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Author Topic: Karma, Part 1  (Read 10408 times)

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Mary Beth Sanford

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Karma, Part 1
« on: April 01, 2019, 05:06:42 AM »

This is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.  As always I write this for your enjoyment.  A comment at the end would be greatly appreciated.  Hugs  Mary Beth.


Mark Evans 18, hated being small.  He hated his father and mother for their part in it, all the way back to his grandparents.  It was fate he told his best friend Susan.  It was fate Susan agreed. She was a Buddhist and told Mark to embrace his size. “Your actions determine your destiny”  Susan said handing Mark his Halloween outfit as she added, “Karma will someday guide you.”  It did.


Mark Evans age 18, substituting for Victor Rodriguez age 8;  Susan Marshall;  Police Officer Tuttle; Social Worker Linda Banner;  Maria Sanchez; Sally Rodriguez; Hector Gonzales;  Greta Von Anderson;   Bob Henries.


If you looked for a starting point there would be several places to point to with the best one at the corner of Broadway and Fifth streets about five after seven in the morning.  Mark Evans had just gotten his coffee and a compliment from the server Carol.  She was behind the counter and had laughed over his costume. 

Mark almost didn’t wear the outfit Susan had put together for him, but he’d promised to “embrace his size”.  He was small about the physical size of an eight year old and instead of fighting it today he was suppose to enjoy it.  So he dressed like an eight year old thanks to Susan.  Today, for her sake, he dressed for his company’s Halloween party.

As always he is on his way to work and as always he had stopped for coffee.  Mark had his coffee.  He was holding their smallest cup and just walking out when a robber, running from the police, created the next series of events.  What stopped Mark wasn’t the sirens but a growing chaos off to his right.  He turned towards the noise.

That chaos was brought on by gunshots when the robber fired back towards the police.  People hearing the shots and not knowing where they were coming from scattered.  The robber turned to take the shot just as Mark came onto the sidewalk with his coffee.  Mark turned to see the robber right before that robber turned to face him. They were inches apart when they met.

Right across from Mark and the robber, and having just parked his car, Police Officer Tuttle was just coming around the front to join up with Social Worker Linda.  Both were there to meet a woman named Maria Sanchez.  Maria was the aunt of a young boy named Victor Rodriguez.   

Victor’s aunt Maria had been watching Victor on an emergency basis beginning right after his mother Sally Rodriguez was arrested as an accessory in a home invasion four days ago.  Police Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda Banner were there to pick up Victor to transport him to a foster care home.

Arrangements had been made for Maria to meet Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda at the front of her apartment which was right next to the coffee shop.  She had made those arrangements because she had to go to work early that day.  Meanwhile, Sally, Victor’s mother, had made bail and had also arrived just a moment before in a car owned by a girl friend. 

Sally, double parked, was hoping to grab her son before state officials could pick him up and put him into foster care.  Sally was unaware that Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda had already arrived and were approaching Maria at that very moment.  They were in fact not twenty feet down from where Sally had doubled parked.   

Sally Rodriguez held out hope she could get Victor and escape to her own mother’s home in Florida before anyone knew she had even skipped bail.  Sally had looked up to see Maria’s window then down at the door just catching a glance of her son in Marie’s hands.  Sally made a dash for him at the same instant that Mark and the robber came together.  Sally was in motion when the shot rang out.

Event’s were beginning to escalate as the robber, continuing his run and having made that shot at the police hit Mark a full body blow at full speed.  Mark was caught unaware, spinning 180 degrees and falling backward, Mark immediately losing his grip on his coffee.  Sally meanwhile shoulder-blocked her cousin Maria while grabbing her son’s arm and pulling it free.

Mark’s coffee tipped forward spilling down the front of his pants soaking them as Mark’s fall continued backward while the robber stumbled past.   Mark did try righting himself, but his angle was off causing him to continue stumbling backwards.  Mark tripped up hard into Hector while the robber caught his balance twisted around, raised his gun and fired again. 

