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Author Topic: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1  (Read 9921 times)

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  • Ballerina
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The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« on: December 29, 2018, 07:31:17 PM »
The Square Dance Competition

"You're all crazy!" my offended twelve-year-old male ego balked at Jill, my 14-year-old sister,
 Jeff and Brad, the two boys from her Square Dance Club competition team.

"David--" my sister and two boys pleaded.

"No way!!"

"David, you're their only chance!" appealed Debbie, my Mom. "Susan is out
With a broken leg but you know you know the routine perfectly! You practiced with your sister
at home from the start!"

"That’s only because you made me practice with her—besides, I learned the boy’s part, I can’t do the girls part!" I angrily snapped.

“David, we've worked hard all year! I’ll do your chores for a month!" my sister added! “Do you think that I like the idea of my little brother being one of the girl dancers?”

"Sure you do! You would never miss a chance to embarrass and humiliate me." I angrily retorted. "The kids at school already tease me because of my size….  If word ever got out that I was dressed up as a girl dancer, I would have to move to Canada. Mom! Tell them this idea is crazy.”

"Embarrass and humiliate you?" my sister replied. "I have the most to lose from this if anything goes wrong. If anyone recognizes you, I would be the laughing stock of school!”

"Now kids! No fighting!" my mother intervened.

"Then why even consider it?"

"It's the only thing we can think of doing." Said Mom. "We can say that you are "Cousin Dona." That could explain any family resemblances. Nobody will know who you really are. Besides, you know the moves well, there are just a few differences between the boy part and girl part that you can learn tonight. And you are the right size and build and I think you can pull it off." Mom implored,

I stood there, stunned for a moment. Surely this had to be some kind of big joke, but nobody was laughing. 'This is Crazy!. . . No Way!" I muttered. “It’s my birthday the weekend of the competition I wanted to go to the movies with some friends.”

My sister had been looking forward to the State Square Dance Competition finals. Her team worked hard perfecting their dance routines. I really did like helping her learn the dance even though I was not a member of the club. "I can't see why you can’t get someone else in the club to fill in" I grudgingly contended.

"David" pleaded my sister, "It’s Tuesday and we have to leave this Friday. Susan's out with a broken leg but you know the routine perfectly! Who are we going to get that knows the routine as well as you?"

"Look, I wanna help, I really do," I demurred even though their faces didn't
swallow it, "but if this gets out I gotta face all the guys at school.  I'm really sorry."

“IF you agree to do this,” mom said, “I’ll buy you that game you desperately want for your birthday!”

I briefly demurred, "Forget my feelings; Don't you all think this whole idea's
sneaky and dishonest??"

"Yes, it is," spoke up Brad, "But so long no one finds out, we can still compete. Besides, the competition is on the other side of the state. Who will find out?”

Staring at me, mom decided to press further, "You
know, it's not like I ask a lot of you."

I stared at my mother in silence.  I knew she was trying to
guilt trip me as I replied, "You're asking way too much with this

Mom gave me a dejected look before I asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.  I'm just disappointed," she replied, trying to drive
the knife into my heart to make me reconsider.

"I can't do it," I whined.

"You could," Brad interjected.

"It's just such a big deal, and they have worked so hard,"
mom noted, shaking her head.

I shook my head at my mother's attempt to manipulate me.

"Aww, sh-t..." I mumbled. "Man! I hope no one finds out about this!  Okay, I'll give it a try."

"Thanks, David" My sister said in all sincerity, but with about as much enthusiasm as I was feeling at the moment. Most of the "onus" would be on me. If I "goofed up" this gig it would be all over for me, my sister, Jeff and Brad. I had to do my part and do my best to do it right. Even if it meant subjecting myself to some mighty embarrassing and degrading situations.
Mom will have to come through on her end too. I doubted that they could really make me look like an authentic girl.

“Right” my mother said, a little too enthusiastically, “I’ll call Susann’s mother to borrow her costume. I’ll tell her that Jill’s cousin is filling in for her at the competition.”

“Mom, the competition has Susan as the registered Dancer’ my sister explained.

“Then David will have to go as Susan” mom said while looking at me. “Why don’t you guys go to the family room and start practicing. I’ll sort out clothes later tonight.”

