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Author Topic: The Descent  (Read 6257 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2024, 01:10:50 PM »
Delightful story. Ludo seems to be very happy. Look forward to next episodes. Could he become their permanent little toddler girl?


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Re: The Descent
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2024, 01:49:25 PM »
Thanks for your feedback Sandra and BabyJay!
Yes, Ludo basically appreciates, he asked for it after all, even if his treatment is not easy.
As for his future, it is in the hands of his mistresses, master and now Mummy!
Big kisses to you!


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Re: The Descent
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2024, 01:52:45 PM »
Chapter 35: At Mister Don's Feet

Ludo was summoned to Don's house one day late in the afternoon. As he rang the doorbell and was greeted by his master, he couldn’t help but notice the athletic wear clinging to Don’s muscular frame and the faint but unmistakable scent of sweat lingering in the air.
“Good evening, Ludo,” Don greeted him with his usual confident grin. “I just got back from the gym. Take care of helping me relax, my feet are on fire!”
Don settled into a nearby chair, his feet propped up and resting comfortably. Ludo knelt and carefully removed his sneakers, feeling the dampness of the shoes against his fingers. The scent was strong and earthy, a mixture of sweat and the wear of the day’s exercise. Despite the overpowering odor, Ludo found himself inexplicably drawn to it, his heart pounding.
He placed the sneakers neatly aside before reaching for Don’s socks. Slowly and gently, he peeled them off, each movement deliberate to avoid causing discomfort. The smell of the socks was even more intense up close, a pungent, musky aroma that seemed to cling to Ludo’s senses.
As he began to massage Don’s feet, Ludo’s face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. The texture of his master’s feet under his hands was rough yet oddly satisfying. He could feel the warmth and the contours of each toe, and the scent only grew stronger, becoming almost intoxicating.
The more Ludo worked, the more he felt a powerful urge to express his admiration and submission. His eyes kept darting toward Don’s feet and the discarded socks, a part of him wanting to bury his face in them. Don, noticing his distracted and somewhat captivated expression, chuckled softly.
“Well, it seems you’re enjoying this a bit more than I expected,” he said, his tone laced with amusement. “I can see you’re really into it.”
Ludo looked up, his face a mixture of confusion and longing. “I… I’m sorry, Mr. Don,” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t mean to…”
Don raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained by Ludo’s reaction. “It’s alright, Ludo,” he said, a teasing edge in his voice. “If you want to kiss my feet or smell my socks, that’s fine. Just make sure you do it with the right amount of respect.”
Ludo couldn’t deny the strong urge he felt. Slowly, he lowered his head and placed a tender kiss on Don’s foot. The taste was salty and slightly musky, a direct reflection of the day’s exertion.
After a moment, he took one of Don’s socks and brought it close to his face, inhaling the powerful scent. The aroma was overwhelming yet strangely comforting, filling him with an intense sensation of submission. He closed his eyes, captivated.
Don watched with satisfaction.
“Alright, Ludo,” Don finally said, breaking the silence. “You’ve done a good job. You can stop now.”
Ludo, still slightly disoriented from the experience, nodded gratefully. “Thank you, Mr. Don. I really appreciate your guidance.”


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Re: The Descent
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2024, 02:10:04 PM »
Chapter 36: The Reward

Don, Johanna, and Mauranne, were lounging comfortably after their day, that Ludo had spent entirely performing various tasks.
As he entered the room, they were chatting casually. Don looked at Ludo with a thoughtful expression. “Ludo,” he said, “we’re considering giving you a reward for your work today. But before we do, we want to make sure you really want it. We’re not going to make it easy for you.”
Johanna nodded with amusement. “We want to see just how much this reward means to you. Show us how much you desire it.”
Mauranne smiled and added, “Beg us properly, and make sure we know this is what you want most in the world.”
Ludo knelt before them. “Please, Mister Don, Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne,” he said, knowing he was expected to ask for a reward that would show he knew his place. “I have worked very hard today and I would be honored to kiss your feet as a reward. I’ve tried my best to meet your expectations, and I would be so grateful for the opportunity to show my respect and appreciation.”
Johanna leaned forward with a smirk. “Oh, Ludo, we’ve seen you’ve been quite diligent,” she said. “But we need to make sure you really want this.”
Mauranne nodded in agreement. “Beg us a little more,” she said. “Show us that you truly value this reward.”
Ludo’s face turned crimson as he continued to plead. “Please, I really need this,” he said, tears welling up in his eyes. “It would mean everything to me. I’ll do anything you ask, just let me show my gratitude by kissing your feet.”
Don, Johanna, and Mauranne looked at each other, satisfied with Ludo’s sincere and heartfelt plea. They allowed him to approach. Johanna extended her foot toward him, and Ludo hesitated for a moment before pressing his lips gently against her toes. He moved on to Don and Mauranne, showing his appreciation with each kiss.
Ludo’s plea was met with satisfaction from his master and mistresses. Johanna extended her foot toward him, and he eagerly pressed his lips against her delicate toes. Don and Mauranne watched with approving smiles as Ludo continued to beg and show his gratitude, kissing each of their feet in turn.

