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Author Topic: BRIAN'S PLAYGROUP HUMILIATION  (Read 23524 times)

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Pretty James

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« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2022, 11:11:37 AM »
"Oh look, somebody's little soldier is all stood to attention for mummy!" Brian's mother cooed at him in an amused patronising voice, as she momentarily let go of his coc-k and watched it twitch up and down stiffly before her, before once more carrying on stroking it and rubbing it in with Vaseline. Brian's face was now an intense picture of shame, confusion and embarrassment which blushed brightly as he stared up at the ceiling above him, desperately trying to take his mind somewhere else as his stiff little coc-k throbbed excitedly in his mother's grasp, as she pumped and stroked it. As his mother kept stroking her hand up and down his stiff coc-k, Brian began to let out desperate little whimpers and moans and his hips began to writhe and buck slightly, thrusting his stiff coc-k deep into her hand. His mother now only needed to hold her hand still around his coc-k, as Brian kept thrusting it back and forth in her grasp. The foreskin of his coc-k had now pulled back completely, exposing its pinkish purple head, which now popped up out of the top of her grasping hand with each of his little thrusting movements. After letting him carry on for a few more little thrusts, his mother decided that it was probably about time she should let his stiff thrusting coc-k go before it got over excited and spent its load. As his mother let go of his coc-k, Brian lay there for a moment before her, still desperately writhing and thrusting his hips up and down with his stiff little coc-k twitching up and down madly with excitement, desperately seeking out the slick slippery hole of his mother's grasping hand. After a brief moment, Brian suddenly seemed to regain his senses, and he stopped his writhing and thrusting and lay there looking utterly mortified as his stiff little coc-k continued to twitch and spasm. After his little clean and rub down, his mother stood him up off his bed and began to gather his change of clothes for school.

         "Right, let's get you all ready for school shall we?" his mother said cheerfully to Brian, once he was stood up before her. Brian stood there before her completely naked with his hands down by his side and his stiff little coc-k now hanging horizontally, still twitching occasionally as it began to wane. Brian just nodded silently and meekly as he stared down at the floor, not wanting to meet his mothers gaze, his face still glowing redly with a look of utter shame and dismay. Then she held out a pair of his bright colourful red paisley y-fronts for him to step into, which he did quietly and obediently. As she pulled his underpants up, she had to flick up his still stiff little coc-k with the waistband to pull them up over the top. Then when she had them on, she pulled them up all nice and snugly, running her fingers around the legs and smoothing out the material over his bottom, and rather cheekily she gave the front of his pants a quick smooth out too, rubbing her hand up over his stiff little coc-k, which made her grin with amusement as she felt it throb and pulse beneath his pants. Then she got him dressed in the rest of his school uniform, pulling on his socks and buttoning him into his shirt, making sure it was all neatly tucked into his underpants. Next on came his trousers and tie, followed by his shoes and lastly his school blazer. Then after a quick breakfast Brian was once more packed off to school and afterwards the nursery group.

         That day at school the girls once more tracked Brian down during the break times and teased him relentlessly. Now that the story of him wetting his pants and being put into a nappy like a big baby had been spread around the three girl's other friends, they mercilessly ridiculed and mocked him. During the lunch break the little crowd of girls once more cornered Brian into a quiet unobserved corner of the playground and once more ganged up on him.

Pretty James

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« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2022, 07:03:12 PM »

"Quick, let's see if baby's wearing a nappy!"; one of the girls shouted as they grabbed Brian from behind again, whilst some of the girls pulled his trousers down from the front. With his red paisley print y-front underpants all exposed to them, the girls stood there giggling and laughing at him as they mocked and teased him.

         "Nice pants Brian! Did your granny buy you those?"; they mocked, making fun of his floral paisley print underpants.

         "You're not going to wet your pants are you Brian?"; they teased as he stood there unsteadily on his feet swaying slightly as the girls held him back from behind with his trousers down around his ankles.

         "Shouldn't you be wearing nappies like one of the babies?"; another girl teased, which cause them all to break out into a little chant of "Baby! Baby! Baby!"; just like the little children did at the nursery the previous day. After the girls had their fun, Brian was once more left to pull himself back together when the bell rang to signal the end of break time.

         Once again after school, Brian had to stand outside the school gates with the three girls, feeling utterly crushed and subdued in their presence whilst they waited for the minibus to come and pick them all up. The girls stood there grinning smugly and confidently as they chatted among themselves, while Brian could only stare down at the floor in silence, feeling quite belittled in their presence.

         At the nursery school, Brian was once more made to stand in the corridor and undress down to his underwear, this time however when Brian was down to just his underpants, the lady told him to go down the corridor and into one of the rooms on the right hand side, where he had been changed into the nappy the previous day. Brian walked into the room still feeling rather self-conscious at being dressed in only his underpants. In the room were a few little toddler aged children running about and playing and over on the far side by the window Brian saw the nine year old junior boy stood out the way to attention, also dressed in nothing but his y-front underpants. Three ladies were stood nearby the boy, chatting and laughing among themselves, ignoring him as he stood there obediently to attention at the side in his underpants, looking rather crushed and dismayed. Brian shyly walked into the middle of the room and stood there timidly in silence, reluctant to disturb the ladies while they carried on chatting, who were seemingly still unaware of his presence. Finally one of the ladies looked over at Brian standing there nervously, as if only just finally becoming aware of him.

         "Ah Brian, there you are! We've been waiting for you."; The lady said to him pleasantly, as all three ladies now turned to look at him standing there in his underpants. "Right, go and stand next to Simon here while we get things ready for the pair of you."; The lady added and motioned for Brian to go and stand next to the junior boy, who was evidently called Simon. The two boys stood side by side, arms down straight and to attention, and watched as the ladies laid out a large square padded looking mat down on the floor before them, that was covered in a pink printed cotton material which had cartoon images of flowers and fairies on it. Around the edges of the mat two of the ladies laid out a packet of baby wipes and various bottles of baby lotion and talc, whilst the other lady came over holding two thick looking disposable nappies and pairs of milky white plastic pants. As Brian stood there watching the ladies lay out the nappy changing things, he soon started to look every bit as dejected and dismayed as the junior boy stood next to him.

         Once the ladies had finished laying things out on the floor in front of the boys, one of the ladies, from where she was now kneeling on the floor at the foot of the pink mat, just reached over and grabbed hold of the junior boy Simon and simply pulled him down onto the mat in front of her. Whilst she was getting him to lie down on the mat on his back, one of the other ladies took hold of Brian and pulled him over to lie him down beside the other boy. The boys were made to put their hands up out the way behind their heads, and Brian found himself lying side by side close up to the other boy. The two boys were so close together on the mat that their bare thighs rubbed up against each other and their elbows jostled where they had them up with their hands tucked behind their heads.


  • Ballerina
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« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2022, 11:13:30 AM »
Wonderful story! After Baby Bobby, Charlie is the best writer of diaper boy humiliation fiction. He also posted 2 other great stories at Petticoat Discipline Quarterly.
" Elliot's Playschool " & " Christmas Preparation "

Pretty James

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« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2022, 08:16:28 PM »
Brian and Simon were now led side by side, each with a lady kneeling down between their splayed open legs. The ladies, who had now carried on chatting among themselves, simply got to work while the boys just led there meekly in silent resignation, of the shame and humiliation they were about to endure, and without a word spoken to either boy, the ladies began to pull their underpants off them. The boys had to each raise their bottoms up slightly to allow the ladies to pull their pants down, and then the ladies had to lift the boy's legs up in the air to pull them off over their feet. As they did so, the two boy's legs nudged and bumped into each other. The ladies then shook both boy's pants out and held them up by the waist bands in front of each other, and began inspecting them and passing comments to each other about the boy's pants as they compared them. With the boy's legs back down again, the ladies passed the wet wipes among each other and each began to wipe their boy's down. Legs had to be lifted into the air again whilst the ladies wiped around the boy's bottoms and little private bits, and Brian blushed with shame as he began to feel his little coc-k start to firm up excitedly.

         Brian looked over at the other boy next to him and was somewhat mortified to see that the little junior boy had a bigger coc-k than his own still rather pre-pubescent looking little one. The little boy's coc-k looked nearly three inches long as it lay there flopping about as the other lady wiped around it, making Brian's little lump barely over an inch long, look quite pathetic by comparison. As the boy's floppy little coc-k lolled about on his tummy, Brian could see it too was also beginning to firm up. Whilst the two ladies on the floor carried on with the nappy change, the third lady who was still standing, hovered about looking down at the two boys watching most attentively with an amused grin as the boys were wiped down and displayed to her most intimately.

         After the ladies had finished the wipe down, they then began to apply baby lotion to the two boys. The ladies squirted large dollops of lotion onto each boy around his crotch and then began to rub it all in. Again, legs went up in the air as the ladies rubbed the cream in all around the boys little private parts and their bottoms. As the lady began to rub the lotion in over Brian's little coc-k, it soon sprung up excitedly to attention and twitched up and down stiffly as she rubbed cream in around it. Brian looked over to see the little junior boy's coc-k was now also stiffly to attention and excitedly springing up and down as the lady's hand glided over it rubbing the lotion in. The junior boy's slender stiff coc-k stood erect by about four inches and the foreskin had slid back by about two thirds revealing a glistening little purple pink plump head. By comparison Brian's coc-k was barely three inches in length and was now fully erect. His foreskin had pulled all the way back, also revelling a glistening wet looking plump purple head. The two ladies then suddenly stopped what they were doing to have a look at the two boy's stiff twitching little coc-ks.

         "Oh look! We've got "two"; little soldiers standing to attention for us today!"; one of the ladies said loudly with amusement, causing the three of them to break out into little laughs and chuckles as they watched the boy's two animated stiff twitching little coc-ks for a brief moment. "Let's get these little soldiers ready for their nappies shall we?"; the lady then said, and the two ladies then both squirted an extra dollop of lotion into the palms of their hands and then began to grip the boy's stiff coc-ks, before then beginning to stroke and masturbate them whilst rubbing the lotion in. For a brief moment all that could be heard was a slick squelching noise as the ladies hands pumped up and down the two stiff little coc-ks, which was then joined by the soft strained whimpers and moans of the two boys. The two boy's hips bucked and strained slightly as the ladies hands continued to pump up and down on their stiff coc-ks, squelching and suc-king as they went up and down. Brian felt as if his coc-k was about to explode as the two ladies suddenly stopped, took their hands away and left the boys there for a second, still bucking and straining as their coc-k's continued to twitch away furiously.

Pretty James

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« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2022, 08:22:57 PM »
Wonderful story! After Baby Bobby, Charlie is the best writer of diaper boy humiliation fiction. He also posted 2 other great stories at Petticoat Discipline Quarterly.
" Elliot's Playschool " & " Christmas Preparation "

I doesn't have these stories could you put it on buffalobetties ?Or send a link to the stories ? thanks

Pretty James

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« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2022, 08:26:40 PM »
With the two boys still lying there in the throes of orgasmic ecstasy, the ladies quickly grabbed two thick disposable nappies by them and shock them both out and slipped them under the boy's bottoms. With their coc-ks still twitching away energetically, the ladies pulled the fronts up between their legs and up and over their coc-ks, and then the sides were pulled up and firmly fastened over the fronts. At this point the boys seemed to regain a bit of their composure, as the ladies then got them to lift their legs up again, so that this time they could pull the milky white plastic pants onto them. Shortly afterwards the boys had to lift their bottoms again and the ladies pulled their plastic pants up nice and snuggly over the boys thick bulky nappies. With that done, the two boys were left lying there side by side, now once more dressed in their big bulky nappies. The boys didn't have much time to process things, as the ladies stood up and took the boys by their hands and pulled them backup off the floor. The boys still looked quite flush and red in the face, and their little coc-ks still strained away stiffly in their soft fluffy thickly padded nappies, as the ladies now led them both out to the back garden.

         Now, two big baby boys were being introduced out into the back garden, and as they waddled along behind the ladies who were still holding their hands, their nappies combined to make a rather loud rustling noise. Brian flushed hotly with shame and humiliation as he waddled along, with his coc-k still stiffly rubbing against the soft padded insides of his nappy, giving him shameful thrills, deepening his humiliation, as at the same time he caught sight of the three first year girls looking at him with broad smug grins. Brian and the nine year old junior boy Simon were then once again made to sit down with a group of little preschool toddlers to play. Brian's band of little comrades completely ignored him now that he was reduced to baby status, and Brian sat there watching them with a pang of regret, as they carried on with their little games as if he wasn't there. Only a couple of days ago he had felt quite humiliated and belittled at having to join in with their silly childish little games dressed only in his underpants and t-shirt, and now he was sat there wishing he could be back in his big boy pants playing with them again.

         "Brian, some of the little girls over by the Wendy house have asked if you could go over and join them in their play. Of course I've agreed to bring you over, as I'm sure you're a bit bored sitting there by now, and think you'll have a lot of fun playing with the girls."; One of the ladies came over and said to Brian as the afternoon went on. She then reached down and took Brian by the hand and led him over to where the Wendy house was situated in the garden along one side of the fence. The Wendy house was like a large square garden shed, except about two thirds the height and made to look like a little house, with windows either side of a front door and on each of the shed's sides. The house even had a little picket fence at the sides, coming around at the front slightly to form a little garden. Inside the house through the open door and windows, Brian could see a small play kitchen setup and some little chairs and a table and also a little dolls baby cot. Playing inside the Wendy house and out the front of it was a mixed group of girls of differing ages from about five to eight years old. Brian stood there submissively looking shamefaced and staring at the ground, trying not to look the girls in the eye, as the lady brought him over and stood him before the Wendy house. "Girls, here's Brian for you to play with. Now be sure to make him feel welcome and take care of him won't you?"; the lady said to the girls as she handed Brian over to them. The girls it would seem, were very much going to be in charge of Brian whilst they had him in their care.

         "Now Brian, we're playing families, and you are going to be the baby of course!"; one of the little girls, who must have only been about six or seven, said to him commandingly. Brian obviously couldn't fit into the cot inside the Wendy house, or even just comfortably inside for that matter, so the girls laid out on the grass inside the fenced area, a thick quilted yellow bed blanket in a shiny nylon material, which had lacy white frill trimming the edge of it. Brian was then made to lay out on the blanket on his back, whilst they then fetched all sorts of baby things for him. Brian could only lie there completely submissively and do as he was told as they first popped a baby's dummy in his mouth whilst they looked for other baby things they could adorn him with which might fit him. A babies bonnet was found with a large stiff frilly lace rim, that was obviously too small for his head, but they still managed to tie it on under his chin. A towelling bib with a babyish cartoon print was tied on around his neck; whilst a pair of white cotton mop caps was tied on over his hands around his wrists as a pair of make do mitts. The girls looked in vain for some kind of dress or baby pants for him to wear, but to Brian's relief, they found nothing suitable. Brian was then handed a selection of traditional baby toys such as rattles and balls which they made him play with as if he was a little baby. "Come on! You have to shake it like a proper baby!"; The little girl in charge chided him crossly as he sat there forlornly holding the rattle and the little girls soon made sure Brian started acting his baby role properly. They even had little mock feeding sessions, and Brian had to sit there as they pretended to feed him with empty bowls and spoons and even a baby bottle, which he had to suc-k on pretending to drink milk whilst they held it to his mouth.

Pretty James

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« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2022, 08:33:05 PM »
"Aren't you girls doing a marvellous job of looking after your baby?"; the lady exclaimed delightedly to the girls, as she came to check upon things as they were in the middle of feeding Brian his bottle of milk. "Perhaps tomorrow we can sort you out with some proper milk and food to feed your baby with, and maybe I‘ll see if we've got anything for baby to wear too, how about that?"; the lady asked, causing the girls to erupt into excitable little squeals of delight. As Brian lay there out the front of the Wendy house, he of course had visits from various groups of the girls, like the 3 first year girls from his school and the two lots of junior girls, and various others. Who all came over to see and tease the big baby boy as he was mothered by the group of little girls at the Wendy house. Towards the end of the afternoon Brian was miserably resigned to his fate, as the group of little girls made him their new baby doll plaything and were already planning what they were going to do the next day.

         At the end of the day, Brian once more was sent home half dressed in his school uniform and nappy. This time however his mother wanted to stop off and visit a friend of hers for a cup of tea and a chat. Brian was of course utterly mortified as his mother took him into this ladies house with her. The lady ushered Brian and his mother into the front room, where there was already another lady sat in one of the chairs of the 3 piece suite. There was a coffee table in front of the sofa with a tray and a teapot and cups on it, and whilst the lady hostess and Brian's mother sat themselves down on the sofa, Brian was left standing there shyly and blushing with embarrassment in the middle of the room in front of the 3 ladies, half dressed in his school uniform and his big thick nappy. Brian's mother then went on to explain to the other 2 ladies why Brian was wearing the nappy, and took lots of delight in telling them in great detail about how she had changed him out of his soaking wet nappy that morning, and about how he was obviously a late developer, as his little private bits were still rather underdeveloped and prepubescent looking, and then how his little soldier had stood to attention for her and had excitedly twitched up and down. The ladies of course all sat there looking Brian up and down as they laughed and guffawed at his mother's little account of his nappy change. Brian could only stand there silently in front of them, going several shades of red with embarrassment and humiliation, as they laughed and made joking little comments about his excitable little private bits between each other.

         Once they were home, Brian once more had to spend the night in his nappy only to be changed out of it again by his mother in the morning before he went to school. Once more in the morning she laid him out on his bed propping up his bottom and took off his nappy and gave him a good thorough wipe and rub down with Vaseline. Once again she brought him almost to the point of orgasm as she rubbed the slick Vaseline into his stiff excitable little coc-k. Brian again lay there feeling utterly mortified and yet seemingly unable to do anything about his stiff little coc-k, which eagerly sprang to attention in his mother's hands. He felt so utterly humiliated and embarrassed to have his mother touching him so intimately, but at the same time the sensations felt so wonderful. It made Brian feel conflicted and confused and he flushed with a deep shame as he couldn't help but thrust his stiff coc-k up and down in her gripped hand.

         Finally it was the last day at school before the holidays and the girls were once more determined to have their last bit of fun with Brian before they broke up for the holidays. At least, Brian thought, he wouldn't have to endure this again after today. The girls once more corralled him into their quiet private little corner of the playground, only this time the girls seemed just a bit more pent up and aggressive than usual. They didn't grab him and force his trousers down like before, but now crowded round him and told him to take them off himself.

         "Come on Brian, you know what we want you to do!"; one of the girls shouted at him.


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