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Happy New Year!
« on: December 31, 2018, 11:25:41 PM »
Happy New Year!

It's already the New year in Europe, Asia, Australia, & New Zealand, with a little over a half hour until midnight in my time zone in the Eastern USA.


  • Ballerina
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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2019, 11:54:18 PM »
Ya know what I did last night?

Ate a late supper. Smoked a couple bowlsfull, had a shot of whiskey, put on my new pants, sat back, and watched an episode of Venture Bros. while rolling spliffs for the party. Looked at clock; 10:30, got a half hour before I should start walking.  Leaned sideways, just close my eyes for a moment...

… Woke up at 1:30.  Ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuck.

Went to bed feeling frustrated, old, and a bit sad. Being 50 suc-ks.

But then...

I woke up feeling great; no hangover, well rested.  Went to house the party was at and started making breakfast for the bodies on the floor.

Became Hero of the Day.

All in all, it was both the best and worst New Years party ever!


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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2019, 02:26:14 AM »
If I'm relaxed, I can't lay back at all or I'll doze off. Just 10 years ago, I was still the hyperactive one, & couldn't sleep much at all. Just a cup of coffee would have me climbing the walls.

When it got near midnight, I turned on the 2 New Year's ball drops on TV. The largest one in NYC, & the second largest one right here in my town. Poured myself a glass of delicious sweet fruity zinfandel wine.

Got online to wish friends & surviving family a happy new year.

When it was done, I wished I had more wine, but that's all I had left after Christmas. I was saving that last bit for the night.

Turned on some sci-fi & dozed off watching under a blanket with my 2 cats curled up against me. They got lots of petting & back scratching before I dozed off... they love it more than cat treats & catnip.

Had some high winds & rain NY eve here. Lots lost power overnight, but mine stayed on. Scary. My COPD doesn't require me to need supplemental oxygen most of the time just sitting around, but I can't even walk across the room without some. No O2 tanks, so I get my O2 from a machine. Power outages pose a serious health & survival risk if I can't walk go to the bathroom, eat, or even get water without oxygen.

Fortunately I have a smaller O2 machine that makes enough to just barely get by that I can run off a battery pack for almost 2 hours, & I have 2 battery packs. Without oxygen tanks, I also have 3, oxygen storage bags filled with 42 liters of oxygen each.

So if I'm frugal with my supplemental O2, I could probably survive the night or a day without power.

My sister will be coming around sometime this week with some Rose wine, & some vodka. I make a nice vodka lemonade or apple/cinnimon vodka drink occasionally when I'm feeling well. Vodka makes a real potent mouthwash too when I don't or can't brush my teeth because of breathing problems.

She lives out of town & can't get around well anymore due to age related stuff, so I don't see her often. Her & I are the youngest in our immediate family. Anybody relative older is even in worse shape, or passed away. There are some nieces & nephews, but they moved way far away when they grew up, so we hardly ever see them, except for pictures on Facebook.

Vodka is also is a great non-toxic disinfectant for my O2 tubes, attachments, O2 machine without putting out toxic fumes or leaving a toxic residue. When my COPD flares up real bad, I'm may not be able to scrub down things thoroughly well when I'm gasping for air with a racing heart. With a little vodka to the mix, I'm sure I've killed any germs safely with little effort.

Pot would make a great beta blocker to control my heart when it gets too rapid, unstable, & irregular. It's also is good for winter & COPD depression. But with COPD I can't smoke it. I'd have to bake it in cookies or brownies, or microwaved at very high temperatures in a tea. I don't know anybody I can get some from anymore, & it's too expensive anyway.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2019, 10:08:32 AM »
vodka lemonade or apple/cinnamon vodka drink.... recipe please!!!
thank you


  • Ballerina
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Re: Happy New Year!
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2019, 01:06:56 AM »
Betty, I know it's financially and probably legally/logistically unavailable to you, but if you think the thc/cbd content of pot would be helpful minus the smoking/burning dried flowers part, maybe this can help.

I'm a bad-boy chronic and I smoke publicly a lot, but have had to stop that now that everybody here knows (and notices) the smell on me.

So I needed an alternative, and now I have a small two-coil vape 'pen' that I put 'shatter' or 'wax' * into.  These are distillates/oils of pot, see below.  $50/gram in Canada, and a gram lasts a LONG time. Could you do small inhalations of such a vape? Message me if so. You'd only need a couple of inhales for good effect.

*Shatter is butane-distilled pot flowers, and looks like a dollop of dried honey on a piece of oiled paper.  'Wax' is similar a bit more dough-like. Best for you might be 'press', a very pure pressed oil; they just squeeze buds of pot between to waxed sheets of paper and collect the juice that runs out.

PS: Apologies if you know all this and I'm over-sharing! :)


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