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Re: Display
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2018, 08:57:15 AM »
The following morning Stephen’s mother was surprised, but delighted, with how compliant he was.  She supervised his dressing but he obediently but on his lilac dress, his patterned white tights and pulled his lace-trimmed panties up over his tights.

Considering he was about to appear in front of the whole town for the first time dressed as a girl, he put up very little resistance.  She was delighted that his girl make-over, especially having his ears pierced, had eliminated any resistance.

Inevitably Sally Foster – his original victim, now his tormentor – was particularly delighted to see Stephen in his lilac dress and tights and new hair style.  When she noticed his pierced ears she appreciated that Stephen’s conversion was not going to be a short term one.

“I hope he is properly attired underneath his dress”, she spoke to his mother.  “We all know how he believes in openness when it comes to underwear.”  “Indeed”, his mother agreed.  “Show Sally that you are appropriately attired dear.”  Stephen wanted to die.  He gave his mother a pleading look but got no sympathy.  He sighed.  He lifted up the hem of his dress so that Sally could see his panties with their lace trim.  “Very nice!” she laughed.  “He chose his dress, these tights and those panties himself, didn’t you dear?”  Stephen nodded.  “Pardon”, she asked.  “Yes mother”, he sighed.  Sally giggled.

On Monday he was dressed in his gymslip, bottle green tights, striped blazer and embarrassing straw boater hat.  His mother drove him to the boarding school and up the driveway.  They were welcomed by Mother Superior.  Steven curtsied.  She observed his page boy cut, cute eyebrows, varnished nails and pierced ears.  It was the only time he was ever to see her smile.  She could see that he had been made much more compliant with his make-over.  The rest would be easy.

He followed the women up to the dorm.  He just looked down and studied the carpet, resigned to completing his three final years of schooling as a girl.  As they walked down the corridor Mother Superior explained to his mother : “because he hasn’t had any schooling in many of our core subjects: dress making, embroidery, deportment and secretarial skills, we will have to start him in the first form.”  “Of course”, his mother agreed.  Steven looked up in shock.  He was going to have to repeat the first three years of secondary school but now as a girl!  But he just continued mincing along behind them disconsolately.

He was led into a dormitory.  There were a number of first form girls there at their beds.  His little member stirred on seeing the girls but it was frustrated by the small hard chastity device his mother had locked on to him earlier.  The girls started undressing and his member stiffened but he felt no arousal – as he never would at this school.

He was shown to his bed.  Screwed into the wall behind it was “Stephanie Carter” and below that “Graduating 2024”.  He teared up a little as his six years as a school girl was brought home to him.  He sat on the side of the bed demurely resting his hands on his tights.

“I can assure you that after six years with us you will have the most perfect little lady”, Mother Superior stated proudly.  “I don’t doubt it” his mother replied confidently.  He looked up and she smiled at his cute bangs and shiny stud earrings as he squirmed in his gymslip.


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Re: Display
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2018, 02:50:33 AM »
Students at the boarding school were allowed to go into the town on Saturdays.  However, they were required to wear the full uniform including striped blazer and straw boater hat.  The uniform made them stick out like a sore thumb any day of the week but on a Saturday it was worse.

Still, Steven desperately wanted to get away from the convent that was making him more and more effeminate by the day.  His strict deportment training still ensured that he flounced girlishly into town.

There was no chance of keeping a low profile in his uniform and before long Sally Foster heard that he was around.  He was quickly surrounded by girls from his old school, happily attired in jeans and t-shirts.  Steven squirmed in his tights and tugged the hem of his gymslip nervously.

One of the girls grabbed his hat and tossed it to another.  “No!” Steven begged.  He would be in big trouble if he was seen by a nun without his hat.  He scampered around desperately trying to retrieve his hat before one of the girls flung it up into a tree where it snagged on a branch.

The girls all ran off giggling as Steven considered how he could get the hat down.  There was no choice but to try to climb the tree in his gymslip and tights.  He tried to be as careful as he could.  He got to the hat and started to descend.  He slipped on the way down.  His tights snagged and tore and the belt around the waist of his gymslip was undone.

He was still grasping his hat in his hands when he looked up to see a very disapproving Mother Superior glaring at him.  Hat not on head, belt undone and tights torn.  He was quickly marched to the department store where a new pair of tights was purchased and his uniform was restored to its regulated form.

