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Author Topic: The Descent  (Read 6145 times)

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  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2024, 05:54:20 PM »
Chapter 47: Baby Has Guests

When Johanna and Mauranne’s mother, Mrs. Smit, and Don’s mother, Mrs. Timmerman, arrived for tea, Ludo was already settled in his playpen, surrounded by colorful toys and stuffed animals. He was dressed in a frilly onesie and cute baby slippers, fully assuming his role as a “little baby.”
As the mothers entered the living room, they were greeted by the sight of Ludo playing happily in his playpen. Ludo, noticing their arrival, beamed with excitement.
“Hewwo, Ma'am!” He stood up in the playpen, made a low curtsy and waved enthusiastically. “Thank you for visiting!”
Mrs. Smit and Mrs. Timmerman exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the scene before them.

Ludo eagerly picked up a stuffed animal and hugged it tightly. He made a series of playful baby noises, which only seemed to amuse the visitors further.
“Oh, Ludo, you look so happy in there! What’s your favorite toy?” Mrs. Smit asked.
“My dolly Ludivine!” He hugged her tighter and squealed happily. “I love her so much!”
Mrs. Timmerman laughed and pulled out her phone to capture the moment. “Let me take a picture of that! It’s just too adorable!”
Ludo, noticing the phone, smiled even wider. “Please take lots of pictures! I love showing off my dolly and toys!”
Ludo then picked up his bottle, which matched his outfit. He drank from it with obvious pleasure, making sure to show it off.
“You’re really getting into the role of the baby, aren’t you? What does the milk taste like?” Mrs. Smit asked.
“Yum-yum! This milk is so good!” He held the bottle proudly. “Fank you Mam!”

Mrs. Timmerman raised an eyebrow in disbelief and playfulness. “Look at you, Ludo! You're a natural. Do you really like being treated like that?”
“Yes, Ma'am! I love being like a little baby!”
Ludo crawled around the playpen, occasionally making baby noises and expressions. He picked up a rattle and shook it, making the room ring with its joyful sound.
“You're quite the entertainer, Ludo. How does it feel to be the center of attention?”
“Goo-goo! Ga-ga! I love playing with my toys and being a baby!” He laughed and shook the rattle even more.
At one point, Ludo fidgeted and looked slightly uncomfortable. It was clear he had had an accident with his diaper. Despite this, he maintained a cheerful demeanor.

“Oh my, did someone have an accident?” Mrs. Timmerman remarked.
“Uh-oh!” He laughed and shrugged, “I had a little accident. Thanks for the comfy diaper, Mommy!”
Mrs. Timmerman decided to record a short video, capturing Ludo's playful antics and baby talk. “Let's make a video of this! I'm sure the kids will love seeing Ludo like this.”
Ludo, noticing the camera, put on his best baby face and performed a few other playful actions for the camera. “Fank you, Mommy! I love being a baby and showing off my new stuff!” He curtsied again, grinning with all his teeth.

When they left, he was exhausted, but a simple smile from his Mummy confirmed that he had lived up to her expectations.

Next day, Ludo’s mummy greeted warmly Mauranne, Johanna, and Don at the door. “Welcome, kids! Come in, come in. Ludo is in his playpen. I’m sure he’s excited to see you.”
The trio entered the living room, where Ludo was sitting in his pink playpen. He wore a pastel pink romper with frilly edges, so short that it completely revealed his frilly plastic panties and his padded butt, and he had a pacifier clipped to his outfit.
“Well, well, what do we have here? Our little baby Ludo in his playpen!“, greeted Mauranne.

Ludo stood up and curtseyed. “Good afternoon, Miss Mauranne, Miss Johanna, Mister Don.”
The trio walked around, inspecting the new additions to Ludo’s room. Mauranne pointed to the crib with bars and a pink blanket. “Is this your new bed, Ludo?”
“Yes, Miss Mauranne. Mummy says it’s perfect for me.”
“And this changing table,” Johanna noticed, “it looks just right for a little baby like you.”
“Yes, Miss Johanna. Mummy changes me there.”
Don chuckled, pointing to the high chair in the dining area. “And you eat here now?”
“Yes, Mister Don. It’s my special chair for meals.”
They took him back to his playpen.

