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Author Topic: Tormented by my cousins  (Read 8751 times)

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Tormented by my cousins
« on: May 07, 2019, 08:48:50 AM »
As a child I was a bit of a mummy's boy,a typical spoilt brat, used to getting my own way.
 Whenever I got the chance I would sneak into my parent's room and put on my mother's things in front of her mirror.
       When I reached the age of 9 my mother resumed her career and during the school holidays I was sent to stay with my aunt Kate and my cousins Jaqueline &  Jennifer.
 Jacky was a year older than me, Jenny was 2 years younger. Aunt Kate was a widow and as she had to raise 2 girls alone she had become a strict disciplinarian.On the second day of my first stay I witnessed Jenny receiving a hairbrush spanking and it scared the life out of me! Jenny lay across aunt Kate's lap with her knickers around her knees, wailing and weeping while my aunt spanked her butt until it was bright red! It seemed to go on forever although it probably only lasted a few minutes.
  I decided I had better be on my best behaviour during my stay. Unfortunately my good behaviour only lasted 24 hours and the next day I began teasing Jenny about her spanking and how she'd cried like a big baby.I started flicking her dress up and trying to sneak a peek at her bottom to see how bruised it was. She got really angry and pulled my hair. I retaliated by yanking her dress up and slapping her hard across the seat of her panties. She was still very tender and screamed in agony. Aunt Kate dashed into the bedroom to see what all the noise was about and Jenny told her everything. I protested that Jenny had slapped me first but it was obvious who had started it. By this time Jacky had come to see what was going on. Aunt Kate was furious! "So you little brat, you like pulling up girls' dresses, do you? Lets see how you like it! "With that she opened the girls' closet, selected a pastel blue dress with a flowery print, held it up in front of me and snapped"Get undressed!"
  I was stunned,my aunt was going to make me wear a dress! (I'd never heard of petticoating before) I just stood there agog, "Well,what are you waiting for? I hope you're not intending to defy me! "she growled, picking up a hairbrush and tapping her palm with it ominously! This galvanised me into action. I'd seen how hard she spanked and seen Jenny's reaction to it, I had no desire to find myself across aunt Kate's lap! Jacky burst out laughing and Jenny cheered up, grinning through her tears.
  I reasoned I was getting off lightly as I often wore my mum's things in secret it was just the embarrassment of being seen by the three of them that made me feel awkward.
  I took off my shirt and trousers and began to pull the dress over my head.
"No no! Panties as well! "Laughed Jacky and ran to a chest of drawers to select a pair. "And a petticoat!"    chimed in Jenny. I looked at my aunt aghast! "But that means they'll see me naked!"  I gasped. Auntie took the petticoat and panties from Jacky, held them out in front of me and snapped "Do it!" I began to cry and dropping the dress on the bed I took off my t-shirt.
I turned my back and took off my underpants,this was getting worse by the minute!
I turned back to face them dressed only in a pair of white socks,trying to cover myself with my hands. Auntie offered me the panties but I hesitated not wanting take my hands away from my privates. Jacky giggled and took the panties from auntie.
She knelt in front of me and held them open. I was sobbing loudly by this time and feeling totally helpless I obediently stepped into them.At least my privates were covered now but the knickers were ridiculously frilly, I just wanted the earth to swallow me up!
"Arms up!" snapped auntie and slipped the petticoat over my head swiftly followed by the dress.Auntie turned me around to face the mirror and buttoned up the dress, I looked ridiculous! The clothes were all Jenny's and she was much shorter than me. The dress barely covered the panties .Auntie took me by the arm,walked me across to the bed,sat down and hauled me over her lap! The full horror of my situation dawned on me,the dress wasn't "instead" of a spanking,it was as well as!
  I was bawling like a 2 two year old by this time and the first stroke hadn't even fallen!
   My aunt spoke "Well now as it was Jenny's dress you pulled up I think it's only fair that she gets to pull yours up!" It was hardly necessary as the dress was so short, the panties were already exposed! Jenny giggled and did as she was asked.
  "Ooh! Ooh! Please mum,can I do the panties?" shrieked Jacky,almost beside herself with excitement."I don't see why not dear." (Auntie always spanked on the bare bottom!) Jacky grabbed hold of the waistband of the panties and tugged then down to my knees!
   Auntie began to spank,I had never been spanked in my entire life and didn't realize that such pain existed! I howled and wept, imploring auntie to stop, promising to be a good boy from now on.  She ignored me and carried on spanking,I was frantic by now and foolishly tried to cover my burning backside with my hands. Big mistake! Aunt Kate paused and gripped both my wrists with her left hand, pressing them into the small of my back.
 I heard the girls gasp,and saw them both standing with their hands over their mouths,I had committed a cardinal sin! You never put your hands in the way when auntie was spanking! "You've just earned yourself a double dose! I'll have to start all over again!"She looked at the clock on the wall, 1.20pm.she shoved my hands further up my back and continued spanking.
  I was in agony, I thought I was going to die! I then wished I would die, the pain was so intense! Auntie continued spanking methodically,first one cheek then the other, then right in the centre.The worst bit was when she turned her attention to the crease between the cheeks and thighs.
   I was shrieking and howling so loudly I couldn't think straight. I remember howling "Please-please stop, I'm telling my mommy!" "You needn't bother, I'll tell her myself" replied aunt Kate.
  Eventually the spanking ended, aunt Kate looked at the clock and lifted me off her lap. I had been spanked for almost five whole minutes! She took me by the arm and led me sobbing downstairs to the lounge with the girls following behind laughing. The panties were still around my knees and I would have tripped and fallen if auntie hadn't had a firm grip on my arm. I was made to stand in front of the fireplace with my folded arms resting on mantelpiece and was warned that if I moved or tried to rub my burning bum I'd get another dose. I rested my head on my arms and cried like a baby. After about a quarter of an hour I managed to stop crying and looked around, the girls were behind me seated on a sofa, grinning like Cheshire cats, I looked at aunt Kate and whispered "I'm sorry auntie."
 "It's not me you should be apologizing to, it was Jenny you hit, you bully!" I looked at Jenny and said "Sorry Jen." Jenny laughed but Jacky snapped "So you should be!" I turned to face the fireplace again  and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror ,with my arms raised, the dress only just reached the top of my buttocks and the girls were treated to the view of my bright red bum! No wonder they were laughing.
   Five minutes later auntie said "Pull your panties up and come here." I did as I was told, wincing as the waistband dragged across my very sore buttocks! The knickers were a bit tight and the elasticated legs cut into me painfully. "Now I don't want any more trouble from you, I've lots to do today so the three of you can go and play in the garden. Jacky, you're in charge." I moved towards the stairs."Where do you think you're going?" "To get changed." I replied. "You are not!" she snapped "Jacky! Go and get him some shoes. You'll stay dressed as you are until I tell you otherwise!" Jacky came trotting back downstairs with a smug grin on her face and offered me a pair of her black T-bar Mary Jane's. I knew better than to argue and after buckling them up I went out into the garden followed by my cousins. I stood shamefaced in front of them looking at my shoes
  "Now, what shall we play?" Mused Jacky. "I know! Dolly's tea party!" shrilled Jenny, trying to think of the girliest game possible. "Mmm, maybe later, but first I think we should see how good he is at, -- Skipping!" Good idea!" said Jenny and dashed indoors reappearing with a skipping rope which she thrust into my hands.
  "But I can't skip." I whimpered. "That's OK. We'll teach you." replied Jenny. I spent more time on my backside than on my feet during the next 1/2 hour, aggravating my very sore bottom!
 I finally mastered it to their satisfaction but they then made me learn several skipping songs As I skipped around the garden chanting the rhymes they sat on the grass laughing at me.
 I suddenly realised that as I skipped up and down my dress and petticoats were bobbing up and down, treating them both to a grandstand view of my frilly panties!
This was what was causing all their hilarity. When I complained Jacky replied "Mummy put ME in charge and I've decided that we're skipping!" Jenny added "And if you don't do as you're told you'll get another spanking!"   I continued skipping!
  When they finally got bored and allowed me to stop and rest, I asked "How long do you think auntie will make me wear a dress for?" "When do you go home?" Jacky asked. "Sunday." I replied. "Oh I suppose until about -- SATURDAY!"she laughed.
 "You're joking! Surely she'll let me have my own clothes back tomorrow?" I cried.
"Not if I ask her not to!" Jacky smirked. "Yeah! 'Specially as you play so nice as a GIRL! Chimed in Jenny. Unfortunately for me, they were right!


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Re: Tormented by my cousins
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2019, 11:58:19 PM »
love to see what torment the sisters have for their cousin


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