Then he was marched to the doll shop.  He wondered what this was all about.  Mother Superior asked Mrs Lindsay if Steven, as punishment, could display how the uniform should be worn.  The lady was agreeable.

Steven was pushed into the window and his ankles and wrists were strapped in place.  Mother Superior straightened the straw boater hat on his head.  “There!”  She closed the door behind him and he was secured in the window amongst the dolls again for all to see.

The straps had not been moved since his first display so his legs were strapped well apart again so that everyone could see that he was indeed wearing the regulation school knickers.

After an hour or two, Mother Superior checked on him.  “I think he will spend the day on display in your window”, she suggested.  Mrs Lyndsey was totally agreeable.  Since Steven had been strapped into the window in his school uniform business had been brisk.
“But ….” Steven was reluctant to challenge Mother Superior, “… I’ll need the toilet at some point.”  “Hmm.”  She thought about it and went off.  Steven sighed as he sat there his legs strapped well apart as three girls giggled at him through the window clearly looking up under his gymslip.

Mother Superior returned.  She took him out of the window and into the back office of the shop.  There she had a large cotton nappy and plastic pants and Steven was to regret his intervention.  Really things worked out best when he kept his mouth shut and just obeyed.

He waddled back out into the shop, pinned securely in the thick nappy.  He was pushed back into the window and strapped down.  The thick nappy stretched his bottle green tights thinly and with his legs once more strapped apart, the girls outside were soon nudging each other.  “Look!  He’s wearing a nappy!”  “Yes you’re right!”  “Tell the others to come and look!”

He needed some food and drink during the day and as Mother Superior had gone off with the keys to the padlocks on his straps he had to be spoon fed in the window and had a cup held up to his mouth to drink from.  That provided lots more amusement for the girls and other passers-by.  A real live dollies’ tea party.

As the day progressed there was lots of speculation as to whether he had wet his nappy yet or not.  At one point Sally Foster was sure she saw his eyes water up and that it must have indicated that he had just wet himself.  He tried to hide the fact that she was right as he sat there in his soggy nappy.

He was kept there until closing time when Mother Superior finally came and released him.  Then he was made to remove his own nappy and clean himself up in the toilet before getting his regulation panties back.

He knew the girls were still gathered outside as he pulled his tights up under his gymslip and straightened his hat in the mirror.  He had to walk the gauntlet as he left the shop and was marched back to the school by Mother Superior.  “I bet he has nappy rash!” they giggled.


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Re: Display
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2018, 02:52:08 AM »
After another week of being schooled as a girl, Steven was puzzled when Mother Superior brought him into town the following Saturday.  His only consolation, as he walked along in his gymslip, blazer and tights, straw boater hat firmly placed on his head, was that the girls could not get at him while the nun accompanied him.  They returned to the doll shop and Steven squirmed in his tights as he recalled his public humiliations in the window.

He was taken into the back room.  His mother was there and had been chatting with the shop owner.  “Mrs Lyndsey has acquired a new line of dolls and you are going to help to advertise it”, Mother Superior informed him.  “In return she is going to contribute to the repairs to our chapel roof.”  Steven was perplexed.  How was he going to help advertise it?

Mrs Lyndsey took a doll from a box and placed it on the table.  Steven looked at it.  It was a Victorian-style baby doll.  It had a white flouncy smock dress over layers of petticoats, a large matching bonnet with three rows of pink lace trim around the brim and bloomers with thick lace trim at the leg openings and layers of lace all the way up to the waist.  Then Mrs Lyndsey opened a bag and produced a replica outfit she had made which looked suspiciously like it was big enough to fit Steven!

It was.  When Steven emerged from the back office he was wearing a white smock dress with layers of petticoats and the matching bonnet.  His dress only came half way down his bloomers which stretched over his thick cotton nappy.  He was also wearing thigh high white stockings tied up with ribbon garters.  The elasticated legs of his bloomers came down to his just above his knees and Mrs Lyndsey had knitted booties for him.  He suc-ked on a large soother from the joke shop.

As he was marched waddling across to the shop window he desperately wanted to resist.  But his experience was that all resistance just made things worse so he went surprisingly meekly to his humiliation.

The space was cleared in the middle of the dolls on display as Steven suc-ked miserably on his soother and squirmed in his thick nappy.  He was pushed in with a flurry of petticoats.  Mrs Lyndsey smiled as the layers of lace across the bottom of his bloomers danced as he crawled into position.

His wrists and ankles were strapped down.  His legs, again, were strapped well apart and his bulging nappy under his bloomers was going to be obvious to all onlookers.  Steven just suc-ked hard on his nappy as he awaited the first onlookers.  Mrs Lyndsey tied a label to the front of his baby dress.  It was marked ÂŁ40.  Well at least he was worth more than when he was initially displayed in the window!

Needless to say, Steven in his Victorian baby doll outfit was a big attraction.  And lots of the onlookers appeared to go into the shop and buy the doll he was replicating.  When he needed to be fed Sally Foster quickly volunteered and fed him milk from a baby bottle then spoon-fed him a bowl of baby food.  This all took place with Steven still strapped down in the shop window and lots of passers-by laughing at him being fed like a baby.

Word had also got around that he was going to have to use his nappy.  By mid afternoon everyone could assume that he must be in a wet nappy having been there since morning and having suc-kled on two bottles of milk.  Mother Superior told them all that he only needed changing if he soiled himself.  Steven leaked a little more pee into his nappy when he heard her say that.

He managed to get through the day without needing to be changed but he had been so successful that Mrs Lyndsey, his mother and Mother Superior agreed to display him again on Sunday.

This time he wasn’t so lucky and shortly after lunch couldn’t hold in a poo.  People in the shop got the smell first.  Mother Superior opened the hatch to the window and a crowd looked on, knowing that Steven had just soiled his nappy and was going to be changed by Mother Superior.

He winced as he crawled out of the window and the messy poo shifted in his nappy.  He was terrified that some would leak from his plastic pants and soil his lovely white bloomers.

It was a very red-faced Steven who was returned to his window display suc-king hard on his soother as everyone who arrived was told that they had missed him having his smelly nappy changed.

At the end of the day it was realized that they hadn’t brought Steven’s uniform with them for him to change into.  He stood in the middle of the shop in his baby dress and nappy as Mother Superior told him he would have to walk back to the school as he was.  He just sighed heavily and continued suc-king on his soother.  He’d gotten so used to his soother now and dependent on it for some consolation that he didn’t even think of removing it

As he walked up the street Sally Foster shouted “you should keep him in his baby dress all the time” and her friends all giggled.  From Mother Superior’s grin it was clear to him that this was not as unlikely a prospect as it should have been.  Steven squirmed as even the thought of it was enough to make him pee his nappy. Mother Superior noticed.  “I think we’ll have to.  He’s just wet his nappy again.  I think he needs to wear nappies all the time now.”

The girls roared laughing as Steven whimpered.  He waddled back to the school suc-king hard on his soother, his nappy now heavy with soaked up pee, trying to use the wide lacey brim of his bonnet to hide his face from passers-by.  But Mother Superior wasn’t having that.  “Look up boy!” Then people realized that he was a teenage boy in a baby dress and nappy!

When they got back to the school nobody made a move to let him out of his baby dress or nappy.  Mother Superior gave him another bottle before bed, changed him and sent him to bed in a clean nappy.


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Re: Display
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2018, 02:06:24 AM »
The next day Steven was put in his baby dress and brought for breakfast where his classmates bottle and spoon-fed him in the canteen.  He was the centre of attention as the whole school looked on.  When his feeding was finished Mother Superior pushed his soother in and he then had to waddle into his first lesson.  She announced to much tittering that he should ask one of his classmates to change his nappy when he soiled it.  Steven had to sit at the back because nobody behind him would be able to see the board due to his wide-brimmed bonnet.

He couldn’t really concentrate on his lesson as he wondered how long he was going to have to spend in this baby dress and nappies.  The girls in his class couldn’t concentrate either as they kept turning around to look at the teenage boy in the frilly baby dress, bonnet, bloomers and white stockings suc-king on a soother.

When one girl sneered at him he took out his soother quickly and stuck out his tongue at her.  “Stephanie!” the teacher immediately called out.  “Come up here!”  Steven cringed at having to go up to the front of the class in his baby dress, his thick nappy stretching his bloomers to their limit.  “Stand in the corner.”  Steven put his head down and suc-ked on his soother as he waddled to the corner of the room.

He stood there with his back to the classroom.  His wide bonnet ensured that the only thing he could see was the bare wall in front of him.  The girls were giggling at their excellent view of his bulging bloomers peeking below his petticoats.  The teacher wrote a note and stuck it to the wall in front of him.  It said “I am a bold baby”.  He had to stand staring at that with nothing else visible but the lace trim of his bonnet and his soother below his nose bobbing in and out as he suc-ked hard on it.

His morning bottle soon took effect and he shifted uneasily.  The girls noticed.  Eventually he flooded his nappy and it sagged visibly under his bloomers.  “Miss, I think Baby Stephanie has wet her nappy” somebody announced to great laughter.

The teacher went over to Steven.  “Have you wet your nappy?”  Steven had to nod and looked at the floor as the girls all laughed.  “Well, you don’t need to be changed until you soil yourself”, she reminded him.  The girls all giggled in anticipation of that.  Steven’s tummy rumbled as he stood in the corner in his soggy nappy.

By the break he was freed from standing the corner.  He had to waddle out into the school yard where all the girls from his class made sure that their friends knew he had wet his nappy.  Back in class he sat down very carefully in his seat not wanting to squeeze out the pee that had been sloshing around in the crotch of his nappy.  The girls around him were sure they could smell his pee.

It wasn’t long before the class was interrupted by Steven audibly passing wind.  Then there was an unmistakable squirting sound.  “Ugh!” the girl beside him stood up quickly.  “Miss!  Baby Stephanie has done a poo!”  Steven just sat there miserably in his soiled nappy suc-king hard on his soother.

“Well Georgina, bring him to the nurse’s station and help her change his nappy.”  Georgina laughed as Steven waddled very carefully out of the classroom with her in tow.

The nurse was all business when they arrived at her station.  She briskly removed his soiled nappy and plastic pants while Georgina handed her the creams and powders and his clean nappy.  “Would you like to pin the nappy on him?” the nurse asked her as Steven lay back holding up his petticoats, studying the ceiling through the lace of his bonnet and suc-king on his soother aware that his private parts, enclosed as they were in a chastity device, were exposed to all.

Georgina giggled as she handled his chastity and observed how his member desperately tried to swell but was frustrated by the confining hard plastic.  He could feel the plastic ring press against the back of his testicles as she gave the device a little tug to prove to herself that it couldn’t be removed.  Then she tugged at the little padlock and tittered again.  He was well taken care of.

Then she told him to lift his botty and proceeded to pin him tightly into his cloth nappy.  Then she pulled his plastic pants up and again instructed him to lift his bottom as she pulled them up over his nappy.  She pushed his legs up in the air in an ungainly fashion as she checked that his nappy was tucked in all around.  Then she dressed him in his frilly bloomers, tugging at his rows of lace to make sure they were straight.

Once his dress and petticoats were lowered as far as they would go, she brought him back to his class and the girls all tittered again as Steven waddled in wearing his nice clean nappy.

At lunchtime he was able to sneak away to the dormitory.  He noticed that there was no sign of his gymslip.  He pulled out drawers and found only stacks of nappies, plastic pants and bibs.  He suc-ked hard on his soother as he realized that his time in a baby dress and nappies was not going to be short.  Oh what he would give now to be able to wear his gymslip, blouse and green tights again.  They didn’t seem so bad now.  He squirmed in his thick nappy that he was clearly going to have to get used to.


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Re: Display
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2018, 02:05:21 AM »
At the end of the week Steven was told that he would have a nice surprise at the end of classes.  He was brought up to the front of the room and Mother Superior came in holding up a pink baby dress, with layers of petticoats, puffed sleeves and lacey collar and hem.  “The girls in the dressmaking class have really excelled themselves!”  She showed the class the matching bonnet with thick layers of lace stitched into the brim.  Then she held out the pink nappy cover with lace trim and a large heart stitched onto the bottom.

The girls all scrambled to help undress Steven who now desperately wanted to stay in his relatively plain Victorian baby dress and bloomers.  But they soon had him down to his nappy and plastic pants before pulling pink wool-knit tights up over his nappy.  Then there was the nappy cover and they pushed him into his pink baby dress which closed up the back with dozens of tiny buttons.   They placed the bonnet on his head.  It didn’t seem too bad at first but as they pulled the ribbons under his chin to tie it, the brim closed in around his view and left him with a pink and white lace frame on everything he saw.

They excitedly brought him to the dormitory which had a full length mirror.  Steven looked at his reflection which was a sea of pink with lots of white lace.  The only things not quite pink were his face peeking out from its lace frame while he suc-ked continuously now for comfort on his soother and his arms where they stuck out from his puffed sleeves and his hands that rested on his voluminous petticoats.

He was then pushed into a side room.  There in the middle was a large wooden cot, painted pink of course.  “The boys in St Patrick’s did a great job on this” Mother Superior told them as Steven was pushed in and the side bars were quickly locked in place.  Steven looked down on the plastic covered mattress and the pink princess duvet.  He looked up to see a carousel of animals turning above the cot.  There were various rattles and balls built into the side bars.

The girls all stood around laughing as Steven grasped the side bars of his cot and looked out through the bars pleadingly.  But all they did was place several dolls and cuddly toys inside for him to play with.  Then he noticed that his new room had a large glass window to the corridor and girls were gathering out there to laugh and point at him in his new pink baby dress and large secure cot.

He stood up in his cot but the side bars came up to his chest and there was no way he would be able to climb out.  Then he noticed that there was a changing table just inside the room’s window.  Mother Superior saw him looking at it.  “Yes, girls out in the corridor will be able to watch you having your nappy changed.  It’s important that they all know how to do it and they will all get their own turn to do it.”

Then his mother came into the room.  Steven looked up from his cot pleadingly.  Surely she couldn’t allow him to be treated like this.  “My goodness we can’t have this!”  She frowned on seeing Steven in the cot in his pink baby dress.  Relief at last, he thought.  But she reached into a bag and pulled out a big pink footed onesie.  “This is much more appropriate for you to wear in your lovely cot.”

Steven sighed as all the girls laughed.  The side bars of his cot were lowered, he was tugged out and the girls started undressing him and he quickly had his arms and legs pushed into his new onesie and it was buttoned up the back.  It was elasticated at the waist which really emphasized the bulge of his nappy beneath the pink fleecy material.

Then Mother Superior stepped forward.  She had a pair of white mittens which she pulled on over his hands.  His fingers slotted into stiff gaps in the padded material.  She strapped the mittens at the wrist.  If he had realized what was happening he would have resisted more.  The mittens trapped his fingers making them useless.  He was as helpless as a baby now.  The girls laughed at his efforts to pull the mittens off.  “Don’t worry baby, you will still be able to play with your rattles, balls and dollies!” they laughed.

A few days later a large high-chair was produced and positioned at the top of the canteen.  Mother Superior examined the leather straps and pulled on them.  “Those boys are really good at their job”, she commented.  The tray swung back and Steven was pushed up into the seat.  The tray was swung back in front of his tummy and he heard it click into place.  It was close fitting enough that he was sure he would be unable to get out but the girls drew the straps across his chest and clicked them into place.

Steven looked out from his bonnet and saw that he was in full view of the canteen with about a hundred grinning girls’ faces aimed at him.  His soother was popped out and replaced immediately with his large baby bottle.  As he started suc-king a plastic bowl of mushy food was placed in the tray.

Once a play-pen had been fashioned that was large enough to keep him confined, he spent his mornings in the nurse’s station.  She was usually idle enough to keep a very close eye on him and ensure that he played with his rattles and letter blocks and dollies.  Whenever he soiled his nappy the nurse would consult her list and announce on the public address system that X was to come to the nurse’s station to change Baby Stephanie’s nappy.  Steven could hear the laughter that always followed this echo around the school.

In the afternoons his play-pen was moved into the girls’ study room where they could keep a close eye on him, administer his bottles and feeds until his bedtime nappy change at 7pm.  Then he was buttoned into his pink onesie given a final large baby bottle of milk and locked into his cot.

Because of the window on his room, girls could continually observe him through the evening as he restlessly tossed in his cot, wriggling in his footed sleeper and occasionally checking again if the side bars were correctly locked in place to keep him in.


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Re: Display
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2018, 01:47:05 AM »
On Friday afternoon the girls had no homework and asked if they bring could Baby Stephanie into town with them.  Mother Superior readily agreed.  The straps from his high chair could be removed to become a very effective harness.  Steven whimpered through his soother as his harness was strapped on tightly over his pink baby dress.

“Don’t forget to take this”, Mother Superior reminded them holding out a changing bag with a large baby bottle of milk in the side pocket.  “In case he soils himself.”  “He probably will when we walk him down High Street and into the Mall!” someone joked and the girls all laughed.  Steven’s reins were tugged and he waddled off down the driveway with six giggling girls around him.

He knew how this would go and he suc-ked hard on his soother in anticipation.  A person meeting them on the street would first of all notice his big pink baby dress, bonnet and pink tights.  They would wonder why this teenager was dressed like this accompanied by girls in their school uniforms.  Then they would see that he was suc-king on a large soother and that would amuse them more.

As they approached closer they would see that he was actually wearing a thick nappy –since his short baby dress did nothing to cover it.  That might provoke shock but they would almost certainly laugh in the end.   Then the significance of the changing bag would strike them and they would realise that this child was actually expected to use the nappy!  And they could see that Steven was being bottle-fed.

Seeing this big baby strapped into a harness being held by a girl no bigger or older would provide further amusement.  They might or might not realise that the mittens were designed to make this child helpless – unable to take off the harness or the baby dress or nappy.

They would still at this stage assume that it was a girl in the big pink baby dress and frilly nappy cover but the girls would make sure to say something to give away Steven’s true sex.  Once again the person would be shocked briefly before convulsing in laughter.  They would realise just how humiliating it must be for a teenage boy to be out in public in a pink dress with layers of petticoats, a bonnet, pink tights and frilly underwear, clearly visible to all.  Not to mention wearing a nappy and being led by a bunch of girls on a tight rein.  Presumably these girls were responsible for changing his nappy and feeding him his bottle too!

The girls would be quick to tell the stranger how often he needed his nappy changed and how often he needed feeding.  That he spent twelve hours of his day in his play-pen and the other twelve hours in a secure cot.  “It must be really nice for him to get out and about so”, the stranger would snigger sarcastically as Steven squirmed in his nappy which would now be soaked with pee.

And so it proceeded.  Stephen lost count of the ladies they encountered on the way down High Street.  He could only suc-k on his soother and look down at the pavement and endure.

Then outside the Mall they met Sally Foster and her friends.  “Ha!  This time we don’t need to lift your skirts to see your frilly undies!” she sniggered and the girls all laughed as Steven cringed.  “Can we take him into the Mall?” she asked his classmates.  “Sure!” they readily agreed handing over the changing bag.  Steven whimpered through his soother on being transferred to the care of the very girl who had got him into this mess.

Meeting individual people on the street was bad enough but in the Mall there were crowds of people.  They nudged each other as Steven was led along.  “That must be the boy from the shop window!”  “He’s actually using his nappy!”  “My goodness look at those layers of petticoats.”  “And the tights!”

They brought him to a coffee shop and that at least got him in from the crowds.  Sally took his bottle of milk and handed it to the lady behind the counter.  “Could you warm up his bottle please?”  “His?” the lady looked astonished at Steven in his pink baby dress and bonnet.

After their drinks they made sure to walk him around each level of the Mall.  Eventually they need the toilet.  They walked him into the Ladies and found a long queue.  They brought Baby Stephanie to the row of sinks and tied his harness to the pipes.  “You wait there while we queue.”

Steven was in full view of the ladies in the queue.  One of them looked beneath his baby dress and said “Lucky you!   You don’t have to queue for the toilet!”  They all laughed as Steven peed more into his nappy in mortification.

When his harness was finally untied and he was led back out of the Ladies, he was acutely aware of the heavy sogginess of his nappy and the excess pee sloshing around in the bottom of his plastic pants as he waddled along wherever the girls led him.  People must surely notice.  He wondered would he be better off producing a poo and getting his nappy changed.  But he really didn’t want Sally Foster to have the ultimate triumph of changing his nappy in a Mall baby-changing room.  So he clenched his buttocks, suc-ked hard on his soother and waddled through the crowd just praying for it all to be over.


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