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Author Topic: BRIAN'S PLAYGROUP HUMILIATION  (Read 24807 times)

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Pretty James

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« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2022, 12:58:09 PM »
         "Right little man; let's have those legs up so that we can clean around your bottom." The lady then told Brian in her childish condescending voice. Brian then had to lift his legs up in the air, and the lady got a girl either side of him to then hold his legs up and apart whilst she cleaned around his bottom. With his legs pulled back and apart over his head, his most private little bottom hole was now all humiliatingly reared up before all the girls for their most intimate inspection. Brian wanted to die, as he looked down between his parted legs and saw the three girls from his school looking back at him through them, as he lay there on his back with his little bottom hole and his little private bits now all open and exposed to them, as they stood there giggling and laughing at him. Brian couldn't help but wiggle his little bottom about pathetically, as the lady leant over between his legs to give his bottom a good wipe down. With the girls still keeping his legs up in the air she then squirted out a dollop of baby lotion and began to rub it in all over his bottom and around his little anus. Then the girls put his legs back down and the lady carried on rubbing the lotion in all over his little boy's bits. As the lady's hands rubbed the slick lotion in all over his little bits, Brian's little coc-k soon sprung up back stiffly to attention again. The girls all shrieked and giggled loudly, as the lady took her hand away revealing Brian's little coc-k, which was now stiffly erect and twitching back and forth rather animatedly. Brian lay back with his eyes closed, blushing furiously as he heard the girls all break out into loud groups of excitable chatter and giggling as they watched his stiff little coc-k twitch up and down.

         "OK girls, calm down! This is quite normal for little boys' willies to do. It's called an erection and it happens when their little willies get all excited, and then they stand up to attention for us like little soldiers. I think this little soldier is doing its push ups for us." The lady said loudly to the girls to try and calm them down a bit and explain Brian's stiff twitching little coc-k to them. Shortly afterwards, Brian's little coc-k began to calm down and just wavered stiffly as the lady then handed a bottle of talc over to the girls and got them to take turns sprinkling it all around his little bits. Brian had to once more have his legs lifted apart over head as the girls shook and puffed out talc all over his bottom and his little anus.

         Then the lady got one of the girls to kneel between his legs and handed her a fresh disposable nappy which she had shook out and opened, all ready to be put down under his bottom. Then Brian had to arch his back up and lift his bottom up off the floor, with his stiff little coc-k, now all dusted with talc, pathetically wavering about inches away in front of the grinning girl's face as she leaned in to push the nappy under his bottom. The girls either side, helped pull the nappy up underneath him and then pulled the front of it up between his legs, tucking the sides down under him. Then two girls either side of him, each took one of the sticky tabs on the side panels and pulled them up over the front firmly fastening him into the nappy. One of the girls then rather cheekily gave the crotch of his nappy a playful pat, as she had no doubt seen other ladies do with their babies. Which prompted a few of the other girls to then join in, all giggling naughtily as they gave the thick padded crotch of his nappy over his little boys bits, a playful pat and squeeze. After that his plastic pants and the sissy frilly baby pants then were pulled back on. With his dress once more brushed back down over his tummy, Brian's change into a clean nappy was complete.

         With the show now over, most of the girls disappeared off back to what they were doing before, to once more leave Brian having to play baby for his little family of girls. As the afternoon went on, all the little children once more gathered for their daily little song and dance, and being dressed like a big sissy baby did not preclude Brian from having to join in either. So Brian had to get up and dance around in the circle all dressed in his sissy dress that left the layers of fluffy lace ruffles on his pretty baby pants all exposed as he danced around. The little round bells on the front, tinkled noisily as he danced around in the circle. Brian of course felt utterly humiliated as he danced around all dressed up like a big sissy baby, waddling around doing the little dances in his thick bulky nappy and feeling the lacy frills of the baby pants bristling between his bare thighs and his dress swishing about.

Pretty James

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« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2022, 01:04:05 PM »
Eventually the day came to an end, and Brian once more had to wait in the corridor by the cupboard in the nursery to be partly changed back into his school uniform. This time of course he had to wait there all dressed up in his sissy baby outfit as he waited for his turn to be changed. When it was his turn, the lady again dressed him back up only into the top half of his school uniform. His pee stained underpants and trousers she put into a separate plastic bag along with which she had another plastic bag, into which she had already obviously put a good few items and fussed about by the wardrobe adding a couple more that Brian couldn't see. The carrier bag was plain black plastic, so Brian couldn't see what was in it, but whatever was in it, it looked quite bulky and full. With his bottom half still bare and his nappy all exposed again, the lady took Brian out to his mother. Brian cringed with embarrassment and humiliation, as the lady told his mother about his obvious little pants wetting accident at school when she handed over the two plastic bags.

         Back at home Brian was kept in nappies again for the rest of the day until the next morning, when his mother came in bright and early to change him. It was now a Saturday morning, and Brian lay there still half asleep not wanting to get up, and paid no attention as his mother came in and bustled about, bringing things in. At least he didn't have to go to school again today, or for a good long while now that the school holidays had started. He thought about perhaps going out on his bike to see his friends, but then blushed with shame as he remembered his pants wetting incident at school the previous day, and thought about how they'd probably make fun of him for it when he saw them, and so decided that perhaps he would just spend the day at home instead or maybe go up town to the shops.

         As Brian lay there half asleep dreamily wondering what to do with his day, his mother pulled back his bed sheets and woke him up properly to change him out of his soggy wet nappy that he had once again soaked overnight. Brian blushed shamefully as his wet nappy was exposed to her, and she opened it up and took it off, leaving him spread out naked before her. He mother then began to clean him up again, with his little coc-k humiliatingly springing to attention the moment she began to wipe him down. Once again his mother brought out a jar of Vaseline and scooped out a dollop in her fingers and began to smear it all over his tightly bunched little scrotum and his stiff little coc-k. Brian soon couldn't resist thrusting his terribly frustrated stiff little coc-k up and down into the palm of his mother's hand which was all warm and slick with Vaseline.

         After a few thrusts of his hips a pained expression suddenly took over Brian's face as his hips strained upwards. His mother quickly took away her hand, and she looked down at his little coc-k to see it straining stiffly upwards. Then Brian let out a desperate whimpering moan and suddenly his coc-k twitched and a squirt of white c-um shot out the end of his coc-k onto his tummy. His little coc-k which had been so teased and frustrated all week, now pumped out a stream of white c-um onto his tummy with each little upward twitch. Brian thrust his head back into his pillow with a strained expression, making increasingly desperate little moaning noises. With his coc-k still twitching away, the last few drops of c-um oozed out of the tip of the swollen head of his coc-k and dribbled down into a little white c-ummy puddle. After the last of it had seemingly dripped out, his mother then grasped his still twitching coc-k and squeezed the last few drops out. Brian just lay there staring up, looking utterly devastated and his eyes started to look a bit red and puffy as if he might start crying.

Pretty James

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« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2022, 01:09:56 PM »
"There, there, don't you worry! That's a perfectly normal thing for little boys to do. You just lie back and mummy will soon have her little baby bunting all cleaned up." Brian's mother said soothingly in a little baby voice to try and reassure him. As Brian's mother cleaned up his c-ummy little mess, Brian lay back and closed his eyes and began to nod off after the emotional and physical exertions of his little c-umming. That final release had felt so wonderful, but also so humiliating and confusing having done so right in front of his mother, and a terrible feeling of guilt and shame washed through him as he thought about how he had kept on lustily thrusting his stiff coc-k into her slick slippery hand. Then his horror and surprise as that wonderful feeling welled up ready to burst in his coc-k which he was unable to stop, like when he wet his pants at the nursery, only this felt just wonderful as his coc-k finally burst forth and he began to ejaculate. The shame of having done all that in front of his mother and the sheer intense emotion of that final release, just made Brian want to cry and also made him feel very tired, and now Brian just wanted to shut his eyes and make it all go away and go to sleep.

         As Brian nodded off, his mother finished cleaning him up and started to put him into another clean nappy. As Brian lay there having a light snooze after his emotional little c-umming, his mother then set about hanging out lots of clothes and things that she had been buying for him over the past few days, up onto the picture rail around his bedroom wall. When she finished she gave Brian a gentle shake to wake him up. "Come on Mr Sleepyhead, time to wake up!" she called to him cheerfully as she shook him awake. "It's time to get you dressed, and I've got lots of lovely new things for you to wear over the holidays!" she added. Brian stirred slowly, still looking a bit tired dazed and confused after the intense experience of his shameful little ejaculation. At first he noticed that he was now dressed in another clean nappy, and looked down at it with a fuggy perplexed expression. "Look at all the lovely things I've got you!" his mother exclaimed as he started to wake up a bit.

         Brian then looked around his bedroom walls in complete confusion, as he saw several little sissy dresses and a good few pairs of sissy frilly baby pants hanging from the picture rail on hangers. All the dresses looked very short, as if they would come down no more than a few inches past his waist at most. There were a couple of pretty little printed cotton dresses, one in pink gingham and another with a colourful print of big childish cartoon style flowers on it in all different colours against a purple background with a white lacy collar and puffball sleeves with a matching white lacy trim. There were a couple of little school girl style pinafore dresses, one in a typical grey school dress material and another in a brown corduroy with a large childish patch of a cartoon bunny rabbit sewn onto the front. Then there were a few fancy Shirley Temple style party dresses in shiny white and pink satin with fancy puffball sleeves and all festooned with lots of lace trimmings and bows and little cotton flowers. Next to the satin party dresses were hanging three voluminous looking petticoats, one trimmed with white lace and another trimmed with pink organza, that made it look like a big ball of candy floss, and there was another that was trimmed with alternating layers of pink lace and white organza, that looked very frothy. Interspersed in amongst the dresses hung lots of pairs of fluffy frilly sissy baby pants. These also had an assortment of pink or white ruffles, with some layered with lacy frills and others with rows of fluffy organza ruffles, and all with a variety of ribbon bows and other sissy little decorations adoring them. One pair was even turned to face the wall, so that Brian could see the big ruffled lace rosette on the bottom.

Pretty James

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« Reply #45 on: June 26, 2022, 01:15:37 PM »
   As Brian lay there in bed staring up at this wall of sissy baby wear in complete befuddlement, his mother held up a pair of frilly baby pants to him. "Come on. Legs up for mummy, there's a good little boy!" His mother said as she motioned that she wanted to start putting the frilly baby pants onto Brian. Brian looked at the frilly baby pants with shock, as he recognised them for the previous day. They were the exact same pair that the lady at the nursery had made him wear, and as his mother held them there in front of him, the little silver round bells tinkled at him mockingly. Brian's mind whirled and raced in a daze of confusion, not knowing what was going on and he just leaned back and raised up his legs, lifting his feet up to allow his mother to pull on the frilly baby pants. Brian looked almost as if he was in a trance, as his mother then stood him up and took down the white lace trimmed petticoat and made him step into it before pulling it right up his chest, so that the waist band sat only a few inches below his armpits. Next she took down the purple cotton dress with the colourful flower print off the wall and proceeded to put him into it. The dress zipped up at the back, and as expected when Brian looked down, he could see large amounts of the frilly petticoat bursting forth out from below the hem. Then his mother pulled on a pair of thick knitted white woolly mitts, which she tied around his wrists with a pink ribbon bow. Then on his feet she slipped a pair of knitted white slipper socks that had a ring of ruffled lace around the ankle and a fluffy pink pompom on the back. On his head, she didn't put on a mop cap or bonnet but simply slipped on a large white pretty hair clip that had a little bunch of three small white plastic pretty roses on it, which she slipped into his neatly brushed side parting. Then when she was finally done, she stood Brian in front of her full length mirror which she had brought into his room earlier that morning whilst Brian was still half asleep. Brian stood there in as if in a trance, looking at himself in the mirror with a dazed and dismayed expression on his face. The bright colourful purple flowery dress, blossomed out from slightly below his chest height, to spread out over the top of the voluminous layers of the lacy petticoat, which burst forth out from below the hem of the dress, with layers of lace flowing down to meet the layers of ruffled frills of his baby pants, which were still about two thirds exposed. Then his mother took him by the hand and led him downstairs for his breakfast. Down at the breakfast table, Brian of course was unable to pick up any of his utensils to feed himself, so his mother sat next to him and spoon fed him his cereals and a boiled egg with toast soldiers.

         "Right, go and sit down in the living room on the play mat I've set out for you, as I've put some things on there for you to play with, and then be over shortly with your milk." His mother said to him after she had finished feeding him. Brian was still in a state of confusion and befuddlement as he walked trance like through into the living room. It all felt like some weird dream, as Brian looked down at the floor and saw the large play mat his mother had put on the floor for him. The play mat was like one of those cartoon street maps that little boys play on with their toy cars, only this one was clearly meant for girls, as it had pink roads and the map had things like pink princess castles and doll houses as the locations. As Brian sat down on the mat, surrounding him was an assortment of basic little baby toys, like a rattle and a crude wooden train and various cuddly toys. At first Brian sat there for a while trying to process it all, not knowing what to do or quite what was going on. Was his mother in league somehow with the ladies up at the nursery? Had they told her everything hat had been going on? Was this some sort of punishment for wetting his pants at school? How long was she going to keep him like this? After a while Brian bored of asking himself all these questions he couldn't possibly answer, and feeling a little tired again, he lay back and picked up one of the toys to play with.

         As Brian lay there he started to think back to when he was lying down out by the Wendy house in the nursery, and when all those little girls stood around him, and the views he had up their short little skirts and dresses, especially that one girl who had stood right over the top of him, giving him a view right up between her legs. As Brian tried to remember and visualise that view up between her legs, of the lovely pretty lacy leg cuffs and that snug clingy revealing panty gusset, Brian moved his thick woolly mitts down over the layers of lacy petticoat and began playing with them. Then his hands moved down to his lovely frilly baby pants and he began to rub and squeeze his thick nappy over where his stiff coc-k had now begun to once more stiffly thrust into his nappy. It wasn't enough to masturbate his coc-k but it was enough to give it a few thrills as he began to fantasise about the little girls all standing around him, now wearing nothing but their pretty little panties and vests all cooing and mothering him whilst he lies there in his wonderful sissy baby outfit.

         "Oh dear, I need a wee wee!" one of the girls then calls out in a distressed voice as she stands before him doing a desperate little dance and jiggle, and then begins to wet her knickers right in front of him. Then she turns around and clutching her bottom tightly, she does a little fart and starts to poop in them too. "Oh no no! I've done my poo poo in my pants!" she then says in a shocked voice as she fills the seat of her white panties with a large brown lump. As Brian lay there on the floor of the living room fantasising, he rubbed the nappy over his coc-k even harder as he imagined her humiliation as she stood there in her soiled panties.

Pretty James

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« Reply #46 on: June 26, 2022, 01:21:36 PM »
Whilst Brian is busy enjoying his little fantasy, his mother has finished preparing his milk in the kitchen and has made him a large bottle filled with warm milk, which also has a generous dose of laxative mixed in. His mother looked at the bottle she had prepared for him and hoped that Brian wouldn't taste the laxative too strongly, but even if he did he probably wouldn't know what it was and once she started feeding him, he wouldn't be able to stop anyway. With his milk done and bottled, she quietly sneaked up to the door of the living room which she had propped open earlier and peaked in to spy on Brian. There on the floor in the middle of the play mat lay Brian, who was rather enthusiastically trying to rub himself through his frilly baby pants and thick nappy, whilst also playfully fondling the thick mass of lacy frills of the petticoat. His mother stood there for a short while, watching him with amusement and listening to the sound of the tinkling bells on the front of his baby pants as he vigorously rubbed and fondled the crotch of his nappy and frilly baby pants.

         "I see you're settling down and enjoying your lovely new clothes dear!" his mother then announced in a loud cheerful voice as she then suddenly entered the room. Brian, then snapped instantly out of his little fantasy and sat suddenly bolt upright with a shocked and surprised guilty expression on his face, as his cheeks quickly began to flush a warm rosy red.

         "I... urm..." Brian stuttered out with an ashamed look on his face.

         "Oh, no need to explain dear! I can just imagine what effect all those lovely pretty frills must have on little boys like you." His mother cut him short with a wry cheeky cheerful reply. "Right it's time for your milk little man, so you stay sat there whilst I come and sit beside you." His mother said to him as she came over with his bottle of milk. As she came over to sit by him, Brian noted that she was wearing her large floral apron with the white ruffled trim around the edges. In one hand she held a large bottle of milk which had a baby bottle teat stuck on the top of it, which she was busy giving a bit of a shake. Her other hand then dipped down into the large front pocket of the apron, from where she pulled out a big rubbery looking bib. The bib was bright yellow and had a scoop like catching pocket on the front, and as she sat down beside him, she fastened it around the back of his neck with a popper. Then she made Brian lie back so that she could cradle his head in her arms and proffered up the teat of the bottle to his mouth. Brian was by now, far too subjugated and bewildered by his transformation into a big baby over the past few days, that he was just mentally too tired to keep questioning why he was being treated like a big baby like this and felt powerless to fight back. So remembering the previous afternoon at the nursery when he was bottle fed by the girls, he simply opened his mouth without a fuss and began to suc-k down on the teat. As Brian began to suc-k down on the big baby bottle, his mother moved her free hand down and began to squeeze and massage the crotch of his thick nappy where she could feel his stiff coc-k still thrusting up against it, and as he slurped and suc-ked down the milk, he murmured contentedly. It took Brian a little while to guzzle down the litre of milk with its laxative payload, and when he finally finished, his mother withdrew the bottle and he let out a satisfied little burp. After she wiped his face down around his mouth, she then fished around in the big pocket of her apron once more and brought out a baby's dummy with a large teat and popped it into his mouth. Then she took off his bib and left him on the mat to play once more.

         This time as Brian once more settled down on the mat to play with the toys, he was a little bit more circ-umspect about trying to pleasure himself and luxuriate in his sissy frills as he sat there dreaming up his little fantasies. Soon enough the milk had worked its way down his now rather full bladder, and rather than try and hold it back, Brian now just let go and began to fill his nappy with a flood of warm pee. As the warm wet glow spread out in the crotch of his nappy, Brian now found the sensation rather pleasurable, and he soon began to enjoy the feeling of his heavy wet nappy as it sagged and swayed between his legs as he waddled about on his hands and knees. A little while later following on from his nappy wetting, much to Brian's consternation, he soon started to develop a desperate urge to poop. Having his mother change him out of a wet nappy was one thing, but having her change him out of a messy pooped nappy like a proper big baby was quite another. He would just have to try and hold on and hope that in between nappy changes that his mother would give him the opportunity to use the toilet. Perhaps if he waggled his saggy wet nappy about a bit more, she might notice and change him again, giving him an opportunity to use the toilet properly. So Brian began to waddle around the floor on the mat, wiggling his bottom about and tinkling his little bells, in part to try and get his mother to notice his wet nappy and partly out of desperation to try and hold back his increasingly desperate urge to do a poo.

Pretty James

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« Reply #47 on: June 26, 2022, 01:28:42 PM »
 "Oh, has baby wet his nappy again? Well don't worry we'll get you changed into a nice clean one soon enough, when your new babysitter comes round to visit. I'm expecting her anytime now, so it won't be long." Brian's mother said, as she came in and saw him waddling about on the floor, quite animatedly wiggling his bottom and saggy nappy about in a desperate little waggle dance, which made Brian stop and look up at her wide eyed with shock. "Oh yes, I'm afraid mummy has to get you a baby sitter dear. Mummy can't look after you all the time by herself. I have meetings up at the church hall and evenings with the ladies that I need to attend, and I can't very well leave you on your own can I?" his mother said as Brian looked up at her in shock and surprise, and just as she finished saying that, the doorbell rang. "That'll be her at the door now. Now don't worry, she's someone you already know quite well, so I'm sure you'll feel quite at home with her." His mother said to him as she disappeared off into the hallway to open the front door for Brian's mystery babysitter.

         As she opened the door, Brian heard his mother exchange pleasantries with the lady as she invited her in. Brian sat there frozen in shock on the floor, all dressed up in his sissy baby outfit and now also with a very obvious saggy wet nappy. Brian's heart skipped a beat as he then heard the two ladies make their way over to the door to the living room and he then stared up with utter horror and mortification as his new baby sitter appeared in the doorway.

         "Hello Brian. My word, what an adorable pretty little baby you make!" said his school teacher Miss Bellingham, as she looked down at him with an amused sardonic grin. "I see you've got him dressed in nappies already. It's just as well. Did you hear about his pants wetting accident at school yesterday?" Miss Bellingham asked his mother.

         "Oh yes, the ladies at the nursery told me that they had spotted his little accident." His mother replied.

         "Well I was thinking that next year it might be a good idea if he was to come to school wearing nappies for the first term. After all, we don't want him having any more embarrassing little accidents at school do we? If we keep him down a year and make him retake the fourth year again, I can keep an eye on him for you and check if his nappy needs changing. I think that whilst his regular school uniform will be sufficient to cover his nappy, I don't think his gym kit will do so and I doubt you'll find any gym shorts to fit over it. However I think I can probably arrange for him to visit the junior school and have him join one of their first or second year classes for his gym period, where I'm sure he'll be OK joining in wearing just his nappy and vest, perhaps with a pair of his underpants over the top of his nappy too." Miss Billingham said to his mother.

         "Yes, I think that would be a very good idea, and if you could get that arranged then I would be very grateful." His mother replied. Brian sat there staring up wide eyed in complete shock and horror, first at the shock and humiliation of finding out his school teacher Miss Billingham was going to be his babysitter and of her seeing him sat there like this in his sissy baby frills, and then secondly at the conversation he had just overheard. He sat there feeling utter dismay at the thought of having not only to stay down a year but to go to school wearing a nappy, and then being made to do his PE in front of a junior school class wearing it! It was all just too much for Brian to take, and suddenly he let out a loud long fart, which was quickly followed by the sound of slick wet pops and crackles as he rapidly began to fill his nappy with poop. Brian sat there looking utterly mortified and ashamed as the two ladies stood there looking down at him, as he noisily pooped his nappy in front of them. "Well it seems you've come just in time to help me get our little baby here changed into a clean nappy." His mother said to Mrs Billingham, as the smell of Brian's pooped nappy began to waft over towards the door where they were stood. "We should be able to get it done in time for when the girls come to visit. I've invited the three girls from your school that you go to the nursery with, round for tea and cakes and to come and play with you. They sounded very excited about coming round to see you. Won't that be a lovely afternoon for you?" Brian's mother said down to him cheerfully.

         "Mmfffnnng... nnnggg... mmuufff!" was all Brian could mumble out in a distressed panicky muffled voice through his dummy, as he sat there in his squishy poopy nappy, looking up at the ladies pleadingly, with an increasingly alarmed and horrified face.

         The End


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« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2022, 01:24:10 PM »
Thanks for posting all of this great story. Would love to read more by this author if you have them to post.


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