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Author Topic: Francis Meets his New Babysitter  (Read 22485 times)

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Baby Bobby

  • Winner of the Golden Panties Award
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Francis Meets his New Babysitter
« on: July 26, 2014, 11:30:12 AM »
  Francis Meets his new Babysitter

  "But I don't want to take a nap!" Francis insisted angrily, "I want to go out and play."
     The sissy's diapers were soaking wet and they surrounded him with wetness inside his snug pink baby panties. He was fussy and frustrated and he stamped his feet as he shook his baby bottle of warm milk petulantly.
      "Don't be silly Francis," his mommy said dismissively, "it's your nap time. Now drink your ba-ba like a good boy, and stand still so I change your diapers."
       The poor emasculated sissy whimpered in defeat as his Mommy--actually his aunt, but now considered to be his defacto mother--pulled his clinging plastic panties down off his soggy diaper.
       "It's not fair," he whimpered weakly as a pathetic form of final resistance.
       When Francis had first moved in with his aunt, it was with the understanding that he would be allowed to wear girl's panties, and some occasional feminine articles, because his real mom had been tolerant of his particular fetish for years. His aunt accepted this, although Francis was soon to learn that she had in mind some very different ways to raise the sissy boy that her sister might not have approved of. And after Francis's mom passed away unexpectedly, he soon discovered he had no choice or say when it came to living by this set of particular rules in the new home.
      The first was his new mommy's way of dealing with bedwetters.
      Francis had always had a difficult time keeping his bed dry. And while his original mom may have tolerated such behavior, his new one had no such illusions and she made it clear she had other ways of dealing with it.
      His aunt responded by putting him in diapers and waterproof pants as a solution, but then he began having accidents during the daytime as well. At first, it was just a few dribbles but then as time went on, his wetting only increased until it was rare to make it through a day without big wet spots in his pants. One day, his aunt, after discovering yet another wetting incident, marched him into his nursery and told him in no uncertain terms that from then on--like it or not--he'd be wearing diapers full time. Francis put up a fuss, which only resulted in an immediate trip over her lap for a sound spanking with her paddle. It was a tearful little boy who began his first day pinned into thick, absorbent diapers and plastic baby panties.
       Since then, he had completely lost all control over his wetting and he frequently found his diapers warm and wet without remembering how it had happened.
       Still pouting, Francis fidgeted as his mommy pushed the rubber nipple of his bottle between his lips, effectively ending the discussion. Pulling his damp plastic panties off, she tossed them into his diaper pail, which always let off a pungent smell whenever the lid was opened.
       Despite himself, Francis found himself blushing as his mommy sat him on his changing table. It's true that he was nothing but a big sissy but he still found it tremendously embarrassing to have his wet diapers being changed as if he were a baby, instead of the fifteen year-old teenager that he was. It was also true that despite his effeminate nature, his mommy had only taken it a step further by dressing him like a three year-old toddler girl, something he didn't like, but didn't have the willpower to combat.
       Now, he wore diapers and dresses 24/7, slept in a crib, and lived in an adorable baby girl's nursery his mommy had had specially built for him.
       Picking out a pair of yellow nursery print baby panties from the stack next to the changing table, his mommy handed them to Francis to hold while she continued her work.
       Unpinning the soggy wet cloth, his mommy pulled it out and dropped it into his diaper pail with a heavy plop. He squirmed in embarrassment as she gently cleaned him up and then began applying a thick coating of sticky diaper rash creme to his youthful bottom. A quick check of Francis' pink chastity device showed it hadn't been tampered with and was still holding his tiny little pen-is securely captive. Francis' mommy wanted to be sure erections would be impossible--never mind be able to have an orgasm, and the locked chastity device ensured he couldn't. It had been the final step in removing the last vestiges of his maleness, depriving him of even that little bit of satisfaction.
       Three thick diapers with an extra soaker pad were tucked under the bashful sissy and after a generous application of fragrant baby powder, were soon pinned into place around his narrow hips. The air was filled with the babyish scent and Francis tried not to think too hard about how it only added to his image as a bedwetting toddler. Taking the colorful plastic panties from Francis, she fit them over the Mary Janes on his feet and pulled them up his smooth, hairless legs. He whimpered helplessly as she slowly worked them over the thick bulk of his diapers, looking him in the eye as she did.
      "Just what a big sissy like you needs for your nap--a thick, thirsty set of diapers and snug plastic panties. That should keep your crib dry."
       Francis blushed hotly again and unconsciously suc-ked harder on his bottle of warmed milk.
       His mommy ran her fingers around the elastic waistband, meticulously tucking in the cloth. Soon, all the bunny soft cotton was contained within his shiny waterproof panties and his mommy powdered between his hairless thighs where they rubbed against his diapers.
       Pulling his short frilly dress off him, she replaced it with a lemon yellow fleece top that barely went past his navel. Over the chest, the embroidered script said "Mommy's little bedwetter", much to Francis' chagrin. In no time, she had removed his Mary Janes and set them aside for after his nap.
       Handing him his teddy bear, she helped him off the changing table and into his crib. The diapers were so thick, they forced his legs apart and gave him a very babyish waddle. The vinyl mattress cover crinkled noisily as he moved his weight on it and his mommy arranged the pink Disney Princess blankets around him, tucking him in and starting the mobile above his head. As the infantile tune began, she raised the side of the crib and closed it with a latch.
      "Sweet dreams, Princess," she said with her usual warm smile as she eased his bottle back between his lips.
      Walking out of the nursery, she turned the lights off, although diffused sunlight continued to shine into the room from a single window with fuzzy pink curtains.
       Francis nursed from his baby bottle and hugged his teddy bear for comfort. He would have preferred to be outside playing on such a nice day but instead, he'd be spending another afternoon in his crib, forced to take a nap he didn't want, much like every other incontinent toddler. Soon, he was drifting off to sleep, dreaming of dolls and bunny rabbits as he slowly but inevitably wet his diapers all over again.
      Francis woke to the feeling of having the thick seat of his diapers squeezed by his mommy.
      "Soaking wet--as usual," she announced.
      Sleepily turning over, Francis was shocked to see a second woman next to his mommy, who was now smiling down at him with obvious amusement. She was in her mid-twenties and quite pretty, with long blond hair, full sensuous lips and an amazing bosom. His pacifier tumbled out of his mouth and he let out a small cry of anguish as his cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment.
      "Hello Francis, my name is Ariel," she said in a warm, friendly voice.
      Francis was unaccustomed to being seen in his baby clothes and his eyes misted with tears of shame as he squirmed uncomfortably in his crib.
      "Awww, poor baby lost his paci," the beautiful stranger said as she bent down, picked up his slippery, saliva covered pacifier and pushed it back into his quivering mouth. Francis was forced to look up briefly and his gaze fell upon the deep line of Ariel's sexy cleavage, disappearing into an overstuffed blouse that was struggling to contain her big, plump breasts. The view made his pulse race and he timidly looked up further to see her beaming down at him.
        She was really stunning, a fact which somehow made him even more embarrassed, as her lovely eyes twinkled with amusement. Strong feelings of inferiority washed over him as often happened when he was in the presence of good looking women and they were only made worse by the fact that she was now looking down at him in his baby clothes, still clutching his teddy bear.
      "Let's get those wet diapers changed," his mommy said as she took his hand, helped him out of the crib and led him the short distance to his padded changing table.
      He struggled and tried to protest over the presence of this strange new person but the pacifier only served to make his whining sound more babyish and incomprehensible. In any case, his clinging plastic panties were soon being pulled down his skinny legs as Ariel watched with undivided interest. Like it or not, this pretty woman was going to be a witness to one of the sissy's most humiliating moments.
      Francis' cheeks burned with shame as his pee-soaked diapers came into view but there was nothing he could do about it.
      "Is he a heavy wetter?" Ariel asked.
      "Oh yes," mommy replied, "He has to wear triple thick diapers, even during the day--don't you sweetie."
      Francis was far too humiliated to answer and he chewed the fat rubber pacifier filling his mouth anxiously. He wanted desperately for this gorgeous stranger to leave but now he was helpless to prevent her from seeing him in this shameful position.
      Things only got worse for him as the heavy, wet cloth was pulled away, revealing his babylike, caged pen-is. Ariel giggled and held her hand to her mouth as she looked down, first at his incredibly tiny genitals and then into his hotly blushing face.
      "Looks like someone has a masturbating problem," she observed.
      "Not anymore," Mommy quipped with a knowing smile, "this little sissy hasn't had an erection in three years, not since I first fitted him for his chastity device."
     "Wow, I've never seen a wiener that small, except on the babies I used to babysit," Ariel commented.
     "Yes, his pee-pee never really grew much after his fifth birthday, and I think his CB helps to keep it from growing now that he wears one all the time."
     Mommy bent over to whisper into her friend's ear.
     "Plus, the hormones I've been sneaking into his baby bottle have made it shrink even smaller--it's actually an inch shorter than it was a year ago but I think the size really suits him--don't you think?"
     Ariel giggled again.
     "Oh yes--definitely."
     Francis resented not being privy to their secret but he was too embarrassed at the moment to say anything about it.
     "Do you have him on a release schedule?" she asked inquisitively.
     "No, he tends to leak quite a bit in his diapers, and especially during his enemas--probably because his enema nozzle is so thick--even though it really makes him squirm at first," she chuckled.
     Ariel nodded in understanding as she watched the sissy get his damp bottom and diaper area thoroughly cleaned by his mommy. She really gave him no room for dignity as she scrubbed vigorously between his cheeks with the baby wipes.
      Francis was mortified to be exposed like this before this stunning woman and he pouted helplessly as his mommy lifted his legs by his ankles and slipped a thick stack of fluffy soft diapers under his rump. Taking a handful of sticky diaper rash creme, she smeared it across his pale cheeks, giving him an even white coating before lowering his legs onto the soft cotton. She powdered him generously, even lifting his fuzzy top to put some on his chest before pulling the diapers together and pinning them securely closed. The infantile scent surrounded him, providing further reinforcement of his babyish condition.
      "Ready for your plastic panties?" His mommy asked him brightly.
      If Francis' cheeks could blush any more red, they just did, but he nevertheless ignored her question and averted his gaze out of acute embarrassment.
      "How about your snap-on pink nursery print panties with the bunnies?" she asked him, even though she didn't really expect an answer, "I know you like them."
       Reaching over him, she picked up the pair she wanted and positioned them over his feet, snaking them up his smooth legs as he whimpered in vain.
       "I know what will make you happy," Ariel suddenly offered, "a nice big bottle of warm milk."
       Francis groaned inwardly, but at least they would finally leave him alone, or so he thought. Instead however, they led him over to his crib where his mommy positioned him in such a way as to have his head on Ariel's lap, facing up at her. He struggled and pouted but soon found his baby bottle being pushed between his quivering lips, the warm rubber nipple bringing about more feelings of babyishness in him. Unable to resist this strong-willed female, he began nursing on the bottle as she smiled down at him prettily.
       In this position, her big, beautiful breasts were literally inches from his face and he stared hungrily at her soft skin, rising and falling gently as she breathed. His little baby-sized pen-is, so long ignored, quickly stiffened within his snug chastity device but the severely short tube prevented any sort of erection, frustrating the sissy who was now beside himself with arousal. His breathing became labored and he moaned even as the big nipple filled his mouth.
      "That's a good baby..." Ariel cooed as she held the bottle in place, "Drink it all up like a good little sissy."
      He blushed anew at her humiliating comments, resenting the fact that she thought of him as nothing more than a bedwetting sissy but also because--despite his wishes to the contrary--he found her so damn sexy! He felt enslaved by her sexuality.
      His minuscule wiener throbbed and pushed inside the implacable confines of his chastity device but it was no use--the device didn't allow any more than an inch inside and that was as far as he was going to get. A tear of frustration trickled down his cheek as he gazed impotently at her big, mouthwatering breasts, so close to his face. She saw his gaze, and the object of his desire, and she smiled down on him with a look of confident, smug superiority.
       "Well--looks like you have everything under control here," his mommy announced, "I'll just be getting along now...if you have any problems, feel free to call me."
       Francis squirmed feverishly, frantically trying to make a protest while Ariel held the bottle to his mouth.
       "M-Mommy!" he squealed, "Wait! Don't leave me!" He pleaded desperately.
       Ariel responded by pushing the wet nipple firmly back in his mouth, muffling his anguished cries.
       "Don't worry Francis--Miss Ariel is here to take care of you--you're not the first bedwetter she's had to babysit, you know."
       She leaned down to pat him on the head reassuringly but he continued to squirm and struggle on Ariel's lap. However, by now, the latter had taken complete control over the fussy sissy, keeping the bottle pressed against his lips so he was unable to say anything coherent.
      "Now, Francis' bedtime is 7:30 sharp. If he gives you any problems, any at all--just pull his diapers down and give his bottom a good hard spanking. He knows better than to argue but there have been times in the past when he thought he could get away with being sassy with a new babysitter. I think he's learned that lesson, but just in case he hasn't..."
      Francis was waving his hand frantically in the air, trying to prevent his mommy from leaving.
      "Oh don't worry, I'm sure he'll be just the best little sugarplum for me--won't you, Francis," Ariel cooed as she held the bottle in place.
      All that could be heard were muffled squeals as the helpless sissy submitted to the forceful woman bottle feeding him.
     "I'm sure he will," his mommy smiled as she turned to leave, "thank you so much for coming over."
      Ariel graced her with a heart stopping smile and looked down at Francis, who was anything but relieved. Indeed, in his state of distress, he had already unwittingly released several strong streams of pee, saturating the thick section of cotton right under his seat. It was the in the design of his chastity device that he peed more like a girl than a boy, with the flow being directed back into the thick, absorbent seat of his diapers, rather than the front, as a boy would do.
       "I'm glad to help out," she assured her.
       His mommy left, even as Francis continued to struggle. He had always been nervous around new people and Ariel was no exception. In fact, her beauty and over-the-top sexiness only added to his anxiety and apprehension.
      After his mommy was gone and her car could be heard driving away, Francis sagged in defeat, realizing he was stuck with whatever this woman had in mind for him.
      "That's a good baby," she cooed warmly as she observed he had finished the big baby bottle.
       Taking it away from his lips, she set it aside and retrieved his Mary Janes, which had been put alongside his other shoes. She helped Francis sit up as she buckled his glossy pink Mary Janes over the white anklets on his feet.
      "Doesn't that look cute!" she remarked as she beamed down at the abashed sissy, "Now we just need to find a pretty dress for you."
      Francis said nothing but he fidgeted as she went to his closet and sorted through the impressive assortment of girlish clothes before finding a short, pink Disney Princess dress adorned with white ruffles and lace.
      "Oh, I think this is just precious!" she exclaimed as she brought it over to him.
      Without any hesitation, she pulled his fleece top off and placed it on his crib rail, replacing it with the flouncy dress. He submissively held his arms up as she lowered it over his head, turning him sideways so she could zip it up in back and tie the knot behind his neck to prevent him from being able to remove it himself.
      "Now--don't you look just scrumptious!" she said with glee as she turned him back around to face her, "And those plastic panties go just perfectly. I just love the look of nursery print--don't you?"
      Francis cleared his throat nervously, afraid to agree with his pretty babysitter.
     "All you need now is a cute little purse--do you have one you can take with us?" she asked excitedly.
     "W-with us?" he quaked, "wa-what do you mean?"
     "To go to the store, of course," she said as if it were the most normal thing in the world, "it's such a beautiful day, we don't want to be cooped up in here do we?"
     Francis shook his head vehemently.
     "I-I can't go out like this!"
     His lip quivered and he looked ready to panic.
     Another strong surge of pee involuntarily flooded into his diapers.
     "But of course you can, Francis--don't worry, I'll bring a diaper bag in case you wet yourself."
     "I-I'm not going outside," he declared nervously.
     "Now Francis, if I say you're going outside--you're going outside--it's as simple as that."
     Her pretty face had now taken on a stern demeanor.
     Francis spluttered and looked around the room as if searching for an answer.
     "Oh no I'm not--Mommy doesn't make me go outside in my diapers," he told her defiantly.
     "Now Francis, we can do this the easy way or the hard way--it's your choice."
     Ariel was much taller than the boy and she had her hands on her hips as she looked down on him with a firm, unyielding expression.
     Misjudging the force of his new babysitter's will, Francis crossed his skinny arms over his chest in an ill-considered act of defiance.
     "No, I won't do it," he insisted in his weak voice.
      "Alright Francis, you've just earned yourself a trip over my lap," Ariel announced suddenly as she reached over and picked up the oval wooden paddle hanging on the wall nearby.
      Grasping him with a grip of steel, she took his wrist and sat on the crib mattress, roughly positioning him to the right of her.
      "No-no-no!" he cried urgently as he stamped his feet in frustration.
      Ignoring the sissy's jerking arm, she yanked his pink plastic panties back down past his knees and summarily pulled him over her lap.
      "Stop it--let me go!" he sobbed, already starting to kick with anticipation of his coming punishment. He hated being so helpless before this pretty stranger and tears of bitter frustration were already brimming his eyes.
      Ariel made quick work of his duckie-headed pins and within moments, his thick diaper was pulled back and pushed down between his legs, exposing his soft, baby bottom.
      Francis' protests and whining were cut short as Ariel smacked both his cheeks harshly with the paddle. He burst out loudly, wailing in anguish as she swatted his tender bottom again and again. The poor sissy kicked his feet miserably and slapped his hands on the nursery room floor as his babysitter delivered his painful spanking, paddling each cheek hard individually, and then both together.
      Francis had burst out crying from the first impact and now his face was wet as the tears streamed down his cheeks, dripping onto the floor. His buns were now a stinging hot, cherry red, and Ariel began focusing her attention on the sides, swatting them with equally hard, crisp blows that made Francis kick and howl even more desperately. Soon, the sides of his cheeks were the same angry red color as the center and Ariel returned her attention there, smacking his blazing bottom with ever greater determination.
      Francis was sobbing uncontrollably, his cute plastic panties tangled around his ankles as he cried helplessly like a baby. To say he was regretting his earlier bluster, was a massive understatement. When he had seen the cute twinkle in her eye earlier, he couldn't have imagined her being capable of punishing him so thoroughly. But each blistering swat on his fanny was revealing just how capable and resolute she was!
      Finally, the harsh spanking was over and his new babysitter helped the defeated sissy get to his shaky feet. His hands shot back to his stinging bottom, offering Ariel another unobstructed view of his tiny caged pen-is and hairless crotch.
      "Ready to go outside now, Francis?" Ariel asked sweetly.
      Sobbing heavily, the poor punished sissy could only nod his head while his strict babysitter re-pinned his fluffy diapers and pulled his plastic panties back in place with a smile.
      "Now you know what happens to sissies who disobey me--don't you?" she said as she re-adjusted his waterproof panties around the thick, soft bulk of his diapers.
     He nodded miserably, wiping the steady stream of tears from his wet cheeks.
     "What do you say?" she demanded sternly.
     "Yes Ma'am," he sobbed compliantly.
     "Now we're going to a wonderful store today, one which is perfectly suited for bedwetting sissies like you; Babies-R-Us."
     Francis gasped and sobbed at the humiliation waiting for him once they left the house.
     Taking her keys, Ariel took him by the hand and marched him outside to her car. He tried to take the passenger seat up front but Ariel stopped him, holding him back by his wrist.
     "Nope, Babies sit in back, in the car seat," she announced.
     He winced painfully as he eased himself up onto the oversized rigid baby seat that was strapped firmly into the rear seat, his bottom still stinging and throbbing painfully from his recent spanking. Ariel reached in and buckled his seatbelt, which allowed Francis a wonderful view down her snow-white blouse and her beautiful bosom. Unfortunately, the seatbelt only served to pull his dress up and away from his diapers, fully exposing them to whomever might look into the windows and see them.
     Francis started fussing but Ariel simply took his pacifier and stuffed it into his mouth.
     The ride to the store was uneventful, except for the truck driver that had slowed down to match their pace and afford himself a nice long look down at Francis and his cute, babyish ensemble. The sissy squirmed under the lustful look of the grizzled man until he was finally lost in some traffic.
      Ten minutes later, he found himself being unbuckled from his car seat and being led into the large chain store. By now however, his baby soft diapers were thoroughly soaked and were clinging stubbornly to his bottom, serving to remind him of his childish lack of control. Nevertheless, in his anxiety at being taken into this very public place, he still managed to let go with another strong stream of hot pee, re-warming the sodden cloth around his loins.
     "Oh!" he cried, as his hand shot down to the front of his diaper.
     "Come along, Francis," his babysitter chided him.
     They entered the store together and were greeted by a bubbly 20-something customer service agent.
     "Welcome to Babies-R-Us," the pretty girl said brightly. Her smile turned to one of surprise as she looked Francis up and down, taking in the flouncy pink party dress and the very thick diapers, clearly visible beneath the hem.
     "This is Francis," Ariel began by way of explanation, "he's a sissy who prefers to wear panties but his constant bedwetting caused his mommy to take away his panties and put him back in pampers.
     "Isn't that right, Francis," she finished as more of a statement than a question.
     "Yes Ma'am," he mumbled, his face a bright shade of red as he stared at the floor and shifted his Mary Jane-clad feet.
     The cute salesgirl giggled.
     "Well, all bedwetters are certainly welcome here," she assured them, "what can I help you find for your little princess?"
     "We'd like to get some tights that will fit over his diapers and fancy up his dresses. Do you think you might have anything in his size?"
     The girl creased her brow as she looked him over more appraisingly.
     "Hmmm, well, he is very small in size, but those diapers are so thick--does he always wear that size?" she asked as she lifted the hem of his short dress to better see his fat, babyish underwear.
     "Yes, I'm afraid so. He's quite a heavy wetter and needs all the protection he can get.
     Ariel bent down to face him.
     "Are you wet now, honey?" she asked solicitously.
     Francis mumbled something, his face a beet red with shame.
     "Speak up Francis, do you need your diapers changed?" she asked a little more forcefully.
     "Yes Ma'am," he replied, just loud enough to be heard.
     "What do you say, sugarplum?"
     "I-I wet my diapers, Miss Ariel," he announced, his face and ears blushing deeply.
     The salesgirl was shaking her head in sympathy as Ariel turned her attention to face her.
     "Do you happen to have a changing room where I can take him?"
     "Oh--certainly, it's right over there," she said pointing to a clearly marked open room, "and I'll just find those tights for you while you're changing him. I'll be right over."
     Ariel thanked her and led Francis by the hand over to the room which was like a large alcove set into the side of the main showroom.
    "P-please, don't do this, Miss Ariel," he begged her.
    "Nonsense," she snapped, "what kind of babysitter would I be if I were to let you wander around all day in your wet diapers?"
     She shifted the voluminous diaper bag over her shoulder and led the humiliated sissy into the room. It had two large, low, sturdy tables, with a box of baby wipes installed on either side of the walls, handy for use.
     Ariel stood Francis before her and began tugging his damp plastic panties down his skinny legs.
     "Please...please," he whimpered weakly, even as he stepped out of the panties now around his ankles, thereby assisting her efforts.
     Ariel ignored him and gently pushed him down onto the table, unpinning his soaking wet diapers and pulling them open. Just as she did, another saleswoman, this one older, came up from behind her.
    "Is there anything I can do to help here?" she asked, clearly curious that such an older boy would be wearing diapers and a dress.
    "Oh no, my little sissy just wet himself. But fortunately, I brought a fresh change of diapers for him. I'll just be a minute," Ariel replied matter of factly.
    The woman shook her head slowly, looked down once more on the blushing boy before walking away.
     Francis squirmed in embarrassment as Ariel pulled the heavy wet cloth out from under him and placed it into a large plastic bag. His hands shot down to cover his minuscule caged wiener, and just in time, as the original salesgirl appeared at the entrance carrying several packages of girl's tights. As Ariel took another trio of thick diapers and slid them under Francis' raised rump, he was forced to take away his hands from his crotch and the salesgirl let out a another giggle. He blushed hotly as he saw the focus of her attention and his hands quickly tried to resume their guarding position but Ariel slapped them away.
      She was powdering him thoroughly as the pretty girl came over to get a better look.
      "Is that what I think it is?" she said with another giggle.
      "Mm-hm," Ariel responded, "his mommy wanted to make sure he couldn't play with himself, so she had this custom made chastity device fitted for him."
      She looked him in the eye, causing Francis to turn away in shame, before turning her gaze down to look more closely at the pink plastic package imprisoning his tiny pen-is.
      "That should take care of his naughty behavior," she remarked.
      "This is the only way to handle chronic masturbators like Francis," Ariel added as she powdered between his legs and all around his diaper area.
      "No more orgasms for you, prissy boy!" the girl remarked.
      The poor sissy wished he could be anywhere in the world but here with these two, but as usual, there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.
      At last, Ariel took the bulky front of his diapers and brought it up, pinning it securely on either side of his hips. Taking the same pair of damp plastic panties she had just removed, she gathered the leg openings and made ready to feed them over Francis' Mary Jane-clad feet.
     "No!" he whined urgently, "those are the wet ones!"
     Ariel gave him an annoyed look of disapproval.
     "Sometimes babies don't get a full change, Francis. You'll just have to deal with it," she told him.
     Francis tried to kick away the damp panties but he only succeeded in thrusting one of his feet through the open holes.
     "Noo!" He cried.
     Ariel's hand swooped down and smacked him on his thigh, leaving an angry red imprint.
     "Do you need another spanking, Francis?" she asked angrily, "because I've brought your mommy's paddle with me and I'm this close to using it."
     Francis blushed hotly at having his recent childish punishment so publicly announced.
     A small group of shoppers had stopped from a short distance away to watch the spectacle developing at the back of the store.
     Francis stopped fighting and sagged in defeat, once more put in his place by a strong-willed woman. There could be no doubt who held all the cards in this relationship.
     Ariel put his other foot through and began snaking the plastic panties up his smooth legs. As the cool, damp elastic leg holes began to encircle his thighs, Francis squirmed and began whimpering in weak protest. Ariel simply ignored him and tugged the colorful baby panties up and around the fat bulk of his bunny soft diapers.
    Turning to the salesgirl behind her, she announced Francis ready.
    "I have white, pink, and this cream one with pink flowers," she offered.
    "Oh, that one sounds cute!" Ariel gushed, referring to the latter one, "can we open it to check to see if it fits him?"
    "Sure thing!" the girl agreed as she tore open the wrapping.
    Ariel busied herself, removing Francis' Mary Janes and anklets, before taking the stretchy tights in her hands. She located the back with the label and then gathered the legs together, putting them over the emasculated sissy's bare feet. Working them up his calves and over his knees, Ariel pulled and tugged, smoothing out the wrinkles as she went. The challenge, she knew, would be getting them over the fat bulk of his diapers.
     "Stand up, sissy," she told him curtly.
     Francis complied and Ariel began pulling and working the pretty tights over his voluminous diapers. Francis whined with embarrassment as she gradually surrounded him and pulled the tights up by their thick elastic waistband.
     At last, the diaper was fully contained.
     "Oh my god--that looks super cute!" she exclaimed.
     "Your mommy is going to be so proud of you," the salesgirl agreed.
     Ariel was adjusting the hem of his dress back over his fat diapers, although it barely covered the top portion.
     "I don't suppose you've got some ruffled rumba panties do you?--that would make this just scrumptious!" Ariel commented.
     "Of course! I'll be right back."
     Francis stood, fidgeting and squirming, trying hard to ignore the stares he was getting from the customers on the sales floor. His brow creased in disapproval and his lower lip puffed out as he gazed down at his very effeminate legs.
     "Do you want your pacifier, honey?" Ariel offered.
     "Uh-uh," he said with an obvious pout.
     The salesgirl returned shortly, carrying a flouncy pink Disney Princess-themed pair of rumba panties, very full cut to accommodate thick diapers. Francis looked visibly perturbed and he crossed his thin arms over his chest in a display of sissyish frustration. Nevertheless, Ariel wasted no time in having him step into them, and in moments, she was sliding them up his hose-covered legs and bulging diapers. Once again, Francis whimpered and bunched his fists as Ariel ran her fingers around the elastic waistband, carefully fitting the prissy panties into place.
      In no time, she had put his glossy pink Mary Janes back on and buckled them in place.
      Just then, an older woman who had been shopping nearby stepped forward and was looking Francis up and down with a critical gaze.
      "Isn't he a little old to be wearing diapers?" she asked sharply.
      Ariel, quick witted as ever, didn't miss a beat.
      "Yes he is, but if we were to let him go around wearing big girl underwear, he'd wet himself in no time," she replied.
      The lady stared hard at Francis who was wilting under her gaze, shifting his feet, and trying his best to disappear. She shook her head in disgust before turning around and storming away.
      Francis's cheeks were blushing deep red with embarrassment as Ariel led him by the hand out of the changing room to look at himself in front of a full length mirror. Standing behind him, Ariel knelt down and grasped the sissy's hand. Balling it into a fist, she brought it up to his face and pushed his outstretched thumb into his mouth.
     "Awww, don't you look cute in your new tights and ruffled panties," she gushed in her syrupy, somewhat condescending voice.
     Francis could only whimper in shame as he suc-ked his thumb like a baby, although in his heart of hearts, he had to acknowledge that he did make for a very cute little diapered girl, all dressed up and ready for a tea party.
     "Okay, little Miss Priss, thank the nice sales lady for finding you these adorable tights and panties," Ariel instructed him.
     Glad to be able to remove his thumb from his mouth, Francis nonetheless kept his eyes downcast as tried to address the pretty customer service woman.
    "Th-thank you, f-for finding these tights and panties for me," he stammered haltingly.
    "Aww, he's such a shy little baby," she replied, "maybe if I were to give him a little kiss..."
     Bending over, she lifted Francis' chin with her slim hand and planted a big wet kiss right on his trembling lips. The sissy squealed and tried to pull away, but she held him in place and forced him to endure her sexy assault. His arms went up in protest and he waved them around helplessly.
    When she let him go, Francis gasped for air, his lips now smeared with a coating of her pink lipstick.
    Both women laughed which only made Francis blush deeper.
    "If you ever need help babysitting your little sissy, give me a call," the woman offered.
    "Oh, I definitely will, and I'm sure babykins here would just love to have you visit him in his nursery."
    The woman handed Ariel her card and then reached down to squeeze the ruffled seat of his thickly diapered behind.
     "And still dry!" she exclaimed, "what a big boy you are!" she said with mock pride.
     "Stop teasing me!" Francis whined miserably.
     "That's quite enough of that attitude, sissy," Ariel said sternly, "We're going home now and you can look forward to a trip over my lap and a nice, long, hot soapy enema. Maybe that'll teach you some manners."
     Francis gasped in fear, wondering how up his day could possibly get worse.
     "No, Miss Ariel, please--not that."
     "I think a nice, full enema will do you a world of good," she said as she led him up to the front counter to pay for the new items, "and you can be sure I'll be telling your mommy about your fussy attitude. I'm sure she'll have a few ideas of her own."
     Francis knew all too well what those would be--a bad report from his babysitter virtually guaranteed a trip over his mommy's lap for a blistering hard spanking. He winced inwardly at the thought of it.
     As they approached the counter, the salesgirl beamed down at Francis, taking in his short frilly dress, ruffled panties and girly tights.
     "Oh my! What a pretty little princess you are!"
     Francis blushed once more and stared at the ground, shuffling his feet anxiously.
     He definitely wasn't looking forward to being bent over his sexy babysitter's lap with his legs spread to be given a long, soapy enema. Worse, she was bound to use the fat, dil-do shaped nozzle that always made him squeal like a little girl. And then, later on, when his mommy got home, he dreaded having to endure another painful spanking.
     Ariel bent down to his level to look him in the eye.
     "Aren't you delighted your mommy asked me to babysit you, Francis?"
     His lower lip came out again in full blown pout mode.
     "No--you're mean to me!" he whined.
     Ariel laughed dismissively, totally disregarding his little tantrum.
     "Better get used to it sissy--because your mommy has told me I'm going to be your babysitter from now on. And I have all kinds of fun activities planned for you."
     Francis shivered, even as he looked into her pretty blue eyes.
     The thought of this strong, gorgeous woman bossing him around indefinitely was too much for the weak sissy. He stamped his feet and bunched his fists in frustration.
     "I want my mommy!" he proclaimed.
     "Looks like someone needs his enema, sooner than later," Ariel said as she turned to face the salesgirl behind the counter.
     They laughed together, leaving Francis more frustrated than ever.

The End


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