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Author Topic: The School and the Duchess  (Read 21506 times)

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  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:03:29 PM »
Hi. I've enjoyed many of the stories on here, especially DaraJaney's so I thought I'd contribute one of my own. Here goes.


When he was nine, Mark and his mother ran away from his father because he was a violent drunk. He tracked them down and they had to move again and again. Finally they found a safe place, but Mark had got a little wild and they were kicked out when he was caught stealing. He wasn't a bad boy, he was just easily led. A friend of his mum's put them in contact with St Hilda's, a little community for battered wives, deep in the countryside. The hamlet contained only a dozen buildings and no amenities, though there were other villages nearby. Everyone there was in the same boat and they worked together. They lived off donations from the local gentry and shared everything - there was a single shared car, allotments and a little school they ran for their children. Mark arrived there when he was fourteen.

"Please Mark" his mum had said, "we've got to make this work."

There were seven other children there, all between thirteen and sixteen and they all had roughly the same story to tell. Mark was dismayed that there was only one boy amongst them, Steve, and they didn't really get on. Still, he could do no better and they ended up doing everything together.

School was a strange set-up. Everyone was at a different stage of the curriculum and had different needs but there were three of their mothers doing the teaching and only eight pupils so it worked. Mark was relieved his mother wasn’t amongst them - she was helping with the administration. What really got to Mark and Steve were the ‘group’ lessons. The class to decide what they did in these and being outnumbered by girls, Mark and Steve found themselves spending many of their afternoons cooking and sewing.

They began to rebel. It started with a few sarcastic comments, then an argument or two and soon they were refusing to take part outright. Eventually, Mark got carried away and ripped the head off the teddy bear Emily Swanson had stitched and he was sent home.

“Mark, you promised you’d behave.”

“But mum! They make me do all this girly stuff. We never do anything else! It’s not fair.”

“It’s a few hours a week! Besides there’s nowhere else. I want you to go in tomorrow and apologise.”

Mark apologised, but he was so surly and insincere nobody believed him. He didn’t care. Whilst he was careful not to do anything to get himself thrown out again, he took part in the group lessons only under protest and was as rude as he dared to the girls. He was unhappy and his grades began to slip. His mum was exasperated.

“For God’s sake Mark!” said his mum. “Don’t be so bloody proud. Don’t you realise the situation we’re in?” She waved some invoices at him. “If we don’t find some new donations soon St Hilda’s will close! Then what will we do?”

He wandered off muttering that it wasn’t his fault and went for a long walk on his own. The following morning he learnt of a new disaster - Steve was moving away. Now he’d be alone in a class full of girls that hated him. What was he going to do?


  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 08:06:40 PM »
The following Monday, Mark arrived to his first day of school without Steve. He found the class waiting for him.

"Sit down Mark" said Mrs Swanson.

"Ok." He was nervous - they were all looking at him.

"The girls have been talking and they realise this must be hard for you, being the only boy, so they're prepared to make you a deal. We do two group lessons a week, so they'll let you choose what we do in one, and they'll choose the other. But you've got to take part properly and stop this silly sulking, deal?"


"Isn't there anything else you want to say Mark?"

"Erm... Well, I'm sorry about being so rude and stuff,"

His apology was accepted and for the rest of the day he got on alright. He still didn't know how to talk to girls and he was awkward but they accepted him with no bad feeling. They rolled their eyes when he insisted on playing football for his choice of lesson but were sporting about it. He was less so when he learned they wanted to do dress-making.

"But you promised Mark."

They started the new lessons the following week. Mark got his football. For the first time he was the best player and got to be captain. He was also happy that the girls really got into it and they managed to have a good game. The dress-making started a bit later because they had to wait for materials. The school already had a couple of sewing machines but they had to improvise a lot. They got hold of old clothes, curtains, duvet covers, anything that looked presentable. They divided into two groups, one for each machine. Mark found himself with Emily, Susan and Caley. The idea was that three of them would make a dress for the fourth and then swap and everyone would find out what they'd been made on the last day of term. Mark was glad to be sitting that one out - he couldn't understand girls sometimes.

"So how are things love?" his mum asked, some weeks later.

"Fine. Emily Swanson cut her finger and cried for hours, but Caley says that's just cos she's a drama queen."

"You like Caley don't you?"


"But things are going better now?"

"Yeah, the girls are alright really. How are you?"

"Very good. I think we've found a new patron for St Hilda's. Our money problems could be over real soon."


  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 01:40:28 PM »
It was two weeks before the summer holidays and Mark had just finished darning the hem of Emily's new dress.

"All done. I guess we've finished early."

There was a conspicuous silence.

"Well..." said Caley, "we were thinking we could make one for you too."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"Oh come on Mark, why don't you join in?"

"Wear a dress? But I'm a boy!"

"You'd be an honorary girl. Go on, it'd just be for a day, we won't tell anyone."


"Please Mark," the others joined in. "Please? please?"

"Won't you do it Mark" said Caley, "for me?"

He broke and received five hugs for his trouble. He left the room blushing and went to where Emily and a girl from the other group, Sarah, were sitting. They understood what had happened straight away.

"Are you gonna wear a dress Mark?"

"Shut up!"

Emily left the room giggling.

He didn't tell his mother about what happened, though Mark had the feeling she knew. She didn't mention it and Mark was relieved. He was deeply embarrassed by the thought of wearing a dress but for some reason he couldn't get it out of his mind.

The big day arrived. He entered the school with a heavy heart and found a gaggle of smiling faces waiting for him.

"Hi Mark" said Caley, "we thought you weren't coming."

"Yeah well..."

"Oh don't be such a sourpuss. Come and have a look."

He saw which was his straight away. The dress was cut from a pair of floral print curtains. The neckline was a simple tunic style affair with just simple shoulder straps but it was pinched in at the waist so that the skirt flared out a little. The hem was edged with lace and a strip of matching material was hanging alongside.

"We tried to make it long to cover your legs" said Caley, "but I don't think it's long enough so I got you these." She handed him a pair of knee socks.

"Oh, thanks."

"Try and have a good time babe" she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Mark had to change in the other room. Susan's mum told him to call her when he'd put it on. The dress didn't fit particularly well.

"Don't worry love, we'll get you fixed up."

The strip of material was a sash and she wrapped it tight round his waist and tied it with a bow at the back. Next she had him wriggle out of the shoulder straps. Mark saw what was coming.

"I'm not wearing a bra!"

"Now come on Mark. Get into the spirit of this. You're being a girl for the day and girls wear bras. Look at these." She showed him two rounded lumps of foam. "They'll give you a nice girlish figure. Emily stayed after school to make them for you."

Mark sighed. Emily was getting her revenge for the teddy bear and then some. "Ok, ok" he said, "let's get it over with."


  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2010, 05:30:49 PM »
Mark walked into the room in his flowery dress to find the girls primping and preening. Caley waved him over.

"Come sit here Mark." He found himself surrounded by an excited gaggle of femininity. "Just sit still. We're going to make you over."

Two girls took hold of his hands and started to buff and polish his nails, while Caley started work on his face. First she took a puff and applied a layer of foundation, then eyeliner and a touch of mascara, then a coat of sweet tasting pink lipstick and finally a touch of blush on his cheeks. When she was finished, hands from behind him pulled up his hair into a hairnet and an auburn wig was placed on his head. Mark hadn't said a word the whole time and the girls stepped back to admire their handiwork.

"Oh my God, he's got a hard-on!"

Mark jumped and put his hands over the tell-tale bulge. Then, blushing to his roots, he got up and made for the door. He was stopped by Miss Swanson.

"Now girls, stop giggling. He can't help it."

"Sorry Miss Swanson."

"But you can still see it!" said Emily.

"Emily! Don't tease. Mark's being a good sport isn't he? I'm sure there's something we can do."

"Actually" said Susan "I've got an idea." She went and had a rummage through the leftovers from the dress-making class and emerged with an old bouffant petticoat. "This ought to cover it up. Do you think it will fit?"

"There's only one way to find out" said Miss Swanson, holding the thing in front of her, "Mark, why don't you try it on. You just pull it up under your skirt."

Mark left the room looking extremely upset. "You know, that's a very nice petticoat" said Miss Swanson, "why was it left over?"

"No-one wanted to wear it Miss."

Then they spied Mark in the doorway, poking his head round the corner.

"Come in Mark, let's have a look at you."

He moved reluctantly, holding his skirts. "It doesn't fit."

"Let me have a look" said Miss Swanson, coming over to him. "You've had some trouble pulling it up then."

"The dress was in the way."

"Yes, yes. If you'll let me..." She lifted his skirts and pulled the petti right up over his waist. "Hmm. It's still too long but I think we can make it work. Susan, can you fetch me some pins?"

Then suddenly they were all over him again, fiddling with his skirt. They pulled the hem down and pushed his pettis up, and pinned them together all around the edge. His dress was now puffed right out like a marshmallow and no longer reached past his knees.

"There" said Miss Swanson, "not perfect, but I think it works."

"Go on then" said Caley, "give us a twirl." With a great show of reluctance Mark turned on the spot. The girls gave him a round of applause and he blushed again. Caley went up to him and whispered in his ear. "You look very pretty." Mark gulped; he was incredibly turned on.

The girls had their fashion show. There were photographs and music and a makeshift runway down the middle of the classroom. Mark got the biggest cheer when he took his turn. Sarah lent him her heels which he just about squeezed himself into and he was tutored in how to walk like a model.

"Put one foot in front of the other, heel then toe, keep your head up."

He managed to get up and down the runway and even cracked a smile when the girls burst into applause. he was still horny and painfully embarrassed but he couldn't help but enjoy all the attention he was getting. He felt accepted.


  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2010, 07:04:57 PM »
Things had calmed down by lunch. As a treat, they had tea and cake and Mark found himself sitting happily in his pretty dress, nattering about what he was doing in the summer holidays, whilst Caley painted his nails. He was excited because they were going to his old mate John's house, near the sea.

"We didn't think we could go, but mum says now they've found a new donor for the school we'll be able to afford it."

At that moment, the outside door creaked open and Mark jumped in his seat. He was suddenly very self conscious. One of the teachers came into the room.

"It's your mum, Sarah. And I think she's got our new donor with her." Sarah's mum was the senior member of St Hilda's, she was in charge of running the charity. Mark was terrified, he didn't want to be seen like this by a stranger. "Mark" she said "don't panic. She's an old lady and probably won't even notice. Just try to stay in the background and if you have to speak, speak softly."

"You'll be fine" said Caley.

"Except for your hairy legs."

"Shut up Emily! Don't worry Mark, I'll be right here." Caley squeezed his hand and smiled.

The two ladies entered the room. "Girls, I'd like you to meet Miss Beaufort, the Duchess of Stourbridge."

"Good afternoon miss."

"Miss Beaufort has agreed to become a patron of our school. Thanks to her, we'll be able to keep St Hilda's open for the foreseeable future."

There was a round of applause which the Duchess quietened with a wave of her hand. She had a confident, pernickety manner. “Now girls, I’m happy to help such a worthy institution. I think it’s just wonderful what your mothers do here. Now lets meet you all. Tell me, what’s your name?”

“Gemma miss.”

“And what are you doing today Gemma?”

She explained all about the dress-making and the fashion show and how they’d made all the clothes from scraps. Meanwhile everyone else had stood themselves in a line waiting to be introduced. Caley kept Mark close and positioned them unobtrusively in the middle.

“Oh I like your dress. You don’t often see girls wear petticoats nowadays.”

Mark was flustered, he hadn’t expected to be spoken to so soon. “Er... thank you.” he said as quietly as possible, “but it was Caley and Susan who made it.”

“And what’s your name?”

Mark was stumped. “It’s Sally miss” said Caley.

“Sally. That’s a pretty name.”

"Thank you." Mark answered in a mumble with averted eyes.

"A pretty name for a pretty girl!" Mark looked up, blushed and returned her smile. Miss Beaumont moved closer to him. "So tell me about yourself Sally..."

Mark was struggling to find things to say to this woman but she wouldn’t leave him alone. She’d really taken a shine to him. Eventually, she let him be.

“Well it was nice to meet you Sally.”

“You too Miss Beaumont.”

Very soon, she was leaving and Mark breathed a huge sigh of relief. He’d gotten away with it. Soon he was back in boy clothes and looking forward to a summer by the seaside. He said his goodbyes to the girls and gave Caley a kiss. Things could only get better, he thought.


  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2010, 07:30:32 PM »
Mark packed his bags and left with his mum for the seaside. The bus ride was long and boring and he could barely sit still. His mum was happy they could finally afford a little holiday. They had hardly any money but it didn't matter. They were staying with friends and Mark got to spend the summer out and about with a group of boys. Every day they'd ride their bikes somewhere, swim in the sea, play football, build a treehouse and generally get muddy and tired. Mark's clothes got ragged and his hair long. A week before they were due back, his mum got a phone call. It was Sarah's mum, Barbara.

"Hi Jane, I'm afraid we've got a little problem at the school."

"What's that?"

"It's Miss Beaumont. She's become... Well, she wants a greater say in how the school is run. In fact, she's pretty much taken over."

"Oh, I see. Is that a problem?"

"It might be. Look I'd rather talk to you in person, when are you back?"

"Next Tuesday."

"Come straight to my house, and bring Mark. We need to discuss something."

They arrived the next week in the evening. After dinner, Barbara brought a sheaf of papers to the table.

"It seems the Duchess has got the wrong impression about St Hilda's."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you remember how Mark took part in a fashion show with the girls the day she visited?"

"I was told, yes."

Barbara pulled a letter out of the envelope. "Have a look."

The letter contained nothing interesting but the letterhead did. Printed across the top of the page was the title "THE ST HILDA FINISHING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS."


  • Ballerina
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The School and the Duchess
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 09:31:57 PM »
Mark sat with his arms folded. "I'm not doing it."

"Please Mark. We won't tease you, we promise." The girls had come to his house to plead with him.

"I don't see why we can't just tell her."

"You've got to understand that she's invested a great deal in the school" said Barbara, "and from what I've gathered she would have been less enthusiastic had she known about you. She has some funny old-fashioned beliefs."


"So she'll feel conned. And we can't afford to offend her. If she pulls out, that's the end of the school."

"Please Mark"

"It'll only be while she's about. And you finish school in a year."

With nine pairs of eyes on him Mark eventually gave in. Everyone was very happy with him and there were lots of hugs.

"Right" said Barbara, "we've got three days to turn him into a convincing girl."

"What happens in three days?"

"The Duchess has invited us all to her manor to celebrate."


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