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Author Topic: Lost Souls  (Read 141153 times)

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  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2012, 01:56:26 AM »
Part 37

The drive to meet Lorie was totally different to the last car trip, Jill mused, as the car droned its way towards their destination. The occasional glance in the rear view mirror confirmed in her mind that Madison was in a different frame of mind.  He appeared happier even content. She watched him momentarily as he gazed out the car window his dummy bobbling in his mouth and his small fingers pawing at the thick mound between his legs.  Today he was every inch a gorgeous toddler boy.  With the large shield of his dummy covering his mouth, the large white bib tied around his neck and the white woollen hat with its resplendent yellow pom-pom really accentuated his toddler-like appearance.  In fact it covered his head very well and allowed a few wisps of his blonde locks to escape.  To look at Madison at this point in time you wouldn’t have been able to tell that he was actually a ten year old boy or even that he was in fact Madison Herbert.  Jill smiled to herself as she watched her baby.  Given the circ-umstances it was a clever disguise and all Madison had to do now was play his part which she was sure he would do with perfect aplomb.

Madison relaxed in his car seat.  Although he felt anxious about this trip it was nothing like the anxiety he felt during their last excursion.  The baby girl attire and the fact he was appearing in public really set him going.  But today was slightly different.  Sure, he was venturing into public again but this time he was ‘himself’ so to speak.  Not ten year old Madison but two year old Madison instead.  He was a boy; okay a baby boy, but a boy nonetheless.  The anxiety he felt was largely over his public exposure and meeting this other woman.  Although the fear of being recognised played heavily on his mind, it was more how he would be accepted by another person, more importantly another woman.  Would that person see through the guise?  Would they jeopardise the whole situation?  Would it be the beginning of a downward spiral?  Madison knew exactly what he had to do.  He had to be a very convincing toddler and throw his entire being into his ‘baby’ role. 

Finally Jill nosed the large silver wagon into the car-park outside another shopping complex.  Madison looked around as Jill gathered objects from the back of the vehicle.  It was a different complex from the one visited a few days earlier.  In fact it looked a bit familiar but Madison couldn’t think where it was.  He shrugged his small shoulders as he felt his nappy grow warm and wet.

Madison jumped as the side door opened.  It had stirred him from his musings.  Jill smiled at him as she unbuckled his baby seat harness.  She slipped her hands under his armpits.

“Come to Mummy darling,” she cooed lifting him out and depositing him in the large stroller.  After buckling Madison in Jill secured the car and headed into the shopping complex pushing the stroller in front of her. 

Madison’s eyes scanned the car park and the imposing complex.  As with all these places people were moving to and fro - men, woman, teens, children, whole families or just mothers with young children or babies either pushing strollers or prams.  Madison realised that he was just part of that throng, part of the latter group, a baby being pushed by his adoring ‘mother’.  Apart from the occasional glance most people largely ignored them.

Jill entered the mall.  Immediately they were hit by a cacophony piped music, voices and the general noise of humanity as it went about its business.  Madison became increasingly anxious as the stroller rolled into the cavernous shopping arena. He glanced repeatedly at Jill hoping for some sign of empathy.  Jill looked at her boy and sensed his increased agitation.  She stopped beside a setting of seats.  She unclipped the harness and lifted the boy into her arms.  She could feel him shaking. Embracing him warmly she rubbed his back and patted his bulky bottom.

Kissing him tenderly on his cheeks she whispered to him.

“It’s alright darling you’re safe with me. Nothing is going to happen, trust me.”  He buried his face into her neck.  She felt his warm breath and his cool nose touch her skin.  She could hear his frantic suc-king as he worked hard on his dummy.  Madison bunched his legs up and tried to climb her. Jill spoke softly and soothingly to him.  Each word designed to placate his fragmented ego and boost his faltering esteem.  The words were couched carefully to calm and soothe him and slowly, ever so slowly, they worked.  Finally Madison lifted his head and looked at this woman, this person who was now his surrogate mother.  He scanned her face and looked into her eyes.  He could see the warmth and sincerity within them.  She was right, he thought, he could trust her, she would protect him.  Out of impulse he wrapped his small arms around her neck.

” he squeaked.

Jill sighed. “Yes darling I’m your Mummy. You’ll be fine baby,” she said reassuringly. “You’ll be fine.”  After a few more minutes she replaced him back in the stroller and buckled him securely before proceeding further into the mall.

A few minutes later Jill sighted Lorie sitting at table near a playground across from a busy cafĂ©.  Lorie must have seen her because she stood and waved.  Jill quickened her pace. As she drew closer Jill could see a large black stroller with a little dark headed girl strapped in.  She couldn’t be any more than eighteen months old. What was even more intriguing was that she was the spitting image of her mother. Kate was dressed in a cute plain pink dress with a matching woollen cardigan over the top.  She was lounging in stroller with a pink dummy in her mouth. Jill noted the pale pink plastic pants obviously covering a thick nappy.  Finally she was wearing a pair of white socks with black shiny patent-leather shoes.  She was indeed a very pretty girl. She wondered where Tyler was.

Lorie approached a few paces towards the pair then stopped as Jill neared. As soon as the stroller was level with her Lorie peered around the canopy.  Her eyes lit up.

“Oh my God! Oh my God Jill he’s beautiful.  He’s really gorgeous,” she gushed. “Aren’t you precious?” she continued leaning in and undoing the harness. “Here gorgeous come to Auntie Lorie,” she cooed reaching into the stroller and lifting Madison out and into her arms. Lorie preened the front of his trousers and adjusted his bib. “My, aren’t you just a wee cutie. Jill he’s beautiful,” she reemphasised. Jill could see the bright, expected look on her friend’s face.  It was the look of someone besotted with young children. It appeared to her that Lorie actually thought he was a baby.  This, of course was what she wanted her to believe. Jill watched as Lorie fussed and clucked over her baby. “And after losing Bethany and Rob you really deserve another little one, Jill. He’s your cousin’s little one, isn’t that right?” she asked. 

“Yes he is,” Jill affirmed.

“How old did you say he was?”

“He’s two,” Jill replied.

“He’s big for two.  In fact Tyler is about the same size and he’s nearly five,” Lorie remarked but she didn’t appear to be phased by the revelation.

“Yes. His parents are big people.  His father vanished just after he was born and my cousin, as I said, is battling cancer. In fact she’s very ill at the moment so that’s how come I’ve got him.  She’s not expected to survive and she wanted me to have him before she went.  I’ve had him about a month.  And as I said the other night his grandparents are not in a position to care for him.  Their health fluctuates,” Jill explained.

Madison was intrigued with the story Jill was spinning.  It sounded very plausible to him.  He looked at this woman. She appeared to believe what Jill was saying.  He fidgeted in her arms.  He could feel her pat his padded bottom as she continued to gush over him.  Madison wanted to be with Jill so he did the only thing he could think of.  The only thing a young child would do when confronted by a stranger and feeling ill-at-ease with the situation; he started to cry.  Madison’s bottom lip started to quiver.  His dummy slipped out and he let out a bellow. Lorie got the surprise of her life.

“Oh dear what have I done? He doesn’t like me,” she said in disbelief.  Jill reached in and gathered Madison.

“Come to Mummy darling,” she soothed as the small boy was passed over.  “It’s alright Lorie it’s not you.  He’s very shy and clingy.  He’s not used to other people.  It has taken me nearly two weeks to get him used to me and now he won’t let me go,” she explained trying to placate her friend.  Jill cuddled the weepy Madison.  She swayed slightly to and fro in an effort to settle him.  Picking up his dummy she rubbed it over his lips.  Madison took the soother and started to suc-k frantically.  Jill rubbed his back.  “Shhhh it’s alright sweetie Auntie Lorie won’t hurt you
.” she said.

Lorie moved in and rubbed Madison’s back in sympathy. “Course not,” she soothed. “Not such a dear wee boy.”

Madison lifted his head and looked at his ‘mother’ with teary eyes. Jill picked up the corner of his bib and dabbed his eyes.  Madison continued to sniffle.  He snuggled his face into her neck.  He wanted her protection and comfort.  Just then a small boy appeared beside Lorie.  He was about the same height as Madison although he appeared to be heavier.  He had black hair like his mother and sister which fell over his head in uncontrolled curly locks.  His face was oval with dark eyes and smooth white skin.  He was wearing a black sweat shirt with the same colour shorts, white ankle socks and dirty white trainers.  Jill did a double take because she was sure she detected a nappy bulge inside his shorts.  The boy took his mother’s hand.

“What’s da matter Mummy?” he asked looking up at his mother. “Who dat baby?” he continued.

Lorie ruffled her son’s hair.  “It’s okay sweetie.  It was just Madison crying. That’s Auntie Jill’s new baby boy,” she explained.  Tyler peered at Madison.

“Can he pway wif me Mummy?” the small boy asked.

“I don’t know darling, maybe.  Come on sweetie let’s go back to Kate,” she suggested and took the boy back to where her stroller was located. 
Jill followed carrying Madison and pushing the empty stroller.  Tyler clambered up onto an empty chair. “Hop off sweetie so Auntie Jill can sit down,” she said to the boy.

” he whined then slid off the seat and headed for the shelter of his mother.  Lorie picked her son up and sat him on her lap.  Jill sat down swinging Madison onto her lap.  Jill noted immediately when Tyler sat on his mother’s lap he opened his legs revealing clear plastic pants and a white nappy packed inside.  She said nothing waiting for an opportune time.  Lorie manoeuvred her stroller until Kate was closer and part of the gathering.

Madison rested his head on Jill’s shoulder.  He felt very secure with her arm wrapped around his waist and the other hand idly rubbing his legs in a reassuring way.  He surveyed the scene before him.  The shopping centre was alive with activity and pervaded by noises and sounds which invaded the senses.  Madison eyed the boy opposite unsure as to how he would react to him.  He fidgeted on his mother’s lap then turned to her nuzzle her breast.  Jill felt his reaction and looked down then without saying anything she undid her jacket, opened her blouse releasing her breast.  Madison let his dummy drop from his mouth and took the warm soft nipple and started suc-kling the reassuring, nutritious milk.  Jill watched as her baby took the proffered nipple.  She adjusted him as he started to nurse his slurps and sniffles telling her that her baby was getting her milk.


  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2012, 07:33:22 PM »
Part 38

A piecing voice stirred Jill’s attention away from her baby. “Mummy what she doin’?”  Jill looked up to see Tyler pointing in her direction and looking questioningly at his mother.

“Jill are you feeding him?” asked an astonished Lorie.

Jill readjusted Madison again slipping a hand in between his legs and started gently patting his nappied rump. “Yes I am,” she affirmed. “I have too.”

“What do you mean you have too?” inquired Lorie surprised at her reply.

Jill took a deep breath. “Well it like this. His mother was nursing him when I agreed to have him.  One of the conditions my cousin’s social worker put in place was that I had to continue nursing him.  She said it would help with his transition and make it easier for him to bond with me. So before I could take him home I had to visit my doctor to get some medication to induce lactation,” Jill explained.

“You fed Bethany didn’t you?” cut in Lorie.

“Yes I did.  The doctor believed that a small amount of medication combined with Madison nursing would eventually bring my milk in.  So I had to visit my cousin regularly so I initiate the feeding process.  It took a number of frequent visits until I was able breastfeed him properly even then I couldn’t take him home until I had achieved a constant and regular supply of milk.  Once that happened I was able to bring him home.  And as you can see it has worked and I can feel the strong bond that is developing between us,” described Jill.

“What did his natural mother think about that?” inquired Lorie clearly intrigued with the story.

“Actually it was her idea.  She knew she had to stop feeding him but didn’t want to wean him also she was losing her milk quite quickly because of the strong regime of medication she was on, so was very supportive and encouraging,” explained Jill hoping the details she was adding would make the lie more convincing.  She was scrutinizing Lorie intently as she developed the story.  She appeared to be swallowing ever word. “The sad thing about the whole affair was my cousin didn’t want to give Madison up but circ-umstances were forcing her to do so.  When I last saw her just over a week ago my cousin had been moved to a hospice and was going down hill rapidly.  The doctors are saying that she has only weeks to go,” added Jill with a hint a drama in her voice. 

Madison heard every word and was intrigued with the extent this woman was going to explain his presence and seal off his past and reinvent his life.  He didn’t mind.  At present her breast milk was comforting, he was enjoying being in her arms and nursing.  As far as he was concerned everything was playing out nicely and he was enjoying drifting into full baby mode. It suited him.  He wriggled in Jill’s arms and felt her give him a loving squeeze.  He opened his mouth further allowing her nipple fill it and the warm milk to trickle down his throat.  He loved the reassuring pats on his padded baby rump his ‘mother’ was giving him.

Suddenly Tyler’s shrill voice interrupted the scene. “Mummy do you do dat?” asked Tyler.  Lorie laughed at the innocence of her son.

“No darling not now,” she chuckled giving him a squeeze. “But Mummy used to.  Do you remember when I used to let Kate suc-k on my boobie?” she asked her son.  He nodded somewhat doubtfully. “And I used to let you,” she explained to her son.

“Eeeww no you didn’t Mummy,” Tyler expressed in surprise.

“Yes I did darling but you were probably too small to remember,” she responded.

The small boy sighed in relief. “Kate has da bottle now doesn’t she Mummy?” he replied.

Lorie chuckled again. “Yes darling she does and so do you,” she said giving his ribs a jab causing him squeak and squirm.  Lorie laughed with him.

“Mummy can I go to da pwaygwound?” Tyler asked in a small voice.

Lorie looked benignly and lovingly at her son. “Of course you can darling,” she replied.

“Tan Wadison tum too?”

“Well I don’t know sweetie that’s up to his mummy,” she replied.  Then she leaned closer to her son. “Why don’t you ask her yourself, okay?” she said quietly to him.

“Otay,” Tyler whispered and slipped off his mother’s lap and approached Jill. 

Meanwhile Jill had heard the exchange but had also been focused on Madison.  Madison had heard the exchange as well.  Occasionally he peered sideways up at his ‘mother’ and was met with an adoring smile.  He continued to enjoy the warm soft nipple in his mouth and soothing milk as it trickled down his throat.  He wriggled in her arms savouring the warmth and security they offered.  Jill smiled as Tyler sidled towards her.

“Hello sweetie,” she said kindly.

Tyler drew closer and peered at what Madison was doing.

“Baby sweep,” he said.

Jill chuckled. “No sweetie he’s just having a drink.”

“He’s dwinking Mummy,” Tyler called across to his mother.

Lorie laughed. “I think I know that honey. You mustn’t shout Tyler,” she chided him good-naturedly.  Tyler stood and looked towards his mother for encouragement. “Go on,” she coaxed.

“What would you like to ask, Tyler?” inquired Jill.

“Can Wadison pway wif me in da pwaygwound?” he asked pointing in the general direction of the children’s play area.

“I’m sure he would like that when he’s finished his milk,” Jill said kindly to the boy. “How about you go there and we’ll find you, okay?”

“Otay.”  And Tyler skipped off quite happily.  Just then Kate bellowed diverting everyone’s attention towards her.  The little girl looked from
Lorie to Jill and back again with a big grin behind the shield of her dummy then kick her feet and tried to get out of the stroller.  Lorie laughed as she freed the struggling infant.

“Did you think Mummy had forgotten about you precious?” she cooed to her daughter as she lifted her onto her lap.  The little girl sat there momentarily before wriggling to free herself again.  Lorie helped the small girl onto her feet.  Jill watched as the young toddler stood unsteadily on her small feet before toddling towards her then back to her mother with a satisfied expression on her face.  She buried her face in her mother’s lap before looking up at her. Lorie beeped her on her nose. “I know you think you’re a clever girl, eh?” she said lifting the small girl into her arms.  Jill noted her very padded bottom cover with pink ruffled panties.  Lorie kissed her daughter affectionately.  Something caught the little girl’s eye and she pointed in its general direction.  Lorie swivelled to look to where her daughter may have been pointing. “Oh you want to go where your brother is,” she observed.  Kate clearly understood what her mother had said because she started to jiggle in her arms.  “Alright honey as soon as wee Madison has finished his feed,” she said to her baby.  The small girl looked towards Jill and pointed. “That’s right darling that’s wee Madison Auntie Jill’s new baby,” she said carefully to her daughter.   The small girl looked at her mother.

“Bubba,” she gurgled.

Lorie laughed. “Yes sweetie it’s a baby.”

Jill looked down at Madison to check on his progress.  She noticed that he had stopped nursing and was just tonguing her nipple.  Leaning down she kissed the side of his head. “Has baby finished?” she said softly.  Extracting her nipple she slipped it out of sight and lifted Madison until he was sitting on her lap.

Madison had enjoyed the feed.  He didn’t really need it but it was nice to be close to his ‘mother’, to hear her heart beat, to feel her body warmth radiating and to feel her soft nipple caress his tongue and palate, but more importantly to hear her explain how he was in her presence.  The breast milk was a bonus, a nice bonus.  Jill wiped his mouth with his bib.

“Has he had enough?” asked Lorie trying to control her wriggling toddler.

“Yes. He just needed a top up,” she replied. “Didn’t you gorgeous?” Jill added directing that last comment in his direction.  Madison gurgled as Jill slipped his dummy in place.

Little Kate still continued to wriggle and squirm in her mother’s arms wanting release.  “Alright missy fidget let’s get you to the playground.”  Lorie stood and headed in that direction.  Jill lifted Madison in her arms and headed in the same direction.

The playground was a miniature array of slides, tubes, ladders and platforms which small children and some not so small wriggled, climbed, slithered and crawled through and around its various levels and forms. Jill watched the other children play as Madison clung to her.  She saw Tyler appear momentarily in one of the tunnels before happily vanishing again. 

Kate continued to squirm and wriggle in Lorie’s arms before her mother put her on her feet.  Jill smiled to herself as the small toddled towards a ladder before turning to look at her mother and scamper back giggling.  She grabbed her mother’s legs before venturing back again.  Jill sidled closer to Lorie as she watched her children play.

“Are going to play?” Jill asked Madison.  He looked at his ‘mother’ then at the equipment.  He wasn’t sure.  It all looked enticing but he was not sure about the other children.  Jill gently placed Madison on his feet.  He clutched at her legs while watching the other children.  He saw Tyler appear at the top of a fort before vanishing landing in a laughing heap at the bottom of a slide.  Jill giggled at his antics joining Lorie in the amusement. Jill leaned closer to Lorie.

“Is Tyler wearing nappies?” she ventured to ask in a low tone not wanting to embarrass her friend or appear too nosey.


“Oh isn’t he a little old to be,” inquired Jill.

“Yes he is but I won’t let him go to public bathrooms by himself.  And he refuses to let me take him to the ladies,” explained Lorie with a chuckle. “It’s okay when Jason is with us he’ll take him to the men’s but when he’s out with me it’s different so I just put him in a nappy that way I take him to the baby change when I take Kate.”

“Doesn’t he object?” asked Jill a little surprised.

“No not really.  He’s still in night nappies so to him it’s no big deal.  I suppose I’ll have to ease up once he gets to school age because he’ll have to use the school facilities,” replied Lorie somewhat matter-of-factly.  Jill nodded in understanding. There wasn’t much Jill could say or do to counter Lorie’s treatment of her son because, after all, her ‘son’ was actually ten years old and not the baby being portrayed.

Madison still clung to his ‘mother’.  One thing was certain though he could feel an impending bowel movement.  Presently Tyler appeared again and ran up to his mother.

“Mummy! Mummy! It’s fun!” he shouted.  Lorie grabbed her son before he knocked his sister over.

“Slow down darling,” she said smiling at her son’s exuberance. “That’s great!”  The boy was flushed and looking excitedly at his mother.  He started to dash towards the playground when Lorie caught him. “Why don’t you take Madison sweetie?” she asked.  Both boys looked at each other.

“That’s a good idea,” cut in Jill.  Madison didn’t think so, so clung tighter to her. “Go on darling you go with Tyler,” Jill coaxed gently.

“Just be careful Tyler he’s not rough like you.  He’s a baby,” warned his mother.  Tyler tentatively approached Jill and Madison then took Madison’s hand pulling him towards the equipment.  Initially Madison resisted but the boy was determined so he complied and waddled away looking back at his ‘mother’ as he did so.  Lorie was pleased. “Aww isn’t that sweet,” she gushed.  Suddenly she sprang forward and grabbed Kate who heading towards the exit. “Oh no you don’t miss muffet,” she giggled as she carried the struggling little girl back towards Jill.


.!!!” screeched the toddler not wanting to be impeded by her mother.

“God you’ve got to have eyes in the back of your head with this one. She’s got no fear the little toad,” Lorie informed Jill as her daughter struggled and screeched in her arms. “If I put you down missy you stay with Mummy,” Lorie said to her daughter.  The baby girl giggled as Lorie put her down.  Little Kate toddled towards the playground but with each step she watched her mother hoping for a chance to slip away again.

Jill was watching the play equipment.  Tyler had dragged Madison through one of the tunnels.  She was anxious about how he would cope.  It was apparent to her that he was very clingy, almost a ‘mummy’s boy’ but that was what she wanted.  Finally he appeared at the top of a slide.  She watched as he slid down and landed with thump on the floor.  Madison let out a squeal.  Jill raced to him and picked him up cuddling him close.  He was panting but appeared unhurt.  Very soon a red faced Tyler was at her feet giggling.  Madison started giggling too.  He was enjoying himself.  Jill was so relieved.  She put him on his feet.  Madison toddled towards the ladder then stopped.  Jill watched as Madison’s face grew intense.


Madison clung to his mother.  Tyler was trying coaxed him to take on the equipment but he was apprehensive.  Also his bowel was demanding attention.  Suddenly Tyler grabbed his hand and although he tried to resist he was dragged to a tunnel and pushed through.  Panic set in as
Madison found himself in the confined space.  The tunnel was stifling with the lingering smell of stale child sweat and stale clothing clinging to the walls.  He could hear the shrieks and screams of other children clearing enjoying themselves in other parts of the maze.  He had no choice but move on further onto the apparatus.  Tyler was following behind cajoling and pushing.  Finally he reached an opening and his heart lurched as he realised how high up he was.  He could see his ‘mother’ on the ground below talking to Lorie and looking about for him as well.  He really wanted to poop badly now.  He panicked as he was pushed by Tyler down the slope.  The wind appeared to rush past his face and everything became a blur as he careered down the slope to land with a bump at the bottom. 

He squealed when suddenly the reassuring hands of his ‘mother’ gathered him to her bosom.  He felt so relieved.  The giggling of Tyler near him stirred his senses when he realised that it was fun despite his fears.  He started to giggle as well more out nervousness than anything.  A reassuring kiss from his ‘mother’ and he was planted on his feet.  He watched Tyler scurry away again and decided to follow but with more circ-umspection this time.  He had just reached the ladder when his bowel erupted and warm poop oozed into his nappy.

Jill was stirred from her attention on where Tyler had gone and her eyes fell on her ‘baby’.

“I’d recognise that look anywhere,” giggled Lorie.

“Oh god baby not now,” Jill breathed.

“Oh you know the drill Jill anywhere, anytime,” Lorie continued to giggle.

“Yeah I know Lorie.  Now it looks like I’ve a messy bum to clean,” said Jill trying to make light of the situation.  She watched as Madison stood motionless with the tell-tale look of a baby filling his pants.  Secretly she was pleased.  This basic babyish behaviour was the perfect reinforcement of his baby situation.  Madison was playing his part with aplomb.

Madison was oblivious to his surroundings.  His only focus was to get rid of the waste his body didn’t need.  He grunted and pushed adding more mess to his nappy.  Madison didn’t mind poopy nappies.  He was used to them now.  He knew his ‘mother’ would lovingly change him.  He knew all too well it was an essential part of his life now.  He was, after all, a baby.  He knew his ‘mother’ would be pleased.  Madison felt his bladder empty as well.  Eventually his bowel felt more comfortable.  Gingerly he waddled towards his ‘mother’ acutely aware of the mess smearing itself over his bottom.

“That reminds me I suppose I’d better check my two. I’m sure Kate will be wet and Tyler’s bound to be,” said Lorie rousing Jill from her musings. 

Finally Tyler appeared.  “Tyler!” called Lorie. “Come here dear.”  Tyler heard his name being called and headed towards his mother. 

Jill smiled adoringly as her ‘baby boy’ waddled towards her.  When
Madison reached her she lovingly caressed his head.

“Was that fun sweetheart?” she asked.  Madison looked up at her his dummy still firmly in his mouth.  He wanted to tell her that he had pooped his nappy but he was a baby so he would wait until she detected the odour or decided to do a check.  Jill leaned over her boy. “Aww Maddie have you got poopy nap-naps baby.  Here Mummy check,” said Jill caressing the seat of his pants.  She undid the straps to his trouser then pulled the back of them out.  Madison stood patiently his face close to her chest as she stooped over him.  He could detect the odour of milk and wanted more.  He touched her breast as Jill pulled out the back of his nappy.  She smiled to herself at his natural infantile desire. “Soon darling,” she cooed.  “Stand still angel.”  Jill peered down into the back of his nappy.  Her nose was hit by the pungent odour of fresh poop.  She could see the yellowy-brown concoction smeared over the white cloth and his buttocks.  She let the nappy go and refastened his trousers.  Standing up she raised her eyebrows at Lorie who was watching then sighed.


“Sure is, aren’t you angel,” chuckled Jill.  By this time Tyler was nearing his mother.

“Whatcha want Mummy?” he asked.

“Come here sweetie Mummy wants to check your nappy.”

“I’m okay Mummy,” he responded.

“You may be okay but I want to check now come here,” Lorie said with more edge to her voice.  Tyler recognised the sign and stood in front of his mother.  Her face softened and so did her tone. “Have you got wet nappies sweetie?” she asked sweetly.

“Yes Mummy but
” he responded.

“But what dear?”

“I gotta go poos too Mummy,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Oh okay sweetie.  You go poo-poos in your nappy then Mummy can change you.  Auntie Jill has to change Madison and Mummy has to change your sister,” Lorie explained.

“But Mummy

“It’s okay sweetie Mummy won’t be cross,” she said sweetly to her son. 

Jill was amused by the exchange.  Lorie was encouraging her near five year old to fill his nappy.

“Okay,” replied Tyler. “Mummy has Madison done poos?”

“Yes he has sweetie, now come on,” she said holding out her hand.  Jill picked up Madison while Lorie took Tyler over to where Kate was playing.  She picked up her struggling daughter and headed back to the strollers. 

Jill kissed Madison affectionately on his cheek as she followed. “Is Maddie a stinky baby?” she said playfully nuzzling his neck.  Madison giggled then looked at his ‘mother’ and shook his head.  Jill laughed. “I think you are baby.  Yes I do.”

By the time she reached the stroller Lorie was placing Kate in hers.  The small girl was protesting the whole time.  Tyler stood beside his mother. 
Jill decided to leave her stroller by the seats and grab Madison’s nappy bag.

Just then Tyler whined to his mother. “Mummy
” Then stopped and started to grunt.  Jill watched as the four year old’s face coloured up as he pushed to fill his nappy.  Lorie looked at her son. 

“Good boy,” she praised. 

After a couple more pushes Tyler regained his composure. “I pooed Mummy like you said.”

“Yeah thanks Tyler I needed to know that,” smirked Lorie.  Grabbing her son’s hand she said, “Right let’s change some bottoms then we can have lunch.”  And they headed towards the baby change rooms. Jill followed with Madison in her arms and a nappy bag over her shoulder.

The room was large, spacious and brightly lit.  There were a series of brown vinyl benches, some hand basin, two large couches and two toilet cubicles.

“You go first Jill while I sort out these two.”

Jill took the nearest bench and laid Madison down.  Madison looked at Jill as she leaned over him.  He felt at ease.  He should have felt self-conscious especially after having messed his nappy in public but being in her presence filled him with confidence and reassurance.  He allowed his legs to flop open as Jill gathered the things she needed.  Meanwhile Lorie was arranging two sets of nappies for her children.

“Right My Poopy Britches,” she remarked to Tyler as she picked him up and laid him on the bench next Madison.

“I sorry Mummy,” Tyler whimpered and he started to cry.  Madison watched for Lorie’s reaction as he felt his ‘mother’ widened his legs and start undoing the button in the inner legs and crotch of his trousers. Lorie appeared to be surprised by her son’s reaction.

“Awww no darling don’t cry Mummy’s not cross sweetheart,” she soothed leaning over her son and kissing his teary face. “Mummy’s only joking sweetie.”  Tyler tried to wipe the tears away with his hands. “Tyler can be quite sensitive,” Lorie quietly remarked to Jill.  She turned to her son.  “Come on honey it’s alright.  You show Mummy what a good boy you are and lie still,” she soothed.

“Am I big boy?” he whimpered.

“Of course you are darling.  You’re Mummy’s big helpful boy, aren’t you?”  Lorie said trying to placate her son. “You’re always a good boy for Mummy, aren’t you?” she continued easing his shorts down.

Madison watched as the pair of black shorts exposed a pair of clear plastic pants hiding a thick cloth nappy.  He could feel his own plastic pants being opened.

“See Tyler look at Madison his Mummy’s changing his nappy.  You show him how good helpful boys behave,” said Lorie trying to reassure her son.  Tyler looked at Madison.  Madison averted his gaze and focused on Jill.  She was just removing his nappy pins.  She smiled reassuringly at him.

“Who’s a good baby boy?” she cooed to him.  Madison smiled around his dummy.  He was of course.  He was trying to be the best baby in the world.  Madison glanced back towards Tyler as his mother was unpinning his thick cloth nappy.  As Jill raised his legs to clean his bottom so too did Lorie.  She had Tyler’s legs over his tummy and was wiping his bottom.  Madison could see the brown mess smeared over the other boy’s nappy. 
Of course the smell from both boys filled the room.  Meanwhile Kate was protesting in her stroller.

Finally Jill cleaned Madison’s bottom, smeared it with baby oil and baby powder before slipping a fresh nappy under his upturned posterior.  Madison sighed as he felt the thick warm soft cloth being pulled up between his legs.  Jill smiled at him acknowledging his desire.  She now knew that Madison liked and wanted his nappies.  Finally it was snugly pinned in place, the plastic pilchers were domed in place and his trouser pulled down and all the buttons closed.  Madison watched as Lorie pinned another nappy on Tyler, slipped his plastic pants in place followed by his shorts. 

“There,” sad Lorie picking her son up and giving him a warm cuddle. “All better sweetie.”  The boy nodded and smiled at his mother.  “Now you wait beside Mummy while I change your sister.”  At the same time Jill finished with Madison.  She picked him up and placed him on his feet.  He clutched at her while she packed everything away and washed her hands.  When Jill was satisfied that everything had been accounted for she sat on one of the couches.  Madison followed and clambered up beside her. He crawled on to her lap.  Jill cradled him and opened her blouse again.  Madison grew excited as the luscious breast came into view.  He latched onto the nipple and started drawing out the warm milk.

Jill watched as Tyler sidled up to her and looked Madison nurse.  The boy was captivated by the sight.  Jill smiled at the boy.  Tyler reached out to
touch her breast then pulled his hand away.

“It’s okay sweetie you can touch,” she whispered to him.

“Tyler! Are you being a nuisance,” Lorie stated.

Tyler jumped and looked at his mother. “No Mummy,” he replied.

“It’s alright Lorie he’s just watching Madison,” Jill reassured.

“Mummy da baby is suc-king da boobie,” stated Tyler.

“Tyler come here and don’t be nosey,” beckoned Lorie.

“He’s okay Lorie,” Jill reassured her.  “He’s just curious.”  Lorie came over to the couch.

“Come on sweetie you let Madison have his drink. Do you want a drink?”

“Not boobie,” cut in Tyler.  Both women laughed and Lorie picked up her son.

“Come on scamp,” she chided lovingly cuddling her son. “Of course not boobie but Mummy’s got a bottle if you want that?”  The boy nodded. 

Lorie put Tyler down and rummaged in a bag under the stroller taking out two baby’s bottles, one had milk in and the other juice. “Here sweetie,” she said offering Tyler the bottle with the juice in.  He took it and immediately started guzzling on the teat.  She gave the other one to Kate who did the same.  “Right!  Some lunch,” announced Lorie.

“I’ll be with you in a moment,” replied Jill.

“It’s okay take your time I know Madison needs a feed,” acknowledged Lorie. “I’ll get some lunch arranged especially for these monkeys,” said Lorie referring to her own children. “What can I get you?”

“Don’t worry about me,” retorted Jill.

“Nonsense,” replied Lorie. “I insist.  I don’t want to hear another word.” 

Jill shrugged and Lorie left the changing room with her two children.

The room was now quiet.  Jill was at last alone with Madison.  She leaned over and nuzzled his ear.  Madison smiled and wriggled keeping the nipple firmly in his mouth not wanting to interrupt the flow.

“You’ve been a good boy this morning,” she cooed.  This comment made Madison feel good inside. “You’ve been a perfect baby for me,” she continued. “Lorie accepts you as a baby which is good,” Jill stated.  Madison opened his mouth wider taking more nipple in and continued to suc-kle making little snorts and snuffles. “Is Mummy’s milk good darling?” she said softly.  Madison nodded.  As far as he was concerned it was.  Jill placed her fingers on her breast to extract it.  Madison started to whimper. “I know angel but you can have some more when we get out to the table.  Mummy needs her lunch too you know,” she smiled lovingly at her baby.  Madison reluctantly released the nipple.  Jill tucked it into her nursing bra and rearranged her shirt.  Placing Madison on his feet she took his hand and the nappy bag and slowly exited the room with Madison toddling beside her.

Jill reached the tables they had left earlier.  Lorie’s was waiting beside her stroller. She had placed her stroller next to it with Kate lying inside drinking her bottle. 

“Can you watch Kate while get some lunch,” she asked.

“Sure thing,” replied Jill.  She noticed Tyler clutching his mother’s hand while stilling suc-king on his bottle.  He seemed unperturbed by the fact.  Lorie left with Tyler in tow.

Jill checked on Kate and the small girl smiled at her kicking her legs. 

“You’re a gorgeous wee thing aren’t you,” remarked Jill in a tender tone rubbing the small girl’s leg.


  • Princess
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Lost Souls
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2012, 05:04:11 AM »
Chapter 39

Jill seated herself again to wait for Lorie.  Madison wanted to clamber up onto her lap again. Jill knew what he wanted.

“Come on darling I know what you want,” said Jill lifting the boy into place.  Madison leaned back in her arms and waited while his ‘mother’ released her other breast.  Jill smiled adoringly at the boy as he nuzzled in and started nursing.  Jill sighed.  She loved breast feeding. It made her feel fulfilled.  She always enjoyed feeding Bethany but feeding Madison was different.  His suc-k was so much stronger almost orgasmic.  Jill firmly believed that her bond with Madison was getting stronger and stronger each day.

By the time Lorie returned with Tyler in tow Madison had taken enough milk and was sitting on his ‘mother’s’ lap.  As Lorie set down the trays Jill removed Madison’s woolly hat and fluffed up his flattened hair.  Tyler waddled towards Jill.

“Look what I dot,” he exclaimed waving a large gingerbread man cookie in front of Jill.

Jill smiled at the boy. “Aren’t you a lucky boy,” she gushed.

“Me like dis,” he remarked taking a bite and dropping crumbs to the floor.  Kate let out a shriek from the stroller which got Lorie’s attention.

“I haven’t forgotten about you,” she said to her young daughter. “Now Jill I took the liberty of getting you a muffin and tea, I hope that’s okay?”

“Sure that’ll be great.”

“Now I also got Madison the same as Tyler.  My kids like them,” Lorie explained.

“Sure he’ll be happy with that, won’t you baby?” Jill cooed to her boy.

Soon everyone was happily engaged in lunch.  Madison suc-ked and chewed on the spicy biscuit.  It had been long time since he had eaten anything like this, not since his own mother was alive.  He enjoyed it, ignoring the fact that he was dropping crumbs and dribbling bits of biscuit as he ate.  He was trying to eat like a baby and thought he was doing a great job.

Jill and Lorie talked about the trials and tribulations of toddlers over lunch while the children munched away quietly. Occasionally Kate would let out a squeal then look at everyone for attention. Jill was amazed by the change in attitude from Lorie.  When she first met her when Bethany was tiny and Tyler a baby only a few months old, Jill had noticed how uptight Lorie was with Tyler.  How fastidious she was with him and how firm she was in the belief that her baby was not going wear cloth nappies and how he was going to be toilet trained by two.  How he was going eat proper food and not that processed rubbish.  And as for takeaways they were definitely off the menu.  Jill was amused as she reflected on the present the shift in belief and attitude was apparent.  She was more laid back and didn’t appear phased about putting her four old in nappies or even stressing over what he was eating.  Even her attitude to Kate was different.  When Tyler was small she didn’t like him getting dirty and became frustrated when he spat food out.  To see her now with Kate ignoring how messy she was getting her clothes was good to see.  There was one question jiggling around in her mind – why was Lorie now using cloth nappies when she was so dead against them?

As the conversation started to peter out and Jill focused on Madison and putting stray pieces of biscuit in his mouth she decided to ask her friend.

“Tell me Lorie I’m intrigued how come you are using cloth nappies?  I thought you hated them.”

Lorie chuckled.  â€œYeah you’re right I did hate them.  Thought they were a lot of work.  I know you swear by them, but I wasn’t,” she replied.

“Yes I do,” retorted Jill.  â€œBut why the change?”

“Well it’s like this,” responded Lorie leaning forward to pick a piece of biscuit off Tyler’s sweatshirt. “I have been whinging and moaning to Jason about wanting a big holiday and he said to me if I can cut down on one thing he would not take a car and bike to work instead so I took him up on the challenge.  You know me Jill I’m up for any challenge,” laughed Lorie.  â€œWell
anyway I decided to look at the grocery bill to see if I could cut anything from there that’s when I discovered that I was spending up to $50 a week on disposable nappies especially when you have a baby as well as a little boy still in night nappies.  So I decided to buy some cloth nappies.  It cost a lot for the initial outlay.  Mind you I bought 6 dozen so I suppose it was a bit over the top, but anyway I haven’t looked back.  I put away the money I was spending on disposables and at my last count I had saved over $500, so I was over the moon.  Jason’s kept his part so our holiday fund is coming along quite nicely,” recounted Lorie.

“And how have the children responded?” inquired Jill wrapping her arms tighter around Madison.

“Fine.  Kate certainly quick to tell me if she needs a change which is good because I think potty training her will be easy and as for rascal here
” paused Lorie to pull her son into a cuddle and kiss him on the head. “He doesn’t seem to care.  I find I have to change him through the night which I didn’t with disposables.  But I have noticed that he doesn’t get the nappy rash he used to get with them and I put that down to the lack of chemicals and the fact that I’m more vigilant when it comes to changing him.  As I said Tyler is only in night nappies, oh of course apart from when I take him out,” remarked Lorie.  

By this time Lorie was attending to Kate and Tyler had finished his biscuit and decided to crawl up on the chair beside Jill.  Madison was starting to grow a bit restless.  For some reason he was tired although he couldn’t understand how or why because he hadn’t really done anything.  Jill sensed this and decided it was time to get him home.  He had been out in the public long enough.  Fortunately she had not seen any policemen to heighten her or his anxiety.  She shifted Madison until he was cuddled against her front with his head on her shoulder.  He sighed as his felt his nappy grow warm and wet.

“I think I’ll get going Lorie,” remarked Jill as she patted her ‘baby’s’ bottom.  â€œMadison’s due for a sleep.”

“Yeah sure I’ve got to get these two home.  Kate needs a sleep and I’ll try to encourage Tyler to do the same although I don’t like my chances,” she chuckled.  Tyler slipped off his chair and crossed to his mother who picked him up for a cuddle.

“Look it’s been lovely to catch up,” said Jill. “We must do this again,” she suggested.

“Yes we must now we’ve got back together,” agreed Lorie as she was sorting out Kate in her stroller.

Both women parted amicably with an agreement to meet again.  Jill fastened Madison in his stroller.  As she pushed it slowly through the shopping precinct Madison started to doze.  The next he knew he was being gathered out of his car seat. Madison looked around somewhat startled.  They were back home. He buried his face into his ‘mother’s’ neck as he was carried inside.  He was still sleepy and Jill could tell by his limp body.  He knew his nappy was wet again.  Of course this was nothing unusual.  Madison could feel her gently rub his back as he was carried through the house and down to the nursery – his nursery.

” he moaned.

“Shhhh I know angel Mummy will soon have her baby in his bed,” she cooed softly.

Lying him on the changing table she set about slowly and methodically removing his clothes.  Madison rolled and fidgeted on the table.  He rubbed his eyes and yawned.  He couldn’t understand how he was so sleepy.  Jill cast an eye over him.  His behaviour and movement were definitely baby-like.  One by one his trousers, sweatshirt, shoes, and shirt joined the growing pile of baby clothing.  Jill leaned over her baby.

“Is wee Maddie a sleepy baby,” she crooned.  

He held his arms up. “Mama,” he moaned.

“It won’t be long precious.  Mummy just change her wee boy’s naps and then he can have some more sleep.”

Jill opened the pilcher.  She smiled to herself.  His nappy was yellow with pee.  That’s my baby she mused.  The nappy was unpinned, Madison wriggled as the cool wipes touched his nappy area, and within minutes he was powdered and repinned into a warm, soft dry nappy again.  Jill refastened his pilcher.  Slipping her arms under his armpits he was lifted and cuddled in her arms.  Madison rubbed his face over her shirt then laid his head on her shoulder.  Patting his padded bottom she carried him over to the cot and laid him on the soft mattress.  Immediately Madison rolled over until he was lying on his stomach.  He felt Jill rub his nappied bottom.  Jill covered him with the quilt.  By the time she lifted the side of the cot Madison’s eyes were fluttering.  Jill was sure he was asleep by the time she left the darkened nursery.


  • Princess
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  • Posts: 56
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Lost Souls
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2013, 05:43:25 AM »
Greetings everyone.  I hope everyone had a great Christmas and the new year rewards you with all your hopes and desires.  Now for another instalment.

Part 40

Slowly Madison opened his eyes again.  He sighed.  He felt warm and cosy.  He wriggled under the quilt.  He felt his wet nappy slither over his bottom.  Madison noticed he was still lying on his stomach basically in the same position when he had been tucked in sometime beforehand.  Madison could vaguely remember being carried through the house, having his nappy changed and being snugly tucked into his cot.
He looked around his environment.  It was his cot now, his baby bed.  He suc-ked his dummy as his mind replayed the events at the mall.  He smiled to himself.  He had put on a convincing display.  The other woman honestly thought he was a baby although she did remark that he was bigger than your normal two year old but she seemed to happily accept his ‘mother’s’ explanation. Madison knew his ‘Mummy’ was pleased with him.  He could sense it in her voice, feel it in her tender touch, warm embrace and soothing words.

His dummy played over his tongue.  It was so soothing and comforting; certainly better than suc-king a thumb.  He sighed again and allowed his fingers to lightly play over the bars of his cot.  He wriggled again, turned his head so he was facing the pad which covered the bars on the other side.  His eyes studied the panorama of pinks, whites, yellows and other pastel colours of ponies, rabbits and other furry animals.  It was a pad more suited to a baby girl but what did it matter.  He was a baby so, he supposed, it suited him. He hadn’t really taken any notice of it until now. The more he studied it the more he liked it.

Madison was comfortable, not only in the cot but in the house and now in this new family.  He lay contentedly for a long time allowing his thoughts, visions and feelings to course through his mind.  For the first time in many years he felt wanted and nurtured. Sure, he felt that with his real mother but, of course, he had been robbed of her.  He allowed his legs to part as he dug his knees into the soft cot mattress.  As he did so he gave a reflex grunt and slimy poop oozed into his nappy gathering between his legs and behind his nut sack.  Madison could feel in slither out of his poo-hole.  He stopped suc-king his dummy as a trance took hold of him.  You know the trance of the pooping baby look.  The fixed faraway look of ecstasy as the motion evacuated itself.  Madison pushed himself slightly off the mattress with his hands and grunted again, more audibly this time, then panted before pushing and grunting with more effort.  His nappy continued to fill and his bladder emptied its contents as well.  Madison’s bowel still felt it had more to give.  He panted rocking slowly back and forth until he pushed again with more vigour, more effort and louder grunts until the flow subsided then he sank back onto the mattress satisfied with his effort and continued to survey the scene on the pad.  He surreptitiously wriggled his bottom inside his humid nappy and felt the slime and ooze move coating more of his bottom in the fetid mess.  He sighed.  He was content.  Madison didn’t feel naughty or embarrassed.  He was pleased.  His bowel certainly felt more comfortable and he didn’t care what condition his nappy or bottom was in.  After all he was a baby.  Finally he turned his head to face the open bars and was surprised to see his ‘mother’ standing there.


Jill had been busy folding the vast quantities of nappies she had managed to get dry.  At her last count there were thirty-three clean white nappies ready for use.  She smiled to herself at how much washing her ‘new baby’ had generated.  She was pleased.  This confirmed in her mind that she was a great mother.  Good mothers, as far as she was concerned, took great care of their babies so generating a lot of washing.  She did a quick mental calculation of how many nappies Madison was using each day. 
She raised her eyebrows then stroked the fluffy raised nap of one before she folded it.  Her baby was using more than eighteen a day she smiled to herself. 

Jill had already glanced in on Madison three times since she had put him down for his sleep.  Each time she noted he hadn’t moved from where she had first placed him.  Moreover she noted how peaceful and serene he looked; almost at peace with himself and the world.  In fact she was sure she detected a slight smile of happiness behind his dummy.   She glanced at the kitchen clock as she placed the last folded nappy on the acc-umulated pile.  It was nearly 4.30.  She didn’t want him to sleep much more or he wouldn’t sleep that night.  Jill decided she’d do one last check.

Silently she made her way down the hall and ever so carefully pushed the door to the nursery open.  The room was dim with its closed drapes but certainly not totally dark.  Picking her foot falls carefully she made her way across towards the cot and stopped looking at her baby.  He was facing away from her looking at the designs and picture on the bumper pad.  She could see his fingers tracing one of the pictures and examining the texture of the material.  He looked gorgeous.  Then she saw his bottom rise slightly as his feet moved under the quilt and heard the unmistakeable sound of a baby filling its nappy: her baby filling his nappy.  Jill put a hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle that was threatening to spring forth.  As far as she was concerned it was so cute.  She watched spellbound as the quilt moved and the little padded bottom wiggled.  She heard the pants followed a firmer and more forceful grunt.  Sudden she saw him rise on his hands, head slightly down, dummy bobbling furtively in his mouth as he bore down on his tummy and grunted again this time with more force and louder. Jill smiled broadly as his head dipped until his forehead rested on the mattress as he panted and gave one more concerted grunt before slipping down onto the mattress to continue fingering the pattern on the pad.  It was a gratifying sight to see her little boy, her ‘new baby’ fill his nappy like it was the most natural thing to do.  She drew nearer to the cot just as Madison turned his head.

Madison tried not to look startled.  How long had she been there?  He didn’t hear her enter.  Had she just witnessed his infantile display?  Madison felt a hot blush of temporary embarrassment at what he had just done, rise up his face.  He could feel the bulky sticky mass pressing over his bottom as his nappy stuck to him.  He tried to remain nonchalant.

Madison looked at the beaming face of his new ‘mother’ and smiled around his dummy.

“Hello beautiful,” Jill cooed as she started to lower the side of the cot.  Madison raised his hand to her.  Jill took it caress his fingers. “My gorgeous boy’s had a big sleep, haven’t you darling?”  Madison wriggled.  Jill let his fingers slip and caressed his warm head. “Gosh what a lovely warm baby,” she crooned.  Madison rubbed his face into the soft mattress.
Jill left the crib and retrieved all the necessary items to change his nappy.  She knew she had poopy nappy to change.  She thought it was sweet that Madison had tried to remain nonchalant at what he had done.  That was proof to her that he was settling into his baby place very well.  She dumped the supplies at the end of the crib.  Madison watched her the whole time.  It surprised him that she wanted to change him while lying in the crib.  Goose pumps rippled over his skin as he realised that that action would regress him even further into babyhood.  He smiled to himself. He didn’t care. He liked being a baby.  It made him feel wanted and that was all he wanted or was it?

Jill peeled the quilt away revealing her baby.  Madison shivered slightly as the warm cocoon was removed and cooler air flowed over his skin.

“Come on my angel turn over so Mummy can change your nappy,” Jill said warmly as she helped roll Madison on to his back.  Immediately Madison allowed his legs to flop open leaving the soaked and messy cloth bunched between his legs. “Did Mummy’s baby have a good sleep?” she cooed.  Madison nodded.  He had.  Madison detected the poopy aroma wafting from him so surely his ‘mother’ would know what he had done.  Jill smelt the odour as soon as she turned Madison over.  She smiled at him and was secretly thrilled with his babyish condition.  Everything was tracking nicely as far as she was concerned.  Madison was slowly and steadily regressing to full baby status. She patted the mound between his legs and Madison automatically tried to close his legs but of course with the packed wet cloth bunched between them it was a futile operation. “I think my baby’s got poo-poo pants for his Mummy, hasn’t he?” she crooned. “Let Mummy see darling.”

Slowly Jill undid the pilcher and fanned it out.  Madison’s nappy was soaked.  Deftly she removed the nappy pins and pulled the urine soaked cloth away from his groin.  He was a foul stinky mess. “My, my baby you have been busy in your nap-naps for Mummy, haven’t you?” she said sweetly with happiness dripping through her voice.  She wasn’t angry at him just pleased.  He had done what she wanted and had expected.  Madison was relieved with tenor of her voice.  Carefully and methodically she cleaned him up, removed the foul garment and after a generous massage of baby oil and powder a fresh clean nappy was pinned in place.  Jill left Madison lying in the crib while she disposed of everything and washed her hands.

Madison watched her leave with his dirty nappy and all the other items but made no attempt to move.  He continued to lie in his crib and wait for her return.  He was content.

Jill returned a few minutes later and Madison had not moved from where she had left him in his crib.  Leaning over him she smiled.

“Is my baby going to get up?” she said sweetly.  Madison lifted his arms to meet her.  He wanted to be lifted.  Jill obliged lifting him out of the crib, giving him a warm cuddle then depositing him on his feet.  Taking his hand she guided him out of the nursery. 

Madison waddled beside his ‘mother’ down the hall and into the warmth of the lounge.  He dropped to his knees and crawled across the carpet to the mound of toys in the centre of the floor.  Jill watched with pride and pleasure as his padded bottom wiggled as he crawled away from her. She entered the kitchen to prepare his dinner.

Madison sat on the lounge floor surrounded by the toys.  His dummy bobbled in his mouth as he fingered a soft toy beside him.  His attention was caught by the swaying trees beyond the window.  Madison twisted around and then crawled over to the glass.  Using the couch near him he pulled himself to his feet and pressed his face close to the cool glass.  White and grey clouds were scuttling across the sky.  The wind whipped the trunks and branches of the trees and shrubs around the garden. It had already begun to strip some of the tree bare of their leafy mantle.  Madison ignored his toddler-like appearance mirrored in the glass.  He was looking for something or someone.

Occasionally the swift movement of leaves driven by the wind caught his eye then he watched as tiny eddies caused the leaves to swirl and bank up in corners of the garden or under trees. Suddenly a flash and flit of feathers caught his eye.  There it was his favourite little fantail flitting to and fro in haphazard lines amongst the branches and leaves.  Its unpredictable flitting path kept Madison spellbound.  What was it looking for?  He didn’t know.  Would it find what it?  Again, he didn’t know.  Maybe it was like him hunting for something it had lost.  Madison had lost the dearest thing to his heart – his mother.  His search for her would be endless and consume his psyche. Would he find a mother?  Maybe he had but he wasn’t sure.  Maybe that was what the little grey bird was looking for as well. Perhaps it had lost its mother and was desperately looking for one.  Madison sighed.  He felt like that little feathery creature flitting around in his mind looking, looking, looking, searching, searching, searching in an endless internal journey.  Madison felt his very being was lost, his soul was lost and he knew not where to look.  Sure he had found a haven.  The warmth and security this haven was providing and beginning to satisfy his hunger for acceptance but he wanted his mother; his real mother.  Madison also knew that that was a forlorn hope.  She was dead but that still didn’t stop him from pining for her.  This other woman, this Jill, she appeared to be a mother, or had been.  Would she be what he was looking for?  Would she take the place of his mother?  Would she be the same?  He wanted her to be the same as his mother because his mother’s touch, voice and warmth was all he had left to use as a basis for comparison.  So far some of the things were slowly fitting together.  This Jill was starting to compare.  ‘Please little bird help me find what I am looking for,’ he mused. ‘Is it safe here? You seem to like this garden so maybe it is safe,’ Madison thought to himself.  Time will tell. He sighed and as he did so his nappy suddenly grew warm and wet.

Jill turned away from the bench to see what her ‘baby’ was up to.  She smiled to herself as she watched him gazing out the window.  ‘What was he looking at or for?’ she wondered.  What she certainly knew was that a visit to the local market was a must.  Her fresh food stocks were low.  That would be tomorrow’s task.  Jill loved visiting the Scargill market, not only for its fresh produce but also the other items of interest that were present.  What she knew to was that it would be crowded because it was exceedingly popular.  It was a very public place where strangers were in close proximity, thus Madison would have to blend in.  She knew exactly how and what form that would take.


  • Princess
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Lost Souls
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2013, 11:37:59 PM »
Sorry for the delay in posting more.  Here's another instalment of the Jill and Madison saga, apologises it is so short.

Part 41

Madison lay on the soft blanket and revelled in the warmth from the fire cocooning his naked body.  He had just had a deliciously warm bath.  His skin was soft, damp and pink.  His ‘mother’ was kneeling close to him preparing his clothing.  He wriggled and his fingers explored his small tool.  The nipple of his dummy danced over his tongue.  ‘It was amazing,’ he thought to himself, ‘I have to have it.  My mouth feels empty with it.  It is so comforting.’  His suc-ked more vigorously.  Madison liked the way the shield slapped against his moist lips.  He watched his ‘mother’ fold a nappy, his nappy.  Nappies were now something he couldn’t do without.  His control of both his bladder and bowel had gone.

Jill smiled at her pink little boy lying before her.  Typical boy, she thought, always checking his peenie to see if it’s altered.  She recalled Tyler doing the same when Lorie changed him while in Jill’s presence. Jill lifted Madison’s rear off the soft blanket by the ankles and slipped the freshly folded nappy into position placing his bottom in place she picked up the baby powder.  Madison already had his legs open waiting for his nappy.  Jill smiled indulgingly at his infantile behaviour.  Perfect, she thought, her baby was coming along nicely.  Brattling to him softly she pinned the nappy closed.  She watched as Madison half closed his eyes.  Yip, she mused definitely hooked now.  Slowly and methodically Jill slipped the rest of his night clothes in place, the yellow baby pants, the yellow woollen booties and finally the soft, fluffy nightie.  All Bethany’s of course but perfect for her baby.  Gently lifting Madison clear of the floor she enveloped him in her arms.

Madison felt deliciously warm.  Although he was dressed in baby girl night attire he didn’t care.  As far as he was concerned he was now nestled in his ‘mother’s’ warm embrace and that’s what he liked.  Jill could feel her baby nestle into her.  She allowed her hand to slip under his nightie and started caressing his bulky bottom.  Occasionally her fingers brushed the fluffy nappy caught outside his baby pants.  Jill didn’t bother tucking those ‘stray’ bits of nappy away she loved seeing those pieces showing.  It gave her goose bumps when she saw them.  It also gave her darling sweet Madison a more babyish look.

“Mmmmm such a beautiful smelling baby,” she murmured to him. 

Madison felt his inner self glow.  He rubbed face over Jill’s shoulder.  Slowly, while still on her knees she opened her shirt, and pushed up her lacy nursing bra.  Madison could feel her movements but choose to ignore them.  He felt his dummy being removed and tried to fight it.  Finally it plopped out.  Jill guided her damp nipple to Madison’s lips and pushed it there.  Madison gave a mewl of delight, took the proffered morsel and started suc-king. Soon his mouth was filling with his ‘mother’s’ creamy nectar.

Jill looked down at her nursing baby.  He was still partially propped up in the floor leaning into her his small body wriggling against her.  She placed a hand behind his head to support it the same way a mother supported her newborn.  Madison had his small arms partially around her waist and Jill’s other hand was supporting his bulky bottom.  She had never fed Bethany like this.  This was new.  Madison allowed his eyes to gravitate upwards and caught his ‘mother’s’ gaze.  Jill’s eyes met his and she saw the contented baby.  She noted his sensuous lips spread over her breast.  She hitched him slightly higher.  Jill passed her lips over Madison’s head inhaling his sweet baby aroma; the baby shampoo, the sweet baby powder, the lingering fragrance from the nightie and, of course, the scent of her milk.  It was all intoxicating. Jill felt so happy.  This was what she really was – a fantastic mother nurturing her sweet dear very contented baby.  Ever so gently she moved his legs from the floor and gradually lifted his small body until he was cradled in her arms.  Throughout the whole manoeuvre she hummed softly to him and kept, through her skill, her nipple in his mouth.

Madison was initially alarmed when he felt his legs being moved and his body briefly rotate.  He was relieved that through the whole process his ‘mother’s’ nipple remained in his mouth and her milk flow uninterrupted.  Madison also felt his eyes grow heavy as well.  He didn’t want this happen, he wanted to remain in her warm embrace, to feel the warmth radiating from her body, to hear her heart beat and wallow in her embrace, but above all he wanted her milk.  He knew he shouldn’t.  He was meant to be nearly ten but at the moment he was nowhere near that, and quite frankly he didn’t care.

Jill slowly stood up her baby firmly cradled in her arms. God he was a beautiful child.  Her mind kept swinging back to the thought.  Jill’s thinking wasn’t being coloured by the way she was treating him.  Sure Madison did look adorable but then so do all babies. No, it was apparent to her that if you stripped away the trappings of babyhood and looked at Madison, the individual, the child, the person; then he was a beautiful child.  His wavy blonde hair, the long black eyelashes, the deep brown eyes and the baby-soft pale skin all combined to give him an angelic appeal.  She couldn’t understand how anyone, especially his father, would want to harm and damage the boy.  Jill got the impression from little Madison said that his mother certainly doted on him.  It was evident that she valued her son’s angelic appearance.

Jill continued to hum to him as she slowly rocked him in her arms.  She noted how his nightie had ridden up exposing the fleeting glimpses of his nappy and the soft skin.  She watched with amusement how his long slender legs twitched and how he rubbed his bootied-feet together the same way a young baby would.  She noted to how his eyes seemed to flutter and his suc-king, always still firm; was gradually slowing.

Madison wriggled and as he did so his bladder spasmed and warm pee soaked the front of his nappy and wicked between his legs.  He ignored it and focused on getting all the milk he could.

Jill slowly walked down to the nursery.  Madison was sleepy she could see that.  She knew he’d be wet but resisted the urge to change him she’d do that later.  By the time she was standing beside his crib Madison’s eyes were closed.  She didn’t have the heart to remove her nipple. She could still feel him give the occasional furtive suc-ks but eventually they ceased.  Easing her nipple from his mouth she laid him in the crib.  Jill expected him to stir and protest but none was forthcoming.  Adjusting his nightie then wiping his mouth of excess milk with a tissue she eased his dummy between his lips.  He took it stretched and then relaxed.  She eased him onto his tummy, gave his nappied bottom several loving caresses before covering him with duvet and lifting the side of the cot.  Jill lingered for a few minutes gazing at her sleeping ‘baby’ and drinking in his image.  She lent over the crib rail and gently brushed a lock of hair on his brow.  He was deliciously warm and she smiled to herself when fidgeted and suc-ked vigorously on his dummy before setting.  God he was he adorable. She sighed and quietly left the room leaving her ‘baby’ to sleep.

As Jill busied herself in the lounge tidying away the baby rug and baby supplies she contemplated what she was going to dress him in the following day.  It was market day and she needed to replenish her stocks especially fresh produce now that she had a baby to nourish.  Jill knew she had to be extremely careful with Madison in so public a place.  The close proximity of people made recognising him a distinct possibility.  In her mind she ran through the wardrobe of clothes she had at her fingertips.  She had beautiful little girl’s clothes which she knew he’d look adorable in.  She was also mindful how he hated being dressed as a girl but in her mind desperate situations required desperate remedies.  The doubt which existed in her mind was how much opposition would Madison put up?  She didn’t want alienate him.  She certainly didn’t want him to resent her.  After having got him this far she didn’t want to sabotage it.  It would take careful and skilful work.  Jill thought she was up to the challenge.


  • Princess
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Re: Lost Souls
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2015, 12:50:54 AM »
Here we are everyone I've managed another chapter to my saga about Madison.  Hope you like it.  Sorry it's been a long time coming.

Part 42
About an hour later Jill stole into the nursery.  There was sufficient light from the dim night light to see what she wanted once her eyes grew accustomed to the dimness.  On impulse she padded softly across to the crib to check her ‘baby’.  She smiled adoringly at his supine form.  Madison had kicked off the duvet and rolled onto his back.  His small hands where beside his head, palms up, open. His nightie was bunched around his waist showing his pink tummy and very bulky nappy.  Madison’s legs were akimbo and Jill could make out the white of his nappy between his legs and around the backs of his thighs.  She resisted the urge to slip a finger inside his baby pants.  Jill knew he’d be wet but decided to wait until he woke later wanting comfort.  It had happened a couple of times already and Jill wanted it to become a nightly occurrence.  She wanted to have regular nightly feedings a firm part of his routine.  This was one of the avenues she intended to take to ensure that he was totally dependent on her.   
She sighed. ‘Gosh he’s a beautiful baby,’ she said to herself and wrapped her arms around herself.  She just wanted to pick him up then and there and cuddle him for ever but she resisted the urge as tempting as it may have seemed.  Carefully she slipped over to the double wardrobe and fossicked amongst the dresses and other items hanging on display.  She smiled to herself when she found what she wanted.  ‘Yes,’ she said to herself, ‘he’ll look adorable in this.’  Jill carefully laid it beside the changing table for the morning.  She selected several other items to go with it.  She thought they would match perfectly. Closing the doors quietly she stole another look at her sleeping baby, checked the baby monitor its green blinking light flashed reassuringly at her, before creeping quietly from the nursery pulling the door behind her.
She sauntered down the darkened hallway towards the lounge and the waiting basket of ‘baby’ laundry, her baby’s laundry.  Lovingly, and with exquisite care she carefully folded all the nappies ready for her baby, the bibs, and other clothes.  She cast an eye around the lounge and the soft glow from the fire illuminating it casting flicking shadows around the room.  She gazed at the row of nappies which hung stiffly from the airier drying.  She ran her fingers over a couple.  Not quite dry yet but they would be by the morning. Outside, she could hear the dull rustle of the trees as the cold wind shook their boughs.  Before leaving the room she checked the fire ensuring it would give continuous warmth throughout the night before retiring.
Madison’s eyes flickered and danced.  He was asleep, in a deep sleep but a troubled sleep.  Somewhere in the deep depths of his subconscious his bladder emptied its warm contents into his nappy ensuring the little boy was now very wet.  His pacifier bobbling furtively in his mouth as images coursed through his mind.  He tossed his head from side to side and whimpered as images of his leering, drunken father lurched towards him.
“Come ‘ere you fuc-king little shit,” he slurred as he shot a large hand towards the cowering boy.  Warm pee soaked his shorts from fright and he let a piercing scream.
Jill sat bolt upright as the piercing scream stabbed her consciousness.  She knew at once her ‘baby’ was in peril he needed her now.  She flew out of bed her warm feet scurrying across the cool carpeted floor and into the nursery.  She could hear and see her ‘baby’ tossing and turning, squealing and whimpering at some nightmarish image.  She fumbled with the crib locks until it dropped with a clatter.  She swooped into the crib and gathered up her troubled ‘infant’.  Madison mewled louder as Jill clutched him to her ample bosom.
Madison suddenly felt a lifting sensation which only increased his heightened agitation.  Someone had grabbed him, his father, the monster, who?  Then he became aware of a soothing murmur piercing his subconscious.
“Shhhh little one Mummy’s here baby...shhhhhh...there...there,” it soothed.
Madison blinked his sleepy eyes as he became aware of the now familiar smell of his ‘new’ mother. The familiar touch of those soft, maternal reassuring hands; the familiar warmth from the soft, calming body and the now familiar maternal scent of warm breasts and cosy nighties, all assailed his senses and stripped the nightmare from his consciousness.
“Mummy,” he whimpered.
Jill clutched her frightened, dream ravished baby to her chest wrapping her arms around him like a protective shell. “Mmmmm it’s Mummy my darling. You’re safe now little one. That nasty man won’t get you,” she murmured reassuringly to her baby.
Jill carried her little boy back to the warm haven of her bed gathering a dry nappy on the way.  She laid the frightened, whimpering boy on the soft bedding.  Madison sank onto soft mattress and let out a long sigh and started to weep softly.
“Make the man go away,” he wept.
Jill’s heart went out to the troubled, frightened little boy. “It’s alright my darling he won’t get my baby,” she soothed as she opened his baby pants. “You’re safe here with Mummy now.” Madison wriggled and squirmed almost as if he was trying to evade her careful ministrations. “Lie still little one,” she soothed. “Mummy needs to fix her little baby’s very wet nappy. Lie still little one.  Lie still. That’s a good baby,” she said very softly.
Madison obeyed the soft, lulling reassuring voice.  A voice he was now very familiar with, a voice of reason, calmness and reassurance, a voice of security and warmth, a voice belonging to his ‘new mother’, the woman who had given him shelter, given him hope and become his salvation. 
Jill noticed at once how his body had calmed and she was quick to praise him. “What a good baby aren’t you Maddie? Such a good baby for Mummy, aren’t you?” she cooed. “Yes you are. Yes you are,” she continued answering for him.
Madison could feel her reassuring fingers remove his baby pants and extract the nappy pins from the saturated cloth.  He felt the firmness of the wet cloth slacken around his hips then cool air hit his damp nappy area as the nappy was opened.
Jill was surprised at how wet he was, then again she was secretly pleased.  He was now totally nappy dependent at night and gradually heading that way during the day.  It was all part of her plan for him - total dependence on her.  “Awww...what a wet baby Mummy has, hasn’t she?” she crooned rhetorically as she wiped his bottom and boyhood with a couple of baby wipes.  Lifting his bottom clear of the bedding she slipped another warm, white, fluffy nappy in place, thoroughly creamed his bottom before dousing it in fragrant baby powder. 
Madison rubbed his eyes as he tried to focus on Jill’s face.  Through his sleepy haze he could see the reassuring countenance.  He noted to firm yet adoring demeanour as she pinned his nappy closed.  He sighed.  He felt safe.  Jill’s eyes flicked towards her baby and she smiled.  Madison smiled back. “Mummy,” he squeaked.
Jill’s heart leapt.  He was now calling her ‘Mummy’ which was what she wanted.  She was a ‘mummy’, a very good mummy, the best mummy in the world, the perfect mummy for him. “Yes my darling it’s Mummy,” she cooed in response.
Closing his baby pants she primped his nightie before lifting his warm limp body into her arms.  She carefully slipped into her now cool bed and laid her baby beside her. Jill had decided that he was going to stay with her the rest of the night. And hopefully he’d nurse off and on reinforcing his baby persona. Madison watched his ‘new’ mummy slip into bed beside him.  He wriggled on the mattress his thick freshly pinned on nappy slipping over his bottom.  He loved being with her, being wrapped in her arms, being cocoon from the outside world and its inherent dangers. He squirmed towards her as Jill made herself comfortable and placed the bed covers over both of them to regenerate the lost heat.
Jill smiled at her baby as she reached out to him and pulled him into her chest. “I know what my baby wants,” she said softly as she opened the front of her nightie revealing her milk laden mammary.
Madison found himself mewling with delight.  He didn’t mind breast milk now.  To him it told of reassurance, security, lost love and nourishment.  He just couldn’t get enough of it.  Jill sighed as her baby suc-kled. Pulling him closer to her warm body her hand found its way to his thickly nappied bottom and started to caress it.  In the darkness of the night she sighed and dozed as her baby suc-kled caressing her nipple with his strong tongue as she heard him swallow.
Jill’s eyes flicked open.  More light had now penetrated her room.  It was daylight, another day in the making.  Jill looked beside where her baby lay sleeping peacefully.  She didn’t have the heart to return him to his crib so she left him in bed with her. Anyway she loved having him on her breast.  After all it was where he needed to be, where he belonged.
Jill’s memory lingered over the forgotten memories of Bethany and when she was little.  She delighted bringing the squirming bundle of joy into her bed to enjoy feeding her.  The trouble was Bethany wouldn’t stay all night.  She wriggled so much that Jill was forced to return her to her crib.  But not Madison.  He was different.  Jill knew now she could take him into her bed and he would stay and nurse to his heart’s content. And Jill was unconcerned how much sleep she got she enjoyed the sensation of her suc-kling baby and didn’t care if he nursed all night, after all only good mothers do that for their babies and Jill was a good mother.  That was fine by her. 
Her eyes surveyed his soft baby-like features.  Carefully she flicked a blond lock across his forehead. He stirred. Madison’s pacifier moved vigorously in his mouth.  She remembered feeding him during the night.  This was exactly what she wanted to do.  It had been the fourth night in a row that he had woken or stirred, often he was dreaming, but it didn’t matter to Jill.  She wanted him to wake. She wanted to instil a firm night feeding regime and it appeared to be working.  Whether his subconscious wanted her or whether he wanted the nourishment she didn’t know.  What she did know was that children starved of nourishment or food consistently crave it.  It was with this notion that she building her night feed regime on.
Jill watched Madison intently.  She couldn’t fathom why anyone, a parent especially, would want to hurt and damage such a precious gift.  To her children, babies were a gift from heaven, a precious gift, a sacred gift; a gift to be cherished and protected.  It was almost as if Madison’s untimely arrival had been a gift from God in her hour of need.  God had bestowed on her this gift lying beside her because He knew she would cherish Madison.  It was almost as if Madison was a deserved replacement for her dear sweet Bethany.  She watched as her baby stirred and wriggled kicking his feet and tossing his head.  Carefully she lifted the covers and smiled to herself as his bootied clad feet shuffled just like a newborns.  She watched as he suc-ked hard on his pacifier.  Maybe it was a sign he wanted feeding again.  She hoped he did.  She intended to anyway.  A part of her wanted to wake him and clamp him to her breast, another part wanted him to wake by himself.  She wanted to see his adoring eyes as the locked onto her image.  She wanted to be the first thing her baby would see when he woke. 
Jill noted his nightie had ridden up exposing his soft, tender, pink tummy.  She could see the top of his nappy as it peered out from his baby pants.  She was certain that he would be wet.  He certainly wasn’t poopy not that she could smell but hoped he would be soon.
Jill smiled to herself as her baby mewled in his sleep.  Maybe he was waking.  She hoped he was.  Jill made herself comfortable, watched her baby and waited.
Outside, Jill couldn’t hear any wind. Perhaps it was going to be a good day.  She needed a good day so she could visit the market and get much needed fresh supplies.  Her mind rested on the darling dress she had sorted out for him to wear.  She knew he would look adorable and that’s what she wanted.  It was a tremendous risk taking him out in public especially if the police were looking for him which she felt they should be by now.  A check of the newspaper later would confirm her suspicions one way or the other.
Madison slowly rose from his deliciously warm slumber.  No more nightmares, no more frightening images, no more agitation and upset.  He stretched and squeezed his legs together his wet nappy becoming jammed between his thighs.  Madison could feel he was wet but what did it matter.  He didn’t need to be frightened of waking up wet anymore.  His father wasn’t there to chastise and beat him for yet another wet night.  His ‘new mummy’ had put him in nappies and expected him to be wet.  What he liked more than anything was that she was never cross or upset if he was wet.  She just changed his nappy and made him comfortable again like it was the most natural thing in the world to do.  His eyes flicked open and he came face to face with his ‘new mummy’. 
“Mummy...” he squeaked at her.
Jill smiled broadly at her baby. “Good morning my darling,” she cooed.
“Mummy...” he squeaked again as he wriggled towards her.
“Mummy’s right here precious,” she replied pulling him gently towards her.  Madison snuggled into her chest.  He could smell the milk in her nightie mixed with other odours.  Its presence stirred something in his stomach causing it to growl.  Jill smiled to herself her baby was hungry.  Opening her nightie she revealed her milk laden breast again.  Madison suc-ked feverishly on his pacifier at the sight of soft creamy skin, its dark nipple and aureole drawing him towards it.  Jill removed his pacifier trailing a thin string of saliva in the process.  Jill watched at her baby wrapped his pink lips over her nipple and aureole and started to suc-k.  Madison mewled in delight as warm milk splashed over his tongue and hit his throat.  He swallowed gratefully.
Jill lightly kissed his blond locks inhaling the mixture of baby shampoo and morning baby.  She loved the smell of morning babies.  Bethany always had the same air about her - that mixture of baby powder, pee, milk and sleep.  Now Madison had the same aroma.  She pulled him closer as Madison opened his mouth wider to take more of her nipple.
“Mmmmm...” Jill murmured to her baby. “Mummy loves her baby. Mummy loves her baby very much,” she repeated.  Madison wriggled with delight as he basked in her endearments.  Apart from his own mother, this person was the first to tell him they loved him.  Just then Madison’s bowel rumbled and as he suc-kled warm mushy poop gurgled and oozed into his already wet nappy. Madison no longer cared.  To him it was the right thing to do.  He was a baby now.  Jill smiled.  Her baby had just filled his nappy.
Jill scrapped the last of the oatmeal out of the bowl and pushed it into Madison’s open mouth.  Scrapping the dregs off his chin and bib she pushed that in as well.  Madison smacked his lips.  It was great.  His tummy was really full now, first with breast milk now with oatmeal. He now had all the food he wanted.  “Was that nummy?” Jill cooed to her baby.
Madison squeaked and banged the tray of the high chair enthusiastically, “Yeah,” he chortled. “More.”  Jill laughed.
“I don’t think so darling.  I’m sure you’ve got a full tummy now,” she grinned.  Madison pouted but not for long.  She was right. He was full.
Jill attacked his face with a damp cloth while Madison squirmed and mewled trying to evade her just like a baby.  Finally the assaulted stopped.  “There, one clean baby boy,” Jill announced satisfied before sniffing the air around him. “Awww...Maddie have you done poopies again,” she asked lovingly.
Madison blinked at her.  He knew he had.  I had happened while she was spooning his oatmeal in.  It had just happened without any effort on his part. One minute he was happily rolling the warmed cereal around his mouth the next thing he knew warm poop was oozing and squeezing its way up between his butt cheeks and legs coating his boyhood in faecal slime and smearing its way across the soft folds of his nappy.
“Have you little one,” Jill asked.
“No Mummy...more...” he squeaked thrusting out a hand at the empty bowl. 
Jill laughed at the innocence of his response, a typical baby response. “I think baby has,” she chuckled moving the bowl out of his reach. “There’s no more.”
“Milk!” he chirped.
Jill sighed. “Alright sweetheart just a little bit,” she conceded.  Opening the high chair she lifted her baby into her arms and carried him into the warm lounge.  A poopy fug had enveloped him. She cradled him in her arms before opening her nightie again and allowed her baby to suc-kle.  Jill was pleased.  Madison was coming along nicely.  As far as she was concerned after almost a week with her he was now a baby.  That’s exactly how she wanted him.
Jill carefully laid Madison on the changing table.  She had to be carefully not to move him too much otherwise he would vomit with the amount in his stomach.
Madison lay there gazing around the room, his room, his nursery.  His eyes fell on Jill.  She was just like his mother, gentle, loving, sweet and adoring.  As the days as progressed Madison had found himself drawn more under her spell.  She was everything his mother had been and more.  Just like his mother she totally accepting of him.  She knew he was a bedwetter so had put him back in night nappies.  She knew he had pants wetting trouble during the day so had put him back in day nappies.  Now he was totally nappy dependent.  He was not sure if his mother would have gone down that track.  In fact he knew she couldn’t because his father saw to that.  But Jill was different.  She had taken him down that track totally.  Madison knew in his own mind it was the right course of action.  He found it almost impossible to keep his pants dry. His mother was always loving and tender when she discovered them and cleaned him up and helped him change.  Those days when his father was away a warm reassuring nappy was pinned in place instead. Yet...Jill was taking him further; much further than his mother had ever done.  Jill had now taken him completely down the baby path.  She treated him like a baby right down to breast feeding and high chairs.  And despite Madison’s initial apprehension he allowed it to happen and now, a week after being ‘discovered’, he was totally immersed in babyhood.  Jill had said it was better in order to keep him safe in case his father or the police should come knocking.  That may be so but neither had appeared as yet.  But Madison also knew there was still time.  Both could still make an appearance and his life would be cast asunder.  ‘No,’ he mused as he lay on the changing table, ‘I like this. I like this a lot. I have all I ever wanted - a mummy, food, warmth and a sanctuary.
Jill scanned her baby’s face wondering what was going through his mind.  She scanned his now naked body.  The bruises were fading.  The scars were still there but less pronounced.  The urine burns he had arrived with had almost gone leaving a red scar which would fade over time.  His skin had more tone.  It was pink, soft and healthy.  His hair had a shine to it and was now light, soft and wavy with beautiful blond curls and waves.  In fact his hair was better than Bethany’s.  Hers had been straight.  ‘Yes,’ she believed quite firmly, ‘he was a gorgeous baby and that’s how she intended to keep him.’
Jill rubbed baby oil into his skin.  Madison closed his eyes as he soaked up the actions of her fingers.  He was calm and relaxed.  ‘Perfect,’ thought Jill, ‘now for the next phase which is not going to be easy.’  Jill knew what she had planned for today was necessary if she was to fulfil her promise to him of keeping him safe.
“Madison...honey...are you listening to Mummy?” she asked softly.
Madison’s dreamy eyes focused on her smiling face. “Yeth Mummy,” he lisped adoringly around his pacifier.  Jill got goose-bumps when she heard that gorgeous baby lisp.
“Mummy has to go out to the market today darling,” she said. “Of course Mummy has to take her baby with her.”
Madison shook his head. “No Mummy...I stay here,” he squeaked. Jill could tell from his tone that he was unhappy.
“Oh no darling you can’t stay home.  Babies can’t stay by themselves they’re too little,” Jill explained carefully. “Don’t fret my angel Mummy know exactly how to keep my baby safe but you have to help, okay?” she asked sincerely.  Madison nodded uncertainly. “Good boy,” she praised. “You’re such a good baby for Mummy, aren’t you?”
“Yeth...” he replied a slight waver in his voice.
Jill smiled disarmingly at him. “Of course you are,” she agreed. “Now darling Mummy has some special clothes for you to wear so people won’t know it’s Madison, okay?” she added softly not wanting to upset him more.  Again Madison nodded uncertainly.  “Good boy,” she cooed. “First Mummy put you nappy on and your baby pants, okay?” she smiled at him.
Madison knew the ritual by now he spread his legs inviting his Mummy to nappy him.  Jill recognised the invitation immediately and was thrilled by it.  Within a few minutes his bottom had been creamed, powdered and a thick nappy pinned in place with yellow tipped nappy pins.  Jill picked up a pair of frilly yellow baby pants.  Madison’s eyes widened. “No Mummy no!” he squealed. “I’m not a girl!”
“Of course you’re not darling. I know that.  I see that every time I change your nappy so don’t upset yourself,” she tried to soothe.  “You want Mummy to keep you safe, don’t you?”
Madison nodded diffidently. “Yeth Mummy.”
“Well this is how Mummy’s going to do it.  Mummy’s going to dress you up as pretty little baby Madeline,” she tried to explain.
Madison wasn’t having a bar of it. “No! No! No!” he cried.  Jill picked him up immediately and cuddled the distraught baby.
“I know honey. I know it’s not fair but it’s the only way precious,” she murmured to him as he sobbed into her shoulder. “You don’t want to be taken away from Mummy, do you?” she said softly.
“No...” he sobbed.  Jill could tell his resistance was waning.
“Of course not honey. Mummy would be upset and so would baby, wouldn’t he?”
“Yeth...” he sobbed.
“Of course he would. Remember what I said the other day darling.  You will always be adorable Madison at home but when we go out you’ll to become precious little baby Madeline until everything is safe.  Now I don’t know how long that will take but in the mean time it is important to keep you safe. I can’t leave you with a baby sitter that would be dangerous,” she added then the image of Lorie sprung to mind.  She would make a good baby sitter but Jill also knew she would have to prepare that ground very carefully before she could enlist her help. “So is little Madison going to let beautiful baby Madeline come out today, eh?” she added carefully.  Madison didn’t respond. “Is beautiful baby Madeline coming out today?” she asked again.
Madison nodded.  Inwardly Jill breathed a sigh of relief.  Another bridge crossed she thought to herself. “Good boy,” she praised. “What a brave baby.”
Carefully Jill laid Madison back on the changing table.  She touched his nappy.  It was still dry.  Carefully she slipped the yellow frilly baby pants up his slender legs and eased then over his bulky nappy.  She adjusted the legs holes leaving glimpses of white cloth showing and fiddled with gusset between his nappy splayed legs until it was sitting over the padding of his nappy.  She smiled to herself.  At least the plastic lining would keep his dress dry.
“Sit up baby,” Jill said slipping her hands under his armpits.  Madison sat in front of her and looked down at his splayed legs. He could see the yellow baby pants stretched across his packed crotch and some of the frills at the legs. Jill picked up a yellow singlet and eased his arms into the holes and the garment down his body.  She primped it at the shoulders until it was sitting right.  Picking up a pair of white socks these were slipped over his feet followed by a pair of white Mary-Jane shoes which were buckled in place.  Finally, Jill picked up the soft cotton baby dress and slipped it over Madison’s head.  She guided his arms into the long sleeves then adjusted the dress until it fell to his waist and flowed over the tops of his legs.  She preened and primped the frills until they sat alluring on the baby garment. The look on Madison’s face spoke volumes.  He was not happy that was clear and Jill sympathised with him but desperate means called for desperate measures.  She fastened the small buttons down the back and adjusted the frilly collar until it was sitting just right.
Jill was surprised at how well it fitted him.  This dress had been a gift from old Mrs Wright down the road.  She had given it to Bethany as a birthday present when she turned four but Jill didn’t have the heart to put it on Bethany considering it too babyish, besides it woudn’t have fitted Bethany anyway.  She was a big girl for four.  But now it was perfect for this baby, today.  Finally, Jill picked up a soft white woollen cardigan and slipped it on Madison fastening the three buttons in the front at the top.  Picking up the hair brush she preened his hair until it was shiny and organised in soft waves and curls before clipping a cute yellow ribbon in one side.  Standing back she admired her baby ‘girl’ while Madison stared glumly at her.  He was absolutely beautiful.  Picking him up she planted him in her hip and carried him into her bedroom to the huge mirror on the wardrobe door.
Planting Madison on his feet she turned him towards the mirror.  Madison gasped at the image. There, staring back at him was an adorable little toddler girl.  Her blond hair adorned with a yellow ribbon.  She was wearing a soft white baby cardigan, flowing yellow dress with frills of lace down the bodice and around the hem, which fell to mid thigh length.  Showing below the hem was a pair of yellow frilly baby pants obviously bulging with a nappy.  On her feet a pair of dainty white socks and white Mary-Jane shoes.  Madison fingered the hem of the dress and his pacifier seemed to bobble quite animatedly in his mouth.  Madison was captivated by the image.  He couldn’t believe it was him. Jill crouched down beside him and primped his baby pants and dress then caressed his bulky frilly bottom and stroking the white nappy showing below the legs of his baby pants.  Jill loved to have nappy showing.  As far as she was concerned it added to her baby’s cuteness.  That was why she preferred cloth nappies over disposables.  You couldn’t get the same effect from the plastic nappies.  All her babies had to wear cloth nappies they were more appropriate as far as she was concerned.
“Hello baby Madeline,” she cooed softly. “Welcome back.”


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Lost Souls
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2018, 09:49:02 AM »
Nappy1 I was very happy to see your post and knowing that life goes on, even if it is filled with tribulations. I was especially happy to hear that you plan on adding to this wonderful story. As I said in a previous post, I am delighted with this story and it's aspects of love and caring, tenderness and the way that Madison is coming around to realize that he is a 'baby'. As well as Jill's desire to continue bringing him up as a baby.
I hope that life doesn't keep you down and that you come out on top in all your pursuits!
Take care of yourself and always move forward!
Tender Kisses and a great big Hug!


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