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Author Topic: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia  (Read 26913 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2019, 03:41:19 AM »

      It seemed only a matter of moments before Ute returned
      and smiled as she pulled me from the car. "Well, now,
      you must promise not to wiggle, like a good girl, eh?
      She made sure of this by tightening the braces of my
      shoes to the point where my ankles almost touched.

      "There, now, we ready for the trip to the house. Ute
      picked me up, and reached out with her foot to hit a
      spring on a large four wheeled contraption, which unfolded
      into an adult sized stroller. She lay me down on the
      thing, which was deeply padded and raised onthe sides,
      so that I wouldn't roll out--it also ensured that I was
      like a real baby and couldn't see anywhere but up. I felt
      her securely strapping my legs, crotch and arms into
      this thing, effectively trapping me in it. Ute looked
      down appreciateively, then lifted up my head and placed
      a lacy pillow under my head. She also unfastened the
      pacifier, and for a moment I was happy, thinking that
      I would be able to communicate with someone.

      "Open your mouth, Felicia," she said, and seconds later
      I felt another large nipple and stopper pressed against
      my lips. Ute had strung some sort of rack across the stroller,
      then attached a baby bottle with an extended holder so
      that I could be fed while in the stroller. "Drink it
      all down, Felicia, it will hold you until later." I
      couldn't protest, and had to start swallowing as the
      thick liquid started to fill my mouth. Ute meanwhile
      got behind me and started pushing the stroller up the
      driveway towards the main house.

      I knew we'd entered the house, because the I was able to feel
      the heat and saw the ornate carved beams of the ceiling above me.
      The hallway must have been huge, since the only sound I
      heard was the creaking and sliding of the stroller
      as the thick rubber wheels made their progress down
      the hall with Ute pushing. The stroller came to a halt,
      and I heard Ute humming as she pulled open a another set
      huge wooden doors. I heard the sounds of partying, and
      above all other voices, I heard the strong voice of
      my aunt.

      Ute pushed me towards that voice, then went behind the
      stroller, and pushed the brakes on the wheels so that
      I wouldn't roll away. Moments later, I smelled the
      heady scent of her perfume, and saw my aunt gazing down at
      me, her huge brown eyes full of satisfaction, beautiful
      face framed by that crown of jet black hair. She had
      changed into a low-cut black dress, with trailing
      fringes of gauze like spiderwebs. The dress was fastened
      like a sarong, and crossed her breasts like a midnight
      caress, with a single sapphire at her shoulder. She
      looked like an incredibly beautiful witch. She motioned
      to Ute, and I felt the straps being loosened, then I
      was lifted out of the stroller and carried over to my aunt.

      Ute walked over to the huge chair my aunt was sitting
      on, and placed my bound legs on its edge, curling me
      like a package so that most of me ended up seated snugly
      against my aunt, except for my head, which Aunt Marsha grabbed
      and placed against her costume, just below her bustline.
      While I was being positioned like a newborn, I managed
      to look quickly around the huge room. It was festooned
      with Halloween decorations, with comfortable overstuffed
      couches and chairs occupied by incredibly beautiful
      women, and their charges, all of whom looked to be
      dressed like infants, and clearly under female control.

      "Yes, Felicia, that is the way of it, here. Happy Mounds
      produces a unique product: we take obnoxious, snotty
      young men, and turn them into precious little girls."
      I felt her hand delving through the layers of cloth and diapers,
      then grabbing me. "When the party is over, I think I'll
      have Ute tie a pretty pink constriction band on this,
      and knot it with a security bow so it won't come off.
      It'll make you feel more girlish when you wet and we
      change your tinkle-pants." My aunt smiled, as if the
      ribbon was already in place, then looked at her wristwatch.
      The next thing I knew, she'd reached over and unfastened
      the brooch of her dress, exposing a black maternity
      bra. Propping my head in the crook of her elbow, she
      undid the velcro fastener, then grabbed my nose as her
      nipple appeared, a tiny drop of fluid already at its
      "Open, open very wide,Felicia."
      My aunt released my nose, as she plunged her nipple into
      my mouth, where it vibrated and elongated almost with
      a life of its own, the nipple throbbing on the roof of my
      mouth, the milk droplets becoming a stream.
      "That's my good girl,gooood girrrl, make it all come
      out." I closed my eyes, still thinking this must be
      a dream, as Marsha used her hands to massage my cheeks
      into a suc-king rhythym which suited her. I suc-ked and swallowed,
      wondering what else could happen tonight, and almost
      choked on a giggle when I thought of Ute's name for
      this place: Happy Mounds.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2019, 03:46:34 AM »

      My aunt walked around me, poking at me through the new
      dress I was wearing, making sounds of approval. She stood
      in the front, looking down at me, strapped tightly into
      this modified high-chair, my arms contained at my sides
      by soft Velcro cuffs.

      "Well, Ute, you have certainly worked wonders with her
      in a few hours; why I would swear that this was a
      naughty teenage girl who'd been put into diapers as a
      punishment, instead of my pain in the rear nephew."

      I was strapped into a high-chair, but I knew that what
      my aunt and her friend saw wasn't anything even close
      to a teenage boy anymore. I'd been put into a beautiful
      new dress, high collared and long enough to completely
      cover my legs. It was a light cornflower blue, with
      thick pink piping as a hem and at all openings, with
      piles of frothy white lace attached. My hands, even though
      strapped to my sides, had been cleaned with a coarse
      brush until my skin shone pink and shiny, and my fingernails
      bore a thick coating of bright pink nail polish. Ute had
      also done my toes, laughing at my wiggling as she
      waited for them to dry before putting my feet into
      pink and blue anklets and a pair of black strap Mary
      Jane shoes with loops in the back for the pedi-brace.

      "Oh, and look at the baby blushing--why it sets off
      her eyes and the lovely lengthening you performed on
      her lashes!" My aunt placed a short kiss on my forehead
      as she held my face between her hands, her pinky
      gently tapping the teardrop pearls which had been put
      in my newly pierced ears. My long hair felt twice as
      thick as before, permed as it was into a mass of
      auburn curls and held in place with numerous barrettes
      and ribbons. "And you should get used to being pretty
      and blushing, Felicia, for that is what little girls
      do best--your hair may change, later, when it gets
      even longer and I have some time to experiment with
      some old fashioned styles I want to try with you, but
      from this point onward, you will be properly curled
      and perfumed while in your little outfits."

      My aunt put her hand under my dress, checking my panties
      and diapers, and smiled. "And Ute tells me that after
      this morning with her, you resemble a girl even more
      when you're being changed."

      My face got even redder, and I tried to protest, but
      my aunt only smiled more as the pacifier fastened in
      my mouth prevented anything but gurglings from coming

      I had been rudely awakened by being picked up and strapped
      into the cold plastic of a stroller by Ute earlier that
      morning. I'd seen her vague outline in the dim light as
      she rolled me out of my aunt's bedroom, and she'd started
      whistling cheerfully as we went down the corridor.

      The next thing I knew, I was in a brightly lit hospital
      room, being carried by Ute towards an ominous looking
      table which was a dark pink and had red rubber straps
      and syringes hanging from a large bladder bag. Ute
      placed me on the metal table, stripping off my blankets,
      pinafore, and thick nighttime rubber panties until I
      was naked except for my diaper.

      "Now, let's get you into the pinkboard, and cleaned out
      like a proper young lady." She'd lifted my legs high up,
      almost to my head, and shoved a plastic plank under my back.
      I tried to see what she was doing, but was quickly
      placed back down and had soft padded straps fasten
      my neck and chest in place to the board. I heard Ute
      putting on a pair of latex gloves, and then felt my
      legs being raised on blocks into the air, being pushed
      farther apart as they went higher. "Aahh, here we go,
      liebchin, we will start with a soft tip and lots of
      soapy water, ja? Ute will have you clean and pretty
      on the outside and the inside for your auntie, one
      pretty little package!" I squirmed but was held in place as
      Ute pushed past my diaper and slowly pressed something
      wide and long past my cheeks and up into my anal area.
      She smiled and continued feeding it past my cheeks. When
      she stopped, she tapped her foot on a floor pedal, and
      I felt the tip expand deep inside of me, along with
      the first gush of warm water and soap. The water was
      collecting inside of me, but I couldn't expel it, and the
      the pressure started to grow.

      "And while we are at it, Ute will see if I cannot make
      another adjustment, which we talked about last night,eh?"
      She laughed, and unpinned my diapers, exposing me on
      the table. She held up a harness and buckle type thing
      about the size of my hand, made out of flesh colored
      rubber, showing me how it unbuckled and spread out
      like a lobster. Bending over me, she grabbed my private
      parts in one hand, easing two of her fingers under my
      scrotum and pushing gently so that my testicles went
      inside and up. I then felt her grasp my pen-is and pull
      the rubber cage over it, placing two pads of rubber under
      my balls, and quickly buckling the harness shut over
      my pen-is. She pulled the harness down between my legs,
      pulling a rubber lead under my crotch and lodging on
      the inside of my anus next to the colonic tube. She held
      up a two inch surgical joiner with a pink bow on top.
      Pinching two folds of flesh together just above the
      harness, she pushed the hooks of the joiner into the
      harness, fastening the two folds of flesh in a V to
      the harness and tweaking the bow.
      "This is permanent for you, Felicia, and would take
      a doctor to remove--it will ensure that you will pee
      like a proper girl. I will lock the harness in the rear
      with a belly band after we are through cleaning your
      insides. By the time I am done, you will be such a
      darling that you will hardly recognize yourself!"

      And Ute had been right, apparently. Still woozy and
      red faced, I watched as my Aunt Marsha and Ute discussed
      my changes, both inside and out, and wondered what
      else could possibly happen here at Happy Mounds.


  • Mommy's Dearest
  • *****
  • Posts: 25
  • Karma: +1992/-1
Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2019, 03:53:18 PM »

Two more of my aunt's employees came through the door, and walked up to her
side, talking business, they paid as little attention to me as they would
to any other baby, though they both acknowledged Ute
and greeted her warmly. There was some discussion of bills
and receipts, and then my aunt was satisfied. She pulled on
my harness a little bit, forcing me up and exposing
me to the others, as the blanket fell back. I tried to turn
head, thoroughly humiliated by the restrictions of diapers
and my dress, not to mention the picture my new girlish
hairstyle and additions made.

One of the women came closer, and pushed her hand under my chin,
looking at me closely, with a knowing smile. "So, Madame,
is this your new little charge? Why what a cute little
thing she is! Still holding my chin, she drew closer
and fluffed the curls of my hair, admiring my earrings
and the lacy collar and ribbons. "But she is a naughty
little girl, too, isn't she?", the woman said laughingly, pointing
to my legs and the rumbas which were clearly filled
out and visible beneath my dress.

My aunt laughed, pulling me back so that my head rested
on her bust, my legs raised up slightly giving her
friend a better view. "Yes, Felicia is a naughty little
thing, but with a schedule of 24/7 in diapers, and the
Happy Mounds training program, she will be a proper
little princess in no time!"

She waved the two women out of the room, keeping my
head in place as Ute wheeled up her PC and raised the
keyboard. She also handed my aunt a large vinyl baby
bib, and some round pads which smelled of lanolin and
lilacs. Humming, my aunt used her voice control to dial
in the program she wanted on the PC while she tied the
bib around my neck, and pushed the front of her dress
down, exposing her turgid breasts in the nursing bra.
She undid the snap on the left cup, and rubbed the pad
around her nipple area until it was erect and shiny, then
grabbed my nose gently so that my mouth opened--"wider,
Felicia, that's a good girl--time for umm-umms!! She
buried my face in her breast,still holding my nose until
her nipple filled my mouth, and her milk started to flow
down my throat. Her hand squeezed my cheeks again so
that I suc-kled to the rhythm she wanted. I could hear
her sigh with satisfaction as her throbbing nipple disgorged
its contents.
She pulled my head back, hand on my nose again as
she readied me for the other nipple,pausing to look
at Ute standing ready. "After I've fed her, I want you
to bring her to Lucinda."
I was too busy swallowing and trying to breathe to catch
anything but the name, as my aunt massaged her
breast--it was her right, and the largest of the two,
and I knew from experience that it held more. I also
felt extremely wet, and hadn't been aware of it. Whatever
Ute had done to me down there had decreased what control
I had left, and permanently changed the way it came out!
Instead of the familiar intense stream, the wetness
and warmth now spread from the center of my closed thighs and
down into the crease of my butt, wetting an entire new
My aunts' hand left my cheeks, and her nipple gradually
softened and ceased its surge and squirt. Smiling down
at me, she wiped her breasts clean with the pad,
then did the same to my face and lips.
"There we go, Felicia,"she said, smiling. "No chafing
for Auntie, and a clean face for baby." Still smiling,
she made me open my mouth again, fastening the pacifier
gag in place. She noticed that I was wiggling and the
look of discomfort I must have had, because her hands went
under my dress and lifted the elastic leg band of my panties.

"And, Ute, be a dear and bring me another diaper, will
you please? Felicia needs pippy-pins again." My aunts'
smile grew even larger as she pulled the panties down
and started unpinning me. "We wouldn't want to send
Lucinda a wet baby as an introduction, now would we?
After all, she will be your governess and teacher, and
first impressions are very, very important!"

Ute took me and in her strong arms squeezed me and smiled.
"And now we will be going to another room where my
little liebchin will have a surprise!--she wiped the
remains of milk from my face, then took a small
cartridge of dark pink lipstick, and extended the
tip towards me.
"Pucker those little bow shaped pretties for me, Felicia!"
I obeyed quickly, pushing my mouth into the shape she wanted
and staying still. I did not move, as I had felt Ute's
firm hand on my delicate rear more than once, and had
no desire to anger her. I felt the thick and sweet
paste coating my lips, staying still even when Ute pinched
my mouth to make the lips bow even further, so that
she could apply more of the sweet pink coloring.
Finally she was through, letting my head back down on her
breasts, as she looked into my eyes, smiling.
"Ja, you are your Aunt's pretty little thing, Ja!--and
this is a new formula we are using especially for our
babies: it lasts much longer than any other lipstick,
and will stand up to baby's lickings and feedings!"

She put me on my feet, and I felt the air rustling
about underneath the bulk of my starched
dress and pinafores, and the layered crinolines and
petticoats I was wearing. I couldn't see down that far, however,
as my neck was encased in thick ruffles and lace of
the dress's collar and brocades of the pinafore. I could
only glance sideways, past the plaited braids and ribbons
of my hair, to see my arms trapped in the lovely ruffled
sleeves, with tight elastic at the end, and thick
pink mittens dangling from bow tied straps.

Ute marched me in front of a mirror in the hall, and
I almost choked seeing my reflection--there was a ringleted
little girl looking back at me, with beautifully coiffed
hair, lots of ribbons, and a short , extremely pretty
yellow and blue pinafored dress peering back at me. The
girls face was made up lightly, except for the thick
pink lips, which twisted in dismay as they observed
the MaryJane shoes and frilly topped anklets socks,
set off by the bulky roundness of a pair of
sparkling white rumbas well padded with diapers!

I saw the huge form of Ute approach from behind,then
had my head pulled back and turned to the side.
Hmmmmm--Ja, they are well healed and open--"-with my
head turned, I felt Ute take my right ear and push
something through the hole. I had been pierced by
her in both earlobes at my Aunts' request. "JA, ja, very
very pretty!!!"--my head was turned in the other direction,
and the process was repeated. Still holding me by my
head, Ute pushed up my chin, and tilting my head back,
took the stopper from a crystal bottle of perfume,
rubbing the stopper under my chin, on each cheek, and then
behind each earlobe. "Ja, Ja--there we are, my sweet
little Liebchin!!--now you are ready to for your
surprise!" Giving a satisfied little chuckle, she pinched
my nose, making me open my mouth. She smiled and placed
my pacifier back in my mouth, tightly securing the
the colored bands in the back of my head so that I
was only able to gurgle and breathe, but not talk.

I was picked up in her arms again, and tried to close my
eyes to hide my embarassment as she placed me down in
the confines of a huge, padded baby carriage. I watched
her hands move deftly about, fastening me first with
the harness, pushing my arms and the cloth of the dress
through the armholes, then pulling the lower straps between
my legs and up, buckling them to the chest crossing
and zipping each side to the carriage wall stays in its
turn. A frilly pink pram blanket was pulled over this
and tucked under my chin, so that I was effectively
immobilized, and could move neither arm nor leg, but
could only lay there at the mercy of those above me,
pretty, silenced, and at the moment, dry.

"And now we are ready, Felicia--hang on for the ride
Liebchin!" I heard Ute laughing as the the carriage
moved forward, watching her breasts jiggle and move as
she pushed me down the hall.

It was only a few minutes, I am sure, but it seemed like
ages to me, when the carriage gently rolled to a stop.
Ute moved away from the front handle, and I stared
upwards at the doorway where we had paused.

The top of the entryway was of carved thick wood, which had been
painted a beautiful shade of blue, with white and
pink hued c-umulus clouds in the midst. Across the
sky, as if in an announcement, in large yellow, upper
case letters was carved : LADY LINDA'S NURSERY--BEAUTIFUL

I heard the approach of two sets of high heels
approaching, that of Ute's firm step, and another,
lighter, beside her.
"And here she is, Sister---I am sure that you will
do your best with her and make our Madame happy!" I
saw Ute smiling, and deferential, which was in itself
unusual. I knew that here at Happy Mounds, there were
few women who equaled her, and none with whom she
deferred, save my Aunt.

A voice like liquid diamonds answered her, chilling me
with its timbre and beauty. "Mai Oui, Ute, --I will
take our little chic and mold her perfectly, No?"-a
slim hand, with white skinned, elegant fingers,and long
highly buffed nails crept past the bindings of the
carriage and under the pram blanket, until it reached
the fabric of my rumbas, and then past the elastic
to check inside. This new lady's hand probed about,
resting between my legs on my newly trussed and clipped
mound and its small package within. A little giggle
reached my ears.--"Ahhhh--and I see that our "fille"
has already started her training, eh? But I shall take
her now, Sister. She is restless and needs her pants
I felt the carriage moving again, the hood pulled down so
I could not see anyting, but could smell perfume and
hear an old French babies tune being hummed.

I managed to look up from the confines of the carriage after I
I was wheeled inside and my new "teacher" had stopped her singing.
I was slightly discomforted when she stopped, as she had a
delicious French accent, and her tones towards me was
not snippy at all, but caring and soft---then I thought, again, and knew
why: that was exactly the tone any woman would use when
dealing with a baby. I struggled in the traces of the
carriage, but was securely fastened; Ute did not make
mistakes when it came to keeping her little charges in place.

"Well, well, let us see how my "bon enfant le femme" is doing
eh? We have wet pants, do we not?" I turned red as a beet
at I saw a cascade of the thickest, most beautiful black hair
I had ever seen, with a face that was pale and delicate, but
with bright green eyes which sparkled with strength and
amusement. Her small hand pushed past the trace and the
cloth of my dress, until she reached the lacy ruffle of
my plastic panties, feeling the soaked diaper within.
"Oui, you are well past the damp stage, 'ma petit',
but we will take care of that and then get better
acquainted, 'non'?"

Suiting actions for words, she pushed the carriage within,
stopping beside an old fashioned desk of black walnut, which
I could see from the carriage. Scattered about its bottom
were four low baby cribs, the pads angled so that their
occupants would always be facing up at whoever was
sitting behind the desk. I could smell lavender and
rose water, and over all others, the scent of fresh
baby powder. Almost out of range, I spied another closet,
this one obviously a wardrobe, with large racks of
baby clothes and huge piles of stacked diapers and
other nursery items. I noticed that each crib was also
equipped with the soft cloth restraints and harnesses
I was never without in my waking hours. As my new
teacher probed about in my panties, humming softly, I
turned beet red, getting a full view of her for the
first time; she could not have been much more than
nineteen or twenty, with the freshness of youth and
promise of future growth. She smiled as she caught me
looking at her breasts.

"Ahh-so, I see what makes you happy, 'ma petit', eh?
She lifted up one of her breasts, exposing white lace against
the pink flesh. "Certainly--it is to be expected, and
your training will make you eager to suc-kle!" She laughed
softly, looking down on me, tapping the pacifier in my mouth
gently. "But, the times of your feedings will be determined
by me, and your Auntie. But do not worry, for we shall
see that 'le bebe' gets more more nipples than she can
handle, non? Now let us unfasten you and get you into
your crib so that I may get you settled in, eh?"

I felt her fingers going to the side buckles, taking out the
metal fasteners, and undoing the sides. Once they were
free, she bent over me, her hair brushing against my
face as she unzipped the the crotch and shoulder loops,
pushing them aside as she hummed softly. As she stepped back,
I could hear her bending over to unlatch the bottom of
the carriage, so that it unhinged in the front like
a platform and went to the floor. She rose up and had
a thick leash in her hands, the front metal loop open.
She was obviously going tosnap that on me in front, using
it as lead to make me crawl along with her. I raised
my head up, smiling and cooing, and saw that we were
alone. If I were ever going to make it out of this place
then this would probably be the best chance.

I pushed up and out, gathering what strength I had in
my arms and legs, thrusting myself out of the carriage
and onto the floor, rolling about and trying to get to my
feet. I was hindered by the confining dress and petticoats,
and my legs were too widely spread by the layers of clothing
to effectively rise up--there is a good reason why babies
learn to walk on their own so slowly--diapers and rubber
pants make it impossible to jump and rise quickly. It
seemed that I had no sooner hit the floor, when I felt a
a firm hand grip my neck, and pinch a nerve that made
me howl past my pacifier in pain.

"So, ma petit, that is the way of it, eh? You are not as much
a 'le bebe femme' as we thought, eh?" Smiling down at
me, Lady Linda let up the pressure from my neck, taking
the leash and snapping it securely to my front harness,
then rolling me over easily and securing both of my
hands behind me with a soft, wide binder of pink leather
with Velcro tabs. The restraint was even more embarrassing
as it had several large bells sewn on it, which tinkled
merrily as I was lifted to my knees by petite captor.

"It might interest you to know that I have been trained
in aikido and ju-jitsu since I myself was a little one!
There is no way that you would have left me, my precious
little bundle!" She laughed loudly, looking down at me
on my knees before her. "This was just a little test,
'ma petit', to see how far your training has taken---not
nearly enough, apparently, but we shall remedy that, shall
we not?" She tugged on the leash, forcing me to follow her
in a crawl until we reached the cribs before the huge
desk--the desk which must have been hers, and I knew that
one of the cribs would be mine.

She stepped up and undid the the slide, making the crib
open--then to may amazement, she picked me up with little
effort, scooping me into her arms and depositing me on
the soft matress. She reached over me and fastened
my leash to the restraints, then put another loop about
my legs, immobilizing me. "Do not fear, little flower,
I am merely going to get you a cleaned up--stay right there!"

I watched her turn and walk over to the closet, bending
over gracefully as she hummed and picked out the items
she wanted. She returned with her hands full, and putting
her items down on small table by the crib, pushed up
my dress and pulled down the pants until they reached my
ankles. Her green eyes gleamed, as she unpinned me,
smiling as she folded the soggy cloth, and looked down
at Utes' handiwork. She smiled, lifting up my legs
and putting the babywipes to good use. "hmmmm-very good,
'certainmon', you are already half a girl physically"
I inhaled a cloud of baby powder as she slid the soft
cloth under me, then had my legs lifted again, as she
took a thick disposable and added it to the cloth, pinning
me on both sides and smiling. "I am a litle more modern
than most of the others here, 'ma petit', and utilize
the disposables as well--it keeps my little ones drier,
gives us more classroom time to learn, non?" Still smiling,
she pulled the panties back up and over, giving me a little
pat on the rear when she let me back down.

She pulled out the pacifier from my mouth, replacing it
alomost instantly with a large bottle of formula, which
she held in place with and put into a cloth loop which was hanging
above me. "Drink it all, Felicia," she said, and her
look told me that I had better obey. I started suc-king
and watched her as she pushed the crib side back up and
picked up the phone. Her hair framed her pale face,
and smiled, I was struck by her beauty and a sense
of encroaching peace.

"Hello, Ute? I was correct. She will need to be taken
back to the beginning. I have her here in harness, and
willbe waiting for you." Her little nose wrinkled as
listened on the phone, concentrating. "Non, it will not
not interfere with the Mistress' feedings--I would
recommend total cocooning and tactile input for at least
a two week period." She looked down at me and smiled
again, holding the phone. "Non--this one will be a proper
little filly when we are through--I do not accept failure
with any of my charges, and this one is special for the Mistress,


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2019, 06:50:18 AM »

      I heard the phone put back into the cradle, and lay there wondering
      what Lady Linda had meant. My view being confined to the inside of the crib, and fastened in place, I could only wait, listening to my lovely captor humming as she moved about.

      Moments later I heard the sound of two pairs of heels echoing on the thick floor, and recognized Ute's and my Aunts' steps. Ute was the first inside, and I could hear her laughter as she waited, probably holding open the door as my Aunt came in with her. I smelled the lavender and lilac of my Aunt's perfume before her face looked down on me, with an amused grin. Her hand reached inside of the crib, pushing past the restraints and under my dress, then pinching me through my panties so that I winced.

      "So, my little Felicia, you are still up to your antics, eh?" Her hair cascaded about her shoulders and around her head as she bent down and laughed. "Well, I suspected as much when I sent you here this morning, but thought that perhaps you would know enough by now to behave like a good girl!"

      "Oh, Madame, never fear, she will be a good girl, when I am through with her, she will not be able to be anything less than what you expect!" Lady Linda stood beside her now, and I could smell her also, like freshly milled soap with a trace of mild scent. I had never noticed this distinction before, and wondered at what potion had been put in the formula I was drinking. "You see how her little nose is working even as she suc-ks on the bottle? The medicines will be working wonders on her." She turned to Ute, who had joined them, looking down on me. "Ute, Darling, are you sure that she has been thoroughly purged?"

      Ute smiled, looking at me and then turning to a table where she had placed a large box. "Ja, she is as clean as a whistle, Linda, inside, if not outside anymore! I pinkboarded her this morning, and her little tummy was well soaped and full, twice!" Ute put her hand on my still tender stomach, and rubbed it, grinning as she watched me empty the bottle. "And she is going to receive a few more surprises this day, eh?" I tried to turn away as I heard her, but could not, and shut my eyes, but listened.

      "Oui, my Sister, that is for certain." Linda leaned further towards me, and piched my cheek, forcing my eyes open."But before we procede,I will give my little charge here a 'punish lesson' for trying to get away and taking advantage of me." I started and twisted, but was held perfectly by the restraints, listening as Lady Linda went away from the crib. I heard the crackle and snap of latex gloves, and then the louder snap and adjustment of buckles. "Lift her up, Ute and bring her to me, I am ready now."

      I felt the restraints being unfastened, and then Utes' hands gripped me and lifted me up, cradling me easily in her arms. As she walked with me across the room, I could see Lady Linda seated in a large overstuffed chair, with a folded cushion on her lap, and a huge, evil looking covering of shiny black rubber on her right hand. Ute looked over and pointed at my mouth with a grin. "Do you wish to hear her crying?"

      Linda shook her dainty little head, her thick hair thrown back over her shoulders. "Non. Gag the naughty little thing."

      Ute laughed and moments later I felt myself placed face down over Lady Lindas' lap, my legs fastened together with a soft strap, then I was lifted up slightly as my panties and diapers were pulled down to my ankles, and my petticoats and dress rucked above and tucked into my waist ribbon. Utes' strong hands then took my head and lifted it, tilting me back. I could see my Aunt seated beside me, smiling, eyes amused. "Open, Felicia," Ute said, and as I obeyed, the large rubber nipple and the backing plate of the pacifier were fastened in my mouth, so tightly that I couldn't make a sound except for a whimper. I felt one of Lindas' hands go between my legs and settle in my crotch, her latex coated fingers spreading over and into the false mons and my inverted private area.

      "Zis is called by me 'the tingler', Felicia," Linda said, as I looked down at the floor, feeling her fingers probing deeper and her breathing getting heavier. "It is used by me exclusively on my little charges when they are naughty! And you have been a naughty girl, have you not?" Without warning, I felt a stinging smack upon my bottom, with the stinging amplified--it felt as if there were tiny paddles spreading and hitting me all at once for a combined effect and impact. I tried to yell, but could not, my tongue muffled by the rubber nipple, and tears came to my eyes as she continued hitting each cheek, back and forth, as she laughed and counted in sing-song French. My bottom seemed on fire, and as I cried in muffled silence, I noticed also that there was a warmth spreading through me with each whack of her evil rubber device.

      The fingers of Linda's other hand clasped the flesh of my private area, rubbing and probing in time with my 'punish lesson', and I felt the warmth spreading past my burning bottom and throughout my hips and inner legs, until I knew that I was leaking into her gloved hands. Lady Linda giggled, finishing up with a final smack to the burning flesh of my bottom, then smiling at my Aunt. "It seems that this little one responds well to the 'tingler', Madame! There is hope for her yet, non? And she will not have to be milked now before her cocooning!"

      My Aunt came over, smiling thinly, and picked me up from Linda's lap, pulling my diapers and panties back up, but removing all of my other clothes, so that I was completely bare above, and my large nipples hardened and peaked in the open air. She untied the pacifier from behind, then pushed aside her dress, and opened the clasp on her bra cup. "Well, she may not need milking, but I certainly do!, "she said, and laughed lightly as she pushed my mouth open and down onto her turgid nipple. "suc-k, Sweetie, " she said to me, and pushed my mouth gently until my lips moved in the rhythym she wanted. "Is the suit ready for her?"

      Lady Linda and Ute both smiled in reply, pointing to the box on the table. "Oui. All is ready for her---she only needs to be shaved and medicated, and then I can begin."

      As my mouth filled and my Aunt pressed my face further into her breast, I shivered and wondered what they wanted to do to me next.

      Ute smiled, looking over at the large package on the table."Ja, her suit is ready, and I am sure that we will love the results we will get!" She came over to me, and ruffled the thick sausage curls she'd put in my hair. "But it will certainly be a shame to see all of my hard work disappear."

      Linda laughed, coming over and adding a kiss on my forehead. "Oui, but do not worry, Sister Dear--with the vitamins and nutrients I have worked out for her, she will be better than ever afterwards."

      My Aunt smiled, taking me and pushing me forward to the other two women, while refastening her bra and pulling her dress back in place. "Well, I am like any Mommie, and I hate to see all of my little precious' budding personality changed so quickly!" Turning, she raised a large pair of pink handled barber shears in her hands. "Let's get this over with."

      I struggled at the sight, trying desperately to get away, but it was useless. My two keepers held me like a vise, and as my eyes widened in fear, I felt my diaper flooding.

      "Oh-mi-god," laughed Ute and Linda at once, as my Aunt approached us with the shears, "she thinks that you are going to cut her little thing off!"

      My Aunt laughed with them, coming up beside me and kissing me again. "No, Felicia, even I am not that savage--although in a few years it may be something you want to consider--with the proper anesthetics, of course!" Still smiling, she gently took my head and positioned it to the side as Ute and Linda held me, then I felt her take a huge hank of my hair, and heard the SNIP SNIP of the barber shears as they did their work. It was only a matter of minutes before I felt the air, now cold, around my newly shorn head. Tears sprang to my eyes, and my Aunt grabbed me and pushed my face deep into her cleavage, keeping me there.

      "All right, Linda, "my Aunt said, "finish this up."

      I heard a click and then the metallic buzzing, like bees, though I couldn't see anything. Then my head was drawn to the side again, and I felt the vibrations and cold edge of the electric shaver taking my hairline down to the skin. This didn't take but a minute, and then I was carried by my Aunt over to the large changing table, where Linda pulled down my panties and changed me. The diaper she put me in felt very thick and soft, and I was drenched by her with baby powder as she pulled the panties back up my legs. Linda then took my legs and bound them at ankles and thighs with pink cloth straps, lined with fleece. I felt each of my arms taken by her in turn, and cuffs made of the same material were put on them, then linked with the legs, effectively immobilizing me. She turned and singing a soft song under her breath, looked over to Ute.

      "All right, Sister--bring our lovely little mummy her new suit. please."

      I watched as Ute carried what looked to be a armload of pink vibrating gelatin with weird looking buckles and openings. Linda lifted me up, and then Ute took the bundle and slid it under me, smoothing it out. Linda lowered me into the thing, and even trussed as I was, I felt like I was resting on a cloud, weightless. Linda reached under my buns, and lifting the elastic of my panties, shoved her hand into my diaper, and then quickly inserted something in my rear, giving it a little pinch as her hand exited. "There. that will take care of her temperature monitoring, and also tell us when she is wet."

      Her hands then moved upwards, and I felt her attach a soft padded clamp of some sort above my breastbone and on each nipple. She pulled on them, securing them, then pulled some plastic tubing from each one into receptacles inside of the suit. I felt myself redden, as my nipples rose and hardened. "These will tell us her heart rate,and if she gets too excited over something and needs attention."

      Still feeling the vibrations from the nipples, I saw her come towards me with a broad and thick pink band. Two sided, it had a large, soft nipple on one, and a flexible opening and straps on the other. My eyes widened as Ute reached behind me, taking out my regular pacifier as the huge nipple of this other device approached my lips. "Open wide, Felicia," Linda said, smiling down at me. Not satisfied with my efforts, she took one hand and pinched my nose, then pushed the new, larger nipple into my mouth, filling it and pushing down on my tongue so that all I could do was gurgle. "There's a good girl," she said, pulling the fastening straps and securing them tightly behind my shorn head. "This feeder gag will take care of her appetite, and has two openings:one for formula, and another for pureed cereals and solid medicines."

      suc-kling reflexively on this new device, I saw Linda come towards my face one more time, this time holding what looked to be an oversized pair of pink goggles trimmed with lace. They also had two long cords, one on each side, terminating in a soft, gumdrop shaped plug. Linda placed this device upon me, and I couldn't see anything, then a picture of white lambs on a pink hilly background appeared, like a screen. I felt her pushing something into my left ear as I lay down. "And this will ensure that she hears and sees exactly what we wish--Infant-O-Vision, if you will!" As I continued to suc-kle, the last of my regular world disappeared, along with my three teachers.

      "And so, Voila!" Linda smiled at her two sisters, pointing to the perfectly secured and newly shorn charge. "All of her senses, tactile, taste, smell and hearing, can be adjusted together or separately, as we desire. She will be changed, fed, and cuddled by all of us, and will receive all the inprinting of a newborn, until we are ready for her. And then--then, our little poupee will emerge as a beautifully trained, albeit large, toddler girl, ready and eager to join our family! And I have given her a first picture and sound show to play and calm her, for she will spend at least a month and a half in there." Joining her two Sisters, Lady Linda adjusted the volume level on a console, so that throughout her nursery a simple calliope tune echoed.

      "Cute little Girls love ribbons and curls,
      "and Dresses picked out by their Aunties,
      "and to help behave right, and stay dry day and night,
      "they wear diapers and waterproof panties."


sweet baby katie

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Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2019, 04:17:10 PM »
WOW!!!  Thank you for a wonderful story.  A sequel would take me - and Felicia - over the top.

Sissy Little Girl

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Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2019, 12:53:44 PM »
You have to do a sequel.  You can't leave us hanging, not knowing what happens during or after the cocooning of Felicia. :D


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Aunt Marsha's Little Girl Written by Felicia
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2019, 05:15:03 AM »
Unfortunately it is not my story it was written by Felicia a long time ago and not me I am only providing my archived copy of the story(with Betty's permission). But Felicia wrote other stories when I have found them I will upload them.


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