With trepidation, we started practicing. Jill and Jeff paired up and I danced with Brad. I knew the boy’s part but was having a lot of trouble getting the girl’s part. Jill said it was a good thing that they had a whole week to practice before the competition, and if they couldn’t get it right tonight, then every night this week they would all get together and practice until I got it right.

We dance for three hours straight, and I finally getting it down. I felt very strange dancing with Brad, but he did his best to make me feel comfortable. I was a quick learner and started to enjoy the practice, particularly when being swung about by Brad. I was glad when the night was over, and we decided to call it a night. Even though I was getting better, it was decided that we should practice every night,

Before bed, Jill and my mom came to my room to talk to me. “David, I want you to come home straight from school tomorrow. I will get some things you will need while you are at school. For the rest of the week when you are home, you need to dress as Susan to get used to the clothes and presenting yourself as a girl.”

“I can lend you some of my clothes,” Jill said enthusiastically “most of them should fit you.”

"I don't know if I can do it.  I don't want to look silly, or have people laugh at me.  I don't look anything like a girl."   David said that with a strange sad feeling.

“You’ll be fine” my mom assured me.

I tossed and turned for an hour before I fell asleep contemplating appearing in public. Could I pull this off? Would anyone figure out that I was not a girl?


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2018, 08:17:53 PM »
Okay, I'm hooked! :)


  • Winner of the Golden Panties Award
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2018, 12:40:28 AM »
nice  beginning


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2018, 06:40:46 AM »
The school day seemed to drag. Even though I was two grades lower, I passed Jeff and Brad in the hall a couple of times. Other than a nod of recognition, nothing was said. On our walk home from school, my sister couldn’t stop talking about the upcoming weekend. I was quieter than usual just contemplating my fate. “I will help make this weekend as fun as possible for you.” my sister excitedly said.

“I know you will, that doesn’t make me any less scared.”

When I got home, I found my mother in the kitchen. “It’s good that your home,” she greeted me. “Take a bath first before your sister wants to get into the bathroom.” 

I retreated upstairs to take my bath. Dressed only in my underwear and bathrobe, I headed hastily for the bathroom. I started the water in the tub when my sister barged in and poured something in the tub. She grinned at meat hastily left. As I stepped in the half-filled tub, I noticed that it foamed with flowery scented bubbles. The fragrance filed my nostrils and though secretly pleased with the outcome of my sisters’ prank, I chose to make no reply to Jill’s calculated jibe as she called to him through the door. “Hope you enjoy the bubble bath, darling.”

Half an hour later, I was in my mother’s room waiting for further instructions from my her. I sat nervously on the edge of herbed clad only in my bathrobe. The great adventure was about to begin. After a few minutes, the door opened, and my mother entered.

“Hi sweetie, what is that I smell in here?” She approached me and smelled my hair. ”My, my. What did you use with your bath?”

“Aw, Jill put some stuff in the water while I was getting ready.”

“You mean her bubble bath? Doesn’t it smell nice? Are you ready?”

‘I guess so.”

“Why don’t we start with a manicure? “


Seating me at her vanity, Mom drew up another chair and the ritual of the manicure began. I was silent as she worked on my fingers with an assortment of odd-looking scissors and files. I was trying to maintain a disinterested expression, but soon my eyes were following the careful shaping and transformation of my nails.

When she was finished with the lacquer. I stared at the ten tipped fingers spread out on the vanity top. My hands felt strangely smaller. Patiently I waited for the small red ovals to dry.

“I have school tomorrow. How will this stuff come off?” I asked finally.

My mom laughed at my tone of concern. “Don’t worry about that. It will come off when we rub this on it.” She held up a bottle of nail polish remover. “I will help you take it off in the morning before you go to school”

“Mom?” It was Jill’s voice at the door.

“Yes, Jill.”

“Is David dressed yet?”


Can I come in?”

“Not yet”

“Aw. Can I help? Do you need anything of mine?”

“Well, all right. Since you volunteered your bubble bath, why don’t you bring me the matching cologne and then get dressed for practice?”

