David’s New World
Part 4
John and Steven finish packing their things. Robert came to the boys’ bedroom and said “All done boys.”
“Yes Dad.” John and Steven said in unison.
I’ll take Sarah Anne to your Mom and then we’ll go out to the backyard and pack the things out there. Okay boys.” Robert said.
“Okay Dad.” John and Steven said in unison.
Robert picked Sarah Anne up, walked out of the boy’s bedroom, walked down the hallway to Stephanie’s and his bedroom, walked into Stephanie’s and his bedroom, walked to Stephanie’s and his bed, and sat Sarah Anne on Stephanie’s and his bed.
“Honey, I brought Sarah Anne in here to be with you because the boys and I are going out to the backyard to pack the backyard furniture, the barbeque, and the children’s bicycles.” Robert said.
“Okay Honey.” Stephanie said.
Robert walked out of Stephanie’s and his bedroom, walked down the long hallway to the back door, opened the back door, walked out into the backyard, and walked to the backyard furniture’s to help John and Steven to pack it.
Sarah Anne sat on Robert’s and Stephanie’s bed and look at Stephanie.
Stephanie looks at Sarah Anne and asks “What’s wrong Sweetie?”
Sarah Anne starts to cry. Stephanie went quickly to Sarah Anne, picked her up, and asked “What’s wrong Sweetie?”
Sarah Anne kept crying.
“Mary goes and gets Daddy.” Stephanie yelled.
Mary ran out of her bedroom, ran down the long hallway to the back door, open the door, ran out into the backyard, ran to Robert, and said “Daddy, Mommy needs your help with Sarah Anne.”
“What’s wrong with Sarah Anne, Sweetie?” Robert asked.
“She’s crying Daddy and Mommy can’t get her to stop crying.” Mary said.
Robert ran into the house, ran down the long hallway to Stephanie’s and his bedroom, ran to Stephanie and Sarah Anne, took Sarah Anne from Stephanie’s arms; settle Sarah Anne in his arms, and asked Sarah Anne “What’s wrong Sweetie?”
“Everyone will make fun of me for wanting to be a baby girl.” Sarah Anne said.
“No one will make fun of you for wanting to be a baby girl.” Robert said.
“Are sure Daddy?” Sarah Anne asked.
“Yes, I’m sure Princess.” Robert said.
Sarah Anne stopped crying and snuggled in Robert’s arms.