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Author Topic: The Crush - by Chlorobaby  (Read 19378 times)

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  • Ballerina
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The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« on: February 19, 2014, 12:51:13 PM »
The Crush - by Chlorobaby f/m sexual

I slowly came too, feeling groggy I tried to move my hands to my head, but found that I couldn't. They were secured. Opening my eyes, I tried to shift my body, but little movement was possible, my feet were also restrained. Whilst trying to gain movement I noticed a crinkling sound and looking down I saw that I was wearing a very bulky white diaper. What the hell happened? Why was I in this predicament?

Nurse Doreen Williams was my neighbour. She was a single, forty something blond bombshell and I had a crush on her. I often found an excuse to pop around to see her. I would watch from my window as she arrived home from work. She would retrieve her medical bag from the boot of her car and dressed in her dark blue nurses uniform, walk to her front door and let herself in.

As I had done on numerous occasions I waited ten minutes or so and made my way around to her house with a DVD for her to borrow. I waited excitedly after ringing her front door - she must of had an idea about my crush for her. Why else would a young man want to spend so much time with a female double his age?

The door opened to reveal the very sexy nurse Williams - still dressed in her tight fitting uniform. "Hi PJ, come on in!" She said with a smile. "Thanks," I said following her into the living room. "I brought you that DVD to borrow," I said handing it to her, communicating my excuse for my visit. "Thank you sweetie!" Doreen responded, exciting me with her flirtatious dialog. I took a seat at the dinning room table as Doreen walked through to the kitchen, "Would you like a drink PJ?"  Doreen called to me - to which I replied "Yes please." As I looked at Doreen's black medical bag on the table next to a new box of thick white tissues.

Doreen returned with a Glass of orange juice and sat opposite me, which I eagerly drank as we discussed last nights television programs. As we continued to chat my mouth started to feel strange and as more time passed the more I became affected. My tongue felt numb and my words were not forming correctly. "Are you alright?" Doreen said with concern as she stood up. "Noff I feelth straaaange!" I tried to say as I also realised that my limbs were not responding correctly to the movements I was trying to make.

"Keep still, and I'll try and help you," Doreen said as she walked behind me. Within moments she was securing my arms and chest to the chair with straps. "There we go, nice and safe, we can't have you falling off of the chair can we?" She said as she came into view smiling down at me.

"Whafs gooin orrm?" I tried to question as Doreen walked out to the kitchen and returned moments later with a plastic bowl and spoon. She placed the bowl onto the table on front of me and sat in the chair beside me. "Now then PJ, to me it's quite obvious that you are attracted to me, coming up with excuses to come see me, helping me out with odd jobs etc. But I'm old enough to be your mother, sweetie." She pulled a few white tissues from the box on the table. Placing her other empty palm to my check she looked into my eyes. "I've decided to give you my undivided attention baby," she said wiping my now dribbling mouth with the thick white tissues.

I was confused, I understood that I had been found out with regard to the crush that I had. But for the life of me I could not understand the way I was being treated. Doreen picked up the spoon and used it to pick up the mushy food in the bowl. She then brought it to my mouth. "Open up sweetie," she said. I didn't open my mouth, but Doreen anticipated this and placed the tissues to my nose and pinched. I had no choice but to open my mouth and she pushed the spoon home. The mushy concoction actually tasted quite nice. "There we go sweetie, wasn't so bad was it?" Doreen continued to feed me until the bowl was empty. She seemed to take great delight with the fact my mouth and tongue was not working in coordination, which meant for a very messy feed. She took breaks to use the tissues to wipe my mouth clean, commenting that I was "such a messy baby."

Mumbled jargon escaped my lips as I tried to protest and question Doreen as she placed the spoon and dirty tissues into the empty bowl. She calmly stood up and opened her medical bag, retrieving a brown glass bottle and placed it onto the table in front of me - the bottle was clearly labelled chloroform. One by one she pulled a large quantity of tissues from the box placing them into two separate piles on the table. "Your going to love being my baby!" Doreen said as she reached for my trouser fly and pulled down the zip. I tried to struggle against my restraints as she delved into my trousers and pulled out my p_nis. She placed one of the piles of tissues around my member and started to stroke it "sthop ith!" I tried to complain. She ignored my comments, "Looks like baby's excited by Mommy isn't he?" Doreen said as she stopped stroking me and picked up the brown glass bottle. She unscrewed the lid, taking some of the tissues from the remaining pile on the table she placed them over the neck of the bottle, turned it upside down allowing the contents to soak into the pad. After screwing the lid back onto the bottle she used the remaining tissues from the pile to wrap the pad forming a thick white bundle. "Whath arrrr youuu dooin?" I tried to question.

"Now then sweetie," Doreen said as she took hold of my member with one hand and held the chloroform laced tissues up for me to see with her other. "You've been a very naughty boy, haven't you? Coming to see me so often, some would call it stalking. But none of that matters now. I've decided as you wanted to spend so much time with me I'm going to make sure that you get your wish. You'll spend all of your time with me from now on, I'm going to keep you all to myself.

Doreen started to stimulate my member through the tissues - it didn't take long for my erection to form. "Mmmm, baby likes that doesn't he?" She coed.

Holding the chloroform laced tissues in front of my face, Doreen looked into my eyes. These special tissues are going to help you take a little nap darling, just so that Mommy can get you settled into your new nursery!" "Nnooth please nnooth!" I tried to say. "Oh sweetie, Mommy knows your scared, but Mommy is a nurse remember and Mommy wants baby to go night nights, hush now," Doreen said as she clamped the thick white tissues over my mouth and nose. "That's it baby, don't fight it, breath in Mommy's special potion!" I struggled to get free, but restrained and weak as I was I could do nothing to stop Doreen from holding the tissues over my mouth and nose. "Mmmmppphhhh!" I cried into the gag as Doreen then continued to rub my member. This caused me to take a breath, I was hit by the strong chemical vapours entering my body. "That's a good boy!" She said whilst still stocking my member. I desperately tried to free myself, but felt so weak and made no headway whatsoever. Again I breathed in the vapours through the tissues gagging me. "That's it sweetie, go to sleep for Mommy, good boy," Doreen teased as I continued to inhale whilst being slowly rubbed up. My ears were now ringing and my eyes could not focus any longer as the drug did it's work. "Sssshhhhh baby, sweet dreams my darling, ttthhhhaaaatts riiiggghhhhhtt." I make one more effort to break free but it was useless. I breathed in again "sssssshhhhhh, Mommy's gooooot youuuuu!"I heard Doreen say as my eyes closed and blackness fell. I could still feel the gag in place as I drifted off.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 01:30:49 PM »
Part 2

"Help!" I called out as I remembered the events that had put me into this position. Yes I had fancied Doreen, but I was I no way up for being part of her kinky game. "Help!" I again shouted as I tested my restraints once more with no joy. I took time to survey the room. I was tied to what looked like a large white babies crib which had bars all around it. The room itself was softly lit and the walls were pale pink in colour with a darker pink carpet. To the left of the crib I could see a white bedside table with draws, sitting on top was the brown glass chloroform bottle and a box of tissues. To my right I could see a large babies high chair big enough for an adult and next to it a large padded table (again both in white.) In front of me I could see a door to enter the room and either side of it against the wall were large cupboards, these had glass panels on the front allowing visibility to the items on the many shelves and clothes rail.

I again started to struggle against my bonds, as I did so my stomach grumbled and cramped with pain. "Aagghh! I called out. Within seconds my back passage opened and I could do nothing to stop it. I literally crapped myself and used the diaper for it's intended purpose. I had lost complete control of my bowls as the warm mess spread around my buttocks I had the double humiliation of my bladder giving way too. As it did so and the warm urine filled the thick diaper I heard a key unlocking the door. I stopped and watched humiliated as the door opened and Doreen entered wearing her nurses uniform covered by a plastic apron.

"Hi sweetie, how are we doing?" Doreen said as she shut the door and walked towards me. "You crazy b**ch, let me go!" I shouted at her, showing my anger at being treated this way. "Tut tut tut, such a naughty little boy, aren't we, she said shaking her head whilst opening a draw of the bedside table. "Why are you doing this to me? Let me go now and maybe I won't call the cops!" I said as Doreen reached into the draw. "Oh I don't think your be calling anyone sweetie, not for a long long time," Doreen said as she pinched my nose with one hand and as I opened my mouth she shoved a very large pacifier gag into my mouth with her other. She then used the straps attached to it to secured the device around my head. "Mmmmppphhhff," I groaned realising my speech had been robbed whilst shaking my head to try and dislodge the gag.

"Pewee, smells like baby's had a little accident doesn't it sweetie," Doreen commented as she leaned on the crib bars smiling down at me. "Would baby like Mommy to change his diaper?" She asked. "Mmmmppphhhff," I shock my head no as I tried to state that I wasn't a baby. "No? Oh well that's a shame babykins as Mommy has to go to work. Your just have to stay in your stinky diaper until Mommy gets home won't you?" Doreen said with a slight chuckle in her voice. "Mmmppphhff," I screamed at her as she pulled a few tissues from the box beside me and placed them to my nose. "Now I want baby to blow for Mommy like a good little boy, I want to make sure your nosey wosey is nice and clean while I'm at work," Doreen said as she pinched my nose. Having no way of breathing I complied and blew into the waiting white tissues. "There's a good boy," Doreen said as she wiped my nose. She threw the dirty tissues into the bin and the pulled a further 10 tissues from the box beside me. "I was going to wait until tonight before I took you as I have some leave from work, but I just couldn't wait to have you," she said whilst calmly unscrewing the chloroform bottle and soaking the tissues in her hand. After replacing the cap onto the bottle, Doreen folded the tissues into a pad and leant down to me.  "Nap time sweetie!" She said whilst thrusting the drugged tissues to my nostrils. I started to shake my head side to side to try and dislodge the tissues that Doreen held to my nose, but this was all in vain, as Doreen was able to keep them in place quite easily. "Mmmppphhhfff!" I cried into my gag realising that my kidnapped had the upper hand and that I had no choice to take my enforced nap as I inhaled the vapours. "Sssshhhh, there's a good boy, go to sleep for Mommy, Doreen said as the drug started to take effect. It wasn't long before I stopped struggling, I could do nothing other than look up at Nurse Williams as she lovingly smiled down at me. My eyes started to flutter and eventually closed "sssshhhhh," she hushed me as I slipped off to dreamland.

Doreen kept the tissues to my nose a few seconds after I was out to make sure I would not be waking up anytime soon. She then disposed of them before releasing my legs from their restraints. Doreen then retrieved a pair of plastic pants from the glass cupboard. They were pink in colour, had an elastic waistband and leg openings. As she manoeuvred them up my legs and over my diaper whilst I lay unconscious, she knew that they would be required after the laxatives had done there work from last night and the fact she would be at work throughout the day. Once the plastic pants were in place she wheeled over a machine on a tall trolley and from a mini fridge retrieved an orange colour liquid bag that she hung onto a hook at the top of the trolley. Doreen then attached the machine to the bag using some clear tubing. She then attached another tube from the machine to the pacifier gag strapped into my sleeping mouth. Doreen then turned on the machine and checked the timer on it, before bending down and kissing my forehead. "Sweet dreams sweetheart!" She said before leaving the room, locking the door behind her.

Hours later I started to come out of my drugged sleep. Again it took a few moments to realise my predicament, but soon I realised my bondage as the crinkling sound of the now bulky diaper and plastic pants dominated the room. "Mmmppphhhfff, mmmmppphhhfff!" I cried into the gag as I tried to call for help. The messy diaper that I was being forced to wear was now cool and damp, I could feel with each movement that I attempted to make its contents smearing around inside.

As I laid tied in the cot helpless I tried to work out why Doreen was doing this to me. However, I was not able to think about this for long as beside me I heard the hum of the machine on the trolley start. I looked to my side to witness the machine work the liquid through its tubes. I watched in horror as the orange liquid moved and eventually worked through the clear tubing towards my pacifier. An explosion of sweet orange filled my mouth, I had no choice but to swallow it as the machine continued to pump the contents of the bag into me. This continued for some time until the bag was empty and the machine stopped. I was pleased with the rest bite from my forced feeding, but as I took time to catch my breath I felt the urgent need to use the bathroom. Obviously, there was no chance of my doing that, so I accepted the inevitable an wet my diaper again. The warm urine added to the already full diaper and as I looked downwards I could see the additional plastic pants I was now in, hold the leakage from my full diaper. I now felt total humiliation as I lay in wait for nurse Williams to return.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 05:39:48 PM »
Almost an hour later I heard the key unlock the door and watched as Nurse Williams entered the room. "Hi sweetie, there's nothing to worry about now Mommy's here!" She said closing the door behind her and walking over to my cot. "Oh dear, looks like baby needs a change doesn't he dear," Doreen said as she looked at my plastic pants. "Mmmppphhff!" I complained as Doreen attached a pink collar and lead to my neck and proceeded to unstrap my restraints. Doreen lowered the bars of my cot and then gently pulled on the lead attached to my new collar. "Come on baby, let's get you cleaned up!" She said as I manoeuvred myself off of the cot and onto the fluffy carpet. I was shocked at how weak I felt as I realised I couldn't stand and fell onto all fours. "Come on baby crawl over to the changing station for Mommy," Doreen coed as she again pulled on the lead. I unsteadily crawled to the changing station as directed, knowing that the way I was feeling I could not escape at this point. Doreen motioned for me to climb up onto the changing station. As I did so she quickly moved me into her desired position lying on my back. Doreen cuffed my wrists beside me before she secured several leather straps across my chest. "There we are sweetie, nice and secure, Mommy doesn't want her ickle babykins falling off and hurting himself does she?" Doreen said whilst putting on a plastic apron over her uniform and placing her tender hands into a pair of latex gloves.

"Now then, let's see what baby's left for Mommy shall we?" Doreen said as she first removed my plastic pants before then attaching my feet to a long spreader bar. I watched in amazement as she used a hoist to raise the bar and my legs into the air, giving her free access to my lower regions. "Mmmppphhhfff!" I cried in humiliation as Doreen released the diaper tapes to reveal the very messy contents. "Oh dear, you are a messy boy!" Doreen said as she went to work cleaning me up. She seemed to be oblivious to how disgusting of the mess that I had made as she expertly used the large baby wipes to clean me. Before long Doreen had disposed of the dirty diaper and wipes into the diaper pail and was on hand with a blue bottle. Doreen squeezed a generous amount of the cream inside the bottle onto my privates and took great care as she rubbed it all over my pubic area and anus. Doreen then proceeded to squirt more cream onto my chest area before rubbing it into the rest of my body hair . "There, we're just give that a few moments to go to work and I'll be back sweetie," Doreen said as she removed her apron and gloves, disposed of them and then exited the room. After a minute or so the cream started to slightly sting, it wasn't painful but certainly was not comfortable. "Mmmmppphhhff, mmmmppphhhfff," I moaned as I was left to my own devices.

Five minutes later Doreen again entered the room. She looked absolutely stunning dressed as she was. Doreen had changed from her traditional nurses uniform into a figure fitting green latex nurses uniform, I looked on as she placed some items onto a table beside a large chair in the corner of the room. As she approached me Doreen smiled at my helplessness, whilst placing her medical bag that (she was carrying) on a trolley next to the changing station. "Let's get that nasty cream off shall we," she said as she put on some fresh latex gloves and used some fresh baby wipes to remove the cream. "Mmmmmppphhhfff!" I cried as I witnessed not only the cream being removed, but my body hair with it!!! I tried to struggle as Doreen wiped me bald but to no avail, I was well and truly secured. After disposing the wipes and latex gloves. Doreen opened a bottle of talc and proceeded to sprinkle a large quantity onto my freshly bald skin. Using her tender hands she rubbed the powder into my making sure to get it all into my cracks and crevices. "Mmmm, does that feel nice babykins," she said as she paid particular attention to my pen-is and balls. "Mmmppphhhfff," I cried as I couldn't help but start to get aroused at the attention being paid to my now very hard pen-is.

Suddenly Doreen stopped her teasing and placed the talc back in the glass cupboard, as she did this Doreen picked up a thick white disposable diaper and returned to me unfolding it as she walked. Doreen slid the thick diaper into position under my raised behind. Opening her medical bag Doreen pulled out a pink pacifier shaped object and rested it on my chest. "This is called a plug baby, do you know what a plug is for?" Doreen questioned as she took another fresh pair of disposable gloves and put them on. "Well, sometimes Mommy likes to know that baby is not going to do number twos in his diaper sweetie, so a way to do that it to use this little plug here!" She said picking up the pacifier plug and holding it up for me to see. At the end of the changing station was a dispenser, pushing this down released some lubricant into her gloved hand. "We must make sure that it slides nicely in babykins, mustn't we?" Doreen said as she coated the plug with her lube filled glove.

I desperately tried to struggle free as I worked out what Doreen intended to do. But as before, the restraints held firm and I was unable to break free. "Mmmpphhhf," I tried to plead as Doreen stood at the bottom of the changing station and looked into my eyes. "Mommy knows what's best sweetie!" She said before definitely pushing the plug home. "Mmmmppphhhfff!" I cried in distress as I felt the intrusion into my rosebud. "There we go precious, Mommy's good ickle baby!" Doreen said as she pulled a few tissues from the box on the trolley and wiped the excess lube around my hole dry before disposing them.

Doreen then pulled a large quantity of tissues from the box and laid them into the diaper. She then lowered me down onto the diaper before grabbing even more tissues and padding them around my pen-is and balls. "Mmm baby likes Mommy's tissues doesn't he!" Doreen commented as she noted my pen-is twitch to the feel of the paper handkerchiefs now encasing my sexual organs. "Baby's being a naught boy isn't he? With that hard winkle in the way, it's making it hard for Mommy to do up your diaper isn't it?" Doreen said as she took hold of my member through the tissues. She started to stroke me before pushing my member down and pulling the thick diaper over my hard member that was surrounded and well padded with the tissues. "No c-ummies for ickle baby just yet sweetie, Mommy wants you dressed first," Doreen said as she used the large tapes to secure the bulky diaper in place. As I looked downwards I could see the thick diaper in place - I could make out my still erect pen-is straining at its confinement. Doreen wasted no tine in selecting a pink onesie from the cupboard. Releasing my feet she was able to pull them into the legs of the tight fitting garment. I tried to struggle but was still very weak from my feed (unbeknownst to me it was drugged with a muscle relaxant,) but Doreen was able to dress me quite easily. My legs were re-secured before my chest was released as were my wrists individually, whilst Doreen simultaneously pulled at my lead causing my to sit forward allowing her to complete her dressing of me into the onesie. Doreen attached my wrists to a pair of handcuffs before releasing my legs and again pulling at the lead to manoeuvre me onto the floor once again. "Come on baby come to Mommy," she said leading me over to a very large sitting chair in the corner of the room by the window, as I crawled I felt the uncomfortableness of the plug that was penetrating me as well as the sensual rubbing of the tissues witching the diaper.

Even though I was in shock as to what Nurse Williams had done to me. She looked a picture of beauty as she sat in the chair, as I looked up at her, reminding me of why I had lusted after her for so long. I was snapped back to reality as Doreen pulled at the lead. "Up you come precious!" She coaxed me tapping her lap as she motioned me to climb onto it. Weak and incapacitated as I was I had little choice and climbed up onto Doreen's lap. Doreen laid me down so that I could look up to her in the cradling position.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 12:54:58 PM »
Part 4

Doreen reached around the back of my head and unbuckled the straps holding the pacifier gag in place, before gently pulling it from my mouth and placing it onto the side table. "Why are you doing this to me, you can't do this it's kidnap!" I weakly said finding it difficult to adjust after being gagged for so long. I felt very strange and even felt upset as tears started to form, the drugs that had been laced into my drinks were now working to full effect. "Oh sweetie, you must trust Mommy now, I know what's best for you!" Doreen said as she reached to the table, pulled a few paper handkerchiefs from the box and picked up the largest babies bottle I'd ever seen. Wiping the tears from my eyes with the thick white paper hankies she continued, "your now my baby sweetie and the sooner you accept your new status the easier it will be!" I opened my mouth to protest but was quickly silenced as my new Mommy pushed home the large babies bottle into it. The sweet warm milk quickly filled my mouth, I tried to shake my head free, but Doreen's hand held the bottle in place, giving me no choice but to swallow the contents. The milk tasted nice but the flow was very quick which caused me to dibble some of it as the bottle continued to empty. "Messy boy!" Doreen said as she kept the forced feed going but used the tissues to mop up the excess milk from my face and chin.

I started to feel drowsy towards the end of the bottle and as a result dribbled even more, I was finding it difficult to drink the milk with my general coordination turning, dare I say it, into that of a baby. Doreen chuckled at my predicament, clearly enjoying her power over me as she pulled the now empty bottle from my lips and wiped my face dry using her paper hankies.

Placing the bottle onto the table and disposing of the dirty tissues, Mommy pulled some fresh paper hankies from the box and placed them to my nose. "Blow for Mommy," Doreen said. I looked up at my kidnapper in a drugged state knowing that this situation was still wrong. I shock my head "no, please let me go!" I said. Doreen cupped my balls through the diaper and gave them a gentle squeeze, "I SAID BLOW FOR MOMMY!" Doreen said. I felt the sickly pain that any male would feel cursing through me. To this end I immediately complied, blowing my nose into my kidnappers tissues, as ordered. "There's a good boy,"Mommy said as she wiped my nose with the tissues, that she held within her grasp. Disposing of them into the bin as she had done previously, Doreen the pulled even more paper handkerchiefs from the box and placed them on my chest. I was now so docile from the drugs within the milk and could do nothing but look up to my kidnapper, Nurse Williams, Doreen, Mommy..... And try to reason with her. "Please...... Let me go?" I pleaded. But Nurse Williams had other ideas as she picked up a small bottle from the table beside us. She looked into my eyes and smiled as she pressed on the top of the bottle expelling its contents as a spray onto the tissues laying on my chest. Placing the bottle back onto the table Doreen then picked up the paper hankies with the dry side outward to her palm. From no where Doreen produced a small remote control, holding it up and pressing the green button, "Your arse is, literally, all mine!" She laughed, as I felt the plug start to vibrate within my anus. "Nnooommmppphhfffff," my crys were cut short as Doreen lowered the paper handkerchiefs down over my mouth and nose. She dropped the remote and started to vigorously rub the front of my diaper causing my pen-is to enjoy the sensuous feeling of both stimulation from Doreen's hand and the tissues within the diaper. "Mmmmppphhhff," I moaned as the stimulation both excited me and scared me as I suc-ked a lungful of air through, what   I realised was a tissue filled gag of chloroform vapour.

"Mmmmmppphhhff!" I cried as my pen-is betrayed me, the feeling of my new Mommy caressing my sex caused me to lose control of my conscious being,  I wanted to give in to the sexual ecstasy that Doreen was now giving me. My vibrating butt only added to the pleasure now, as my head became numb and Doreen continued to rub my sex through the diaper. However, I still complained "mmmpphhff" into the gag as the sexual torment continued. "Good baby, Mommy's good little baby!" Doreen said as she could see me enjoying her stimulation. "Mmmppphhff, mmpphhhff!" I cried into Doreen's tissue filled palm as I again inhaled the drug that was now sending me into unconsciousness. "There's a good baby, don't fight it, see if you can do a c-ummies for Mommy before nap nap time!" Doreen teased as she noticed my eyes starting to flutter. "Come on babykins, do a little squirt into your diaper, come on you can do it,"Doreen coaxed while continuing to rub me. The vibrating plug and Doreen's rubbing was certainly arousing me as I took another breath through the drugged tissues. "Come on sweetie, do c-um c-ums!" Doreen teased as I gave a loud "mmmppphhhfff," muffled cry into the tissues gagging me. "Ahhhh, there's a good boy!" Doreen said as she felt my explosion into my diaper prison. "Ssssshhhh, relax now sweetie," she said keeping the gag in place as I suc-ked more vapours into my lungs after my climax. I felt both relief (from my ejaculation) and fear (from my drugging,) as Doreen stared into my eyes. "Time for your nap now," said my new Mommy as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2014, 12:49:16 PM »
Part 5

I slowly came too, again it took some time to realise previous events. As I opened my eyes I found myself looking looking across the nursery. I was tightly secured into the large highchair. I frantically tried to free myself but found that my feet, wrists, arms and torso were made completely immobile. I could still feel that the plug was inserted into my rear. I was also still dressed in the onesie that Doreen had put me in and I was most definitely still wearing the bulky diaper filled with the tissues. "Help, help, hhheeeeeeeeelp!," I yelled realising that my mouth was free from obstruction.

Almost as soon as I had finished yelling Doreen rushed in through the door. "Hush now, don't be such a naughty boy!" She commanded. "Hhheeeeeeeeelp !" I again yelled. Doreen quickly grabbed the chloroform spray bottle from beside the chair in the corner and pulled a generous amount of paper handkerchiefs from the box. Doreen then quickly walked towards me, whilst spraying the thick paper handkerchief pad. "You will learn to behave yourself PJ!" Doreen said as she raised the tissues in front of my face. "Noooommmmmpppphhhhff!" I cried as Doreen effectively gagged me with the drugged tissues. I tried to struggle but Doreen was easily able to keep the thick wad in place. I took an involuntary gasp of air through the gag and with it the drug entered my body.

"Mmmmpppphhhff, mmmmmppphhff!" I pleaded with Doreen as she looked into my eyes. Doreen reached into her pocket and removed the remote. Holding it up for me to see, she pressed the green button. "Mmmmmpppphhhffff!" I screamed as the plug started to vibrate, causing me to breath in the drug vapours again. Whilst still holding the tissues in place, Doreen placed the remote onto the highchair table if front of me. She then moved her free hand under the table and took hold of my member through the onesie and tissue filled diaper. She started to rub me and soon my pen-is responded inside its tissue/ diaper prison. I became erect almost instantly to her touch and goaned "mmmmmppphhhff," in to my gag, knowing my kidnappers intention.

"Such a naughty little boy, aren't you?" Doreen teased as she increased her rubbing of my pen-is through the tissue filled diaper. I tried to pull at my restraints, "calm down sweetie, let Mommy look after you!" Doreen said as she looked into my eyes. "Mmmppphhhfff," I groaned as the pleasure I was now feeling caused me to inhale through the thick white paper hankies that Doreen was keeping firmly in place. "There's a good boy, see Mommy knew that you would enjoy being my baby!" She said, continuing to rub my pen-is. I looked at Doreen, dressed in her latex nurses uniform as she looked back into my eyes. I knew that I was now under her complete power, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak and I was being slowly drugged by this beautiful woman. I now started to feel myself getting very excited. "Mmmppphhhfff!" I groaned into the gag, trying to ask for Doreen to stop. However, Doreen had no intention of stopping. "Do creamies for Mommy!" She said whilst continuing to play with me. As I took another breath I inhaled more of the chloroform vapour, I screamed "mmmppphhhhfffffffffff!!" I could feel myself nearing orgasm. "Mmmmppphhhfff, mmmmppphhhfff, mmmmppphhhfff!" I desperately cried as I again pulled at my restraints as I could not stop my body responding to Doreen's touch. "Come on sweetie let out c-ummies for Mommy!" Doreen teased, as I could hold on no longer and came into the tissue filled diaper. "Good boy, there's a good boy doing creamies for Mommy!" Doreen said as she removed her hand from my diaper area and started to stroke my forehead. I could only muster a small"Mmmppphhhfff," into my gag as I looked up at Doreen. "Sssshhhh sweetie, you just let Mommy take care of you!" She said as she continued to stoke my forehead. "Mmpphhhff," I groaned as Doreen pulled my head to her bosoms. My eyes started to flutter as all I could now see above the tissues, that were being held firmly in place was my kidnappers assets bulging from her latex uniform. "Ssssshhhh baby, thaaaaaats riiiiiiiiiiiight, moooooooommmmmmmyyys goooott yoooooou!" Doreen's voice echoed in my head as I slumped into dreamland.

I awoke, after opening my eyes I looked around my surroundings. I was in my flat. I couldn't believe it, it must of been a dream!!. After accepting this. I jumped in and out of the shower before dressing. I looked out of my window to see Doreen returning from work. I quickly put my shoes on before grabbing some DVDs. Any excuse to see her I thought to myself.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 01:04:17 PM »
I rang Doreen's door bell and waited excitedly for her to answer. As the front door opened I was surprised to see Doreen dressed in the green nurses uniform from my dream. She invited me in and as I stood in the hallway Doreen said, "your all wet sweetie." I looked down to my jeans and saw that I had a large wet patch!

I suddenly jumped back to reality. To my disbelief I was back in Doreen's nursery and was strapped down to the changing table, with my legs spread and suspended high above my waist to the spreader bar. "Oh your awake precious!" Doreen said as she smiled down at me whist she finished wiping me clean with baby wipes, I had a fresh diaper beneath me. It was a dream, not my kidnapping! but being back in my flat! Here I was, secured to the changing table at Nurse Williams mercy. "Please, let me go!"I pleaded as I pulled at my restraints. "Oh your such a cutie," Doreen said as she moved around the changing table towards my head. I watched as she  moved a box of tissues and placed them on my chest. She stared to pull the tissues one after another from the box. "I was so pleased that you took a liking to me PJ." Doreen said as she picked up the thick wad of tissues that she had assembled. Doreen then pulled a leather gag from her tight latex uniform pocket. "You made it so much easier for me to kidnap you!" She said with a smile, before clamping the tissues down over my nose and mouth. I tried to break free from her assault but Doreen was easily able to place the leather gag over the thick wad of tissues and secure it in place with the buckles attached. "There we go, a nice and quiet ickle baby!" Doreen said as she walked behind me out of my view. "Mmmppphhhfff, mmmmppphhhff!" I complained into the gag that prevented my speech.

After a minute or so Doreen reappeared. I was stunned by her attire. Gone was her nurses uniform, she stood before me in the cutest set of black underwear complete with stockings and suspenders. However, the lovely sight soon turned to horror for me as I looked at Doreen's knickers. Strapped over them was a pink strap on! "Mmmppphhhff!!!" I cried into my thick gag and struggled against my restraints as I realised her intention. Doreen picked up the box of tissues, walked around to the bottom of the changing table and placed them onto it. She was then able to detach and split the lower part of the table and move it to one side, so that my rear was now at the end of the table. I watched Doreen, (as I desperately tried to get free) lubricate the strap-on from a dispenser. "Now then PJ, it's time for Mommy to start your training!" Doreen said as she lined her strap-on up with my rosebud. I frantically tried to squirm and twist away, but there was no escaping Nurse Williams as she touched the end of her pink intruder to my hole. "Hush now sweetie, Mommy knows best!" She said as she gently pushed herself towards me and the pink strap-on inside me.

"Mmmppphhhffffff!" I cried into my gag as I felt Doreen entering me. Doreen stopped for a few seconds, looked into my eyes and smiled, "there's a good baby," she said before pushing further. "Mmmmppphhhff!" I cried as i felt the full impact of the intrusion. "Mmmppphhhfff, mmmmpppphhhffff, mmmmmppphhhhfff!!!!" I continued to groan as Doreen then proceeded to pound me. She started off slowly pushing in and then pulling out, before gaining speed until she reached a her desired rhythm. Tears started to form in my eyes as I lay at my kidnappers mercy unable to do a thing to stop her. "Mmmppphhhff!" I cried as I tried to plead with Doreen for her to stop. "Ohh is baby trying to tell Mommy he loves her?" Doreen teased whist continuing to assault me. "I know precious, Mommy loves baby too!"

My pounding continued, but to my surprise my p_nis started to grow. "Well, well, well! It seems my little boy likes Mommy taking him doesn't he?" Doreen commented. "Mmmmppphhhff!" I tried to state no as I watched her pull some fresh paper handkerchiefs from the box on the split changing table beside her. "Mmmppphhfff!" I cried as she wrapped them around my hard shaft.   Doreen started to pump my shaft through the tissues in rhythm with her pounding my rear. "Mmmpphhff, mmmmppphhhff, mmmppphhhfff!" I cried each time her pink intruder raped me and she pumped my p_nis. Even as I felt the pain in my rear, I couldn't help but become excited. Soon I was nearing climax, Doreen noticed this and began to tease yet again. "That's right, baby do c-ummies for Mommy, let it out sweetheart, show Mommy how much you love her!"

Try as I might, I could hold on no longer and soon I let out a load. I cried "mmmmppphhf!" Into my gag as I did indeed cream into Doreen's tissue filled palm. "There's a good baby boy!" Doreen said as she caught my ejaculation in the tissues surrounding my manhood. She eased the pink stap-on from my rear and tenderly wiped my anus dry with the tissues. "Mommy is going to take good care of you sweetie!" Doreen said as she pulled a large quantity of tissues from the box. She inserted some of them between my butt cheeks and then padded the rest around my p_nis and ball sack before pulling up the fresh diaper and taping it in place. I felt so exhausted from my release that I lay compliant to my kidnappers actions. Doreen unstrapped my legs and attached the lead to the collar around my neck, before releasing the rest of the straps keeping me secured to the changing table. I was lead down onto the carpet and I obediently crawled to the cot where I was led.

"Up you pop sweetie!" Doreen directed me, I did as I was told and climbed into the cot. Doreen was quick to strap me down, leaving no room for me to escape once she detached the lead. I watched my kidnapper as she detached her strap-on and redressed into her green latex nurses uniform. She briefly exited the nursery only to return minutes later carrying a large babies bottle. Unstrapping my gag and removing the tissues, she guided the teat into my mouth and I was again forced to suc-kle and drink the liquid. "Such a messy boy!" Doreen said as I dribbled the milk as it was forced into me. I could tell Doreen took great delight in wiping up my dribble with the tissues that were once my gag. Once my feed had ended, I felt very light headed. The milk must gave been laced with a drug. "Time for another little nap sweetie!" Doreen said as I watched her pull some fresh paper hankies from the box and spray them with the chloroform. "No!," I weakly protested, already in a dreamlike state. Doreen started to rub my bulging diaper, again my p_nis betrayed me as it sprung to attention. "Come on baby, you know Mommy will take good care of her ickle man!" She said as her touch caused me to forget my humiliation and enjoy the sensation. "Oh sweetie, it looks like a little tent, doesn't it?" Doreen commented as she continued to grope me. "Please let me go?" I asked. Doreen was quick to silence me bringing the chloroform laced hankies down over my mouth and nose. "Sssshhhh baby, Mommy isn't going to let you go anywhere, but I will take good care of you, I promise!" She said whist continuing to fondle me.

"Mmmpphhff!" I cried as I was gagged. But, I was so excited by her tender touch I inhaled the drug contained in the tissues almost immediately. "Mmmpphhff, mmmpphhff!" I protested further as I could not stop Doreen's abuse. She continued to pleasure me as I had no choice but to inhale the sleepy drug containing in her thick white tissues. "There's a good bit, you know you want to do creamies for Mommy!" Doreen teased as my p_nis twitched in the tissue filled diaper. Eventually I could hold out no longer and spurt my load into the waiting diaper. I was now well on my was to dreamland and as Doreen patted my diaper my eyes started to flutter. "Mmmmm!" I mumbled into my gag as Doreen came closer to my and looked into my sleepy eyes. "That's right sweetie, you relax and go night nights for Mommy!" She said whilst I tried again to move my head away from the drugged tissues. "Sleeeeeeeep tiiiiiiiiiight.......," I heard as darkness fell upon me.


  • Ballerina
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Re: The Crush - by Chlorobaby
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2014, 12:25:06 PM »
Part 7

I awoke from my slumber, again it took me a while to realise my predicament - forgetting momentarily, previous events, I was soon aware of my surroundings. I was in a half lying, half sitting position. As I tested my movement I realised that I was indeed restrained. However, as my eyes adjusted, I found that I was in a completely different environment. I looked around and found that I was no longer in the nursery, in fact I was no longer in the house and I was moving! It seemed that I was secured to some kind of stroller, a very large stroller! I tried to call out "mmmppphhhfff!" But found a large pacifier gag strapped in my mouth and that my speech was again not an option to me. I desperately tried to look around behind me but could only just make out Doreen's hands on the handle of the stroller. "Mmmppphhhfff, mmmppphhhfff!" I complained, which alerted Doreen to my consciousness.

"Calm down sweetie! Be a good boy for Mommy," Doreen said as she continued to push me. "Mmmmppphhff," I cried as I desperately tried to free myself to no avail. I could see that I was dressed in some kind of hooded poncho that obscured my body and face to the outside world. "Mmmppphhhfff, mmmppphhhfff!" I'd cry every time I noticed footsteps walking past, in an effort to try and draw attention to my capture. However, if anyone did notice this I could hear Doreen brush off my muffled noise, "bless him, he can't help it," she'd say as she continued to push me.

After 20 minutes of this humiliating ordeal we arrived at or destination. I managed to read the sign, 'The Rosemary Private Clinic' before being pushed through the automatic door and into the reception area. Doreen parked my stroller next to the waiting room chairs, whilst she went to the reception desk to speak to the young lady sat behind the desk. "Miss Williams to see Doctor Summers please," I heard her say, before she was asked to take a seat. As Doreen sat down I tried to alert the receptionist to my situation. "Mmmpphhff, mmmppphhhfff!" I complained into my gag. My sounds were barely heard in the room. Doreen just lent forward and stroked my cheek, " it's ok honey, the Doctor will see us shortly." She said. Moments later the receptionist advised Doreen, "The Doctor will see you now."

Doreen pushed me in the stroller into the Doctors treatment room. "Hello Dee how are you?" The young redheaded Doctor asked as we entered. "I'm fine thanks Beth!" Doreen replied as she took a seat with me pulled up beside her. doctor Summers was dressed in a tight fitting black dress covered by an open doctors white coat. Turning from her desk to face me and Doreen she continued, "Well this must be young PJ that you've told my all about, your right he is a cutie," she said with a smile. "Now then, we discussed the regeneration injections and also the incontinence procedure on the phone - have you made a decision yet Dee?" Doctor Summers asked." Mmmmppphhhfff!!!! Mmmmpppphhhffff!!! I cried into my gag as I listened to what was being said. "I think we'll stick with the injections for now Beth! We can revisit the incontinence later if needed, can't we sweetie!" Doreen said as she stroked my cheek. I desperately struggled to try and break free from my restraints, but they held firm.

"Let's make start then shall we? If you can give me access to little PJs bits Dee and I'll prepare his medicine" Doctor Summers said as she got up and walked over to the cupboard. As Doctor Summers did this Doreen proceeded to unzip my poncho to reveal my naked body, with the acceptation of a diaper. Doreen then unlocked some pins on the stroller that allowed me to fall back in to a full laying position. She then untaped my diaper to reveal my genatalior, "so cute!" Doreen said as she tapped my bits. "He's all yours Beth!" Doreen said as she moved away from me.

I struggled against my bonds in terror as Doctor Summers approached me. In her hands I could clearly see a stainless steel bowl with two loaded syringes. "Did you want to empty your boy or shall I do it?" Doctor Summers asked Doreen as she sat down and placed the bowl on the table. "You do it Beth, I'll just comfort my little man!" I heard Doreen say before seeing her as she leaned over me.

"Ok let's get started then shall we?" Doctor Summer said as she pulled several tissues from the box on her desk, "you may want these," she said to Doreen as she passed them over, along with a brown bottle that she retrieved from the stainless steel bowl. Doctor a Summers then pulled more tissues from the box and draped them over my pen-is. "Now then baby, I need you to do a c-ummies for me before I give you your medicine!" Doctor Summers informed me. Doreen unbuckled my gag and removed it from my mouth. "Please, no! Let me go?l I pleaded with the two women. Doctor Summers ignored my request and started to rub me using the tissues covering my manhood. "Pleammppphhff!" I tried to reason, only for my mouth and nose to be covered by Doreen's palm containing thick white tissues. "Mmmppphhhfff!" I again complained as I continued to struggle against the straps holding me in place. "Come on little one, show the Doctor what a good boy you are!" Doctor Summers coed as she continued to fondle my manhood. It was not long before I started getting hard and in even less time I was rock solid. "He is a good boy isn't he Mommy?" The Doctor said as she continued to pump me. "Oh yes Doctor, PJ loves the feel of tissues, don't you honey?" Doreen replied as I could only let out a muffled whimper into the tissues over my mouth and nose. As I inhaled I could sense that the paper hankies were lightly laced with the chloroform as I became more and more lightheaded.

"Mmmmppphhhff, mmmppphhhfff!" I moaned as I started to near orgasm. "Good baby, that's right, do creamies for the nice Doctor!" Doreen whispered into my ear as she noted I was nearing climax. Doctor summers continued to stimulate me. "That's it little one let it all out!" She said and then, I did! "Mmmmpppphhhhhhhhffffffff!" A muffled scream escaped my gag as I spurted my load into Doctor Summers waiting tissues. "Good baby!" She said as she quickly mopped up my ejaculation and then took one of the syringes. "This may hurt a little sweetie!" Doctor Summers informed me before driving the needle into one of my balls. "Mmmppphhhfff!" I cried in pain as I felt the needle enter and the contents of the syringe empty into me. However, exhausted from my ejaculation and drugging I could do little to stop this abuse. Doctor Summers then changed syringes and quickly inserted it into my other ball and emptied the contents. "Mmmppphhhfff!" I again cried before Doctor Summers took out the needle and used a swab to wipe my balls. "Mmmmmm, mmmmmm" I softly moaned as the chloroform started to take effect. "He'll start to feel the effects in an hour or so," Doctor Summers said as she took a large quantity of tissues from the box and packed them around my pen-is and balls. "I think your need plenty of these!" Doctor Summers said to Doreen as I felt her tape up my diaper. "Don't worry we've got plenty, haven't we sweetie?" Doreen said, as my now blurred vision managed to see her peering over her tissue filled palm into my eyes. "Ssssshhh sweetie, Mommy's goooot yoooouuuuuuuu!" She said as darkness took me.


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