After that day, Ludo's routine now included that his performance would be evaluated, and a reward might be granted if he met the expectations set by his masters and mistresses.
For instance, if Don was pleased with how he had organized his room, he might instruct him to kiss his feet as a sign of gratitude and respect. Ludo would lower himself to the floor, gently pressing his lips against Don’s feet, his cheeks flushed. The scent of Don’s socks would add to the experience, making the act more intimate.
After a demanding ballet practice, Mauranne might reward him with the chance to show his admiration by kissing the delicate pink slippers she had worn. This would be accompanied by her praise and teasing, reinforcing Ludo's feelings of gratitude and submission.
After completing a particularly difficult task or meeting an important goal, he might be given the chance to buried his face in Don’s socks or kissing Johanna’s freshly pedicured feet repeatedly.
The anticipation of receiving such rewards often motivated him to perform his duties with even greater care and diligence.

One day, Don, Johanna and Mauranne had returned from a day of sports, they placed their shoes in front of him.
Mauranne watched with a grin as Ludo picked them up carefully, holding them close to his chest. He buried his face inside, inhaling deeply and savoring the unique scent. His expression was one of pure contentment, as if he had been given a precious gift.
“Thank you so much, Miss Mauranne, Mister Don, Miss Johanna,” Ludo said, his voice filled with deep gratitude. “It makes me so happy to hold and cuddle your sacred shoes.”

He looked up at Don. His eyes glistened as he said, “Mister Don, I love you so much.”
He turned to Johanna, “Miss Johanna, I love you,” he said holding her hand and pressing it to his cheek.
He crawled to Mauranne, “Miss Mauranne, I love you so much.”
He continued, “Mistresses, Master, I’m so grateful for the chance to kiss your shoes and feet. Thank you for everything.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2024, 02:17:23 PM »
Chapter 37: A Puppy Day

When she playfully asked him what he would be like if he were an animal, Ludo answered without the slightest hesitation, “A little female puppy, Miss Johanna.”
Don, Johanna, and Mauranne immediately took to the idea, commanding Ludo to craft a female dog costume at home. Ludo was eager to please and started working on it.

He set to work in his room, gathering materials from around the house. He used an old pair of tights for the body suit, decorated with faux fur fabric he had scavenged from a craft store. He fashioned floppy ears out of felt and attached them to a headband. A tail was created from a long piece of fabric, which he stuffed with cotton to give it a fluffy appearance.
For the costume’s finishing touches, Ludo added a pink bow to the headband to give it a more feminine touch. He used fabric glue to attach the ears and tail securely.
The result was a somewhat homemade but charmingly earnest attempt at a female dog costume.

Don looked Ludo up and down, suppressing a chuckle at the sight of Ludo in his makeshift costume. “Well, Ludo,” Don said with a playful smirk, “you’ve done a commendable job. Let’s see how well you perform in your new role.”
Johanna clapped her hands with delight as Ludo performed tricks, like rolling over and begging. “You’re quite the adorable little pup,” she remarked with a giggle. “Look at you! You really do know how to play the part.”
Mauranne then asked him to perform a few more tasks, including fetching a toy and sitting on command. Each time he complied, he was met with approving smiles and gentle pats.
Don’s amusement was evident as he watched Ludo wag his faux tail and execute each command with unwavering obedience and enthusiasm.

As the evening approached, he nervously approached the dining table, where his master and mistresses were already seated.
He was given a special bowl of soft, easy-to-eat food, which he consumed from the floor. As he ate, he made sure to keep up his canine behavior, occasionally looking up with adoring eyes.
After dinner, he was invited to cuddle at their feet while they petted him and gave him gentle scratches behind the ears.
When it was time for bed, he was guided to a designated sleeping area floor beside Don and Johanna's bed.
In the middle of the night, Johanna got up to check on him. He was sleeping peacefully, curled up in his costume.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2024, 12:42:16 PM »
Chapter 38: Babysitting

One evening, Johanna had Ludo accompany her while she babysat her neighbors' children.
As they arrived, Johanna introduced him to the two children she was babysitting: a precocious five-year-old girl named Chelsea and her two-year-old brother, Sam. Chelsea eyed Ludo curiously.
“Ludo is going to help me take care of you two tonight,” Johanna said with a smile. “And he's going to be on his best behavior, just like a good baby.”

She produced a full baby girl outfit she had prepared for him. It included a frilly pink onesie, matching booties, and a diaper. Ludo’s heart sank as he saw the outfit, but he didn’t dare protest.
“Put these on,” Johanna instructed. “You’ll be a good baby girl for the evening. And remember, you’re only allowed to make baby noises.”
Ludo complied, donning the outfit with trembling hands. “Thank you, Miss Johanna.”
In the living room, Johanna set up toys for Chelsea and Sam. As Sam crawled around the room, babbling and playing, Ludo followed suit, positioning himself on all fours and imitating his movements.
Chelsea couldn’t help but giggle as she watched Ludo crawl around. “Look, Sam! Ludo’s a baby too! A baby girl!” she exclaimed, finding the situation hilarious. Ludo, deeply embarrassed, tried to stay focused on mimicking Sam as closely as possible.
When dinner time arrived, Johanna prepared a simple meal for the kids. She set Sam up in his high chair with a plate of cut-up food and a sippy cup. Then, she turned to Ludo and handed him a plastic bowl of mashed vegetables and a similar sippy cup.
“You’ll eat on the floor next to Sam,” Johanna directed, patting a spot on the kitchen floor.
Ludo took his place on the floor and began to eat the mushy food with his fingers, trying to emulate Sam’s eating habits. Chelsea watched with great amusement, her laughter echoing through the room. “Ludo is so silly!” she giggled. “He’s a big baby girl!”
Ludo continued to follow Johanna’s orders. She looked on with approval.

As dinner concluded, Sam began to fidget and whimper, indicating he needed a diaper change, which the smell quickly confirmed. Johanna picked him up and carried him to the changing table. Glancing at Ludo, she said, “You know what to do, Ludo.”
Trying to focus, he let himself relax and soon filled his diaper, just like the real baby.
Johanna changed Sam’s diaper with practiced efficiency, then turned her attention to Ludo. “Time for your change,” she said.
He lay down on the floor next to Sam’s changing area. Johanna performed the diaper change with exaggerated motions, making Chelsea laugh even harder. Ludo lay still, feeling the warmth and discomfort of his filled diaper, while Johanna expertly changed him.
Chelsea pointed and laughed, “Ludo’s diaper is so full! Look at him!”

As the evening wound down, it was time for bed. Johanna put Sam in his crib and then turned to Ludo. “You’ll sleep here too,” she said, pointing to a makeshift bed on the floor next to Sam’s crib. It was complete with a baby blanket and a stuffed animal.
Ludo lay down on the floor, pulling the blanket over himself. Chelsea approached and giggled, “Goodnight, baby Ludo! Sleep tight!”
Before turning out the lights, Johanna leaned over him and said, “Now, thank Chelsea for taking care of you.”
Ludo made baby noises, trying to convey his gratitude. He cooed and babbled, “Ba-ba, goo-goo!” Chelsea giggled, “You’re welcome, baby Ludo. Have a good night!”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2024, 12:49:16 PM »
Chapter 39: The Birthday Party

As Ludo walked into his home after school, he was greeted by a loud chorus of “Surprise!” The living room was filled with classmates, neighborhood kids, and his master and mistresses. His Mom stood behind the crowd, smiling warmly. Ludo’s heart raced as he realized what was happening.

His Mom had been working closely with Don, Johanna, and Mauranne to decorated the house with balloons, streamers, and a large “Happy Birthday” banner. She had also prepared snacks, drinks, and a beautiful cake.
“Happy Birthday, Ludo!” she said, giving him a hug. Ludo felt a wave of relief mixed with anxiety as he sensed her acceptance of his situation.
However, that relief was short-lived as the games began.

The first game was a dress-up relay. Ludo was the star, and the children took turns dressing him in various silly, girly outfits from a huge pile of costumes. Each outfit was more ridiculous than the last: oversized bows, tutus, frilly dresses, and colorful wigs. The children laughed and clapped as Ludo obediently let them transform him. Comments like “Look at the pretty princess!” and “What a cute dolly!” rang out, adding to his embarrassment.
His Mom watched, occasionally whispering encouragement to him. “You’re doing great, sweetie,” she said, chuckling as he twirled in a sparkly tutu.

Next, Don and Johanna announced a dance-off. Ludo was made to perform silly, exaggerated dance moves while wearing a particularly embarrassing outfit chosen by Mauranne: a bright pink ballerina costume with matching slippers. The children howled with laughter as Ludo twirled and leaped awkwardly around the room.
“Isn’t he the most graceful ballerina?” one of the kids jeered, while another shouted, “Twirl faster!”

The final game was an obstacle course set up in the backyard. Ludo had to navigate through it while wearing a blindfold and following the shouted instructions of the other children. The obstacles were designed to be humiliating: crawling under low ropes that snagged on his tutu, balancing on wobbly platforms, and collecting “princess” accessories along the way. Each mistake he made was met with jeers and laughter.
“Come on, Ludo, you can do it!” his Mom called out, amused. “Don’t forget your tiara!”

Before the cake, Don announced that it was time for the traditional birthday spanking. Ludo’s eyes widened in horror, but he knew better than to resist. He was bent over Don’s knee as the children gathered around, chanting the number of spanks.
“One! Two! Three!” they counted, each spank delivered with a firm hand. By the time they reached his age, Ludo’s bottom was sore, and his face was flushed with embarrassment.
“Thank you, Mister Don,” Ludo said quietly, curtseying once he was let up. “I deserved that.”

Mauranne handed Ludo a microphone and a script. “Time for a speech, birthday boy!” she announced. The script was filled with childish, embarrassing statements Ludo had to read aloud. He hesitated, but a stern look from Don pushed him forward.
“I want to thank all my wonderful superiors for making my birthday so special,” Ludo read, his voice trembling. “I love being their pretty baby girl, especially when I get to wear such beautiful dresses!” The crowd erupted in laughter, and Ludo’s face turned beet red.
“Good job, Ludo!” his Mom said, barely holding back her laughter. “You’re such a brave boy.”

He was presented with gifts from everyone. Mauranne handed him a neatly wrapped box. As he opened it, he found a set of pink, frilly underwear. The crowd burst into laughter, and Ludo’s face turned red. “Wow, thank you, Miss Mauranne,” he said, curtseying. “These are so beautiful. I can't wait to wear them.”
Johanna’s gift was next—a glittery makeup kit. “Thank you, Miss Johanna,” Ludo said, curtseying again. “This will help me look even prettier.”
Don’s gift was a fluffy unicorn backpack. “Thank you, Mister Don,” Ludo said, smiling. “I love it. It’s perfect for me.”
Finally, his Mom handed him a gift. He opened it to find a delicate, lace-trimmed nightgown. “Mummy, thank you,” Ludo said, his voice choking up. “This means so much to me. Thank you for accepting me.”
His Mom hugged him tightly. “I love you, Ludo. I just want you to be happy.”

It was finally time for the cake. The main cake, which everyone else got to enjoy, was a beautiful, multi-tiered creation with elegant decorations. However, Ludo’s cake was different. It was a single cupcake, sloppily frosted with bright pink icing and a childish drawing of a princess on top.
As everyone sang “Happy Birthday,” Ludo was made to sit in a small chair at the front of the room. Mauranne handed him the cupcake with a smirk. “Here you go, princess. Eat up!” she said.
Ludo took a bite and found the cupcake was overly sweet and filled with an unpleasantly sour jam. He grimaced but forced himself to smile and thank her. “Thank you, Miss Mauranne.”

Eventually, Ludo went to each guest individually, bowing his head slightly in respect. “Thank you for coming to my party,” he said to each one, his voice sincere. “I hope you had a good time.” The children giggled and patted him on the back, some ruffling his hair.
When he reached Don, Johanna, and Mauranne, he curtseyed and said, “Thank you, Mister Don, Miss Johanna, and Miss Mauranne, for organizing this wonderful party for me. I look forward to spending many more years under your rule and guidance.”


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