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Author Topic: BRIAN'S PLAYGROUP HUMILIATION  (Read 23127 times)

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Pretty James

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« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2022, 09:47:53 AM »
Yay! Our baby's back!" the little girls by the Wendy house cried out delightedly when they saw Brian coming over. When Brian got there they soon wasted no time turning him back into their big baby boy again. They dressed him back up in the makeshift little baby outfit and made him crawl around on his hands and knees pretending to be a baby. After about 10 minutes, one of the ladies came out into the garden with a small bundle of things and headed over to the Wendy house.

         "Oh, I see you've got your baby all nice and settled in again." The lady said merrily to the little girls as she watched them mothering Brian for a short while. "Well I brought along some lovely things for your baby to wear today, and later on you can give him his milk and feed him some dinner." The lady said to the visibly delighted and excited girls. "Right let's get his lovely new things on shall we?" she said as she then settled down next to where Brian was laid out on his back on a blanket by the girls. Brian, who'd, had a dummy stuffed back into his mouth by the girls earlier, could only lie there and look on with dismay, as the first thing the lady pulled off the top of her pile of baby things, was a large pair of white frilly panties that were covered in rows of pretty ruffled lace. She held them up by the corners of the waist over Brian, and let them dangle there for a few seconds so that everyone could get a good look at them. Rows of ruffled lace started from an inch down from the waist of the panties and went all the way down to the crotch in thick fluffy layers. At the top of the panties in the middle of the waist was a white ribbon bow, underneath which were sewn two silver round bells, each about the size of a large marble, which softly tinkled with the swaying of the panties. As Brian lay there looking up at them, the panties swayed slightly in the warm gentle summer breeze, making the rows of pretty lace rustle faintly and the bells tinkle softly. The panties were just about the sissiest thing that Brian could imagine, and he stared up at them partly filled with a secret desire and longing to fondle and play with those lovely rows of sissy lace and partly filled with horror at the thought that he going to be made to wear them in front of all these little girls and the other children in the nursery.

         "Aren't these simply wonderful? Our little baby boy here is just going to look so sweet in these lovely frilly baby pants!" the lady exclaimed joyfully to the little girls who had all come to stand around her and Brian in a little crowd. As some of the little girls standing closely around him leaned in to coo and ah over the pretty sissy frilly panties, Brian couldn't help himself from looking up the short summer skirts and dresses that some of the girls were wearing, to catch exciting little up skirt glimpses of their pretty little panties. One little girl rather unselfconsciously even stepped over his head to lean in and get a better look at the panties, and stood with her feet either side of his head giving him a view right up her skirt between her legs. Despite the fact that she couldn't have been more than about 6 or 7 years old, Brian couldn't help his little coc-k from springing to attention, as he looked up at the lovely lacy cuffs of her panty legs and the way the material had clung neatly around the bump and groove of her little pussy and petite bottom. As she stepped back, she looked down and saw that Brian had been looking up at her panties.

         "Naughty little baby!" she said playfully as she looked down at him with a big grin and giggled, which made Brian blush profusely with a guilty looking expression on his red face. Brian didn't have more than a few seconds to feel embarrassed about the discovery of his little upskirt peeping, as the lady then started to get him ready to put him into the sissy frilly baby pants.

Pretty James

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« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2022, 09:54:34 AM »
"Right, come on baby! Let's have those little legs up in the air so that we can put these pretty pants on you." She said to Brian in a jolly voice and made him raise his legs up so that she could put the frilly panties on over his feet. Once they were over his feet, she pulled them down along his legs, and Brian could feel the ruffled frills tickling the sides of his legs as she did so. Then Brian had to arch his back and lift his thick nappy padded bottom off the floor so that she could finish pulling them up over his nappy. As she did so, Brian looked down his chest to see the waves of pretty lacy frills bursting over his thick padded nappy and plastic pants as she pulled them on, and the two round little silver bells underneath the bow tinkled noisily as she tugged the frilly panties on over his thick bulky nappy. With the panties finally on, Brian could relax his bottom back down onto the blanket and he lay there feeling the strange sensation of the lacy leg cuffs and rows of ruffled frills over his crotch, bristling gently against the insides of his thighs. Brian looked down at his nappy to see them now covered with a plump frothy mound of white lacy frills. Despite all the humiliation of it all, Brian felt his little coc-k stir with excitement at the sight of all the lovely sissy frills, and as his coc-k began to stiffen and thrust against his nappy, he wriggled his hips to make to make it more comfortable, which then made the little bells tinkle along with his movements. The little girls were still all stood in a crowd around Brian, and they now looked down giggling and tittering at the sight of this big older baby boy, now all dressed in a very sissy pair of frilly baby pants as he lay there helplessly on the floor at their feet. Brian's little dressing up didn't end there, as next the lady pulled from the pile and held up a pretty little dress.

         "Look, isn't this pretty! We managed to find this yesterday up in one of our boxes of old nursery things." The lady exclaimed joyfully as she held up the dress for all to see. The dress, such as it was, was actually more of smocked pinafore apron. It looked like something from the 70's and was made from a bright colourful stiff looking cotton or nylon type material. The dress was printed with a pink gingham pattern which was interspersed with pretty little borders which started at the hem and went up to the chest, and had a pretty pattern of little flowers and little yellow cartoon ducks printed in them. The skirt part of the dress itself, puffed out from the chest piece in stiff rounded looking pleats. The flat chest of the dress had one of these bath time style cartoon ducks as a large centre piece set against a white background with a flowery border. The pretty smock like apron dress was then completed by two short puffball sleeves and a trim of white fluffy lace that ran around the collar and along the sides of the apron, and from the collar and at the waist, hung pink draw strings to tie the apron round the back. Some years back in the 70's, this was obviously meant to be worn over the tops of little girls dresses, to protect them whilst they took part in craft type activities like painting or gluing bits of card or paper. For Brian however, this was to be his dress.

         As the dress had to be put on at the front, Brian had to sit up on his knees and then hold his arms out, where upon the lady then pulled the puff ball sleeves on over his hands and then started to bring the dress towards him and then pull it around his back. She then fastened the dress at the collar around the back of his neck with a firm tight bow, and again at the waist of the dress, which was actually half way up Brian's back. As Brian knelt there, he could see that the hem of the dress only came about 3-4 inches past his waist, and where it flared out on the stiff pleats it left the bulk of his sissy frilly baby pants on display. Of course where the apron like dress was tied half way up his back, it meant that the dress parted over the big bulk of his frilly padded bottom, leaving it almost fully exposed. Most especially when he eventually went back down on his hands and knees to play baby again, as the sides of the dress flopped down, leaving his sissy frilly bottom totally exposed as he waddled about, with his layers of frills rustling softly. After his dress had been put on, his outfit was then finished with a pair of lemon yellow thick knitted woolly mitts that were tied on around his wrists with little ribbons, and on top of his head was placed a white cotton mop cap.

Pretty James

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« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2022, 10:05:52 AM »
"There, doesn't he look a lovely little baby boy!" the lady exclaimed, cooing delightedly after she had finished dressing Brian. The little girls of course all agreed and stood around making excited little comments.

         "We've got a proper little sissy baby now Miss!" one of them shouted jubilantly. After that, the girls now put Brian back to playing his baby role with great zeal. It wasn't long before other children out in the garden came over to see what all the fuss was about and to have a good laugh and giggle at the big sissy baby boy in his sissy dress and frilly baby pants. After a short while just about every child out in the garden had come over to have a look at him and even a few of those who had been playing in the main building. All the little girls were of course utterly delighted by the sight of Brian dressed in his sissy baby outfit and stood there giggling and tittering at him as he waddled about on the floor beneath them, with his frilly baby panties all on display and the little bells tinkling away. The junior girls there of course were absolutely beside themselves with laughter when they saw Brian, as of course were the three first year girls from his school. What made Brian really want to crawl into a hole though, was when the little boys he had been playing with on the first couple of days, came over and stood there in their underpants looking down at him, giggling and teasing him scornfully. After a while when all the children had, had their fun and finally lost interest in him, the little girls at the Wendy house got back to keeping Brian in his place as their little sissy baby boy. Then after about 30-45 minutes the lady who had brought all his baby things out, came back out carrying some more things with her.

         "Right girls, who wants to help me feed baby his dinner?" she asked, as she came back over, clutching in her arms about 4 small baby bottles and a jam jar and a spoon and a large bib.

Pretty James

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« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2022, 10:17:15 AM »

     "ME! ME! ME!" the little girls all squealed excitedly as the lady came over to join them. Then lady first of all had Brian sit up cross legged on the blanket whilst she tied the bib on around his neck. The plastic lined bib was printed with a bright colourful childish pattern, that was obviously meant to appeal to little toddler aged children. Then she demonstrated to the girls how they should bottle feed Brian. She sat behind Brian and had him lean back and outstretch his legs and rest his head on her chest, which she then cradled in one of her arms. Then she brought the bottle up to Brian's mouth and had him start suc-king on the teat of the bottle. The bottle was filled with warm milk, and she just held it there gently squeezing it with the teat in his mouth, never once taking it away, so that he was forced to keep suc-king it down through the teat. Brian had to try and breathe in through his nose in between slurps, and if he tried to catch a gasp through his mouth, he ended up dribbling milk all down his chin. Brian could only lie there helplessly in her arms suc-king away until the bottle was finished. Brian gasped for air and let out a humiliating little burp as she finally took the bottle away from his mouth. Brian noticed that the bottle had held 300ml and he still had 3 more to go!

         After that first bottle was empty, the lady then had Brian sit back up so that the girls could take turns giving him a feed with a bottle. The lady made sure that the girls were closely supervised and did it so that one girl was sat behind him cradling his head whilst another sat at the side and fed him from a bottle. It felt ever so strange having to rest his head in the arms of a succession of little girls, and then to have one put a baby bottle into his mouth and feed him too. The little girls of course weren't quite as expert or gentle as the lady, and often ended up squeezing the bottle hard so that too much milk flowed into Brian's mouth, which then ended up dribbling down his chin in streams and onto his bib. The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves as Brian lay there in their arms, noisily suc-king and slurping away and occasionally gasping for a breath and dribbling milk down his chin. Brian felt absolutely bloated after the last bottle was finally drained, as he'd now been forced to slurp and guzzle down over a litre of warm milk.

         There was no respite from the feeding however, as the lady still had the jam jar of food for him to eat. The lady once more resumed her position behind Brian and cradled his head up on his chest, making him sit a little bit more upright this time. She then gave the jar and the spoon to the girls, who were to then take turns spoon feeding him from it. The jar was just an old jam jar that had been filled with what looked like a homemade concoction of baby food. It look like a sort of pale yellow and greenish vegetable mush with dark silvery bits of something unidentifiable in it. It looked quite unappetising. One of the older girls of the Wendy house crowd, who was about 7 years old had the first go at feeding him, and she sat down beside him with the jar and took the lid off and dipped in the spoon and scooped out a large dollop for his first mouthful. Brian was not looking forward to this at all, and he grimaced as the spoon laden with the sloppy gunk was proffered up to his mouth, but Brian had no choice but to open wide and let her push the spoon in. As Brian tasted the first spoonful, his face immediately screwed up in revulsion, just as he'd seen so many little babies do when being fed. The baby food was a mix of watery mashed vegetables, swede, sweet potato, carrot, peas, cabbage, sprouts, but worst of all, mixed into the mush were chunks of oily tinned sardines, which he absolutely detested. At first Brian just sat there holding that first spoonful of cold fishy vegetable goo in his mouth, not wanting to swallow it, but then the girl proffered up yet another spoonful for him to eat. Brian kept his lips firmly shut and shook his head from side to side as the girl brought the spoon up to his mouth, causing some of it to become smeared over his chin and cheeks.

Pretty James

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« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2022, 10:27:11 AM »
"Now, now! Behave and be a good little boy. Baby's got to eat all of his din dins hasn't he?" the lady holding his head gently chided him, while the girl sat there holding the spoon up looking indignantly at him. "Come on now, swallow it down. You can't keep it there in your mouth for ever now can you?" she said to Brian as he sat there stubbornly with his mouth shut, until finally Brian forcefully swallowed it down rather than keep the revolting mush in his mouth any longer. "Good boy! Now open wide for another spoonful like a good little baby." The lady cooed condescendingly at him after he had finally swallowed his first mouthful.

         "No I... Mmphfff! Uumngg! Mnnng!" Was all Brian managed to say in reply before the girl quickly plunged the waiting spoon into his open mouth, forcing more of the horrid mush into it. Brian was then forced to swallow down another mouthful of the disgusting mush and as he opened his mouth to catch his breath, yet another disgusting spoonful was shovelled in. Brian could only moan and whimper, as spoon after spoon of the horrible homemade baby food was forced into his mouth by a succession of little girls. The mushy baby food somehow ended up all over his face and he even had some on the end of his nose. Brian felt almost sick as finally the last girl scraped around in the bottom of the jar with the spoon, trying to dredge up the last few bits to spoon into his mouth. After his feeding was finally over, much to Brian's relief, his face and bib were a complete mess, and the lady had to give him a good wipe down before letting him go again. After that Brian just lay there on the mat feeling bloated and tired, if not somewhat queasy too, after his big feed of the milk and the jar of the disgusting food. The girls, thankfully, then left their big baby alone on the blanket for a little while to let him have a bit of nap.

         A little while later all that milk he had guzzled down, finally start to have an effect on his bladder, and he began to develop a desperate urge to have a pee. He couldn't go to the toilet as he was wearing his big nappy, and besides with his thick woolly mitts on, he couldn't take it off even if he wanted to. Also he didn't want to just sit there and wet his nappy like a real baby in front of all those little girls, so he decided to just try and hold on as best he could. As he waddled around the little fenced off garden area of the Wendy house he would have to occasionally stop and waggle his bottom about from side to side to try and stave off his desperate urges to pee, which made the little bells on his frilly baby pants tinkle. The girls thought it rather fun to see their little baby crawling around and occasionally waggle his frilly bottom about for them, ringing his little bells. Then after a short while his little waggles got more frequent and more desperate, until he eventually sat down on the floor cross legged, shaking his hips and wiggling his bottom about, ringing his little bells, only to suddenly go very still as his face went bright red and a look of shame appeared on his face. Brian was unable to hold back his desperate urge to wee no more, and a sudden jet of pee burst out from the tip of his coc-k and began to flood his nappy. Brian flushed with utter shame as the warm glow of it spread out through the crotch of his nappy and then down into the seat of it, as it just kept flooding out. There seemed to be so much of it, and it was coming out so forcefully that Brian could even hear it streaming out down between his legs. By the time his stream of pee had abated, his nappy was almost completely soaked, and when he finally got back up onto his hands and knees, it sagged heavily between his legs. It didn't take too long for Brian's soggy nappy to be noticed by a couple of the little girls, as it swayed and sagged between his legs. Some of these little girls of course, had little baby brothers and sisters of their own, and so were quite familiar with what the signs of a full nappy were.

         "Look! Baby's wet his nappy!" one of the girls called out to the others.

         "Somebody go and fetch Miss, she'll have to change his nappy for us." Another said, and with that one of the girls disappeared off to go and find the lady.

Pretty James

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« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2022, 10:34:37 AM »
  Brian could only sit there in his soggy wet nappy looking utterly ashamed, feeling thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated at having soaked it in front of them all like a proper big baby. The girls all stood around tittering and looking down at Brian as he sat there blushing, whilst they waited for the lady to come out. Eventually, the girl that had gone off came running back excitedly with the lady following not far behind. The lady came along carrying a bundle of things with her. Tucked under one arm was the changing mat that they had put Brian on to change him indoors, and in her hands she had a spare nappy and other baby changing things like a bottle of lotion and talc. She then knelt down and set everything out besides Brian and then stuck her fingers into his nappy through the leg openings in the crotch to give it a quick check.

         "My! My! Little baby bunting has done a big wee wee hasn't he?" she said in a playful surprised tone of voice. "You've completely wet that nappy right through haven't you my little darling? Well we're going to have to get you out of that and into a nice clean dry one straight away. We don't want baby getting a nasty rash on his bottom and around his little willy do we?" she carried on, talking down to Brian with her jolly little baby talk voice. "Girls, would you like to come and sit beside me and help me change baby here?" she then asked the girls, who all squealed gleefully with delight.

         The lady then got Brian to lie down on the changing mat, whilst she knelt down to one side of him up near his chest. The little girls then all joined her and knelt down either side of him, so that he was almost surrounded by these little girls, all looking down at him as they knelt there next to him. With his dummy still stuffed in his mouth, Brian could only lie there dumbfounded, scarcely believing that he was about to be changed right in front of all these little girls. Brian then had to put his hands behind his head as the lady then lifted and pulled his dress up over his chest, leaving him bare from the tummy down. Then he had to lift his bottom up off the floor as his pretty sissy frilly baby pants and his plastic pants were taken off one by one. A few more girls had by now come over to see what was happening and stood behind the little girls kneeling beside him. Brian could see the junior girls and the three first year girls from his school all stood by, watching with amused and expectant stares. There was a palpable sense of excitement in the air and all the girls now looked on with thrilled expressions on their faces, as at last the lady began to peel back the tapes on the sides of his thick disposable nappy.

         As the lady peeled back the sides of the nappy and then pulled the front back exposing Brian's private little boys bits, a loud chorus of gasping excited and amused squeals and giggles burst out from the crowd of watching girls. After being wrapped up in his warm wet nappy, his little private bits soon shrivelled and retracted in the cooler gentle summer breeze. After just a few seconds, Brian lay there with his smooth hairless little boys bits reduced to a shrivelled little bump where his scrotum was and his little coc-k had retracted back leaving just its little fleshy pink head surrounded by a little wrinkled circle of skin. The girls all laughed and giggled with great amusement at the sight of his bare hairless shrivelled little bits that now lay open and all exposed to them. The three first year girls from his school were beside themselves with fits of giggles as they stood there looking down at Brian's pathetic little bits. Brian could only lie there, blushing furiously and wanting the ground to swallow him up, as all these little girls knelt and stood around him, all laughing and giggling at the sight of his exposed prepubescent looking little boy's bits. Then the lady brought out some wet wipes and began to clean all around Brian's little private bits. The girls all giggled with amusement as she wiped him down all over his little bits.

Baby Mac

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« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2022, 10:58:06 AM »
So humiliating, good stuff could you please write more about the girls bullying him. There are so many creative ways for them to torment him.


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