I heard Jill’s excited giggle as she ran off on her errand. A moment later she was back with a small bottle that she handed through the door trying her best to steal a glimpse of me in the process of dressing as a girl.

“I thought she wasn’t going to laugh at me.”

“she is just trying to help.”

“This is hard enough without her help.”

“You’ll be fine, just wait.”

Mom asked me to slip the top of my bathrobe down and when I had done so, she sprayed cologne under my arms and across the back of my neck. “There,” she said when she had finished, “You smell just like any other girl. It will help with your disguise.”

“Are you ready? We should get you dressed before Jeff and Brad arrive for practice.”

Without waiting for my answer, Mom began laying the items of clothing for my dance costume on her bed.

“Oh, here are the panties.” Turning to him she held up a pair of panties that she had bought that morning. They were a typical pair of girls’ white nylon panties with an elasticized waistband. “These are what girls wear for underpants with their dance costume, David. They are just like your own briefs, but made of nylon.”

I realized that the time had finally arrived. With some effort I stiffly stood and took the garment. “Take off you robe, dear, and put them on.”

I was concerned for my modesty than my mother, so I squired into the panties first and then shed my bathrobe. I stood outwardly at ease with my hands on my hips looking at my mother. I felt embarrassed, not so much for wearing the panties, but standing in front of my mom. I was reassured by her quiet friendly smile.

The panties were snug but quite comfortable. I had the urge to view myself in the mirror, but it was across the room and facing another direction, so I had to content myself with the smooth silky touch of the material. I turned to see what my mother was holding.

“This is pantyhose,” my mother said. “These go on next. I’ll help you with it this time, but I expect you to put them on yourself after today.”  She led me to the bed and had me sit down. “These are nice hose, David,” She said as she rolled them up her hands. “You must be very careful not to snag them on anything.”

She fitted the first leg carefully over my foot to my knee. She then slipped the second leg over my other foot to my other knee. “Stand up and carefully pull the panty up to your waist. Now carefully pull the legs up so they are stretched tightly against your legs. You don’t want them sag.” Mother smiled. “Now, walk across the room and see how they feel.”

I walked across the room. Familiar feelings began to come over me, and I caught myself smiling.

 â€œMother, why do I have to wear a bra? I don’t have any breasts…” I whined as my mother snapped a bra tightly around my chest.

“You are supposed to be Susan, she is 14 not 12, and if you have not noticed, 14-year-old girls have breasts.”


Getting me strapped and hooked into a brassiere turned out to be a project. It was an old bra that belonged to Jill. Mom had some trouble adjusting the straps properly. The bra had a little padding in the cups.

In my panties, pantyhose and bra, I walked over to the mirror. Watching me closely, mom detected a hint of pride in my eyes as I glanced at myself. She caught my eye when I turned again and smiled at me. Her notion was reinforced by the way I cast my eyes down immediately. I was not frightened until my sister burst into the room wearing the same as me.

“Get out!” I shrieked.

“David!” Yelled my mother. “Look… you need to get used to seeing each other in various state of dress. The two of you are going to be sharing a room at the competition. Besides, if this is going to work, you need to be dressed as a girl the entire time.”

I hadn’t considered that I would be dressed as a girl for the entire trip.  “Aww shit.” I mumbled. “I thought I only had to dress for the competition.”

“What, you thought you could walk around as a boy at the hotel and turn into a girl for the competition?” My mom asked.

“I guess I didn’t give it much thought.”

“I guess not.” She replied smiling. “In addition to the competition, Saturday, and Sunday morning if you make the finals, there is the Friday night social, Saturday night group dinner and who knows what other times you will be socializing with the other teams. No, you can’t show up as Susan just for the competition.”

“Jill, go get the rest of your costume, you can help David finish dressing.”  As she sent Jill out of the room.

 "Put your arms up so I can slide a camisole over your head." The smooth white nylon garment to caressed me as it dropped into place, its lace trim accenting my newly acquired bustline. Mom adjusted the shoulder straps so that it reached the top of my panties.

My sister returned carrying her costume. “Here, let me help you.” Her mother handed Jill a shoe box which she opened and took out a pair of black patent leather square dancing shoes, with a quarter inch heel, and a very thin strap that went across the top of my foot. She then slipped them on my stockinged feet. They were a perfect fit and felt very comfortable on me.

“Try walking in them.”  I did what my mother had always made me do when I tried on new shoes.  I walked a few steps, then ran a few steps, stumbling a little on the elevated heels. 

"No running, David.  Girls run sometimes, just like boys, but usually not when they are wearing heels.  When girls are trying to look especially pretty, they always walk slowly and with small steps."  I didn't have to be asked again.  I walked out into the hall and walked slowly down its length taking same small steps. I could hear the hard, soles and heels of the shoes tapping lightly on the wood floor. 

Next, Jill held open the ruffled petticoats for me to step into. She adjusted them on my waist so that only a very little of the stiff white ruffles would be seen unless you were to move, in which case you would see a great deal of the white ruffles.

I was then handed another pair of white ruffled panties that where embellished with lace around the leg holes and lace across the bottom. They were a little longer so that the legs of them came just above mid-thigh, so that when you spun around my skirt would flair out and they could be seen peeking out from under my petticoat.

"Let me see you swirl around as if you were dancing." As I spun the petticoats rose in a circle revealing my ruffled panties, then draped itself back around my upper legs as I slowed to a stop. I enjoyed the sensation though said nothing to reveal my thoughts.

"Now we're ready for your dress." Smiled mother. My mother eased the full-skirted yellow and white check sleeveless dress down over my head.  It came to rest on my shoulders. My arms slid easily into the sleeves.  It felt smooth and cool against my skin. I felt an excitement unlike anything I had ever felt before.  Every nerve on my skin seemed to tingle.

"Here, let me do up the back" Mom’s voice brought me back to reality.  As she did up the tiny buttons on the back of the dress, I could feel the material drawing in snugly around my chest.  It felt a bit tight, but it was so smooth that it felt like a kind of soft hug.  I loved the feeling.  Mom stepped back and looked.  " It fits very well.  Fortunately, at your age, boys and girls have about the same shape."

"Let me see you swirl around once more." Again, I obeyed and again enjoyed the feeling as the petticoat first rose from my legs and later draped back around my thighs.

My sister then finished getting dressed. Together we turned as gracefully as we could and began to walk to the mirror. At first, I smiled, from my neck down I looked identical to my sister. "Oh no!"  I cried. As I turned around my eye tears were started to tear. 

"What happened, did you twist your ankle when you turned."  I covered my face with my hands so that my sister and mother couldn’t see me cry. When my crying abated, I was able to speak. 

"Mom, it will never work.  When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself in the big mirror.  I look like a boy wearing a dress, which is what I am. I think I was starting to feel like a girl, but it's no use. 
I look like a boy.  Everybody is going to laugh at me."

dolly bo peep

  • Ultimate Sissy
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2018, 09:55:18 AM »

These 2 opening chapters are really nice, well paced and constructed.

Now david has the dance costume on, I know that I'm certainly not the only one looking forward the the next steps in making David pass as Susan for the competition and all of the associated activities.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2019, 07:34:23 AM »
"David, come here and sit down."  I sat on the seat at the small oval table at one side of the room.  On the wall in front of the table was an oval mirror. On the table were all kinds of small bottles, jars, and one or two small boxes.

 "David, how can you say you look like a boy?   You look just like your sister in that dress. Does she look like a boy?" 

"Mom, it sure is a beautiful dress.  And the part of me that's in the dress does look like a girl.  But the rest of me looks just like I did before"   

"David, turn your chair around and face me."  I did as my mother asked.  She asked, "David, can you tell me how you look different from your sister; besides the dress you are wearing?" 

"Well, she has different hair.  Its longer than mine." 

" Anything else?" 

"No, nothing I can think of right off." 

"Well, you're mostly right.  At your age, it's mostly just the clothes and the hair. Mostly, though, when people see someone in a pretty dress, with long beautiful hair, they say `what a pretty girl.' And if you think and act like a pretty girl, no one will ever think they are seeing anything else."

"David, let's do your hair first, then we can try a few other things. Ok?" 

"Sure mom" Mom began to brush my rather short hair forward.  It fell across
my forehead at an angle, the shape left from my "regular haircut" at the
barbershop.  Mom wet my hair a little from a spray bottle and continued to brush it flat against my forehead.

"It’s lucky you haven't had a haircut in the last few weeks.  Your bangs are just about long enough to work with.  I'm just going to trim them straight across.  They won't be long bangs, but at least they'll be straight, even, and pretty."  Mom snipped at my hair with a small
scissors.  She cut off only tiny bits.  "Now let’s do something about the back"

My hair was fairly short on the top and back, but mom seemed to know what she was doing.  She brushed the bangs forward and pinned them there with bobby pins.  Mom pulled gently at my hair, sometimes hurting me just a little. 

"Ouch, don't pull my hair like that, it hurts" 

"Oh; it will only be for a little while longer.  Sometimes it hurts a bit to be beautiful" 

"Very funny. What are you doing to my hair?" 

"Well, I need a way to attach something to your hair, to make it look longer.  Right now, I'm making a tiny braid along the top of your head." 

"That does it. You can feel it if you want".  I put my hand up to the top of my head, where I had felt my mom working.  I felt a tight band running across the top of my head.  It was definitely my hair, but it felt like some kind of thin rope attached to my head.  Then mom held something up in front of me.   

"I picked this up this morning. This is a fall. I think it's a pretty good color match to your hair."  Mom was holding up something that looked to like some kind of wig.  It looked like very shiny, beautiful, long, brown hair.  It was mostly straight, except that, near the ends, it was curled under in a smooth wave. 

"I'm going to pin this fall onto your hair, into the braid you just
touched.  It will probably be a bit uncomfortable at first, because I had to
make the braid pretty tight."

With that, mom placed the fall on my head and began to work bobby pins into the fall and the braid.  I could feel the pulling as the braid was lifted slightly to allow the pins to slide under it.  After about five minutes of this, mom began to work at the fall with a brush.  I could feel the ends of the hair against my neck and cheeks.  Now and then as mom brushed, I would catch a glimpse of brown hair near my eye.

"Can I look in the mirror"

"Not yet." mom answered with a big smile.  " I want this to be a surprise”

"Usually girls your age use makeup. With your complexion, you don’t need much. I'm going to put some lipstick on you now and put just a little bit of makeup around your eyes." 

The lipstick felt smooth.  I watched with alarm as mother approached with tweezers and muttered, “Your eyebrows need some help. Ignoring my pleading, mother combed my eyebrows up then trimmed them with a little pair of scissors. “See?” she said, ”That wasn’t bad.. just a few stray hairs…this may sting.”

“Ouch’” I said as she grabbed a bunch of my brow hair and jerked it out. She did it again and again until I lost count. Finally, she used a dark pencil on my eyebrows, then asked me to stay very still while she applied something to my eyelids and even around my eyelashes.   

"Wow, this really brings out your eyes.  I wish I had blue, intense eyes like you do."

“I'll finish brushing your hair and then you can look in the mirror." Mom worked at my hair for a few more minutes and then asked me to turn around and look in the mirror.  I couldn't believe my eyes. I am pretty.  I couldn't take my eyes off my long brown hair.  It was mostly straight with soft curls near the bottom.  My face was very pretty, with pink lips and the biggest blue eyes he had ever seen.

“Well?” asked Mother

“I can’t believe its me.”

My sister then came behind me and looked into the mirror.  I looked so much like my sister that anyone would believe that I was her cousin. I stood up and we hugged each other. I was holding back tears. “Gee,” Jill happily shrieked, “I didn’t think he would look this good.”

My reverie came to an abrupt end when I heard the doorbell chiming. “Aww sh-t!” I panicked. “It is one thing for you and mom to see me, but I don’t know if I am ready for anyone else.”


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Square Dance Competition Pt 1
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2019, 09:53:15 AM »
“Not helping mom!” still panicked.

“You’ll be fine.” My sister assured me. “Hold my hand and we’ll go down together.” I walked slowly out of the bedroom holding my Sisters hand, remembering to take small steps.  I felt the dress float around my legs, held out by the petticoat.  I could feel the long hair around my cheeks and neck. 

Mom went downstairs first to let the boys in. I started down the stairs, holding tightly to Jill’s
arm. I could hear her talking to them. I nervously approached the room expecting to hear laughter. Instead both Jeff and Brad stood there staring at me with their mouths open. “Wow, I can’t believe how good you look.” Brad enthralled with my appearance said, “You look a lot like your sister. I would have never known that you weren’t a girl if I didn’t know who you were.” Jeff was quick to agree.

I almost froze. I looked at Jeff and Brad. Their eyes were checking me out and made me blush. As Brad and Jeff went on about how I looked, I wanted out of there fast.

“David, what do you say when someone gives you a compliment?”

“Nervously, I replied, “Thank you Brad.”

“I can’t do this.” I cried as I ran back up to my mother’s room.

“He’ll be fine.” I heard my mother say as she started to follow me.

In the bedroom, I could still hear Jill, Jeff and Brad talking about me. It was obvious that they thought I looked convincing, even pretty. I knew I couldn’t stay in the room all night, but I was so frightened by other people seeing me. The word “effeminate” flitted through my mind. I didn’t know how I felt. A part of me was happy that the boy’s thought I was pretty, but I didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea. I was just staring in the mirror when Mother came in.

“Are you okay,” she said apprehensively.

“I don’t know,” I stated as I continued to stare in the mirror. “I just didn’t like the way Jeff and Brad were looking at me.”

“I understand, dear,” she answered, “but boys will be boys….a couple of lookers like you and your sister are bound to have boys acting that way.”

“Oh great, I said sarcastically. “So what do you expect me to do? Get engaged? I am your son!”

“Honey,” she said, “I know you’re my son. This doesn’t change anything. This is no different than before. You should have expected that you would get a reaction from boys. You make a very pretty girl. So, mellow out, go with the flow. You can do this. Who knows, boys can be fun too”

With some bewilderment, I followed her back to the living room and was soon in a group hug with Jill, Jeff and Brad. I apologized and told them how nervous I was about being discovered masquerading as a girl. They all promised to help me keep the secret, assuring me that I looked pretty and would have no problem passing. That is what worried me.
Within an hour I was becoming quite accustomed to the higher heels as we practiced the dance steps together on the living room carpet. By the second hour my nervousness had indeed begun to subside. I didn’t even mind being partnered with Brad who seemed to take it in stride and treated me as he had treated his original partner, Susan. Though I’m not sure how I felt the way he kept peering in my eyes.

With practice over, Brad and Jeff was getting ready to leave.  Halfway through the doorway, Brad paused and looked back at me thoughtfully. “You really do look nice, David, and I’m not teasing you. But it sounds funny to call you David when you’re all dressed up like that. Mrs. Patterson, is it alright if we call him Susan from now on? It will help us not to slip up at the competition.”

“I think that is a great idea” mom agreed.

“All right, goodbye, Jeff, goodbye Brad.” I shyly said.

When Jeff and Brad where gone, mom turned to me.  She could tell that Brad’s comments confused and upset me. “Let’s have one more look at you.” Holding me by my shoulders, she inspected my hair and makeup, and then stepped back for a look at my costume.

Putting her arm affectionately around my waist, she gave me a reassuring motherly squeeze. “You look very nice. Nobody will make fun of you.”

“Mom, Brad knows I’m not a real girl. I don’t know if he was teasing me or what.”

“David, I mean Susan,” she warmly smiled at me, “He was not making fun of you. Don’t let anyone embarrass you. I hope you realize how nice you look. You out to be proud and smile for me. I know you filling in for Susan’s was very last minute. Try to have fun doing this”

My face brightened considerably and managed to make a smile that my mother wanted to see.

“Feel better now?”

“I think so.”  Mom gave me a final squeeze and released him.
“I will help you and make sure you fit in. Nobody teases my ‘sister’.”  Jill said as she hugged me.

“Ok you two. Get out of those dance costumes. Why don’t you change into pajamas while I get dinner ready? And David,” mom chuckled, “I mean Susan. While your home, I think it would be a good idea if you continued to dress as Susan so that you get used to wearing girl’s clothes.”


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