Hector having turned at the commotion but continuing to set up his small newspaper and magazine stand took the full weight of Mark as he turned.  Hector too began to fall backward into the newsstand wall itself.  Hector was dropping, and stumbling backwards flailing.  He too was holding his own coffee in a super size cup.

That extra large brew Hector held tipped directly over his small space heater at the same moment Mark slid to the floor.  Mark’s left hand fell against the units metal case.  As Mark gripped the case his right hand, palm down, laid directly on top of the spreading pool of coffee.  Mark was fully connected to the heater and well grounded when it shorted.

Mark’s head contacted the wooden bench Hector had built knocking him out cold just as his electrocution began.  Hector falling against the stack of newspapers saw the sparks instantly and grabbed his broom even before he had finished falling.  Mark was already convulsing as Hector started sweeping at the heater killing Mark.

Hector managed to knock the heater out and away from Mark pulling the plug in that same instant.  It was most likely that simple act that saved Mark’s life.  Meanwhile Aunt Maria, was coming onto the scene from her apartment.  She had been holding Victor’s backpack and hand and was knocked directly into the line of fire from the robber. 

Maria Sanchez threw her hands up falling forward.  She had just been shot a glancing blow to the head by a 45 slug.  That slug was the second bullet fired by the escaping robber who was still trying to exchange bullets with the police and continue his escape.  As Maria was hit the back pack she’d tossed into the air fell next to Mark. Sally Rodriguez in that same moment had reached the car she had double parked.

Maria badly wounded stumbled forward falling against the wall of the coffee shop.  Everyone else was still ducking gunfire and never saw the woman grabbing the child who began to cry when his aunt started to fall.  Maria suffering a gun shot did not see Sally grab Victor and rush him to the car.  Nor would anyone see the car with Sally or Victor drive down the street at a high rate of speed.

Police Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda still ducking at the front of Tuttle's unmarked police sedan when the first shot rang out, were now part of the bystanders trying to maintain cover from the other gunshots.  Without knowing it, they remained hidden as the robber stood and ran another twenty five feet.

One of the pursuing officers knelt and fired in the clear.  His two shots hit the robber in the back throwing him forward while also dislodging his firearm.  The robber pushed by the two slugs fell forward a few feet crashing face first onto the sidewalk. His gun skittered forward another six feet.   A policeman from across the street came up with several others and took a defensive posture as others caught up.

One of the officers kicked the gun free, but stood by it as evidence, while another cuffed the robber.  They search for a pulse.  There was none.  Two others turned back to start sorting out the dead and wounded at the coffee shop.  Calls went out for emergency services.  Distant sirens were closing as additional police start taping off the scene.  Witnesses were identified and sorted from bystanders.  Chaos started to turn to triage.

Officer Tuttle assigned to Social Services holstered his own gun and helped Social Worker Linda stand as he confirmed that she was okay.  Both are badly shaken but unharmed.  Linda brushing herself suddenly recognizes Maria lying there against the brick wall.  Linda sees the wound and fearing the worse wonders immediately about the boy.

Linda knows Maria was meeting them with Victor and begins looking for a small child.  She immediately sees Mark on his back mistaking Mark for Victor.  Mark is the only child in the immediate area.  There is a back pack with Care Bears on it near by.  She rushes to Mark’s side as Hector stands on wobbly legs. 

Hector overwrought at what has happened began telling Linda that he pulled the wire as soon as he saw what was happening.  Both see the bleeding cut on Mark’s head and there is smoke still coming from the small heater.  Mark appears dead.  Mark has obviously wet himself.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Karma, Part 1
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2019, 06:25:41 AM »
Oww I stil catching my breath again! What a story ! I hope to see more of this soon


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Re: Karma, Part 1
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2019, 06:34:33 AM »
Looking forward to seeing where this one leads love the story so far

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: Karma, Part 2
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2019, 04:24:16 PM »
Part 2

Mark is in a pair of dark blue shorts, suspenders with knee high socks, Buster Brown strap shoes and a shirt with a cap which if anyone thought about it would have guessed circa 1950’s.  It didn’t register when Linda knelt to feel Mark’s pulse that he was actually dated way out of place for that era.  All she saw was the image of a little boy with a teddy bear next to a backpack covered in Care Bears. 

It was Officer Tuttle that verified the heater was off as he grabbed a wooden folding chair and fully yanked the plug from the wall before moving the heater further away.  There was no pulse when he knelt to feel the boys wrist, then his neck before starting CPR.   Another officer joined in then an EMT arrived to help.  They got a pulse and Mark was breathing on his own before he was loaded for the emergency room.

Officer Tuttle also went code three and followed the ambulance with Social Worker Linda riding with Mark. Linda was thinking she was riding with Victor.  Linda was reading the file.  There were no current pictures, just a copy of his birth certificate  Victor was Mexican American and according to his birth, eight.  Mark, slightly tan with raven black hair was American Indian and German age 18.  He easily passed as Mexican and without the body or facial hair his young age held. 

Linda also saw the wet spot at the same exact time she opened the back pack and saw the disposable diapers. That had been put there by Victor’s aunt.  She had pulled it up high enough for the EMT to see it while wondering why he wasn’t wearing one.  She didn’t know that Victor was a nighttime bed wetter because Victor’s aunt had been shot and couldn’t tell her. 

The EMT nodded at the diaper and acknowledged the wet spot and said they’d take care of all that at the hospital.  It didn’t matter now. The EMT said he’d be naked during the exam anyway.  Linda nodded and shoved the diaper back into the back pack.  She would tell the admitting nurse that detail when she did the paperwork.  She would do the same with whoever got him in the foster care system.  She made a note for his file. “Pants wetter. Family problems?”

Officer Tuttle and Social Worker Linda sat outside the Emergency Room waiting on word of Victor’s condition which was actually Mark’s.  They actually had a pulse before he was loaded onto the gurney which they’d been told was good news.  However, the doctor warned of possible brain damage considering there was an electrocution involved and a concussion.

If it had been a continuous charge from that electrocution damage could be extensive.  It was a 30 amp circuit that hadn’t blown the fuse he was told.  The voltage wasn’t what killed, it was the amperage and often times it was the amount of time the person was connected.  No one could say.  With the exception of his head  there were no other wounds

Back at the scene the investigation has ended and evidence gathered and the street cleaned of the carnage that had occurred that morning.  With the exception of what had been seen by witnesses little is left to mark what had happened.  Hector had made one last call to the hospital to check on the child and was thrilled to discover he was gong to be okay. 

Hector was closing for the night when he found Mark’s wallet.  It was a man’s wallet but no picture ID or license?  There was twenty two dollars and a punch card for the coffee shop.  Hector walked it into the coffee shop.  The girl told Hector she knew the man that owned the wallet and would hold on to it for his next visit.  Hector said good night and left for the evening.  The wallet went into a bag and into the office safe.

As Mark’s wallet got sealed so is Mark, as Victor, in a size 6 Pampers which was the same one Victor carried in his back pack before being moved and aspirated.  Mark was hooked to an IV drip and wheeled into intensive care still in a vegetative state.  He was listed as critical.  Meanwhile, across town Mark’s boss left his third message on Mark’s home phone wondering where the hell he was.  It wasn’t like Mark to miss work.   

Susan too was texting him, but his phone, having fallen against the Newsstand had already been picked up.  The street person picking up Mark’s phone had found four good cigarettes already and a sandwich that had at least four good bites left when he shoved the phone in his pocket.  That street person sold Mark’s phone for four dollars cash as they were diapering Mark before pushing him to his room.  The guy that bought Mark’s phone tossed the chip just as Susan was still texting.

Mark’s boss grew even more panicked when he’d heard about the shooting at the coffee shop.  They know that was where Mark got his coffee.  Mark’s boss had his secretary make a few calls just to confirm none of the victims were Mark.  She came back after an hour reporting that “no, none of the shooting victims fit Mark’s description!”

