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Author Topic: The Descent  (Read 6143 times)

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  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2024, 06:55:53 AM »
Chapter 14: The Baby Sister

However, as he finished setting the table, Don, Johanna, and Mauranne gathered around with a mixture of amusement and mischief.
“Ludo,” Johanna began, “we’ve decided that tonight you’ll spend the evening as our little sister, not as a maid.”
Ludo’s eyes widened in surprise. “But… but I’ve prepared a special meal for you all,” he said, a hint of confusion and disappointment in his voice.
Mauranne, with a teasing smile, added, “Yes, and we’re going to dress you up and feed you like a little girl. No more grown-up duties tonight.”

Johanna and Mauranne led Ludo to a bedroom where they had prepared a set of childlike pajamas for him. The one-piece pajamas were a pastel pink, adorned with cute animal patterns They helped him into the pajamas, which had a snap-up front and a hood with little bear ears.
He was led to the dining area where, instead of the delicious meal he had prepared, there was a plate of pureed green vegetables waiting for him. The cutlery was tiny, along with a bib that read “Sweetie Pie” in large, colorful letters.
As Ludo sat down at the table, his face fell at the sight of the pureed vegetables. He had a difficult time hiding his displeasure. “But… I really don’t like these vegetables,” Ludo whined, his voice taking on a tone of a petulant child.
Mauranne, with a smirk, said, “Well, Ludo, you’re going to eat them anyway!”
Don said with irritation, “You’re going to eat every bite of that meal, Ludo. No complaints. If you don’t, there will be consequences.”
Ludo’s face flushed with embarrassment and distress. He glanced down at the pureed vegetables, feeling a lump form in his throat. His eyes began to well up, but he tried to hold back tears. The sight of Don’s stern expression made him shiver with apprehension.
“Please, Mr. Don,” Ludo begged, his voice quivering. “I really can’t eat this.”
Don’s expression hardened. “No, Ludo. You will eat what’s in front of you. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you regret it.”
Ludo, trembling, picked up the tiny spoon, his hands shaking. He began to eat the pureed vegetables, each spoonful making him gag slightly. He tried to hold back his retching, but the disgusting taste made it difficult. Tears streamed down his face as he forced himself to eat.

When he thought he had finished Don grabbed him by the neck. “Lick the plate! I don't want to see any more green. Lick it clean until it shines!“
He then wiped his mouth with the bib, his face red from the effort and embarrassment.
Ludo stood up and, with great effort, performed a deep curtsey. His eyes were still damp, but he managed to look up at Don, Johanna, and Mauranne with a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude.
“Thank you, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, and Mr. Don,” Ludo said, his voice trembling but sincere. “I’m very grateful for this delicious meal.”

“Ludo,” Johanna said, her voice gentle but firm, “while we clear the table, we want you to play with your dolly. We’ll join you soon.”
Ludo nodded obediently, his face still slightly flushed from the difficult meal. He walked over to the play area they had set up for him.
He sat down on the soft rug and picked up Ludivine. He cradled her gently in his arms. His fingers brushed through the doll’s synthetic hair as he whispered softly, “Hello, sweetie. Mommy’s here.”

Next, he arranged the girl's stuffed animals in a circle around him. There was a teddy bear, a bunny, and a puppy—all with friendly, stitched-on smiles. He began to pretend they were having a tea party, using his imagination to fill in the gaps.
“Mr. Teddy,” Ludo said in a high-pitched, childlike voice, “would you like some tea? Oh, of course you would! Here you go.”
He mimed pouring tea into an imaginary cup and handed it to the teddy bear. He then moved on to the bunny and the puppy, offering them tea and cookies in a similar fashion.
Meanwhile, in the dining area, Don, Johanna, and Mauranne chatted quietly among themselves, occasionally glancing over at him to ensure he was immersed in his play.

Despite the childishness of the activity, he found a strange comfort in the simplicity of playing with the dolls and stuffed animals.
“Now, Miss Bunny,” Ludo continued, picking up the stuffed rabbit, “it’s your turn to speak. What do you have to say?”
He made the bunny nod and pretended it spoke in a squeaky voice, “Thank you, Ludo! This tea is wonderful!”
Ludo giggled softly, his earlier discomfort fading away as he immersed himself in the playful scenario. The act of nurturing his doll and engaging with his toys brought a sense of calm and contentment.
Once the table was cleared, Johanna, Mauranne, and Don returned to the play area.
Ludo looked up at them, his face lighting up with a smile. “Thank you, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, and Mr. Don,” he said. Despite being in his pajamas, he stood up and performed a deep curtsey, his movements graceful and practiced. “I’m very grateful for this evening and the chance to play like the good girl I am.”
Johanna, Mauranne, and Don settled onto the large, comfortable sofa in the living room.
Johanna patted the spot next to her and said, “Come here, Ludo.”
She wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close. Mauranne, sitting on the other side, did the same, creating a warm, secure cocoon around him. Don, watching with a fond smile, leaned in closer to join the embrace.
“Yes, you’ve been such a good girl tonight, Ludo,” Mauranne said softly, stroking his hair. “We’re very proud of you.”
Ludo, feeling the gentle caress, closed his eyes and sighed contentedly. “Thank you, Miss Mauranne. I’m happy to make you proud.”
Johanna kissed the top of his head, and Don reached out and began to caress it. His large hand provided a comforting touch that made Ludo feel safe and valued. “You’re a good girl, Ludo,” Don said, his voice deep and reassuring. “You’ve done well.”
Ludo snuggled close. “Thank you, Mr. Don,” he said in his soft voice.

For a while, the room was filled with the quiet sounds of contentment. Ludo, enveloped in the warmth and affection of his master and mistresses, felt at peace. Johanna and Mauranne continued to stroke his hair and back, while Don’s hand rested protectively on his shoulder.
Eventually, they shifted positions slightly. Ludo found himself lying down with his head resting on Johanna’s lap, his legs stretched out over Mauranne’s.
Johanna gently stroked his cheek and said, “Close your eyes, Ludo. Just relax.”
Ludo obeyed, closing his eyes and letting out a soft, contented sigh. The soothing words and gentle touches lulled him into a state of blissful relaxation.

He whispered, “Thank you, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, and Mr. Don. I’m so grateful for your love and care. I’ll always do my best to make you happy.”
“Alright, Ludo,” Johanna said softly, “it’s time to get ready for beddybye. Let’s get you all set for a good night’s sleep.”
Ludo, feeling relaxed and content from the cuddles, nodded and sat up, still nestled between Johanna and Mauranne.
Johanna started by getting his toothbrush ready, putting a small amount of toothpaste on it. “Here you go, Ludo,” she said, handing it to him with a smile.
Ludo took the toothbrush with a grateful nod. “Thank you, Miss Johanna,” he said, beginning to brush his teeth. Mauranne filled a small basin with warm water and laid out a soft washcloth. “Once you’re done brushing, we’ll wash your face and hands,” she instructed gently.
With his face and hands clean, they led Ludo back to the bedroom, where his bed was already prepared with soft, plush bedding and his favorite dolly. Ludo cradled Ludivine in his arms, feeling a wave of affection.

Don helped him into bed, Johanna picked up a picture book and sat beside the bed. “Would you like a bedtime story?” she asked.
Ludo nodded eagerly. “Yes, please, Miss Johanna.”
As the story ended, Johanna closed the book and leaned in to kiss Ludo’s forehead. “Goodnight, Ludo. Sweet dreams.”
Mauranne followed suit, giving Ludo a kiss on the cheek. “Sleep well, little sister. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Don, with a gentle smile, leaned down and ruffled Ludo’s hair one last time. “Goodnight, Ludo. You’ve been a very good girl today.”
Ludo, feeling overwhelmed with affection and care, whispered, “Thank you, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, and Mr. Don. I’m so grateful for everything. Goodnight.”

Later that night, Ludo had an urgent need to pee. He waddled to the hallway, feeling the constraints of his one-piece pajamas. He tried to unzip them but quickly realized he couldn’t do it on his own. Panic started to set in as he fumbled with the zipper.
Just as he was beginning to feel desperate, Don emerged from one of the rooms. “Ludo, what are you doing up at this hour?” he asked sternly.
Ludo looked up at Don, his eyes wide and pleading. “I’m sorry, Mr. Don. I need to go to the toilet, but I can’t get my pajamas off by myself,” he explained, his voice trembling.
Don sighed, clearly exasperated. “You should have called for help instead of wandering around. You know better, Ludo. This kind of behavior will have consequences.”
Tears welled up in Ludo’s eyes as he clutched his doll even tighter. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Don. I promise I’ll call for help next time. Please don’t be too angry with me.”
Despite his annoyance, Don gently unzipped the pajamas, helping Ludo out of them. “Alright, let’s get you to the toilet,” he said, guiding him to the bathroom.
“Thank you for helping me despite my bad behaviour Mr. Don,” Ludo whispered.
After Ludo had finished, Don helped him back into his pajamas, zipping them up carefully. “You need to remember to ask for help, Ludo. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss your punishment,” Don said firmly but not unkindly.
“Yes, Mr. Don. I’ll be good. Thank you so much.”

Don led Ludo back to his bed, tucking him in securely once more. He brushed a hand through his hair and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Goodnight, Ludo. Sleep well.”
Ludo, still clutching his doll, looked up at Don with a mixture of relief and gratitude. “Thank you, Mr. Don. Goodnight.”
Don turned off the light and quietly left the room. Ludo, now feeling both the weight of his mistake and the comfort of Don’s care, drifted back to sleep, clutching his doll close. He knew that tomorrow would bring a discussion about his punishment, but for now, he was safe and cared for, ready to rest until morning.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2024, 07:00:01 AM »
Chapter 15: Learning His Lesson

Johanna and Mauranne were already seated at the table, enjoying their breakfast. They greeted Ludo with warm smiles.
“Good morning, Ludo,” Johanna said. “Come and have your breakfast.”
“Good morning, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne,” he replied, curtseying as usual. He took his seat at the table, where a bowl of oatmeal with fruit awaited him.
After breakfast, Ludo’s anxiety increased as he awaited the next steps. Don entered the room, his authoritative presence commanding immediate attention.

“Ludo, stand up and come here,” he ordered.
Ludo obeyed immediately, standing before Don with his head bowed and his doll clutched to his chest.
“Ludo, you need to learn the importance of following the rules,” Don said. “Last night you didn’t, and now you must face the consequences.”
“For not asking for help, you will have to write lines,” Don declared. “You will write, ‘I must ask for help when I need it and follow the rules,’ 100 times.”
He handed Ludo a lined notebook and a pen. “You need to complete this punishment within two hours, otherwise it will be doubled,” he said. “Make sure each line is written neatly and correctly.”
“Yes, Mr. Don. I understand. I’m sorry for my behavior.”

Ludo settled at a small desk set up for him, and diligently began the tedious task of writing lines.
After a while, Don came over to check on his progress. “How’s it going, Ludo?” he asked.
“It’s going well, Mr. Don,” Ludo replied, though his handwriting was beginning to show signs of fatigue.
Ludo completed his lines on time and presented the notebook to Don.
Don reviewed the lines carefully, then nodded. “Your writing is neat, Ludo. This punishment is complete,” he said. “Now, you need to apologize properly.”

Ludo, still clutching his doll, knelt in front of Johanna, Mauranne, and Don, one at a time. “I’m very sorry, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, Mr. Don. I promise to ask for help when I need it and to follow the rules,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
After the punishment, he was dressed in a frilly, pastel-colored dress with puffed sleeves and lace trim, and he spent the rest of the day playing with his dolls under the supervision of Johanna and Mauranne.
In the evening, he was dressed him in another set of one-piece pajamas, this time with a cute unicorn print, and had a bow placed in his hair.

For dinner, he sat at the table, again using toddler cutlery and wearing a bib. He ate without complaint, understanding the importance of compliance.
To end the day on a positive note, they all gathered in the living room for some final cuddles.
Finally, it was time for bed. They took Ludo through his nighttime routine, helping him brush his teeth, wash his face, and get tucked in with his doll. Each of them gave him a goodnight kiss, leaving him feeling loved and secure despite the day’s events.
As he drifted off to sleep, Ludo whispered, “Goodnight, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, Mr. Don. I’ll be good and follow the rules. Thank you for everything.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2024, 03:27:27 PM »
Chapter 16: The Ballerina

One Saturday morning, Mauranne took Ludo to a dancewear shop in the city. She instructed him to go inside alone and purchase the most feminine dance outfit available.
As he entered the shop, Ludo felt his heart race with anxiety. The saleswoman greeted him with a warm smile. He nervously approached her.
“Hello, miss. I need to buy a complete dance outfit, something very pink and frilly,” he said, his voice trembling.
The saleswoman, taken aback for a moment, quickly recovered her professional demeanor. “Of course! We have some lovely options. Are you shopping for a special occasion?”
Ludo glanced back at Mauranne, who was watching through the shop window, her eyes drilling into him. “Yes, it's for, um, a special performance,” he mumbled.
The saleswoman led him to a section filled with pink leotards, tutus, and ballet slippers. She picked out a particularly frilly pink leotard with matching tights, a tutu adorned with sequins, and a pair of delicate ballet slippers.
“This set is perfect. Would you like to try it on?” she asked.
Ludo hesitated but knew he had to follow through. “Yes, please,” he replied.
He tried on the outfit, feeling utterly humiliated but knowing Mauranne was watching his every move. After purchasing the ensemble, he left the shop, carrying the bag with a sense of impending dread.

Mauranne provided him with a series of ballet exercise videos. Each day after school, he was to practice in his room, wearing his new dance outfit. She made it clear that these sessions were mandatory and that she expected significant improvement.
His routine became grueling. He would change into his pink leotard and tutu, then follow along with the videos, practicing pliés, arabesques, and pirouettes. His body ached from the unfamiliar movements, but he persisted, knowing that failure would lead to harsher punishments.
After a few weeks of rigorous practice, the day came to demonstrate his progress. Don, Johanna, and Mauranne gathered in the living room, eager to see their little ballerina in action.
Ludo entered the room, dressed in his frilly pink outfit. He stood before his masters and mistresses, feeling their eyes on him.
“Begin,” Mauranne commanded.

Ludo started his routine, performing the ballet exercises he had been practicing. He moved through the steps with as much grace as he could muster, aware of every misstep and stumble. Don and Johanna watched with amused expressions, occasionally whispering to each other and chuckling.
Mauranne, however, maintained a critical eye. “Higher on the toes, Ludo. Keep your back straight,” she instructed sharply.
Ludo complied, trying his best to meet her demands.
When he finished, he stood before them, panting slightly, waiting for their verdict.
“Not bad for a beginner,” Don said with a smirk. “But you have a long way to go.”
Johanna nodded in agreement. “Yes, you clearly need more practice.”
Mauranne walked up to Ludo, examining him closely. “You did well enough,” she said, her tone slightly softer. “But remember, you must strive for perfection. Tomorrow, we'll start adding more advanced moves to your routine.“
Ludo bowed his head. “Yes, Miss Mauranne. Thank you for your guidance,” he said, his voice filled with deference.
Don patted his head, a condescending smile on his face. “Good girl, Ludo. Now, go change and prepare dinner for us.”

The following Saturday, Mauranne prepared the living room as a makeshift ballet studio. She cleared the furniture, leaving ample space for Ludo to practice.
Ludo, dressed in his pink leotard, tutu, tights, and ballet slippers, stood nervously in the center of the room. Mauranne, dressed in a more casual but authoritative outfit, looked at him with a critical eye.
“Today, we’re going to work on your form and precision,” she announced, her voice firm. “I expect you to give it your all. Any mistakes will be corrected immediately.”
Ludo nodded, swallowing his anxiety. “Yes, Miss Mauranne. I’ll do my best.”
Mauranne began with the basics, guiding Ludo through a series of warm-up exercises. She corrected his posture, ensuring his back was straight and his toes pointed.
“Higher on the toes, Ludo. You need to elongate your movements,” she instructed, her tone leaving no room for error.
Ludo felt the burn in his calves and thighs as he struggled to maintain the proper form.
“Remember, every move must be deliberate and graceful,” Mauranne continued, her eyes never leaving his form.
As the lesson progressed, her demands grew more stringent. She corrected every misstep with precision, often stopping Ludo mid-movement to adjust his positioning.
“No, no, no! Your arms must flow like water, not rigid like sticks,” she admonished, adjusting his arm position. “Start again.”
Midway through the lesson, she introduced more complex moves.
Ludo hesitated, knowing this move was beyond his current skill level. He attempted a pirouette, but his balance wavered, and he stumbled.
Mauranne sighed, her frustration evident. “Again!”
He tried again, and again, each attempt falling short of Mauranne’s expectations. After countless attempts, he finally managed a somewhat passable pirouette. Mauranne nodded approvingly, but her standards remained high.
“Better. But you still need a lot of practice,” she remarked. “Now, let’s see your arabesque.”

Ludo moved into position, extending his leg behind him and lifting his arms gracefully. He held the pose, his muscles trembling with the effort.
“Hold it, hold it,” Mauranne coached, walking around him to check his form. “Good. Now, slowly come out of the pose.”
He did as instructed, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.
Mauranne finally walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You did okay today, Ludo. But remember, perfection is the goal,” she said.
Ludo bowed his head, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and accomplishment. “Yes, Miss Mauranne. Thank you for your guidance.”
“Now, change back into your regular clothes and prepare lunch,” she added, her authoritative tone returning.
Ludo curtsied deeply. “Yes, Miss Mauranne. Right away,” he replied, his voice filled with deference.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2024, 03:31:17 PM »
Chapter 17: Ballet Passion

Every evening, after finishing his exercises, Ludo was required to watch ballet performances on video. Mauranne selected a mix of classic and contemporary ballet, including works by famous companies and renowned choreographers. Ludo sat attentively in front of the screen, taking notes on the techniques, styles, and expressions of the dancers.
“Remember to focus on the grace and fluidity of the female dancers,” Mauranne instructed. “Take notes on how they embody elegance and femininity.”

In addition to watching videos, Ludo was required to read ballet magazines that Mauranne provided. These magazines featured articles on ballet history, profiles of prominent dancers, and reviews of performances.
Each issue included glossy photographs of ballet stars and intricate discussions of their techniques and achievements. Ludo’s task was to study these magazines thoroughly and extract key insights about the ballet world.
His understanding of ballet was tested through written essays.
He had to describe which ballets he enjoyed most, explaining why they stood out to him. He focused on the artistry, choreography, and emotional impact of these performances.

“One of my favorite ballets is ‘Swan Lake’ by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This timeless masterpiece captures the essence of ballet through its enchanting choreography and hauntingly beautiful score. The dual roles of Odette and Odile showcase the delicate grace and strength that I strive to emulate in my own practice. Odette’s transformation from a swan princess to a tragic figure embodies a profound sense of grace and vulnerability, which I find deeply inspiring. The fluidity of her movements and the emotional depth of her performance highlight the true beauty of ballet. I aspire to mirror Odette’s elegance and the intricate dynamics of her role in my own dancing.”

Ludo expressed his admiration for female dancers. He wrote about their grace and femininity, articulating how he aspired to embody the same qualities in his ballet practice.
“The female dancers of classical ballet are epitomes of grace and femininity. Their performances exude an effortless elegance that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression. I am particularly drawn to ballerinas like Margot Fonteyn and Natalia Osipova, whose artistry exemplifies the ideal of feminine grace. Fonteyn’s poise and fluidity, and Osipova’s powerful yet delicate movements, embody the attributes I strive to integrate into my own dance practice. The way they move with such grace and precision reflects the high standards of classical ballet. Their ability to convey complex emotions through their dance reinforces my desire to develop a similar sense of grace and artistry. Embracing femininity in ballet involves understanding and reflecting these qualities in every movement. I continuously work on my technique to ensure that my dancing reflects the elegance and poise that are the hallmarks of classical ballet.”

He was also required to write about his admiration for male dancers, emphasizing their strength and attractiveness. He detailed his fascination with their muscular build and presence on stage.
“Male ballet dancers possess a unique blend of strength and artistry that I find profoundly attractive. Their muscular build and commanding stage presence are integral to their performances, adding a layer of power and intensity. Dancers like Mikhail Baryshnikov and Roberto Bolle exemplify this combination of strength and grace. Baryshnikov’s athleticism and Bolle’s chiseled physique demonstrate the physical prowess required for male ballet roles. I admire their trength and would be thrilled to meet such a distinguished and handsome dancer.”

He was also instructed to cut out photos of his favorite dancers from the magazines. He created a collage of these images. Each photo had to be kissed and admired.
“I have selected photos of my favorite ballerinas and danseurs to place in my special album. Every evening, I kiss these images, honoring the grace and strength they represent. It reminds me of the ideals I strive to achieve.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2024, 03:39:41 PM »
Chapter 18: Public Challenge

Ludo had to manage to hide his dance outfit from his Mom but also to wash it frequently. He had to ask Mauranne for permission to buy a second one when the other one was dirty or drying behind his closet in his room.
As he approached the counter into the dancewear store, the saleswoman greeted him with a friendly smile.
“Hello! How can I help you today?” she asked, her tone warm and welcoming.
Ludo swallowed hard, mustering his courage. “Hello Miss, I’m looking for a new dance outfit,” he began, trying to sound confident. “Something that’s very feminine, with lots of frills and pink. I need it for my ballet classes.”
The saleswoman raised an eyebrow slightly, curious about his request but maintaining her professional demeanor. “We have several options in that style. Are you looking for a specific type of outfit—like a leotard, tutu, or something else?”

Before Ludo could respond, a group of little girls, who had come to the store for their own dancewear, overheard his conversation. They giggled among themselves, their curiosity piqued. One of the girls, with bright eyes and a mischievous smile, approached Ludo.
“Are you really buying a girl’s outfit?” she asked, her tone both innocent and teasing.
Ludo’s face turned crimson. He felt Mauranne’s eyes on him from across the store, watching his every reaction. He forced a smile and tried to project confidence, even as his heart raced.
“Yes,” he replied, trying to sound casual. “I’m really into ballet, and this is what I need for my classes.”
The girl’s eyes widened with surprise and amusement. “But aren’t you a boy? Why do you want a girl’s outfit?”
Ludo’s discomfort deepened. He glanced at Mauranne, who stood silently, observing his humiliation with an air of detached amusement. He took a deep breath and continued, forcing himself to maintain a brave face.
“This outfit is just what I need to perform my best. I... I... I like very feminine colors and decorations. They help me feel graceful when I dance. I like to feel feminine,” he said with his eyes downcast, ashamed of his confession in front of the giggling girls.

The saleswoman, noting the awkward interaction, tried to steer the conversation back on track. “Well, we have several options that might fit what you’re looking for. Let me show you some of our most popular choices.”
As he was shown various options, the little girls continued to watch, whispering and giggling among themselves. He picked out a particularly frilly pink leotard with a matching tutu, hoping it would meet Mauranne’s standards.
The saleswoman handed him the chosen outfit, and he clutched it tightly, feeling the weight of both the fabric and the situation. As he went to the register, the girls’ whispers followed him, their laughter ringing in his ears.

Once the transaction was complete, he hurried out of the store, the pink shopping bag clutched tightly in his hand. Mauranne met him at the exit, a satisfied smile on her face.
“Well done,” she said, her tone dripping with satisfaction. “I saw you made some new little friends?”
“Yes Miss Mauranne,” he sighed. “Thank you Miss Mauranne for allowing me to buy this adorable outfit and for the opportunity to meet new people to share my femininity with.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2024, 03:43:31 PM »
Chapter 19: Itching Powder

During one of his dance lessons with Mauranne, Ludo’s discomfort reached a new level.
As soon as the lesson began, Ludo started to feel an unusual itching sensation. At first, it was faint, but it quickly intensified, making every movement increasingly uncomfortable. He tried to ignore it, focusing on Mauranne's instructions as she demonstrated a series of challenging steps and poses.
Mauranne, noticing Ludo’s growing discomfort, smiled subtly. She knew exactly what was causing his irritation. Earlier, she had sprinkled itching powder inside his tights and leotard, knowing that it would add an extra layer of difficulty to his lesson.

“Let’s start with some pliés,” she instructed, her voice calm and authoritative. “Make sure to keep your back straight and your movements fluid.”
As he performed, he couldn’t help but fidget slightly. The itching powder was becoming unbearable, making him want to scratch and adjust his outfit constantly. He tried to maintain his composure, but the relentless itchiness was distracting him from the lesson.
She watched him with amusement. “I see you’re having some trouble. Remember, every dancer has to learn to overcome distractions and discomfort. It’s part of the training.”
Ludo swallowed hard, trying to focus on his technique despite the itching. He could feel the powder working its way into every crease of his outfit, amplifying the irritation with every movement. He gritted his teeth.

After a series of exercises and stretches, she decided it was time for a short break. “Let’s take a pause,” she said, her tone soothing yet firm. “But I want you to keep your posture and practice your positions while we rest.”
Ludo took the opportunity to discreetly try to adjust his outfit, hoping to relieve some of the itchiness. He pretended to stretch and adjust his leotard, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable sensation.
Mauranne watched him with a raised eyebrow. “Remember, even during breaks, you need to stay focused and disciplined. Dance is about grace and control, even in challenging situations.”
Feeling the pressure to maintain his composure, Ludo nodded. “Yes, Miss Mauranne,” he replied, his voice strained.

She continued with the lesson, incorporating more demanding moves. His discomfort grew with each step, and he had to summon all his willpower to avoid scratching or making any visible signs of his struggle.
He was sweaty and exhausted, his face flushed from both the physical exertion and the relentless itching.
“Good job today,” Mauranne said, though her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.
He forced a smile, trying to mask his relief. “Thank you, Miss Mauranne. I appreciate the lesson.”
As he left the room, he couldn’t wait to get home and take a long shower, hoping that it would help relieve the lingering effects of the itching powder.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2024, 03:48:18 PM »
Chapter 20: An Itchy Day

The next day, Mauranne had prepared another test of endurance. Early that morning, Ludo discovered a pair of pink tights and an undershirt filled with itching powder in his locker, with a note telling him to put it on and it would be checked.
He quickly changed in the restroom, feeling the itching powder’s effects immediately. The sensation was relentless, and every movement seemed to exacerbate the irritation. He had to maintain his composure and avoid scratching. The constant itch was maddening, but he knew better than to complain or falter.

When Mauranne arrived for her check, she was all smiles. “Good day, Ludo. Let’s see how well you’re managing today,” she said, as she observed him closely. Despite the unbearable itching, Ludo forced himself to remain still and polite.
“Thank you for checking on me, Miss Mauranne,” he replied, his voice steady despite his discomfort. “And thank you for this pretty clothes.”
Mauranne smirked, clearly amused by his plight.

Later, during lunch, Johanna approached him with a keen eye. She inspected his outfit with a knowing look and a playful smirk. “How are you holding up, Ludo? I hope you’re not too distracted,” she teased.
“Thank you for the check, Miss Johanna,” Ludo said, trying to remain composed as he fought the urge to squirm.
Johanna’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she observed his struggle.

Finally, during the last period, Don decided to check on him as well. He approached with a confident stride and an amused expression, clearly enjoying the discomfort he knew Ludo was enduring. “Well, well, if it isn’t our little ballerina. How are things holding up?” he inquired with a smirk.
“Thank you for the check, Mr. Don,” Ludo said, forcing a polite smile. “I’m managing, sir.”
Don raised an eyebrow, noticing the signs of struggle in Ludo’s demeanor. “I trust you’re staying still and not letting the itch distract you?” he asked, his tone both teasing and stern.
“Yes, Mr. Don,” Ludo replied, his voice trembling slightly. “I’m doing my best to stay focused.”

As the school day came to a close, Ludo desperately hoped for some relief. Mauranne finally approached him, “Hope you've enjoyed your day Ludo,” she said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “You’ll be keeping these clothes on until morning.”
Ludo’s heart sank at the thought of enduring another night with the itching powder. “Yes, Miss Mauranne,” he replied dutifully, fighting to keep his composure.
That evening, he attempted to maintain a semblance of normalcy while performing his chores and preparing for bed. The itching powder continued to torment him, and every movement seemed to make it worse. He had to act as if everything was fine, despite the constant irritation.
As night fell, he lay in bed, trying to keep his mind off the itching. He endured the discomfort of the powder-filled garments, knowing that he was expected to keep them on until morning. The irritation seemed to grow more intense in the quiet of the night, and he fought the urge to scratch or adjust his clothes.

In the early morning, he received a text from Mauranne confirming that he had to continue wearing the outfit until she decided otherwise. Despite his agony, he responded with the required deference.
“Thank you for your patience, Miss Mauranne,” he texted back, his fingers trembling as he typed.
As he lay in bed, the itching seemed almost unbearable, but he knew he had to persevere. The lessons of endurance and submission continued.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender