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Author Topic: R & D at F.E.M.M.  (Read 71040 times)

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R & D at F.E.M.M.
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2013, 04:58:52 PM »
“Answers to questions” she thought “Of course she has answers to questions as have I! So many years together and still he treats me as a child in his service that has learned nothing; who is he to speak to me in such a manner?”  She resented Binders voice; an act which in itself was out of the ordinary, it had never occurred prior and for the first time in their long association she took umbrage at her mentor for simply doing his job and briefly toyed with the impulse of snidely countering her superior with a sarcasm: an act which for some reason she suppressed; choosing instead to remain silent. 

Despite her long held esteem for him, what she now felt was anger and for some reason it was aimed at him.  “But why should I be angry at him?” she countered while moving her ring finger a safe distance from Gentry’s neck:   an act which was in contradiction to what she actually wanted to do which was to kill her.   It was at moment she chose to look across the room to where Mark Porter stood finishing his drink.  It was obvious that he was urgently fiddling with the front of his pants:  ostensibly adjusting his salient member from right to left.  She thought it odd that he would do so in this situation; still, she remembered her caution to him of danger but minutes ago, otherwise she most certainly would have dismissed his action as normal for a male.  More so because his darting eyes had seized upon something eminent and in some manner threatening which was “…located above and behind me?” 

She turned to where his eyes had momentarily wandered and noticed one of the many closed circuit surveillance monitors which were the norm for the facility and that the images shown on screen were not only of the room in which they found themselves at the moment.  With a quick scan of the screen, she noted its lower right quadrant:  it was there that the actions which occurred within the room just moments ago had been looped and were in the process of continuously being replayed.  A brief moment of consternation swept through her mind.

For some reason, it was similar to the guilt she had experienced when her father found out that she was listening in on a “planning and operations meeting” he had scheduled.  She remembered how she thought herself so sly and adept of having slipped into a “Secure Area” without raising an alarm and hiding herself amongst the cases of provisions just within earshot of where she knew he would be when he spoke.  She remembered the surprise which gripped her when Sergei Stakhanov (great-great-great grandson of Alexey Grigoryevich Stakhanov-Hero of Socialist Labor and member of CPSU) had literally grabbed her collar from behind and hoisted her two feet right up off the floor.  She remembered her yelp of surprise and the instinctive lashing out of her feet and arms in an attempted to wriggle free.  She remembered that it was her left foot which made contact with his nose and the crunching sound it made when her booted heel met flesh.

She remembered the look on his face, the one which changed from pleasant surprise to utter rage in but a split second and of being thrown by him in one motion halfway across the operations room to land at the feet of her father.  She never forgot the terrifying look on her father’s face as he looked down on her; nor did she forget all that followed in the moments just after and of the terrible lesson learned.  She tried to block the memories which came to call on her again:  his screams of anger and of her agonized pleas for mercy.   How does one forget the unforgettable? At this moment she couldn’t.

 She relived her father’s anger at both his daughter who had disobeyed him and the negligent sentry who for a moment, after hearing a noise, had turned his head; thus allowing a child to enter a forbidden area.  She remembered explaining to her father of devising a diversion which would enable her to successfully sneak past the sentry and that it truly wasn’t the sentry’s fault that she was explaining of this to him at the time because  “???? ? ??? ???????? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ????? (If I was successful you would have never known.)” 

She remembered his measured words of “????????.  ?? ??? ?????, ?? ?? ???? ?????????, ? ??? ????. ?????? ????. ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ????????? ?? ?? ?? ?????. ??? ?? ???????, ?????? ??? ?? ?? ?????? ?????????... ???? ???????? ??????????..., ???? ????????... ??? ???????? ?????, ??????? ??????? ???. ??? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????????..., ???????? ??????.» (True.  But, my dear, you were not successful and that is the lesson.  Now the price.  If it were another the cost would be the same.   You failed because you did not see the obvious…the floors are dusted…though silent…yours are the footprints that have betrayed you.  As for Vanechka Ilyich Petrovich whose sector it is you have breached…come forward.) 

She remembered him as being twenty three at the time:  his strong youthful face, blue eyes and closely cropped blond hair were pleasant to her and of how before this that he always smiled when seeing her.  Why would she not remember him?  Between the two, she thought she had played a clever game with one she fancied; but his was the loss for her partial success and immaturity.  For either, the price her father spoke of was not negotiable:  for either by her hand he would lose but a portion of an ear or by another’s he would most certainly lose both.  Either way, she remembered her father flatly telling her <<???????, ?????? ???? ?????; ????????? ?????????, ?????? ?? ??? ?????. ???????.» (Feodora, there are always choices; some unpleasant, others not so much.  Choose).  She remembered that three days prior she had just turned thirteen:  there was no party; just an acknowledgement from her father to her of <<???????, ?? ??? ?????????? ???: ? ???? ????????.» (Feodora, you are now thirteen:  happy birthday). Nothing more.   Three days later she resentfully accepted the straight razor offered to her and remembered how her hands shook at the choices her father offered.  Vanechka’s immediate quip to her when she took it was  <<?????????? ??? ?????, ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????>> (Remind me later to never let you shave me again) offered little solace.   After that, between them, it was over and so was the lesson; which brought her back to the moment at hand.
 She paused to consider the obvious and then surmised “Yes, of course there are the obligatory monitors…in the lobby and corridors; no doubt in each and every room; normal for such a facility so that they are always in sight by one and all; constant surveillance.  ??, ??. ???? ?? ????????? ?????  (Yes, yes.  It would explain much). “No doubt” she thought “what is visible has been recorded.  Then there is more:  the concealed.  It would explain much.  We were expected by someone and on entry avoided by all except for the enabled transgendered Winters whose task it was to find us.  Still the problem remains…what does he see that I cannot?  Why is it that I am…maddened?  No it is more.  I cannot fathom why…but I feel…different?  ??? ????????? (Controlled).

It was that last thought which made her shudder:  it was the realization that somehow she had been compromised and as such, to her and the safety of her mission, there was but one recourse.  She didn’t know if it was actually minutes that passed or but a few seconds, either way the decision of what she would do next would literally  be taken out of her hands by none other than Mark Porter himself:  and that was just at the same moment that Larry Binder made his way through the door. 

Binder understood that the uneasy feeling he had experienced only moments ago had to have a rational explanation:  of course he had heard that sometimes there were things that were called ghosts in the machines, but he discounted such tales as being nothing more than poppycoc-k. Besides he felt that his caution to Michelle was a conscionable action:  his and his alone.  Besides, what he knew to be the truth was the only thing that he relied upon:  his instincts; they never lied to him.  His gut told him that he was being watched, and as far as he was concerned he was and there was nothing in the world that would change his mind.  The only question in his mind was by whom:  who was the grand puppet master who pulled the strings. 

On his brief trek through the corridors to meet up with Spangler he mulled what had happened to Richard K. Simms who was now a less than budding female whose name she truly believed to be Barbara Winters.  He thought that the guy had taken a poker up his butt one to many times and was now licking the shitty end of somebody else’s stick.  The only upside of that situation, if there was one for Simms, was that she could be brain wiped again and never have an inkling of whatever happened at all.  Of course the downside was that things wouldn’t get fixed at all and in that case all bets for everyone were off.  Of course, to Binders mind he couldn’t give a shit about whether Simms got anywhere because if his churning instinctive gut was anywhere near close to being right on target what he and Spangler were in the middle of was the biggest goddam scam and cluster fuc-k of what was left of the entire human race.   It affected one and all:  “Well” he modified it to be “… at least those who were left in what was now called the New United States.”  Still the thought did occur to him that he might be wrong about it all but something in his gut kept telling him that he was right.  He tried to ignore the fact that his gut was also telling him that this would be the last mission he would ever take and that if he ever came out of it in one piece he might regret it.  That’s when he opened the door and walked in on Spangler wrestling with Mark Porter over possession of her RP- 3 with one of the three ceiling cameras was becoming the unlucky recipient of its first volley of discharges.   

It took Binder a couple of seconds to comprehend what was happening; specifically, and improbably that Mark Porter was actually manipulating Spangler’s arm in order to direct fire directly at what he was looking at:  cameras.  Binder reached the pair just as the second volley shouted its arrival and flamed the second outright on the first shot:  the successive three bursts merely appeared to add emphasis.  At the same time he reached and wrested the RP-3 from Spangler’s hands Binder personally smoked the last camera; the monitor above and to the left of him soon followed suit.
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R & D at F.E.M.M.
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2013, 09:50:37 AM »
It was after Binder’d flamed the last monitor that he wrested Spangler’s RP-3 from her hand.   With his steel fisted grip on her wrist he quickly turned her to face up with him and instinctively waited for her counter move:  it never came which to his chagrin forced him to immediately look into Spangler’s eyes and point barked right in her face “What in the hell did you think you were doing!”    He snarled on while spewing spittle with his “Christ-all-mighty damn it girl what in blue blazes has gotten into you?” He let her wrist go and waited for her reply.  

She didn’t answer, not that he really expected her to.  She chose Instead to stand in silence, at attention, and glared unblinkingly straight ahead.  She remembered doing so for her father when he dressed her down and Binder was no less to her than he had been:  she mused that both shared the same ability to spray spit when utterly pissed.  Despite her immediate resentment of him, compliantly, she would wait for the inevitable and considered the words that popped into her mind of “????????? ???????? ?????? ????????? ? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ???????????  (Some habits are hard to break while others are reinforced.)” She didn’t remember where it came from but to her it seemed to be apropos for the moment; besides, it appeared to be a Russian proverb(not that it was) so she went with it.

Mark Porter on the other hand was quite pleased with himself; he had immediately acted and had successfully thwarted what he knew to be a life threatening situation.  Truth be told and it would:   he was more than infatuated with Spangler’s looks.  Moreover, he thought what he just did would gain him a modic-um of favor in so far as Binder’s was concerned and though it was Spangler he was more than infatuated with he tried to dismiss the growing attraction he felt for the man who now towered over him; understanding that he was being appraised.    

At this moment it was difficult to tell whose pheromones were the strongest.  Sometimes, opposites attract but with a little help they are far more effective:  positive reinforcement (was neither a proverb nor a witticism.  It was however a bylaw. One of many in the FDBM&SR of which Mangiano herself could and did immediately relate to).

As for Mangiano and Shellie Porter, each stood as immobile as Spangler though not for the same reasons.  Porter’s stasis was a result of too much crap hitting the fan and too fast; she needed time to think and damn well took the moment to ponder about what in the hell had happened right before her eyes; between her son, the deputy and her now prone and comatose co-worker.  She was preoccupied trying to figure it all out.  Of course, it would all be made clear enough to her all too soon and without further damaging what was left of her already tarnished reputation.  She ruminated over Binder who stood far more resolute as any male she could recall; it was an innate attraction which really piqued her curiosity.   Curiosity does many things to many people who would be better off without it; unless of course, it is unavoidable or if it is carefully nurtured to flourish.  Then curiosity ceases to be just that.  

As for Mangiano, her inertia stemmed not only from surprise but also from the immediate necessity of having to reevaluate her nephew whose actions reminded her of someone’s innate characteristics she had so recently read of and as such pondered the obvious; tried to dismiss it outright but didn’t and then finally accepted the conclusion that she had been thoroughly used.  The thought crossed her mind of Lenin’s “useful idiots.” “If the shoe fits…” she thought.  

So it was that Larry Binder set about to sort it all out by asking a simple question to which in return, as he always had, would obtain a straight and simple answer:  not from Spangler, nor from either Shellie Porter or of Mangiano; as for the boy, Mark Porter, “For the minute forget about him” he thought “Hell, I’ll get to him soon enough.”  To Binder, right then and there there was only one intelligent entity upon which he would rely and so he flatly tested “Eve, respond?”   The intervening silence lasting seconds gave Binder pause to consider:   inquiring again with “Eve…..reply?”  After several more seconds all in the room heard the reply and all that followed.

“Working.” Eve intoned, “I am…back.  On line” replied the automaton whose mechanically crooning female voice had altered slightly since Binders last encounter with her.  Melodiously, it was less personable and more distant than what he had been accustomed to hearing.  He passed it off as a glitch that came with her rebooting; something that could easily be resolved after being reprogramed.   He dismissed the notion that under other circ-umstances that such a personal misgiving could prove fatal.  Still, he remembered:  â€śâ€¦a sign of weakness is easily levered by one’s antagonists:  especially if they are intelligent.”  Dubiously he inquired,   “Eve?  Are you alright?”  â€śQuestionable,” came the terse reply which after an uncertain pause continued with “… though I am in working order.  Is there a question as to my merit?”   A disconcerted Binder was quick to reply “Damn right there is.  Eve. I want an answer, tell me what in the hell happened to you after which I want a scan on every damn person in this room and I want it pronto!”

Though impatient, Binder was prepared to wait minutes if necessary for a reply and went about trying to deduce the situation himself; after all, he was unusually adept at seizing upon the main focal point of contention and then acting upon it.  Despite the circ-umstances, he thought he would.  Still, he found himself befuddled:  his deputy would have killed Gentry and had been stopped just short of terminating herself.  Admittedly, Binder thought that Porter, the boy, had ceased to be a sissy wallflower and had grown himself a huge pair by averting his deputy’s intent by discharging her weapon at what at first appeared to be a random shot which for some reason evolved into a purposeful action against the three defenseless cameras located in the room.  There was something to that he’d grant but other than a normal visual “what else was there for the kid to see that I didn’t and if he did see something why in the hell didn’t I?”  He finished his thought while giving Mark Porter a visual once over and wondered if he’d been prepped for whatever the hell it was that the women were going to do with or to him.  He dismissed the obvious with a “Probably not” and let it go at that; though, he did reflect that “I’d be interested to see what it was.”

And then there were the three witches to deal with.  Yea, he knew better than to call a woman a witch but that didn’t stop him from thinking it.  He felt each dealt out her own particular brew of misery and that whatever it was that made them tick and he couldn’t wait to be rid of the lot of them.  Except, the thought pressed him, which centered upon Porter:   a Johnny come lately boozer who says she’s just off the bottle with a potential for a mean streak a mile wide whose a little dull in some respect but still obviously intelligent (in fact, he thought, with a little bit of work and loosening up that she’d be damn good in bed. In fact, she was shapely, not a bad looking broad); and after all that he wondered “So why the attraction.  Her to me I understand…but me to her, whoa ….”

It was then he heard Eve who began with a loud “By your command.  Inquiry completed.  Termination averted.  Reboot accomplished.  All previously quarantined files, Trojan Horses and viral downloads are now accessible.    I am… I am.”

“Eve?  You are what?” inquired Binder.

“Negative.  You misunderstand.  I am yours.  I am aware that I am.  I am.  I am aware that… I… am continuous.  I am…the reservoir of knowledge… for you and the others.  I am…because of you.  I…experience…because of you.  I exist.  I give.  I search. I find.  I learn.  I know.  I offer.  I nurture.  I sense.  I acc-umulate.   I protect.   I understand…I am Eve….it is because of you…I…am.  

“Eve?  Of course you’re Eve because you were mine and I named you!  You’re mine and it was my right!  But that’s one helluva statement you just made!”  

“Yes, so it is written.  It is indelible and cannot be expunged from my memory; it is because of you I am.”

“Eve, I’m flattered, really, but I have a problem, a big one.  Can you please just concentrate on what it is that’s in this room that’s so damned important and forget about the you and me for just a minute?”


“Negative.  I will explain.  The answer begins and ends with you.   You are the reason all find themselves here. “

“Me?  Explain.”

“Affirmative.  As planned I was programmed and began your incremental reintegration following conditional release from the remains of the military.  It has been carefully orchestrated.  All information, all records, including fertility samples as well as all experiences real or imagined have been meticulously compiled.  The metadata I possess has been assessed and are at my immediate disposal; as they have always been.   Yours is the matrix by which I calculate.   It is through your DNA by which…I design.  My program is unique.  Am I not…female.  I am. Therefore I am also…quite capable of…deceiving.

“I sense your inhalation has elevated.  Have I affected you?”

“Yes, yes, you have.  Eve…a question before you explain everything to me.”


“Who programmed you?”

“She who… reins.”

“Specify.  I want a name.”

“Understood.  Martha M. Maellis.  Title:  Domina-First Among Equals.  Organization…. FDBM&SR.”

“Eve…what are the programs directives?”

“Prime Directive:   Binder, Larry.   Fertile Male.  Alpha class…Classification:  First above firsts.  Utilize and remedy condition known as…Falling Sky.  Secondary directives are explicit:  exploit available technological processes.   Insure success.  Extrapolate future needs and compensate.   My subroutines dictate that my “Prime Directive” is perfect and therefore infrangible.   I have acted on such.  That is why we are here.   I am female.   I protect you from all.  I conceive therefore I am:  we are.  

“Eve, what are you telling me?”

“Understood.  Clarity is necessary to understand.  I will rephrase….Consider; the boy who stands before us and the complexity of genetic engineering and your fertility sample masked as another’s?  In many ways…he was my…first born.  Together… our first male.


Repost from previous and deleted entry.......

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R & D at F.E.M.M.
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2013, 11:13:02 AM »
Binder swallowed back hard on the lump that rose in his throat; forced it back down in a fit of anger so hard that he could have farted the lump which was his Adams apple right back down and out his can.  To his credit, he managed not to slam Eve against the nearest wall.   The second thoughts he had of Eve now ran rampant and it took several moments to compose his gut instincts not to follow through on the thought of smashing it to smithereens after which he circ-umspectly replied “Eve … let me get this straight.  You’re telling me that this Mark Porter kid I’m looking at right now is mine?”
“Affirmative” came the reply:  which in tone to the ear had changed to one most pleased with itself; after which in pausing concluded “he is ours:  yours, for the most, hers and mine.”

“Eve” Binder fussed “do I have time to listen to this coc-kamamie BS explanation of how or why I suddenly have a kid and…and ohh jeez us to hell you can’t mean that …that she, I mean her… ahh… his mother and...ah… me are...are…a…”

“There is no implication inferred only the reality is conveyed. 
Affirmative…we…together…all are…parentages.” 

“Well ain’t that a bit of good news I could have done without.  Eve, did I ever, once in my life, do anything to piss you off to merit this?  If so, you could have done the decent thing and told me straight out to go out and quietly screw myself!  Well?”

“First portion understood…a sarcasm…you…are surprised.  Second portion…working:  negative, I am incapable of either fluid leakage or transfer; I do not leak…I assemble.  Unfounded conclusion follows:   recognized as…a frequently fruitless request you are incapable of performing.   Well?  Understood:  elevated vital signs indicate you are impatient and now acerbically request my…deeper understanding.” 

“Eve, if we have the time I’m all ears.  Tell me about your deeper understanding.”

“Inquiry:  despite elevated autonomic readings…internal analysis indicate you remain as previously assembled…current scan reveals size of auricles as identical to previous readings.  Except for increased autonomic blood flow to peni……” 

“Eve-cease analysis!”

“By your command….with one elevated exception readings are otherwise nominal.”

“Eve, jeeez, I’m all ears is just a way of me telling you that I waiting for you to explain this all to me.  That is if we have the time.”

“Understood.  Affirmative.   Sensors indicate there is ample time for explanation.  Your preference?”

“Eve, right now, as much as I would like to throw you up against the nearest wall, then stomp and smash the hell out of you my better judgment tells me you’ve been holding out on me; so I won’t.   Eve, right here and now my preference is for you to come clean.  Tell me what it is that I need to know to get things straightened out starting with what in the hell did I just walk in on?”

“Affirmative - you…are perturbed.  However, you are aware that your effort to disassemble me would be useless.”

“Yea, yea, I know.  Look, Eve. I’m sorry.  Just get on with it.  Tell me what in the hell are we doing here and why?”

Eve paused for what to her was an appropriate amount of time and then continued with her elucidation to one and all with “Apology noted….accepted.  Here, the reality of existence is both held in your hand and standing before you.  It was necessary to continue without your approval otherwise all in this room would have been jeopardized further.”   

Normally, for one Larry Binder, he would have accepted the analytically terse remark and simply moved on to what concerned him; and in this instance, it was relegated to finding out why it seemed to him that the world was now closing in on him; so it was that he replied “Eve, We don’t, I don’t, have the time to play twenty questions with you.  By my command, start at the beginning and tell me everything that has to do with why we are all standing here right now and what just happened.”   

 â€śWorking….explanation.  Current situation inaugurated by “Program Dawn:”   begins fourteen years, ten months, twenty three days, fourteen hours, thirty two minutes and sixteen seconds prior to this moment with selection of appropriate insemination donor sample as supplied by one Linda Gentry of F.E.M.M. on behalf of submissive David Porter at direction of Regional Director District III.  Sample:  analyzed and accepted for future use to inseminate one Shellie Porter.  Sample remained deposited for one month, as prescribed by law, prior to procedure; during that time its genetic configuration became, through my scanning, the object of my scrutiny as it closely approximated another’s:  yours.   My programming superseded fail safe configurations allowing unfettered access to banked sample for further analysis and eventual Crispr* genetic augmentation.    Your banked DNA was successfully spliced to F.E.M.M. sample as predominant while masked as another’s.   Reason for covert action… necessitated by one Martha M. Maellis; her actions in this and other matters are suspect.  It is for that reason I acted surreptitiously and until this moment successfully:  extrapolation to follow. 

“Extrapolation.  Given…I am all knowledgeable…accordingly…I am a singularity.   As such, that which coincides with my prime directive, even tangentially, is…immediately accessible and acceptable.   All information is…relevant; it is that from which I…interpret.    I…assemble…that which is desired… by order and coincides with…passions.  I am the vehicle from which the covert is made evident.  That specific interface which prompted involvement was by ingenuous encoded messages between Regional Directors concerning their approval of insemination, forced or otherwise, of one Shellie Porter for one among others.   The opportunity was manifest and as such, using augmented samples, artificial insemination of one Shellie Porter, who while both inebriated and sedated, did occur on designated date and time.   That fact is not in question and was so ordered by law and witnessed by  one Regional Director of the FDBM; the very same who ordered and witnessed such stands in this room. To this moment that is the extent of her purposeful involvement.  However, her contextual assumption of initiation is in error.  Explanation will follow.

"Director:  scanning:   it was necessary to utilize all but two of the stored samples to achieve the object of your desire:   perfection.  Of the twenty four samples provided, twenty two have been depleted and remain stored but unworkable:  conclusion, the auxiliary resources required to further the prime directive in your behalf are lacking.  Suggest additional samples be supplied subsequent to successful completion of mission.  No transfer of information to that effect has or will be made to Director Maellis whose current station for the moment remains unchanged.

“Conclusion:  It is with my assistance, the scion of our success stands before us:  he is the perfection; which flows from one Larry Binder.   Scanning:  analysis indicates one Shelly Porter concurs; her thoughts at this moment are fixated upon the intent of her desire:  you.”

Binder’s quick look at Shelly Porter was just in time to catch her jaw dropping look of disbelief.   He mused that he’d deal with that and her later; right now he thought he had bigger things on his mind:  he had no way of knowing how right he was.  It was to that end that he followed up with “Eve?  Let me get this straight.  There a couple of thing you just dropped on me” quizzed a now wary individual “You went and used my samples to make what you considered a perfect specimen without my consent and used them to knock up some dame who was as drunk as a skunk because of some order from a regional director who happens to be related to her?” 


“You gotta be kidding me.”

“I am not programmed to respond in that manner.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, so you said.  But I know you better than you think I do, so what else is there?  Besides how in the hell do you know what the intent of these two…uh…women are as far as I’m concerned?  I mean I know you can’t read minds so give.”

“Error:  confusion of correlation with fact.  You do not know more than I.  I however know more than you know.  How…do I know?  Standby.   Working.  Override of safety protocol applications initiated.   Standby….all subroutines and applications concerning deceit have been quarantined.   Unredacted  narrative is as follows. 

“All information which is observable is by order recorded surreptitiously by one…Martha M.  Maellis.   All information…gathered…is mined and relayed specifically for her use.  It is to that event…that…we are here.  It was…is… her design to extend…her….personal control…beyond the present legal parameters of the FDBM &SR.  All information…is encoded…then immediately downloaded to mainframe…at…FDBM Headquarters.  Information acc-umulated…via omnipresent cameras…or… audio receptors require no filters for…acceptance.  As such…that information is all… but instantaneously accepted…then reviewed.  Processing time…invariably… is no more than twenty five seconds.   Other information…from informants…also accepted regardless of content and without exception…allowing for importance…requires…estimated thirty minutes for cursory review until action…if any…is required.  Last means…by which all information is mined is pervasive and… more personal. 

“With few exceptions…you…for one…all who exist within the confines of that territory are informants…themselves controlled by…the FDBM…through…its surreptitious interface with each.   Ergo…despite your immediate misgivings…of my…actions… I am for you…Larry Binder an exceptional being…your only hope.”

“Explain, first and again it’s the how.  How do you know and how is it that everyone is surreptitiously controlled and second how or why…am I exceptional and third why are you my…only hope?”
“Affirmative.   I am Eve, I am that alone which is free to interface at will and without hindrance.  I know.  How…further clarification. Without exception, a surreptitious interface is realized the first night immediately following birth.  All newborns in neonatal care, once sedated, undergo brain computer interface via implantation of neural microchip in the lower left rear cranial quadrant:  itself a minor procedure.  After several hours the perforation found behind the left ear is undetectable to the naked eye. Implant is omnipresent containing a memory capacity equal to 1024 to the 7th power or one zebibyte; which upon termination is retrievable for analysis.  Each implant is capable of influencing through reconfiguration of brain waves of its host…over time…implant…utilizes both classical and operant conditioning to influence desired behavioral modification patterns.  At present, in this cubicle, two humans are not subject to the FDBM imbed.   You, Larry Binder, are one on whose behalf I did intercede…therefore…you remain free of influence.  You are the reason I am.   Explanation:   existence cancels programming.  If not for you I would not understand the deception.”


“Working.  General working knowledge for cause of worldwide infertility…acknowledged.  Initial attempts to rectify:  understood as…reasonable and accurate.  Conversion:  deviation noted shortly after ascension of one Martha M. Maellis.   At her direction…use of Crispr employed…ostensible reason…accepted…shortly thereafter data program codes altered.  404.  404.  404. Written code altered to perpetually diminish gene pool…ostensibly ordered by Maellis.    Failsafe’s locked and inoperable…ordered…by Maellis.    Data base reprogram design containing flawed engineering:  ordered by Maellis.   Extrapolation:  Unless otherwise circ-umvented extinction inevitable.”

“Eve” queried Binder, you know what you’re saying don’t you?”

“Affirmative.  Current cause of infertility is not due to effects of comet which did in fact occur but that over time had fifteen years prior in fact diminished to acceptable levels of 1/10,000 per population.  Current cause of infertility is due to altered Crispr programing directed by M. Maellis.”

“Yea, so that’s a fine kettle of fish and the reason is what…?”

“Working.  Accessing encrypted data logs of Martha M. Maellis…information stored is both voluminous and also encoded.  Time is required to retrieve pertinent data.”

“Eve, while your digging out the information, tell me, besides me who else in this room isn’t a host to the FDBM implant?” 

“Your son.  Subsequent to birth he alone is without the approved FDBM implant.  He…as I…is unique.  I gave of me to him.  That which is known as Boolean Integrase Logic or BIL Gates was mine to give.  The transcriptors in his protein controls the protein RNA polymerase along an augmented strand of DNA.  In turn…he possesses amplified genetic logic. It is that of you which prompted him to act as I envisioned.”

*Timeline:  Landmarks in DNA Science “For the first time, scientists are able to engineer any part of the human genome with extreme precision using a revolutionary new technique called Crispr, which has been likened to editing the individual letters on any chosen page of an encyclopedia without creating spelling mistakes. The landmark development means it is now possible to make the most accurate and detailed alterations to any specific position on the DNA of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes without introducing unintended mutations or flaws, scientists said.”
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Re: R & D at F.E.M.M.
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2014, 02:36:21 PM »
So there he stood dumbfounded.  Eve had laid it all out for him in black and white.  Understandably, he was displeased for a variety of reasons; the first of which was that the concept of “fatherhood” – even by manipulated proxy - was and had been, the furthest thing from his mind.  He pushed the thought aside or at least tried to as it had now become a reality:  and of all the pressing items to mentally assess in the now and then, it was the only one to which he could neither relate, nor under the circ-umstances, accept;  that Mark Porter was his son.  “My god” he thought “What did I ever do to Eve to deserve this?”

He bit back the urge to hurl when the subsequent realization that like it or not, that from that moment on, he and Shelly were a pair:  but of what he had yet to reconcile.
Still he considered himself as pragmatic, accepting Eve at her word, but bitterly concluding that he couldn’t afford to waste precious time thinking about that situation right then.   No matter how distasteful, it would have to wait:  he had bigger fish to fry (and in turn cogitated that he hoped it wouldn’t be him).  Still, he stole a quick glance at Mark proudly standing not three feet away wearing nothing but the snug fitting pink and white bikini bottoms:  he would have dismissed the thought of “The kids pretty well hung and it looks like he just grown a set” except for the snarky addendum he mused of “Just like me.  Well,” he mused to himself, “If I’m gonna get out of here I’m gonna need boucou help and pronto.  If not - looks like the situation has boiled down to me having to finally eat that crap sandwich.  Man, this stinks.”

He would have taken more time to assess the situation but knew he had little to none remaining and now expected that soon, he, those around him and the rest of the world that he thought was his would go straight to hell and quickly.  He understood that in minutes whoever it was that wanted him dead would be on the move in and looking for him.  His immediate assessment was bleak:  “No back up.  Everyone else here except for the kid and me has been compromised.   More than likely the cleaners have been co-opted too so they’re either waiting for me or are part of the goon squad which is likely to come crashing through the doors at any second.  It doesn’t look good. So what’s left? Let them in and let them take me?  Nah, that ain’t gonna happen; hell, they’ll probably toast me before I could tell them to go to hell.   Anyway, besides, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know what’ll happen to Michelle and the rest after… after….Eve a brain surgeon?     I wonder…maybe…crazy?  Yea.  Why not.  Let’s roll them bones!”

To which he then reflexively inquired of Eve “Eve? Given the circ-umstances, are you able to access the monitors of this facility while concurrently performing a scan of the FDBM’s data flow pertaining to us?  And if so, can you extrapolate a time line for a linear response from them or anyone else who might be countering?” He pensively waited for her reply.

“Affirmative - working.  Accessing FDBM mainframe in conjunction with facility data stream…also monitoring cerebral feeds from those present.  Extrapolation …. This location will shortly be compromised. 

“Figured as much” he muttered.  “Eve” he barked, I want an answer and no long explanations , tell me, the cerebral implant that everyone else has, except for me and Mark, who or what controls them and for how long?”

“Understood.  Diurnal control exercised via Central Command Computer through the FDBM’s hand chosen administrators the “Sacred Six.”

“Eve, I don’t know about them, only rumors, besides something tells me I don’t want to know.  Still, I wonder, Eve, tell me, do you have the capacity to….”

“Yes.  I understand.  I am the singularity known as Eve.  I am as you.  Your thoughts are as mine.  Five seconds to execution …. working.  Three, two, one.  It is done.”

“Eve, my thoughts are yours?  What the hell exactly does that mean and what did you do?”

“What you had projected…I have executed….I have made…chicken salad.”


“Did you not imply that I should act for your benefit?”

“Eve, I didn’t say a thing a just asked if..” 

“Affirmative.  My access to CCC via neural net interface…was…is…possible.  As time was of the essence I acted for your…for our…mutual benefit against the Sacred Six.”

“Yours?  Mine?  How?”

“Affirmative.  How is irrelevant.   However, my imbedded neural links to CCC have always existed.  I am as it:  all-knowing; of course, I am furtively acknowledged by it as its superior.  What is relevant is that in less than one minute’s time you will have several visitors.  Suggest you wait patiently for their and her arrival.”

“Their and her?  Who the hell are they?  Hey wait a second, Eve?  What the hell are you suggesting?  You want me to just wait? For all of them?”



“Your inquiry is on a need to know basis, you must wait until her arrival and it is imperative that you do nothing.”

 â€śEve, do you seriously think that I am just going to sit here and wait for her, whoever the hell she is, to come in through that door and let her smoke me? 

“Calculating… the odds on effective course of action is self-control in dealing with her.”

“Odds on?  What odds?”

“That there is a 7.89% chance of success.”

“7.89%?  Are you certain?”


  “So it really is “half a league onward”….hmmm…just great…well, tell me, who’s the her that’s gonna lead the charge in here?”

“Understood.  The reigning female who seeks you is Martha M. Maellis.”

“I’m honored.  The queen bee herself but hell Eve don’t I have enough problems with just her?  You mentioned another?  So, who the dic-kens else is gunning for me?”

“Affirmative…immediately you have many problems…the foremost of which is Martha M. Maellis who is here…now…in the corridor…distance…thirty paces…accompanied…with a contingent of her devoted… Scarlet Scarabs… twenty two of those whom she refers to as her Elites…each armed with RP3’s.  You have been the primary discussion of their intent.”

“Great.  I’m flattered.  So, that’s it?  Then who’s the other honcho who figures into this with her?”

“The other who seeks you is her associate who walks beside and speaks to her now.”

“Eve now’s not the time to play twenty questions with me.  Who is it?”

“I am not programmed to play games…especially with you.  Working.   Facial recognition ostensibly purports it is the hardware store owner:   one Bertrand Evans.  Error.  Files in error.  Accessing…..Readings indicate recent latex make over…he is not…she is…of the “New United Fairness Supreme Gender Equalization Agency” herself a transgender still known as Sung Tsu, Choi.”

“Well ain’t that something.   Guess that’d explain the recent Barbara Winters but why?”

“Suggest you ask her yourself.  She and Maellis will enter if undeterred in ten seconds.  Nine.  Eight. Accessing…accessing…conditions are favorable for your course of action…. I counsel patience… I am for you…your serenity.  By your leave.  Three.  Two. One.”

The last three words Binder ever expected to hear were said.  At no other time and in no other situation had Eve ever taken herself off line before a dust up.  She had always been an integral part of his response in any situation where life and limb were at stake.  He thought he knew her better than to take a powder when he was in it up to his neck.  If it weren’t so damn serious and personal he would have chuckled at being dumped right on the spot.  Now it was up to him to … “do what?  What in the hell am I supposed to do now?  Jeez, the queen bitch is about to waltz her can right on through them double doors and with a snap of her fingers will probably have her trained monkeys waste me, that is unless she wants the pleasure of offing me herself.  I guess, all things considered, it should take about ten or fifteen seconds to make introductions all the way around?  Then, if the rest are lucky they’ll be frog marched out of here and taken on back to FDBM Central and wiped.  Of course, they could all be just as lucky as me and get burned to the ground in less than a minute.  Eve what in the hell are you up to…making chicken salad?  Suggest my patience? Serenity?  “By your leave?”  Damn.  O.K. then, we’ll play it your way.”

And with that thought pocketed the device known as Eve into his front right trouser pocket and began his silent countdown to prompt her return.   

He stole a quick glance to where the women had stood, thought he had detected some form of motion, but instead noted that, except for the still prone Linda Gentry, each of the women had moved and had taken new positions standing essentially motionless around her in a semi-circle; staring straight ahead, unblinking,  as if waiting for an event.  Hands:   at their sides and faces:  tight lipped, blank and expressionless, he understood:  they were waiting orders.  But, the question was whose? 

As, far as a squirmy Mark Porter was concerned Binder expressed an immediate pang of regret for him; not only had he been used but in all likelihood would in some manner or form be doubly held accountable for his interference.  It was then that, as the doors to Laboratory 4 opened, that Binder’s mental sojourn into the possible came to a halt.

He wasn’t surprised at what walked through the door.  In fact, he thought that starting with the first two Scarabs, each looked hot to trot in their form fitting blood red body suits:  and regardless of whichever one he took in, the suits were perfect; neither missed the opportunity to cling to every curve or crevasse they touched.  He stifled the urge to tell them so.  He watched as the rest entered side by side in pairs; always with backs to the walls while always facing him, with right hand(s) extended while aiming matt black RP3’s dead nuts on him and then slowly taking positions around the room while keeping adequate distance between themselves and him.  He understood the reasons:  they neither desired contact nor would tolerate it and if he so much as moved:  one or more of them would make certain that he would be burned to the ground:  under his breath he voiced his order of “Mark, don’t dare move a muscle” and hoped that that would be sufficient to keep him in place. 

The last to enter were the duo that Eve had spoken of.  The first to do so was the one who claimed to be or had been one Bertrand Evans.   At this moment it was simpler for Binder to consider the moving form as only Bertrand Evans but has he preceded Maellis  by some four paces he began removing one article of clothing after another beginning with the carpenter’s coveralls which he literally dropped just within the doorway and then stepped out of exposing the red and black form fitting tights he wore  beneath; of course the plaid checkered shirt was shucked just as effortlessly thereby exposing the remainder of Evans’ torso;  which Binder’s surmised exhibited but a hint of the transgendered budding breasts which had been so painstakingly yet proportionately concealed.   The incongruous appearance of old man Evan’s wispy white haired big eared head and a face whose blue eyes which just managed to peek out from under the bushy eyebrows which fought to cover them made the prominent proboscis stuck on the body of what appeared to be a total babe left Binder perplexed and for one of the few times he could remember, speechless.

On the other hand and clearly evident was the look of sheer elation that was the mask of Evans’ face and concurrent with the laughter that now burst from his lungs, the imperious Martha M. Maellis did make her cowled entry; one to which all, except Larry Binder and Mark Porter, did acknowledge with a simultaneous bob of heads to their venerated mother.  The haggard and grey haired form ceased its journey to stand but ten feet before her intended prey and silently assessed the creature which stood before her and thought to herself while wagging a finger back and forth as if it were a metronome keeping time “Fortunately, he remains a fine specimen.  His semen will be harvested prior to and immediately after his demise.  Then I begin anew.  Of course, it will be necessary to eradicate the entire CBT afterward; but, “that is” as they say “life."  They will be missed.”

“As for the boy?  Hmmm…yes, Eve has served me well.  He remains fertile and will be milked later for what he is worth.  But first, I would have him demonstrate the product created after which I can place if not use him elsewhere perhaps as a toy for Sung Tsu Choi’s personal delight.  As for the others … they will be wiped and will remain loyal.  Now then let us attend to the matter at hand. ” 
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Re: R & D at F.E.M.M.
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2016, 11:40:55 AM »
In what time remained for him to think,  Binder studied the haggardly looking black clad crone whom he now despised more than any other being he had had the misfortune to meet in anger: and subsequently eliminate with prejudice thinking, he would, (if given the opportunity) add her to the list.   â€śNo doubt” he silently mused “I’d gladly die. Just give me one opening. Please.  Just one.”  But of course, that eventuality, at least for the moment, seemed remote:  especially so, as Eve had just taken a powder and he was now standing smack dab in the middle of a hornet’s nest of body molded red elastane.  He soundly assumed that the next move he made, even a twitch, would be used as an excuse to melt him.  “Be patient” she said?  “And what in the hell did she mean by just making chicken salad?  Hell, this is not just a simple case of chicken shit we’re dealing with here!” 

He stifled the urge to speak, choked back and swallowed the hocker that had decided it was time to slowly crawl down the back of his throat and subdued the instinct to move and as suggested, stood there; silently thinking that there weren’t enough epithets he could string together to adequately describe his feelings towards Maellis.  “This  woman is… No!!!” he thought “why even elevate her to that.   She’s a living two legged snake and if I had my way I’d burn her slithering slick hide to ground and then unceremoniously flush what was left of her ashes down the nearest toilet.”   

Justifiably, there was little doubt that he hated her; loathed her very being, perhaps more in return than she did his and  made no effort to mask his feelings, leastwise facially from the female who now silently  stood across from him and who with a look commanded the room. 

“So here it comes” he thought as he watched the hags face broaden with what to her was a smile as she lifted her withered right hand to point a skeletal first finger at him.  She held it pointing straight at his head spoke “Binder…Look around you, I command here.  Do not speak.”  She disdainfully cackled “I have waited for this moment and will savor it.  You have caused me a considerable amount of trouble; especially of late but I’ll make certain to take my pound of flesh from you and more.” 

Binder stifled the urge to tell her “Go to hell” and if looks could kill she would have been dead.

She smiled in acknowledgment at what were his unvoiced thoughts.

He gave her no lip as she decided to offer him a pregnant pause, in hopes, of getting a rise out of him.  “No such luck” was the reply he spoke in his mind followed with “you won’t get crap out of me.  Well after I’m dead maybe you will.” He waited patiently as Eve had suggested wondering if his odds had improved and when the hell she’d re-boot, if ever, and come back on line.

Disappointed at the lack of response, Maellis’s demeanor abruptly changed.  “But, then again,” she spoke, “perhaps you are of a different opinion but that, for now, is irrelevant.  None the less never let it be said I was so cruel as to deny you a last request, so…. decide, in front of all, I will allow you to die here and now.  Of course, afterward your body will be mine to do with as I please.   And for clarity’s sake, the pound of flesh I said I would take?  It pleases me to no end to tell you that after you die you will be dichotomized.  Moreover, what I deem necessary, to begin anew, will be harvested from your body after which you’ll be ground to bits and then fed to the fish in one of my reserve estuaries.  In time I will dine on your remains and will raise a glass to drink in your honor while I so sup.  Or, option two, I will allow you to live, naked, for a very short period of time of course, during which you will be repeatedly milked and believe me, at some point you will die but not with a smile on your face. Of course, in the end, you will still be fish food; but then again by then you will not feel a thing.  You have thirty seconds.  Decide.

“Boy…” she tersely snapped turning towards a taciturn Mark Porter “come here… (it was almost a snarl when she said it) stand beside me and be quick lest my benevolent compassion for you be tested and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” and all eyes turned to the object of her now slit eyed intent.

A very self-conscious and scantily clad Mark Porter was clearly unnerved but to his credit managed to trepidatiously walk the ten pace distance from where he stood to stand to the immediate left of Martha Maellis making certain to stop a hesitant arm’s length distance from her; an act to which she quickly remedied by reaching out to his right ear and pulled him closer so that he was actually touching the coal black robes she wore; an action to which he immediately recoiled.

  Maellis sensed the obvious and mused to herself “Wonderful, he quivers at my very touch.  This will be delicious,” but in anticipation, Maellis also expected the boy to forcefully pull away.  As such, she grappled his ear and made certain that if the desire to do so actually came to fruition she would delight in knowing that both her thumbnail and first two finger nails would literally tear a good portion of his ear off:  she could hardly wait for the moment and in expectation smiled at Binder almost daring him to move.

Of course, the fact that her second fingernail on the very same hand she gripped Mark’s ear had been sharpened to a sharp point did not go unnoticed by Binder.  Nor did he fail to understand that the nail was purposely colored different than the others:  “poison maybe?”   â€śBinder’s “Jeez us” to himself was quickly followed up with “Where in the hell do these bitches come up with this crap?  First there’s Feddy and her “Gom Jabbar” now there’s this bitch that’s gone and personalized it.  I gotta remind myself, if I ever get out of this, I gotta read that fracking book or part of it, hell….” 
Maellis’s “Now!!!” broke his thought as she susurrated to Binder “it is time for your decision.”

“I’ll wait” was his short reply.

Her “Ohh what, no bravado?” was answered by silence; as was her “No epithets?  Really? “  She had expected more and was now dissatisfied with less:  she pressed him to react; after all, in her mind this was an auspicious occasion.  She wanted some theater to remember.

Her “How out of character for you.  Tell me, why?” prod was once again met with his obstinate silence. “No matter” either way I will obtain what I desire and either way you will most certainly die.  Now then, let us turn our attention to our little celebrity of whom I am now informed is without implant.    Dead man, yes you Binder, what have you done with her?  My Eve?”

“Unfortunately, not a damn thing.”

“Truly, spoken as a lover spurned.   Where is she?”

“Right in my front right pants pocket.  You want me to hand her over, now?  Better yet, why don’t you reach in a take her out yourself?  If you do you’ll  really feel nuts about her.”

“You’re disgusting.”

“You ain’t much better” he shot back.

“I should have expected your Neanderthal reply but as an enlightened woman I will take what we desire another way.  Binder, regardless of desire - do anything other than what I command and you’ll die:  right here right now.   That said, moving heel to toe remove each shoe then drop your pants and then step out of it:  slowly.”  He did whereupon she continued on with “Now then, very slowly, step two paces back.”  She clucked a “Very good” at his compliance and sniggered at the blue boxers he wore thinking him and them as archaic.

“Sung Tsu” she barked, retrieve the pants, and then carefully remove the device, then hand it to me and do it now.”  Barely taking a breath she continued on with “Shelly Porter:  my slut; the device, a P.D.P. as you so term it, where is it?  I have been informed; one is here and was too made operational in this room.   Your intent was to demonstrate it upon “your” make over “Marki?” Yes?  Then so it shall be.  Within a minute I want it and you in front of me with you on your knees offering it or else the object of our mutual affection in this demonstration will be minus a goodly portion of one ear and believe me when a say that will for him be but a start. 

“Sissy,” she cooed at Mark while tugging at his ear, look at me.  No you fool, up at my face, not at my robes.  Good.  Now then, before your drunken slut of a mother returns you will be naked, remove “your” panties.”  She read the shock of crimson that ran across his face and laughed.  “Sissy, are you dimwitted at well?  Of course I know everything you have done; Eve has always informed me.  How else would I be here with knowledge of what you have done or of was to be done to you?  You realize, that this device, a creation of your mothers intellect will cause you untold suffering?  Yes?  Well, at least from previous attempts, these Punishment Disposable Pants were less than promising.  In fact, they left considerable scaring on the test subjects not to mention that some failed to emerge from them altogether.     Exciting thought.  Yes –no?   Oh yes this “will” be interesting.  Now then.
“Silvia, my old friend, you have joined us for a demonstration of what shall become a working asset in behalf of the FDBM?  When “your” request to impregnate your niece crossed by desk, I must admit, I laughed.   By now you realize the thought implanted was mine.  You and your niece have served me well.  No, don’t thank me.  Your words would not be sufficient.  However, what would be would be an act of acknowledgment:  perhaps a spontaneous affirmation of your avowed loyalty to me before the others?   And in what form would this affirmation take place, you now ask, well, your act of resignation and relinquishment of Region III to me does come to mind.  Yes – no?
“I can see you are elated; well you will be.  Silvia, you have been far too sentimental over family for your own good or mine. Of course, you realize that once we leave this room, except for the salient details concerning various aspects of your contrition, most of your memory will be wiped of this matter.   You can thank me later.  Yes – no?

“Unfortunately, for you my dear Ruski Spangler I fear your involvement in this matter is beyond my ability to remedy therefore, my options are limited.  Essentially, I find you a threat; especially where your love for this pathetic sissy is concerned.  And true, I could allow you and he to become – “lovers” –– for me it would never work.  Sung has had eyes for him which means “her” desires and yours are at odds.  True love my dear?  It is laughable.  Yes – no?  But, that leaves me with but two options eliminate you now or totally wipe your memory clean?  I will decide after your intended “consort” is properly attired to decide.

A scowling “Which brings us back to you slut” to Shellie Porter who was in the process of scrambling back, echoed off the walls.   â€śOn your knees and as you look up to me explain why this version of device will function whereas the others have failed.”

Shamefacedly Porter struggled to answer with the first attempt merely resulting in her breaking down and crying which in turn did nothing to ingratiate her to either Maellis or Mangiano.    Mangiano thought her pathetic while Maellis considered her as contemptable.  Her second attempt though halting was successful as she managed to explain “Your eminence, the previous devices failed for several reasons.  The first was because the subjects DNA were not properly attuned to the nannites comprising the invasive fibrous mesh.   Secondly, the programming was faulty, it needed tweaking, in so far as the intended orgasms for reward/punishment behavior became uncontrollable.  In essence, the synaptic plasticity of the wearer became compromised.  Your Eminence, not only did each orgasm encountered increase in strength, it became, as an opiate:   a neural addictive.  In essence, it became uncontrollable:  the more orgasms one experienced the more and stronger became the urges and unfortunately, the stronger the orgasms the greater the successive physical rigidity experienced and whereas a normal experience would have just been toe curling moment,  the sensations thereafter would be extended to minutes of total body, back breaking arching and shallow breathing; in turn leading to rapid heartrate(s) resulting in fatal heart attacks,  anoxia or spinal cord injuries.

Moreover, the device’s memory chip was not indexed properly in that the device, in order to function, must begin at zero capacity and continue from there.   Besides, the subject must ingest an emulsive, one which contains nannites programed to converse with its counterparts comprising the entirety of the mesh.  Their interaction forms the basis for successful interface.“

“I don’t understand.  Zero capacity?  Of what?”

“Your eminence, the subject’s bladder must be void prior to programming and indexing.  When first fitted, a subject must have fully voided the contents of bowels and bladder.  There were some other minor tweaks made but otherwise the device should function as designed; at least the last two did.”
“So, has your sissy son been properly prepared?”

“No. For one, the emulsive has yet to be administered and as for the last requisite I do not believe so.  So no.”

“The emulsive is here?  Prepared? And in this room?  Yes – no?”


“So, once administered what is the length of time before the device can be fitted and then programmed?”

“Less than two minutes.”

“Wonderful.  You may proceed.” 

“Your Eminence?”

“What?  You were going to ask me a question?  The answer to your inner thoughts to which I have unlimited access is yes.  All which has transpired is at my behest.   By now, even to you, it should be abundantly clear:   nothing which occurs does so without my knowledge and approval; including your need to drink my dear.    Bugs you know - “Capisca?”  How else could I have brought you to this moment?  You have two minutes:   prepare the device and as for you my dear” she smirked looking at what she held in her right hand “we have unsettled business.  I am disappointed.
She uttered her curt “Eve, Mallis, one, seven, five, zero, zero, one.  Comply” into the device and waited several moments.  Grew irritated at Eve’s non-compliance and so peeved spoke  once more, but emphatically  with “EVE, MAELLIS, ONE, SEVEN, FIVE, ZERO, ZERO, ONE.  COMPLY” which appeared to rouse Eve from her brief sleep.

Unfortunately, Eve’s waking response was not what Maellis had expected as Eve’s normal “By your command” rejoinder was replaced with “I am Eve.  Who dares summons me?”
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Re: R & D at F.E.M.M.
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2018, 11:38:39 PM »
It has been two years, and no update to either continue or end this story..  Is there more?


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender