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Author Topic: Defeated by a Kiss  (Read 15051 times)

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Baby Bobby

  • Winner of the Golden Panties Award
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Defeated by a Kiss
« on: June 11, 2014, 11:40:46 AM »
Defeated with a Kiss

Okay, so my name is Ariel and I'm a senior and a cheerleader at the local High School. I was babysitting this guy the other day and I have to ask you if you think what happened was out of bounds or not.

You see, his name is Denna and he's a couple years younger than I am. The thing is, he still wets his bed at night and his mom has decided that until he gets it under control, he is to be put into diapers and plastic pants as soon as he gets home from school. She pays me really well to babysit him and I can for sure use the extra cash. Plus, he's kinda cute (in a geeky sort of way) so its easy money for me.

Anyway, I usually accompany him home when we get off the bus (his mom won't allow him to be in any sports or any other sort of activity at school and instead, wants him to go straight home every day).

Denna is pretty short for his age, and kinda weak too--a lot of the guys at school like to push him around and bully him. He's about a head shorter than I am, with a very prissy personality, and he knows better than to argue with me. His mom puts him over her knee and spanks him when he acts up and she's authorized me to use her paddle if I need to, but I rarely do--he's very passive by nature and he's used to following orders from women.

As for me, I have long, silky blonde hair, green eyes, and I'm told by everyone that I'm very pretty. It must be true because I have guys bugging me all the time for dates. Then again, it doesn't hurt that I have really big boobs. I love wearing clingy, low cut tops to show them off and I once caused a guy in his car to rear end the car in front of him, simply because I was reaching behind my head to adjust my pony tail. Lol--I guess he was a little over-distracted.

Anyway, so yesterday, was a day just like any other day.
I was taking Denna home from the bus stop and as usual, he was too shy to engage me in any kind of conversation. Truth be told, he's pretty intimidated by me and he has a real hard time making eye contact with me. You may call me kinda cruel, but I sort of like bullying him with my sexuality. So for instance, I like slapping his butt as he's walking down the street. He always let's out a cry of surprise and he blushes with embarrassment, but he never stands up to me or tells me to stop.

We got to his house and I let us in (his mom trusts me with the keys but not him). He wanted to play with his video game but I cut him off and sent him to his bedroom instead.
"You know better than that, Denna," I scolded him.
He said nothing, but trudged to his bedroom as instructed.
We went in together and I was reminded again of this bedwetter's childish habit--the smell of stale, wet diapers could be detected even though they were contained within a large, mostly airtight, rubber container at the foot of his bed. His changing table was alongside his bed, along with a large stack of thick, cloth diapers and twenty or so plastic pants. His mom was a big believer in shaming her son into better behavior, so his selection of plastic pants tended to be very babyish; some were pink, others yellow, and quite a few were nursery print. I thought it was a little odd, but for the money she was paying me, I was hardly going to question her methods.

Denna had already begun taking his pants off, knowing there was no avoiding the inevitable. I looked around his room while I waited, where my gaze came to rest on the wooden paddle hanging up on the wall behind his dresser. I shook my head in sympathy. Last time I had seen his mom use it, poor Denna was sobbing like a baby afterwards.

Turning around and away from me to pull his Superman underwear down, I took in his round, sophomore buns, thinking that he actually had a cute little bottom. I knelt down and began arranging a thick stack of diapers on the changing table--one I laid out normally, then one was folded and placed down the middle to make it thicker like a soaker pad, followed by another I laid over the top. I was amazed at how soft and fluffy these diapers were and it occurred to me that he probably masturbated in them every night. Eww! Like, it wasn't as if he was getting anything from the girls at school, but still, you know?
I knew he was a still a virgin and likely to remain one for the foreseeable future--hell, I was pretty sure he had never even kissed a girl before.

Being the submissive guy that he was, he laid down on the stack of diapers without being told. I squeezed a large glob of Desitin diaper rash cream onto my hand and with my free one, grasped his ankles and pulled them up and back over his head. He squealed with humiliation at being put in this undignified position and braced himself with his hands as best as he could while I busied myself smearing the sticky substance across his firm little bottom.

"Your mommy likes me to use a lot of this on you, Denna," I told him with my prettiest smile as I looked down into his blushing face, "Its so her little baby doesn't get diaper rash at night."
He blushed even more red with that and looked away, his lower lip trembling with embarrassment.
I giggled as I put his legs down, wiped my hand on the inside of his diaper and then picked up the container of Johnson's baby powder.
"How about this, Denna? Should I use a lot of powder on you?" I taunted him.
"No," he said, practically in a whisper.

I'll be honest, it makes me hot to bully and humiliate him. Maybe because its so easy. But I love to watch him squirm and fidget, wishing he could be anywhere else but being put into his diapers and plastic pants by me.
In response, I took the container and began generously shaking it over his tiny little coc-k and balls, as well as up over his stomach and chest.
"Stop it!" he protested in his weak, high-pitched voice.
I smiled at having finally gotten a reaction out of him.
"But it smells so sweet, Denna--this is like perfume for sissies."
Tears of shame began to moisten his eyes and I wondered if I had pushed him too hard.
"Awww, it will be okay, all the little boys I babysit like powder to keep them from getting chafed in their diapers.

He didn't seem too comforted by that and he looked away, probably so I wouldn't see that he was about to cry. Before pulling his diaper closed, I gazed down at his genitals and shook my head again. He'd really need to become filthy rich in life before a woman would settle for that little package. It was thin and stubby, really not much wider than my thumb except it was even shorter. I gave it another fragrant shake of powder before pulling the thick front of his diaper closed and bringing it around his narrow hips. Taking a large, pink, bunny-shaped pin, I poked it through the cloth while he whimpered in embarrassment.
Part of me felt sorry for him, but the other part of me thought that this was just the sort of treatment a sissy like him deserved.
After the sides were pinned snug and tight, I reached over for his plastic pants. His mom had recently gotten him a pink pair with a Disney Princess theme and soft pink ruffles around the legs and waist. I thought it would be a perfect choice for him today.

"Time for your plastic panties," I announced cheerily, "We wouldn't want to forget them, now would we?"
He didn't answer me but I didn't really expect one either.
Gathering the delicate vinyl panties in my hands, I threaded his feet through the leg holes and began snaking them up his hairless legs. For some reason, Denna had just never developed at puberty like most boys and his legs remained as smooth as a baby's.

He whimpered with embarrassment as I looked down at him and pulled the panties up to the thick bulk around his hips. Even though we did this routine every day after school, he never seemed to get over the shame of it all, and each time, was like his first humiliating introduction to diapers again.
"Up-up-up," I told him as I tugged the panties over the soft, fluffy cloth while he lifted up his bottom to accommodate me.
I ran my fingers around his hips, carefully fitting the babyish waterproof panties over his bulky diaper while he fidgeted and made little sounds that revealed his deep embarrassment. He wanted me to hurry and finish, but I was going to make sure all the soft cotton was completely covered by his panties. I was almost done, when he started getting up unexpectedly.
"I'm not finished, sissy," I told him as I smiled down on him with a smug expression.
"Yes you are," he complained resentfully, in a rare show of defiance, and he tried to get up on his elbows to rise up. Without thinking, I pushed him down by his chest, but he continued to struggle against me.
"Stop it!" he cried out, but I almost laughed at how weak and girly-like he sounded.

With a sudden move, I shifted my weight and quickly straddled him, taking his wrists and pulling them back down against the vinyl surface of the changing table on either side of his head. He fought me weakly, whimpering and squealing in protest, fighting back as hard as he could but he was no match for me. As I put the weight of my pelvis down on his stomach, I reached forward and used his wrists to keep him pinned on his back. He struggled and wriggled beneath me like a fish, even as his eyes fell upon the deep cleavage between my big breasts. Today, I was wearing a particularly low cut halter top and it didn't quite cover the edges of my black, lace push-up bra that was peeking out.

"Let me go!" he whined desperately.
I laughed out loud, relishing my position of absolute power over the weak, helpless sissy.
Holding his wrists firmly in my hands, I slowly lowered my head down, closer and closer to his face.
"Have you even kissed a girl before, Denna?" I asked him pointedly.
He struggled fiercely beneath me but was unable to wrest himself free.
"Let me go!" he cried again, this time even more pathetically.
Bending over further, I beamed down at him, inches from his face and looked deep into his frightened eyes. I knew he still thought girls were "icky", which made what I did next, all the more satisfying.
Still holding him in place, I mashed my lips against his, forcefully covering him in my glossy red lipstick. He squealed with protest and struggled but his efforts became gradually weaker and eventually, he moaned with defeat as he let me kiss him freely.

If ever I'd subdued someone with a kiss, this was it, and his eyes revealed the degree of his total defeat and submission. Rising back to sit up again, I reached into my purse and retrieved the baby pacifier I had bought over the weekend. With a smile of superiority on my face, I brought it over and pushed it effortlessly between his lips. He looked so sweet and innocent!

So you tell me--was what I did so wrong?


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