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Author Topic: The Boys Department  (Read 33507 times)

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The Boys Department
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:57:51 PM »
Thirteen year old Todd Evans looked around the department store and once again thought “How come the boys department is just a couple of rows wide and then when you get to the girls stuff it’s like the rest of the floor?” He didn’t hear his mother ask him for the third time “Todd, I’m not going to ask you again, if you want new clothes come here this instant!” 

Of course, her voice carried for quite a ways and attracted the interest of another of the patrons in the area; specifically, another mother accompanied by  her not to happy twelve year old son,  Aaron who, though several aisles over, was in the process of being mercilessly provoked by his elder sister Tiffany.    And while Lisa Evans, a tall and well-built woman of 34 was oblivious to what was occurring; to anyone else it was quite obvious:  Tiffany was aggravating her already completely mortified brother by alternatively holding up several of the items she had so thoughtfully gathered for him to evaluate.  “Like these?” she inquired of the white scalloped trimmed panties, or, do you like this pair better?” quickly lifting a pair of pink nylon tricot briefs up to his face for him to see.   His “Leave me alone you bitch!” was more than a whisper shared between brother and sister and unfortunately for him was heard all too clearly by his mother. 

“There’s more than one way to handle this” Marisa thought to herself; so under the circ-umstances, she decided on the most tactful manner available to her by simply announcing out loud “Aaron, if I remember correctly, it was your idea to try on your sisters’ panties and making a sticky mess in them. You’re the one who tried to clean them up but instead ruined them. Now, be a good little sissy.  Remember, you agreed with mummy and daddy that you had to go shopping to get some of your own so that you wouldn’t ruin hers any more.   You wouldn’t want mummy to tell daddy that you misbehaved would you?  Now, pick out at least seven pairs, one for each day of the week, while I look through some of these coordinated sets that are on sale; after all, if you’re of a mind to wear panties you may as well look good in them!”

Tiffany giggled at her smaller counterparts blushing.  She took in his pixie haircut, fashioned in front of all to see at the salon her and her mother frequented.  She concluded that “it only helped increase the tension of the moment; besides it was when he got both of his ears pierced there that it was so great!  Now if he’ll just throw a hissy fit I’ll get to spank his bare butt when we get home like mom and dad said I could Ohh I hope he does!”  To her disappointment he remained silent and hesitantly pointed at the two she had baited him with and nodded his consent.   She cooed her sarcastic reply of “Ohh thank so much for agreeing with my choices; I think you’ll look pretty in them.   By the way, I think that they did a really nice job on your nails at the salon don’t you think?”  She didn’t expect an answer and wasn’t at all surprised by his silence.

To the contrary, she loved the fact that he was crying and couldn’t stop.  She also loved the idea of having her younger brother play the part of her younger sister for the entire summer; she just hoped that her mom and dad were serious when they told him “Since you were going into her clothes
it seems only fair
that from here on out, your sister will tell you what to wear and when to wear it.  You’ll wear everything she says, whenever she says or else!”  She remembered when he started to complain “But mom, dad, all of my friends will see me!” and of his shock and disbelief when they told him “If that was your point to start with when we asked you why you did it you said
”just to see what I looked like”
yes they will.  What’s more, like you did before, you’ll listen to them and behave yourself with them at all times as well.”

She loved it when he asked them “What do you mean by that?” and of their forthright reply of “Aaron, don’t play stupid with us.  The nanny cams have you and several of your friends going into your sister’s room
should we go on from there or should we just accept the fact that you let them dress you up as a girl and then as you claim “made you do things?”  Both your father and I admit that for the first time that we can remember you actually did almost everything they asked you to do the first time without being repeatedly asked over and over again.  If we had only known that all it would have taken was to let you be a sissy we could have gotten past all of your stubborn mule headed antics; but as they say better late than never.”   

She thought about the phone call which came through about five minutes after he was sent into his room which was from one of his friends and of the long period of wonderful silence that ensued when the caller had been informed that he too had been found out; she just wished that she could have seen his face when he was told.   

“Well” she thought “it won’t be long before I get him and one of his boyfriends alone, I’ll just have to make sure the nanny cam is not recording like it was before.”  She would have continued on thinking of all the wonderful things she was going to make her sissy brother do but couldn’t help but notice that at that moment they were both being observed by another boy, about the same age as Aaron who for some reason had also attracted the attention of their mother who announced for one and all to hear “Todd, if you haven’t heard, your mother is calling you; I think you best return, unless you’re interested in girls clothes; are you?”

She may as well have been talking to the walls because Todd never heard her the first time or the second time she inquired of him “Todd, your mother is coming to get you, don’t you think you better leave?”   By that time it was too late because an irate Lisa Evans had now made her way over to where her son stood and before he could move she had taken hold of his left ear and was now in the process of lifting him up on tip toes and in less than a second she had his undivided attention and listened to his scream of “Yeoww.”

Under other circ-umstances she might have not been so hasty to act but in this instance she thought herself as being provoked; first, by him ignoring her requests to courteously shop with her for whatever summer clothes he might desire but also to “Just for once act like you’re interested in what I’m buying for you instead of looking off somewhere and wishing that you were somewhere else!  Besides which, I don’t know why I even bother to buy you anything.  Half the clothes I get for you are still hanging or in your dresser drawers; never worn!  That’s the thanks I get.”

That was her speech before they left this morning; and now, three hours later at 1 P.M. they hadn’t purchased a thing that he truly wanted.  She had endured his grunts of disapproval when she held a selection of whatever it was up for his consideration as well as the stream of his constant “No’s” or reproachful “Only a dork would wear something like that.”  Lisa had come to the point of knowing what a dork was; it was her teenage son!  She was at the point of giving up and actually considered just buying him anything just to get out of the store and then if he didn’t wear them return each of the items for a store credit. 

Fortuitously, at least for her, things were about to change; and how much so began with the off handed inquiry of one Marisa Thompson “I see you have attention problem as well?”

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The Boys Department
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2012, 02:43:33 PM »
Lisa chose not to reply to the strangers offhanded observation; instead she took the opportunity to now fully twist her son’s ear as she held him aloft; while in exasperation scolding him in public like she had never done before beginning with “All the time I’ve wasted trying to please you and what thanks do I get:  NOTHING!  How many times do I have to ask you before I even take you out “What do you want?” and what do I get back from you “Oh, I dunno.  When I see it I’ll know.”   Well I’ll tell you what I know, I know that whatever it is that you think you’d want when you see it forget about it; from here on out you don’t have a choice!  Its summer, you wear what I buy or wear nothing at all
I don’t care anymore!” 

Todd tried to answer but the grip his mother had on his ear overrode any reply except for the groans which he valiantly tried to stifle.  Moreover, he became acutely aware, that he had now not only become the focal point of activity on the floor but also, that for some reason he found he couldn’t control what he had presumed to be a voluntary reflex that was happening to him and tried in vain to hide his ever growing problem while his mother continued her harangue with “Every time I try to do something nice for you it’s never enough; you just ignore me and wander off daydreaming into space someplace.  You’re supposed to be shopping with me for YOUR clothes, NOT mine, remember? This whole morning has been nothing but a waste of time and effort!   Just WAIT till I get you home!”

Todd tried his best to get a word in edgewise but between his frenetic tippy toe dance he was forced to perform, his now flailing arms and the yelps of “Owww!  Owwwy ohh
PLEASE EVERYBOD’S WATCHING!” he didn’t understand that his mother, Lisa Evans, was on a roll and after years of frustration she continued on unabated; not noticing the smiles of satisfaction which crossed at least two of the three who were in her immediate vicinity; besides, she was too busy looking at the contorted face of her son and what she believed to be his apparent grimaces of pain rather than elsewhere.

“Yes everybody is watching!” she screamed, waving her free hand around in a wide circle.  How does that make you feel now because I’ve never been so humiliated like this before in my life!  Ohh when I get you home you’re going to regret it and just you wait until I tell your father!  When he gets home your gonna get it but good!  Look at you, you’ve no idea of how rude you were to me!  You remember what he told you would happen to you if I told him that you either ignored or were being rude to me again in public
he said “For starters he’d break his belt on your butt!”

“No.  On second thought why should I wait before telling him and let him have the pleasure of the rest of the day to himself not knowing what a complete DORK his son is and how he’s treating me?   How many times does this make it in the past month where I wind up wondering what it is that I can buy that will make you show the least amount of interest; or even just make you smile?  What do I have to do to make you understand?  What does it take to get through that thick head of yours that I’ve had it!  From here on out, I don’t give a damn in the least about what makes you happy!”

With her last word hardly spoken she knew better than to let Todd have a chance to reply; instead, she began to drag him by his ear back to the boys department where it was she thought she would at last purchase something, anything, to end her misery.  That Todd was also miserable was inconsequential not only to her but also to the three others who, for their own reasons and by all appearances savored the spectacle they were now witnessing; to that end she had no idea of what was next to occur.  In fact, without much effort on her part, shopping was about to get a whole lot easier because Marisa Thompson once again interjected by quickly addressing the situation with her “Excuse me again, but maybe I can help?”

Lisa turned her head only to glare at the statuesque blond that now smiled at her and given her now pissy mood, venomously replied as she wagged her head from side to side “Excuse me, but do you work here, or are you going to start in on me by telling me how to raise my son; because if you are, I’m in no mood for it!”  Lisa waited for a reply, found none immediately forthcoming, thought she’d heard the last of it and decided to turn and walk away muttering to no one but herself “the lot of them
goddam nosy bitches!” She relaxed her vise-like grip on Todd’s ear and curtly ordered him in no uncertain terms “You come with me and if you as much as move even an inch from my side, god help you!  I swear the next time I’ll pull it right off of your head!”

They hadn’t walked three feet when she heard the officious and well-proportioned alabaster skinned blond admonishing her with “Believe me dearie that won’t help; been there done that.  Look around you
you have to be more resourceful.”

Marisa had interrupted Lisa’s sojourn into self-compelled misery and such knew that by intervening she might well be on the receiving end of a veritable rash of dung that might come her way; so she waited for what she thought might occur and it almost did, because Lisa Evans wasn’t in a very good mood and started off by showing it with “Busybodies like you just piss me off!  You think you’re so smart
look at you
you have two girls to shop with.  You’ve no idea of how to get a donkey in pants to pay attention to you do you!”

Marisa’s smile was as unnerving as her laughter and when she replied it was all she could do to not rub any more salt in the wound; be that as it may, her melodic seque accentuated the mistaken assumption. ‘’Ohh no, no, no, please, you misunderstand.  Normally, I’m not a busybody and, like you, I abhor someone telling me how to raise my children; especially my daughter” quickly adding “Believe me that was not my original intent.” 

She waited for a reply from the lanky copper toned brunette; instead she read the wordless reply which was written on her face: it was exactly what she expected.  It was the look of utter disdain and contempt (of course she mused, thinking to herself, “Under other circ-umstances it was exactly as I would have reacted” and such Marisa wasted little time in expounding.   â€œFirst I will apologize, not for intruding, but for your initial misunderstanding; It would seem that Todd’s attention is captivated by other things; the first of which is the sissy standing to the right of my daughter in front of you."

She waited for her words to sink in and continued.  “It appears my little sissy has managed to capture the interest of yours and it looks” she said while pointing at the front of Todd’s shorts, “to have had an effect on him.”  She lingered for a moment and searched for some additional words which she found saying “Look for yourself” nodding to where she had previously pointed and flatly concluded “he’s more than aroused and now making quite a mess of it.” She let her words hang in the air and watched Todd’s mother silently appraise the situation and the growing realization that  he had creamed himself.

Marisa waited for her counterparts searching eyes to fully capture what had emerged beneath tan cotton twill and what was now becoming clearly evident as the oozing wet spot just to the left of his zipper began to spread and elongate.  Instinctively Lisa Evans yanked on her sons shorts:  abruptly forcing him to face her and in consternation muttered “Unbelievable” to which Marisa took as the opportune moment for introductions beginning with “Not really let me explain, first, my name is Marisa Thompson, this is” pointing at her daughter “my daughter Tiffany and lastly, the reason for your sons condition at this moment is none other than my little sissy Aaron Lane.”

Lisa’s understanding of her initial misconception sank in and while she was thinking “
 the boy, the sissy, looks every bit a girl.  It’s no wonder that Todd was attracted to her, him, ohh whatever.  But I can’t believe he creamed his underpants right here; hell, normally after his wet dreams at night I find them in the hamper in the morning after he’s gone off to school all stuck together” Marisa continued on with “whom at this moment I believe deserves a name by which his newest conquest may address in deference to the event.” 

She let the moment linger then proceeded explaining “You see, at one time, Aaralyn here, also suffered from a specific attention deficit; but a mere portion of which your son overheard on his wanderings:  that he was caught wearing his sisters’ clothes, her panties among other things.
“Of course your son heard a lot more than that and that’s when I noticed he had developed his little problem.  I guess you could say that it was growing on him because he overheard that not only does Aaralyn like to wear girl’s clothes but also, as a girl, that he was quite attentive to the needs of all of his neighborhood friends:  especially the boys who asked him to help them to plug a hole or two.  Did practically everything that they asked him to do the first time; no questions asked, no complaining and with always the most pleasant of smiles.  Isn’t that right Aaralyn?”

Speechless, Aaron/Aaralyn cringed and shamefully nodded and even though everything his mother said was true he felt that “it wasn’t all my fault it was my bitchy sisters idea to start with, but will they listen to me now
.nooo.  I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea of playing truth or dare:  it was hers.  I wasn’t the one who gave Rich all of the great ideas on how to black mail me into doing all of that crap for him and the others.  Now look at me
serves him right for looking at me and I’m glad he shot his load in his pants.  He’s a bigger sissy than I am
at least my mother didn’t make me do that
not yet at least.”

Lisa Evans appraised the silence which was broken again by Marisa’s summation of her sissy’s fate for the summer “After finding all of this out we came to a mutual understanding: that for at least the summer that Aaralyn is at their beck and call; at least as a girl that is.”

And that brings me back to your “Toddie.”   Dearie, I couldn’t help but notice his growing interest in Aaralyns’ predicament
not only did he foolishly eavesdrop on our conversation he actually had the nerve to take it a step further and play pocket pool with himself.  Here he came, right out here in the open for everyone to see.  I wouldn’t have minded if he had maintained a respectable distance, I would allow a mild curiosity, but no, like a moth drawn to a flame, he went out of his way to come closer.  For more than one reason he was interested in what was happening here.  It seems
with his growing interest
he has indeed come closer than he had anticipated and in one fell swoop has really gone off on you: leaving him the worse for wear; and no doubt quite sticky. 

 â€œYou know” she said to an astounded Lisa Evans “that both my daughter and I could hear you across three aisles calling for him:  I’m sorry, but we both turned our heads when you shouted his name; after that, it was obvious that he was more interested in what was happening between us here than with what you were calling him about.  Dearie, he never heard a word you said to him until you grabbed him by the ear and lifted your twinkle toes up off of his feet; that’s when he started to leak.”

Lisa opened her mouth to speak but again it was Marisa who beat her to the punch telling her “What I was trying to tell you before your little breakdown was simply this; the reason for it is written all over his face.  The reason he doesn’t want to buy any clothes with you is because he is more interested in what is found to wear here; and before you came along and provided us with such a grand spectacle I even asked him if he was interested in girls clothes; moreover, I told him as well to get back to you before you found him here, looking at Aaralyn, lost in his daydreams wondering so many things.  So I would ask you again, from a certain mothers perspective don’t you find it interesting that whenever you both go shopping for clothes that his eyes always wander and isn’t it apparent why.


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The Boys Department
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 04:31:12 PM »
Of course Lisa could have sloughed off what she might consider an intruder’s haphazard, if not instantaneous observation as being trivial, but here and now she strongly considered it while staring at her son’s thoroughly soaked shorts and surmised that “She’s right. It was true. Every damn time I’ve taken him shopping his attention has wandered and every time I’ve caught him daydreaming I’ve found him looking at
what was in the girls department.  He was more interested in what was there at the time than what we were looking at in the boys department.”  She paused to further consider “and every time I caught him looking he would suddenly pull his hands out of his pockets and look guilty; he’d blush like he always did when he was younger and was caught at doing something naughty!  That’s it; I had disturbed his precious sissy fantasies.  He wanted to
be alone and just get a closer look or was he really desperate and want to try something on?   Now, thinking back on it, I can’t remember how many times I actually caught him feeling everything that felt soft to the touch and rubbing it between his thumb and first finger:  it was almost as if he’d go out of his way to reach out and just for a second, when he thought no one was looking, go ahead and cop a feel!

“I wonder if that’s the case, has he ever gotten into my panties or nighties after I’d tossed them in the hamper.  That’s a stupid question, of course!  God, how many times have I gone and found what I thought I laid what was at the bottom of the pile, had on its own somehow moved its way on up close to the top.  But I don’t remember finding them sticky or crusty; my god, after Norm’s bone gets done with its  dribbling there’s not much left I have to worry about and nothing that would come close to the amount of what I’m looking at now.”  Lisa Evans concluded the obvious that “Norm doesn’t shoot half as much as what is probably the remainder of what is still oozing out of Todd’s cute little helmet headed nozzle.

“Now look at him
” and she did:  noting that the viscous wet spot had chosen to spread it’s darkening path not only across the front of his shorts but had also begun to run down both sides of the tan inseams. “My god, it’s no wonder that every morning that after his shower that I find his underpants in the condition they’re in:  they’re completely spermed!  But I wonder, as many times as I’ve been in the bathroom before he’d take his shower I’d always check the hamper to see how many loads everyone had dumped into it overnight; the undies he’d slept in were never in it until after his shower and I know damn well that he didn’t flush the john at any time after he’d been up; which brings me back to thinking
if he even dumped half as much into his undies every time he jerked off what happened to the rest of it?

And with that salient thought she smiled at the woman who still waited patiently for a reply which was forthcoming.  â€œYes, thank you, it is apparent why.  I admit it.  All this time, we’ve been in the wrong department, instead of shopping in the boys department I should have taken the hint.  Strange though, all this time I thought it was me because I could never find anything that he would get excited about:  obviously, I think that that problems been solved.  With some help, yours and your sissy, it looks like he has finally found a way to tell me everything I wanted to know.  Well, from here on out I can solve that problem.  I just wish that we could have met under other circ-umstances.

“By the way, I’m Lisa Evans, and of course you’re acquainted with
well I suppose that I’d have to really call him what he is:   my sissy.   Yes, I proudly present to you my own little sissy; a sissy who obviously has an attention deficit disorder which we will address starting now” and with that Lisa Evans made a point of addressing the object of her ire beginning with “It’s true, all this time that I’ve lost on trying to please you; going out of my way to buy you anything that you’d appreciate has been an absolute waste of time.  I can’t remember a single time when you thanked me for anything I got for you.  All I ever heard after I asked you if you liked what I bought for you was a snotty “Yeah, they’re o.k.  I guess.”  Never a genuine “thank you mom” never a smile of appreciation and what’s more, there was never the slightest inkling that you really enjoyed whatever it was that I gave you.  Now I know why!  You, you’ve always had your panties in a bunch!  Speaking of which I have a good mind to walk you by the ear right out of here and out into the mall and let everyone have a good look at you.  I’ll make it a point of telling you that we’ll stop at every shop along the way and let everyone have a good look at the gooey mess you’ve made in your pants and I don’t care if anyone you know sees you either!  Is that what you want?”

Tearfully, Todd shook his head from side to side and through his bleary eyes noted that everyone in the area, besides the group he had stumbled upon, was now eyeing him.  He wished he could’ve melted away.  Unfortunately for him he knew that was not to be the case because his mother again managed to grab hold of his left ear just as his knees buckled and was now about to yank him up and off of his feet again:  thankfully she stopped short of that with his first “Oweee” and gave him some more food for thought with her newfound commanding voice echoing in his ears.  

“No?  No?  I’m sorry, did you say something because I certainly didn’t hear a “No ma’am or no mommy I’m so sorry for embarrassing you like this; please don’t make me walk in the mall and show my wet pants to everyone” did you”” as she nodded to her counterpart while continuing “
its Marisa isn’t it?”  

“Yes it’s Marisa, Marisa Thompson, and no, I most certainly did not hear anything that would come close to an acceptable apology; as far as I’m concerned, if he were mine, and please, here again I’m not intruding, I would conclude that after his performance anything you purchased in this department, would go a long way.”  Marisa paused for a moment, glanced quickly at her daughter and winked, stepped quickly to the side of Lisa Evans, cupped her left hand and then leaned to whisper in her ear, after which to Todd’s surprise he found Mrs. Thompson leading him over to stand beside the sissy he had earlier tried to spy upon and was told in no uncertain terms by her “Both of you will stand here, completely still, hands at your sides at all times.  Under no circ-umstances are you to move a muscle.  Tiffany, while I have a word or two with Mrs. Evans, pretend you’re me you are in charge.  Do you understand?”  Naturally, Tiffany understood all too well; that meant that punishment should be expected and now it was all coming together; after all it was her mother’s idea to coax her brother into playing a game which he could not win.  

Was she surprised that her mom would suggest such a thing: yes of course she was and when she asked “Why?” her mother just laughed at her question and told her “Honey, they’re lots of things you don’t understand about boys or men.  Some of them you’ll never be able to control, others however, are born to be.  Believe me, both your father and sissy brother fall into the last category.”  She remembered her surprise when her mother implied that both her dad and brother were sissies and when she asked her “Mom, why on earth would you call Aaron a sissy?” she just laughed out loud and told her “Tiffany, they’re both alike and with that in the open, life around the house will be a whole lot simpler and easier to handle:  both for you and for me.  Now then here is what I propose you do
.”  And she did; not only because it excited her but also because her mom had assured her that “If he knows what’s good for him, your father will be more than happy to agree to whatever it is that will occur.”  

After that pronouncement her mother with a smile shared her secret with her:  â€œTiffany, your father wears only what I buy him; secondly will do whatever I say and lastly whenever I say it.  Think about it.”  She did and as for what she was about to do, from that moment on she never gave it another thought.  Whatever it was that her mother was planning for her to do to her sissy brother was a mystery to her; all she knew for right now was that “both of them were in agreement of how my sissy brother is to be treated and they’re not gonna make no bones about it!”  She silently laughed at her joke and quickly gave the new sissy standing beside her sissy sister the once over and introduced herself with “My names’ Tiffany.”  She took two steps forward, stopped, then bent ever so slightly at the waist and pushed her face closer to Todd’s and whispered  â€œI hope you listened to my mother, that while you’re standing here, don’t you dare move a muscle or an inch.”  

Through his tears he watched her pull back and away, noticed her prominent smile and then listened to her as she told him “You know what I’m gonna do.  I’ll tell ya.  My sissy brother that your standing next to, I’m gonna make sure he gets to wear everything I point out to my mother to buy for him; starting with these panties, see..” She took the two pairs she was still holding and brought them up to rest just under her brothers nose and watched him instinctively flinch when she almost touched his nose with them.  â€œToo bad” she said “Aaralyn, don’t you dare answer or talk back to me, but you do remember what mommy told you don’t you?   Yes I think you do.   That I was in charge, just like her, and that if you even moved a muscle
well guess what
you did so
I’ll be nicer” with that she decided to give him a gentle love tap across his face.  She watched his eyes well up and immediately thereafter took satisfaction that her sissy was crying and then turned her immediate attention to Todd.  â€œYou know” she said “I’ve never seen a sissy cream himself as much as you just did.  Even my little sissy brother or all of his friends together couldn’t make as much batter as you just did; so I’m curious is it really true about what they say about sissies?”  She waited for what she knew would be some type of disclaimer of not knowing what it was that she was talking about.  Todd remained silent and she was disappointed.  She had underestimated Todd’s ability to understand the situation to which she mused “I’ll fix that!”  As for Todd, in his mind, he knew that “If I say a damn word that this Tiffany bitch’ll slap me across the face too.  I can’t wait to get the hell outta here.  Why ain’t there no store clerk around?  Mom’s talking an awful long time with that lady.  Why in the hell won’t they STF up!  Please mom come back! I

“I suppose that I should congratulate you for not answering me; maybe you’re a lot smarter than my little sissy brother who’s still wearing my pink panties under my white shorts.  We don’t have a bra that’ll fit him yet so he’s wearing one of my old tank vests under my lavender blouse.   You’ve no doubt noticed the signs all around the department” as she pointed around to “By one get one free.”

"Sure you have so has he.  My mom told us before we arrived that we have a five hundred dollar limit just for sissy clothes:  everything in the entire girls department is marked off at least 50% and whatever we can’t get today we can get a rain check for or pick up at any of their other stores if they’re in stock.  I can guarantee you that when we leave here today that I’ll be walking out of the store carrying the clothes he’s wearing in a bag; along with a whole lot of other frilly goodies just for him.  Ooh sorry Aaralyn, you’re a sissy now so technically you’re a “shim.”  I can’t wait until dad sees the new you!  

“Anyhow, sissy, my mom’s talking a long time with yours so I’d bet that you’re gonna walk out of here with a lot more than what you thought you would.  But I’m still curious about what I asked you before but if you’re of a mind not to say a word back to me that’s cool because I really don’t need an answer and you know why?  Oh wait, I forgot, you’re just way too smart to fall for that; so I’ll just be nice and stand here and talk to myself and hope I get an answer.  Self, I always talk to myself you know, self, is it true what they say about sissies?  Self, I don’t know; what is it that they say about sissies?  Self
are you ready for this
I’m ready.  O.K. here it goes.  Ready or not self here I come all by myself
oh wait that’s not it
you’re way ahead of the learning curve
you’ve already done that part!”

Right then and there Todd wanted nothing better than to haul off an slug the ever loving crap right out of her and was just about to when he caught himself thinking “Yea, this girls a bitch alright but if I haul of and clock her then where would I be
my mother and for sure hers would be all over me
just keep cool.  Cool.  Right. Cool.  Don’t make me laugh.   How cool is it to just stand here when I can’t look down to see how bad it looks or this bitch’ll slap my face too.  The only good thing about all this is is that I don’t know what in the hell she was talking about.  What in the hell is true that they say about sissies?”

“Hello? Sissy boy are you listening?  For a moment I thought I’d lost you, but that wouldn’t be so bad now would it?  I mean, even if I’m not your mother I’d sure as hell’d know where to find you:  standing right here.    And you wanna know why?  Like duhhh!  You’re a sissy just like Aaralyn!  Which brings me back to my question that I need answered.  If you are a sissy you should already know the answer and believe me you don’t have to say a word:  I’ll know right off the bat.  Sissy, you too Aaralyn, is it true what they say about sissies
that they have dry lips?”

Impulsively, each of the two rolled their tongues across their upper and lower lips making certain that they were thoroughly moistened and were met with “I knew it.  I just knew it.  It’s true.  Sissies do have dry lips.”  Almost joyfully she leaned once more and spoke to both in a whisper “Don’t say a word but you both realize that you moved don’t you; which means that I owe each of you a slap
which I will graciously forgo if you’ll both allow me to help each of you with your immediate problem.  Since I’ve actually seen Aaralyn beg for it from his friends this time there doesn’t have to be a word said here, let me help, I’ll just take a little dab of what is dripping from here
” she took the first finger of her right hand and gently rolled it across the front of Todd’s pants; scooping a sizable dollop of the thick white mucus  on her finger she immediately pressed it to Aaralyns’ lips and then proceeded to smear it across both and ordered him to “Lick it clean.”


She watched her brother perform his task then turned her attention to the cute sissy standing beside Aaralyn.  â€œYou know I tricked you don’t you; and you know that I could and would slap your face silly and that right now there isn’t a thing that you could do about it.  Of course, I’m also smart enough to understand that a sissy like you just might want to do something to get back at me:  don’t.  That being said, you just saw what I gave Aaralyn to solve the lip balm problem that sissies have; with no objections I’m gonna do the same thing for you; but instead of just one finger I think that there’s enough sissy cream for four fingers to give you a mouthful.  Oh, and by the way, while I wet your whistle you can turn your head and watch your mommy coming back for you right about


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The Boys Department
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 10:34:30 AM »
Todd’s immediate reaction took Tiffany by surprise: to her it went beyond exciting; it was like actually being with someone reacting to a train wreck in progress.  She loved watching the beads of sweat which suddenly raced across his face and brow as his eyes broadened in horror of being told that his mom was about to be right on top of him while she was actually doing this to him.  She was ecstatic knowing that she could and would humiliate another sissy apart from her brother:  it made her tingle all over, but not as much as the absolute wonderful feeling she got when she rested three of her sticky fingers across the passage which had just dropped open and simply let them cover it completely and almost immediately having them met with what she presumed was an all too willing and darting tongue.  If only for that moment of sheer delight she knew that she had to have more.

As for Todd, he couldn’t have helped himself because it all happened to quick.  First he just flat out didn’t believe that his mother was approaching:  but had to look anyway thinking “I just need to make sure then screw her, I’ll just run away, I don’t care what happens after that!  Besides, she might make her little sissy brother do anything she wants but not me!” It was then he felt her grab his left arm as she leaned in and brushed up close against him:  he caught the aroma of her perfume as it mixed with the all too familiar wafting scent offered to him just under his nose and for so many reasons:   groaned under the flood of emotions; not the least of which was that suddenly all of his bravado had vanished. 

He didn’t know which happened first:  was it when his knees buckled that his mouth had actually opened in shock; or was the other way around, because right away he knew, that just like what was happening inside his stomach, that right then he was sunk.  Sure enough what he saw didn’t please him; not only was mom closing in fast on him, some ten or more feet away, but the look on her face was one that absolutely terrified him and knew that once she started in on him again she'd give him hell.  It was then that he actually felt Tiffany’s fingers gently come to rest over his mouth:  then pattering each across his lips while whispering in his ear “Mmmmmmm, isn’t it yummy?”

Of course he would have run away if he could’ve moved; instead he found his feet glued to the off-white aqua and mauve speckled terrazzo floor and try as he might they wouldn’t budge; he couldn’t make them move.  But what was worse and about to really go downhill from there was that instead of yelling “STOP!” he found that just the touch of Tiffany’s fingers on his lips along with having a real girl just be that close to him for the first time in his life, made him go limp:   well, actually not quite; because the diversion which had broken out below his waist was evident to anyone who cared to witness that he was still fighting his own “Battle of the Bulge” and that that outcome  still remained in doubt.  He tried, but before he could do anything about that skirmish and put up some type of a fight, the promised assault on another front had begun and those manning the line had, under the onslaught, broken ranks, turned tail, deserted and then run off; leaving him alone.  The forces he could and would have mustered to fight her, had not only just gone and surrendered, but one had willingly gone out and met the enemy, figuratively waving a white flag, had welcomed them several times over and just like that, without a fight, outgunned, found he had been taken.  He savored the moment and allowed the three pronged incursion to proceed unabated. 

At seven feet and closing, mesmerized, he watched his mother glare at him.  At two feet away, in resignation, he closed his eyes and wished for a blindfold and allowed the invasion force, still without casualty, to withdraw; heard the opposing commanding field marshal sarcastically ask him “Well, aren’t you going to thank me?”  Here again, if he could have, he would have said something and anything insulting might have saved him, but instead, here he stood silent, before the assembling firing squad of one and all he could do was to first swallow the sizable lump which had formed in his throat and then, before his execution, he knew, he just had to roll his tongue across his lips to rid them of the accustomed egg-custard taste smeared all over them.   It was then he heard her sultry voice asking “What will your mommy think when I tell her that you let me stuff your mouth?”  and then whispered again so only he could hear, concluding “And that you liked it?  MMMMMMMMMM?”

He actually couldn’t find the words to reply; instead, all he could do was sputter, frantically searching for something to say, anything that would do, while trying to wet his lips enough to talk, which in turn forced him several times, to roll his tongue across his lips; which again, he hadn’t intended to do.  Desperate, he smacked them in earnest, trying to get enough courage up and out to say something; anything, but again couldn’t.  “Honestly,” he thought “I didn’t mean to do that, with her voice, I couldn't help it, it just happened.”  What came about after that was a straight forward “You’re welcome” from Tiffany just loud enough for his mother to hear and have her ask “You’re welcome?”  You’re welcome for what?”  And what on earth were you doing with your fingers in his mouth?  I want an answer and I want it now!”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Tiffany feigned, “I didn’t see you coming, but that, well, you see, we were just standing here, exactly like my mother told us to do and I was making sure that they didn’t move, like she said.  But they both looked so uncomfortably thirsty standing still it got me to thinking about something that I’d heard so I just asked the sissy a simple question: a simple sissy question that is.”

The caustic reply of “A simple question which was what?” was clearly heard by all.

“Yes, really it was a no brainer and all she had to do was just answer me.  You see I heard that all sissies had dry lips; so I just asked if it were true. That’s when she told me it was, well, actually they both did and that’s the truth.  You can ask my little sissy brother, who stood here and watched it all happen isn’t that right, Aaralyn?”

Aaralyn, formerly Aaron Lane, knew he had to be a quick learner and right now, if his life was going to get any easier (and it wasn’t) he would have to make a choice: switch allegiance and to go over to the enemy or “Should I tell the big sissy’s mom what really happened?”  He did what he had to do:  right out of the box, watery and red-eyed, he sold Todd out with “Yes ma’am.  My big sister just asked a question, I mean that question, about sissies
like me
and uhh” as he nodded towards Todd adding “and her
 and uhhh
uhhh their dry lips that’s all.”

“That’s all?”  An incredulous Lisa Evans countered almost shouting.  “Do you really expect me to believe that?”
The “Why not” she heard came directly from behind her as Marisa Thompson once again joined the group and plunged headlong into the fray.  “From where I was standing I could see it all, it looked to me that aside from a simple love pat, that your sissy was nothing more than a copycat:  just like Aaralyn, he wanted what he got.” 

“Which was?”

“Lisa, believe me, it’s like what I was trying to tell you before, it’s what all sissy’s want:  to really know how it feels to be an honest to goodness sissy.  No more pretending to be a boy when deep down inside it’s quite otherwise.  You know, the lot of them are like artichokes: ohh yes, believe me.  Rough leaves on the outside hiding what is soft and tender inside; but in order to reach the heart, the outer layers must successively be peeled away.  Then, no more running away from what they really want.  No more wondering about how this or that will or would feel and of always being on the outside looking in to where they really want to be:  here; obedient, dainty, femininely soft, submissive and under control.  Isn’t that right Aaralyn?  Isn’t that what you told mommy and daddy about why you really liked doing all the things you’d done with all of your little stiff weenie boy friends? 

“You see Lisa, unlike yours who would appear to take things in hand as it were, my little sissy just loves to be, a “reluctant participant” one who shall we say is the focal point of desire of others who is ostensibly “Forced” by them to do all sorts of nasty things, even down to playing with himself while sitting in messy smelly panties; it’s true and undeniably most of it is recorded.   Isn’t that right Aaralyn?   And Aaralyn,” she added, “remember, you may curtsy as you nod; and while you’re not wearing a dress yet, don’t forget:   that it’s always thumb to first finger grasping fabric with fingers extended and wrists turned upwards.”

Aaralyn paused for a moment because, this is where Aaron Lane had expected his sister to come to his defense:  to jump right in and save him from doing this in front of everyone, if only because she knew he’d fudged his story to help her; instead, when he looked at her for help all he saw was her smiling back at him the way she’d always done after getting his friends to dare him to do all of the things he’d eventually get conned into doing.  “Maybe it was true” he thought “maybe they all know that I’m really just a sissy too who likes
to be made to do stuff for everyone to see.  I don’t know
” that’s when, with eyes closed, he curtsied while crying and never got to see the look of contentment on his sisters face:  not that he would have understood; instead he heard his mom say “Thank you Aaralyn.  That’s why she’s here today, shopping for clothing, accessories and the like and Aaralyn darling, I want you to know that mommy is saving some of the best for last.”  The look she gave her sissy as he opened his eyes and looked up at her face said it all as she continued on with “You see Lisa, your sissy and mine, they’re both quite alike.”

The scorn in Lisa Evans voice was evident when she replied “Alike?  Well they may be alike but that still doesn’t explain what I saw and before anyone else says a damn word I want to know, why
”as she turned her attention solely to “Tiffany, tell me the truth, all of it and I want it right now.”

“Well, I told you the truth” she said, then demurely added “except for the part where I really did give him a choice; that I could either give him a little love pat like I did to my sissy brother for disobeying my mother or like you saw that I could wet his whistle like I did for Aaralyn who didn’t complain either.  I have to tell you, before I did what you saw; I even suggested that he could run away if he wanted:  but he didn’t.  Honestly 

What she didn’t add right away as she innocently smiled while blushing was what she also knew to be the truth:  she more than enjoyed humiliating another boy and knew that from that moment on that her little sissy brother was going to be a whole lot easier to handle; besides she thought thinking back to what her mother had recently told her “If dad wears everything that mom buys then
things will be a whole lot easier to manage around the house.”  The misconstrued smile she offered to Lisa Evans belied her now hidden agenda that “Daddy wouldn’t be too much of a problem to enjoy dressing up either.”

 She concluded, “
I have to tell you since you asked.  My sissy brother only did what I told him to do.  Yours liked it so much she practically slurped my fingers off.”  Of course she knew as well, but didn’t say, that that wasn’t exactly the part she got off on:  though it helped.

Todd tried to open his mouth and say something in his defense but before he could get a word in edgewise, he found his mother’s finger wagging like a saber right in front of his nose as she too went off on him with “Is all of that true!  Answer me!  Don’t just stand there and cry like a sissy!  Why didn’t you stop her from doing that to you?  Why didn’t you just walk away? Answer me!  Don’t stand there looking so pathetic and crying because if you want to cry I’ll give you something to cry about.  Well, I’m waiting,” which she did for all of about five seconds and just before he was going to say “Mom, it’s not like that really lemme explain” he caught a frog in his throat, gulped it back down and heaved a sigh of relief which of course was immediately misconstrued. 

“Oh I see,” she said loudly “it’s true, you must’ve liked tasting it all then didn’t you.   You want to be embarrassed like that, o.k., that’s fine and dandy, I can arrange it all for you:  and I will.   But did you even stop to think about how humiliating this is for me?  No I guess you didn’t.  A real boy wouldn’t have stood there and taken what you just did.  You never even said a word.  My god for all I could see, except for your tongue, you never moved an inch.  You just gave in without a fight.  A real boy would’ve been out the door; but no not you.  No, not my sissy who thinks he’s so smart and that I don’t know about what he does in his underpants every morning in the bathroom.  Thanks to Tiffany, at least now I know how you clean them.

Remember, I told you before that I couldn’t wait to tell your father about all of this, I’ve got news for you
” as she held up her left hand and extended it for Todd to see “He’s on the phone right now.  I told him what happened before and unless he’s literally dropped not only has he heard every word of our conversation but also has the video feed of it.   I’ll put you on speaker, Norman


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The Boys Department
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2012, 11:23:02 AM »

had no choice, not only to watch it all unfold but to continue listening to her rant.   Seated in his swivel leather chair he had seen it all; beginning with Lisa ripping into Todd with what Norm knew at the outset would be her most heated tirade to date concerning Todd’s hormonally driven adolescent behavior.   He remembered how many times she’d come close to virtually hitting the ceiling with him, utterly bent out of shape about how she  not only presumed him to be rude to her in private but more so to her in public; but now, after seeing this for himself, he had to admit that at least on this one occasion she had a point (though, he thought, “It was obviously more Todd’s embarrassing moment than hers”) and muttered under his breath “jeez
us, just what I need, now it’s gonna hit the fan.  The best thing to do is just agree with whatever it is that she’s going to say about it, blister his butt like I promised her I would if he ever even tried to bug her again and then get over it.  Damn it
 this is just the sort’a thing that can ruin my golf outing with the guys this weekend! I can see it now
for the rest of the week I’ll have the two of them hanging around the house shooting daggers at each other with me in the middle as the referee between the two of ‘em.    One thing’s for sure though, Todd’s butt is toast and if I know Lisa
even after me ripping him a new one, getting over it for him with her might take a good while.   Hells bells, who am I kidding, knowing her it’ll be the worst thing for him to come down the pike since she found out she couldn’t have any more kids.  Hell, I almost kind’a feel sorry for him but I gotta admit that whatever it is that she’s gonna do to him, at least for this, he’s got it coming.”  Norm frowned as he watched the video feed to his cell start to jiggle as he pondered “Damn it it’s always something.  Why does it always have to be like this:  why can’t I just have a normal golfing weekend once in a while with the guys instead of having to go through all of this crap?  This is just the sort’a thing that could throw me off my game; hell, I’ll be lucky to break 85 on the first round. ”

Norm’s thoughts of his “weakened” vacation quickly came to a jolting end when he heard Lisa scream “YOU!!!”  Even if he was sitting in his  ninth floor office five miles across town, her screech made him cringe as the camera feed itself, as in response to her immediate agitation, furiously tumbled and summersaulted like it was a soccer ball getting kicked about.   â€œYu YOU” he heard her stammer again “Norman
look at what he’s done!  Now do you see what I’m talking about” as the camera focused in on an obvious wet spot on the front of his shorts and it was then she screeched out “THAT’S IT! YOU HAVE HUMILIATED ME FOR THE LAST TIME!” which was followed by the proverbial silence which precedes the storm; to which Norman thought “UHH ohh, here it comes now”  as he tried his best to follow the camera’s feed.
He noted its images’ sudden drop; which gave him a quick view of  the stores terrazzo floor but then when it shot up to offer a longer glimpse of the recessed acoustical tile ceiling and the surface mounted security camera nestled on it he felt a sense of frustration at being denied what should be his alone to view.  And as all of this was happening the noise which normally accompanies a disturbance in the force surrounding an open microphone ensued as a simultaneous order to someone off camera close by of “Here, you, Tiffany, take my cell phone and make sure you get it all.”  It all happened to quick and before Norman could curse or ask through the rustling clatter of background noise “Who in the hell is Tiffany?” he knew the cell had been passed off to someone else because there was his wife, standing right smack dab in the middle of the picture, teeth bared, right in front of a thoroughly red faced, trembling and bleary eyed Todd; who by appearance was no shape to offer an resistance whatsoever.

Norm cringed out of sympathy.  Recently he too had been on the receiving end of his wife’s volcanic anger; for what she construed as being his ever increasingly repeated “short comings;” especially in the bedroom, be they real or imaginary, which, according to where she was concerned they were (real); that his ministrations to her were now always “nothing less than pathetically feeble.”  That was her new key catch-all phase when after each attempt to please her he’d ask her “Well, how was it?” that she’d tell him exactly what she thought after they’d done “it.”   Of course, there were other words which either preceded or followed her summation but in either case she remembered it was “pathetically limp and worthlessly inadequate aside from that, thinking about it now, after the fact, for you as always, where I’m concerned it was nothing less than feeble.”  Of course later on, after the fact, she’d try and apologize suing in her sugary sweet voice “Norman?  Honey? Maybe I went too far?   Forgive me?” but lately, even those shallow efforts had faded.  Instead, they were supplanted with the perpetually half-hearted an acerbic “Sorry I didn’t really mean to say that out loud” or her acidic “Can we just forget what I said?  O.K?”  Naturally he tried to defend his performance but when the conversations which followed inevitably worked their way around to her having a medical checkup for what might actually be wrong; well that was another problem for her.  It was something she not only dismissed outright but also just the mention of it enraged her further.

Norm had considered the possibilities and recognized that somewhere along the line she had changed. Now, right or wrong, each perceived little thing which wasn’t just right or in its place was not only an excuse but a justification for her to vent her spleen.  So it was that Norman sat at his desk in silent resignation shaking his head from side to side and while he tried several times to get his wife’s attention, attempting to calm her down, it was all for naught; she was on a mission from god and nothing would turn her.  So it was that Lisa had continued on without drawing a breath and dedicated her dreaded ire towards the one who knew that he was about to go face to face with the “wrath of mom.”  Norman had no choice; being the pragmatist he was, he sat back and waited for what was to follow and tried his best to find some humorous if not slapstick twist in the situation.

At 39, Norm was smart enough to know what would follow; "It was inevitable" he thought that, “Raised voices inevitably attract attention.  Let’s just sit back and see what happens.”   As he sat in the relative comfort of his office he further presumed, “For anyone within earshot this’ll be a spectator sport.  But for me
no.  Hell, I ain’t no spectator I’ve got me a ring side seat.   Of course” he thought “it’s the only box-seat available; for anyone else who wants in it’ll be standing room only.”  Sure enough, it was only a matter of seconds that he was proven right and once the video settled down enough for him to take a good look at what he was actually seeing, he could see the audience in the background growing in numbers:  except for Todd they were mostly woman and girls; girls of all ages who were closing in on Todd.  Norm exhaled a quick “jeeez” and thought what he was looking at was akin to some of the National Geographic doc-umentaries that he’d seen; where the intended victim had been separated from the heard, found itself cutoff and surrounded by a hunting party of a prides lionesses, knew its doom, and yet stood there bleating and so terrified it was incapable of flight.
 So it was that Norm watched as the pride closed in; as a group and individually they were obviously estimating the extent of the victims’ fate and perhaps their partaking in the eventual kill.  Norm thought that whoever was holding the camera made it a special point to zoom in on what previously to him were nothing more than a group of nondescript and anonymous faces; now in essence, making their participation to whoever would view this more personal in  nature; especially so because he knew two of them.   To Norm, the expectations of the groups impending take down were manifested not only in their peering eyes; which inquisitively first leered then widened in understanding of what was to occur but also, that somehow as a group, sensing the expectancy of their victims ultimate surrender, that their pheromones had caused them to bond and so joined the pack moved as one.  Inching closer he could hear their barbed and gutturally derisive laughter.  If all of this had unnerved Norm what it did to Todd was no less nerve-wracking. 

Of course Todd had seen the immediate shoppers in the store begin to move towards his mother’s loud voice which he thought was loud enough to carry across the entire 2nd floor.  He was right, they now were coming at him from every angle imaginable and to his dismay understood that even if he did try to run away he couldn’t.  He was completely surrounded and unless he could find a way to sprout wings, for him, there was no way out through the two to three deep skirmish line which he saw closing in on him.   He cringed when he noticed that a couple of his friends from school coming his way along with their moms.   He took a quick glance back at Aaron who too had understood what was to occur and found that he had prudently distanced himself and had silently taken up a purely defensive position as an interested out of the way bystander beside his mother.   For just a split second Todd envied the fact that “Aaron can blend in so well that nobody will think just by looking that
” that was the thought he never finished because some little girl who, was no more than five had taken point in the hunt, had managed to edge closer than the rest and now stood not three feet from him and pointed at Todd’s shorts while proclaiming in no uncertain terms “Mommy, I KNOW pee-pee when I see it and that’s NOT pee-pee.”

 Tiffany made it a point to swing around and focus on Todd’s immediate reaction which was a well-earned wince of humiliation.  To Norm the disparity was obvious; in the wilds of nature the prey would have been immediately dispatched and its immediate fears finally laid to rest.  But this was not in the wild of nature.  This occurrence was in a far more dangerously cruel and unforgiving realm:  that euphemistical incongruity known as the “realm of man.”   

Todd expected the worst; he had no way of knowing it'd be worse than he expected.  Not at first that is because instead of the taunts, jibes, sneers and jeers the girls observation drew nothing but silence; which made it all the worse because he needed to swallow the cotton ball he had growing in his mouth and thought that if he did that “They’ll hear it if I do” so instead he suffered in silence and waited for what was to happen next; which if one had planned it that way happened just about five seconds after the girl’s mother managed to come forth and admonish her little darling for wandering off without her with “Cynthia, first it’s not polite to point.  Secondly, how many times have I told you that you’re to hold my hand and not to wander off?  How many times is it today?  Hmmm?  Now come along
” she said taking the girls left hand and gently pulling her back and away from where she stood.”  The girl went along with her for two steps, turned and pointed back to Todd only to reiterate

“But mommy, lookit that, see
that’s what I saw.  That’s not pee-pee.   So, what is it?”

What it was was the beginning of Todd’s mothers making an example of him and she began by responding to the inquiry when the laughter had died down and the girl was out of earshot.


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The Boys Department
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2013, 05:31:21 PM »
“Todd” she said as the gathering swarm silently parted their ranks allowing the woman who led her daughter by the hand a certain avenue of egress far from the fray “
you remember what you’re father said to you about what would happen the next time you embarrassed me in public?  You do remember that don’t you?”  The immediate silence surrounding them after hearing her words was broken by the back and forth chit-chat still occurring between the departing mother and daughter some twelve to fifteen feet beyond them.  What was overheard elicited raucous laughter from those they’d passed as the little girl’s voice could again be heard rising above the chatter repeatedly demanding of her mother “No mommy, not later, now.  Tell me, if that gooey white stuff is not pee-pee then what is it?”  The crowd closed behind the two as the woman knelt to try and explain “it” in a whisper.

Her explanation merely served those closest to them to laugh louder; especially, when the little girl exclaimed in high pitched disbelief “Oh come on mommy, you’re just making a joke with me about all boys making that stuff:  besides, I’ve never seen daddy do THAT in his pants and he’s a boy too!  Well, isn’t he?” was heard above a short silence.

While some heads turned with interest towards their ever evolving discussion the atmosphere closer to Todd’s defensive position was not as effusive.  In fact, it was otherwise and with few exceptions, those who enthusiastically watched on did so in expectation of greater things to come:  each envisioned the situation from their own perspective as encounters such as the one to which they were now privy were seldom public and the prospect of actually being “on hand” so speak was just too good to be true.  For them it was not only the elation found in the thrill of the hunt, it was more; it was a welcomed opportunity to divest themselves of the thin veneer pertaining to social etiquette which separated them from the others:  males.  Here and now, they would give no quarter.

They simply knew that he was captured with no place to run or hide and watching him squirm before the real humiliations began and being able to watch on as he crumbled before them would be for them all, the proverbial icing on the cake.  For them, it was a simply process of deduction.  They knew, that he knew, that they all knew about him and of him being unable to do anything about it. 

It was also the tacit understanding among them that since he was now aware that his dilemma would soon be compounded that it had now boiled past the point of him being caught and turning red faced to the point of tears; to them, it was the intimidation factor, of being able to compound it simply by being there without him able to do a thing about it.  To them all, it was delicious knowing that at some tipping point, that the final scene, as yet unwritten, would perhaps play out right before their very eyes and even if it didn’t, they could, in their own minds, write an appropriate ending and imagine him as the object of their fantasy to take home with them, in essence becoming their object du-jour and for how long it would last would be anyone’s guess.  It was knowing all of this while savoring a possible future moment of what fate might lay in store for him and as females
wanting it, outright desiring it as a treasured moment, one which they in time could convey in detail.  And so the field had sorted itself out with Todd being hopelessly outnumbered he watched the approaching skirmish groups enthusiastically closing ranks upon him and went so far as to turn and note that they had unceremoniously linked to one another by forming an irregular loop surrounding him.

Worse for him was that they were now in the process of chuckling openly to one another over some observation or other of his overall predicament.   There, he saw them.  Some stood shoulder to shoulder not six feet from him, if not purse to purse:  truly in some cases he mused “God no
 they’re literally bag to bag and  elbowing one another to get a look at me” as they tittered between themselves.  He noticed that others, less fortunate, by necessity had also instinctively taken up positions; some either in front of or behind various racks of clothes; others behind several of the low display bins and though they were deprived of the ring side seats closer to the object of their intent, him, they too were no less discerning of his ever varying conditions and were not in the least bit shy of actually pointing out to one another the now saturated object of his indiscretion.

He made a quick count to at least fifty of them who were there; tried to pass over the two girls that he knew were neighbors from down the street where they lived, but couldn’t.  All he could see besides them and his mother was that no avenue of escape or withdrawal was available and what was clearly evident prior, that narrow corridor of opportunity to escape had now vanished.  Recognizing such it became evident to Todd that if ever there was a chance to take flight, it had passed; he had missed it and now was effectively cut off.   All, including his neighbor friends noticed his understanding of the situation as his jaw dropped leaving him wide mouthed stunned.

To his credit, Todd didn’t faint straightaway but that was only because he was scared witless and in all honesty if he had thought of doing so it might have gone a whole lot better for him:  they’d have simply torn him to shreds without him knowing about it; after all, it was a jungle out there. Besides, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference in the long run, his fate would be sealed; but short term, at least he’d have garnered a smidgen of sympathy.  Being a little slow on the uptake all he could do was stand there and watch them close in on him until it finally dawned on him about what they wanted; they were all waiting for an answer to his mother’s question; which of course in everyone’s mind, was a “Yes”  and with his one word he would make it a unanimous decision.

For her part, Lisa immediately realized the scope of her newfound audience:  it had ceased to be personal; instead it had become a public event.  Admission was free and as such, the main event had drawn a very large crowd:  one favorable to her which was now busy notifying others who were either elsewhere in the store to come watch it all for themselves or broadcasting it live right to their cell phones from theirs.  It was a pitchman’s marketing dream.  If a picture was worth a thousand words, Lisa thought “the live feed” would make it all the more incontrovertible.  She stifled the urge to laugh at her pun and set about the task at hand of taking advantage of the situation, “After all” she thought “I have a willing participant.” 

It was the very same participant who elected at that moment to whisper his reply to her question.  “Yes ma’m.  I remember.” 

“Well,” she said knowing that she had him “if you do, tell me, right here and now, I want to know.  What is it that he said? You tell me right now, that way everyone here will know too.”  Of course she knew that given the circ-umstances that he was tongue tied and after waiting for several moments for him to do so and subsequent to what were several painful attempts which ended in tearful failure she most pleasantly addressed the situation with “Dearie, didn’t he tell you, and if I remember the entire conversation correctly,  it went something like “Todd, if you so much as give your mother anymore grief while you’re out shopping I’m gonna wash my hands of what she’ll do to you.  In fact, it’s gotten to the point where I don’t care anymore if she hurts your feelings or not.  From here on out I don’t want to hear it and  if I so much as hear that you did anything like what she said you were doing to her again you’ll live to regret it! She’ll deal with you not me!”

 â€œWell, that is what he said isn’t it?” Lisa waited for several seconds and then proceeded with “You can nod if you want” she said “because right here and now is where you’ll start to live to regret it. Tiffany
” she said turning towards the girl standing but a few feet from her “I’ll take my cellphone back.”  The two exchanged smiles and as Tiffany handed over the phone Lisa began speaking into it to “Norman, I’ve decided that

Tiffany was making plans to ensure that Todd would be a regular face for her to enjoy and moved to cozy up to her mother while she hatched her plans on how to get Todd and her sissy brother together for some fun and games.  Of course, Todd’s two neighbors, Heather and Evan were also discussing their plans on what to do with him, which for both included some serious down time for Todd as they both had younger brothers who they knew always hid in the bathroom and played with themselves; not to speak of their hormone raging boyfriends who always seemed to want it.  It took only seconds for them to agree that with the proper persuasion a sissy such as Todd could be useful:  especially his pouting lips.
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The Boys Department
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 04:18:55 PM »
And it was those lips which still attracted attention.  From the closest female who stood and watched to the farthest that surrounded him the smattering of what Tiffany had offered still clung above and below his quivering lips for all to see:  it was to that end that the residue on his puckering lips troubled him;  aware and self-conscious to the obvious.   More so, because, the opaque residue of the  often familiar taste spurred him to action once again:  in front of all, he submitted to its calling of willing humiliation and once again savored what was left while  a part of him silently decried the rapidly diminishing flavor he had for months on end grown accustomed too.

Besides the imperative necessity of just doing that, of the many things that ran through Todd’s mind the most salient was his silent though none-the-less captivating musings of “What Have I just done! I’m ruined!   Why’d I do that?  Jeez by the time I get home Heather and Evan’ll have it all over; all my friends and theirs’ll know!   I can’t believe it!  Oh god I bet dad’ll bust a gut over this when I get home.  But, but it’ll be o.k.  He always comes ‘round in the end to help me out whenever she gets like this.  But look at ‘em all.  Why don’t they all just go away and leave me alone?  Why?”

It can be said that at the time that Todd wasn’t thinking clearly; no not at all.  Of course he thought again about running away but didn’t.  Thought about how he could make up an excuse that he could use when he encountered any of his friends who’d ask him about it but couldn’t find one convincing enough that he could sell.  Thought about how he could change his story, just a little bit, to make it look like it was all one big misunderstanding but couldn’t.  No, he couldn’t think of a thing to tell his mother right here and now, let alone whenever it was that when she got him home alone in private that would sound half-way reasonable; especially now that she had found out all about his hamper antics.  Of the many things he thought about, the only reasonable excuse that could make was really simple, at least for him to understand which just the plain truth which was  “I don’t know, honest, I just couldn’t help myself.  I just got lost in looking at all the things, that’s all.”  What was all was enough as the moment of admitted self-revelation, simply proved the point:  he was a sissy.  Upon which he again rationalized “So what if I like the looks of girls’ clothes.  Their nicer to look at and more fun to wear than the clunky clothes boys always have to wear.” 

That lingering glimmer of truth was the only thing which was a fact, for of the many other things that he also contemplated, he was wrong on each and every one of them.  Point was, the only other thing he got half way right was some minor idea of having to do with ”by the time I get home
” because  it was a whole lot sooner before it got to be that late. 

You see, unfortunately and unknown to Todd, it seems that both Heather and Evan, who, besides being scheming girls, were also two quite enterprising individuals (budding capitalists at heart) who also had the smarts to have in their possession the latest and greatest in late 22nd century technological communication.    Of course, that each, without parental knowledge, had joint ventured a pay per view site for teens only, was beside the point.  Of the most profitable and accessible industries they’d researched in which to venture, the foremost and most readily available was sex:  it sold and for them it was right up their alley (no pun intended).   They’d deduced that between the two, that the factors of production, land, labor, capital and enterprise were all quite manageable.    Moreover, motive included, it was now all quite legal, disease free and unconstrained.   Together, they had covertly planned on using it, the site, to make a big splash of a grand entry:   by enticing their brothers into giving them all a free show, but now, given the opportunity which presented itself it was standing right in front of them just waiting.   

Both girls understood that as entrepreneurs it would establish them as profitable competitors.  Secondly, it would, afford them a wedge issue in accessing their brothers known bathroom proclivities by merely appealing to them, all quite legally, into a perfectly acceptable and planned tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte with a peer of their own and all they had to do was to just stand there and enjoy an elongated moment and get paid for it (pun intended).   After all, their parents didn’t mind if they experimented with each other or anyone else (and by law it wouldn’t make any difference if they did) if they went along with the proposition as it was common knowledge that boys liked to get blow jobs and it didn’t matter from whom; besides, it would net their brothers and themselves the extra credits they desired.  What mattered was that before this, that they had learned that for charging the mere price of twenty-five standard credits per minute that a virtual fountain of mammon (Loot-coin-spodoolies-geetus) would be made available to them.   All they needed to succeed was a lure:   something to tease with, an enticement:  but, most of all, something which was unique and well worth watching; if only for five or ten minutes but keep them coming back for more, something which would hook a crowd (much like the one in which they now stood as gawkers) only more

The mistresses of enterprise understood that all they needed stood before them and as such they took the opportunity to electronically transfer the activation fee necessary to not only activate the account but also to ping each and every contact that either they or their considerable network of either family or friends had.  From there they surmised that if the content were acceptable that they’d be in high cotton.  Both venture capitalists understood the importance of the opportunity that Todd  afforded them:  he was a long term prospect, a piece of work in the making, one with a shelf life who’d keep on giving and as such they immediately employed the entrepreneurs creed:  carpe diem.   

Of course, it is inc-umbent upon the capitalist, budding or established, to understand the market:  that once entered, competition surfaces, thus the market share diminishes.  Being the shrewd impresarios they were Tiffany’s ostensible involvement did not go unnoticed and both were equally as quick to surmise that the cute little girl who stood alongside her mother was not really a girl at all.  While no words passed between Tiffany, Evan or Heather, the eye contact and knowing smiles which passed between each was enough to let each know that something could be worked out amenable to all.  It didn’t hurt that Tiffany had also answered her handset and found that she had been “TTL’D” (Tw.at Tweet Live) by one of her girlfriends who knew Heather and Evan.  Tiffany, to her credit, understood the implication(s) and while she didn’t buy in to the immediate live feed (having a ringside seat), she did make a mental note to make certain that after this episode had completed  to make a deal with the two girls she now looked at.   Needless to say, she surmised that her sissy brother could play at least a supporting role.

 For her part, Lisa Evans was unaware of the immediate hugger-mugger.  She had paused purposely for a moment in consideration of what she would say next and yet, she was acutely aware that while before everyone within earshot had heard her without difficulty across one hundred feet of store that the crowd which had gathered ‘round them was now keenly interested in what was developing before their eyes and was hanging on hearing every word of what she would say next; which in essence, would become a game changer for one Todd Evans.

that Todd’s true interests lie elsewhere.  We’’ll be home much later than expected and Norman if you were wondering about your golf outing this coming weekend, I have an idea or two which for you are not up for discussion; we’ll talk about that after we get home and settled in.  And by the way, since you’ll get home long before we two will, be a dear and cleanout Todd’s closet and chest drawers:  everything goes and I do mean everything that’s either hanging or folded.  I want all of it out; either trashed or given away before we get home.  We’ll worry about new furniture and the wall treatments later, right now it’s more important to have a clean start:  at least with the basics.  Order delivery:  Chinese for tonight.  Around seven will do.  And Norman, you know that girl I always wanted
just use your imagination.  Goodbye.”

“Goodbye” she said, it was the last word that Todd really heard clearly for at least a half a minute or so; not that it would have made much difference as all who surrounded them began to applaud.
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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender