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Author Topic: BRIAN'S PLAYGROUP HUMILIATION  (Read 23629 times)

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Pretty James

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« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2022, 12:20:45 PM »
 "Urm... hello..." Brian finally said in a weak meek voice to the girls. The girls however just continued to stare at his exposed underpants laughing and giggling.

         "Ha! Ha! You've been made to play in your pants like a little pre-schooler!" the oldest of the three girls then said in a highly amused mocking crowing voice. To which the other two girls joined in with more cheeky derisive giggles of their own. Brian could only stand there feeling utterly subjugated and dominated by these three little junior girls, who he now felt completely at the mercy of. As Brian stood there in submission he suddenly heard the two little girls who were sat over by the nine year old boy suddenly call out.

         "MISS! MISS! Justin's wet his pants!" the two girls called out gleefully to another lady that was over at the back end of the garden not far from them. All the girls then turned round to look in the direction of the boy, with the three junior girls in front of him now getting up to have a better look at the commotion. The boys was still sat rather awkwardly on the plastic buggy and now had a rather distraught look on his face as one of the girls near him sat there pointing at his underpants. The crotch of his underpants now looked dark and wet, and a little trickle of pee could still be seen emanating from the soaking wet crotch of his pants to trickle down the front of the plastic buggy. The girls near Brian were all now craning to have a better look, as the lady down near the boy hurriedly strode over to see what was going on. The lady looked down at the boy with a look of annoyance and disdain and reached down to grab the boy by an arm and forcibly hauled him up off the buggy. As soon as she had stood him back up on his feet, her free hand swung down to deliver several loud thwacks across the boy's bottom. Then she roughly tugged the boy along behind her as she led him back over to the house. As she led him past Brian and the girls, the boy stumbled along behind her crying, with his underpants still wet and dripping between his legs.

         "AH HA HA!" the girls all jeered loudly and laughed as the tearful distraught boy was led past. Thankfully that little interlude seemed to break the spell rooting Brian to the spot and keeping him in the thrall of these three little girls, and as soon as the boy had gone past the lady that had brought him out called him over to the climbing frame.

         "Brian, perhaps you'd like to come over here and have a go on the climbing frame and show these little ones what a big boy can do? I'm sure the frame will be able to hold your weight, it's quite sturdy enough and firmly pegged into the ground." The lady said as Brian walked over to the frame. A flush of shame blossomed in his cheeks as he noted the three first year senior girls from his school were now stood near the lady and now looked at Brian as he approached with big broad amused and gloating grins written across their faces. "Right why don't you just climb up and have a play around for bit so that the little ones can see what you can do." The lady now said to Brian.

Pretty James

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« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2022, 12:28:43 PM »
         Brian now had a small audience of girls watching him as he tentatively started to mount the climbing frame. The three senior girls from his school were now watching him intently with highly amused smug grins, and they tittered and giggled to each other as he gingerly climbed up the frame. Behind him the three junior girls had now got up off the floor to watch as well and he could also hear them giggling and chuckling as he climbed up the frame. All the watching girls got the most intimate views of Brian's underpants from just about every angle and position possible, as he climbed up the frame and over the bars, spreading his legs apart as he straddled bars and slipped and pulled himself between the rungs, giving the girls the most intimate views of his crotch between his spread legs. The girls also seeming to delight when the soft lumpy protrusions of his little boy's bits squished up against the bars as he straddled them between his legs climbing over the top of the frame. The lady even had Brian hang upside down with his knees hooked over the top rungs, and Brian felt utterly helpless as he hung there in front of the girls in his underpants with his arms dangling limply down to the floor. To round off his little show, the lady then wanted Brian to go down the slide, and he rather precariously started to sit himself down at the top, trying to steady himself before attempting to go down the narrow little slide. Just as Brian was gingerly trying to sit himself down at the top, his feet suddenly lost grip on the slippery smooth surface and an instant later caught completely by surprise, Brian let out a startled panicky little fart as he rapidly slid down the slide on the seat of his underpants with his arms and legs flailing about in shock. Brian landed in a big heap at the bottom, arms and legs still flailing about in surprise, as the girls all stood around laughing loudly at his rather inept and ungraceful panicked little flight down the slide.

         After Brian had recovered his composure at the bottom of the slide, the lady then took Brian around the garden showing him other little activities he could join in with. Of course they were all silly little things much more suited to little preschool children than anything a teen like him would be interested in, and at each little activity there was yet another little group of girls and children to be introduced to him. Most of the younger infant girls, whilst looking at him curiously, were none too fussed by the sight of Brian in his underpants, but the junior girls certainly all had a good little giggle at this older senior boy being made to play in his underpants and t-shirt. After his little tour of the garden, Brian was then left on his own and was stood about wondering what to do. It didn't take long however, before some of the other little boys playing out in the garden soon gravitated towards this big boy newcomer, wanting him to play with them, and a little while later Brian soon found himself playing along with all these little boys silly little games and adventures. The boys were all about three to six years old, and like him most of them were just dressed in their underpants as they played. First they played on the climbing frame, pretending that it was a pirate ship and that the blue mats below were shark infested waters, so that they all had to clamber around trying not to touch the floor. Then they went off on an expedition around the garden searching for treasure, crawling through the little canvas play tunnels and digging about in the sandpit. Then after that the little group of boys rolled around on the floor having a bit of a play fight and wrestle, with all the little boys piling onto the big boy Brian of course. The little boys of course were most unselfconscious when it came to intimate physical contact with each other and Brian, as he wrestled with all these little boys in their underpants, and on a few occasions he ended up with a little boy sat on his face or straddling his hips and sitting right on top of his little boys bits, which Brian found a little bit embarrassing and awkward. The little boys however couldn't care less, as Brian found their little bulging crotches being thrust into his face as they crawled over his head or rubbing up against some other part of his body. As Brian lay on the floor wrestling with the little boys in his underpants, he looked up to see the three senior girls from his school looking down at him with amused mocking grins.

Pretty James

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« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2022, 12:33:42 PM »
   "Made some new friends have you Brian?" they crowed sarcastically, whilst laughing at him.

         "He really is just like one of the little boys isn't he?" another girl said with amusement.

         "I know. It didn't take him long to fit in with the little pre-schoolers did it?" they giggled down at him.

         "Maybe next year you should go back down to reception class at infants school Brian. I'm sure they'll let you play in your pants and vest if you want." One of the girls said mockingly, causing the other girls to burst into little fits of laughter. Brian could only lay there on the floor, still wrestling with the boys but now feeling utterly belittled and shamed. Soon after that, the girls left, having had their fun teasing him for the moment.

         A little while later, the boys tired of their little wrestling bout and they all broke off to play with other things in the garden for a bit. Not long after that, as Brian was once more left wondering what to do with himself, the sound of a little commotion caught Brian's attention and looking over towards the back door of the house where he could hear a few girls cheering and laughing, he saw the junior boy who had earlier wet his pants, being brought back out into the garden again by the lady that had carted him off. Brian was shocked to see that the boy was now dressed in a big thick bulky looking nappy which was covered over by a pair of milky white plastic pants. As the boy was led out waddling along in his big thick nappy, with his thick padded bottom waggling about from side to side, the girls all crowded round cheering and laughing, causing the dismayed pouting boy to once more burst into tears. The boy was then sat down over by a group of toddlers and he then just sat there in his nappy crying and snivelling, looking utterly dejected and crushed. It was at about that time that Brian suddenly started to feel a rather desperate urge to need to go to the toilet himself for a number two. Not wanting to end up like that little junior boy, Brian went over to ask the lady who had been looking after him where the toilets were.

         "Are you desperate?" she asked, to which Brian nodded his head, as his need to go now felt increasingly urgent. "Right, well then you'd better go and use the little ones toilet which is down on the ground floor. Go back through the backdoor into the corridor and it's the first door on your right." She explained to Brian, who then hurriedly went off to find the toilet. When Brian got there he was dismayed to find that the toilets were completely open plan. Along the wall just inside the door to his left, was a line of little low down wash basins, that Brian would have to practically crouch down to use. Past them, along the wall over on the far left of the room, was a boy's urinal trough and in front of him along the back wall, was a row of toilets with toilet roll holders fixed to the wall next to each one. The toilets were all simply open to view; there wasn't even a dividing panel between them. The toilets all had little sets of plastic steps going up to them and child seat adapters on top of the regular seats. On one of the toilets a little four year old girl sat swinging her legs back and forth, as she sat there most unselfconsciously having a wee, with her dress hitched up and her little panties hanging around her ankles. Brian didn't have time to try and find the other toilets as his urge to poop became even more desperate as his tummy ached and his bottom now felt ready to burst. Having little choice, Brian quickly removed one of the seat adaptors from a toilet and quickly tried to take his underpants down whilst cupping his little private bits with one hand as he sat down on the toilet. The little girl who was sat one toilet down from him, finished her wee and spread her legs apart to give her little vagina a wipe, before pulling her knickers back up and going over to give her hands a quick wash. Brian sat there holding back, waiting for her to go so that he could do his poop in private.

Pretty James

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« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2022, 12:42:09 PM »
As soon as she left and the toilet was empty, Brian let go and let out a long loud fart and was about to follow through, when suddenly to his utter horror three junior aged girls walked in, that he hadn't yet seen before when he was out in the garden. The girls must have been indoors in one of the rooms all the time he was outside and the three all looked about nine or ten years old. The girls, who were chatting animatedly between themselves when they walked in, suddenly stopped and went silent as they saw Brain, and looked at him with shock and surprise as they saw him sat there on the toilet with his underpants hanging down around his legs just below his knees. Brian had tucked his little boy's bits between his legs, but nevertheless he still put a hand down over the top of them to cover them up as they walked in and saw him. It didn't take long for the girl's gasps of shock to turn into astonished and amused laughter and giggles. The three girls, who had obviously just come in to use the wash basins, now stood there looking at him sat on the toilet with his pants down, completely besides themselves laughing and giggling at him. Brian once more blushed bright red with utter shame and humiliation, as he once again tried to hold back his desperate urge to poop, which was even harder than ever now that he had already started the process. The girls didn't seem to be about to go any time soon and carried on standing there laughing and giggling at him and making teasing comments among themselves. Seconds later Brian could just no longer hold his desperate urges back, and right there in front of the three girls he began to do his poo. Another fart erupted from his bottom as his poop finally forced its way out, followed by lots of wet pops and crackles and more little farts as a long sausage of poop slid out of his bottom and plopped noisily into the toilet bowl water below. As Brian pooped himself right there in front of them, the girls went almost hysterical with fits of loud laughter. Brian sat there feeling utterly mortified as the girls stood there practically in tears laughing at him. The girls still obviously had no intention of leaving and were very likely going to stay there until Brian got up and left. So whilst trying to keep one hand covering his private bits, Brian reached behind and fumbled with the toilet roll single handed trying to tear off bits to wipe his bottom with. All the while the girls stood there watching with amusement and teasing him whilst he tried to wipe his bottom. After a couple of quick wipes, Brian felt that it would have to do, as he now wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. Still keeping his little private bits covered with one hand, he now pulled his pants back up with his free hand. Once his little privates were covered again, Brain could once more use both hands to pull his underpants back up properly. Without thinking about it as he pulled them up, Brian once more tucked the hem of his polo shirt neatly into the waistband of his pants as the lady had done. The girls who had not seen Brian before of course, now had a good laugh and giggle at him as he stood there in front of them in his y-front underpants and polo shirt. Brian tried to ignore them as best he could, as he washed his hands, but their laughs and giggles and teasing comments still left him feeling belittled and humiliated. After he was done Brian quickly rushed away from those girls and back out into the garden again.

