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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2019, 04:45:36 PM »
 A visit to Nana's by kay3070. part 36
May 25, 2016

Hi there! Two more chapters ready so it's definitely time to get them posted. Pansy is all dressed up and about to begin his big day out but if he thinks he's got problems now, just wait until Mrs Cartwright shows up. Please enjoy!  :)

 With Nana and Angela in front of me, then Mary and Janis behind I felt like a prisoner being marched to his doom as we descended the stairs to the living room. I stood idly for a few minutes whilst the ladies bustled around collecting whatever they needed - Mary was already shouldering that large holdall, which always made me worried thinking about what it may contain. With the last minute preparations done, they surrounded me once again with Nana taking the centre spot.
 "Right my lad, we've two choices here - we can either put you into your smaller baby reins, with your mittens of course - just to prevent your grabby little fingers from getting into mischief - or we can strap you into the harness. The only question is...are you going to behave?"
 I wasn't exactly ecstatic about either choice but the lesser of two evils was marginally better so I gave a very definite "I'll be good Nana."
 "You'd just better be Pansy...or the harness will be the least of your worries. Don't think that you won't end up over my knee with those pretty panties and nappy around your ankles just because we're in the middle of the High Street!"
Of that I had no doubt what-so-ever but knowing Nana, even with good behaviour it seemed likely to happen anyway. I figured I'd do my best to avoid it right from the start and without instruction held out my arms in readiness.
 "My, what a good little sissy, it looks as though you are finally learning" Mary put in whilst Nana brought over the traditional set of reins I had worn when taken out to the park - was that really only three days ago? It felt much longer than that - and as for my old life, well that was now a distant memory. Nana expertly strapped me into the reins, making sure they were secure but not tight enough to crush the front of my flouncy dress. As I looked down, I was painfully reminded that they bore the words 'Little Sissy Boy' printed across the front in large pink letters - easily readable against the white leather. My head came back up as Nana approached with my mittens - these were in the same style as the others I had worn except this time they were made of white satin with a delicate pink lace frill at the cuff. As she slid them onto each hand in turn, I felt the stiff leather inside that would once again immobilise my fingers. Nana made double sure of this by tying them on with a length of pink ribbon around the wrist. She finished off by lifting the dummy on it's ribbon and placed it squarely in my mouth. Nana nodded at her own work, stepped back and addressed the gathering.
 "That's the sissy boy all frilly for his outing, time to be on our way ladies. Angela, are you alright going out in your nurses uniform?"
 "I don't see why not." replied the pretty young woman with a smile. "Anyway, with Pansy walking in front of us, I doubt many people will notice me."
 All four women burst out into laughter. "That's true" chuckled Nana "Besides, if their attention starts to wander we can always make him sing his little song." Nana turned to me "I'm sure you remember the words don't you Pansy?."
I was hardly likely to forget them in a hurry, not after spending an entire evening staring at them on the wall. Still, I said nothing, just tried to stare at the floor with my cheeks burning their usual shade of red. Not that it mattered, the women were to busy laughing at my embarrassment to care.
 Once the mirth had died down, Nana took hold of my reins and the whole group saw that as the symbol for setting off. Janis lead the way, opening the front door and stepping out to allow us passage. As I walked out into the bright midday sun, the butterflies in my stomach went into a frenzy - okay, I'd been taken out in some humiliating outfits before but nothing as damning as this particular get up and never to such a potentially crowded place. Janis locked the door behind us and the ladies all took up their positions behind me so I was upfront and centre as we left Nana's front garden. I just concentrated in putting one foot in front of the other - a hard task dressed up like this on a public street. I dropped my eyes at first but that only served to remind me of how I ridiculous I must look so I swallowed my fear and stared straight ahead. Not that it was any improvement as I horrified to find that, unlike the previous times, the street was fairly busy. There were several people walking the pavement and plenty of cars heading past. It took only seconds for them to notice me and the familiar hilarity and pointing began. Humiliated beyond belief, I did my best to try and ignore the comments but they came through with crystal clarity.
 "Jesus! Just look at the state of that...what a little fairy!"
 "Oh my god...is he wearing nappies?"
 "I told you that was a guy... it says little sissy boy, see?"
And on and on it went - a tirade of degrading remarks as we turned from street to street, all the while heading into the even busier area of town. Do you know, I'd never thought much about walking down the road before all this - it was just a way of getting from A to B but now, every street seemed such a wide open space and felt like it was ten miles long.
 "Where are we meeting Mrs Cartwright?"
Although lost to my misery, my attention was brought back into sharp focus as Janis mentioned that dreaded name.
 "Just up the street here, they'll be waiting for us at Mrs Pott's tea room. Oh that reminds me - Angela honey, when you meet our leading lady she will introduce herself with her full name but please don't use it. She likes to be addressed as Mrs Cartwright."
 "Okay Nana, got it."
 "Thank you lovey. Ah! here we are."
We crossed the last road and entered a pedestrian only area. Only two shops down was Mrs Pott's tea room - a very old fashioned affair with carved wooden tables, tea pots on doilies and the chinking of china cups on saucers. Extra tables spilled out into the precinct and sat at the very front were the two formidable women, looking little different to how they had yesterday. My eyes flicked to the side and there was poor Sissy, made to stand in full view - but only a foot or so from Mrs Cartwright as she had his own baby reins tightly gripped in her hand. He was dressed almost identical to me except that his outfit was done in yellow and white. Annie saw us first and both women stood up to receive us.
 "Ladies, so good to see you...and such a beautiful day."
 "Good afternoon Mrs Cartwright." replied Nana, starting a round of greetings that ended with Angela stepping forward. "Here's the young lady I told you about Mrs Cartwright"
 Mrs Cartwright took Angela's hand in her own and with a kind smile introduced herself:
 "Amelia Cartwright - it's a pleasure to meet you my dear."
 "Oh, thank you...I'm Angela - Angela Fitzgerald."
 "Oh my, aren't you just ravishing....isn't she beautiful ladies?"
The rest of the women all gave their agreement causing Angela to blush a little behind her radiant smile.
 "Don't be embarrassed my dear, a pretty girl such as you deserves compliments - you look the very picture of a proud dominant lady. Have you been enjoying yourself so far?"
 "Oh my god yes!!! It's been wonderful!"
 "She's been humiliating Pansy all morning, not to mention putting him through his paces." Nana added.
 "Delightful to hear and nothing less then he deserves. Here, come and meet my charge." Mrs Cartwright turned her head and her tone immediately changed.
 "Sissy! come here at once and present yourself to these ladies."
Sissy meekly took two steps forward and stood there looking incredibly sheepish. Angela gave out a delighted giggle and clapped her hands.
 "He looks so adorable!"
 "You might not of thought so earlier this morning. Sissy! tell the ladies what you did."
Sissy waited until his Mistress had removed his dummy and with very red cheeks he said:
 "I messed in my nappy."
The whole group burst out laughing at this revelation, much to Sissy's discomfort.
 "Has he been in the stocks?"
 "He has indeed Janis - and then I gave his bare bottom a good thrashing afterwards for being such a dirty baby." She turned back to the poor lad "Don't just stand there like a fool - show everybody your new panties!"
 It was hardly as though they weren't on show already but Sissy did as he was told. He took hold of his dress and petticoats in his mittened hands, lifting the mass of satin and lace to give an even greater view of his frilly panties. Without being told to, he turned on the spot and stuck out his bottom. There, plain for all to see were the words 'Little Sissy Wet Nappy' emblazoned in bright yellow letters. As expected, this caused great amusement among the ladies as well as a few teasing remarks in Sissy's direction.
 "How appropriate..."
 "...especially for a little baby pee pants like him!"
Sissy stayed as he was for a minute or two then straightened up and turned back round. The second he did Nana called to me.
 "I think it's your turn now Pansy - but first let's hear your new greeting...come on, get on with it!"
Oh hell, here we go again...


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2019, 04:47:00 PM »

...Mrs Cartwright was the last person I wanted to draw any attention from, you could never be sure what she might do! Still, it was for damn sure something would happen if I didn't so I stepped forward and mirrored Sissy's actions by raising my own dress. I had a couple of seconds grace as Nana took out my dummy then took a deep breath and stated:
 "I'm a naughty little sissy boy that c-ums in his nappy."
Immediately, without a trace of amusement, Mrs Cartwright bellowed:
 "I know you are you filthy little beast!...and I hope you got a severe spanking for it!"
 "That he did indeed Mrs Cartwright...and not just from me either, he went over Mary and Janis's lap too."
 "Jolly good - you are always wise in your treatment of naughty little boys my dear."
The kindly tone dropped from her voice as she turned back to me.
 "What are you waiting for? turn around and present your panties!"
I shuffled round and bent forward, pushing my nappied bottom into the air so the embroidering of 'Little Sissy Smacked Bottom' was plainly visible.
 Annie cracked out laughing "I can attest to that!"
 "We all can Annie...isn't that right ladies?" Mrs Cartwright asked in return.
A chorus of agreements followed but then Nana had to go and say it!
 "Well...all except Angela here."
 "I see...in that case I'd say that there is no time like the present then. Would you like to spank him Angela?"
 Angela jumped forward in great show of enthusiasm. "Really?...Oh, yes please - I've been dying to have a go."
Mrs Cartwright gave her a look of complete approval. "Of course you can my dear...and there's no need to say please, just spank him whenever you see fit. Regular spankings are good for sissies - serves to remind them of their station. Do you wish to use your hand or the paddle?"
Barely containing her excitement Angela quickly answered "Ooooo! the paddle...definitely the paddle."
 "Good girl." praised the leading lady with a wink in Angela's direction and then at me she barked out "Stand up and come here."
Hardly believing what was about to happen right there on that busy street, I turned to find the dreaded instrument had appeared in her hand seemingly from out of nowhere. I could only guess that she kept one on her at all times - not surprising in the least. She held the paddle up right in front of my face with a cruel smile then passed it to Angela. After Nana had handed her the small key, she unlocked my frilly panties and, accompanied by that loud crinkling, lowered them to my ankles. She popped my dummy back in then continued to talk with Angela.
 "I take it that this will be your first time giving a spanking yes?"
 "Oh..erm..yes - yes it is"
 "Don't worry my dear, it's not a problem but I suggest that we use a chair. Over the knee gives a greater sense of humiliation but can take some balancing if you are not used to it - especially if they start wriggling around like the little babies they are."
 Taking one of the chairs from her table, she placed it in the centre of the forecourt so it was facing the tea room - meaning I would have my back to the street.
 "Bend over and place your hands on the seat!"
Knowing I would be going over it one way or another, I had little choice but to obey. I shuffled over, hampered by the frilly panties around my ankles, and dropped myself into position. I couldn't believe this - I'd wasn't under any illusion about ending up with a spanking but had hoped that it might have waited until we got indoors somewhere - no such luck with this terrifying woman around. She stepped up from behind then took hold of my plastic pants and pulled them to my knees. I was literally panicking now - one more layer and my bottom would be bared to the street. Without ceremony, my nappy was gripped at either side and hauled down - my face burning with embarrassment as I was exposed. She receded a couple of paces and began her instruction once again.
 "Stand just to the side of him...that's right. Now take a good swing and let him have it!"
The last thing I heard was Angela giving out a small giggle before the paddle hit my rear end. It came down with some force but was a fair bit lighter then what I was used to - something I was grateful for given the morning I had had. Within seconds the next strike landed, then a third - it definitely stung, there was no doubt about that but it looked as though I might get away with a milder spanking. Then I heard Mrs Cartwright approach...
 "You need to hit him harder Angela...here...like this"
I tottered forward with the force of the blow and gave out a yelp, almost spitting out my dummy.
 "There - that's the reaction you want. Carry on."
Christ! this girl was a quick learner - the paddle hit my bare bottom with a renewed strength as Angela got into her stride. As the strikes kept on coming down, I looked up though watering eyes to see that every customer in the tea shop was gathered at the window watching the spectacle. I didn't need to see behind myself to know that we must have gathered quite a crowd - I could hear them cheering Angela on.
"Yeeeesss! you go for it girl!"
"That's it love...give him one for me!"
