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Author Topic: One Mother's Solution  (Read 35901 times)

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Baby Bobby

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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2019, 10:32:04 AM »
The next morning, Francis was woken by his mom. As usual, his diapers were absolutely soaked, and his mom had arranged a fresh set, laid out on his changing table. After a quick check to make sure his chastity device hadn’t been tampered with, she led him over and sat him down on the thick layers of cotton cloth.
“Francis, it’s become apparent that you have become comfortable with wearing and wetting your diapers every night. I think its time we take stronger measures to motivate you to try harder to stop your bedwetting.
“—Therefore, I’ve decided that you will spend your entire summer vacation in diapers,” she told him firmly.
Tears were forming in his eyes as she laid him down on the soft, fluffy stack of Birdseye cloth.
“B-but, I p-promise to try harder,” he bleated.
“I’m tired of hearing your promises, Francis. Maybe you need a few months of baby treatment to finally convince you.”
Powdering his chastity device and frontal area generously, his mom pulled up the bulky cloth and pinned it around his hips. Francis cried softly in self-pity as she pulled his babyish yellow nursery print plastic panties up and over his diapers. She had made sure to add more layers than usual so that his diapers were even fatter than normal.
Tying his shoes in place, she pulled the prissy top Jordan had made for him over his head and positioned it carefully around his waist, admiring the ruffled hem that remained a couple inches above his diapers.
“There will be some other changes coming around here—We’re going to be converting your bedroom into a proper baby’s nursery with a crib, playpen, and plenty of toddler outfits for you to wear. I’ll be boxing up all your regular clothes up and putting them in the attic until next Fall.”
Hot, salty tears tumbled down Francis’ cheek as he realized that his efforts to stop his bedwetting (insignificant as they were), had fallen pathetically short.

Several weeks later, Francis was over at Jordan’s house, being babysat by his childhood crush. She had been right on board with the baby discipline program from the beginning and she had come to enjoy bottle feeding her prissy nephew with warm milk several times a day.
For his part, Francis was now obsessed with the impositions of his enforced chastity and Jordan’s low-cut tops and short shorts were only aggravating the situation. It was mortifying for him to be seen and treated like an infant by her but compounding the problem was his gnawing libido, unrequited by his complete inability to satisfy his sexual needs. Every time he came in close proximity to Jordan’s big, soft breasts, he licked his dry lips hungrily as his tiny pen-is throbbed anxiously inside his restrictive Sissy Trainer.
He had repeatedly begged and pleaded with both Jordan and his mom to unlock it, but they had rebuffed him every time. It was very frustrating for the prissy pantywaist to go without masturbating—something he had done every night in his diapers after his mom had tucked him into bed. But now, the self-gratifying pleasure had been taken away from him and he found himself perpetually horny and frustrated.
One day, Jordan had taken all she could of his whining and pestering. She had already given him an enema, but perhaps it was the skin-tight white halter top that she was wearing that was driving him crazy. In any event, his sexy aunt decided it was time to take other measures.
Calling the diapered sissy into her bedroom, she told him in flirtatious but vague terms that she had a special something for him. Excitedly, he readily submitted to having her take his rubber panties down and bending over her firm, silky thighs as she unpinned his diapers.
Taking a fat, pink jelly butt plug, Jordan swirled it in a jar of nursery KY before positioning it at his shy back hole.
“Just relax, Francis, and this will go in a lot easier,” she instructed him.
Not knowing what was coming, the naive sissy youth was filled with eager anticipation.
But as she began applying pressure with the butt plug, Francis quickly realized what was happened and he squirmed over her lap, his hands waving in the air before him.
“N-no! It’s too b-big!” he squealed.
“Spread your legs sweetie, I know you can take it,” she replied as she began exerting more pressure, twirling the soft, slippery invader and pushing harder.
“OHHHHH!!!!” he cried as the fat, malleable jelly plug suddenly slipped past his defeated sphincter, settling inside of him and stuffing him to capacity. It had a very narrow neck, meaning it was there to stay until Jordan decided otherwise.
He was panting as he came to grips with the feeling of fullness as Jordan re-pinned his diapers. Letting him up gently, she pulled his rubber panties up and over his bulky diapers.
“There. That should give you something else to think about,” she told him with her smug, superior smile.
Francis gazed in confusion at her two big round breasts, stretching her thin top to the limits as he flexed his cheeks, trying desperately to expel this strange, new invader. It no longer hurt, but the sensation certainly was foremost in his attention, keeping him occupied and making him feel very emasculated and defeated.
She led him over to the playpen and helped him inside, sitting him down and giving him his dollies.
“There, now why don’t you play with your toys for a while,” she said as she pushed his pacifier into the bewildered boy’s mouth.
After that, Francis’ punishment plug (as it came to be known) saw a lot of use, keeping the frustrated sissy plugged and compliant.

sissy marci

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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2019, 11:14:15 AM »
Poor Francis, on one hand being so frustrated with his diapers, chastity and plug but on the other hand possibly able to discover the new delights of his situation and achieving some degree of satisfaction with his new toys. Lovely story and thank you for posting, I always enjoy your stories. Love Marci


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2019, 06:32:48 PM »

Im awlso wering mi cloth diapees cowerd wif pwink plasic pwinted pantys , suc-kwing my pwink dumy & my nana sawys hewwo too Fwancis momy


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2019, 01:58:08 AM »
Bobby again you are in the mist of a great story.  I never would have guess a butt plug by his  aunt but love the idea to help keep him quiet.
Me has feeling once summer over the nursery will stay

Baby Bobby

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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2019, 12:07:48 PM »
Things at home fell into a routine, and his mom’s rules were that he was to notify a grown-up if he felt the need to use the bathroom. In that event, he would have his diapers taken down so he could do his business (always supervised) before being pinned right back into them.
Unfortunately, there had been a few occasions where Francis had had a few accidents, wetting a little before his diapers could be taken down. This usually resulted in a short but sound hand spanking of his bottom during his diaper changes.

Just to make sure he didn’t have any #2 accidents, Jordan liked to give him a long, soapy enema every morning when he was staying over, which Francis found extremely humiliating, particularly when she had visitors over, like her next door neighbor.

Just the other day, her pretty friend Karen had let herself in and she came into the bedroom to find Francis bent over Jordan’s lap, his sissy diapers pulled back between his legs while he squirmed helplessly, the thick enema nozzle buried deep in his hole as the warm, soapy water flowed uninterrupted into his pouting rectum.

The bedwetter’s occasional moans could be heard as he desperately struggled to cope with the cramps and the growing feeling of fullness in his belly.

A half hour later, Francis was back in the bedroom, freshly diapered, and having a new baby dress that Jordan had just finished, being fitted around him. He blushed furiously as the two women chatted about adult matters, making him feel excluded not only from the conversation, but also emphasizing the huge gap between their respective levels of maturity.

“How’s the new chastity device working out for him?” Karen asked her friend.

“Excellent. I think he’s a little frustrated from time to time but he’ll be just fine,” Jordan replied confidently, as she made a final adjustment to the pink sash on Francis’ back, “I’ve found a long, soapy enema in the morning usually seems to calm him down and take away his edginess. I’m going to persuade his mom to start giving him one every day.”

Karen nodded as she looked down at the little pantywaist.

“Has his bedwetting decreased at all?” she asked, her voice betraying her skepticism.

“No. In fact, he’s started having accidents in his pampers during the day now. The other day, he was in his playpen and when I checked on him, I was a bit surprised to find the seat of his diapers soaking wet.”

Karen shook her head in disbelief.

“He really is a big sissy, isn’t he?”

“I’m afraid so,” Jordan said.

Red-faced Francis was about to offer some sort of counter argument but Jordan saw him and she promptly stuffed his pacifier into his mouth, preempting any participation in the discussion. He wanted to tell them that he was a big boy—that he was almost a teenager and he didn’t need his childish diapers. But the big rubber pacifier filled his mouth and his protests only sounded weak and babylike.

As the two giggled at his infantile display, he reflected on the incident his babysitter was referring to.

The other day, he had been restricted to the playpen in Jordan’s front room with strict instructions not to get out without her permission. Unfortunately, she had gone outside briefly and the poor sissy had inevitably soaked his diapers while he anxiously awaited her return. She had rewarded him with two hard swats on his bare bottom with her paddle during his diaper change after pulling away the pee-saturated cotton cloth.

Alas, it was just the price to be paid for the diaper-wetting pansy.


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2019, 11:28:09 PM »
Doesn't seem to be whatever they do stops his wetting.  Francis  is going to have to finally give up and realize he is nothing but a big sissy baby.
Maybe when summer is over he is enrolled in a school that understands sissy babies.

Baby Bobby

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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2019, 09:02:20 PM »
Meanwhile, at home, Francis’ bedroom had been completely transformed into a baby’s nursery. His bed was now surrounded by pink bars and his bedsheets replaced with babyish, nursery-style pattered blankets. A mesh-sided playpen was nearby and like Jordan, his mom ensured he spent a fair amount of his day inside it, playing with his soft toys, stuffed animals, and dollies.

In his closet and dresser, his boyish clothes had all been replaced by short, prissy tops, onesies, and some adorable dresses, all cut short enough to make sure his big, shiny diapers were always clearly on display.

Bedtimes were brought back to 8pm and Francis became so used to having his fat, rubber pacifier in his mouth, he would get agitated if his mom forgot it. To make things simpler, she soon had it attached to a short loop so that the diapered sissy was never without it.




Sometimes Francis chafed at his new babyish lifestyle but for the most part, the weak pantywaist accepted it without too much complaint.

Nevertheless, between his snug, restrictive chastity device, his fluffy, bunny-soft diapers, and Jordan’s big sexy breasts, the poor sissy was unable to get any kind of relief. With puberty upon him, his hormones were raging and his tiny little pen-is was constantly throbbing inside it’s plastic prison, trying but unable to get hard or grow beyond the 3/4” confines of the tube.

It was one day at Jordan’s house when things finally came to a head. He was desperately horny, frustrated and edgy, and simmering with resentment when he felt he had finally had enough.

That day, his aunt had a couple of her girlfriends over to visit, and Francis had been put in his playpen where he would be out of the way, but she could still keep an eye on him. Earlier in the morning, Jordan had used his punishment plug on the fussy sissy and he could scarcely ignore the feeling of rubbery fullness stuffed inside his rectum.

He was also feeling neglected and jealous of the attention the other two were getting and in a sudden fit of frustration, he began throwing his stuffed animals around.

The others watched in growing dismay until Jordan stood up.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have to take care of something,” she told them as she left the room.

Coming back a moment later, the two women smiled as they saw the wooden paddle in her hand.

“I’m sorry girls, but Francis is acting up and I need to teach him a lesson,” she said as she lifted the squalling boy out of his playpen.

“No-no-no!” he pouted angrily, stamping his feet.

Taking a seat on an armless chair, Jordan yanked the protesting sissy to her right side, tugging his plastic panties down past his knees. As she did, she caught a waft of pee and she gave him a withering glare.

“Francis—did you wet your diapers?”

With everyone watching him, he shifted his feet, blushing a hot red as he stared at the floor and bit his lip anxiously.

“That’s only going to add to your spanking,” she said firmly, answering her own question as she pulled him over her lap.

The other two women smiled with amusement as he squirmed and kicked his feet while Jordan unpinned his thick, pee-saturated diapers, pushing them back between his legs to give her an unobstructed access to his twitching, bare bottom.

“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” he wailed desperately in high-pitched voice.

Jordan smacked his bottom good and hard, making him gasp with shock. The paddle swooped up and came back down, over and over, the hard wooden instrument of discipline searing itself on the sissy’s soft, tender cheeks as he quickly burst into tears. The sting of the wood was intensified by the dampness of Francis’ curvy little bottom where his wet diapers had already tenderized his skin and he howled in pain as she swatted him repeatedly in a punishing rhythm.

To be sure, his fat jelly butt plug was now the least of his concerns.

Had he been in a position to watch her, he might have been able to appreciate the way her big, round breasts jiggled in her snug top with each blistering smack of the paddle. As it was, the sissy was completely occupied with the scalding punishment being delivered against his stinging, defenseless bottom and he cried like a baby.

At last, the harsh spanking was over and Francis lay there, too weak to do anything but sob helplessly.

Gently lifting him up, his heavy wet diapers fell to the floor, leaving his tiny little chastity device revealed to everyone as he stood there, the hot tears streaming down his red face.

“I want you to apologize to my friends for your little tantrum,” she told him sternly.

Francis’ breath was heaving in ragged gasps and he struggled to articulate a suitable response as he rubbed his blazing, swollen bottom. They could only smile with satisfaction as they stared from his sobbing face down to his shy little package, safely locked away.

“Come along, honey. Let’s change your diapers and then it will be naptime,” she said as she eased his big pink pacifier into his trembling mouth.

To be sure, everyone thought the diapered pantywaist got just what he deserved as his babysitter led him by the hand down the hall.


July came and went and eventually, the summer drew to a close. Unfortunately, Francis’ tenuous control over his bladder seemed more ephemeral than ever and he was starting to wet himself during the day more and more often, without even realizing it.

On his thirteenth birthday, his mom and Jordan presented him with several new baby dresses, two new pairs of Mary Janes—one white, the other pink, and a brand new lexan paddle with air holes. The latter soon found itself being applied to his bare bottom on a regular basis.

The key to his chastity device was soon forgotten and eventually lost, both of them agreeing that permanent chastity was really the best solution for the sissy pantywaist. It was felt that wearing the same size for years on end would also help to restrict any further growth (such as it was) of his tiny little imprisoned pen-is. To be sure, it would never be hard, ever again.

Francis’ mom eventually hired a tutor, a sexy young college student named Ariel that they liked for her strict, no-nonsense discipline. Failure to meet her exacting standards meant the boy would find himself over her lap, his diapers unpinned as she delivered a stinging lesson to his bare bottom.

The neighborhood eventually came to accept that Francis was never really going to grow up, and for the foreseeable future, he would live the life of a diaper-dependent toddler, treated with no more respect than an incontinent three year-old.

For his part, Francis reflected that life really wasn’t so bad. Secretly, he loved his thick, bunny-soft diapers and he had come to terms with the fact that deep down—he was nothing but a big sissy who was more comfortable in a short, ruffled baby dress than a pair of jeans.

Yes, there would be times when he would be strapped into his high chair, with baby food caked to his face, as he kicked his feet in frustration over his soaking wet diapers that wouldn’t be changed until right before naptime. But for the most part, he came to accept his unique lifestyle and even embrace it, enjoying his bottle feedings with Jordan, the snuggly softness of his teddy bear while in his crib, and the close intimacy he received during his frequent diaper changes.

For the weak, prissy pantywaist, life was pretty good.  :o)





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