         Out in the garden the junior boy was still sat in his nappy with the little toddlers and was now playing along with their little baby games looking utterly dejected and subdued. Meanwhile Brian found himself once more playing with the little boys up on the climbing frame, this time pretending that it was a castle or fortress, with the floor down in the middle at the bottom of the frame being the dungeon. Brian was cast as a big evil knight and he had to attack the castle climbing up the sides and over the top, where upon the little boys would quickly subdue him and make him sit at the bottom trapped in their dungeon. Then Brian would escape out the side underneath the slide, which was their drawbridge over the castle moat, and Brain would repeat the process and attack their castle once more. As Brian played with the little boys, the three junior girls he had first met there by the frame were once more back playing around at the foot of it. Brian once again made an attack on the little boys castle, climbing up the sides and swinging his legs over the top straddling the top bar between his legs and bottom as he climbed over, and once more the little boys put on their show of fighting him off, defeating and subduing the big evil knight, casting him down to the dungeon at the bottom of the climbing frame. Brian stayed in the dungeon again for a short while before once more making his escape by crawling on his hands and knees out from under the slide and away from the frame to avoid the detection of the patrolling guards at the top of the castle. As Brian crawled past the girls he suddenly heard a little cry of disgust from one of the girls.

Pretty James

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« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2022, 12:48:09 PM »
"Ewww! Look!" cried one of the girls behind Brian as he made his way past on his hands and knees.

         "Urgh! Ewww!" came more little amused cries of disgust from behind him.

         "Miss! Miss! Brian's got poopy pants!" one of the girls then called out to the lady who was once more nearby the climbing frame. Brian now froze where he was, still on his hands and knees and tried to look behind him to see what was going on.

         "Right Brian, stay right where you are!" he heard the lady shout over to him firmly, now sounding a little stricter than her so far usual jolly self. Brian then heard her come up behind him, and with him still down on the floor on his hands and knees, he felt her slip her fingers in to one of the legs of his underpants about level with his little bottom hole and pull them over to one side stretching them tight so she could inspect the seat of his underpants. "Oh dear, really Brian!" she said with a tone of disappointment and annoyance. "Did you remember to wipe your bottom after going to the toilet?" she asked irately.

         "Urm... yes Miss." Brian replied meekly, sounding rather unsure of himself as he remembered the brief quick wipe he had given himself due to those girls being there in the toilets with him. Constantly climbing over that frame and straddling those bars between his legs must have rubbed his pants against his still mucky bottom, leaving a visible poo stripe in the seat of his underpants, he surmised with a now mounting feeling of shame and worry.

         "Well you obviously didn't do a very good job!" she replied snappily. "Really Brian, older boys like you should be able to clean themselves properly by now." She said irritatedly, before then reaching down to pull him up off the floor. "Right, we'd better go get you cleaned up. We can't have you wearing dirty disgusting pants like that!" she exclaimed as she then led him off back into the house.

         Once more Brian found himself in the little pre-schoolers toilets as the lady brought him back inside the house to clean him up. There were a few preschool and infant age children in the toilet when she pulled him in there, but that didn't seem to worry her, as without ceremony and much to his utter shock and surprise, she simply reached down and pulled Brian's underpants down and off over his feet. Brian stood there in the toilets surrounded by little girls and the odd boy, and he quickly put his hands down to cup his little private bits. Being a bit of a late developer, Brian was still quite hairless down below and although his balls had dropped a bit and his voice had broken slightly, his little bits were still quite prepubescent looking. Most of the other boys in his class by now had a good tuft of pubic hair or at the very least had started growing a few wisps of it. Brian though was still quite hairless and he still looked more like one of the eleven year old first year boys than the other teens his age. Not that any of the little children here would know about such things of course, but Brian still felt very self-conscious of it and he quickly covered up his little underdeveloped privates. The lady then told Brian to go and tear off several sheets of toilet paper. Brian tried to fumble with the toilet paper single headedly again whilst still trying to cover his privates with one hand, but the lady soon put a stop to his fumbling.

         "What on earth is the matter with you boy? Use both hands!" she now snapped at him impatiently, and Brian now had to take his hand away from his shameful little private bits and leave them all exposed as he tore off a few sheets of toilet paper. Brian now turned to face the lady holding his sheets of toilet paper, and standing there completely naked from the waist down. The hem of his old polo shirt only came down a couple of inches or so past his waist, leaving his bare bottom and his little bits all fully exposed. Brian just stood there numb with shock as all the little girls continued to mill about around him, occasionally stopping to stare most unabashedly at his little private bits with curious intimate little stares. Even the lady gave his little bits a good look over, making Brian feel utterly helpless and subjugated as he stood there before her blushing brightly with humiliation. "Right, now turn around, bend over and let me see you give your bottom a jolly good wipe clean." She snapped irately at him, now starting to lose her patience with him. Brian did as he was told and most humiliatingly for him, he bent over in front of this lady and all the little girls, baring his mucky brown ringed bottom hole to them and then started to wipe it clean. "Now look at the sheets and tell me if they look clean." The lady snapped in her short tempered voice, as Brian finished using the first folded pair of sheets.

         "No Miss." Brian replied as he looked at the dirty brown streak across the white toilet tissue.

Pretty James

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« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2022, 01:17:14 PM »

 "Right, now put those in the toilet and give yourself another wipe." She ordered firmly, and Brian once more wiped his bottom with the next pair of folder sheets. After three pairs Brian's bottom was now finally clean and after flushing the paper down the toilet Brian went and washed his hands. "Well you can't wear these again can you? Look at them!" she said in a loud irate voice, holding his underpants up for him to see the big thick brown streak in the seat of them, and Brian blushed shamefully at the sight of them. The lady then took hold of his arm again and marched him back out into the corridor to once more stand in front of the wardrobe. The lady stood Brian there in the corridor over to one side up against the wall behind her, and made him stand there meekly to attention with his hands submissively down by his side, and he stood there looking completely crushed and utterly subdued. "You've only been here one afternoon and you're already onto your spare pair of underpants. It's not what I expect from an older boy like you!" the lady said chastising him whilst she opened up the wardrobe.

         As the lady fussed about inside for his spare pair of underpants, the three girls that Brian had seen in the toilets earlier, suddenly came out one of the rooms. The girls of course almost immediately spotted Brian stood there to attention by the wall, naked from the waist down and with his little boys bits all completely exposed. The girls quickly gathered around near Brian as they once more burst into fits of hysterical laughter and giggling as they looked down at his exposed little boy's bits. Brian now remained there standing meekly to attention with his hands by his side, completely subdued and subservient before the teasing laughing girls. The lady paid the giggling teasing girls absolutely no attention whatsoever as she eventually turned around to face Brian holding his spare pair of underpants, which she then made him step into before pulling them up and tucking him in again, all in front of the three watching highly amused girls. "There, that's your spare pair of underpants used now." The lady declared to Brian. "I'll have to put these ones into the laundry, but that won't be until Friday, so they won't be dry and ready for you again until Monday. So young man, you had better not dirty any more pants before then, otherwise you'll have to go into nappies instead, do you understand?" the lady said giving Brian a firm warning, to which Brian silently nodded his head meekly.

         After being changed into his spare pair of colourful y-front underpants, Brian once more made his way back out to the garden. Now the girls had a new pair of underpants to look at and tease Brian about, especially as these ones had a rather childish pattern on them, and of course it didn't take long before the three senior girls from his school found their way back over to him.

         "In your spare pair of underpants already Brian? You better not dirty any more or it will be nappies for you!" the girls mocked him and giggled and laughed at the thought of him having to wear a nappy.

         "Aww! Look at his new pants, aren't they cute. They've got little cars and things on them." One of the girls teased, making fun of the childish pattern on his underpants of various little cartoon cars, trains and planes.

         "Aww diddum's! Well he is just a little boy now isn't he?" another girl teased him, as they all stood there giggling and tittering at him. Brian just stood there subdued with his head hung down in submission blushing furiously.

Pretty James

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« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2022, 03:41:46 PM »
         Shortly afterwards they heard the ladies calling everyone's attention out in the garden and got all the children to gather round them. Apparently it was time for their daily group dance and movement session where the whole nursery got together. As the children in the garden gathered round the ladies outside, more children came out from inside the house, like the three junior girls that had teased Brian. A few more little girls and boys also came out, with some boys undressed to pants and vests and others in shorts and t-shirts, and of course all the girls fully clothed in shorts or dresses. All the children then formed a big circle holding hands and had to dance around and sing nursery rhymes as one of the ladies played along with a tambourine. The junior boy in his nappy waddled around looking quite miserable and dejected, as some of the girls giggled and smirked at him, making teasing comments about his nappy. Then a smaller circle of children was formed inside the main one and the children once more danced around but this time the two circles went in opposite directions. After those children had returned back to the main circle, the ladies asked the older children including Brian to go into the middle to perform some more expressive and creative dances for the little ones.

         The ladies got them to pretend to be trees and exploding fireworks among other things, all of which made Brian feel quite childish and humiliated as he had to perform all these expressive dances in his underpants in front of all the watching little children. Once the group dancing was over, there was just less than an hour left before it was time to go home and Brian somehow ended up having to play with the little boys again who had now obviously made him their new friend. Towards the end of the day the little boys had clearly begun to run out of steam and as Brian lay down on one of the mats and leaned back on his elbows, a few of the little boys came over and began to cuddle up to him, with one in his lap between his legs whilst two more sat next to him and rested their heads against his chest for a brief snooze, all of which started to make Brian feel very tired himself. Brian eventually lay back on the mat with the little boys and started to nod off himself, as they all cuddled up into a sleepy heap of little boys in their underpants with Brian at the centre.

         When Brian came round and woke up again, it was finally time to go home and the lady came along waking up all the little boys snoozing by Brian. Brian then had to go and wait by the wardrobe once more for the lady to come along and finally give him his uniform back for him to change back into. Brian could only stand there once more meekly to attention in his underpants and polo shirt, as lots of little girls paraded past him to the front entrance as their parents arrived to pick them up. Next to Brian a few other little boys now also lined up in their underpants, also waiting to get their clothes back, even the junior boy in his nappy arrived eventually to line up to take his turn and Brian wondered how he would be dealt with. After what seemed like an age after most of the girls had filed past, the lady arrived to give each boy their clothes back in turn. She started with the youngest preschool boys first, helping them to get dressed before moving onto the older infant boys, leaving Brian and the junior boy in his nappy till last. When the junior boy's turn came, the lady pulled out his grey school shirt which she quickly buttoned him into and then tucked the tails into the waistband of his milky white plastic pants. Then she pulled out his grey school trousers and told the boy to his distraught looking face that she wouldn't be able to put them on over his nappy, and so she would put them in his bag with his tie and other things. Then she pulled his grey knee socks on and slipped on his buckle on sandals before fastening them, leaving the utterly mortified looking boy stood there in his socks and sandals and grey school shirt, which was all neatly tucked into his milky white plastic pants. The lady then led the horrified looking boy out to the front entrance, and he waddled along noisily behind her in his thick bulky rustling nappy and plastic pants. Brian could only imagine how utterly mortifying it must be for that boy to be presented back to his mother half-dressed back into his school uniform and in that big nappy. Finally at long last the lady came back and made Brian stand there as she dressed him back into his uniform, making sure he was all neatly tucked in and well presented. It was then with some relief that Brian was taken out to meet his mother who had come to collect him and taken him back home.


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