"Whoa! look at the colour of that ass...belt 'im sister!"
Spurred on by the crowd, she kept going for several very painful minutes until I heard Nana say:
 "Better make this the last one Angela...but make it a good one honey."
The seconds seemed to stretch out as Angela must have been lining up her final shot then...
I screamed out loud and went straight up on my tiptoes - that one must have been three times the power of the rest! As I slumped down onto the back of the chair all I heard was a resounding cheer accompanied by a round of applause for Angela and much laughter aimed at the sight of my sore bottom. Angela giggled once again and started saying "Thank you...thank you." to her adoring public.
 After some minutes, it was Nana that came to my rescue but not without having to comment on the colour of my bottom cheeks of course.
 "My, she did give you a pasting didn't she? - your bottom is the colour of a beetroot, she's a natural that girl is. Right, come on Pansy...let's have your nappy back on - stand up!"
 I did as I was told but shifted my hands to the front as quickly as possible in an effort to protect what little dignity I had left. Nana gripped my nappy in both hands and drew it back up my legs. I gritted my teeth as she pulled it over my inflamed bottom but managed not to cry out.
 "Hmmmm, it looks a bit loose - turn to me and I'll sort it out."
As I spun round the nappy almost dropped straight back down, luckily Nana caught it before it went too far.
 "I suggest you hold onto the sides - unless you want your little sissy coc-k on display for the whole street."
 That was very good point - I reached under my frilly dress and took hold of it on either side of my waist. Although covered, it was still embarrassing to have to stand there like a small child whilst Nana fussed about re-pinning my nappy into place. Once she was happy that it was back on securely, my plastic pants were pulled back up and over it - followed by the noisy frilly panties which were then re-locked.
 We stepped forward and rejoined the group who were still congratulating a beaming Angela on her spanking skills - well, all except Sissy of course who threw a sympathetic glance my way before dropping his eyes back to the floor. It was too late though - Mrs Cartwright had seen him do it. She turned straight towards him and bellowed in his face.
 "Just what do you think you are doing Sissy? Did I give you permission to raise your eyes?"
 "No Mistress" he replied in a quiet voice from behind his dummy.
 "The don't do it!"
Without warning, she slapped Sissy very hard across his stockinged thigh, he flinched in shock - which earned him another on the opposite leg.
 "You will learn to do as you are told boy. What are you staring at him for anyway?"
Sissy wisely said nothing, only kept his eyes down but Angela decided to give her opinion:
 "Maybe he thinks Pansy looks pretty in all his sissybaby clothes."
 "Yes, you may be right there Angela. Is that it Sissy? - are you sweet on little Pansy here?"
Even though it was obvious he was being mocked, the humiliated lads eyes went wide at the thought and he shook his head frantically.
 "Oh really? Well it doesn't look like it to me - after all, you were prepared to risk punishment just to glance at him...unless, of course, you just think that I'm some fool whose instruction you can ignore?"
Poor Sissy's eyes went completely wide with fear and he shook his head with even greater force.
 "If you are stupid enough to think that even once Sissy, I'll cane your bottom until it blisters then keep you in dirty nappies for a week."
Suddenly, Nana decided to put in her own thoughts.
 "Well, you must have been right the first time Mrs Cartwright...and seeing as they're such good little friends, then perhaps they should hold hands on the way to their makeovers"
Oh thanks Nana! I'd figured that was just a joke at my expense earlier but now there was no way Mrs Cartwright was going to pass it up.
 "What a splendid idea! These two babies can show everybody just what little sissy bosom buddies they are. Right, let's have their mittens off to make sure they do it correctly."
With great amusement on their part, our mittens were untied and stripped off. We were herded to the front and made to stand side by side. Nana grabbed hold of my reins as Mrs Cartwright took Sissy's in her own hand and then said in a mocking tone:
 "Come along...show us what little sweethearts you are."
Sissy's hand slowly came up, reaching over to me but I just stood there staring at it with a 'you've got to be kidding me' expression on my face. Mrs Cartwright lent forward and said quite plainly:
 "Pansy, you either take his hand or I'll apply my leather strap to your bare bottom this instant."
She had that with her as well??? What am I saying - of course she damn well did. That being the alternative, I begrudgingly stretched out and took Sissy's hand in my own.
 "That's better! Now, lets go see about making these two pathetic boys look even more like pretty little girls then they already do - onward!"
 With that we were off once again, onto the next humiliation in what was turning out to be a far worse day then I ever could have imagined.


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2019, 04:49:20 PM »
 A visit to Nana's. part 38
June 14, 2016

Hi everybody, I'm sorry about the delay but I've got there in the end. However, this is the longest part yet so I had to post it as four chapters here. I hope you enjoy it.
 Okay, our two little sissies are their way to receive a make over but the fun doesn't end there. Pansy ends up running into somebody he really doesn't want to see, causing quite a spectacle - especially when Mrs Cartwright gets involved.
Happy reading!  :)

 The huge automatic doors leading into the mall loomed in front of us like a gateway to hell. The street itself was busy with a whole host of by now incredibly amused onlookers but through that portal, it was going to be even more crowded. As we approached I was confronted by our reflection in the glass, giving me a crystal clear view of exactly what we looked like - our lacy bonnets and ringlets framing our faces, dummies in our mouths, flouncy dresses swaying from side to side (which gave an even greater view of our frilly panties and the unmistakable nappies underneath) and, of course, me and Sissy hand in hand - I just wanted to bolt in the opposite direction as fast as I could. No chance of that though - it wasn't just the baby reins that kept us in place but the dominant women walking behind us. Not to mention the punishment we would receive for even attempting such an action - our bottoms would end up so battered that I doubt we'd be able to sit down again this side of Christmas...and that would only be the start of it!
 We headed for the overly large set of doors in the centre - I felt my legs go to water as they swept open to allow us through. I knew Sissy must be feeling the same because his fingers tightened around my hand as we stepped over the threshold. We had hardly gotten through when Mrs Cartwright suddenly shouted at the top of her voice:
 "Right, where do we need to be to give these two sissy boys their make overs!"
Oh that was just great! - The damn woman knew exactly where we were going. Now, she'd not only secured the attention of every single person in the place but just told them all that the two visions of frilliness in front of them were both male. It certainly did the job alright! - the buzz of conversation stopped as heads turned our way, leaving the air filled with the crinkling of plastic pants and the clip clop of our Mary Janes with each step we took. This near silence lasted for mere seconds before we became objects of ridicule - fingers pointed, laughter rang out and worst of all up came the mobile phones - our humiliation captured in flashes of bright light. Then Nana had to go and join in with Mrs Cartwright's fun:
 "It's just up ahead and to the right. We'd better get these two little babies there otherwise all the excitement might make them wet their nappies!"
That took it up to a whole new level - it felt like everybody's eyes were now fixed onto the considerable bulk showing beneath our frilly dresses.
 "Look! - they are wearing nappies!"
 "Oh my god...that's just pathetic."
 "What a pair of nancy boys!"
 "You'd never get me done up like that."
Please let the Earth just swallow me up right now! I didn't think it could get any worse but it did - a little girl stood with her Mother walked straight in front of us and shouted:
 "I don't have to wear nappies anymore because I'm a big girl, you two must be big babies."
The crowd roared their approval to the child, who smiled happily at her Mother - extremely pleased with reaction she had caused. I'd never been so ashamed in all my life - being humiliated by a little kid was somehow a far worse indignity then what came from the rest of the shoppers. I could feel my cheeks burning like a heatwave as we took a painfully slow walk towards our destination.
 At last we turned to the right, away from the main plaza and there was the sign directly in front of us: Queen Bea's Hair and Beauty.
 Mary walked ahead and opened the glass panelled door so we could all file in. The parlour was quite large inside and arranged exactly as you would expect with comfy chairs along both walls facing well lit mirrors - the only break in this uniformity were the two chairs positioned right in front of the full plate glass window, these were without mirrors and facing outwards giving any passer by a good view of the occupants - no prizes for guessing who would be sitting in those then!
  We were barely through the door when approached by a tall and very elegant woman. She was truly stunning - from her perfectly styled long wavy red hair to her wonderful figure showing through her black beauticians uniform. I'd have to guess that she was in her thirties but couldn't be sure. She was accompanied by a young assistant - an equally pretty girl with long black hair and a radiant smile.
  The usual round of greetings were exchanged between the women, with Angela introduced once again to great praise from our host. I could only conclude that both of these ladies were obviously members of Mrs Cartwright's society and had certainly dealt with this situation before - not just due to the greetings shared but the complete lack of open mouthed surprise about having two males in sissy baby clothes stood in front of them. This was confirmed as soon as she turned our way - heading straight to Sissy first.
 "Oh, and here's little Sissy, looking pretty as ever... and such a lovely dress - lemon and white really does suit him."
Sissy literally squirmed on the spot as she preened the edges of his dress then lifted it to gain a better view of his panties. At Mrs Cartwright's word, Sissy meekly went through the same greeting he'd given only a short while earlier, leading to Bea laughing out loud and humiliating him for filling his nappy that morning. Then she stepped towards me.
 "Oh my, just who is this darling little poppet?" her tone, although sweet, was definitely condescending.
 "This is Pansy - the son of a dear friend of mine. He's still in his first week of petticoating." Nana replied.
 "How delightful - it's always fun to meet the newbies." she lent forward so her face was only inches from my own and with a big grin said "I'll bet somebody's got a very sore botty then?"
 I just stood there thinking 'you don't know the half of it lady' - once again, I was pleased to have a dummy wedged into my mouth as I really had no idea whether I was meant to answer or not. As ever, Nana took the chance to enlighten the world about my punishments.
 "He most certainly has Bea - his bare bottom has been spanked, paddled and even had the strap taken to it...yet he still continues to be naughty."
 "Ah! a slow learner eh?." She suddenly grabbed my chin in her hand and lifted my face so her eyes bored into mine. All the sweetness disappeared in a second as she spoke with a voice edged in steel. "Listen here frilly boy - I have a very large hairbrush with a solid oak handle...you misbehave in my shop and I'll spank you 'til you scream - have you got that?"
 I nodded my bonneted head in a very exaggerated manner - not wanting the slightest misunderstanding between myself and this now quite frightening woman. As soon as I did, her smile reappeared but I was no longer fooled by her jovial manner - yeah, she was definitely one of Mrs Cartwright's lot alright.
 "Talking of naughtiness...Pansy! you haven't told Bea exactly what you are...let's be having it!"
Damn it! I was hoping to get away without having to say it - hardly likely with Nana on the job I guess. Nana removed my dummy as I lifted up the hem of my dress, exposing even more of my lacy panties.
 "I'm a naughty little sissy boy that c-ums in his nappy"
 "I see...you're one of those little sissies are you?" She reached under my dress and placed her hand directly on the front of my panties and lightly squeezed. "Well, it's a good job your Nana keeps you in nappies then - saves me having to put a plastic sheet over my chair in case you get too excited and make a sticky little mess."
 That caused a round of laughter from the ladies, not to mention my embarrassment doubling instantly. She laughed at me for a few moments longer then took her hand away and stepped back.
 "Right then, shall we get these two looking like pretty little girls?"
A wholehearted agreement was given and our guardians moved off to settle themselves in the seats provided. Bea turned to her assistant.
 "Marie, if you'd like to take Sissy here - I'd like to work on little Pansy."
With that, we were herded to exactly where I had expected - the two chairs smack bang in front of the damn window!


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2019, 04:50:23 PM »

The two beauticians brought out a protective gown for each of us made of a type of vinyl (they were pink - naturally!). They were massive in size but I suppose they had to be to fit over our dresses. Our arms were guided into the billowing sleeves and they were tied behind our necks before we were sat in the large chairs. From there on, my attention was purely taken up by Bea but knowing Sissy would be getting exactly the same from Marie. The elegant woman reached under my chin and untied my bonnet, carefully lifting it off and placing it to one side. To my surprise, my wig was also removed, then stood on a polystyrene head. She then produced what looked like the type of head bands that girls wore, made of solid white plastic, and fitted it over my actual hair to keep it out of the way.
 "Okay Pansy, now we are ready to start - but before I begin to make you over, I need to do a little clean up. This solution will remove any grease and skin cells from your pores - hold still."
 She took a ball of cotton wool, wetting it from the top of the small bottle and proceeded to gently wipe all around my face and chin.
 "There, that's better. We'll just let that dry whilst I gather everything I need."
I sat there very fresh faced with little else to do but stare out of the huge window. We were already attracting some attention, not just from passers by that happened to glance in but I noticed a group of teenage girls that had parked themselves straight opposite the shop. They looked to be having a whale of a time obviously making jokes at our expense - I was just pleased that I couldn't hear them.
 Within a few minutes Bea returned with an entire try full of bottles, little tubs and brushes. She picked up a hand magnifier and held it above my eyes.
 "Well, your brows are actually quite thin so we can get away with just a little trimming for today. We can start plucking next time."
She choose a minute pair of scissors and lent forward. As the sharp ends passed my eyes, I couldn't help but flinch backward.
 "I've already told you to hold still once Pansy, if I have to say it again you will be soundly spanked right here in front of the window. You want to think yourself lucky - little Sissy over there had to have almost half of each brow plucked."
Oh yes, I was feeling extremely 'lucky' right at that second! - just as 'lucky' as I'd felt all week. Mind you, not having to have hairs ripped out of my face was something of a bonus and I certainly didn't want another spanking - my bottom was still throbbing like mad from Angela's debut - so I held myself like a statue and let Bea get on with her work. With less than a handful of snips on each side, the scissors were returned to the tray. As she brushed away any stray hairs, she continued to inform me of my fate.
 "Time for the foundation. I'm going to use a light tan liquid foundation then go over that with a covering of pale powder to match - by the time I've finished with you, you'll look just like a pretty little doll."
She used a blending pad to apply the foundation with a light circular dabbing motion until she had done my entire face. Christ! That felt odd - cool at first and slightly greasy but it quickly dried, feeling somewhat tight. She opened a compact of powder, took a wide brush then with a gentle stroke covered the foundation. She leaned back for a second and nodded at the effect she had created.
 "Perfect - that gives you a slightly marbled look without painting you up like white plastic. Let's have some rosy cheeks then we'll do your eyes."
I glanced down at the small pot just as she removed the lid - it was nowhere near quite as brilliant a red as I had expected but then again, what did I know about make up. She dabbed another wide headed brush into the deep pink powder and liberally applied to each cheek in turn. The only thing I saw of the eye shadow was a palate that was made up of pinks, blues and purples before I was instructed to close my eyes. It took all I had not to flinch again with the very odd sensation of the brush. After what had to be several varying layers were applied, I was finally allowed to see once again only to be confronted with two liner pencils - one black and one white. I followed her instructions of when to look up or shut my lids again - all the while gripping the arms of the seat as the tips of the pencils dragged across sensitive skin - I was quickly gaining a new found appreciation for what women go through in the name of beauty. Next came that slender tube with the wide spaced little brush attached to the cap. She dipped the brush in and out of the tube a few times then reached up and painted it onto my lashes with gentle strokes. Doing the bottom ones wasn't quite so bad but the urge to flutter your eye lids as the brush was dragged through the top ones was hard to ignore. Thankfully, she didn't chastise me over it so I presumed it must be a common thing. I didn't even realise I had been holding my breath until she moved away. Within seconds, I held myself ready once again as another pencil came up in front of my face but relaxed when used it to add colour and shape to my brows.
 "Okay, we're almost there - just your lips to do. Hmmmm...you've quite a nice little cupid's bow as it is so this shouldn't take much to achieve."
 She uncapped a lipstick that was a brilliant red. Taking a very small brush, she lightly took a coating from the stick and began to paint my lips. This took longer than I expected as she kept re-coating the brush and applying it with tiny strokes, all the while telling me how to hold my mouth. Eventually, she must have been happy with the shape she had created because the lipstick and brush went back on the tray and she leaned back smiling.
 "Awww...What a little cutie you make Pansy. Now you're looking a proper sissy boy for your photos - or will once you have your curls and bonnet on."
With that Bea removed the head band and replaced my wig - with a little extra combing and positioning - then retied the elaborate bonnet over my ringlets.
 "Okay, you can stand up now - lets just get these smocks off then we can present you both to your Mistresses."
From the corner of my eye, I could see that Sissy was getting out of the chair to but didn't get the chance to see him properly as I was immediately turned around so the protective gown could be untied. We where then manoeuvred the opposite way around the chairs and put on display in front of our very expectant guardians.
 "There we are ladies...I give you your two sissy babies for the day."
Huge grins appeared simultaneously across their faces, with Angela almost bouncing with joy. Even Mrs Cartwright had the corners of her tight lipped mouth turned up.
 "Excellent Bea, truly excellent - a masterpiece of sissification. Sissy always looks good in make up but Pansy has been transformed. Let's give them a look at themselves."
 We were turned around to face one of the large mirrors along the side wall and I got the shock of my life - staring back at me was the very image of a painted china doll, just like something out of a story book. Christ! I was never going to live this down - the worst thing was that although completely made up, people would still be able to recognise me without too much trouble - I was not looking forward to stepping back outside that door! I flicked my eyes across to Sissy and found that his make up was identical to mine in every way - he was just staring down at the floor in shame, having obviously been through this ritual before. The Nana spoke up, bringing my fears into realisation:
 "My, they do look pretty - so pretty in fact that I think we aught to put them on display outside the door whilst we settle up with you Bea. Are the clips still there?"
 "The ones people attach their dog leads to? Oh yes, straight outside."
 "That will do nicely then. Oooo! Better have their mittens back on first - don't want them undoing themselves and trying to get away."
 "Not if they know what's good for them" Mrs Cartwright just had to remark.
In only seconds, our mittens were retied onto our hands and we were herded back out of the door. Sure enough, right next to the plate glass window, on the opposite side to the entrance, was a pillar with several metal clips hanging from it. Nana and Mrs Cartwright stood us exactly were we would attract the most attention then secured our baby reins to the wall at our backs.
 "Right, we're going back inside to chat to Bea for a little while, you two can stand out here to show everybody what proper little sissies you are - now don't you move a muscle, either of you otherwise there will be a second set of red cheeks on display - have you got that?"
 "Yes Mistress" we both mumbled in unison.
Mrs Cartwright scowled at us for another second or two before Nana said:
 "Should we have their dummies in do you think?"
 "And cover up these lovely rosy red lips, I think not."
Both the dominant women smiled at each other then disappeared back into the shop and left us there.


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2019, 04:51:28 PM »

