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Author Topic: Wettums: Worst School Ever  (Read 20041 times)

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  • Baby Buns
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Wettums: Worst School Ever
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:22:18 PM »
Chapter 1:

Terri walked into the new school, it smelled like the last one he was in, he and his aunt had moved to the new area after his parents died and he was feeling very nervous about his first day at his new school, he looked around and located the front office and noticed the more juvenile setting, being 16 and having to repeat the 8th grade for a second time was not going to be fun.

"umm yes, I am starting school today, where do I need to go?" He said timidly.

An attractive women in her late 30's peered over at him and looked him over with a lingering expression of "great another one".

"name?" she said looking through some files.


"You're late. Ah, yes, here is your schedule-" she paused as a small smirk grew on her face. "You need to see the school nurse first, she has some special instructions for you."

Terri's face grew slightly red as he knew what she saw, his aunt Kimberly must have called before he got there leaving what was a very embarrassing note for the nurse about his situation. He shifted slightly in his shoes feeling his thick diaper move with him, he heard the plastic crinkle as the woman in front of him smiled again.

"The nurse is just across the hall." she said

His face blushed as he turned to walk out the door, hoping it was just a misunderstanding, but he knew what his aunt would have written down for the school. Diaper inspections between periods, diaper changes by anyone other than himself, the humiliating confession of his bed wetting schedule. He shuttered slightly and walked into the hall way. With his mind preoccupied by his soon-to-be exposure he failed to notice if anyone was in front of him. He slammed into a girl that was walking into the office. Extremely attractive, Terri noticed her too late and collided with her, spilling the coffee she was caring down her blouse. She froze and quickly grabbed her chest, a stray piece of hair fell in her face as she pulled her shirt away from her skin letting a white bra now become visible to him.

"Damn it!" said the woman from behind the desk, as she got up from her chair. "Why don't you watch where you're going?!"

The attractive girl, who looked about a year or so younger than Terri glared down at her shirt and then at him with anger swelling in her eyes.

"It's alright Ms. Amber. I got it." she said sweetly towards the woman who then turned around to get some napkins. She then focused her attention on the boy in front of her with a look hostility that said "how dare you!"

Terri didn't know what to do, he stood there looking at the girl. She was very pretty, she had long blond hair that was slightly curled at the end, enchanting blue eyes with pouty red lips, she wore a pink hair band and red earrings that looked like they cost more money than Terri will ever see. Her blouse look expansive as well and hung to her young teenage figure. Terri could still see her bra outline and just barely make out juvenile little flowers printed on them. She wore a plaid skirt that seemed short in her shapely tan legs.

"Well it looks like there goes my coffee." the women said as she handed the girl the napkins to clean herself up.

"Oh, its okay Ms. Amber I'll get you another one."

"Don't be silly Madison, you are not to blame here. He is." she said poking a finger at Terri who simply stood there.

"I’m sorry it was an accident" he said.

"Whatever." Ms. Amber signed "don't you have some place to be?" she asked him pointing across the hall with an upset expression.

"yes, sorry again" he said to the both of them.

Terri hurriedly pushed open the glass door in front of him. He heard the pretty girl take out her cell phone to call home for a new shirt, and Ms. Amber wiping up the floor. Terri walked across the large front hall to a wooden door with the words "Nurse Callaway" He paused for a moment and looked back through the windows of the front office, he saw Ms. Amber point at him and then snicker while the gorgeous girl Madison chuckled with her. Terri hoped the conversation was about something else and decided to get out of their eye sight.

He knocked quietly on the door until he heard a female voice on the other side "come in." it sang.

"Great another female" he thought.

Terri walked into the nursing station, a women was sitting in her desk filling out some paper work. She was clearly a recent college graduated, not a day over 22, Her hair was tied into a tight pony tail that bounced when she moved her head, she was the definition of the word "cute" She wore pink scrubs and white nurses' shoes that didn't do her justice, her body was small but appeared toned and fit. She swung her head toward Terri who was at the entrance and looked at him with a pair of stunning green eyes.

"Can I help you child?" she asked in a happy feminine voice.

Terri hated when people said things like that to him, he was sixteen for heavens sakes. But, his annoyances quickly changed to nervousness when he realized what he would have to talk to this beautiful nurse about.

"umm yeah, I'm Terri-"

"sorry kid, I see a lot of children, you are gonna need to be more specific than that."

Terri thought that maybe this was his chance. That maybe he could get away from the whole thing. After all, if his aunt asked him if he went to the nurse, he could say "yes". Terri had started the day off so horrible by making a fool of himself in front of one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen and with the women at the front desk knowing about his current situation.

"Ohh nevermin-" He was about to say until the nurse's face lit up.

"Oh I remember why you're here, yes, your aunt called didn't she?" she said as she clapped her hands together and stood out of her chair. She was not much taller than him, but at that moment she could have been a giant. "yes, she had a lot to say about you, she said you might be a discipline problem. We had a little chat about your trouble making at your last school." She became very serious and placed a hand on her hip, and waved a finger at him with the other. "Just remember this is a private school not a public school, so your aunt pays good money for you to be here, Principle Fields hasn't had to use corporal punishment on ANY student in over nine years, but this is a quiet, well to do community so I want absolutely NO problems from you...Okay?"

It was true, Terri did do some stupid things, they said he was "acting out" but half the stuff that happened wasn't even him, it was just the group that he hung out with, and when the time came to point a finger, they were all on him.

"but-" he started

"no buts, kiddo, I take this very seriously. Now sit down." the once perky attitude and smile faded into a controlling nurse with in a second.

Terri sat down on a bench next to the nurse. She stood over him and rummaged through some files and eventually found what she was looking for. She began to read silently. A smile grew across her face as she peeked out over the paper at him.

"Now, this file gives me some instructions left by your aunt Kimberly, she was such a nice lady and she had some strict rules for you that I will enforce with all my power. #1) diaper inspections between periods #2) You are NEVER allowed to change your own diaper and #3) this is your bed wetting chart." She said trying to suppress a smile. She held up a print out with a grid chart and a teddy bear. "These are the days of the week, and this is your progress, you will report to me every morning and tell me if you had wet the bed the night before. These are the rules, if you break them, than prepared to be punished. And believe me, you do NOT want me to come looking for you." She said.

Terri had looked away the moment she said the word "diaper" he hater her already, despite her toned body and cute face, she was fresh out of school and on a power trip that Terri knew she would indulge in. She looked back down at the notes left by his aunt, she would sometimes laugh and look up at him and then continue reading. She took the file and placed it on her desk and then took out an order form from a supply store and quickly jotted down a reminder to herself. She turned back around and clasped her hands together again as if she was about to do a cheer.

"So, diaper inspection...now!" she said.

The color drained from Terri's face, it was sinking in just how embarrassing this whole ordeal is going to be. "N-now?" he managed to say.

"I don't believe I stuttered, come on stand up, first period is almost over and you have yet to speak to the principle. Come on lets move it."

Terri stood up from the chair with his hands shaking and his mouth dry. Nurse Callaway rolled her eyes and took a step forward. She pushed her hands to undo his pants. Terri didn't move a muscle as she let his khaki pants drop to the floor revealing a white plastic disposable diaper. Terri looked down to see her pony tail bobbing side to side as she looked at his crotch. She placed a slim painted finger nail into the waist ban and sides of his diaper causing him to fidget. She then placed an open palm right on the middle of his diaper, he felt her touch his privates through the plastic causing him to jump, he peered down to see five small pink painted fingernails gripping his manhood with amusement.

"pff, what is it with boys?" she asked to herself "stand still" she demanded. Remembering her words earlier Terri stopped moving from side to side.

"Hmm, not wet yet, but you will sometime today, you don't need to come to me after this period since it is almost over but the one after that I better see you here in my office."

Terri couldn't think of the words, his mind was only focused on what had just happened, an attractive woman not terribly to older than him had just checked his diaper. He was already dreading the next inspection. How much worst can it get? he thought. He didn't even know that she had pulled his pants back up and fastened them.

"That will be all Terri." she said in a matter-of-fact voice "Now go back to the office across the hall, Principle Fields likes to meet all her new students. She has yet to learn of your condition, however I suggest you tell her when you get there, she is not a fan of tardy students, and your inspections are bound to cut into your time between moving in-between classes.

Terri slowly began to walk to the door, his diapers now seemed so much more noticeable and seemed to crinkle louder than before.

"Oh and Terri?" asked the cute nurse

"yes?" he said meekly

"did you wet the bed last night?"

His face grew red as he blushed. He could see the little smile that played on her lips as she already knew the answer.

"Yes." he said and exited quickly.

Chapter 2:

He let the door shut behind him as he walked once again across the empty hallway pausing in the middle to look outside the front doors, he wondered what would happen if he ran, if he just got out of all the embarrassment. He looked through the other glass windows into the front office to see Ms. Amber looking directly at him. He didn't want to make things worst on himself.

"maybe no one will notice me, maybe I can get through this." he thought to himself. He continued walking till he opened the door. Ms. Amber scowled at him.

"what is it now Terri?" she asked with sarcasm. He was distraught that she remembered his name.

"I'm here to see Principle Fields."

"well then you will have to wait a few seconds while I call her."

"yes ma'am" he said not wanting to make her even more mad at him than she already was.

"take a seat and try not to make anything wet..." she paused "like you did when you spilled the coffee." He felt hot as he knew what she really meant, his face flushed as he looked down at the floor. He could see out of the corner of his eye that she smirked and went back to her work. A few minutes passed by until a small silver device next to Ms. Amber spoke.

"Send the new student in Kelly."

"sure thing Principle Fields." She looked up at Terri and grinned, "time to go Terri." she said in a sappy voice.

He really hated her and they had just met, he hoped that she wouldn't see him everyday. Terri tried to scowl back at her but while he stood up he could feel the heavy seat of his diaper sag. This changed his mood from mad, to nervous that he would have to do the whole humiliating ordeal of talking about diapers to another women again. Ms. Amber let loose a small quick laugh as he walked away. He could feel her eyes digging into the back of him looking at his backside trying to notice the disposable diapers.

He walked a few paces into an elegant hall and finally to a wooden door that had a small tag next to it. "Principle Fields" is what it read. Terri took a deep breath and tried to push the feeling of his bulky crotch away from his mind to no avail.

"maybe I won't say anything." he said to himself "No, just say, tell her and get on with my day, things can't get worst than they are, just tell her about the diapers and leave, maybe she won't even remember your name when you leave." He tried to rationalize. He opened the door to her office and quietly walked inside. She had a large office with a small sitting area and a closet. Principle Fields was sitting at her desk, she appeared in her early 40's with strait brown hair that framed her strict looking face, she was wearing a white low cut cardigan with a tight grey skirt that hung at her knees as she sat. Her grey eyes were looking at her computer as a pair of pursed lips mouthed some words she was reading.

"Do you always enter an office without knocking?" she said with out looking away from her screen.

"Oh I’m sorry, its just that I thought you were expecting me-" Terri pleaded, he just wanted to get away from there.

She finished whatever was on her screen and turned to face him. She took out a pair of glasses and placed them on her face, pushing her hair behind her ears. She wore a serious expression as she held up a paper. Terri feared another note from his aunt.

"This is your academic history." she said as secretly Terri was glad that she truly did not know about his aunt's punishment of him. "Two schools in two years, we will be the third. You have yet to pass the 8th grade, not because of your intelligence, but for your unruly behavior. That has to be embarrassing for you. Being 16 in a school that only has kids from 6th grade to 8th grade." she spoke and pulled off her glasses putting her fingers to her eyes and rubbing them. "now tell me, this time is different."

"its different" Terri said unsure of what else he should do.

"Why?" she shot back

Terri took in a deep breath and was about to tell her that he now lives with his aunt and her punishments. He gulped and began to sweat slightly as the word "diaper" seemed to cause him to tense up.

"Principle Fields..."

Just then the door behind him opened up and a wonderfully pretty girl walked in. Terri's heart skipped a beat as he saw the girl walk past him. Principle Fields smiled at the girl and stood up from her desk.

"Hello Madison are you alright, did your step-mom bring you a new shirt?" she asked.

Terri's mind went blank as the cute girl turned to face him and make eye contact.

"I swear, did you see which of the younger kids caused the accident?" Principle Fields asked

The girl named Madison smiled to the principle and spoke sweetly "Oh no Principle Fields, but they shouldn't be blamed, they are just children after all, they don't know what they are doing half the time." she looked up at Terri and gave a wicked smile.

"Ah, oh well, if you see which one did it, you have full privilege to punish them as you see fit." Principle Fields said.

"Thank you Ms. Fields, I'll keep that in mind."

"Terri, this is Madison Smith, she is the caretaker of all new students, she helps them find their classes and where the bathroom is and everything, she will be doing the same for you. She is the best student we have here so pay attention to her. She is captain of the cheerleading squad, class president, and my niece. She is also a gifted student as well, all by the age of 14, so as someone who is 16 I expect you to learn faster than the other students we have had here, is that clear?"

"yes ma'am"

"good, now why are you different now at this school?" Terri froze, he thought she forgot about her question, he couldn't tell her now, not when the hottest girl in school is standing with her arms crossed looking at him.

"becau-beacuse I'm-" he stammered

"eh, just don't get into trouble or I WILL see that you are probably punished, is this all crystal clear to you?" she asked


"Good, now the period is about over, Madison will you show Terri his next class, you two have about the same schedule don't you?" Principle Fields said as she turned her attention to a phone call that was coming in. Madison walked right in front of Terri her developed chest was peaking out from a new blue blouse as her plaid skirt moved with her tight hips. She took Terri by the hand and smiled back at Ms. Fields who waved at them goodbye. The two walked out of the office into another hall way from a side door. Terri was just glad he didn't have to admit being in diapers to the principle and not having to see Ms. Amber at the front again. The hallway was empty as Madison was practically pulling him away from the front of the school, as soon as they stopped Madison's smile faded into a look of disgust as she turned to Terri.

"Look here loser, I love my aunt so I put on the show for her, but your some kind of stupid kid who gets held back two grades, don't talk to me and don't look at me, well, look if you want but this is MY school and I'm in charge, that business with the coffee this morning was a free-bee, it WON'T happen again, understood?" She was so pretty that Terri could help feeling hopelessly attracted to her, but as she scolded him he was also reminded of his diaper and was extremely relieved she had not mentioned anything. He was confident that she didn't know, and now she was telling him to get loss, a desire he wanted more than anything.

Chapter 3:

Madison pushed him against some lockers that made a loud clang, she then proceeded to walk away. Terri couldn't help it, he had to stare at her back side as she walked even though he felt ashamed when he felt the start of an erection pressed against the humid encasement of his diapers. He placed a hand over his crotch hoping the bulge was not to much with out even thinking. He looked up to see if Madison had noticed. He looked in horror as she had turned around and placed a hand on her hip. She rolled her eyes and scoffed in disgust as Terri quickly pulled his hand away from himself.

He looked around as the bell sounded and the hallways flooded with students. He was glad he still had one more period before he had to report back to Nurse Callaway for his "inspection" and proceeded to find his next class which he eventually did a few minutes late. The class passed on, and the only embarrassing situation arouse when his teacher Mrs. Holly made him stand in front of the class and introduce himself. Terri was sure everyone knew about his diapers, each little crinkle, each small waddle seemed to yell out what he was wearing, each time someone raised their hand or a girl giggled he thought it was about him, but by the end of the period he felt like he could maybe pull it off with no one noticing. When the class ended he made his way to the nurses office for another humiliating inspection. Nurse Callaway smiled as Terri entered.

"you're late, it's a good thing you have lunch after this or you may get detention." she said in her cute voice. "over here, come on." .

"Here? in the open...w-what if someone comes in?" Terri asked

"Then they will see a rude 16 year old boy in diapers, now I am NOT going to tell you again!" she said walking towards the exposed setting. She patted the examination table covered in plastic and a long white paper sheet. Terri's stomach was in knots, he felt so ashamed each time Nurse Callaway checked him. However this time she simply placed a single manicured finger in the elastic leg band of his diapers and waved him away.

"Still dry are you? Well after lunch we will see."

Terri had just buckled his belt as two young girls came in wearing khaki short shorts with white and navy blue shirts carrying a note for head ache medicine.

"Hey girls." Nurse Callaway said in her perky tone.

"Hey-Hello." they each answered as they took their pill.

"Hey girls would you took like to show this new student to the cafeteria?" she asked them with out even looking at Terri "We wouldn't want you to get lost would we?" she turned to him in a fake sympathy voice. The two girls giggled at her voice but then gave Terri odd looks as he was clearly strange looking for a student. They ushered him into the hallway, they walked in front of him and whispered something back and forth before erupting in laughter then looking back at him they they both broke off into s sprint away from him leaving him to walk slowly in his diaper. Terri felt cheated as he bed Nurse Callaway asked them BECAUSE she knew what they were going to do. He continued to walk around in circles until finally he found a small seating area outside, from a the area he saw the cafeteria in the distance. The benches and tables were nice as each had their own umbrella and he wondered why no one else was sitting there. Terri thought about going down but he didn't feel very hungry and was happy to just stay out of everyone’s way. He went around the middle and noticed a small fountain with some cups to fill up water. He took a few drinks and finally filled a large paper cup up and sat down on one of the benches. The sun was a nice change of pace from the humiliating dealings of school. He soon found himself slightly sleepy and set his head down on a table with his arms underneath, cradling his head, still holding the water.

He listened as he thought he heard foot steps coming closer which in turn made him more self conscienes about his diapers he was wearing under his cloths.

"Oh no way." he thought he heard someone say.

Terri was in that half awake- have asleep state as he felt a hard tap on his shoulder. This caught him completely off guard and coupled with his further paranoid feelings about his diaper he jolted up causing his water to fly. He awoke stunned and turned around to see behind him one of the worst sights possible. Standing in front of him were five girls, each astoundingly pretty. They all wore designer cloths and looked at him in alarm. He turned to see Madison standing in the middle with the water he had carried splashed on her second shirt for that day. One of the girls rushed to her side. She was also extremely cute, being slightly shorted than Madison, she had brunette hair with green eyes, her breast where slightly larger and Terri could see the under wire of her bra, she wore a skirt that swayed with her as she hurried over to Madison. She pulled out some napkins from her purse and quickly began to dap her shirt as she shot Terri a look of utter disgust.

"You little prick!" Madison finally spoke after looking in shock at her shirt. It suddenly became clear to Terri why no one sat in such a nice spot. "I told you to stay out of my way. I said to beat it loser. I TOLD you, you got ONE and ONLY ONE freebie!" Terri could see she was very angry, her girly stance made Terri feel even more pathetic.

"This is our spot!" one of the girls said from behind, a cute girl wearing a pair of tight Capri pants and a tight collard shirt showing off her smooth and flat stomach along with the edges of her hips.

"Are you like, stupid or something?" another one asked.

Terri didn't know what to say he simply sat there scared to say or do anything in front of the pack of teenage girls.

"Get up!" yelled Madison. Terri fumbled with words, her perfume had caught up to him and her face just made his mind blank.

"I said GET UP!" she yelled again grabbing his collar and pulling him forward. Terri tried to resist, but even he wasn't about to fight a girl, a girl who's aunt was the principle of the school. Terri awkwardly pulled himself up and looked at all the faces that started at him. He couldn't think of anything to say.

"I-I-I'm sorry."

"I don't want your apology!" said Madison "That's two shirts you have ruined! I want something for it!" Madison paused for a moment as a evil grin crept across her face as she looked back at the other girls who smiled as well.

"You owe me two articles of clothing, and I get to choose." she said coolly and after a pause spoke again "The shirt and the pants...loose them...now!" Terri's face flushed a hundred different colors of red as he knew what he wore under his pants. There was no way he was going to strip down in front of them. A group of controlling 14 year old girls would humiliate him to no end if they found out about his diapers.

"What's a matter? got a small dic-k?" one of the girls asked, they all laughed out loud.

"Do it now, or I tell my aunt that you were peaking into the girl's bathroom."

"Madison, please...I'll just go."

The look on her face said it all. She turned to her girlfriends who smiled wide grins and ran towards Terri. They gripped his wrist and ankles pulling them behind to restrain him.

"Madison Please I’ll do anything-anything, just don't-" She pulled up his shirt, maneuvering around the others girls' hands that kept him controlled. Everything seemed to slow down as Madison placed a hand on his belt. He knew what they were about to see. He then felt a mixture of extreme shame and humiliation along with betrayal as he actually started to wet himself out of fear thinking what the girls would think of him. At first Madison just unzipped his pants thinking it was just underwear but then it all sank in.

"Oh...my...gawd" She exclaimed, "you gals are NOT going to believe this!" she quickly let loose a girlish squeal as she brought her hands to her face, covering her smiling red lips and mouth.

"Are you wearing DIAPERS!?" she asked Terri who's face was now completely red along with the rest of his body and now tears were forming at the corners of his eyes.

"Oh MY" one girl said

The rest just laughed and released him, one girl that held his hands behind his back pushed him forward causing him to fall on the ground exposing his sagging diaper butt to their chorus of giggles and humiliating remarks. One grabbed his pants and handed them to Madison.

"This whole day just got a whole lot better." she said. "I think I found something to entertain me for the time being." she had a huge smile on her face as the girls stood over him and laughed. Just as Terri thought it couldn't get any worst another girl stepped forward.

"Hey Maddi." she said

"Yeah Chelsea?" she said between giggles

"I think he actually WET himself!" They all laughed at his expanse as Terri tried to cover his disposable diaper up with no success.

"Oh he has, you can see the yellow...EWWW!"

"That’s...like SOOO disgusting!" another said.

"Come on girls we're already late." said Madison as she kept his pants and shirt. "Lets let the BABY find his own way back!" she said as the all walked past him leaving him in utter humiliation.

Despite all that had happened Terri knew that he had to get back to Nurse Callaway or else she would come looking for him in class with a thick white diaper in her hand. He stood up sobbing and hoped he would make it back in time for his diaper inspection and now his first diaper change.

Chapter 4:

Terri stood up shaking grass and dirt from himself feeling defeated at the hands of the girls who now knew his secret and was wondering what they were going to do with it. He quickly ran over to a line of bushes near the sidewalk that circled the school and waited near the door wondering what to do.

"I can't go inside like this." he heard the bells ring over the intercom and listened as a mass of students flooded into the school's halls. He waited for what seemed like an eternity for the foot traffic to calm down. He heard the door open to the outside. two younger girls walked outside along the sidewalk. Terri crouched down behind the brush hoping they would not see him. He held his breath as he felt his wet diaper sag around his crouch.

"Oh please, oh please" he kept whispering to himself.

The girls carried on unaware of the diapered 16 year old near them and walked away. Terri heard their footsteps and talking disappear as the rest of the students found their classes. He thought this was good news until he remembered again that Nurse Callaway would be getting angrier by the second he was not there. Terri nervously stood up from behind the bush and peeked into the double doors. A few students were still walking fast to their own classes and he knew that a few of them would still be running around if he went down the hallway. He had suffered to much humiliation as it was so walking down the school halls in a wet diaper was on his list of things he didn't want to do. He then crept over the bushes and on to the sidewalk to peek around there. It was clear, but it would take longer, it would also lead him to the front doors which no one may be around but he decided to take the gamble. Terri ran around the side walk towards the front but his diaper made it hard to move quickly, it was swollen and bulging. He came upon another corner and peered over, checking for anyone.

"no one" he said.

He walked fast to the front doors, ducking behind whatever was available to him. He went into the first pair of double doors, then the next right to the nurses' office. Locking up the door was Nurse Callaway, her cute face was stern and angry and her pony tail bobbed as she turned. Terri made a quick glance towards the front office and didn't see Ms. Amber.

"Miss Callaway." Terri said very quietly, not wanting to cause anymore attention.

She looked up when she heard her name.

"Terri!" she said much louder than he would have liked "I was just locking up to come find you! I gave you a simple order!" she crossed her arms and tilted on her hip, her pink scrubs tightened revealing her toned body. "It was so easy for you to do, a BABY could have done it." Terri looked at the floor and blushed.

"My gawd, are you WET too?!" she practically screamed. She was so mad. "Ah, just GET IN HERE!" she said to him unlocking the door to her nurses' station. She opened the door and pointed a finger inside. As the two walked in she continued to berate him with words, "and where are your cloths!?" she asked him. "You are in some serious trouble, it is only your first day and look at you!" she said. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself? hmmm?" she said folding her arms again.

Terri really did feel like a small kid who was in trouble, his body turned red as all he could do was mumble something and cower in front of her.

"You know what? Don't even bother making up an excuse, Principle Fields needs to hear this."

Fear shot through Terri as he never had the chance to tell her about his punishment.

"Nurse Callaway-" He began to say but she walked over to him and forcefully grabbed his arm and dragged him to a corner.

"Nose in the corner...NOW!" Terri turned red but didn't dare fight back. She was really upset with him and he didn't want to make it worst.

She walked over to a small silver box and pushed a button on her desk.

"Hey Lauren." she said in her now sweet voice.

Another female voice answered back, a voice that Terri thought he had heard before.

"Yes Jennifer?"

"Could you see if Ms. Fields is busy, I have our problem student here and he needs to talk to her."

Terri suddenly placed the voice, Ms. Amber from across the hall. He could practically see her face light up with happiness and amusement.

"Of course." there was a long pause where they both waited, Terri was feeling more and more worried as the seconds ticked on. He hoped beyond hoped that she was busy and couldn't see him.

"She is ready for you Jennifer." the box said

Nurse Callaway pushed the button again "Thanks Lauren." she said in her perky voice. Terri heard her grab her bag off her desk and walk up behind him, she spinned him around and placed to fingers into the front top of his diapers and pulled him forward into the hallway. Terri saw through the windows in the front office the sight of Ms. Amber looking at him being dragged by Nurse Callaway by pulling on his fully exposed diapers. Terri didn't even check the ends of the hallway to see if anyone was watching for him he just followed his current female master like a little puppy. Ms. Amber was already laughing before they even opened the door and it made it worst for Terri to then hear her girly peels of giggles as they walked by her. To Terri's hateful fortune she stood up from her desk and followed them into Principle Fields' office. They arrived at the wooden door as Nurse Callaway knocked lightly. Terri could feel Ms. Amber behind him letting loose the occasional laugh then placing a hand to her mouth. Nurse Callaway still held Terri's diaper in the front dragging him along when they heard a voice from the other side of the door.

"Come in."

Nurse Callaway opened the door and entered with Terri behind, then Ms. Lauren Amber. Terri focused on the ground, wishing it would swallow him up. Principle Fields was looking in a book with her back to them. Terri noticed her shapely bottom and the skirt she wore. She had since put her hair into a bun held together by a pen, she turned around with a face soon overcome with shock.

"Terri?" she asked "What is going on here?" she asked

"Terri has been excessively late to his appointments with me, being tardy to class, and not following school orders." said Nurse Callaway to her.

"Appointments?" she asked "what are you talking about? Why is this young man in a diaper?"

Both Ms. Amber and Nurse Callaway exchanged looks then they both looked back at Terri standing still as a pole. "You never told her?" said Nurse Callaway with an expression of frustration.

Terri didn't even talk he just continued to stare at the carpet, he could now feel how hot he was, his skin looked like a tomato, he blushed a deep crimson while his mouth dried up and sweat beaded around his forehead. He couldn't move. With three women surrounding him in the middle, staring at him, wearing only a white disposable diaper he began to tear up. To make matters worst he was once again betrayed by his own body, felt a few squirts of pee escape from his pen-is into his diaper a little at a time, but then it suddenly became soaked as he wet himself once again in front of a crowd.

"You are in BIG trouble mister-" Nurse Callaway began until she looked down at his crotch and saw a few drops escape his already soaked diaper and hit the carpet under him. The women just stood there amazed at what the boy had done. Principle Fields eventually reacted, she quickly grabbed a near by news paper and placed it under Terri.

"gross." said Ms. Amber from behind him with disgust.

Terri had never seen Nurse Callaway so mad, she grabbed a few more sheets of news paper from Principle Fields' desk and handed them to Ms. Amber.

"Lauren, would you help me out with this one and place him in a corner while I fill Principle Fields in on our little baby. she said speaking the last word to Terri who began to cry quietly.

"With pleasure Jen" she said grabbing Terri by the hand and led him out of the office. Terri stood behind Ms. Amber as she reached over and closed the door behind them. She then grabbed the boy's hair with the other hand and dragged him down the hallway.

"Ouch!" Terri gasped.

"What a little bitch you are." Ms. Amber said as soon as she was out of ear shot from the principle's office. "Get over here now! She walked him to a corner near the office women's bathroom and unfolded the small stack of newspaper and forced him to stand on it. "Now don't move a muscle!" she said as she walked away quickly and returned with something in her hand.

"I got this while out on lunch, I thought it would be very fitting for someone like you!" she placed a pastel yellow pacifier in his mouth and pushed his head towards the wall. "Put your hands on your head BABY!" she said "And don't you DARE take that paci out!" Terri felt horrible, he blushed again and sobbed. "awww is baby gonna cwy?" Ms. Amber asked in a sickly sweet voice. A few more drops of pee escaped his flooded diaper and fell on the newspaper. "Oh my gawd, you are so weak." said Ms. Amber as she turned away from Terri and went back to her desk. As she sat there where she continually texted someone, occasionally looking back at Terri and giggling. After several long grueling minutes Nurse Callaway opened the door to the office and told Terri to walk towards her. Terri did as he was commanded and walked into the office to see Principle Fields leaning on her desk with a look of anger.

"I have heard all I need to hear...I will be calling your aunt and telling her how you behaved on your first day, and needless to say if this happened again I can assure you, you will be punished severely, is that understood? she asked

"Yeth ma'am" Terri spoke through the pacifier causing him to produce a lisp. He was sure he saw Ms. Fields suppress a smile.

"Good now lay down." Terri wasn't sure what she meant until he saw a plastic changing pad on the floor, standing there was Nurse Callaway holding a bottle of baby oil and a thick disposable diaper. To Terri's horror Principle Fields called in Ms. Amber for "assistance" She seemed only all to eager to help.

"Lauren, I don't think pacifiers are part of the school uniform code...but I think we can let it slide this one time." Ms. Fields said giving a grin to her.

Terri walked like a zombie to the changing mat and let himself lay down. Nurse Callaway stood over him while Principle Fields knelt in front of the scarred boy. Her skirt rode up on her thighs revealing a black lacy guarder belt straps. Terri could see the traces of a flowery bra as she straitened the mat under him.

"Lauren, would you restrain the boy’s arms while I change his diaper?" She was more than happy to hold his arms over his head while Principle Fields spread his legs apart to be on either side of her. She slid on a pair of latex gloves and expertly undid the first strap on his full diapers, the humiliation was so much that Terri began to sob again as he blushed anew, having three stunning women change him was so degrading but he was a boy never the less and the thought of anything seeing him naked stirred his small pen-is. She undid the rest of the tapes a little slower than what was necessary. She then placed her fingers into the top of the diaper and brought it down in front of her creating a horrid hour glass shape of plastic. Terri felt his pen-is become exposed as Principle Fields let loose a small laugh as well as Nurse Callaway. She took a wipe and cleaned around his privates and bottom then looked up at Nurse Callaway.

"Oil?" she said as she held open palm out.

The nurse squirted a generous amount of baby oil into her hand as she then began to wipe it all over Terri's diaper area, the smell of baby oil and the women's perfume, along with a female touch him in his most intimate places produced the erection that made Terri feel even MORE humiliated than he was.

"Boys will be boys." said Ms. Amber as the three of them laughed at his expense.

Ms. Fields then produced a new diaper and slid it under Terri's bottom and then folded the front up between his legs, pressing his erection to his stomach, it was still visible pushing against the white plastic while Principle Fields taped up the sides. She slid an elegant finger along the top and sides, briefly touching his balls causing Terri to jump.

"There, all dry aren’t you?" she asked

"Yeth ma'am" he said meekly.

"Good now stand up and put these on. They were a pair of navy blue khaki's and a white collard shirt, both were to small and did little to hide his diaper underneath. He slipped back on his shoes and waited his next command.

"Well I'm glad we got that sorted out." said Nurse Callaway as she patted Terri on his diaper behind. "Now, off to class with you, you have already missed a great deal of this one, so you don't need to return for another inspection, and then you have your last class and I don't need to see you after school, you will just make me mad. However I BETTER see you tomorrow morning for your bed wetting update and I assume some new form of punishment from your aunt.

With the diaper change Terri had completely forgot about his aunt Kimberly, she was going to be so angry with him when he got home.

"Laruren will you show Terri to his next class with this note?"

"Sure thing Principle Fields."

Terri took Ms. Amber's hand and was led out of the whole embarrassing situation down the hall and out the office.

Chapter 5:

Ms. Amber lead Terri to his next class with the pacifier still in his mouth, she suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway when her phone buzzed on vibrate, she pulled her hand away from Terri's and checked the screen.

"Ah, stupid meeting already." she said to herself.

She looked Terri up and down and thought about her next actions. She pursed her sweet red lips together and narrowed her eyes.

"Ug, I won't have time to introduce you to the class...a shame, after all the trouble you have caused. So this is what is going to happen, you will keep the pacifier in your mouth, and you will hand this note to Mrs. Fines, understood?"

"Yeth" he said, truth be told she could have said anything to him, as long as he was away from her mean streak he was happy, so much had happened in such a short time that Terri could have been walking off a cliff and still would have been better off then remembering the embarrassment he had to endure in front of the school staff.

"The note is sealed for a reason baby Terri." she said passing it to him with a push. "Don't let me hear it was delivered opened.

"Yeth ma'am" was all Terri said to her, she gave him a cold stare that sent a shiver down Terri's spine. With her words she turned around and walked slowly away with the clack clack clack of her black high heels hitting the floor. Terri knew she was walking slowly on purpose, being so attractive in a school full of hormones, she knew that despite his diapered state and the humiliation that she had forced on him, there was no way Terri could have taken his eyes off her tight backside as it swayed side to side in her loose fitting skirt.

As soon as she was gone he realized the situation that had happened and became mad with himself. He was even angrier at Madison and her girly group that caused him to first wet himself and become late in the first place. In his frustration Terri grabbed the pacifier out of his mouth and threw it to the ground.

"Stupid women, stupid Aunt Kimberly, stupid Madison!" he said as he stormed off to class, but with each step anger turned to butterflies in his stomach as he felt his diaper around his crotch, he looked down and saw the noticeable bulge around his middle. He pressed a hand against his groin and heard the loud sound of plastic crinkle underneath. Terri had, had enough, instead of walking into class he made a line for the bathroom instead, he quickly locked himself in a stall and pulled down his pants, the smell of baby oil arose from his nether regions as he pulled the tapes of the diaper of in a rage. He ripped again into his plastic white prison till it fell to the floor. Terri felt so liberated at that moment, he gathered the diaper, along with his note into a small pile, he refastened his pants, and for the first time didn't feel the extra padding around his waist. He even smiled a little as he reached down for the trash he made and walked out of the stall and threw the discarded diaper and note into the bin. Terri then casually walked into his next class with a new found confidence.

"And then that was after the time when it was created for, so Audrey then-" The teacher looked up from her lesson. "Can I help you son?"

"Yeah I'm Terri, I'm new here."

"Why are you so late dear?" she said looking from a pair of glasses while she held a book in front of her.

"Shoot." he thought "I can't really say why I’m late."

"Umm there was a problem...at the front office...something with my paperwork." He let slip out. Terri stood there for a moment in silence until she spoke "I see, don't let it happen again, you may take a seat next to Jessica." Terri couldn't even imagine his luck, she didn't even ask for a note or anything. Terri walked down the middle of the isle to take a seat near the back next to the girl he was assigned to. She was cute wearing a white skirt and a button down blouse, her hair was in blond pigtails and she smiled at him showing her braces. Terri smiled back and took his seat and listened. The lesson went on with out issue, the only time Terri felt nervous was when the girl Jessica leaned to her friend and asked "does it smell like baby changing station in here to you?" Her friend gave a little nod "Yeah, like baby oil." However the two did not finish their conversation as Mrs. Fines looked up from her lecture and before Terri knew it the bell rang. He was happy to walk around diaper-free. He was so happy he didn't even have to report back for another diaper inspection with Nurse Callaway. Terri walked to his next class and took a seat and did as he did last period, simply sat and listened as the teacher went on about some subject that he had already learned about at his last school. The last bell rang and Terri jumped up from his seat and quickly left the class, he walked to the back of the school not wanting to use the front doors ever again. He walked briskly around the school and sneaked pass the outlying trees till he hit a small road that gently rose with houses on each side. Terri managed to rid himself of his diaper but the closer he approached his home he was struck by a HUGE flaw in his plan.

"Oh no...what about Aunt Kimberly?" he thought "What if she finds me without my diaper on? And the call from the school?"

Up till this point his aunt had enforced his diaper punishment only by asking him, Terri was in charge of putting on his own diaper and even changing himself, but he also knew she had been growing more and more upset with this practice and had insisted that morning to fully know that Terri actually was wearing a diaper by making him unzip his pants and showing her.

"Maybe she isn't home from work." he thought "If I can get there, put on a new diaper and delete the message off the phone then-" Terri didn't even finish what he was thinking he simply ran as fast as he could to get there before his aunt could. He ran like he had never ran before, which was a lot easier without being enc-umbered by a bulky diaper. He saw his aunts house and sprinted towards the door.

They were in a very well to do neighborhood with the houses being bigger than any Terri had seen, he wondered how much his private school actually cost as he reached the front door, two large wooden panels that opened towards the marble entry way. Terri fished around under the mat for the key as he eventually found it, he stood up to place the key in the lock when he heard the worst sound he could have ever heard, his limbs flushed with ice as the front door swung open. Standing there was his Aunt Kimberly or aunt Kim for short. She was a young and beautiful women, never married, and proud of it, she claimed herself to be quite the feminist yet she didn't look the part. She was a perfect 10 and she knew it too. Piercing blue eyes contrasted her dark hair, she wore a tight professional skirt with matching blouse and blazer, she walked forward one step on two inch heels. Her face was made up with precision makeup with her hair pulled back in a tight pony tail, she pointed a perfectly manicured hand into the house and only said one word.


Terri didn't dare say a word as he did as he was told, he had never seen her so stiff and livid as she was then. Terri shuffled along across her path and into the house. She grabbed the door and slammed it loudly.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in little boy?" she asked him icily cool, shaking her red painted finger at him.

"hmm, do you?" she asked

"Aunt Kimberly I can explain...it was those women...and this girl, she made me-"

"She made you what? Be a bad student? a lousy liar? Do you have ANY idea how much I pay for you to go to a private school? In this community? Do you know how much I had to sacrifice so that you could stay with me?"

Terri's idea of being a bigger man and taking his own life back was suddenly shattered as his aunt walked up to him, furious.

"Show me your diaper." she commanded

"W-what?" Terri asked shocked

"I received a very intresting call from the school, from the PRINCIPLE no less telling me about your behavior and that she had to personally change your diaper. Do you even realize how embarrassed I was that the principle had to call me the first day?"

Terri thought about how embarrassed he had been during the change and how mad his aunt was now.

"Well..." she said breaking up his thought "I want to see if they did a good job after you had openly wet yourself during the day."

Terri cringed as she said it out loud like that, like he was a puppy being scolded for wetting inside.

"Aunt Kimberly I-I have to tell you something-" His aunt would not have any of his excuses as she reached to his button on his pants and unfastened them for him. Terri reached for his pants but she yanked them down to fast for him to catch them. They fell to his ankles as he stood there in front of his aunt with his flacid pen-is on display for her. He blushed as her eyes shot down to his crotch. She opened her mouth and gapped at the sight, she placed her hands on her slender hips and spoke.

"Where are your diapers?"

"Well-there was-thing...umm, these girls..."

"Enough with your lies Terri! This is the last straw, I can't believe you, you just...gawd!" she yelled in frustration, she reached forward and grabbed his pen-is with her hand. Terri was completely caught off guard by the action as he yelped as her cold hand made contact with him. She dragged him forward with him trying to keep up to they reached the living room.

"Is it this?" she asked giving his most sensitive areas a squeeze, "Is this what you are talking about? Those girls? You took your diaper off to impress them or something? You couldn't talk to them while you pissed yourself, so you completely ignored your punishment?"

She never gave him a chance to explain about Madison and how they saw his diaper and made fun of him for it, but she thought he took his diaper off so that he could get a date. Being beyond humiliated by having his aunt touch him in such a way Terri turned a new shade of red.

"I've had it with you Terri." she said. Her cold touch on his genitals started to harden his member without his knowing.

"Terri!" she yelled as he looked down in horror. She pulled him forward over her lap and began to smack his rear end. He felt his pen-is go from her cold touch to her warm thigh which only made the matter worst as it pressed on her skin. The spanking continued as humiliation gave way to actual pain.

"ow, ow, ow," Terri shouted, his echoes bounced off the large house. His aunt slammed her open palm into his bottom for what seemed like forever. When it was finally over Terri's backside was as read as his face. She stood him up and to his surprise she pulled up his pants and fastened them together. His small erection pushed against the material as aunt Kimberly scoffed.

"I have plans for YOU!" she said as she stood up. She pushed him into a corner and forced his hands to be on top of his head. "These will stay here like this until I tell you otherwise, understand?" Terri just nodded while tears streamed down his face.

He heard the sound of her high heels echo away for a few minutes and move around the kitchen. It was about 15 minutes later that she returned with five baby bottles filled with a thick white liquid.

"This is your dinner, these are what you are going to drink...all five, you will stay in this corner and drink them one by one, when you finish one you will put it down on this tray, pick up a new one, and return to your corner. If you all of a sudden don't think you need diapers I will show you why you DO."

It all sank in to Terri's head. He had seen her use the supplements before when she went and worked out, they were strong in everything, but also the sheer amount of liquid would make Terri have to pee very soon. That’s why she want to keep my pants up he thought.

"I can't even look at you right now, I need to go take a shower and calm down, and these right here better be finished by the time I get back or I think another spanking will be in order and I'll show you that you won't like this one!" she said motioning with her head toward his privates. Terri blushed again and picked up the first bottle with trembling fingers and started to suc-k on the nipple like a baby.

He stood in the corner suc-king down bottle after bottle, by the third he felt very full but still he rationalized that having a small tummy ache was better than a full spanking from his aunt. Terri finished the forth and he could start to feel his bladder beginning to hit the breaking point. He placed the bottle back on the tray and grabbed the last one. He walked back over to his corner and tried to suc-k it down as best as he could. He got about half way when he heard a dainty pair of bare feet coming down the steps, out of fear Terri inhaled the last bottle as best as he could, he closed his eyes and felt the last drops enter his mouth.

"Well would you look at that, you finished all five bottles." she said to Terri who was still facing the corner. "Turn around Terri." she commanded. Terri very slowly creped his feet around, being very careful not to move to quick, he felt as if he was going to burst. He turned around to see her wearing a pink fluffy towel around her upper body covering her breast down to her upper thighs, her hair was wet and hanging loosely around her slender shoulders, still slightly dripping with water. She shifted her weight to one side, pushing out to one side on her hip.

"Awwwwww, what's a matter ter-ter?" she said in a mock baby voice. "You don't look so good. You know what? I may have something that may make you feel better." she said as she stepped forward and slid her feminine hand just inside his pants and pressed on his bladder. Terri tried to hold it in, he thought he was a man and that he could take it, but as his aunt Kimberly stood in front of him with her hand pushing on his lower stomach Terri felt the first small squirt escape into his dress pants. He held his breath as another let loose. He looked down and saw two wet marks around his groin, then another, then another, each stronger than the last.

"Oh no." he said to himself as the flood gates opened. He had drank so much that he felt the pee drench his pants. Aunt Kimberly quickly retracted her hand away from the defeated boy and bit down on her polished fingernail watching the events unfold in front of her, a smile grew on her face.

"Oh no, oh no" Terri said again closing his eyes, wishing it would all go away. Terri waited until the flow stopped for himself to open his eyes. He still saw where he was and what he was doing and his aunt staring at his wet crotch.

"It wooks wike baby Twei has wet his wittle pissy pants." she said in a fake cooing voice.

Terri was so annoyed with the whole situation, he felt his face flush again with red as he broke down, he let loose a little sob and placed his hands on his face covering himself up.

"awwwww baby Twei is gonna cry..." she said again. Her face and voice went from its super sweet to its original disgust, "I'm going to go finish my makeup, I want you to clean up the puddle you made, throw away those wet pants and be in MY bathroom in five minutes, do you understand me?" she said.

Terri said "yes" through his hands as she turned and walked up the stairs.

Terri went into the kitchen and got some paper towels and cleaner and dried the area where his urine left him. He could feel the pee had now turned cold as he felt every little breeze in the house. He finished the job and took his cloths off in the laundry room and threw them away, he then cupped his genitals with his hands and awkwardly ran up the stairs and down the large hall to his aunt Kim's bedroom. In her room she sat at a vanity mirror still in her towel and applied a thin layer of pink lipstick to her parted lips, she looked at Terri in the reflection, she smacked her lips on a napkin then smiled at his naked state.

"Bathroom." she said to him as he walked past her bed and into the large tiled room. She followed him in and pointed towards a bathtub filled with warm water.

"Do I have to explain EVERYTHING to you?" she asked him. "Get in"

Terri was nervous as he placed his hands at his sides revealing his manhood.

"Oh Terri, its not like its anything I haven't seen, quick being a silly boy and get in the tub, I will NOT say it again!" Terri could here the tinge of anger in her voice as he slipped in the tub, it smelled fruity as he blushed when she came over with a bottle of soap and placed some on her hand and began to wash him, while he was sitting their naked. He turned red as she scrubbed around his pen-is and legs. She was very methodical about washing him only pausing to apply more soap, she washed him head to toe in a matter of minutes. She stopped when he thought that he had been cleaned enough and grabbed him by the hand and led him from the tub out into bedroom.

"Sit on my bed." she commanded, Terri walked over and tried to cover his modesty as best as he could. He knew better than to question her after what she had done.

"I have been thinking about it Terri and I am going to give you a second chance, I am going to let you find out if you really are a hopeless diaper wearing bed wetter, or a boy who can wait to get to a bathroom. So...here is what you are going to do, as a punishment for wetting yourself earlier, you are being sent to bed now."

"but-its only 7 pm-" He started, Aunt Kimberly waved a hand in front of him "I DON'T want to hear it!" she said. She took a deep breath and calmed her self down. "So, you will go to bed now, and if you are still dry in the morning, you will not have to wear diapers tomorrow, HOWEVER, if you wet the bed, I will see to it that your punishment is taken to the next level, understood?"

"Yes aunt kim" he said looking at the floor, he felt the cold across his body and shivered. She turned around and walked to her closet and returned with something in her hand. "Seeing as how all your normal cloths are still in boxes and you are not wearing diapers tonight, these will have to do." she said with a broad smile holding up a pair of her underwear. They were pink with small roses on them and a little bow on top, I got these as a gift once and thought they were so horrid that I would never wear them. But tonight YOU WILL." she said poking a finger towards his chest. "Now, stand in them." she said kneeling down and holding the elastic waistband inviting him to slide his feet into the degrading and feminine object. Terri was about to say something but she shot him a look that made him hold his tongue.

Meekly he placed one leg into the women’s’ garment, then another, once both his feet were in Kimberly pulled the panties up over his tiny pen-is and smoothed the openings expertly with her finger.


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Wettums: Worst School Ever
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 08:24:19 PM »
Chapter 7:

As best as he tried Terri couldn't contain his bladder, he fought his own body until around 6 am when he felt the first streams of urine become absorbed by the thin pink cotton he wore, then it all happened at once, he soaked the panties and the bed that he was laying in. The urine, within a matter of minutes was cold and Terri felt like a little child. The bed was completely soaked along with his girly underwear he had been forced into. He raised his head to look down at the damage, he saw his panties when wet did little to hide his manhood and the little bow on front of the women's underwear mocked him. He laid there unable to move against his restraints and slipped in and out of sleep till he heard his door open and his aunt Kimberly walk in. She wore a long shirt that just barley covered her own white cotton panties that she wore to bed, her hair was in a mess, yet she still looked stunning. She lazily walked over to Terri and looked down. There was no need for words, she gave him a smile and left the room. He could here her down stairs rummaging through the kitchen till she came back with a large bottle of the same white mixture he had to drink the night before. She undid her expert knots on his restrains and spoke to him.

"Drink this bottle while I go get a shower, stay here and I will call for you when I am decent." she commanded.

Terri looked away from her beautiful gaze and sat in silences drinking his bottle while he laid in his wet bed. She left the room and Terri's mind began to race once more about what was going to happen today, it was Friday, which meant the weekend, which meant no school, but somewhere in the back of Terri's mind he knew it wouldn't be that easy. Several minutes later he heard his name being called by his aunt from her room. He got out of his wet bed, thankful he no longer had to lay in his own waste and walked out of his bedroom. As he entered his aunt's bedroom where she was in a livelier mood.

Terri saw her fixing her makeup in the mirror while she wore a long business skirt, she had yet to put on a shirt, showing off a red lacy bra with curlers in her hair. She noticed him in the reflection "Haha, well it looks like someone wet the bed last night."

"Aunt Kim, maybe I don't need di-" He paused, it was getting hard for him to say "diapers"

"Diapers?" his aunt finished for him.

"Yeah I was just thinking, maybe just for today...you know?" he said like a little kid

"Hahaha, oh Terri would you look at yourself, you are wearing MY panties, and they are soaked...no, completely out of the question, you need diapers wittle baby Terri." she said in a sappy voice which made him blush. She giggled as she put on her lip stick. "Get use to that" she said, meaning blushing. "Today is a Friday, which means I have my quarterly briefings all weekend at the firm. You will NOT be here while I am not here. I have arranged with Principle Fields a new plan for you after school, so you are to report to her, understood?"

Terri's mind was going a million miles a minute. "What?! no, she can't babysit me!" Aunt Kimberly turned on a dime to face him. "I better not here a SINGLE complaint about you today as well." she said in a stern voice. Terri remembered the horrid spanking from yesterday and grabbed his words just as they were about to come out.

"Now I want you in that tub right now, take off those panties" she said with a smirk as he cringed at her words. "and place then in shower for the wash, I want you scrubbed up and laying on the bathroom floor in 5 minutes. Terri put up little resistance as he walked into her bathroom, the tub was already full as he slid in the water and bathed himself, a step up from last night he thought. He finished and stepped out of the bathtub, grabbed a towel and dried himself off. He took the towel and dropped it on the floor and then awkwardly placed himself on it, laying down naked facing the door, he cupped his hands over himself. A few seconds went by until the double doors opened up with his aunt walking in looking down at him. She still had yet to put a shirt on but the curlers were out of her hair, it cascaded around her face, she smiled wrinkling her nose at the sight of the submissive boy. She noticed his hands covering himself up.

"Awwww, don't be so modest, after all you are only a baby" she said. In her hand she held a large disposable diaper with power and oil. She knelt down in front of him pushing his legs to either side of her. Terri suddenly had a flash back to the humiliation he endured when being changed by Principle Fields, Ms. Amber, and Nurse Callaway. Aunt Kim smacked his hands away and began the embarrassing process putting him in diapers. First came the oil, she placed it on her hand and began to rub it in all round his stomach and thighs. Terri became completely mortified as she rubbed his p_nis with the oil, it didn't matter to his privates that she was his aunt, he saw her in just her red bra and his manhood began to grow. His aunt laughed it off and stroked it slightly harder just for her amusement, he thought he was about to loose it when she stopped.

"Hahaha, wittle boys are SO easy to control." she said

Next came the baby powder than the object of all of Terri's troubles, she unfolded the thick diaper, it crinkled as she told him to raise his butt off the ground as she slid under. Terri winced as she brought it up over between his legs and tapped up the sides, she smoothed out her handy work and then told him to stand up. The diaper was thicker than the other ones he had on, and they slightly pushed his legs apart.

"Stand here, I have a surprise for you." she said in a sing-song voice as she walked out of the bathroom. Terri groaned as he knew it would not be anything he would enjoy, he began to fidget with nervous energy wondering what it could be. His aunt walked in holding something behind her back.

"You see, when you fell asleep last night I made a little run down to a store that I know about, and at that store the very willing sales lady heard all about your little problem and suggested something wonderful" She spoke while she revealed to Terri a horrible object to him. In her slim fingers she held a pair of pink plastic panties, she stretched out the elastic material and giggled at the look on his face, a mixture of unbelievable embarrassment and frustration.

"Haha, don't look so upset Terri, I mean you already have worn pink panties before." she said motioning to the pair he pissed in. She opened the panties up just like she had with the other ones last night, despite every bone in his body telling him not to he never wanted to face his aunt so angry again and with a scowl on his face and his skin red he stepped into the humiliating garment. Aunt Kim pulled them up over his thick diaper, only making his legs spread further apart. The plastic was extremely shinny but see through enough that someone could see if his diaper was wet. His aunt Kimberly walked around to the back side of him as all he could do was stand there, he then heard a small click.

"What you just heard was me locking the plastic panties Terri. After yesterday’s fiasco you can no longer be trusted with your own diapers, I will have a key, and so will nurse Callaway and Principle Fields, in case you have an accident in class." She walked around again.

"Oh Terri, look on the bright side, at least you won't have to ask to go to the bathroom during class." she said with a laugh and then told him to go get dress and to hurry.

Terri stormed out of her bathroom and found another pair of khaki pants in his room in one of the boxes, he slid them on and threw on an old collard shirt and then slipped on some shoes. He walked passed the quest bathroom and caught a brief glimpse of himself. From the neck down he was a normal teenage boy, but then he saw a thick middle second where his diaper and plastic panties were, he shifted to the side and heard the material out loud. He looked around and gave the lockable panties a quick yank, testing their strength. They barley moved. Terri fumed as he knew today would be worst than yesterday. He walked back into his aunts room who was putting on her ear rings as she turned around.

"You better get going." she said

"What do you mean?"

"Oh...that’s right I knew I was forgetting something, the Kinns have so graciously volunteered to drive you to school today, you remember Julie don't you?"

"Ahh, please Aunt Kim, can't I just walk?"

"NO" she said firmly "You will be late, even if you leave now, they are so nice to let you ride with them, and you should thank them for it too."

Terri had a feeling it was less to do with kindness and more to do with Julie wanting her friends to see him. Terri huffed and puffed but left the house never the less. He walked out of the front doors and walked across the lawn to the next house on the right. Another huge house. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he swallowed hard, his anger had once again turned into uneasy anticipation. He rang the door bell. The front door opened in a flash as Julie must have been waiting there for him. She opened the door with a huge smile on her face. She wore a school sprit sweater showing she was on the junior squad with a silver and blue cheerleading skirt that only came to her mid thigh. She had her hair in pigtails with a pink ribbon around her neck tied in a bow at the side. Terri's eyes shot to the ground wishing it would swallow him up as two other pairs of eyes shot out from behind her. Terri assumed Tiffany and Susan, they each had on their junior cheerleading uniforms as well with great big smiles on their faces. Tiffany was clearly the hottest one with strawberry blond hair she wore loosely, she had braces but high cheekbones and a fair complexion, Susan was skinny with curly brown locks pulled back in a ponytail to the side.

"Why hello Terri." Julie said as she ushered him in. "Mom...Terri is here."

"Okay Honey I'll be down in a minute." came a voice from upstairs.

Each of the girls giggled looking at Terri. Tiffany made a fake coughed and said "hahhhh diapers hhah" Each of the girls went into peels of laughter as Terri turned ten shades of red. They stood in the living room waiting for Julie's mom to finish getting ready. It seemed like an eternity for Terri as he had to endure the girls sitting on the other side of the room filled with whispering and laughter, occasionally one would make a joke and all three would erupt at his expense. It wasn't until the cutest one, Tiffany was pushed forward by Julie and Susan towards Terri who didn't know what to do.

She walked over to him with her cheerleading skirt swaying with her newly developed hips knowing the affect it had on boys. She turned around and smiled at her girlfriends, Julie pulled a pencil from her purse and purposely dropped it on the ground in front of Tiffany.

"Say Tiff." Julie said between giggles.

"Yeah Jules?" she said with her back to Terri.

"I think I dropped my pencil, would you mind getting it for me?"

"Oh, sure thing." Tiffany said slowly.

The girl bend down at the waist, keeping her legs strait, her cheerleading skirt rode up the back of her toned young thighs then showing her cheerleader "underwear" to Terri who sat at attention during the display. Tiffany turned around and pointed a finger as the other girls did too at Terri and laughed.

"Oh my gawd it worked!" shouted Susan

"Hahaha just look at him." giggled Julie

"Like...soooo easy." said Tiffany

Terri couldn't find out what they were laughing at till he looked down and saw a small tent pushing up in his pants. He grew very red and covered himself up with a near by pillow.

"I can't believe you can even see anything with his diapers being so thick." said Tiffany.

"Oh don't worry girls, I saw it yesterday when he was wearing his aunt's panties...its really small." the girls all laughed at him again as Julie's mom came downstairs. With a smile on her face.

"What's so funny girls? she asked

"Oh, nothing mom, Tiff just had a really funny joke."

"Ha, well that’s nice, now lets get going girls...er, boy."

The girls hopped up and grabbed their bags and purses slinging them over their shoulders and walked out the front door laughing all the way to the car. Terri sulked from behind towards Mrs. Kinns who stopped him.

"Hold on a minute Terri." she said, "Your Aunt asked a favor of me." Mrs. Kinns placed an open palm right on the front of Terri's pants feeling out his diaper for wetness, instead of a wet diaper, Terri was mortified when her hand passed over his erect p_nis.

"Oh my!" she said pulling her hand back, her surprise quickly changed to anger.

"You little pervert, I knew you get turned on by being in diapers!" she said, "If we had time, I'd give you a spanking right now." he face was angry, but Terri was finally thankful he was running late. "Move it mister." she said upset and pointed a finger towards her Porsche SUV. Julie sat in the front as Terri was made to squeeze in between Tiffany and Suzan who kept giggling. On the way much to Terri's surprise Tiffany slid her hand to his diapered crotch and began to rock it back and forth with Susan watching. Terri couldn't take it, he thought he was about to explode as Mrs. Kinn suddenly said "Alright, have a good day at school." Tiffany just gave a giggle and pulled her hand away.

"Great now I have to be diapered and have an erection, it was the worst 8th grade nightmare" he thought

He knew his pants would do little to hide the bulge of his diapers and almost nothing to contain the sound of the pink plastic crinkling. He walked into the halls and thanked them for being loud. He took in a heavy breath and walked slowly to Nurse Callaway's office off to the right. He gave it a little knock and heard the super sweet voice ring over the crowd.

"Come innnn" she sang

Terri apprehensively opened the door to her station, nervous about how she would treat him today.

"Well look who it is..." she said crossing her arms, she still had her hair in a pony tail that bobbed with her head, but today she wore baby blue scrubs.

"Hello Nurse Callaway." Terri said in a meek voice.

"Sit down on the examining table Terri, and do it quick I have lots of work to do today." Terri could already hear the annoyance in her voice as if Terri was just one big trouble maker for her. Terri sat on the paper on the examination table and waited for her to walk over with a clipboard.

"So, Terri did you wet the bed last night?" she said in a fake syrupy tone

Terri shook his head "yes" but she wanted to have some fun with him.

"You have to say it Terri, otherwise it is not medically official..." she waited for him.

Terri signed and looked away from he cute face "...yes nurse Callaway, I wet the bed last night." His embarrassment seemed to put her in a better mood.

"Good." she said as she checked off his chart. "Now take your pants off, hurry before classes start." Terri fumbled with his belt as he was scared about anyone seeing his plastic panties. Nurse Callaway got fed up and pushed him backwards to lay down on the table as she undid it for him. A smile grew on he face as she saw the plastic panties.

"ooohahaha" she laughed, "so that’s what the key is for, your aunt said I would get a kick out of it." she continued to laugh at Terri who turned red with shame at another female taking pleasure in humiliating him.

"And tell her I love the color she choose, pink is such a good color for you." she said as she grabbed his cheek and shook it like he was a real baby. "I bet even before this you use to stroke that lil pee pee of yours into your aunts panties, am I right?" she asked in order to embarrass him but instead his red face told it all. "OH HAHAHA, I was just joking but you actually DID didn’t you. Well look on the bright side wittle baby, now you get to wear pink panties forever!" she giggled and tuned him over to unlock the plastic panties, she pulled them down to his ankles and inspected his diaper to her approval.

"hmm seems to be in order, I hope today is not like yesterday baby Terri." He cringed at what she said, he hoped she didn't start calling him that all the time.

Terri could only shake his head "no" as nurse Callaway brought back up his panties and locked them into place. She pulled up his pants and escorted him off the table patting his diapered butt. Terri was almost out the door when Ms. Amber walked in. Terri's veins ran with ice at the very sight of her.

"Happy Friday nurse Callaway." she said "Oh did I miss his inspection already?" she said genuinely sad.

"Yes, sorry girl."

"Oh its okay, I'm sure I’ll catch it again, I'm guessing he pissed the bed last night?"

Terri hated it how they talked like he wasn't even there.

"Oh yeah, and do I have a story for you." Terri blushed as they both shot him a wicked smile.

"What are you waiting for Baby Terri?" nurse Callaway said causing Terri to wince again.

"Oh wait Terri, before you leave, Madison has a little gift for you." Terri was unsure what she was talking about but if it came from Madison it wasn't good.

"Fridays are always sprit days, and since Maddi knows this is a new school and all she just wants you to fit in, so she got you a present from the sprit shop...isn't that nice of her?" she said looking at nurse Callaway

"She truly is the best."

Ms. Amber pulled out a girl's bow for her hair and walked over to Terri and clipped it on to his head and stepped back. Both women laughed at him as Terri just ran out of the nurses' office beat red and about to cry. He meant to make it to his first period when he rushed by the girl's bathroom and felt several pairs of hands suddenly grab him and pull him in much to his scared surprise.

Chapter 8:

Terri was dragged into the girls bathroom so quick he didn't have time to react, all he felt was several pairs of hands dragging him backwards and then the sound of the door closing with a locking sound.

"well, well, well." said a girl who walked out of a stall.

Terri looked around the bathroom, it had pink and white tiles on the walls and five teenage girls with their hands on their hips or crossed under their chests. Terri felt a mixture of anger and fear as the one who had talked walked up to the mirror near the sinks and opened up a small designer purse and pulled out a small silver tube and twisted off the top and applied a new shiny coat of lip gloss to her lips. She sees Terri and smiles to him while looking in the mirror. She straitens her hair flips it to her side.

"What do we have here?" said Madison

Terri became extremely uncomfortable as she walked over to him. Two of the girls walked behind Terri and held his hands behind his back. Madison and her girlfriends all looked stunning, each had on their own cheerleading uniforms except they had rolled up the tops of their pleated skirts revealing more of their young shapely legs. Madison's blond hair was put up into two pigtails and then decorated with a pink ribbon.

"Terri, Terri, Terri." she said walking up to inches from his face. Her perfume was light and feminine and caused Terri to turn away from her gaze. Madison reached out a hand and gripped Terri's jaw and forced him to look at her.

"You know my aunt leaves stuff around her office all the time, just laying there." She said as she held up a small key. Terri's eyes grew wide and his face drained of color.

"This little key had a note near it, it said 'for Terri', now that got me wondering...what could Terri have that needed a key?" a wicked smile grew on her face "Megan, strip him." Terri only fought briefly against the girls that held him but they held him tight as another girl walked over to Terri and unbuttoned his pants causing them to drop to the floor. The girls all squealed with delight as his pink plastic panties were put on display. His face flushed a beat red and he lowered his head, completely mortified.

"Of course...locking panties!" Madison laughed, pointing a finger towards his crotch. "Well this day just keeps getting better and better! And to think I get to babysit you all weekend!" said Madison.

Terri looked up utterly surprised. "W-what? N-n-no! That can't be."

"Oh grow up Terri." said Madison "Your aunt had my aunt in charge of you while she is at her meetings, or whatever...and did you REALLY think that principle Fields would REALLY be looking after you while your aunt was gone? I ALWAYS get what I want, all I had to do was simply ask. My aunt was actually happy to get rid of you, she didn't want to change diapers all weekend. But me? Well, I’m going to make you my little play thing." She said tracing a finger on Terri's red cheeks. She looked up and saw the bow. "Oh Terri we are going to have to much FUN! Starting today. So don't worry about class, I got other plans for you. Your aunt will no doubt be mad you skipped, but she is pretty good about punishing you" She grabbed Terri's cheek and wiggled it.

Terri began to worry and sweat. Seeing his distress Madison jumped on the chance to further humiliate him. She let loose a small giggle.

"I'll tell you what Terri." she said with a evil smile walking all the way up to him so that her body pressed against his. She slid a hand down to his pantied and diaper covered front and began to rub. "If you can jerk yourself off in under a minute, I'll let you go right now. Kelly, let him have one of his hands."

Terri couldn't believe it, he had heard her say it but he thought that even she wouldn't force him to do something so embarrassing.

"Madison please-"

"you now have 50 seconds." she said with a smile as the other girls laughed.

Terri couldn't believe it but he wasn't going to waste a chance to free himself. Nervously he placed a hand over his pink panties and began to move his hand back and forth. All the girls laughed as he tried to move the diaper up and down.

"Perhaps baby Terri needs a wittle help." said one of the cheerleaders lifting up her skirt showing off a pair of spankies, she pulled them down slowly revealing a pair of green, blue, and white striped panties.

"You see, these are real panties baby Terri." the girls laughed as Terri tried harder rubbing himself in front of them hearing them laugh and make rude comments about him.

"I bet it's to small." one said

"look he's starting to pant like a dog." said another

"30 seconds" Madison said sweetly

Terri tried to bring himself to an orgasm but he was to humiliated and his diapers were to thick.

"times up" said Madison laughing at Terri. "looks like your in my control. So come on Terri, its sprit day, that means that first we must coordinate with the cheerleaders from the high school, you know the one...the all girls school. Then I'm thinking a sleepover" she said slyly. " I wonder if I should tell nurse Callaway about you skipping" she said in a fake thought "Nah, I think I'll just let her come find you, the high school cheerleader girls could use a giggle"

Terri could already imagin it, being surrounded by the middle school and high school cheerleaders in their lockeroom, being forced to strip before an extreamly angry nurse Callaway would unlock his plastic panties and openly change his diaper.

"You know Terri, since you are a boy and we are going to be spending the day in an all girls school, I think you may need to be in a skirt, plus it will make it easier for me to inspect your diaper when you have wet yourself and for me to punish you when I see fit.

Terri gave a groan as he knew that Madison had already planned some horriable punishments for him, even if he did do everything she said. The girls ushered him out into the hallway, leaving his pants behind in the bathroom, on their way to the spirt shop to find Terri some more appropriate cloths to be in a girls school.

Chapter 9:

Terri tried to struggle against the girls but they dragged him away with force often making threats about pushing him into one of the classrooms wearing only his pink plastic panties and diaper, or they threatened to tie him to the lockers and leave him there, these words made Terri comply with their every wish. He followed Madison down the hallways, thankful class had already started and that there was no other students around to witness his constant punishment in the hands of a group of teenage girls young than he was. They eventually came to a small kiosk in the school. Madison walked forward and began to look in her purse for the key to the supply room. She unlocked the door and pushed Terri inside as the girls followed in. Madison got Terri to stand still in the middle of the small room and removed his shirt and shoes.

"Okay girls get anything that you think would look cute on baby Terri here." she said

The girls giggled and started looking in boxes and bags for childish and girly clothes for the poor boy. Terri hid his face in his hands until he heard Madison snap her fingers.

"Hey!" she yelled, then her voice changed to a fake super sweet sound. "Look what we have found for you. She held up a blue plaid skirt. "do you like it?" she asked him.

Terri who was completely mortified shook his head "no"

"Yes you do!" said Madison "in fact you love it! Now step into it." she said sternly as she held the skirt open for him to step into. Terri began to cry but he wasn't brave enough to resist. He stepped his foot into the humiliating garment, then the other. Madison gave a look of satisfaction as she brought it up around his diaper area. She gave a little squeal of delight as the skirt he was being forced to wear was brought up, but due to his bulky diaper the skirt didn't cover the full area allowing his pink plastic crotch to be exposed. Next came a barrage of embarrassing comments as Madison gave a nod to Hillary who walked around him with another object. she held up a training bra. Terri looked on with wide eyes. It was light pink and had the school emblem on the center.

"awww look what I found." she said with a smile as she looped it through his arms and tightly claspped it in the back. Next came a girly top that Terri assumed belonged to a pajama set. The girls grouped together and stood back to see their handy work. They all burst out laughing at the sight in front of them. A mortified boy clearly wearing a diaper and plastic panties under a short skirt and girls cloths. Terri tried to pull the hem of his skirt down to better cover himself up but Madison slapped his hands away.

"Don't you just love the way you look Terri?" Kelly asked pointing at him.

Terri sobbed and said "no" shaking his head.

Madison perked up. "Yes you do Terri, you love the way you look, now say it to her!" she commanded. Terri couldn't fight back, he was too embarrassed to argue. He blushed wildly and managed to speak. "Yes Ms. Kelly, I love the way I look." he said meekly with his head bowed.

"No Terri" said Madison. "Say like the wittle baby girl you are or I will tie you up and leave you back in the girl's bathroom."

Terri sniffled and blushed but he weakly spoke to the pretty girl in front of him.

"Yes. Ms. Kelly, I weally weally love my bwan new clothes." he whispered.

The girls fell about laughing at him. Kelly doubled over laughing and pointing at him as something caught Madison's eye.

"Girls I just saw a GREAT idea." She saw an object on the top shelf. She found a step ladder and walked up it. Terri could see up her skirt to her shapely behind. Despite all his humiliation and the anger he felt for her, she was still a beautiful girl. Terri felt himself getting hard in his diaper. His erection continued until she got was she was looking for. She turned around and hopped down from the ladder holding a pink collar and dog leash with the school's letters on it.

"no, no, no Madison please no more humiliation" begged Terri as Madison gave an evil smirk holding the leash.

"Oh, this is only the beginning, I told you that you are my play thing and I will treat you however I want."

With that she placed the collar around his neck and attached the leash to it tugging Terri around the small room while the girls laughed.

"Oh my" said Hillary, "we better get going to the lockeroom we don't want to be late"

"No we don't, and since Terri has the correct clothes for a girl's school he can come too." said Madison as she gave a small yank on his leash causing him to follow her. The girls laughed while Terri followed them ashamed and crying like a little girl.

They all walked to the end of the hallways and out one of the double doors, Terri could see a smaller building not to far away and a stone path that lead to it. They all walked the way with the girls gossiping, sometimes Madison walk pull on the leash causing Terri to stumble. He would let out a whimper and blush. Him and the girls walked around to the back of the building. Terri was just glad they didn't walk in the front but knew Madison would have preferred it that way if they weren't running late. The girls led Terri to a pair of double doors with a sign that said "Girls Lockeroom". Terri didn't want to go in, he looked and felt so ridiculous, he couldn't take the pointing and laughing anymore. He tried to get away from Madison and her friends.

"No!" he shouted I won't go in, I don't want to be humiliated by you anymore!" Terri yelled. The girls stopped talking and giggling and all turned to face Terri. Madison went from having a smile to a scowl that sent a shiver down Terri's spine.

"How DARE you!" she said, she yanked really hard on the leash causing Terri to fall on all fours in front of them. "You are being punished because you are a hopeless bedwetter and need females to change your wittle diaper!" she said angrily. "In fact, you just bought another punishment, I was going to tie you up outside while we went and got changed but now I see that you can't be trusted alone. Now follow me." Terri began to stand up but Madison tugged on her leash again. "Babies can only crawl." she said to him.

Terri let out a moan and began to crawl on the ground after them. Two of the girls laughed at his pantied and diapered bottom that was now fully exposed as his skirt road up. They taunted him and let him into the lockeroom. Terri turned red all over as he was led into the room, it had a series of navy blue lockers and benches in the large lockeroom, on the other side was a tiled area where the showers were. Terri could see, all around him were discarded cheerleader skirts and tops, a few towels hung on the walls and chairs. The girls dragged Terri to an empty bench and tied his leash to a towel hook. Madison, Kelly, Hillary, Jennifer, and Allison all stopped and began to open their lockers. Madison turned around and gave Terri a smile as she slowly began to get undress. Terri hated her and her friends so much but he couldn't help but me turned on. Her and the other girls took off their cheerleading tops to reveal their bras, Terri's eyes became fixed on Madison’s developing breast enclosed in a Victoria’s Secret black lacy bra. He felt himself get hard as he started rocking his hips back and forth with out even knowing it. Kelly gave a small girlish giggle as she stripped off her cheerleading skirt and wiggled out of her spankies showing off a pink and white pair of panties. They all knew what Terri was looking at and they all giggled at him.

"You little pervert!" said Allison as she noticed his hand rubbing his diapered crotch. She took a pair of old panties from her locker and walked up to Terri and forced his hands up over his head and tied them up. As she tied him up he could see her loose bra and saw a supple pair of teenage breast, they jiggled slighty as she secrured the knot. Terri brethed in her perfume and felt his p_nis rub against his diaper. She looked down and saw the small tent incased in his diapers, she pinched the hem of his skirt and looked at his plastic panties.

"Need some help wittle baby?" she said noticing his erection. She paused waiting for an awnser.

Terri nodded his head.

"say 'i'm a wittle sissy bitch and I need diapers'" she said

Terri blushed but mumbled it out much to his embarrassment. All the girls laughed as Allison placed a hand on his platic panties. Terri jumped alittle as she gripped his p_nis in her hand.

"aww its to small for me to jerk you off." she said swinging her hair around and walking away slowly, moving her hips causing her thong to tighten, giving Terri a moutain of sexual frustration

"Won't you look cute when we get back." she said with a sneer. The girls put on their work out clothes and let their cheerleading outfits sit on the bench. They laughed at the horror on his face. Suddenly it all sank in. He was going to be left there, tied up in the girl's lockeroom wearing his humiliating attire while they went to practice, and when it was over not only them, but ALL the cheerleaders would return to the lockeroom to witness whatever embarrassing act Madison could think of. As the girls walked out into the gym he heard them laughing and talking and being greeted by a bunch of other girls. Terri tried to escape he pulled on the panties that had tied him up, but even if he could get free from them, the leash that Madison connected to him would be almost impossible to get loose. Then he suddenly thought about Nurse Callaway, she would be looking for him now. Terri shuddered at the thought of her.


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Wettums: Worst School Ever
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 12:53:31 PM »
Chapter 10:

Terri kept looking at the face clock on the wall, at first it said 20 after, then 30, it kept ticking away no matter how slow Terri wanted time to go. It seemed like every time he looked away 10 minutes had passed and he hated it. He struggled against his restrains several times, each time as fruitless as the last, he pushed on with all his strength only to hang there in the room like a doll. Terri could hear the muffled yells and chants of the girls in the gym room out pass the double doors.

"lets go!" he would hear followed by some claps then the girls would chant again "fight, blue, fight!" Then he would here Madison's voice correcting the younger girls on their form or position. It bothered Terri that he couldn't see what was coming. He looked up at the clock again.

"oh no...5 minutes till...oh what am I going to do?" he thought becoming restless. His diaper was hot and humid around his crotch and he felt himself trying to feverously get away. He yanked in every position possible but the panties and leash holding him were strong and tied in a hard knot that seemed to only get tighter the more he struggled.

"1 minute!" he began to panic. He heard muffled laughter and talking from the other side of the doors then to Terri's horror a bell rang out loud in the room causing him to jump. Terri began to sweat and feel strange in his stomach as he knew what the bell signified, any second a whole flock of girls would walk through the doors and see him, desperate, sissy in diapers. He felt a huge lump in his throat as he was terrified as to what the girls would do to him.

"oh please, oh please, oh please." he said to himself, then to make matters worst he heard the door slam open loudly. This sudden sound combined with his terror filled self caused a stream to escape into his already swollen diaper. Then another squirt, just before he completely drenched his diaper he saw Madison wearing a pair of red Sophie shorts and a light blue tank top, her arms crossed under her perfect breast. She held a smirk on her face as he wet himself while the first group of girls wondered into the locker room.

"So then I told Becky..." he heard two girls talking and walk by, not even noticing him, then there was two more, then five, then ten that entered the room. At first the girls had no clue who else was in their locker room, a few of the younger girls had already taken off their shirts revealing pink sports bras, another had slipped out of her shorts and walked around in her white cotton panties. It wasn't until the bulk of the group began to enter the room that someone other than Madison and her crew took noticed. A older girl from the high school shrieked at the sight of Terri who had just finished wetting his diaper. A few of the younger girls who had begun to undress suddenly saw Terri and quickly grabbed towels to cover their modesty with angry expressions on their faces.

"There's a boy in the locker room!" one of the girls said.

Several girls looked at each other not knowing what to do. Some other ones covered themselves up. Others began to smirk like Madison as they saw what the boy was wearing. The girl who had announced with surprise that a boy was in the room suddenly changed her tune when she saw Terri's skirt and leash around his neck.

"Oh..." she said placing a hand to her mouth suppressing a giggle. "Well I now think that this little pervert is being punished rather than trying to sneak a peak at us?"

Terri heard a dainty laugh that he absolutely hated. Madison stepped forward as Terri hung his head and blushed ten different shades of red.

"This girls...is mine." she said placing an arm around Terri's neck. "He is my play thing...and yes Courtney, he is being punished."

"What for?" one of the younger girls asked becoming brave enough to put back down her towel, knowing that the boy in front of her was under their control.

"Great question Steph, those are the questions that make a great team captain one day." Madison said, giving the girl a huge boost of confidence by someone as popular as Madison. "Why don't YOU tell them Terri."

Terri just mumbled under his breath, to afraid to look any of them in the eye and to humiliated to make his head think strait. "Terri, I will turn you over my knee right now if you don't answer them.!" said Madison with a flare of anger.

"I...uh...I" Terri stuttered.

"Awww, baby can't talk." said Madison's friend Kelly, there was a few light hearted giggles as the girls were warming up to the idea of having a boy in their locker room, a diapered and humiliated boy, but a boy never the less.

"I...wet...uh...I wet the bed." Terri eventually choked out much to his embarrassment. Madison gave a laugh as she walked over to Terri.

"You see girls, he's harmless, just a wittle sissy." she said grabbing and shaking his cheek. "See!" she said with great joy as she placed two girly fingers on either side of his skirt hem and raised it up revealing Terri's pink plastic panties and his sopping wet diapers, that now looked much bigger than they had before. The room erupted in laughter as a sea of girls varying in age all pointed and laughed at his humiliated state.

"Oh my gawd...is he wearing DIAPERS!" someone shouted.

"I think they are wet!"

"aww can we change him?!"

Suddenly all the girls, who were before stunned and slightly disgusted by Terri were now fighting over who was going to be in charge of him next. Terri began to cry softly as he couldn’t take it any more. He was red all over and could feel the wetness between his legs. Madison undid the knot of the old pair of panties that restrained him and grabbed the end of his leash pulling him forward, she did a few laps around the locker room much to Terri's horror, several girls made cat calls at him, grouping every inch of his body, patting his diapered bottom and squeezing his crotch to feel for wetness, which brought smiles to their faces when they actually did find out that he had wet himself out of fear. By now the girls had become completely relaxed and no longer saw Terri as a man, but as a sniffling cry baby who needs to be looked after by females.

"Okay baby into the showers with you." he heard Madison say. Terri couldn’t believe his ears.

"W-w-what?" was all he managed to say. Before he knew it he had his skirt and top ripped off, then his shoes and finally his plastic panties were around his ankles. At this point the locker room was in full chaos and hysterics. Girls were changing and finding their clothes. Even Madison had begun to slip out of her practice clothes, taking everything off to her silky underwear.

"lay down." she commanded in a no-nonsense attitude. Terri meekly complied trying to draw as least attention as possible. Madison bent over, her breast encased in her bra hovered over Terri's crotch as she began to untapped the sides of his diaper.

"eww, wet again...little boys are so much harder to potty train." she said to herself placing a hand on either side and sliding the disposable diaper down giving her a full view of his pen-is. She let loose a snicker and then rolled up the soiled diaper. Terri's hands quickly shot down to his privates but Madison slapped them away with a heavy and quick force.

"Hands on your head, baby Terri." she said wagging a finger in front of him. Terri blushed anew as she slowly placed his hands over his head leaving his manhood exposed in the girl's locker room. She stood up towering over him while he laid open on the ground still, she unclasped her bra showing a pair of perfectly shaped teenage breast. Terri began to grow hard just at the sight of them. Madison rolled her eyes at the sight and began to walk over to the showers. She tugged on the leash making Terri crawl like a baby after her. He lowered his head and stared at the floor wishing it would swallow him up as he heard a chorus of girly laughter and taunts directed at Terri. The steam did little to hide the girls, most scattered or had finished showering but their was still a number of them lathering up their bodies and washing their hair as Madison led Terri by the leash into the misty room, they giggled at him and took notice of his erect member on display. Madison slid off a pair of black lace panties before she stepped into the communal shower. She placed the leash on a towel hook near her and began to clean herself. Terri was beyond mortified by the whole experience, but he couldn't help himself. Here he was a boy naked in the girl's locker room filled with cheerleaders who are wearing little themselves. He quickly closed his eyes and began to stroke himself. He didn't know how long her had been touching himself, but when he opened his eyes a small group of girls were smiling at him perform such a private act. The color drained from his face as they all burst out laughing. Madison smirked and placed a towel around her body covering her breast.

"Finish up." said one of the younger girls who enjoyed having a boy she could control.

Terri's lip began to quiver as he looked back at Madison who placed her hands on her hips.

"You heard her Terri, finish stroking your little thing before we change you into your new diaper."

Terri slowly began to masturbate again in front of the new acquired audience, until he shuddered into a humiliating forced orgasm. The girls laughed at him and followed him and Madison back to the benches eager to see him changed into a fresh diaper.

Chapter 11:

Terri was dragged back to the benches where he was led and forced to straddle one, then Madison pushed him backwards so he had to lay down. The girls had wrapped themselves in towels and crowed around. Their hair was still wet and hung loosely around their tan skin. Terri could see the tan lines of their bra straps as they huddled around. They were all smiling at him, exchanging glances with each other and his pen-is that was still (much to his embarrassment) erect. Madison disappeared for a second and returned with a large diaper in her hand. She smiled and gave a little giggle as she parted her legs and sat on the bench in between Terri's legs. She didn't even bother to restrain him as she knew she had complete control, besides where would he escape to? He wouldn't dare try to leave naked and in a girl's school. Madison placed a small amount of scented baby oil in her hands and began to rub around his privates, taking her time on purpose. Terri started to breath heavily when she made contact with his shaft. This caused the girls to laugh before Madison stopped abruptly and slapped his inner thigh.

"Bad baby!" she yelled at him "only I can tell you when you can do c-ummies into your panties!"

With the pleasure gone Terri felt the waves of humiliation as he blushed and hid his face in his hands. He felt to exposed and vulnerable in front of all these teenage girls. Madison pulled the diaper apart and slid it under his bottom. The diaper felt thicker than the last ones as she brought it up, smoothing out the sides and taping his punishment around him. The girls squealed with delight at the sight of their prisoner being treated in such a fashion.

"Stand up baby Terri." Madison commanded.

Up until this point Terri had hidden his face, but now he looked down at his diaper and saw that it had indeed been a thicker diaper placed around him. This one was much larger and louder, he heard it crinkle without him even moving and to make matters worst the diaper was light shade of pink!

"See Terri, I found these yesterday at a medical store...and look!" Madison said, full with a giggling smile. "They match the color of your face!" The girls burst out laughing teasing Terri unmercifully until they saw the time and quickly went to change into their uniforms.

"come here PERVERT!" yelled Allison, who locked the collar around his neck. She pulled the leash to a corner. "put your nose in the corner with your hands on your head, I don't want you watching me get dressed again." Terri was sniveling in the corner when he heard Madison's command to turn around. He saw that they had dressed in their skirts and blouses. Terri noticed how short their skirts were and quickly fantasized about seeing their panties. His sudden day dream was cut short as Madison walked around him and gave his diapered butt a hard slap.

"What to do...what to do?" she said sweetly, examing him. The other girls had cleared out of the locker room and the only people left were Terri, Madison, and her friends.

Suddenly her face lit up "I have a great idea!" she exclaimed.

Terri knew whatever she was thinking was not a great idea and probably meant more punishment and humiliation for him.

"Girls, I need panty hose." she said. Her friends fanned out to their lockers and came back with several pairs. "Okay and a piece of paper with a marker." Kelly looked in her binder and tore out a white piece of paper and Hillary handed her a large red marker. Madison giggled and clapped her hand together.

"Follow me sissy!" she commanded, Terri didn't have a choice as she yanked on the leash hard. She pulled him out of the locker room and outside where they had entered. Terri was glad to be rid of the whole mortifying experience in the girl's locker room, but suddenly became VERY self-consciences about his thick crinkly diaper being fully exposed outside. Madison yanked Terri to the side, just to the right of the doors.

"You see Terri..." she started out tying the panty hose to his wrists, "You have to be punished because you are a sissy bed wetter, you need diapers and girls to change you. But I have a very busy day still, I have drills and decorations to do, so naturally I can't have you following me around wetting yourself and begging me to change your diaper all the time. So.." she said giving a knowing look to her friends, "I'll just have to tie you up here, we can't have our wittle baby getting into trouble can we?" she said with an evil grin on her face. The girls were laughing as Madison went on.

"These hooks are for a girl's jacket, but I think they will better be suited to tie you up." Madison said cheerfully. Terri didn't struggle as she tied up his hands and feet in a spread eagle formation. Madison stood back and looked at her handy work. Terri tried to struggle against his restraints.

"Please Madison, please don't leave me here in my diaper..." Terri pleaded with the girls "I'll...I'll do anything you want, just please don't leave me here.

"Oh baby Terri, don't be silly, you already do anything I want." she said in a cold tone that sent shivers through him. "Maybe this humiliation will get you to stop wetting the bed." she said turning around "...but probably not."

Before she walked away she quickly turned around "Oh, I almost forgot...just incase someone takes pity on you, I have this." She took the piece of paper out and made a little hole in the corners and expertly weaved in into a sheer piece of the panty hose around his neck so it hung like a sign. She pulled out the red marker and wrote something on it. She stood back and Terri glanced down to try and read what she had put there. In a girlish print she had written in large red letters "BED WETTER & SISSY BOY, CAUGHT TOUCHING HIMSELF IN LOCKER ROOM"

"But THATS NOT TRUE!" Terri yelled.

"Who cares Baby Terri, this way none of the girls will be tempted to help you...in fact they might feel the need to humiliate you as well." She said laughing as she made her way back to her friends. Allison giggled and said something to Madison who in turn laughed and nodded her head. She ran back and giggled at Terri.

"And just incase someone doesn’t believe us..." she gave a wicked smile and placed her hand over his thick diapers and began to masturbate him right then and there, he felt himself getting hard despite his embarrassment. She could feel him become hard in his diaper and she suddenly stopped. Even though his pink diapers were extremely thick they could still see a small tent trying to poke out, if anyone walked by they would know he had an erection.

"Oh and just so you can't reason your way out too." she pulled from her purse a little princess pacifier and placed it in his mouth. Terri almost thought he could spit it out until she pulled out a pink ribbon and tied the humiliating object around his head.

Allison laughed and swung her beautiful hair back and left, skipping away with delight, each skip Terri could see a pair of red panties flash from underneath her loose skirt. He was sure it was intentional and did nothing to help him. He tried to yell after them but the pacifier did it's job.

The day only got worst from there. At first Terri just hung his head in shame and waited. The first people to see him were two cleaning ladies who had walked out back. They stopped dead in their tracks and looked at the boy who was tied up. Terri thought he might be saved, but instead of helping him they giggled as they read the sign and walked away whispering to each other. The real humiliation hit when the period was over and a large group of girls from the primary school had gym at the high school. They all looked about 6th grade girls who stopped suddenly just like the two cleaning ladies and quickly read the sign. They all burst out laughing at the boy tied up, it only got worst when they saw his diaper.

"HAHAHA oh look he is wearing a DIAPER!" one shouted.

They all pointed and laughed, the teased him for what seemed like forever.

"Baby need a change..."

"oh look their pink too!"

"Is he wet?"

One girl went as far as to walk up to him and pull back the elastic waist band of his diaper and check to see if he needed a change. Terri felt like he could have died right then.

"He isn't wet...yet" she said as they all squealed with delight.

Fortunately they all eventually poured into the locker room and out of sight, but Terri could still hear them laughing. Once again he was left alone. He felt a mounting pressure in his stomach and he began to show the tell signs of needed a toilet. Terri began to sweat as he heard his stomach turn.

"Oh no" he thought. "This can't be happening, I can't mess myself...not here...not now." However try as he might he felt the pressure building in him.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no" It happened very fast, he couldn't take it anymore the pressure was too much and he let loose in his diaper, much to his humiliation. He felt the thick mess surround him as he also wet himself. He tried to struggle against the bonds but it was useless.

"I can't let anymore girls see me like this." he thought, He could smell himself and began to cry with his face red, lowered in shame. His diaper had held it all but it sagged low and made it feel even thicker. It was just then that the bell rang and the girls that had saw him earlier all walked out in time to witness his embarrassing secret.

"Phew, what IS that?" one girl shouted causing them to laugh.

"Looks like baby needs his wittle diaper changed." they laughed as Terri still cried like a baby.

The girls all left but just as Terri was about to be relieved he saw a women walking very fast towards him from far away. Terror shot through him as he noticed the white uniform and the bouncy pony tail. Nurse Callaway was walking toward him with her beautiful face tight and stern. She looked extremely upset with a paddle in her hand. Out of fear, Terri peed in his diaper again.

Chapter 12:

Terri saw the woman approaching him like a storm, she wore her pristine white nurses uniform as her small pony tail bounced behind her. Her normally cute and peppy face was distorted into a scathing look of stern anger. Terri was riddled with fear as she approached closer. He started to suc-k hard on his pacifier without even noticing it. He tried to struggle against his panty hose bounds but they were tied tight around his wrist and ankles. He pulled with all his might once more and was met with a hopeless nothing. Terri began to panic the closer she got until she was right in front of him. She didn't say a word as she looked down at the sign, she simply reeled back her hand and slapped Terri hard right across the face with a loud smack. This caught him completely off guard and caused Terri to become tongue tided with surprise and pain. Nurse Callaway immediately began to undo Terri's restrains as she unfastened the panty hose around him. She grabbed him by the arm and then with great force pulled him along making him follow her. She kept muttering under her breath as they walked the long way back to the front of the school around to the front of the double doors and pushed Terri back inside wearing only the sign around his neck and his wet and poopey pink diapers. Terri was too terrified to say anything after she had slapped him and followed as best as he could, occasionally tripping over himself to keep up with her. Him and Nurse Callaway walked through the last set of doors and into the large hallway in the front of his school. Terri was glad to be away from the girl's school and the humiliating locker room situation, but at least he was sort of alone when he was tied up, now he had to face the full wrath of the angriest school nurse Terri had ever seen.

Nurse Callaway fumbled with her keys to her nurses' station and opened the wooden door. Terri shivered as he felt it weird to stand on the cool floors of the school without any shoes on. Nurse Callaway practically slammed Terri into the small room. She slanted her eyes and pointed at him.

"Examining-table-NOW." she said in an icy tone. Terri didn't question her or even mention that sitting on the table would squish the mess he made around in his diaper even more. He nervously approached the table and sat on top of it, the paper underneath him crinkled along with his diaper. He laid back and winced as he could feel his own mess push against him, around his crack and pen-is. Nurse Callaway immediately tugged hard on Terri's hands so that they laid at his sides, She looped one hand under a white plastic restraint, she then went to the other side and did the same for his other hand. Next came his legs, and then finally a larger strap around his stomach. Terri laid there as she ripped off the sign that was around his neck. She took it in her hands and then stormed off slamming the door behind her in a fit of rage. Terri sat there for what seemed like forever, every thought was running rampant in his head, he had NO idea what she was going to do to him. He laid there feeling sick as his diaper began to feel horrible around him. He tried to shift his hips but as he did he heard the door creak open slowly. He turned his head to see a women's face full of glee. Her eyes lit up at the sight of him tied down on the examination table. She walked in and closed the door gently behind her and took a seat.

"Oh no, not Ms. Amber...anyone but Ms. Amber" He thought.

"I must say, I am tempted to leave because you are wearing such a stinky diaper." she said waving her hand side to side. "But I can simply not wait to see what will happen. Nurse Callaway was pretty upset. She went looking everywhere for you, she stopped by each of your classes with a heavy diaper in one hand and baby powdered in the other. She was intent on changing you right on the teacher's desk, in front of everyone." Ms. Amber said with a laugh.

Terri thought he had dodged a bullet by what she had just told him, he did not think he could have taken that kind of embarrassment, but then Ms. Amber went on.

"...So she is going to make it five times worst for you, oh, I can't wait!" she said happily as she clapped her hands. "And that sign you had around your neck when she found you...well, that was just dumb on your part, you know naughty boys will be punished even more for trying to sneak a peak at those pretty girls in their locker room."

Terri tried to yell at her that it wasn't his fault, Madison took him in there by force, he had no choice, but the only thing that came out was muffled words cut short by his pacifier. Ms. Amber spent the next ten minutes teasing Terri and asking him humiliating questions that she knew he could not answer with the pacifier in his mouth, until the small speaker on the desk spoke with a familiar voice.

"Yes, Laura, would you please bring Terri in now."

Ms. Amber shot Terri a wicked grin "Sure thing Principal Field's, just one second."

Terri groaned inside as Ms. Amber undid his restrains and pulled him off the examination table.

"Phewww, Baby Terri made a stinky didn't here?" she asked, she pushed him forward and from behind placed her hand under and in between his legs causing Terri to jump. "And he is wet wet too." she laughed as she gave him another squeeze the pushed him into the hallway. Terri was thankful that it was still in between classes and no other students were around to see him, but he walked very slow as his stomach was doing flips in anticipation as to what would happen next.

"I said move it baby!" spoke Ms. Amber from behind, giving him another big push into the front office that led to the Principal's office. Terri slowly creaked the door handle and nervously walked inside with Ms. Amber following much to Terri's anger. Principal Fields sat against the front of her desk with Nurse Callaway next to her still holding a paddle and staring daggers into him. Terri shuffled slowly along into the middle of the room. He felt cold as all three women surrounded him.

"Well?" said Principal Fields with her hands on her hips and taping her foot.

Terri didn't know what to say with the pacifier in his mouth.

"Were waiting Baby Terri, do you have something to say for yourself?"

Terri began to cry in front of them, he was so frustrated by the whole situation, by all the women that controlled his life.

"I'th was Madi'then...she did this to' me." he tried to yell and speak as best as he could while he whimpered with his paci in his mouth. His face was red and stained with tears as he continued. "Madi'then made me 'thoo it. th'ee for'th'ed me!"

Terri thought that someone would have seen how Madison acts from time to time, but accusing her of something of being anything other than a perfect angle was met by Principal Fields with disgust and even more anger. She stormed up to him and yelled.

"Are you saying that Madison...MY Madison would ever do something so cruel and mean?"

Terri shook his head "yes" frantically, he thought there was a glimmer of hope. That is until Principal Fields spoke again.

"So I suppose Madison made you a sissy bed wetter, even before you came here, I suppose Madison made you wear diapers and play with yourself, I suppose that all the complaints about a strange boy near the locker rooms was all HER fault and you are just some little innocent bystander? Is THAT it! I suppose she made you poop your diaper like the helpless little baby you are! How dare you Terri. You are in BIG trouble mister. Principal Fields shouted. She turned around and composed herself. She fixed her hair and smoother out her skirt before she turned around again.

"So, Terri this is your new list of punishments for trying to peak into the girl's cheerleading locker room." Terri was embarrassed and mad as hell at Madison, but stood there.

"As you know your aunt is gone for the weekend on business, and she asked me to look after you. I agreed, but as luck would have it Madison has asked to look after you to help her become a better babysitter in the community, I think that after you have accused her of something she would have never done, that you will do anything and everything she tells you to do. I am actually glad to get rid of you, just one whiff of that smelly diaper and I am thankful I have such a helpful niece. I must also tell you that if I hear that you disobeyed ANYTHING Madison had told you to do, then you will be attending the district cheerleading camp for the whole next week."

The anger left him as horror filled Terri.

" In the past there they have had one or two boys from different schools in the area that have misbehaved, and by the third day in at the cheer camp, well, being around that many girls...well, lets just say, they learn to act different. However, they are only forced to be under their control during the day and never has one been a bedwetter like you, so seeing as how you are a special case and in need of further education...you will be the taken to a new school's cheerleading cabin for a sleepover for each night you are there. They will be your masters for the full 24/7 you are there. I can only imagine what type of humiliating tasked they will plan for you."

Terri burst out into more tears upon hearing his fate. He blushed and cried as Principal Fields walked in a circle around him.

"shhh shhh shhh, baby Terri, it is okay, you can avoid that fate if you simply do whatever your babysitter says. Okay?" she said with a small smile. This gave him a glimmer of hope, but he would have to endure Madison and her friends for the time being.

"So that takes care of that, but now we must deal with your current punishment. So Ms. Amber if you would be so kind as to get the baby wipes and powder. She was only all to eager, as Nurse Callaway stepped forward and placed a changing mat under him.

"Okay same drill as before Baby." Principal Fields said as she preformed the same mortifying task of changing his diaper in her office in front of other people. To make the matters worst his poopy diaper brought looks of disgust to their faces. She cleaned around him and finished scrubbing his small package before ordering him up.

"But wha' abou'th the diaper?" Terri couldn't believe he was asking about getting a new diaper, but it was at least better than walking around naked in front of three gorgeous women.

"Oh you will get into a diaper soon enough wittle one." Ms. Amber said as she pulled him forward toward the Principals’ desk.

"assume the position Baby Terri!" Nurse Callaway spoke for the first time, anger still in her voice.

Terri began to whimper as he touched the desk and all of a sudden felt a slam on his behind from the paddle she had been holding causing Terri to shout. She slammed down four more, until his backside felt like fire, it was sore and red. He then felt a polished red nail slide up and over his skin. He smelled a perfume and saw a low cut blouse and a lacy black bra underneath. It was Ms. Amber seductively grabbing his arms to bring him back to the mat for his diaper.

"I know it was all Madison that did this to you" she whispered in his ear. "And I really hope you have to go to cheer camp next week, cause guess who gets to run it?" she asked, her warm tongue gently touching his sensitive ear. She gave a small girlish giggle and whispered more "I do silly, I 'll make SURE that the girls have their way with you, however they WANT TO."


Terri blushed in horror and embarrassment as he saw Nurse Callaway opening a fresh diaper for him and he thought long and hard about what was to come.

"I can't let this happen, I can't go there" he kept thinking over and over

Chapter 13:

She spread open the white plastic garment and waited for the scared and exhausted boy to lay down on top of the diaper. Terri made his way forward trying to cup his pen-is in his hands but as he was drawn towards his embarrassment, he had to let his hands fall to their sides. Terri let Principal Fields diaper him once more. He greatly disliked the whole situation. He hated that they would snicker at his pen-is getting erect as she rubbed in the powder, he hated how Ms. Amber once again held his arms. Her cool finges on his flushed skin. He hated that Nurse Callaway stood above him, towering over him with a look of sweet revenge on her face. Terri then noticed as she stood over him that while Principal Fields finished the diaper job around his hips, that he got a great view up Nurse Callaway’s white skirt, to his surprise a pair of light purple and blue panties flash from underneath for a second. Terri was memorized. He hated her so much, and all the humiliating tasks he had to do, but here she was gloating that he had to wear diapers and practically be a slave to a principal and her much worst, sadistic 14 year old cheerleading niece.

He looked back to Principle Fields who didn't seem to notice, but the three women defiantly did notice his small member acting up.

"Awww, we can't send him off like that." one of them said.

"please...noo" he begged but his words were cut short when Principal Fields grabbed his manhood and began to grip the shaft up and down. To Terri's embarrassment the three women exploded into laughed as he started to fight less and less, soon Terri was in the full throws of orgasm, but his pleasure soon became his shame as they all crowded around closer and taunted him about his "wittle c-ummies."

The diaper was pulled over him from its original hour glass shape and sealed in place with multiple tapes, they didn't even bother to clean him up, they just let his c-um seep into his enclosed thick diaper that pushed his legs apart even more. Ms. Amber brought Terri back up to his feet. He could feel the mass between his thighs, they were thick and crinkled loudly, but Terri hardly didn't mind that as much as he was openly visible that he wore diapers to anyone that would look.

"Terri...Terri, look at me when I am talking to you." Stated Principal Fields, Terri had become accustom to looking down whenever a female was in power over him, and that seemed like a lot lately, but she was intent on having him focus on her face.

"I now see that you are an anchor to this school."

"What?!" did he hear right? Dose this mean that he would get to leave the school, finally? He waited for her next words.

"And, I intend to release you from here."

"oh, what a great sentence." thought Terri. "No more horrible school here." However, Terri's victory was short lived.

"Ms. Amber will show you to back to the girl's school, to the teacher's nursery.

His heart sank.

"Mrs. Fields, I would like to accompany Laura to the girl's school and give Nurse Lisa a briefing on baby Terri here."

"hmm, I do suppose that would be alright." she said. "If anything happens I'll be here, and we only have one more period for the day...yes, I think that will be all right." Principal Fields said.

The two women looked at each other and smiled with delight as they took their charge towards the door each holding his hands.

Terri began to panic. He was hot and bothered, "but...but...M'th Feil'th, plea'th, I'm in jus'th a diaper."

Principal Fields laughed and pulled a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh Terri, babies don't care who sees them in diapers." She laughed again and waved them out as if that was the answer to everything.

Terri waddled along with the his two most hated women ever. Well, other than Madison, but she was more of a girl. The three of them walked upon the sidewalk in the opposite direction of the girl's high school as Terri had been, but now the other way towards the primary school. Along the way the two women gossiped and talk about whatever they wanted while Terri suc-ked on his paci in between them. He felt the horrible possibility that more humiliating acts lie in front of him, and worst off he thought about the cheer camp and how he would have to be on his best behavior to avoid it. He hated it all, he began to sob the closer they got to the school, his exposed chest, arms, and legs felt cold as they walked on, and to make matters worst his diaper area seemed too hot and humid, the plastic crinkled and he felt like he was about to lose his mind. He almost couldn't take it anymore, not the girls, or the diapers, or any of it. He thought about how much worst it could possibly get and he could not come up with a scenario. Blushing and angry Terri ripped his hands away from both the women and attempted to run away, tears streaked down as his face as he pumped his legs away from his captors. The sudden burst took both Nurse Callaway and Ms. Amber by surprise as they saw a little teenage boy trying to run in a bulky diaper away from them. Ms. Amber took a few steps but didn't have the ability to move quick in her red heels, however Nurse Callaway in her nursing shoes that were designed for traction, caught up with Terri with in a second, pushing him to the ground and then quickly grapping his hand.

"OH YOU, YOU MAKE ME SO MAD!" she yelled at him. She hit against his diaper with her bare hand until Ms. Amber caught up and grabbed his arms, she turned him around and held him tight just off the sidewalk.

Nurse Callaway quickly pulled his diapers down and sent another smack on his bottom. Terri felt it hurt so much due to her spanking just moments before, but in Terri's head, he had a chance to run and he took it, to get away from the embarrassment and the wet beds, but Nurse Callaway would have none of it and sent another smack along his bottom until she was tired and slowly pulled up his diapers. Terri had been bawling by the first smack and now stood, defeated. Ms. Amber secured his hands and dragged him along towards the school.

"Just you wait." she said in an angry tone to him.

It wasn't long before they reached a side door to the building, Nurse Callaway opened the door with a key and dragged Terri down a long hallway till they immediately took a sharp right and knocked on a door. Time passed a few seconds until he heard the sound of a lock being undone. Standing on the other side was a women ( no surprise to Terri) about the same height as Ms. Amber, she was cheerful looking and in her 40's she had medium long blond hair and shimmering blue eyes that welcomed them in. She wore blue scrubs and had a stethoscope around her neck, she was slightly heavier than Nurse Callaway, but only buy a small amount that made people think she was defiantly in shape for her age. With a happy grin she took in the scene and greeted them inside, she even gave Terri a cheerful nod.

"Come in, come in." she chimed.

Terri waddled in behind, worried by the situation until he noticed the room. It was nothing like Nurse Callaway's office that was stern and to the point, and a lot smaller. Nurse Lisa had an office that was colored pink and rosy with lots of frills and juvenile cartoons on the wall, on top of the office being sickly pink and frilly, attached to the examing room, was an area reserved for babies and toddlers, there was a large play pen and a changing table with an expansive shelf of diapers and plastic panties, along the wall was Hannah Montana posters and girly themes princess. Terri shuddered at the sight of prison and just wanted to be back in his own bed even if it was wet.

The three women talked without even noticing Terri as he stood there suc-king on his paci, not wanting to be a bother, as his blazing red butt still hurt badly.

"Oh...well, then, we can make it work" Nurse Lisa said to Nurse Callaway and Ms. Amber. "It is only for one more period, and almost all of the other girls are gone."

Terri couldn't make out everything they were saying but Ms. Amber and Nurse Callaway both seemed slightly upset that more girls weren't around to humiliate Terri in his diapered state. They talked a few minutes more until both Ms. Amber and Nurse Callaway smiled and left, only turning around once to look at Terri and laugh before whispering to each other and taking out their phones, much to Terri's dislike.

"Ohhh'kay Terri, up on table to make sure you are dry." Nurse Lisa said, Terri had been degraded and abused so much by other women and girls but Nurse Lisa said this without sounding mean, as if she really did, just need to see if he was wet.

"I'th ahhhh" Terri tried to speak.

"Oh, that's not helping." She said as she walked towards him and untied the pacifier around his head. Terri was so happy to be rid of that cruel device around him and silently rejoiced. Nurse Lisa took it and set it on top of her desk.

"Better?" she said sweetly to him.

Terri gave an embarrassed nod to her and shifted his hands awkwardly. Nurse Lisa gave a small smile and spoke.

"Listen, I know, those women were mean, but now you just behave like a good baby for me and I won't have to give you a spanking. Mmmm'kay?" she said.

Terri moved with her command to get his diaper inspection, he sat down, his diaper shifted with him, no matter how many times he spread his legs, exposing his diapers he always felt uncomfortable in front of a female. She slid in a finger along the waist band and saw that he was dry.

"Good baby, you are dry...Oh Carly, will you come in here, the bigger baby is here and I think I will need some help."


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Wettums: Worst School Ever
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2014, 05:03:42 PM »
Chapter 14:

Out of the corner of Terri's eye he saw a girl approaching, she appeared to be his age, maybe a year older. She was pretty with a white tank top and green short shorts, her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and a blue ribbon wrapped in it. She seemed to care less that a sixteen year old boy was wearing a thick diaper in front of her as she strode up to him on the table.

"Yes Nurse Lisa?" she said.

"Terri, this is Carly, she is my assistant from the high school, but don't feel to bad, she has a little brother who still wets the bed too. So she is use to seeing teen boys in diapers."

"It's true..." she started out "I have to diaper my little brother, and spank him when he's been bad."

"But - but-" Terri tried to speak.

"shhhh, baby, its okay, you can relax here." said Nurse Lisa to Terri. "I've heard Principal Feilds is has a bit of a mean streak when she has to punish boys."

"Understatement of the century" thought Terri.

"Carly, do you remember that other boy last year?" she asked the cute girl standing next to her on her phone.

"Uh? Oh yeah, he had it bad." she said.

Terri knew that Nurse Lisa was a good person and was just trying to make him feel better, but hearing the things could take a turn for the worst made him feel like he was in for a lot more trouble.

"how much more horrible can it get?" he thought. "I'm wearing only diapers in front of two women"

"I heard he had to switch towns." said Carly.

"Ohhh Carly, he did not." said Nurse Lisa giving Terri a smile

"what happened to him." said Terri, unsure if he wanted to hear the answer.

"Well he was caught cheating on a final paper, so Principal Fields made him write a new paper...as I remember, he had to write it about his most embarrassing secret and recite it to the school."

"-Turns out his most embarrassing secret was that he played with him self wearing his step-sister's underwear." cut in Carly.

"Ohh stop it Carly, you're scaring the poor boy."

"What? it's true, after his step-sister found out his mother made him wear panties and a skirt for a whole week to school. Serves him right." she finished and looked back down at her phone, brushing the hair from her face.

"Well, I don't know about all that, but you are okay here honey." she smoothed out his diaper and helped him off the table, "Now come over here and sit in the play pen while me and Carly finish our paperwork in the office.

Terri was glad to have a women not humiliating him or forcing him to wet himself.

"This is weird, I’m actually glad to sit in a play pen." he thought. And he was really glad, no one made fun of him or teased him. He basically sat in the pen for a few hours, sometimes, Carly would walk by and ask him if he was wet or needed a change, which he looked at the floor and softly told her "no" and then she would be gone to perform some other aspect of her job. She truly did seem not to care. Nurse Lisa would give him a smile as she passed and Terri felt, in a long time, not horrible, it was true he was in a very girly nursery, in a diaper, around females, but this was different he felt secure. Soon Terri closed his eyes and fell asleep. He started with a horrible dream, in his mind he could see a huge crowd of cheerleaders, all beautiful and wearing extremely short skirts and they all be can laughing at him, in his dream he looked down and saw that he was wetting his pants in front of all of them (in the play pen he actually did start wetting his diaper), then he felt all of their hands grabbing at him to strip in naked. He stood there until he saw one of them walking up holding a diaper with a evil grin on her face. He felt degraded and terrible until he felt a nudge on his shoulder. Terri awoke and saw that the school day was over, he glanced up and saw a pretty face of Nurse Lisa gently waking him up.

"Morning sleepy head, school is over, you can go home now big guy." she said sweetly to him. "come on, lets get you up." she helped Terri stand up and step out of the play pen. "here you go...sorry Terri, it's all we had, this is a girl's school after all." she said holding up a pair of pink sandals, "you can wear these, so you don't hurt your feet."

Terri inwardly groaned but slipped the sandals on anyways.

"Oh look Nurse Lisa, he wet himself." said Carly in a loving tone rather than a evil tone.

Nurse Lisa looked down and noticed the sagging diaper. "Oh well, the day is pretty much over, he can wait till his babysitter changes him.

"BABYSITTER!" remembered Terri "oh no, Madison!"

Terri had been treated so nicely he forgot about Madison. He was about to open his mouth and tell them that he can't leave, he was going to tell them all the nasty things she would do to him, but as he got the courage to talk the door opened and she strolled in with a HUGE smile on her face.

"awww, there's my wittle baby." she walked up to Terri swinging her hips side to side. Terri wanted to yell at her called her a "bitch" and run, but he kept his feet planted and his mouth shout out of fear of what the 14 year old girl would do to him and the ever looming punishment of going to cheer camp.

"Oh Maddy, how are you?" asked Nurse Lisa as if she was the sweetest thing.

"Oh I volunteered to babysit this little guy here." she said pointing a finger to Terri who fumed with anger, he hated being talked about as if he wasn't there.

"Well that is just so sweet of you, and if I can be honest, I thing your aunt would have been to hard on Terri here."

"WHAT!?" he thought, he knew Madison would be five times more worst than Principal Fields would ever be, "how come no ones sees this?.

"Well you made need to change him, it looks like he did wettums in his didee." said Nurse Lisa. She probably didn't mean to say it so childish, but working in a nursery for a few years made her words unintentional, although Madison lapped it up with a smile.

"I can see, well lets go BABY Terri." Madison said grapping a hold of his hand and walked him out the door. Both Nurse Lisa and Carly waved at him as they left. Terri and Madison made it down the hall which seemed to have cleared out quickly being the end of the day, they did pass by two girls who pointed and snickered to each other before they skipped away. Terri already felt horrible and ashamed. They both turned a corner when Madison was sure that Nurse Lisa and Carly couldn't hear her.

"You little diaper bitch, put this on." yelled Madison to Terri. She held out a pink dog collar.

"Madison...no, please." started Terri.

"Fine don't put it on..." she said in a causal tone, Terri was stunned until she spoke again. "I'm sure the girls will make you wear it at cheer camp."

Terri blushed and with his trembling hands grabbed the collar and hooked it on his neck, Madison's smile grew from ear to ear as she took the leash and dragged Terri along. "Hurry up Terri, the bus isn't going to wait forever." Terri felt himself become sick.

"Madison, please don't make me go on the bus, I-I-I’m wearing only a diaper...pleeeease."

"Shut it Baby Terri, not another word out of you or...cheer camp."

Terri knew she held the largest card in the deck. He closed his mouth and blushed hotly as they walked to the last bus waiting near the school. Terri resisted and lagged behind until Madison gave it a hard tug.

"Lets MOVE it baby, or help me I will pull down your diapers and spank you right here and now!" she yelled at him.

Terri began to cry and turn red as they walked onto the bus, a large group of younger girls near the front burst out laughing when they saw his diapers. They squeezed his patted behind as he was dragged towards the back where Madison’s friends sat. They each took turns telling Terri what a sissy baby he was, teasing and taunting him. Allison forced his legs apart and placed a hand on his diaper and felt that he was wet.

"Well girls, I think we need to stop and get the wittle baby here some new diapers before he makes a wittle puddle on the ground." she said making Terri blush even more.

"I agree, if we want to do everything we have planned for him, we will need a lot more diapers." said Kelly

"Oh Terri, we are going to have SO much fun humiliating you tonight, you can not imagine how much we plan to degrade you while you sit in a wet and messy diaper!" said Madison.

The look of horror on his face caused the girls to laugh and giggle at him as Terri began to cry again.


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Wettums: Worst School Ever
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2014, 11:41:09 AM »
Chapter 15:

Terri kept his head bowed low looking at the ground while the girls giggled and talked to each other about their charge. Terri's legs felt cold pressed against the leather seats on the bus, he sat there in only his diaper and a pair of pink sandals, he felt so naked with out wearing anything else, the bus stopped every once and awhile and one or two of the girls would get off, usually pulling out their cell phones and take a quick picture of the boy in the diaper near the back before running off with a story to tell their mothers. Before to long Terri felt a small tug on his neck as he suddenly looked up from the ground and saw Madison in the aisle pulling light on his leash.

"Come on baby, we don't have all day." she said coolly as Terri stood up, defeated and followed her out of the bus. Terri felt her walk behind him and unhook the leash but still keep the collar on, and much to his horror he realized that he was standing in the mall parking lot.

"Oh please Madison...please. I'm only wearing a diaper, I've got nothing to cover myself up with."

"Well, silly, that is the reason we are at the mall, to do some shopping...duh" said Allison which got a few laughs from the other girls. Madison stood with a cruel smile on her perfect lips.

"Now, we can't have wittle baby embarrassing us." Madison said "So here is 20 bucks, go into the Walgreens here and buy yourself a package of Depends extra-absorbent overnight diapers and then meet us here." she said writing down on a note from her purse...you have 15 minutes. Oh, and don't try and do anything funny, if you are one second late, or I see you wearing something other than a thick diaper, I'll pull your baby pants down, and expose your little dic-k to the whole mall as I spank you, and then you'll be spending a REAL hell week at cheer camp...got it sissy bitch?" she said in a mock sweet voice, giving a small slap to his already red face.

The girls walked off laughing to each other in the other direction, leaving baby Terri standing in the parking lot in only a diaper, pink sandals, and a dog collar around his neck, he thought he must look completely ridiculous, a 16 year old boy, being punished by a group of teenage girls two years younger than him. Terri looked around, it was still early and not a lot of people were around to see him. He paused for a moment and thought about running away, running away from his mean aunt who tied him down to his bed with her panties and forced him to wet the bed, and then invited the cute girl from next door to witness his humiliation. To run away from Principle Fields who mocked him and masturbated him in front of the school staff while she changed his wet and stinky diaper. Run away from Ms. Amber and Nurse Callaway who's only goal it was, was to humiliate the poor boy for their own pleasure. But mostly to run away from Madison and her girlfriends, who sinisterly wanted to expose Terri in the most embarrassing and mortifying ways, public diaper changes, humiliation, taunting, teasing, tying him up in the girl's locker room, making him play with him self in front of them, being their complete diaper dependent sissy slave. However, no matter how much Terri thought about running away, he knew that if he even looked away in the wrong direction he would be sent to a week of more humiliation and punishments than he could dream of, all in front of what was to be hundreds of girls during cheer camp. With a heavy sign Terri waddled towards the doors of Walgreens and wished the ground would swallow him up.

Terri stepped past the automatic doors and felt the cold air conditioning hit him hard. He took a few more paces quickly. He shuffled into the store that was almost empty. A lucky break for him. Terri awkwardly snuck down the isle away from the front desk where he hoped no one paid him any attention. However he knew that at one point who ever was up front would be blind so they couldn't see the miserable baby buying more diapers. Terri walked down the rows looking for the green plastic case that had the Depends diapers. It wasn't before long that he found them, he felt nervous as butterflies buzzed in his stomach. He felt his own diaper crinkle loudly around his waist. With his mouth dry he grabbed the plastic and lowered his head hoping to not make any eye contact in the store. He hurried towards the front counter, hoping the whole process would go by faster than it would.

It wasn't until Terri placed the diapers on the counter that the young girl looked up from her magazine and took in the sight. Terri's hands were shaking and he was close to tears as he held out the money waiting for something to happen.

"Oh my gawd!" the girl said, placing a hand over her mouth. She looked at the poor boy and stifled a laugh as she chewed loudly on the gum she had in her mouth.

"aww do you need these diapers?" she asked. She was a cute red head probably in her early 20's or late teens, she had on a white tank top and blue jeans, her hair hung loose and she wore a red vest that had her name tag on it "Becky" it said as she rang up the diapers. "Now, do you want a bag for these?" she said very slow. Terri thought she was taking her time on purpose, making him stand longer before her while he began to wet himself right there in the store waiting for a pretty young girl to sell him Depends diapers.

"OH! hahaha" she said as she pointed a finger down at his crotch which had turned clearly yellow, the harsh lights above did little to hide the fact that he had just wet himself as the discolor in the front of his diaper was very noticeable to all.

"Looks like you really do need diapers, if *I* was your babysitter, I’d march you into the ladies room right now and change you...you are so pathetic, tell me wittle baby what is your name?" she gawked at him.

Terri tried to quickly think of something else to say other than his real name, but under the humiliating stress his mind was blank and all he could do was mumble his real name to her.

"haha, well baby Terri, I hope we see each other again." she said.

It was to much for Terri, he threw the twenty dollar bill at the girl and grabbed the diapers off the counter and ran away from the Walgreens without his change. Terri ran out side the mall as fast as the pink sandals would allow him to move until he suddenly stopped. He looked in his hand and saw where Madison had told to meet her, he looked up at a large clock near the mall entrance and saw that he only had three minutes. The note said



Madison had written it in pink ink with a large heart around her name in a mocking way. As much as it hurt Terri to comply with her every wish, cheer camp would be worlds worst so with a sign Terri began to hurry towards Macy's with the diapers in his hands and a red face.


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Wettums: Worst School Ever
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2014, 11:45:45 AM »
Terri ducked and hid along the walls and stores to get across the mall, luckily it was filled with only a few people that didn't care about the antics of teenagers, there was only one point where a little girl tugged on her mother's hand and pointed at him.

"Look mommy, that boy is in diapers." she let loose with a small impish giggle.

Her mother looked up with amazement at the teenage boy wearing thick diapers and holding a package of more in his hand. She gave him a disgusted look.

"Have some decency, you little pervert!" she yelled at him and dragged her giggle daughter away. Terri wanted to melt into the walls, he blushed and wanted to shout out, that it wasn't his fault, that a band of cruel teenage girls had made him like this, and that he was their plaything. He had no control. Much to his dismay he wandered about the halls of the place trying to get there in time.

"Oh no, one minute." he said to himself, he could no longer afford to lurk around and try and not be seen, he began to run. He was a white and red blur, his diaper shown white, while his face shined red. He saw the sign glowing "Macy's". He snuck into the clothing department as fast as he could, a boy around the women's cloths then nervous, it has to do with being in a place that makes you out numbered, to many females to males ratio, now a boy in the section with all of the bras and panties makes them even more nervous, NOW, a boy wearing a diaper and holding a plastic package of them, surrounded by girly underwear and clothes makes him mortified beyond belief. Terri froze. Looking past a few sun dresses, and a shelf of silky panties stood in a circle was the girls. They all giggled and laughed with each other. Madison was clearly the center of attention. Much to Terri's dismay another women stood and laughed with them. She was beautiful, maybe in her late teen's, early 20's. She had red strait hair down to her shoulders, creamy flawless skin and a roaring giggle as she laughed at whatever Madison was saying. She was dressed in a business suit that grabbed tightly at her firm body, her hair was in a loose coil on her head, her lips were pink and glossy and she wore a name tag. Terri guessed that she worked in the women's department. The little gold tag read "Jenny".

It took all the will power he had to take a step forward. He felt cold and clammy in the presence of so many females, in their domain of women's cloths. He took two steps hoping that he would just blend in, but he heard a sudden piecing girlish laugh from the sales girl.

"Oh! is THAT him!" she yelled pointing a finger at him and laughing hysterically.

Madison smirked and folded her arms. "You are a minute late!" she spoke coolly to him.

"N-no, I'm on time! Please I-I am!" he pleaded with her.

"Excuse you little baby, did you just tell ME that I was wrong?!" she yelled.

Terri immediately submitted to her, he didn't want to cause her any anger in fear that she would humiliate him even more.

"N-no Ms. Madison, I'm sorry..." he said meekly.

Jenny, the sales girl just giggled the whole time, obviously happy that the story, that no doubt was about him, that the girls told to her was true, and here the little bed wetting sissy was, wearing a clearly visible diaper in front of her. She placed a hand to her mouth and suppressed another giggle, her red hair fell in her face as she looked him over.

"Well, what are you waiting for, get over here!" said Allison.

Terri took another step. "Whoa" said Kelly, "What do you think you are doing?"

Terri was confused "I...ah...umm"

"Babies can only crawl sissy bitch." said Madison.

Terri nervously fell to his hands and knees, the sales girl was obviously delighted in the amount of control they had on him.

"He has to do whatever we say, whenever we say it." explained Madison. "Or else he has to spend a week at cheer camp."

Terri tensed up. He crawled on all fours towards the circle of girls, his diaper pressed against his inner thighs, and with some difficulty he pulled the package of Depends behind him. The thick white plastic crinkled loudly as he moved closer. He was soon surrounded by the girls. Jenny looked down on him with her hands on her hips.

"Kiss her feet baby!" ordered Madison.

"Please Madison..." he started.

"Fine...I guess you WANT to go to cheer camp, I hear the cabin with the younger girls gets a little messy, perhaps we can find you a maid custom, one that shows off your diaper very well, so that they can check to see if you are wet."

Fear shot within him. He looked up at Jenny's face, she held a smirk and nodded her hair downwards before raising one of her high heeled shoes to his face. Terri gently placed a kiss on her shoes and began to cry.

"Awww don't cry wittle baby." said Allison.

"Yeah, think of all the pretty girly clothes you get to wear today." said Madison very happy. "This is Jenny." she said placing a hand on the other girls shoulders. "She has heard everything about you, and she want to help us turn you into the sniveling little baby girl you are."

Terri was red in the face and had tears streaking down his face. "but...but I’m a boy..." he said as all the girls burst out laughing.


  • Baby Buns
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Re: Wettums: Worst School Ever
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2021, 02:54:49 PM »
Is the rest of this story saved anywhere? I remember it going on for several more chapters. Thanks.


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