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Author Topic: The Terror of the Neighborhood  (Read 31687 times)

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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2019, 05:10:08 AM »
Hi Baby Bobby and davelo thanks for your great gifts over the years, I have been an avid fan of both of you from the start, that is why I would like to make a suggestion, how about you work together on a one-off piece to be used to help donations to Betty's, because we all know she deserves it and more for providing such a wonderful website for all these years.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2019, 05:34:34 AM »
I would LOVE to see an  illustrated “David’s fateful day” story. That story changed my life. I first at it at 14 and I’m now in my mid 30’s. Does anyone remember the old sissy site “Sarah Sissy World”? It was something like that. Maybe “Sarah Jane”. That’s where I first read David Fateful Day. 


  • Dolly
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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2019, 05:24:57 PM »
Hi Baby Bobby and davelo thanks for your great gifts over the years, I have been an avid fan of both of you from the start, that is why I would like to make a suggestion, how about you work together on a one-off piece to be used to help donations to Betty's, because we all know she deserves it and more for providing such a wonderful website for all these years.
Well first off thank you for your kind words, and a great idea, if Bobby has the time and is willing then so am I Thank you xxx

Baby Bobby

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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2019, 12:34:06 PM »
Dave, would you be keen to provide an illustration for each chapter of a future story? In that way, we could collaborate and present the combined work together here.


  • Dolly
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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2019, 05:57:26 PM »
Hi Bobby, yes I would, but I struggle to get my work on here without shrinking it to the size of a postage stamp before I can upload it, it would be easier if I could mail you the finished piece and you upload it as I am not the sharpest knife in the box when it comes to dealing with stuff like that  ..
Kindest Regards and Thank you again D..

Baby Bobby

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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2019, 01:26:55 PM »
Six months later...

Sissy Trevor sat crosslegged in his playpen, musing over which set of plastic blocks looked best as he arranged them in a wall of sorts. His fluffy cotton baby diapers swaddled him generously, and he welcomed their safe, protecting embrace around his hips and loins.
About four months ago, Trevor was starting to have accidents in his diapers, usually just a little bit of wetting, but then the incidents became more and more frequent. Perhaps it was his growing used to the feel of wearing the the bulky underwear everyday that made him more comfortable, but what started as an occasional accident soon became a daily occurrence.
Similarly, Trevor’s previous bedwetting habit came back with a vengeance— it might have been due to the daily humiliations he suffered, but it was a rare morning when his diapers were not completely soaked.

His mom was not overly bothered by these developments, feeling that it was a far preferable situation than to his previous bratty persona. She was much happier taking care of a childish bedwetter in diapers than being the pariah of the neighborhood.

Over the course of the next couple of months, Trevor began wetting his diapers more frequently during the day. It happened anytime he was surprised by someone or something, but also just randomly, like when he’d be playing with his trucks and he would sit back, only to discover to his surprise that his sissy pampers were soaked.

Later on, when his mom would call him in to check on him, he would blush and stammer out some absurd excuse but she usually just ignored him, pushing his fat pink pacifier into his mouth and changing his diapers like she would any incontinent toddler.

By now, the entire neighborhood knew him as ‘Baby Trevor’, the sissy who couldn’t keep his diapers dry and long gone, was the fear he used to invoke in his younger peers.

Over time, his mom had gradually transformed his bedroom into a proper baby’s nursery, decorating it with soft pastel colors of pink and yellow. His closet was now filled with short, frilly dresses that always left his fat, childish diapers humiliatingly displayed. He had whined and protested with her for something that would at least cover up his embarrassing underwear but she would only shake her head and say ‘Mommy knows best’.
With only a little effort, his bed had been converted into a proper crib, with solid pink bars now surrounding it, a waterproof mattress cover and soft baby blankets.

A large, red rubber enema bag stood hanging from a stand next to his crib, ready at a moment’s use, although she was now making a point of administering a long, soapy purge of her wayward son every morning without fail. It had been months now since he had had a regular bowel movement.
The daily enemas also helped to drain some his of built-up semen, although despite that, Trevor was still left constantly horny and frustrated by his inability to masturbate.

Oh, how he missed that favorite of his previous activities!

The chastity device was his constant humiliating companion, compressing his short little nub and keeping it nice and sissy soft inside his comfy baby diapers.
No matter how he begged and pleaded with his mom, she insisted that it was there to stay, and he would just have to get used to a life without erections.

Now as he sat in his playpen, he tried not to think about his hot, stinging bottom, still throbbing from the sound paddling he’d received earlier for throwing his food. His mom had certainly taken a page from Jordan’s book, realizing the solid benefits of taking her errant child over her lap for a good, hard spanking whenever he acted up.
Now, it was rare for a week to go by in which Trevor did not find himself bent over her knee, his diapers unpinned as she smacked his bare bottom to a bright, fiery shade of red. What made it worse, was that she always made a point of opening the windows and drapes so all the neighbors would know he was getting paddled.
More often than not, the neighborhood girls would come over and watch as the sobbing teenager stamped his feet and stood in place as his diapers and plastic panties were pulled back up over a red hot bottom.

Today had been no exception, and afterwards, his mom had put him in his playpen to keep an eye on him before his afternoon nap.

Trevor fidgeted as he sat on the padded waterproof floor of his playpen, his bottom still hot and stinging from his childish punishment.
A knock at the door distracted him and his mom crossed the room to answer it. Trevor was always nervous whenever someone came by, as it almost always meant some further humiliation for him. As he anxiously raised himself up to a kneeling position, he could see out the front window, the busty profile of their sexy neighbor, Jordan. Suddenly, to his surprise, the floodgates opened unexpectedly and without even realizing it, Trevor began helplessly flooding his diapers like a baby.

His mom opened the door and greeted her friend, cheerfully inviting her in. At the same time, Trevor whimpered as he felt his diapers growing warm and heavy with urgent pee. It flowed unchecked, collecting in a pool around his little locked package and then seeping into the thick, thirsty seat of his diapers.

As Jordan came into the living room, she saw him and beamed down upon the blushing youth.

“Well hello, babykins!” she exclaimed, “Look what I brought over you.”

She held forth a baby doll wearing a short dress and diapers with blonde hair tied into pigtails.

“She looks just like you, don’t you think?”

Trevor blushed furiously just as another strong stream of pee flooded into his already very wet pampers.

“Aw, what’s da matter, babykins?” she asked in her voice for toddlers, “Does baby Trevor need his ba-ba?”

Today, Jordan was wearing a snug, plunging pink halter top that hugged her glorious big breasts in the sexiest possible way. Trevor bit his lip and tried unsuccessfully not to stare at them.
He was so horny!
Although he resented Jordan for putting him in his present situation, he couldn’t help but be infatuated with her, lusting after her voluptuous, curvy body, especially when she dressed the way she was today.

Jordan reached down and lifted the squirming boy out of the playpen, ignoring his whimpers of embarrassment. Taking a seat on an armless chair, she placed him to sit across her firm lap. It was when his fat, diapered seat squished warmly against her thighs that she smiled knowingly to him.

“Is there something you want to tell your mommy?” she asked the brightly blushing sissy.

While having his bedwetting habit explained to Jordan had been embarrassing enough, his recent daytime wetting incidents were even more humiliating. To think that he was starting to wet himself during the day, with no more control than an incontinent toddler was mortifying for the little pantywaist.

With his cheeks blushing bright red with shame, he looked around the room nervously, desperately wishing he could avoid this uncomfortable conversation. Nevertheless, the childish smell of pee could easily be discerned wafting up around him, even if the warm, soggy Birdseye cloth against her thighs didn’t give him away.

“Come on babykins, tell mommy what you did,” she prodded him.

“I w-wet my diapers,” he mumbled under his breath.

“Sorry, we can’t hear you,” she told him.

“I w-wet my diapers,” he stammered louder. Trevor’s ears burned hotly, along with his chest and neck.

His mom brought over a large baby bottle filled with warm milk, handing it over to a Jordan who promptly pushed it between his trembling lips.

“Hush baby,” she comforted him, “you just drink your ba-ba.”

The two women giggled as Trevor did as he was told, his cheeks blazing with humiliation.
Although it was mortifying for the prissy teen to have to nurse from the bottle like an infant, he couldn’t help but gaze hungrily at Jordan’s very impressive bosom, just inches before him. For one, her tight halter top couldn’t quite hide the sexy smooth bra she had on underneath and a portion of the shiny pink silk of her huge cups was peeking out in a most exciting way.
And every time she breathed, her tantalizing chest would rise and fall.

With his post-puberty hormones now raging like a forest fire, Trevor’s tiny little pen-is throbbed and strained urgently inside his chastity device as it struggled in futility to get hard.
His heart rate shot through the roof as his eyes wandered over her big, beautiful breasts, so round and perfect. The babyish notion of nursing from them made him both blush and grow agitated with shameful excitement.
He squirmed and whimpered on her lap in frustration, wishing so badly he could just touch them. Of course, such a move was out of the question—he knew without a shadow of doubt that he’d find himself bent over her lap in seconds, his bottom bared as she paddled him to tears.

“After you finish this, we’ll change those wet diapers and then it will be naptime for you in your crib,” she explained as she smiled at him with her usual look of adult superiority.

Trevor gulped down the tepid milk, even as his caged, child-sized pen-is continued to throb eagerly.

Jordan slipped a long-nailed finger inside his elastic waistband and down the back of his diapers before withdrawing it.

“My, you’ve really managed to soak yourself, sissykins. You’re becoming more babylike all the time.”

“He really doesn’t have very much control anymore,” his mom confessed, “Most often, he simply wets himself without even realizing it.”

Trevor blushed anew. This was SO humiliating!
It’s true he had had a number of accidents lately during the daytime but he was pretty sure he could still get it under control. And anyway, it was all his mom’s fault in the first place for making him wear diapers during the daytime. If she’d just trust him to keep his pants dry, he would prove to everyone that he was still a big boy...

“Poor little sissy,” Jordan lamented as she pursed her sexy lips into a mocking pout, “You really do need your baby pampers, don’t you?”

“No!” Trevor suddenly blurted out in his high-pitched voice.

“That’s enough of that,” his mom warned him sternly, “Come along—it’s naptime for you.”

Trevor pouted angrily as she took him by the hand and led him waddling down to his nursery which more and more, smelled strongly of stale pee and unwashed diapers.

“Hold still, baby bedwetter,” she chided him as she began pulling his soggy wet pampers down.

Once again, Trevor was forced to endure this humiliating, childish ritual, witnessed by Jordan who looked down upon him with smug amusement.

“I’m not a baby!” he wailed miserably as he stamped his feet.
Unfortunately, with his soaking wet diapers around his ankles and the half empty bottle of milk in his hands, he looked very babyish indeed.

“Looks like our little pantywaist got his bottom spanked,” Jordan remarked with a wry smile as she took in his pink, bruised cheeks.

“Yes, the little sissy was throwing his food today in a classic toddler temper tantrum,” his mom explained with a barely concealed chuckle as she set him down on a fresh set of fluffy diapers, “So he earned himself a trip over my lap and a session with the paddle.”

Jordan chuckled as she shook her head.

Trevor wanted to say something in his defense but his mom was already pushing his big rubber pacifier past his lips, stifling his protests before he could start them.
Soon, his Mary Jane-clad feet were swung up over his head as his mom smeared more Desitin across his bottom. She made sure it was sticky and well coated before lowering his legs and generously powdering his diaper area.
Trevor breathed deeply of the babyish scent, feeling helpless and infantile. Pulling the thick, soft cotton up between his legs, she slipped a pink headed pin in one side and secured it snugly around his hips. This was followed by the other side and Jordan had already selected a dainty pair of yellow rubber side-snap panties that she fed his feet into.

“Here you are babykins,” she said cheerfully, “these are the only kind of pants you’ll ever need.”

Trevor blushed hotly as she worked the rubbery, stretchy panties over the fat bulk of his diapers although secretly, he wondered if she wasn’t right. He was upset and ashamed at his growing lack of control which he knew rightfully pegged him as a sissy.

With a soft pat on his shiny diapered bottom, his mom led him into his crib after which she raised the side and latched it in place.

“Sweet dreams, baby Trevor,” Jordan said with a cutesy wave.

Trevor felt so childish at moments like this. The infantile smells of baby powder and wet diapers surrounded him and he pouted in frustration, his feelings of helplessness overwhelming him. As he lay there in his crib, staring at the ceiling and suc-king his pacifier, he reflected that by now, everyone at school knew of him as nothing more than a diaper-wetting pantywaist, dressed like a little toddler girl by his mommy.
He blushed with shame at the notion.

And now Jordan knew he was wetting during the day! Just like a baby!
He slammed his bunched fists on the crib mattress.

Aggravating his feelings of humiliation and frustration, were the gnawing sexual desires that swirled about him.
He suc-ked feverishly on the latex teat in his mouth, wishing more than anything he could relieve his needs just this one time. With visions of Jordan’s picture-perfect bosom still swimming through his head, he was beside himself with both shame and arousal. He tried, for the millionth time, rubbing the front of his soft, prissy diapers but it only made things worse. His tiny little member was held captive inside its secure plastic prison, unable to grow longer than an inch.
He blushed to think it was Jordan herself that had put him in enforced chastity.
He suspected she deliberately wore her tight, sexy tops, just to mercilessly tease him with!
It was so cruel!

But like it or not, Trevor was just going to have to resign himself to a frustrating life without orgasms, or any kind of sexual relief. It was to be a life filled with wet diapers, daily enemas, humiliating, bare bottom spankings, and early bedtimes in his crib.

But it was the perfect lifestyle for a bedwetting sissy brat like Trevor.


Sissy Poopsie

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Re: The Terror of the Neighborhood
« Reply #27 on: June 18, 2019, 02:07:52 PM »
Thank you for another wonderful story Baby Bobby.  I absolutely loved it.

Please keep writing as you are a very gifted writer. Once again thanks.


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