My god, I felt utterly ridiculous - it was bad enough being stood there dressed as I was but with all this gunk on my face it was twice as humiliating. We were certainly causing some amusement that's for sure - I noticed that the group of teenage girls still hadn't shifted. They continued to hurl comments at us whilst almost rolling on the floor in laughter.
 "What a pretty little pair of baby dolls!"
 "Awww...give us a kiss Barbie!"
 "Careful, they might wet their nappies if you do!"
I just hoped they wet their own pants laughing at us. I figured the more I looked in their direction, the worse it would get and didn't want to encourage them to actually come over here so I followed Sissy's example and stared at my feet. Then a voice came to my ears that even on any normal day I wouldn't have wanted to hear.
 "Just look at these two little pantywaists!!!"
My head snapped up real quick and I found myself staring straight into the eyes of Tommy Jarvis. Oh hell, that's all we needed! Tommy took pride in being a world class bully, especially when he had his two minions with him as he did right at that moment. He stood there looking as scruffy as ever with unkempt black hair, wearing an old t-shirt and faded jeans. With a wide grin plastered across his lips he stared straight into my face, I glared back as best as I was able under the circ-umstances.
 "Hang on...I know who you are..."
 Oh no!
 "Yeah...it is you. What the hell are you dressed like that for...you look a right fairy cake."
His two little followers laughed right on cue and egged him on.
 "Bloody disgrace to men everywhere you are." then he turned to Sissy "Bugger me, look at this one..."
Unlike me, Sissy kept his eyes on the floor - a sure sign of fear and that was all a bully like Tommy needed. He grabbed hold of Sissy's dress and pulled it high into the air whilst shouting "let's see what else you're wearing!"
 "Hey, leave him alone" I shouted back in return - probably not the wisest thing to do but I couldn't just let it go. Tommy's attention came straight back my way.
 "Why, who is he?...your girlfriend?" Whilst saying this, he let go of Sissy's dress then pushed him square in the chest - causing Sissy to thump back into the wall.
 "I said leave him alone Tommy" I repeated, trying to put a brave face on.
 "And what are you going to do if I don't...eh?...eh? You want to watch what you're saying you little powderpuff."
With that he drew his fist back. Christ! At any other time, I would have at least stepped up but seeing as I was strapped to a wall wearing a dress and a nappy with these damn mittens on then what was I supposed to do!!! I closed my eyes and prepared for the blow...
...it never came. All I heard instead was:
I opened my eyes to see...Annie! - never in my life had I been so pleased to lay eyes on that mountainous woman. She had Tommy in some sort of inescapable headlock, pulling him up virtually on his tiptoes. Tommy Jarvis may have been a big lad but he had nothing on this amazon. I looked around and noticed that his two big brave buddies had ran off and left him to it. Within a second or two, all the ladies were out of the shop. Mary and Janis went to help poor Sissy - who's bottom lip was trembling but for once wasn't actually crying - whilst Nana and Angela came to console me. However, any conversation was abruptly held up by the sight of Mrs Cartwright stomping straight up to the captured bully - Oh, this was going to be good!
 "HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON ONE OF MY CHARGES YOU PATHETIC LITTLE SPECIMEN!!!" and with that she slapped him square across the face.
 "Waaargh! Don't touch me you old witch!"
Oh Dear - fatal mistake! Mrs Cartwright's face set like thunder and I knew Tommy had just sealed his own fate. With murder in her eyes, the leading lady grabbed Tommy's hair and yanked his head backwards.
 "You need a good lesson in manners boy and I've just the instrument to teach it!"
She reached into her jacket and brought out that dreaded leather strap, holding right in front of his face. Tommy's eyes went wide with fear as he realised what was about to happen.
 "Right, let's have his pants down - hold him ladies!"
Mary and Janis moved in, taking one leg each as Annie hauled him up and off his feet. Mrs Cartwright reached forward, undoing Tommy's jeans - then taking hold of both those and his underpants, she yanked them down to his ankles. Tommy attempted to struggle once again but was held firm, his cries of protest had turned from brave to meek as his eyes were already watering up.
 "Not so much of a threat now are you" She looked down and pointed at his exposed privates "In fact I'd say that you are a very small threat indeed."
The entire group, not to mention the entertained onlookers all burst out laughing at Tommy's expense. Mrs Cartwright continued with her scathing assault.
 "I suppose that's why a coward like you goes around bullying others - to make up for the fact that you have that little thing!"
As the crowd continued to howl with laughter, Tommy broke down into tears.
 "Blubbering like baby already and I haven't even started - I think we need to quieten you down before I thrash your bottom in front of all these people."
She stepped to one side and rummaged through the bag that Annie had been carrying then said "This should do the trick" and held up a dummy. But it wasn't a regular pacifier, it was one of the large over-sized ones - exactly the same as I'd had in my mouth when I was in the stocks. She moved back across then gripped Tommy's cheeks - forcing his mouth to open and shoved the dummy in right up to it's plate. The long pink ribbons were wound around his head and tied tight. With tears streaming down his cheeks, Tommy stared at her with pleading eyes - a entirely useless gesture. Ignoring it completely, Mrs Cartwright instructed:
 "Turn him over Annie."
Mary and Janis let go as the big woman expertly changed the position of her hands - forcing his head downwards, leaving him bent over with his bare bottom in the air but still firmly locked in her grip. Mrs Cartwright walked behind him, raised the leather strap then swung down.
A collective wince went up from the gathered crowd as Tommy gave a muffled scream from behind his dummy gag - his feet doing a little dance when the first bright red welt appeared across his rear end. Yeah, I remembered all too well exactly what that felt like - normally, I'd feel sympathy for anybody receiving a lashing off this brutal woman but not today - this time it was well deserved in my opinion. Just as she'd done to us at her house, she drew it out - waiting a few moments before giving the next stroke.
Down the leather whistled once again, sending an echo across the mall as it landed. Tommy went up on his toes this time, then flopped straight down - by the time she was ready for the third, he was bawling like a baby and slumped in Annie's fearsome grip. Mrs Cartwright shook her head in disgust at his performance but didn't slow in her onslaught. As the crowd cheered her on, she delivered another nine strokes across his now swollen behind - making an even dozen. The idiot would have probably gotten away with six if he hadn't called her an old witch.
 Annie hauled him back onto his feet as Mrs Cartwright came back to stand in front of him once again.
 "Oh do shut up you noisy little brat! - making all that fuss over a spanking. A touch of leather to your bottom and you act like a baby - that being the case, I think we aught to put you into a nappy."
Tommy's eyes went wide with disbelief at what he was hearing.
 "You don't like that idea do you? Well, you seemed to find it very amusing that my charges are wearing them so let's see how you like walking home in one." She turned to her group "Get the rest of his clothes off my dears and if he gives us any more trouble then bend him straight over again."
 After hearing that last sentence, Tommy was wise enough not to resist as Annie, Mary and Janis stripped him naked in front of everybody. Mrs Cartwright picked up Annie's supply bag then approached Angela.
 "Angela dear, would you pop across to the hard ware store and fetch me a piece of thick card, a magic marker, some string, a bag of large cable ties and a tube of superglue - just tell them to put it on my account if you would please."
 "Of course, no problem." replied the young woman and hurried off, very happy to help.


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2019, 04:52:20 PM »

Mrs Cartwright smiled at Angela's enthusiasm once again then turned and headed towards one of those flat benches without a back, right in the centre of the walkway.
 "This will do to put him into a nappy on - please bring him ladies."
Tommy was dragged over to the bench, then made to stand there completely naked with the dummy still tied into his mouth. Mrs Cartwright unzipped the holdall and took out a large terry nappy and made a great show of folding it into a triangle then laying it out on the bench. Once it was to her liking, she looked Tommy straight in his eyes and pointed to the soft cloth.
 "Lie down with your bottom in the centre!"
Tommy just stared back at her, still not really believing what was happening to him. Mrs Cartwright waited all of three seconds before she had hold of him by his chin.
 "Now look here you stupid little boy, one way or another you are going into a nappy - so you can either lie down yourself or we can hold you down...but that will be after another twelve stripes have been added to your bottom. Do you want that?"
Tommy shook his head frantically whilst making muffled sounds of denial.
 "Then get on that nappy!!!"
Tommy hastened to obey this time - laying himself down as gently as he could but still flinched when his bruised bottom touched the terry cloth. Although he seemed to be behaving as they wanted, Annie took no chances and sat at his head, pinning down his shoulders. Mrs Cartwright took several over-sized nappy pins from the bag and held them in her lips. She lent forward, gripped the two side pieces and wrapped them tightly around Tommy's middle, securing them together with the first pin. Next she took the bottom of the triangle and tugged it up hard between his legs - causing Tommy to squeal in pain and surprise.
 "BE QUIET!!!"
His cries were cut off immediately and he just laid there and watched her fasten the nappy together with the remaining pins. That done, Tommy tried in vain to rise but Annie held him fast.
 "Where do you think you're going? We haven't finished dressing you yet - you need plastic pants as well."
The leading lady reached back into the bag and produced a huge pair of clear plastic pants - the type with poppers down either side.
 "Lift up your bottom!"
Tommy did as he was told - he was learning! Mrs Cartwright slid the opened pants underneath him then pulled them up in front. Just as she did so, Angela returned. She stood for a moment and giggled down at the sorry looking bully, prompting Mrs Cartwright to look up.
 "Ah! Angela - you're just in time my dear. Did you get everything?"
 "Yes, it's all in here." the pretty girl replied whilst holding up a carrier bag.
 "Jolly good. Hand me the super glue would you please."
Mrs Cartwright took the offered tube, opened it and then lent forward placing a small dab on each of the poppers. She quickly adjusted the plastic pants into place then fastened them up on both sides.
 "There, that will make sure this fool can't get them off in a hurry. Let's have him up."
Annie fastened her meaty right hand onto the back of Tommy's neck and lifted him to his feet. As soon as he was up, Mrs Cartwright checked the ribbon holding his dummy in - making sure it was nice and tight - then added another drop of glue to the knot of the bow.
 "A cable tie please Angela."
Grinning from ear to ear, Angela passed her one. Tommy was spun around with Annie pulling his arms behind his back. Mrs Cartwright slipped the thick plastic band around both wrists and locked them together. She was then straight back into the bag for a pair of mittens. Slipped them onto his bound hands and secured them, not only with their ties but also with more adhesive.
 "Something to top things off."
She lifted into sight a pink satin babies bonnet with a wide lacy brim, placed it correctly on Tommy's head then tied the ribbons in a big floppy bow. Inserting two fingers under the ribbon to pull it down slightly, she smeared another touch of glue onto the knot, held it for several seconds until it was dry then let it snap back.
 "Angela? Would you like to write something appropriate for this pathetic creature?"
Catching on immediately, Angela replied "Would I ever!" and retrieved the card from her carrier. Giggling to herself, she neatly printed several words onto the card then handed it across. An amused smile appeared on Mrs Cartwright's face as she read what was put.
 "Perfect my dear, very fitting. Oh, I do like you Angela."
The young woman beamed with pride as her mentor attached a length of string to the card, then turned and hung it around Tommy's neck. She stepped back to give everybody a clear view - written clearly in large black letters were the words:
'I'm a naughty little baby with a very tiny coc-k'
Not just our group but the entire crowd of spectators howled with laughter, causing Tommy's cheeks to burn an even brighter red with embarrassment. To make matters worse, Annie grabbed him and forced him up onto the bench - giving every single person there a much better view of the humiliated lad. Mrs Cartwright decided to address the crowd, pointing up at Tommy.
 "Here you are ladies and gentlemen - he thought he was a big man but it turned out he was just a big baby!"
The mass of public cheered their approval - well, those that weren't still laughing too hard to speak that is. Tommy was suddenly bathed in light as an untold number of mobile phones and cameras clicked away. The bad boy had caused a lot of trouble in his time and there were many people who jumped at the chance to have some fun at his expense - I'd bet everything I owned that those pictures would be all over the Internet within minutes. I wasn't complaining - at least it took the attention away from Sissy and me.
Mrs Cartwright let him stew for a while then brought him back down to face herself. She stood there holding his clothes up in front of him.
 "Right, I shall be keeping onto these as well as your phone and your wallet - thanks to those items being in your pockets, I now have your address. Make no mistake...I will be coming round later today to see your poor Mother about continuing your discipline - I feel you are in sore need of it. I have much to do this afternoon so it will be a good few hours before I arrive - make damn sure you are there, otherwise it will be the worse for you boy...is that clear?"
With tear filled eyes, Tommy nodded his understanding.
 "Good!..and you'd better still be wearing that nappy - it should be nice and wet by then so that will teach you a little more humility. Speaking of such, I believe it's time for you to walk home - just one more thing first though..."
The dominant woman put down Tommy's clothes, took three cable ties from Angela's bag and bent down. She locked a tie around each of his ankles then threaded one through both, connecting them together.
 "That should work as an effective hobble - can't have you rushing home too quickly now can we?"
She stood once again, turned Tommy round then gave him a shove in the back.
 "Go on then, off you go....now march!"
Head down and still snivelling, Tommy set off through the merry crowd. He had to take tiny steps due to the restraints, making his big nappied bottom wobble and his plastic pants crinkle all the more. We watched until he had gone beyond the corner and out of sight. As soon as he had, Mrs Cartwright turned and made a brushing motion with her hands.
 "There, that's dealt with that little upstart."
The ladies chuckled at her remark then gave their congratulations on a job well done. Mrs Cartwright took their praise in kind then glanced at her watch.
 "My goodness! look at the time...we need to be on our way ladies."
With their usual efficiency, everything was gathered together quickly. Sissy and myself were unhooked from the wall and stood out in front, ready to resume our journey. Although I didn't relish walking out through that crowd once again, I couldn't help the smile that was still on my face - seeing Tommy humbled like that was the most fun I'd had since leaving the house. It was a feeling I wanted to hang onto as long as I could because I doubted very much that the rest of the afternoon was going to be the least bit entertaining - well, certainly not for us anyway.


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Re: A visit to Nana's by kay3070
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2019, 04:53:48 PM »
 A visit to Nana's. part 42
July 02, 2016

Hi!  These chapters will cover the first half of the photo session. We rejoin Pansy as he is on route to the studio and if he imagines he is going there for just a couple of embarrassing portraits...well, he should know better by now. :-)
  Happy reading.  :)

 We had to walk the entire length of the mall to find the photography studio, which resulted in several hundred more people seeing us in all our frilly finery. To be honest, I was damn sure that the ladies had taken us on a rambling scenic route just to ensure maximum humiliation - we'd been photographed, filmed, laughed about and even wolf-whistled at by the summer afternoon shoppers every step of the way. By the time we arrived, my smile over Tommy's misfortune had completely gone.
 Once again, we were ushered through a plate glass door into the front of AJ photography - a portrait studio run by Jean's older sister Andrea. I had no idea what to expect from this woman but imagined that it wouldn't be much different to the usual - I could only presume that she was also a member of the ladies group, especially after recalling the amount of professional pictures in Mrs Cartwright's house. The front of the shop was set up like any other with machines to print out your digital shots as well as offers to put your prints on mugs, T-shirts etc. There was a young pretty girl behind the counter who took one look at us and immediately said:
 "Ah! you must be here for Andrea...I'll fetch her." then giggled and added "What a pair of cuties!" before disappearing through the back.
 She reappeared with a very imposing woman - tall, with deep black hair tied into a pony tail. She looked quite stunning in her tight fitting cream sweater and a knee length leather skirt. I would hazard a guess that she was in her early forties but it was difficult to tell. The one thing I would say is that she appeared more like a relative to Mrs Cartwright then the easy going Jean. They approached each other and clasped hands like very old friends.
 "Amelia darling, so good to see you."
Amelia! that got me worried - I'd never heard anyone greet our leading lady with such familiarity before and I doubted that boded well for poor Sissy and me. It was only later on I found out that they had grown up together.
 "Likewise Andrea, you're looking as lovely as ever." Mrs Cartwright turned towards us "I've brought along our two sissies, just as arranged."
 "So I see." with that she was standing right in front of us. "Bea's done a wonderful job with Sissy, just as she always does." Her eyes flicked over to me "Now, I don't know this one do I?"
 "No Andrea - this is Pansy, it will be his first time."
 "...and you want the full shoot?"
 "Oh yes, with all the trimmings" Mrs Cartwright smiled as she spoke but not in any pleasant way. Andrea stared back at me then laughed out loud whilst saying "Aren't you a lucky boy!"
That's it! I was now officially terrified - just what the hell was on the cards here??? I stood there panicking my head off whilst Andrea moved past me. She spent a few minute greeting the rest of our group with special attention going to Angela as per usual. That done, she headed back to the rear door and said:
 "Okay people, let's get this show on the road."
We filed through into a short corridor with what looked like supply rooms on either side and ended in a large wooden door. Andrea took a key from her skirt pocket, unlocked the door and led us through. We entered into an impressive sized room filled with the trappings of a photographer - not just camera's and tripods but bright freestanding lamps centering on various parts of the place. Nearest was something akin to a little stage with a huge backdrop depicting a fairy tale landscape. More worrying was the sight of what was obviously a changing table - very similar to the one at Mrs Cartwright's except, instead of the under piece being solid wood, this one was a metal barred cage. There were also some very familiar looking cupboards around the walls and several other objects under dust sheets. Suddenly I noticed movement and looked up to find another occupant - standing near a table covered with computer equipment was a man who was busy cleaning. He was certainly older than me but by how many years it was impossible to say due to his full make up that matched ours in every way. He wore a dress that was a little similar to the one Felicity had worn but seemed even more childlike - it was pink satin with the same white bib and pink bows on the front but had a much higher waist line. From there it spilled down and outwards, just like a baby girls dress, with a mass of petticoats holding it's near conical shape. The sleeves were immensely puffed, ending in a spill of white lace just above the elbows. The same heavy lace trimmed the hem of the ultra short dress - which cut off just below his middle giving a clear view of his fluffy nappy covered by pink plastic pants with white ruffles across the rear. His lace topped stockings were only knee high and had a little pink bow on the front of each one. I couldn't see his hair colour because of the overly large pink satin babies bonnet but I did notice the thick black leather collar around his neck that had his name set in small sparkling stones: Sissy Baby Tammy.
 "Tammy!!! Come here now!" Andrea bellowed.
Tammy quickly walked over, his black Mary Jane's clicking across the polished tile floor. He stopped in front of Andrea, took hold of the edges of his dress and performed a deep curtsy making sure to display the little that couldn't already be seen of his nappy and plastic pants.
 "What were you just doing Tammy?"
 "Dusting, just as you ordered Mistress"
 "Still??? - that should have been finished long before now. Have you been on my computer again?"
Tammy looked up with wide fearful eyes "No Mistress, I would never..."
 "Don't speak back to me like that!!! - and drop those eyes, unless you want to spend the afternoon on the punishment chair!"
What on Earth a punishment chair was I had no idea but Tammy obviously did seeing as he decided to stare at the floor real fast. Mrs Cartwright chose to jump into the exchange.
 "Has he been misbehaving Andrea?"
 "I'll say he has. He was supposed to be preparing this room last night but what did I find him doing instead? - he was on my PC reading stories off a sissy site."
A round of head shaking and muttered comments about ungrateful little sissies followed this revelation - prompting Andrea to continue with her tirade.
 "Having a right good time of it he was too - I could see that by the little bulge in the front of his nappy. That nappy came off right quick I can tell you, he wasn't having quite so much fun when I took my riding crop to his bare bottom."
The groups tone changed to one of head nodding approval with Nana remarking "That'll teach him"
 "Oh, I hadn't finished there, stricter measures were needed - here, I'll show you. Tammy! Lift up your dress!"
As Tammy hastened to obey his Mistress, taking hold of his frothy petticoats once again and raising them, Andrea gripped the waistband of his plastic pants and pulled them down to his knees. Tammy continued to stand there motionless as she unpinned the front part of his nappy and let it drop down to reveal his continuing punishment. I couldn't help but stare at the odd contraption that covered his coc-k - it was locked into a clear plastic tube that bent downwards at a slight angle, this was attached to a circular piece around the scrotum with a small padlock. I'd never seen anything like it in my life before - apparently, neither had Angela because she burst out laughing and shouted "Oh my god - what the hell is that?"
Smiling at the young woman's reaction, Andrea beckoned her forward and asked:
 "Have you not seen a chastity device before Angela?"
 "No, never" Angela continued to giggle as she said "It looks like his coc-k is stuffed into a bent test tube"
 "Essentially, you are not far wrong - come, take a proper look"
The pretty girl leaned forward and listened intently as Andrea pointed out the workings of what I could only think was a truly terrible device. I was also becoming very worried as Angela flicked her eyes back to me once or twice during the exchange - just what I needed, somebody else giving her ideas!
As soon as the explanation was done, Angela straightened up, stared into Tammy's eyes and in that so sweet but condescending tone said:
 "Awwww! Can't the wikkle sissy play wiv his tinky winky den?" and giggled right in his face. Poor Tammy just had to stand there with a completely embarrassed expression as the entire group of women joined in the laughter. Andrea left him there until the ladies settled down then re-pinned the front of his nappy and pulled up his plastic pants. With no more than a "Back to work Tammy!" she dismissed him.


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