Mauranne leaned over the edge. “Show us how you play, Ludo.”
Ludo picked up his stuffed bunny and started playing, making exaggerated baby noises. “Goo goo, gaa gaa!”
Johanna couldn’t stop laughing. “You’re really getting into this, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Miss Johanna. I wuv my toys.”
Don shook his head in mock disbelief. “Such a natural baby.”
Mauranne suddenly got a mischievous look in her eyes. “Ludo, show us how you use your diaper.”
Ludo hesitated, his face turning even redder.
“Now, Ludo,” she insisted.
Ludo obeyed, squatting slightly and filling his diaper. The smell soon filled the room.
“Oh, did the baby make a stinky?” asked Johanna.
“Yes, Miss Johanna. I made a stinky.”
Ludo’s Mom came over, smiling. “Oh dear, time for a change. Mauranne, Johanna, Don, would you like to watch?”
The trio eagerly agreed. They helped lay Ludo on the changing table, giggling and teasing him throughout the process.
“Hold still, baby. Let’s get you all clean,” said Mauranne.
“Yes, Miss Mauranne. Fank you.”
After the change, they decided to feed Ludo his bottle. Johanna held the bottle while Don and Mauranne watched. “Drink up, baby.”
“Yes, Miss Johanna.” He drank the milk obediently, making soft suc-kling noises.
“You’re such a good little baby, aren’t you?” Don teased.
“Yes, Mister Don. I try to be good.”

As they prepared to leave, Mauranne, Johanna, and Don took a few more photos and videos to doc-ument the visit.
“We’ll have so much fun showing these to our friends,” Mauranne exclaimed.
“Yes, Miss Mauranne.“
“Thank you for letting us see your new baby setup, Ludo,” Johanna giggled.
“You’re welcome, Miss Johanna. Fank you for visiting.”
“See you soon, baby,” Don waved.
“Yes, Mister Don.”
Within the next few hours, his baby status was now well-known all around his schoolmates.


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2024, 06:00:56 PM »
Chapter 48: Baby On A Walk

It was a bright, sunny afternoon as Ludo and his mummy took a stroll through the park. Ludo was dressed in a pink, frilly skirt, with a thick diaper clearly visible whenever the skirt moved. She was delighted with her new purchase, a baby harness with a leash, perfect for taking her “little girl” out.
“Now, sweetheart, remember to skip and smile. And don’t forget to greet everyone politely.”
As they strolled through the park, Ludo skipped happily, a forced smile plastered on his face. Every passerby received a respectful greeting.
“Good afternoon, Sir! Good afternoon, Ma'am!” He would curtsy deeply with each greeting.
People couldn't help but laugh or smile at the sight. Some took out their phones to snap pictures or record videos, but Ludo kept his composure, remembering his Mummy’s instructions.

Children playing nearby soon noticed Ludo’s unusual attire. A group of kids, led by a bold little girl approached them with mischievous grins on their faces.
“Hey, why is he wearing a baby skirt?” the girl asked, pointing at Ludo's diaper peeking out from under his skirt.
Ludo's Mom, finding the situation amusing, smiled warmly. “Ludo here loves his baby clothes, don't you, sweetheart?”
Ludo nodded slightly. “Yes, Mummy.”

Encouraged by the response, the children giggled and started to circle around Ludo. The bold girl stepped closer and, with a swift motion, lifted Ludo’s skirt, revealing his diaper fully. The children burst into laughter.
“Is it dirty?” one of the boys asked eagerly. “I wanna see if it's dirty!”
Ludo's mummy laughed, thoroughly entertained. “Well, let's find out, shall we?” she said, giving Ludo a playful nudge. “Stand still, Ludo.”
He stood passively as the children felt the front and back of his diaper, checking for any signs of dirtiness. Their probing hands and teasing remarks made Ludo's face burn with humiliation, but he remained still, knowing he had to obey.
“It's clean!” the boy declared, disappointed.

The girl, still curious, turned to Ludo’s Mom with a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Can he make it dirty? I want to see what it's like when it's dirty!”
She nodded laughing. “Of course, Ludo did you hear the nice big girl? Go ahead, pee and poop your diaper for the nice children.”
Ludo knew better than to refuse. With a deep breath, he tried to relax and let go, feeling the warmth spread in his diaper. The children watched in fascinated horror as the diaper swelled and sagged.
“Eww, he's doing it!” one of the girls exclaimed, half-disgusted, half-fascinated.
The smell soon followed, and the children’s reactions ranged from laughter to exaggerated gagging noises. The bold girl prodded the now-full diaper with a stick she found on the ground.
“It's so gross!” she laughed. “But kinda funny too.”

“Uh-oh, it looks like someone needs a fresh diaper!” his Mummy said, his voice carrying over the park.
She laid Ludo down on a blanket, lifting his skirt to expose the diaper. As they unfastened it, the young boys ran away holding their noses and laughing, but other people gathered closer, some taking out their phones to record the scene.
Several of the little girls gathered around, eager to help. “Would you like to help me change him?” his Mummy offered, “He can be quite a handful.”
The girls eagerly agreed. Ludo laid down on the mat, cheeks burning with humiliation as they assisted with the change. “Hold his legs up, dear. And pass me the wipes, please.”
Ludo kept still, whispering his thanks. “Thank you, Mummy. Thank you, missies.”

Once he was clean and in a fresh diaper, they put him back in his harness. The girls took turns holding the leash, walking him around the park.
“Baby Ludo, get on your hands and knees and crawl around the blanket like a good little baby,” a little girl commanded.
“Yes, Ma'am,” Ludo replied, his voice trembling. He dropped to his hands and knees, feeling the rough grass beneath his palms, and began to crawl in circles.
“Good baby, Ludo,” the girls cooed, clapping their hands as he crawled around, following their commands to fetch toys and perform simple tricks.

“Let's play patty-cake!” One shouted.
“Yes, Ma'am,” and he claped his hands in time with the girl's, smiling and playing along.
As the day went on, Ludo continued to show utmost respect.
“Yes, Ma'am. No, Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am,” he repeated, curtseying with each response.
They then led him back to the sandbox, making him play silly games, treating him like their own little doll.

One of the girls had an idea. “We don't have real porridge, but we can make some!” she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with mischief.
They quickly set to work, gathering handfuls of grass and mixing it with mud to form a lumpy, wet concoction. They placed it in an old bowl they had found and brought it over to Ludo. “Here you go, baby Ludo, eat your porridge,” they said, pushing the bowl towards him.
Ludo hesitated, looking up at his mummy, who nodded encouragingly. He knew he had to obey. With a sigh, he bent down, taking a mouthful of the gritty, dirty mixture. The taste was awful, but he forced himself to swallow, feeling the mud coat his tongue and throat.
“Good baby, Ludo,” the girls giggled, delighted by his compliance. They continued to feed him the grass and mud porridge, laughing and teasing him all the while. Ludo's face turned red, and tears welled up in his eyes, but he did his best to keep a brave face, knowing that this was his role now.
Ludo’s mummy watched from a distance, smiling and occasionally offering words of encouragement. “You're doing great, baby Ludo. Mummy is so proud of you.”
After a while, the bowl was empty, and the girls clapped their hands, pleased with their game. They patted Ludo's head and cooed at him, telling him what a good baby he was. Ludo, covered in mud and grass, gave them a weak smile, feeling a mix of humiliation and acceptance.

Eventually, it was time to go home. His Mummy took the leash back, leading Ludo out of the park. As they walked home, passers-by continued to chuckle and comment on the unusual sight.
“You were such a good girl today, Ludo. Did you enjoy your games with the big children?”
“Yes, Mummy. Fank you for taking me for a walk.”
Once home, she praised him for his obedience. “You did wonderfully today, Ludo. I’m very proud of you.”
“Fank you, Mummy. I wuv being your good wittle girl.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2024, 06:09:18 PM »
Chapter 49: Introducing Baby To The Family

Ludo’s Mom decided to introduce her new baby girl at a large family gathering.
The morning of the party, she dressed him in an elaborate pink dress adorned with lace and ribbons, complete with matching frilly socks and shiny Mary Johanna shoes. His hair was styled with delicate barrettes, and his face was subtly made up with a touch of pink lip balm and a hint of blush. His nails were painted a soft pink to match his outfit.
“You look perfect, darling. Remember to be on your best behavior and thank everyone for their compliments.“
Ludo nodded with nervousness. “Yes, Mummy. Thank you for dressing me so beautifully.”

When they arrived at the party, the guests were already gathered in the large living room. Conversations quieted as Ludo and his mother entered. She held his hand firmly, guiding him into the center of the room. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet the new addition to our family—my baby girl, Ludo.”
Ludo felt every eye on him, and his face turned crimson. He performed a small curtsey, as he had been taught. “Hewwo, everyone. Thank you for having me.”
The family members, although warned of this new situation, remained amazed at what they saw.
Ludo’s cousins, particularly the younger ones, were the most vocal. They giggled and pointed, making no effort to hide their amusement.
“Look at his dress! It’s so pretty! Do you like being a girl now, Ludo?” asked his cousin Anouk.
Ludo nodded, swallowing his pride. “Yes, I do Auntie Anouk. Thank you for noticing.”

Throughout the party, his Mom encouraged him to interact with everyone, introducing himself and thanking them for their compliments. “Go on, dear. Show them how polite you can be.”
He went from group to group, performing small curtsies and thanking everyone for their kind words.
Some family members couldn’t resist making fun of him directly. One of his older cousins, Marike, decided to test Ludo’s obedience. “Hey, Ludo, can you do a little twirl for us? Let’s see that dress in action.”
Ludo complied, twirling slowly as his dress flared out. The room burst into laughter. “Thank you for the request, Auntie Marike.”

He was then tucked into a playpen. It was positioned strategically for all the family could see him. As he played with his dolly and a set of stuffed animals, he tried to focus on his toys, distracted from time to time by the occasional visit from his little cousins and the amused glances from adults.
“Hi, Baby Ludo!” Anouk called out, “Do you like playing with your dolly? Is she your best friend?”
Ludo looked up from his toys, his eyes wide and innocent, his cheeks flushed. “Y-yes, Auntie Anouk. Me wuv my dolly. Ludivine is my bestest fwiend.” He rocked her gently, humming a little tune.
Anouk giggled, poking at the bars of the playpen playfully.
“Ludo, are you having fun? I see you’re quite the little baby today,” his aunt Susan asked with a knowing look.
He glanced up and nodded earnestly, “Y-yes, Auntie Susan. Me happy. Th-thank you.”

Halfway through the party, Ludo’s Mom announced “Ludo, it’s time for your bottle. Let’s show everyone how well you drink from it.”
She handed hil a baby bottle filled with milk. With trembling hands, he began to drink from it, feeling utterly humiliated as he did so.
“Oh my gosh, this is too funny! He really is like a baby!” exclaimed his cousin Marja.
As the party continued, he felt a warm, wet sensation spread through his diaper. His mother, ever vigilant, noticed immediately.. “Oh dear, looks like someone needs a change.”
She called over his cousin Anouk, to help. They led Ludo to a corner where they laid out a changing mat.
“Don’t worry,” the little girl reassured him, “we’ll take care of you. Just like a real baby.”

At lunch, he was carefully placed in a high chair at the dining table. His cousins Marja and Anouk took on the task of feeding him. They used a pastel-colored bib to keep him clean, with a lot of giggles and teasing.
Marja, with a playful smile, held a spoonful of pureed vegetables and brought it to Ludo’s mouth. “Open wide, Ludo! Here comes the airplane!”
Ludo complied. Each bite was met with light-hearted comments from the cousins and a few playful jabs.
“Look at you, just like a real baby!” Anouk giggled.

After he had finished his meal, his grandmother, who had been watching with a fond expression, came over to take her turn.
She gently scooped him up from the high chair and settled him into her lap. “Let’s get you your bottle, sweetie.”
She cradled him in her arms, holding him close and placing a baby bottle in his mouth. The bottle was filled with warm milk, and as Ludo suc-kled, he could feel the comforting embrace of his Grandma. “You’re doing so well, my little one.”
After he had finished the bottle, she gently patted his back to help him burp. “Time for a little burp, sweetheart. Let’s see if you’ve got one in there.”
Ludo, now used to the routine, let out a small burp as she continued to cuddle him. The sound and the sight of Ludo being treated so tenderly amused the rest of the family.
“Look at him, he’s such a little baby!” Marja laughed.
“And he even burps like one too!” Anouk added playfully.
Their Grandma continued to hold him close, enjoying the moment of bonding. “There we go, all done. Such a good baby.“
Ludo responded with a shy smile and a gentle nuzzle against her.

After lunch, it was time for him to take a nap. He whined slightly but knew he had little choice. He was gently guided to an old cot that had been retrieved from the attic.
As he lay there, he tried to settle into sleep. He closed his eyes and drifted off.
Later in the afternoon, when his mother and cousins approached the cot to wake him, they were greeted with an unfortunate discovery. Ludo had had a significant accident in his diaper. The smell was noticeable, and the situation was undeniably messy.
“Oh, it looks like baby Ludo had quite the big mess in his diaper,” Marja noticed with a slight giggle.
Ludo’s face turned red with embarrassment as he stirred from his nap, feeling the unpleasantness of the situation. He wiggled uncomfortably in the cot. “M-mummy... I had an accident.”
Maintaining her calm and gentle demeanor, she approached the cot. “Oh, sweetheart! Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He was carefully lifted from the cot and his cousins helped their Auntie to clean him up. He responded with a soft, embarrassed whimper, unable to say much as he was cleaned and freshened up.

Marja and Anouk took him into the garden where they worked together to set up the garden with various objects and obstacles. They used garden tools, flower pots, and playground equipment to create a challenging route. They even added a few soft toys and plastic balls for Ludo to retrieve along the way.
“This is going to be so much fun! Let’s see how fast he can crawl through this course!”, Marja giggled.
They led Ludo to the starting point of the course.
“Okay, Ludo, on your mark… get set… go!” she cried.
Ludo started crawling, trying his best to follow the route they had set. As he moved, he had to navigate around flower pots and duck under low-hanging branches. He picked up plastic balls and stuffed toys along the way. Marja and Anouk followed closely behind.
“Look at him go! Our little baby’s so good at crawling!” Anouk laughed.
“Make sure to get that ball, baby Ludo! You don’t want to miss any of them!” Marja said with a giggle.
Their laughter filled the garden as he continued, doing his best to complete the course, with his cousins giving him playful taps on his padded rear.
After a few more twists and turns, he finally reached the end of the course. He was out of breath but managed a small, shy smile. His cousins rushed over to him, clapping and cheering.

They decided to reward him with a special treat. With gleeful smiles, they brought out a bottle filled with a clear liquid. To the unsuspecting Ludo, it looked like a regular baby bottle of sugar water.
“Here you go, Ludo! You did such a great job crawling through the course. Have some of this yummy drink!” Marja told him sweetly.
“Yeah, you deserve a treat! Drink it all up!”, Anouk giggled.
Ludo took the bottle from Marja's hands. He took slow, deliberate sips, trying his best to maintain a cheerful demeanor. The liquid, though, was soapy and tasted foul. He had to force himself to drink the entire bottle, his face scrunching up with every sip.
“Th-thank you, big cousins. This is s-so good!” he said with a curtsey.
Once he had finished the bottle, Marja and Anouk presented him with a pacifier, which they slipped it into his mouth.
“Here’s your pacifier! It’s nice and clean, just for you.” Anouk actied nonchalant.
“Don’t forget to give us a pretty baby smile while you use it!” Marja smiled.
Little did Ludo know thagt they had secretly coated the pacifier with a bitter-tasting substance. His taste buds already assaulted by the soapy water, now had to endure the bitter taste of the pacifier. He tried to hide his grimace and smiled as best as he could.
He gave a few baby noises to show his gratitude. “Th-thank you, b-big cousins.”
As the final part of their prank, Marja and Anouk handed Ludo a piece of candy with barely concealed smirks.
“This candy is a special treat! Make sure to eat it all!” Marja said cheerfully.
“It’s going to be a new experience for you!” Anouk giggled.
Ludo took the tricked candy, trying not to let his nerves show. As he chewed, an horrible taste of soap spread across his tongue. He had to force himself to swallow, desperately trying not to grimace.
“Th-thank you for the c-candy,” he told them with a pained expression.
Marja and Anouk congratulated each other for their good pranks. They couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Ludo’s discomfort.
He gave his family a final curtsey, “Th-thank you, big cousins. I love playing with you. Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and understanding.”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #52 on: August 28, 2024, 06:29:50 PM »
Chapter 50: End Of Year Party

Ludo stood nervously in the corner of Don's living room, awaiting the arrival of Don and Johanna's classmates for the party they had decided to host for the year's end. Ludo's pink dress was frilly and eye-catching, with knee-high socks and shiny black Mary Jane completing the outfit. Beneath the dress, he wore his now usual diaper.

As the guests began to arrive, he moved about, serving drinks and snacks, his eyes cast down in a show of humility and submission.
One of the boys intentionally bumped into Ludo, causing him to spill a tray of drinks. “Watch where you're going! Look at this mess you've made!” he shouted, pointing at the spilled drinks on the floor.
“I'm so sorry, sir. I'll clean it up right away,” Ludo responded, dropping to his knees to wipe up the mess. His hands trembled as he worked, feeling the weight of their scornful gazes.
As soon as he finished cleaning, another guest knocked over a cup, splashing the contents onto the floor.
“Ludo, you're so clumsy! Now look what you've done!” she exclaimed, laughing with her friends.
“I apologize, Ma'am. I'll clean it up immediately,” he said, as he scrubbed the floor once more.

The party moved to the garden, which was beautifully lit with fairy lights.
Mauranne excitedly showed the guests the “punishment wheel” she had Ludo build, a colorful homemade contraption with different sections labeled with different punishments.
“Alright, Ludo, let's see what fate has in store for you today,” Don grinned.
One of their friends spun the wheel, and it slowly came to a stop at “Soap in Mouth.” The group laughed as Mauranne retrieved a bar of soap while Ludo already got tears in his eyes.
She gave the wet soap to her friend who grabbed Ludo by the hair and shoved the soap into his mouth, scrubbing it around.
“Thank you, Ma'am, for this punishment,” Ludo said with still red eyes. “It reminds me to be careful with my words and to be more mindful of how I speak. I appreciate that it helps me learn to be more disciplined.”

The wheel spun again and landed on “Hands and Feet Tied.” A friend of Don grabbed ropes and began tying Ludo’s hands and feet together, before making him crawl to everyone's feet.
“Thank you, Sir, for selecting this punishment,” he said. “Being tied up helps me understand the importance of following rules and being careful in my actions. It’s a good reminder to be responsible, and I appreciate the lesson it teaches me.”

The next round landed on “Spanking,” and the guests took turns hitting poor Ludo’s bare bottom and thighs with the hard paddle!
“Thank you, Missies and Sirs for this punishment,” Ludo said despite the pain. “Spanking helps me remember to correct my behavior and to be more aware of my actions. It’s a good way to learn discipline, and I’m grateful for the reminder.”

Finally, the wheel landed on “Head Down Toilet,” which caused a collective burst of laughter. All the guests rushed to see the swirly.
“Thank you, Ma'am, for choosing this punishment,” Ludo said, his head dripping. “This reminds me of the importance of hygiene and being careful with where I place myself. I appreciate the lesson it provides.”

After several rounds it was time to change games.
“On your knees,” Don commanded, his voice firm.
Ludo knelt on the grass, his eyes focused on the ground. The guests gathered around him, forming a circle. Johanna approached holding a plate of food.
“Let's see how our little servant handles this,” Johanna said, tossing a piece of cake at Ludo. It hit his dress, smearing frosting all over the fabric.
“Catch this, Ludo!” another guest shouted, throwing a handful of chips at him.
Soon, food was flying from all directions. Ludo tried to maintain his composure, but it was difficult with bits of food sticking to his dress and hair. His humiliation was compounded when drinks were poured over his head, soaking his dress and making him shiver in the cool evening air.
“Look at you, Ludo! You're such a mess!” one girl laughed, pointing at the food and drink stains covering him.
“I-I-I'm sorry, Ma'am,” Ludo stammered, tears welling up in his eyes. “Thank you for...for showing me my place.”

Don stepped forward, a smirk on his face. “You think you can just mess up our party, Ludo? Clean yourself up, and do it fast.”
Ludo scrambled to his feet, trying to brush off the food and wipe away the drink stains. The guests continued to mock him, their laughter ringing in his ears.
“You missed a spot, Ludo!” one boy taunted, pointing at a piece of cake on Ludo's shoulder.
“Thank you, Sir,” Ludo said, brushing off the cake and feeling utterly humiliated.

The guests then took things further. Don handed them drinks and various foods to pour into Ludo's diaper.
“Here, let's see how well your diaper holds up,” a girl said, pouring her drink down the back of his diaper.
“You should feel lucky, Ludo,” another boy mocked, adding a handful of mashed potatoes.
His diaper became heavy and uncomfortable, and the laughter from the crowd only grew louder.

“Can you even walk properly with that diaper full of food and drinks, Ludo?” a girl jeered.
“I'll try, Ma'am,” Ludo responded, struggling to maintain his balance.
By the end of the night, his dress was ruined, and he was covered in food and drink stains.

“You did well tonight, Ludo. Maybe next time you won't be so clumsy,” Don told him, while Ludo was tidying up and cleaning the house.
“Yes Mr. Don, please forgive me Mr. Don,” he said, his voice shaking with his curtsey.
“Yes, you were quite entertaining, Ludo. We couldn't have asked for a better servant,” added Johanna. The others nodded.
“Thank you Miss Johanna” Ludo replied, truly moved by the compliment.

When he finished cleaning everything, he approached Don, Johanna, and Mauranne and knelt before them.
The three exchanged glances.
“Does our maid deserve a reward?” Mauranne asked.
“Yes, he does,” her sister said with a smile.
“I agree,” Don confirmed.
“Miss Johanna, Miss Mauranne, Mr. Don,” Ludo said, still kneeling. “May I please...“

Don cut him off, lifting his foot slightly. “You may, Ludo. Go ahead.”
Ludo eagerly crawled over, taking Don's foot in his hands and kissing it tenderly. He then moved to Mauranne and Johanna, doing the same, expressing his gratitude with each kiss.
“You've done well, Ludo,” Mauranne said, patting his head. “Now, let's see how you handle your next task.”
Ludo was given a pair of Don's sports shoes to cuddle with for the night. He felt a deep sense of comfort as he hugged them tightly.
He started suc-king the tip like a pacifier.
“Fank you Mister Don, baba wuv your shoes. The smell of Master's feet is da best!”


  • Super Sissy
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Re: The Descent
« Reply #53 on: August 28, 2024, 06:52:54 PM »
The end.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender