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Author Topic: One Mother's Solution  (Read 35903 times)

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Baby Bobby

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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2019, 11:20:12 AM »
His mom was oblivious to their presence as she looked along the shelves for the diaper rash cream.
Another woman was coming up behind them and she bent down to look closer at Francis.
“Well hello, little sweetie!” she exclaimed as she beamed at the cringing youth.
His mom turned around to see the smiling woman gazing at her son’s thickly diapered hips.
“My son is a bedwetter too,” she confessed breezily to him, “Do you also wet during the daytime, honey?”
Francis blushed furiously and shook his head, unable to stammer out a response.
“The poor dear had his jeans still in the dryer after his nap so this was just out of convenience,” his mom explained as she patted his fat, rubber-pantied bottom.
Francis groaned with shame—not only was this strange woman seeing him in his humiliating diapers but now she knew he had just taken a nap like a little child.
“How do you like the rubber panties?” she asked his mom as she looked down at his snug yellow panties, “My son wears plastic...I’ve never tried rubber before.”
“I think they’re wonderful,” she replied, happy to dispense advice to a fellow mother, “They’re very soft and make for a good seal around his legs, which is so important when he wets at night.
“I only wish they came in more variety.”
The woman nodded, appreciative of the information.
“Have you had any difficulty finding diapers in his size? My boy is only six, so the larger Gerbers diapers and plastic panties still fit him okay.”
“Oh—it’s no problem. I get mine online from various sites. Francis is twelve now, so the Gerbers would definitely not be an option for me.”
“—Twelve? Oh, I thought you were ten, sweetie,” the woman chuckled at the blushing boy.
His mom smiled understandingly as she went on to cite the different websites she used where diapering supplies could be obtained for bigger boys.
All this talk about wetting was starting to have a predictable effect on Francis, who began shifting from foot to foot.
“Mommy,” he whined as he tugged at her sleeve, “I hafta go to the bathroom.”
“We should be going,” she told her new friend reluctantly, “but it was nice chatting with you.”
They said their goodbyes and after getting some more baby powder, they headed to the checkout counter. He was dismayed to see they only had one checker working and a short line had developed.
Francis was shifting in his feet, fighting the urgent need to go and trying unsuccessfully to avoid everyone’s stares when, without notice, a random woman in line behind him decided to take the opportunity to squeeze his amply diapered bottom.
“Oh!” he squealed with surprise. His shock caused a hot stream of pee to suddenly flood uncontrollably into his diapers, quickly soaking the front. The trauma and stress of the day had finally caught up to the beleaguered sissy and his weak bladder couldn’t take anymore.
“Sorry honey—I just thought you looked so cute,” the woman apologized with a bright smile.
Francis bit his lip as he felt another urgent stream follow the first one, only adding to the warm wetness embracing him. Fortunately, the snug rubber panties did a wonderful job of keeping it all in and his diapers only sagged a little from the additional weight.
The female checker behind the counter gave him a knowing wink as she rang up the diaper rash cream and baby powder. Francis’ efforts to pull his t-shirt down failed miserably to cover up his embarrassing diapers and there wasn’t a person nearby who wasn’t watching him.
At last, after the trying ordeal of the store, they drove the short distance to their house. Francis was seething with resentment and frustration as he sat in his warm, wet diapers. The pee had seeped up into his seat where the soggy cotton cloth was clinging closely to his bottom.
“Mommy, I wet my diapers,” the poor sissy wailed at last.
“That’s okay, honey. We’ll get you changed once we get home,” she assured him.
Francis was surprised to see his aunt’s car in the driveway which, he realized, could only mean certain further embarrassment for him.
Although he was hoping to slip in and go straight to his room, as fate would have it, his aunt caught them in the entryway of the house, greeting them with a huge smile.
“After a brief hug and kiss with his mom, his beautiful aunt bent down and hugged her nephew tightly.
“Hello there, sweetie-pie jr.!” she exclaimed cheerfully.
As she hugged him, her free hand reached down and squeezed his rubber-pantied bottom.
“Looks like my little guy wet his diapers today,” she announced.
Francis blushed a bright red. Even under normal conditions, he found his pretty aunt Jordan intimidating, with her beautiful black hair, full lips, and generous bosom. She had always treated him special, and Francis had a huge crush on her.
“Yes, I had to make a detour to the store which took a little longer than I thought,” his mom explained.
“Come on honey,” she told her embarrassed nephew, “why don’t we get you out of those wet diapers.”
As they made their way back to his bedroom, Francis reasoned that he would at last be rid of his infantile underwear, at least until bedtime. He was used to Jordan babysitting him and to be fair, this was not an entirely new experience for him.


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2019, 10:52:07 PM »
nice daytime accident starting wondering when diapers become fulltime and other baby items


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2019, 02:07:32 PM »
Really ansious to see more of this ! Maybe she could use some disposable pampers hehe

Baby Bobby

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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2019, 02:42:47 PM »
“So, you know that little problem I was telling you about last week,” Jordan asked his mom, “About Francis’ tendency to get an erection, every time I changed his diapers?”
“Mm-hm,” she replied as they walked into the bedroom, the pungent smell of stale, pee-soaked diapers surrounding them from the bedwetter’s diaper pail.
“Well I found a wonderful device on the internet that will totally solve the problem—It’s called the Holy Trainer,” she said brightly.
“It’s called what?” his mom asked, “--Will it hurt him?”
“Oh no-no,” she reassured her as she patted Francis on the head affectionately, “I would never do anything to harm my little sugarplum.”
Pulling a small, clear contraption out of her purse, Jordan briefly explained how it worked.
“And so he can still pee normally?” his mom inquired, cleared intrigued with the idea.
“Absolutely! And it will make it impossible for him to get an erection.”
His mom was pulling his stretchy, clinging rubber panties down off his sagging wet diaper.
“Well, then I think we should get that fitted right away,” she told Jordan.
Francis was confused by all this strange talk but he didn’t like the idea of his ability to get an erection being taken away. For one, he had become an inveterate masturbator and although he had no idea what a Holy Trainer was, it sounded like something that boded ill for his naughty habit.
His mom had him on the changing table now, a low, padded surface with a waterproof covering decorated in a babyish, nursery print pattern. His wet diapers had been pulled down, and his mom plopped the heavy cloth in his diaper pail, holding her breath as she raised and lowered the lid.
Taking a fresh trio of soft cotton cloth diapers, she placed a few soaker pads between the layers which added even further to the thickness of the center section.
Seeing that his mom had every intention of putting him right back into diapers, Francis kicked his feet and finally found his voice.
“Wha-wait! I don’t need diapers—it’s not even bedtime,” he whined miserably.
“Honey—I might as well get you ready for bed. This way, we don’t have to worry about it later,” his mom explained patiently.
Francis whimpered and shook his fists, angry to be getting this humiliating baby treatment.
At the same time, Jordan was bending over and while holding the irregular plastic ring in her hand, she fed his little genitals through it so the ring was positioned behind his shy package.
“How did you ever find one in such a small size?” his mom asked.
“It wasn’t easy, but the company has a special line made for teens with chronic masturbating problems. This one is their Sissy Trainer model,” Jordan explained as she dabbed a little baby lotion on Francis’ tiny shaft.
Francis squirmed and squealed as she carefully stuffed his quivering pen-is into the short, stubby tube. His member, when stiff, was roughly the size of an AA battery but the shortness of the tube only compressed it smaller, preventing any sort of growth from the frustrated sissy.
Inserting a key into the side of the top where the two pieces mated, Jordan twisted it, locking the chastity device irrevocably in place.
“There you are, Sweetie-Pie Jr., all safe and secure now,” she beamed down at him.

Francis groped desperately at the device but he soon found how ingenious the design was, implacably trapping his tiny little pen-is inside the solid plastic prison. It was an idea that was well overdue for the horny sissy masturbator.
“Noo!!” he wailed as she shook his fists in frustration.
Both the women hovering over him smiled with immense satisfaction as his mom sprinkled baby powder over his front area and brought his soft diapers up, pinning the sides tightly around his hips.

“There, just what my little baby needed,” his mom told him.

Jordan had a white pair of nursery print plastic panties waiting for him and she fed them over his feet, working them slowly up his legs. Invariably, he couldn’t prevent his gaze from staring down her deep cleavage and his pen-is throbbed anxiously in frustrated angst. It was a new and alarming sensation for him, not to be able to flex his little nub.
“It’s not fair!!” he wailed in bitter indignation.
“Oh—I just realized,” Jordan said suddenly, her voice filled with enthusiasm, “I was working with my sewing machine and I created the cutest little top for Francis.”
Reaching into her purse, she produced a ruffled, cropped cotton top with short, puffy sleeves and a cartoon truck on the chest. It looked perfectly suited for a three or four year-old toddler.
“I know how much Francis likes trucks—don’t you think it’s cute?” she asked her sister.
“Oh yes, very much so!” his mom agreed, “Look Francis, isn’t this a wonderful top your aunt made for you?”
Without even trying it on, the diapered youth could see it wouldn’t do anything to cover his embarrassing diapers.

“I don’t wanna wear it!” he snapped as he crossed his skinny arms over his chest.

Jordan giggled at his childish display as she began pulling his t-shirt off of him, ignoring his protests. Tossing it aside, she held the white and pink top over his head until he reluctantly held his arms up. Smiling sweetly down at him, Jordan pulled the prissy top over his head and fitted it around his slim frame. To his dismay, Francis discovered that the short top didn’t quite reach the elastic waistband of his prissy diapers and he bit his lip in humiliated angst.

Standing him up, Jordan gave his thickly diapered bottom a playful swat.

“Okay Francis, run along and play now.”

The blushing sissy waddled off, feeling defeated and very babyish.


Several hours later, after Francis had been put to bed, the two sisters sat in the living room, enjoying a chilled Sauvignon Blanc.

“You know, I’ve been thinking more about Francis’ bedwetting habit,” his mom was telling her sister, “And there’s a woman named Tiffany Johnson that argues that boys who wet their beds routinely, develop a sort of...’acceptance’, of their diapers, to where they no longer think of them as humiliating to be put to bed in. She strongly suggests that mothers keep their bedwetting sons in diapers—not just at night, but even during the daytime as well, to shame them into trying harder to stop.”

“Well I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Jordan replied as she nodded her head.

“I was thinking that Francis should spend his summer vacation diapered night—and day.

“I agree—I think a second childhood is just what he needs to bring him around. You could even transform his bedroom into a sort of nursery. He already has a changing table and diaper pail.

“I think what he needs first is a proper crib. I could sew him some more outfits—I’ll make sure they are really babyish so that his diapers are always fully exposed.”

“Good. Yes—I want to make sure anyone visiting will see his diapers. He needs to get used to the idea that everyone is going to find out about his bedwetting now. Maybe after a few months of being treated like a baby, he’ll finally start trying harder to keep his bed dry,” his mom explained.



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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2019, 07:54:26 PM »
Poor Francis now his mommy and auntie is gonna transform his live to a live of baby , I hope a baby boy


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2019, 07:56:12 AM »
Wonderful the sissy is finally in chastity and nappies (like me).  His aunt going to make sissish baby outfits and crib ought to be good


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Re: One Mother's Solution
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2019, 10:41:33 AM »
If the goal is to punish and humiliate Francis, might I suggest using coarse scratchy burlap diapers which will be especially uncomfortable to wear on hot summer days and nights. Also some itching powder could be substituted for baby powder when punishment is called for or for even harsher punishment coating Francis's little thing with icy hot, ben gay or other similar liniments.


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