The secretary reported back that there were only two gun shot victims: a woman and the robber. There was also one electrocution of a child who was still in the hospital comatose.  When Mark’s boss asked about the child the secretary smiled, nodded and said she had thought about that but the child was with the woman shot that morning.  His boss cursed over the loss of a possible lead.

Mark was still missing and no one knew where.  Neither Mark’s boss nor his secretary thought to mention to anyone during the call that they were asking after a person below average in height.  Susan went back to work worried.  Meanwhile Mark as Victor was stabilized and Linda was told it would be completely up to time for Mark’s recovery.

Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle left the hospital with nothing left to do but leave a card should the child wake and make their reports.  Doctor Evans promised them his first call should that happen.  Remarkably six hours later it did.  What surprised Dr. Evans was how lucid the boy Victor was and clearly, in spite of his memory deficits, he turned out to be very intelligent.  Both Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle were called back that following day.

Mark woke with sore muscles and a terrible headache trying to understand why.  He had no memory of what had occurred nor why his head hurt.  He knew he was in a hospital but couldn’t remember anything else.  He tried to remember his name and couldn’t, nor any details about who he was and then he discovered the diaper. 

Mark was pretty sure he didn’t wear diapers, but soon after he was moved there were other kids near by and some were also wearing diapers, and his head hurt too much to protest.  Mark was dry and had no desire to wet the diaper he wore.  It was his nurse that kept him quiet.  He had fallen in lust although he wasn’t aware of the word, just the emotions.

Mark was told his name was Victor, and he was eight, but Mark didn’t feel eight. He didn’t know how old he was but he didn’t feel eight.  She told him he was a child but he didn’t feel like a child.  When he told Elisabeth, his nurse, he didn’t think he needed diapers He was told he was wearing diapers because he couldn’t control himself. 

Mark was sure he could, and said so.  Mark had said as much just as Elisabeth laid a fresh diaper alongside of him after she pulled the sheet down.  Mark was going to continue the argument till Elisabeth laid her hand on top of Mark’s diaper.  He could have waited and proved he had control, but, because of his headache, and that immediate erection he found it easer to just wet than to argue.   

Elisabeth smiled knowingly while she waited.  Mark’s decision to continue wearing diapers came during that first diaper change as Elisabeth cleaned him with baby wipes after pulling the wet diaper free and replacing it with a fresh one.  A lot of his decision came from the baby oil and powder and her careful application of both.  By the time she taped the diaper closed around him Mark decided he’d argue over wearing diapers later.

When they asked him who he was he answered honestly that he didn’t know.  Mark had no idea who he was or how he had gotten there so most of what he was told he just filed it away.  He did listen a lot.  He listened to the doctor explain his condition to Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle. 

The doctor who examined Mark said he did seem older than eight till Linda explained his heritage.  The doctor was a little surprised at the amount of pubic hair Mark had but his heritage might explain that, he said.  The doctor, after some thought went on to explain that Victor (Mark) was most likely experiencing an early puberty or adrenarche.  For some children it happened. 

Adrenarche, the doctor explained,  was an increase of adrenal androgen production sometimes occurring between the ages of six to ten putting Victor, age eight, right in the middle.  The doctor also added that adrenarche was sometimes accompanied by the early appearance of pubic hair which could actually precede the onset of true puberty.  It all made sense and they all nodded their acceptance, Linda most of all because she needed Victor in foster care

So did Mark who didn’t know his own heritage at the moment or that his mother, Native American and following some of her own traditions often spent hours gently plucking Mark’s softened facial hair after his bath when he was a baby.  It was something she was taught by her own mother so her son didn’t grow up looking like a bear and unattractive to his own kind or Native American Females. 

Meanwhile Mark, as Victor, was clearly suffering brain damage resulting from trauma to the medial temporal lobe, more specifically around and in the area of his hippocampus region.  This too the doctor noted and far more important that his body hair.  That trauma, according to Dr. Evans talking to Linda and Officer Tuttle, suggested it was most likely a retrograde amnesia rather than an anterograde because he can’t remember anything before his actual electrocution.

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: Karma, Part 3
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2019, 05:38:45 AM »
Part 3

A brain scan didn’t turn up anything significant but often didn’t.  It was the type of loss that actually suggested the damage.  It was consistent with those injuries seen with patients that had gone through sessions involving electroconvulsive therapy the doctor said.  Mark as Victor had been electrocuted, but there was a concussion as well.  It was most likely that combined mix that caused some of it.   Of course even those electroconvulsive therapy sessions wouldn’t have such high amperage but the long term impacts were similar.   

Dr. Evan also suggested, based on his limited observations, that Victor could continue to form new memories and appeared to be very intelligent.  In spite of the memory loss Victor could be perfectly normal going forward.  These were both very good signs.  Dr. Evans suggested that  once his injuries were healed there is no reason he couldn’t leave the hospital although his recommendation is Victor should continue treatments for his amnesia.

That left Social Worker Linda with a minor problem on where to place Mark as Victor.  Dr. Evans was prescribing, at best, a week of bed rest, maybe two at least.  For Linda Dr. Evans was suggesting special needs in context to the Foster Care System.  Placing well children was difficult enough, finding a spot for a special needs child was damn near impossible. 

Linda racked her brain that morning trying to find a place that could take Mark for at least a week, hopefully two.  Linda kept her fingers crossed as she went through her Foster Care contacts and dialed her phone. That is until Linda talked with Greta Von Anderson.  She knew Greta already had someone but she was hoping she might get a referral.

Greta was caring for a four year old girl that was wheel chair bound or had been.  According to Greta the girl was Missy Ann, and to Linda’s good luck, Missy had been adopted just two weeks ago.  That good fortune left Greta with Missy’s room still open. 

Victor was welcome to use Missy Ann’s room for now.   The only downside Greta warned of course was the decor was a bit juvenile and somewhat too feminine for a boy because she had spent zero time making any changes yet.  She warned Linda that the room had been used for a four year old handicapped girl.

Social Worker Linda told her to leave things as they are since the boy was small enough for the furnishings and already in diapers and suffering from his own handicap.  Even more fortunate he had amnesia and a head wound so he needed bed rest. The point Linda was making was that Mark as Victor was already special needs for at least a week, maybe two, so it really wouldn’t matter to him what state the room was in.   

Greta was thrilled over that remark since nothing needed to be done to gain another occupant, and agreed immediately. Greta was also thrilled because her funding was dependent on having someone occupy that room.  Linda promised Greta that the paperwork would reflect Mark’s stay beginning with a reservation date which was the same as his first day in the hospital.   Likewise, Linda was thrilled having a place to bring Mark once he was released.  It was all good.

Mark, meanwhile was slowly bringing himself to climax in the darkness of his room.  Mark had stumbled on that bit of pleasure purely by mistake just that night before.   Mark’s original intent was to hold himself from urinating till his next diaper change so he could prove to his nurse he didn’t need diapers.  Unfortunately (at the time) as his urge to urinate grew he got an erection.

While adjusting that erection under his diaper, just to center it, Mark slid his pe_nis from slightly off center to straight within that diaper.  That simple adjustment created a pleasurable response in the dark which prompted him to immediately repeat it.  He checked that he was alone and did so.

Mark reached down and gently moved his pen-is slightly to the side then back straight again.  Mark did this in the other direction, then back to center.  That moment of pleasure came again.  He started doing it more quickly till he suddenly orgasmed.   With the orgasm completed the urge to urinate came more fiercely and before he knew what was happening he was wetting his diaper.

“Hello Victor,”  nurse Alice whispered as she loomed over his bed.  Mark’s face, reddened from the embarrassment of his orgasm and wetting.  In spite of that he smiled up at her but not so much for the greeting as for the humiliating need to be changed.  He was soaked he realized just as the nurse asked, “are you wet honey?”

Mark nodded shamefully feeling the grow of his cheeks warming. 

Mark knew at some primitive level he didn’t need diapers, but he also knew now that if he didn’t have them he wouldn’t have had those two climaxes.  He also knew that Alice, the nurse standing above him in the half light of second shift, wouldn’t be standing there.  Nor would he be getting changed by those other sweet nurses several times a day that had been changing him.   

Mark found himself in a dilemma of sorts.  Convince the nurses he didn’t need diapers and all this would end.  Ignore that he didn’t need diapers and allow things to continue and all the pleasures he had experienced so far would continue.  He spent little time on that equation.  As soon as Nurse Alice turned back towards her station Mark began playing with himself over his diaper.

Mark found that bit of pleasure almost as pleasant as his mastur_bation as the nurse used wipes first then her gloved palm to rub baby oil and powder over him.   When she saw redness, and he almost wished for that,  there was the diaper rash creme gently caressed into the folds of his testicles.  Not to mention those loving caresses around his stomach and over his thighs before the diaper itself caressed him. 

No, Mark was sure he didn’t need diapers, but Mark was sure he was going to continue using them.  Mark needed them.  How odd that was Mark reasoned.  None of the other eight year olds seemed to apply that logic in the same way.  They all wore regular underwear and, Mark for the life of him, couldn’t understand why they couldn’t reason this out? 

Mark watched them, listened to them and they all seemed perfectly normal mentally, yet none of them seemed to enjoy mastur_bating the way he did.  He shrugged, closed his eyes and gave up wondering as the nurse tugged on his diaper to tape it closed around him. 

Life was full of new mysteries Mark reasoned as Alice finished diapering him with a final genital caress on top of his diaper.  Mark loved Alice as he continued that rubbing under the sheet.  Mark rubbed himself to climax and fell asleep dreaming of himself getting rubbed by Alice but this time to climax.  He woke very wet and refreshed.

Then Linda came to the hospital and talked to him.  She had found a place for him to stay.  Mark was happy about that.  The doctor released him.  Linda was given instructions.  They got him taped into a fresh diaper,  Linda had cleaned his clothes for the wheel chair and he was pushed out to the car.  Linda told Mark about the girlish decor and that was okay he said. 

They were going to use the wheel chair to the car but Social Worker Linda and Police Officer Tuttle left the hospital together at Linda’s request.  When they got to Greta’s place Officer Tuttle insisted on carrying Mark as Victor to the baby’s crib Greta had made ready for her new guest.  Greta welcomed Mark as she removed his clothes, folded them and changed his diaper. 

A lot of clothing Greta had belonged to the house so the toddler style Tee’s were already there.   Greta opened Mark’s shirt against a 4T discovering they were close in size and found it to be a good guess when she helped Mark into it.  Greta thought he looked more babyish wearing that and his night diaper when she covered him in the crib.  Mark, deep down, was delighted over the choice.

Social Worker Linda had apologized and explained to Mark that it was temporary.  She promised it was just till the doctor released Mark to a regular foster care home with other boys his age.  Mark wondered if the other boys would be wearing diapers like he did.  Most likely not Mark reasoned.  As it happens Mark was also delighted to see the stacks of diaper on the shelf below the large changing table.

Greta signed the form and a few minutes later she was left alone with Mark.  Mark quietly contemplated the feminine baby room they had put him into.  It was predominately a soft pastel yellow with the crib, changing table, dresser and matching rocker mostly white but trimmed in a pastel yellow.  There was a yellow strip of molding circling the room ceiling to accent the soft vertical stripes.

“It is a pretty room,”  Mark said.

“Really?  Do you really like it,”  Greta asked slightly surprised at the comment.

“I do.  It’s very soft, but bright and cheerful,”  Mark said.

“Why Victor, that’s exactly what I wanted to achieve.  How very astute of you to notice something like that.  You've made me very happy.  Amazing that a boy your age would see it that way to,”  Greta said glowing from his compliment.

Mark laid in the crib looking around wondering over what Greta had said.  He realized then that he could, at least, perhaps on a limited basis manipulate her as he had done the nurses. He experimented a little squinting his eyes, telling her he’d felt slightly sore around the testicles as he moved a leg.  He actually said his “place” between his legs.”


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Karma, Part 1
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2019, 08:13:56 AM »
Wow , you write it’s wonderful and very accurate since your explanation of adrenarch syndrome, and early puberty it’s correct ! It’s rare to see a story so real and accurate ! Please write more !

Mary Beth Sanford

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Re: Karma, Part 4
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2019, 05:29:19 PM »
Part 4

Greta, during his second diaper change applied more of the diaper rash cream that morning.  It was heaven.  He had thought about that creamy application along with the outline of her bras that night as he mastur_bated in his diaper   He was growing more fond of his diapers, but now it was in context to his new crib.  He felt sort of babyish if that was a word..

That following morning when Greta came in to change him he couldn’t help but admire her ample bosom.  It seemed only natural that he might wonder what it would be like to suc_kle a bre_ast like a baby while he mastur_bated in his diaper.  Had he not taken care of things before his diaper change he would have soiled on her hand. 

Even so, he wanted desperately to play with himself again.  She was still smiling down at him when he asked her if he could take a little nap.  Again she had  cleaned him with wipes but she had also used more of that diaper rash cream.   His hope was she’d leave him to play with himself a bit.  He said he wasn’t hungry yet even though he was.  He needed time alone.

“Oh my yes, of course. Linda said you’d sleep a lot,”  Greta said pulling the cribs side up then suddenly realizing he wasn’t the toddler she’d once had in it as she added, “oh good heaven’s.  I’m going to be doing that a lot.”

“That’s okay, it makes me feel secure.  I had sides on my bed at the hospital,”  Mark said and then added, “can I have my bear.”

“Of course you can,”  Greta said grabbing it from the chair.  It was sitting on his backpack.  She went to an open cabinet and from the second shelf grabbed a smaller softer looking white baby blanket with a wide satin yellow trim that she let fall open.  She brought that into the crib and added it to the larger blanket he slept with.  Mark instantly took it and fingered the satin cuddling both the bear and blanket..

Greta eased out of the room and carefully closed the door.  As soon as Mark heard the click his hand went under the blanket and instantly his fingers found the tip of his erection under his diaper.  He carefully began to massage his pen-is within the diaper with his right hand as he caressed the satin edge of the blanket with his left while he imagined nursing Greta’s ample bre_ast.  This time he slipped his thumb into his mouth experimentally.   His orgasm was almost instantaneous.  He massaged himself into a deep sleep.

Mark slept like a baby both figuratively and literally waking to a soaked diaper and a slight nudge from Greta who was smiling down at him.  She had lowered the cribs side with the expectation of allowing him up, and changing him on the changing table.  Mark smiled back yawning himself awake and wishing he was alone to rub himself to climax again before his diaper change.

It was her bre_ast that gave him the desire to substitute something for her own nipple.  Two images came into his mind:  A baby’s pacifier and a baby’s bottle and he immediately came up with a plan for a baby’s bottle.  It came upon him when she started to lift him up.  She was going to move him to the changing table.  He started to sit, then fell back and put the back of his hand to his forehead.  He was going to test his acting skills right then and there.

“Dizzy,”  Mark said.

“Stay there!  Don’t move,”  Greta said quickly and added, "could be you moved too quickly.  Let’s try that again but slower okay?”

“Okay,”  Mark said and allowed her to put an arm behind him.  With her help he began to sit up but again, after a few inches he told her he was getting dizzy again.  She made him lay back down again.  She said that according to the printout she got from Linda which came from the doctor that dizziness might happen over the next few days.  Mark knew that from their conversations.

Mark said he understood and then worriedly asked how he was going to get a drink of water if he couldn’t raise his head?  Greta looked puzzled as well till she suggested maybe a bendable straw but she didn’t have any in the house and that’s when Mark let the blush come to his cheeks. 

“Can I ask you a question,”  Mark said with hesitation in his voice.

Of course honey,”  Greta said and added, “what is it?”

“Promise not to laugh,”  Mark asked.

Of course not precious,”  Greta said and then pressing asked, “what is it honey?”

“Would it be okay if I drank out of a baby’s bottle,”  Mark asked.

“Of course it would be okay,”  Greta said softly stroking his forehead and added, “that’s an excellent idea Victor.”

The look on Greta’s face was one of astonishment then surprise then admiration and she immediately left the room to get him exactly that.  Mark meanwhile went under the baby blanket and took immediate action to relieve himself and did so with a few quick rubs easily imagining himself in Greta’s lap nursing her bre_ast as he imagined her reaching into his diaper to get him off.  As it happens he’d had plenty of time to climax.

“Here we go honey,”  Greta said walking into the room with the soft pastel pink plastic baby bottle filled nearly full with juice.  She said she had several in pink and lavender and if he was going to be using baby bottles for any length of time she would pick up a couple in white or clear.

Mark told her that the color didn’t matter which again caught her by surprise as she tipped the brown rubber nipple to his mouth.  Mark allowed the nipple into his mouth and immediately began using his lips and teeth to gently press the soft rubber closed to force the liquid into his mouth.  It was Greta’s bre_ast he was nibbling as each press of the rubber nipple spurted liquid at the back of his throat.  Mark was in heaven again.

With that problem solved Greta brought over a fresh diaper, some wipes, powder and slipped herself into those disposable gloves again to change Mark.  He happily held his bottle and the satin edge of the baby blanket now nearly all the way by his head as Greta pulled the tapes open to free him of his soiled diaper.  Only the coolness of the air kept him from getting an immediate erection, but even that didn’t stop it from growing when she started using the wipes.

Mark slowly began to realize he wasn’t an eight year old in spite of the evidence suggesting he was.  He didn’t know how old he was but he wasn’t eight. He might be a boy named Victor and he might have been wearing diapers when he was found, but he was positive the circ-umstances were not exactly what he was told.  First because he was sure most eight year olds didn’t feel the way he felt about women and right now he wanted Greta in the worse way.

Greta, in her own thoughts, finished Mark’s diaper and left him to finish his baby bottle of juice deciding if she had to feed him with the baby bottles for the next couple of days she’d need food.  She went to the cabinet and found the dry baby formula and the nipples with the larger holes in them still in the jars she kept in the pantry.  She heated water and warmed a spoonful of honey pouring that into a small mixer that she strained.  She filled another baby bottle, this one fixed with a larger nipple plus a second normal sized nipple of juice.

Greta was holding both bottles in one hand as she opened the door to Mark’s room.  She’d been quiet so as the door opened she caught him nursing the bottle with one hand while rubbing his exposed diaper with the other.  She stood there quietly till Mark arched his back a little signifying a climax before he fell back relaxed.  He took note of her right at that moment, but she made it appear she was just coming in.

She had never seen a child do that before.  Teenagers on occasion in the years as a foster mom, but never anyone that young.  Mark was just finishing the baby bottle of juice but he was glassy eyed from his climax and had only just noticed Greta coming in when he finished.  He was sure he hadn’t been seen and yet he wasn’t clear that was a bad thing.

Mark wasn’t seeing Greta so much a caregiver than as a potential lover in that haze that he languished in.  Something was different about her when she came in.  He sensed it almost immediately, but now instead of emotions he was getting words:  Va_gina.  Greta had a va_gina.  Mark knew that.  He also knew there was a cli_toris and he knew how to pleasure her using both. 

There was another thought as well?  He tried to reason it out.  A girl... no it was a woman.  Yes, a woman almost as small as she was.  Not quite as small but small and they sometimes made love.  She was Japanese.  Azami!  Azami which means “the flower of a thistle”.  She had taught him what her name meant and how to pleasure her.

His Japanese neighbor, after a little too much sake on New Years?  Yes, she befriending him long ago, had openly berated him badly for feeling sorry for himself. He had cried that he was too small to pleasure an adult woman and she had laughed.  She taught him openly about the parts of a female then how to use those parts.  That night she taught him the benefits and mastery of cun_nilingus and that ended that.


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Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender