added, “I’m almost soaked myself.

Helen turned her blinker on, made a right turn and picked up speed.

“I live about ten blocks from here,”  Helen said.  She thought about telling him about the other things but decided not to.  At least not yet, although she added, “so, as I was saying earlier, those vinyl panties you were wearing while you were trapped were made in 1959 by the Klinert Company for Young Bed Wetter's, just so you know.”

“So I’m a young bed wetter,”  Matt asked.

“Pretty much according to the owner’s son who said his dad founded the company based on his own experience.  I guess those snap on plastic pants were the kinds of things his father wore back in the day,”  Helen said and then added, “and we might have to put off having the eggs and toast till we get each other off because I’m nearly getting off as we speak.”

“Me too,”  Matt said lifting his coat so expose his jeans which had a fairly large wet spot forming. 

Helen took the opportunity to rest her hand right over the spot which caused her to decide not to wait.  She turned her directional on, found a spot to pull over, put her emergency flashers on and they immediately began making out.  It was hurried, awkward, and becoming desperate as Helen maneuvered Matt so she was now slid into his seat while he was laying across her with his feet against her door. 

Matt was facing her with his right hand trying to get into her slacks as her’s searched for the button of his jeans.  They swapped tongues, crushed lips and found each other in desperate steps that brought their breathing up to match their heart rates in increasing tempos as each found the other's pleasure spots. 

Every touch, clasp, slide, added a new movement that brought another sensation to the layers building to their climax.  There was no stopping them as cars whipped past at freeway speeds unaware of the desperation in the car pulled to the side.  When it came, had it been explosive material there would have been smoke and debris. 

There was no explosion that could have been heard if you ignored the moans, just the two falling away into exhaustion and a sweeping warm glow of satisfaction that left both unwilling to move.  Matt, his fingers still within Helen’s panties, flattened and found her warmth comforting. He lingered and caressed.  Helen too had brought Matt’s tee-shirt over his shorts and simply rested there.

“That was desperate,”  Helen whispered with a snicker that she quieted by kissing Matt who had turned his face towards her’s.

“It’s been over half a day,”  Matt said laughing.

“So we know we can’t go too long without being together,”  Helen said.

“Or at least we don’t dare egg each other on if it’s been more than half a day,”  Matt noted and added, “and we’re both not going to be able to leave the house without some sort of protection.”

“That’s a given,”  Helen said as she started to help him untangle before adding, “and it’s becoming very clear you’re not going to be able to go without diapers and baby pants.”

“I was just thinking that very same thing,”  Matt said as they untangled for the drive home..

The end.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender