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Author Topic: Promises Promises  (Read 12448 times)

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Promises Promises
« on: August 04, 2014, 07:35:51 AM »

    It was a cold, grey, February, Sunday afternoon.Lesley, my wife pulled
slowly into the car park and stopped the car a short walk from the ice-cream
kiosk. The ice-cream kiosk was always open on Sundays, no matter what the
weather or the time of year, it would be in this sea-front car park, available
for ice-creams, ice lollies and other confectionary.

   Inside I could see the ice-cream vendor, a young female of around 18 years
of age, probably a student at the local college earning extra money to
supplement her grant, she was reading a book to occupy her time, there
would be few customers for her to serve on days like these.

    There were just three other cars in the large car park, the cars were empty,
their occupants probably taking a very brisk walk along the cold, windy sea

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Lesley said. My heart was thumping, my
mouth dry.

"Please Lesley, don't make me go for an ice-cream" I begged.

Lesley looked at me through the drivers mirror, I was sat in the rear seat.

"Button up your coat and get going" she ordered.

     I fastened the soft pink buttons of the very childish styled coat that I was
wearing. It was pale pink, made from brushed cotton, smocked and quite
short, the kind of coat a six year old little girl would love to wear on a
Sunday outing with her mother. As I nervously fastened my childish coat, I
could see my bare, hairless legs, my frilly anklet socks and my childish pink
patent Mary Jane shoes.

     The pale mauve party frock with the masses of white petticoating that I
was wearing did not want to be hidden away under the pretty pink coat. Try
as I might I could not hide the fact that I was wearing a little girls dress. I
looked once more at Lesley's grinning face in the mirror, she turned it
slightly so that I could see just how ridiculous I looked.

My hair was done in a typical little girl style parted down the centre with two
wide mauve ribbon bows holding it in bunches. My face was a picture of
abject misery because I knew Lesley would not relent in sending me out for
an ice-cream.

"Please Lesley, don't make me go" I begged one more time, hoping for a

"If you do not get out of the car this very instant, I promise you, you will be
turning up for work tomorrow in that pretty outfit" she stated flatly.

I shivered in fear for I knew to my cost that whenever Lesley made a
promise, she never went back on her word.

"Have you got your money?" she asked, readjusting the rear view mirror so
that I could see her smiling face.

I opened my hand to reveal the money in my sweating palm, fourty-five new
pence, all in one pence pieces.

"Now go and get your ice-cream like a good little girl" she sneered.

       The cold winter breeze rushed into the car as I opened my door, the wind
blowing up my skirts, chilling my privates which were encased in a very
frilly pair of flimsy little girl style drawers.

 "Close the door" Lesley snapped.

    Having gingerly stepped out of the car,I pushed the door shut, Lesley
operated the central locking which locked the car with an ominous thud. I
was trapped outside. The winter cold enveloped me and a shiver ran through
my body, although I could still feel my face burning with embaressment.

     I walked slowly towards the big white van. The wind blew open my coat,
exposing my pretty dress and masses of petticoats which were so short I had
to hold my dress down to prevent my frilly drawers from being exposed.

    The ice-cream girl was still reading her book as I approached, she looked
up as she heared my shoes on the concrete car park surface. Lesley had fitted
them with metal taps so I could easily be heared as I walked. I thought her
eyes were going to pop out of her head as she stared at me in shock, then

I stood at the van window, forced to look up to her like a small child because
the kiosk floor was higher than the ground I was standing on. She slid open
the window, grinning now and shaking her head in disbelief.

 "Yes?" she asked bursting into laughter.

I could hardly speak

"Could I have an ice cream please" I croaked.

"Any special flavour?" she managed to say in her fit of laughter.

I shook my head.

"Large or small?" she giggled.

"Small please" I almost whispered my humiliation robbing me of the aility to

She could hardly get the ice-cream onto the cone, she was shaking so much
with laughter. She handed down the cornet, I really did feel like a small child
reaching up to take the cornet from an adult. I placed the money on the
counter, the pennies noisily hitting the hard surface.

 "Have you raided your piggy bank?" she burst into hysterics again, I felt my
face blush even redder, I waited, shivering with humiliation, as she counted
the money into her till.

 "It's all there" she laughed still shaking her head.

     I turned quickly to get back to the car as soon as I could, but stopped in

The car had gone.

Panic surged through me as I scoured the car park for Lesley. Except for the
three empty cars that were here when we arrived, the car park was empty, I
felt tears well up in my eyes, Lesley had left me. I turned around, my hands
to my mouth in fear, I had dropped my ice-cream, my skirts blowling up in
the wind, my dress, petticoats and my very frilly little girl drawers totally
exposed to the ice-cream girl.

"What's the matter?" she asked in concern seeing the look on my face.

"She's gone" I cried " my wife she's left me"

I must have looked like a frightened little girl, standing before her in a pretty
frock, wailing about being left alone. A warm sensation enveloped my groin,
then I shivered as the cold wind found the urine running down my legs as I
stood there and wet my knickers. A large pool was soon around my buckled
shoes, the girl clearly seeing it develop from her position looking down at

"You've wet yourself" she burst out laughing again, pointing to the pool that 
was forming around my pink Mary Jane shoes.

I burst into tears, real tears of humiliation, shame and fear. The girl threw her
head back and laughed at me as I stood there crying like a child, looking for
the world like an upset little girl in ribbons and frillies, surrounded by a
puddle because I had just wet myself.

"You'll just have to walk all the way home in your pretty clothes" she
laughed  "unless you want me to ring the lost childrens centre," she held up
her mobile phone.

     I shook my shamed head, feeling my ribbons brush my face, turned and
walked off.

"Do you want another ice-cream little girl?" she shouted after me as I walked
from the car park.

I ignored her.

          It was five miles to our house from here. I walked as fast as I could,
luckily the streets were deserted on cold Sunday afternoons like this. A few
cars passed and honked their horns but I just looked straight ahead and
ignored their cat calls of "Fairy, Sissy Boy and Pansy".

I felt even colder now that my legs, socks and frilly drawers were soaking
wet. My short frock offered no protection to the biting wind as it blew under
my skirts and around my wet privates. No matter how much I tried, I could
not stop the wind from billowing out my petticoats, lifting them high in the
air, if I held my dress down at the sides my skirts blew up at the front and
back, the opposite happened if I held them there.

Oh how I hated wearing little girl dresses with their short skirts and masses
of petticoats.

      It was almost dark as I stood at the house door, ringing the bell, Lesley
allowed me in, a triumphant grin on her face. Later after I had prepared and
served the evening meal, still in my humiliating clothes, I was told to get

"You have been a very naughty little girl" she stated, following me into the
bedroom carrying a hard backed hairbrush, "dropping your ice-cream on the
floor after saving up all those pennies"

"I'm very sorry Lesley" I apologised like a penitent child, already nearly
crying because I knew what the hairbrush was for.

She motioned me to remove my knickers and lay across her lap now she was
sat on a chair.   WHAK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK,

She laid into my bare bottom. It didn't take much to make me cry these days
and soon the room was full of the sounds of the brush landing on my bare
bottom and me crying. Eventually she pushed me to the floor, where I lay on
my back a blubbering wreck.

"Because you have been such a naughty little girl, I have decided to punish
you further. For wetting yourself like a baby" she sneered "I'm going to put
you into a babies nappy."

     She took a large white towelling nappy, pink headed nappy pins and
plastic lined frilly rhumba pants from the chest of drawers and knelt down
beside me. I was still sobbing deeply as she pinned the nappy together
around my loins, drawing the frilly baby pants up my legs and settling them
over the nappy.

 "There, baby is all pinned up in his nappy" she mocked "and baby can wear
his nappies all week"

 She laughed at the look on my face

"Yes, even at work tomorrow."

"But how will I be able to get my trousers on" I sobbed.

The nappies she had used were extra large, extra thick terry towelling and
very bulky. She shrugged her shoulders.

 "That is not my problem" she laughed "all I know is, the nappies and the
frillies stay on, if your stupid pants don't fit, you'll go to work with your
shirt tucked in your baby knickers" she paused for effect " and that is a

I burst into further tears, those hated words "I promise" condeming me to a
very humiliating day at work.

    She produced a big pink dummy and pushed it in my mouth, "Its your
own fault for wetting yourself" she sneered"now get up and let me get you
ready for bed."

     My party frock, petticoats, socks and shoes were removed. A very frilly
short babydoll nightie and pink bootees were put in their place.

"As you are now dressed like a baby in your nappy and pretty baby clothes, I
might as well treat you like one" she announced "crawl through to the spare
bedroom I have a surprise for my litttle baby girl"

She laughed at my frilly nappied behind bulging from underneath my nightie
as I crawled. The spare bedroom had been re-decorated, she had turned it into
a pastel pink nursery, dominating the centre of the room stood a large pink
wooden barred cot.

"You will not be sleeping in my bed any more." she stated " babies sleep in
cots, so you will be put to bed in your cot every night from now on."

"Not every night surely" I protested.

"Every night" she laughed "and that is a promise"

She lowered the cot side

"And as babies go to bed very early, you will be put in your cot at five-thirty
every night from now on." she said, motioning me to get into the baby bed.

"But Lesley what about my squash league" I whined pathetically as I climbed
into the cot.

"Babies do not play squash" she scoffed.

"But Lesley......no......I......" I began to protest again, she cut my
complaints off.

"Do you want me to ring Bill up and tell him the reason that you cannot play
squash any more?" she asked, "should I tell him you will be safely tucked in
your cot all dressed up in baby clothes and pinned into a nappy?." 

I shook my head. Bill was the captain of the squash club.

"One more compaint from you and I will be straight on the phone" she said,
starting to pull the blankets over me.

"Lesley please...no.....I have to........" I started to say and immediately
regreted opening my mouth.

"Well!!!" she snapped exasperated.

She left the covers, pulled up the side of the cot then stormed out of the
room. I felt completely helpless, surrounded by pink bars wondering what
my wife was going to do now. She returned to the bedroom holding her
mobile telephone.

"Please Lesley" I cried in horror "I'm sorry I will not complain again."

"Too late" she said pushing the buttons on the key pad. I could hear the
ringing tone as Lesley held the phone to her ear.

"Please Bill be out" I prayed to myself.

      The ringing tone stopped and a male voice answered the call, it was Bill.   
"Hello Bill this is Lesley, yes, Davids wife" Lesley spoke into the mouth
peice walking over to the cot and leaning against the bars.

"I'm afraid David will not be able to come to play squash any more".

I heared Bill ask why, was I all right, he was concerned that I wasn't ill or

"No, Bill, he is not injured or ill, you see Bill, the reason David will not be
playing squash any more is because he will be sound asleep in his cot" she
looked down at me, I heared Bill repeat her words incredulously.

"That's right Bill, a babies cot, and just like the baby he is he will also be
wearing a nappy" she told him.

I heared Bill laugh.

"Your joking" he said.

"No Bill I am not joking, David is in his cot as we speak, he is wearing a
nappy, a very frilly pair of baby pants and a babies nightie. I am looking at
him now, he does look sweet" she laughed.

"Yes Bill, you can speak to him, he is crying at the minute, I have had to give
him a very severe spanking, so you'll have to excuse his sobbing"

Grinning she handed me the phone.

"Bill, its me Dave" I croaked.

"Dave, what is Lesley talking about, is she going mad?" he asked.

"No Bill she isn't going mad. I'm sorry but I will not be playing squash any
more" I was sobbing as I spoke.

 "What's going on Dave, you sound like your crying. Lesley said something
about giving you a spanking and you being in a babies cot and wearing a
nappy, tell me it isn't true Dave" he said.

I could not answer him and burst into tears again.

"It is true isn't it" he guffawed "you're in a cot and you're wearing a nappy
and crying like a great big baby".

I couldn't talk any more, Lesley took the phone from my trembling hand, she
waited for Bill to stop laughing.

"Yes Bill he is a great big whimp" she laughed along with him.

"What you need is a real man" I heared Bill say.

"Perhaps you could show me what a real man is like" she said suggestively.

"Just give me half a chance, the pleasure will be all mine" he responded.

"And mine too, I hope" she giggled like a school girl.

" How about dinner tomorrow night?" suggested Lesley, "I could put
something very sexy on, cook us both a meal, open a few bottles of David's
best wine, then you could show me just what a real man can do" she said

     Bill was a well known womaniser, he kept all the guys at the squash club
entertained with stories of his conquests, relating in graphic detail how he laid
each particular female. I knew Bill only needed the slightest opening and he
would be into her panties, and Lesley was making it all to easy for him.

"I'd love to come, but what about Dave?" he asked.

Lesley looked down at me and sneered.

"Don't worry about him, Bill, he'll be tucked up in his cot by five-thirty, safe
and sound in his nappies and baby clothes."

Bill laughed "Can I see him? I can't wait to tell the rest of the guys."

"Of course you can" She giggled, "I'll put him in a pretty baby dress too, if
you like."

"Promise?" Bill asked.

"Oh, I promise" she replied looking directly into my eyes, and another gush
of tears ran down my cheeks.

"I can't wait, I will see you tomorrow night then, what time?" Bill's voice
was full of enthusiasm.

"Around seven will be fine" Lesley said.

"Seven it is then, and Lesley don't forget to wear something really sexy" he
said.   "I won't, its a long time since I had a real man in this house" she
giggled. "Good-bye Bill, see you tomorrow, say good-bye to Uncle Bill,

She held the telephone to my mouth.

"Bye Bill" I whimpered.

"I'll see you tomorrow in your pretty dress" he guffawed.

Lesley switched the mobile phone off.

"You are going to have to learn that when I promise that I am going to do
something, I mean it" she stated showing no sign of sympathy for me as I lay
there snivelling in my cot.     

She lowered the cot side, took a handkerchief and allowed me to blow my
runny nose. She pulled up the duvet, and pushed a big rag doll under the
covers next to me.

"Now you go bye-byes" she cooeed in mock tones as if speaking to a real
baby. She pushed the large dummy back into my quivering lips.

"I want you to consider how much being a naughty little girl has cost you
today David" she said pulling up the cot side and clicking it into place. "You
ARE going to work tomorrow wearing a nappy and frilly baby pants, if your
trousers don't fit, you'll go to work with nothing to cover them and every
one will see that you are wearing nappies. In the evening one of your best
freinds will be coming round here, he will definitely see you in your cot
wearing nappies and a very pretty baby frock." she smiled "and if everything
you've told me about him is true, I'll probably end up in bed with him"  She

"Just think David, Bill will be screwing me rotten in the room next door
while your in here, in a cot wearing a pretty frilly baby dress, a nappy and
suc-king a dummy". She threw her head back as she laughed loudly.

"And" she said once she recovered "because you dropped your ice-cream
today, just as soon as you've saved enough pennies, you will be going back
for another one."

She made a quick calculation in her head

"That should be in the middle of summer" she giggled "so you will not have
your coat on to hide your pretty dress, and there should be lots of people
about to see you. And that is a promise, baby" she laughed.     

    Her laughing voice faded down the stairs as she left me in darkness in the
nursery. I cried myself to sleep contemplating an extremely humiliating
twenty-four hours. I could see Bill in my mind, telling all my friends about
me, and I tried to imagine his reaction when he saw me in the cot tomorrow
night. Paroxysms of shame cursed through my body, I just hugged my dolly
and suc-ked furtively on my dummy for comfort, and fell into a very troubled

     February mornings are dark, and because there was no clock in the
nursery I had no idea of the time. I had had a very restless nights sleep,
strange dreams of people laughing at me and little babies crawling around
with my head on their tiny shoulders had caused me to wake several times.
Each time I turned I could feel the hard wooden bars of the cot, reminding me
I was sleeping in an infants bed.

   I was wide awake now, absolutely bursting to go to the toilet. I was unsure
of what was expected of me, should I get up and prepare breakfast as normal,
or should I wait in the cot for Lesley to get me out like a child. My sides
ached, I needed to pee so badly. I decided to get up, make Lesley a really nice
breakfast, I really needed to get into her good books. I had just knelt up in the
cot, feeling for the catches that held the cot side up, when the door swung
open and Lesley turned on the light. I blinked as the bright light hurt my
eyes, Lesley was all ready dressed.

"Diddums babykins have a woverly sweepy time then"  she cooeed in syrupy

I nodded sullenly. She lowered the cot side.

"Bweakfast time pwecious" she giggled.

"Lesley, I need to use the bathroom" I said crawling onto the floor.

She ignored me.

"Is babykins going to be a good little baby girl for mummy today" she said

I nodded, I did not want to incur her wrath so early in the morning.

"Baby crawl down stairs for his breakfast then" she snapped.

Reluctantly I made my way downstairs, finding it a little frightening taking
the stairs in this infantile way. She ushered me into the kitchen and watched
my face as I spotted the large pink highchair that she had put in the centre of
the room.

"Up you get baby" she laughed patting my frilly padded bottom.

"Lesley where on earth did you get this?" I gasped climbing into the wooden
seat as she held the plastic tray out of the way.

"Bernard made it for me" she told me, lowering the tray down and fixing it in
place in front of me.

Bernard was the local handyman, he did jobs for all the neighbours, such as
decorating, gardening or fixing things.

"Didn't he ask what it was for?" I asked incredulously.

Bernard was a good worker, but he was a "busy-body" he knew every ones
buisness and made sure he related his gossip to any one that would listen.

"Yes, of course" she giggled, "I told him it was for you".

I groaned in despair.

"Put your feet in here" she ordered

   There was a peice of wood just above my ankles, it had two semi-circles
cut into it where Lesley positioned my legs. Another piece of wood, exactly
the same was hinged onto the first at one end, Lesley brought the two pieces
together, like a set of old fashioned stocks they trapped my legs in place.
Lesley slipped a small padlock through a hasp that had been screwed into the
edge of the ankle stocks, and clicked it shut. She smiled that evil smile when
she had me just where she wanted me, I shuddered in fear.

"Put your arm down here" she giggled pointing to a steel hand-cuff that was
fixed to the side, open ready to accept my wrist. The steel was cold as she
pushed it into place around my arm, another hand-cuff at the other side
rendered me completely helpless.

"There now babykins is all ready for his bweky-weky" she laughed . 
"Lesley, please, I really need to go to the bathroom" I whined completely
trapped in the high chair.

 "What are you wearing on your bottom, David?" she asked.

"A nappy" I admitted blushing.

"Tell me, David, why do babies wear nappies?" she spoke with the tone of a
school teacher talking to an errant child.

"Because they cannot control their bladders" I said weakly "but I can" I added

"You cannot, you wet your pretty knickers yesterday" she scoffed.

"But.....I....." I started to say.

"But nothing" she snapped " babies wear nappies so they don't get their
pretty clothes wet when they do their wee wee's, you will use your nappy
just like a little baby. And it will stay on until I decide to change it, your
pretty plastic baby pants will make sure it doesn't leak onto your clothes"

I could hold myself no longer, as she prepared a large bowl of rusks in milk,
I relieved my self into the nappy. Lesley laughed at my blushing face, she
knew I had wet myself.

"Has babykins done his wee wee then" she mocked.

I nodded dumbly.

Lesley tied a big bib around my neck, then talking to me all the time like a
baby, spoon fed me a bowl of sweet, mushy baby food. A large babies bottle
full of sickly sweet baby milk followed, I wretched at the taste as I suc-ked on
the latex teat of the bottle, but Lesley made sure I drank the whole bottle. She
wiped my face clean with the bib, admonishing me for being a messy baby,
then released me from the highchair.

"Time to get ready for work, David" she announced, ushering me back up

She informed me that when I was in nappies I could only crawl about the
house, I would be allowed to walk only when I had my proper clothes on, or
my little girl outfit. She also informed me that she did not intend to change me
until I came home from work, she said she wanted me to get used to the feel
of wearing a wet nappy telling me she wanted me to develop a really nice
nappy rash.

"I wonder what the young girls will say when I take you to the chemists to
get some nappy rash cream David" she sniggered, "they are bound to ask
how bad your nappy rash is, I will just have to pull back your frilly baby
pants and nappy to show them"

     My normal clothes were given to me on a hanger and she left me to get
dressed, telling me to fold my baby nightie up like a good little girl. I put on
my white shirt and tie, grey socks and then attempted to get my trousers on, it
was impossible, the pants would not fasten together due to the bulk of the
nappy, I even broke the zip trying desperately to hide my nappied condition. I
was close to tears when she walked in.

"They won't fit" I said almost in a whisper.

"Take them off" she ordered "now get your shoes on".

I was still sniveling  as she handed me my breifcase.

"You cannot go out like that David, you look a ridiculous" she said shaking
her head.

"Oh thank-you, Lesley" I gasped with relief thinking that she had relented on
her intention to send me to work looking like this.

"Your shirt needs tucking into your knickers" she laughed "there that is

I almost fainted with shame as she led me to a mirror once she had adjusted
my shirt. I looked absolutely ridiculous in my shirt, tie, socks, heavy shoes
and my frilly nappied behind.

"Off you go, David, and have a good day at the office" she laughed marching
me to the front door.

"Please Lesley" I bawled, tears streaming down my face "don't make me go
like this"

The front door was open now and I felt the cold winter wind on my bare

"Bye bye David" she laughed shoving me in the back so I was clear of the
door step, then the door slammed shut, I heared it being locked behind me.

I stood there trembling with fear rooted to the spot.   

   Lesley opened the door "I suppose I could ring work and tell them your ill"
she suggested. I felt elated at her show of kindness.

 I dropped to my knees "Thank-you, thank-you" I sobbed.

"There will be a price to pay though" she sneered looking down at me
sniveling at her feet.

"Anything" I cried, desperate to be allowed back into the house before
anyone saw me.

"You had better mean that David, this is the only time I will break my word,
and that is a promise" she sneered

"I do Lesley, I will do anything you say" I croaked

Once inside she took me back to the nursery and stripped me of my office

"You will be off work all week" she told me, "your due some holidays
anyway. During this week you will act exactly like a baby, do you

I nodded.

"You will not utter one single word that I can understand from now on, you
are only allowed to say goo goo or ga ga or any other baby sound you can
think of, but no words, now let me hear you try, and remember you are a
baby girl"

"Goo goo goo goo ga" I sqeaked.

She laughed.

"Not bad for a first attempt. It will come much easier by the end of the week,
but I warn you David, if you talk once like an adult while you are in baby
clothes, you will be sorry, and that is a promise"

She put my frilly nightie back on me and made me crawl back to the kitchen
where I was put back in my high chair, she only locked my feet and my left
arm in the restraints.

"I want you to suc-k your thumb, baby" she said raising my hand and sticking
my thumb in my mouth. "I want that thumb in your mouth all the time, it only
comes out at meal times" I was informed.

"Goo goo goo" I gurgled the thumb restricting my speech even more.

"By the time I'm finished with you, suc-king your thumb will be second
nature" she giggled "I wonder what they'll say at the office when you can't
stop suc-king your thumb"

Lesley picked up the phone and rang the office she informed them that I was
wasn't feeling too well and they agreed to give me the week off against my
holiday entitlement.

"Now baby can stay at home all week with her mummy" she said pinching
my cheek.

"Goo ga goo ga goo" I mumbled.

    She was full of herself as she tidied the kitchen up and put the breakfast
items in the dish-washer. Once the kitchen was to her satisfaction she made
herself a cup of fresh coffee, I had to have another bottle. While she was
drinking her coffee she wrote a list of items she required for the meal with
Bill tonight.

"I wonder what a real man would like to eat" she mused teasing me, "should
I get him a nice steak, or perhaps oysters. Oysters are supposed to turn a real
man on and I want to make sure Bill is really horny tonight" she giggled
"what do you think babykins?"

"Goo goo goo" I said dribbling on to my bib.

"I'll need some tins of baby food for you babykins, you are not old enough
to eat adult food yet are you?" she asked wiping my chin.

"Ga ga ga goo" I answered in baby talk.

She stood behind me and ran her hands in my long hair. I had not had my
hair cut for six months now, Lesley had trimmed the ends to keep it tidy, and
it was more or less in a "page boy" style.

"Wouldn't babykins look sweet if I died her hair blonde and permed it into
pretty ringlets" she  laughed.

I wanted to say "no" but just continued gurgling like a baby.

"I'll call at the hairdressers on the way back from the supermarket" She
smiled putting her coat on "I'll be able to have your hair nice and pretty for
when Bill comes tonight".

I felt tears of frustration and humiliation welling up inside me.

"Now don't start crying babykins, mummy has to go to the shops to get
some things, you stay in your highchair like a good little baby, I'll be back
soon" she said picking up her handbag and the car keys.

She pulled the highchair round so I was facing the kitchen window.

"Bernard always cuts the grass on a Monday morning, remember to give him
a wave when he comes" she laughed and breezed out of the back door.

I was left alone.

    The kitchen clock ticked away slowly as I sat in utter boredom in the high
chair. Later the peace was shattered when I heared the sound of a motor
mower start up in the front garden. Bernard had arrived and would soon
finish the small front lawn, I knew this nosy old man was bound to look
through the kitchen window.I desperately tried to get out of the highchair, but
it was futile, Bernard had done an excellent construction job.

   I heared the back garden gate sqeak as Bernard brought his mower through.
Sure enough his grissled old face appeared at the window, a broad smile on
his face. He waved his fingers as if waving at a child and burst into laughter.
I sat absolutely helpless suc-king my thumb. He disappeared and his mower
burst into life drowning his coarse laughter. It was twelve-thirty when his
mower stopped and silence reigned once again, this coincided exactly with
Lesleys return.

"Good day ma'am" I heared him say.

 "Hello Bernard, would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?" Lesleys
voice answered.

Surely she couldn't bring him inside the house I quailed.

"Love one ma'am, its bitter cold this morning" he replied.

The lock turned in the door and it swung open, Lesley entered first grinning
from ear to ear, Bernard followed, desperate to get a better look at me in the
highchair he had constructed.

"Sit down Bernard" she smiled at my red face.

 "Hello babykins, did my big baby miss mummy" she cooeed pinching my

"Goo ga goo goo" I said in a hoarse whisper.

Bernard could not keep his eyes off me while Lesley poured them both a cup
of coffee.

"My husband is being punished for being very naughty,Bernard" Lesley
informed him sitting next to him at the breakfast table.

"Quite right too I expect" he laughed.

Lesley told him all about my outing to get an ice-cream dressed up as a little
girl and how I had wet a very expensive pair of knickers. Bernard was rolling
with laughter as she related each detail.

"So he is now in nappies" she finished.

"Nappies, a grown man in nappies" he howled.

"Yes nappies, come and look" she said standing up.

She raised the plastic tray as far as it would go with my arm trapped in the
hand-cuff, she pulled up the frilly nightie

 "There you are Bernard, a grown man in nappies" she also showed him the
nappy was wet.

"I never, a grown man in a wet nappy" he kept repeating to himself as Lesley
showed him to the door.

"You'll be the talk of the neighbourhood by the end of the day babykins" she
laughed giving me another bottle feed.

         My nappy was sopping wet by the time Lesley decided to take it off me.
She put me in a heavily scented bath washed my hair and scrubbed me clean.
She dried me then led me over to the white basin where the pink/blonde hair
dye had been prepared. She put the wet towel over my shoulder, then started
applying the hair colouring. Satisfied she had put enough on, she sat me in a
chair then proceeded to severaly pluck my eye brows.

    The dye was eventually washed out and she towel dried my hair sniggering
at its new colour. Back on the chair I had to sit still while she applied acrid
smelling perm solution to small strands of hair then put it in the tiniest of
rollers. It took well over an hour to put them in, a pink hair net followed then
I was taken into the nursery put into a clean nappy and put into my cot for an
afternoon nap while my hair dried and Lesley got on with her preperations for
the evening.

    I did not go to sleep, of course, I just layed there, listening to Lesley as she
sang happily to herself. Delicious smells permeated upstairs into my room, I
was starving hungry, all I had had to eat so far was the rusks in milk at
breakfast and three large bottles of babies milk.

"Is babykins wide awake then" she gushed as she entered the room.
"Mummy has got babies din-dins all ready for her baby girl" she said letting
me out of the cot, following me as I crawled down to the kitchen.

Several pans were boiling away on the cooker, my mouth watered at the
smell. I was soon locked into the highchair, as I was about to be fed she
allowed me to stop suc-king my thumb, which was already quite sore from
being in my mouth all day.

"Is my baby vewy hungwy" she cooeed.

"Ga ga goo goo ga" I squeaked.

The micro-wave oven bell rang and Lesley took out a huge plastic bowl of
brown mush.

"Here's babies din-dins" she giggled putting the bowl on the highchair tray.

She shovelled in a huge spoonful, it was foul and only just warm. I tried to
spit it out only for her to scrape it off my chin and bib and shove it back in

"This is proper baby food out of a tin, all babies have this for their din-dins"
she said scraping the bowl as the contents finally disappeared "you had better
get used to it's taste babykins, you will be having food like this for all your
meals" she grinned "and that is a promise".

"Woverwy chocky pudding next, babykins" she sang.

Another large bowl was put on the tray, this time full of dark brown
chocholate pudding. It was sickly sweet and again I tried to reject it, to no
avail I was forced to eat it all.

"All gone, babykins, who's a cwever baby girly then" she laughed.

"Ga ga ga ga goo" I gurgled, glad that the ordeal was over.

Lesley opened a bottle of red wine and poured a large glass.

"Does baby want a dwinky" she sang holding up the glass.

"Goo goo goo goo ga" I gurgled enthusiastically.

She took a large gulp of the wine

"It's a good job I made you a big titty bottle of milk then" she laughed as she
teased me.

She saw the look of disappointment on my face as she brought over the
babies bottle.

"Babies don't drink wine, babykins" she laughed pushing the teat into my
mouth "Only adults like Mummy and Uncle Bill are allowed to drink wine.
Babies must drink milk so they become big and strong"

The milk was sickly sweet and not at all refreshing but I was forced to drink
the lot. When I had finished, she let me out of the highchair, cleaned my face
with a scented baby wipe and led me back to the nursery.

"I'll get baby ready first, then you can sit on the floor and play with your
dolly whilst mummy gets all dressed up for Uncle Bill" she said.

She went to the tall wardrobe and pulled out a very frilly baby dress.

"Look what mummies got for her little baby girl" she said.

  The dress was white, it had little puff sleeves and a tiny lace collar. The skirt
hung from a high waist in typical baby girl fashion, it was very short, much
shorter than my party frock, and frilly, lacy petticoats were sewn into the
dress to make the skirt stand out. It was soon over my head, my arms in the
puff sleeves and she buttoned it up at the back. She held up a pair of ultra
frilly baby pants that matched the dress, removed my rhumba pants and
pulled the new ones over my be-nappied behind. A pair of frilly ankle socks
came next and were put on my feet.

 "Look what else mummy has got for her lucky little baby" she said proudly
holding up a pair of pink baby shoes in my size

"I saw these in a baby shop window" she said "they were made bigger for a
special display, it was these that gave me the idea of making you into a baby.
Aren't they sweet?".

 "Ga ga ga ga" I gurgled my reply, watching her fasten them on my feet.

"Now let's get babies rollers out of your pretty hair" she announced. The hair
net was carefully removed followed by the curlers.

"Oh my goodness" she gasped as the last roller came out. She took a length
of white ribbon and I felt her tie it tightly at the top of my head.

"Fantastic" she said "absolutely fantastic, come and see what a pretty baby
you are, babykins."

I crawled to the full length mirror and gasped at the transformation. I hardly
recognised myself as the overgrown baby girl stared back at me. The ribbon
bow perched on masses of blonde curls which cascaded around my face, the
dress was ultra babyish in design, so short my frilly drawers and nappy were
clearly on view, the frilly ankle socks and baby shoes finishing the outfit off
to perfection.

I hung my head in shame.

"You look adorable babykins" she gushed. "Now hold still while I finish you
off" she ordered fetching her make-up bag.

Pale pink eye shadow, black mascara and bright red lip-stick were applied to
my face.   "You don't seem to need any blusher" she giggled dropping the
lip-stick into her bag. I looked like a baby doll.

    Time was getting on, I was sat on the floor in her bedroom, given the rag
doll to play with while she showered. She came back into the room wearing
just a towel, smelling of really sexy perfume. She dropped the towel in front
of me standing above me naked. She had a beautiful figure and I felt my
manhood start to react inside its towelling prison.

"See what your missing, babykins" she sneered as she caressed her breasts
"isn't Uncle Bill in for a treat"   She dressed in a black basque and rolled
sheer stockings up her legs and attached them to the suspenders.

"These should turn Uncle Bill on, don't you think so babykins" she giggled.

"Goo goo goo goo" I gurgled holding the doll to my breasts.

She sat at her vanity table and carefully applied her make up, she then took
the hair dryer and styled her long dark her. She put on an extremely short,
black dress that clung to her slim figure. Four inch black patent high heeled
shoes completed her outfit. She looked stunning.

"Well babykins, do you think mummy looks beautiful" she said admiring
herself in the mirror.

"Ga ga ga goo goo"

"More to the point, will Uncle Bill think I look beautiful,  and want to make
love to your mummy".

She laughed at the absurdity of it, there I was, her husband, dressed  in a
pretty frock, frilly baby knickers and a nappy playing with a doll, watching
her get ready to get laid by my one of my best friends. She found it so
amusing that her control over me was so great, that even though I knew Bill
would not only screw her, but tell everyone of my friends about me being
dressed as a baby and make me a laughing stock at the squash club. I just sat
there on the carpet looking up at her in my ridiculous clothes and my Shirley
Temple hair style hoping for her mercy.

I had absolutely no chance, she wanted Bill to make passionate love to her,
but most of all she wanted Bill to see me as a pathetic baby girl.

"Just look at the time babykins, its time for your beddy-byes" she

"Crawl into your cot mummy will be through in a minute"

Dejectedly I crawled into the cot.

      As I waited for her to come into the nursery, I tried to summon up
enough courage to overcome my submissiveness, I decided that as her
husband, I was not going to allow her to let Bill into this house. I knew she
would be extremely angry and I would suffer terribly for standing up to her,
but I had to do it. Lesley breezed into the room. I felt sick trying to get the
courage up to confront her. She pulled the duvet cover from the cot and
raised the side. I was just about to speak when she reached over to the other
cot side unfastened a clip and pulled a barred lid over the top of the cot. I
watched in horror as it fitted the cot exactly, Lesley quickly locked it in place
with two large padlocks. I was trapped in baby clothes in the cot. It had only
taken a few seconds, any thoughts I had of rebelling disappeared as I realised
the futility of my position.

Lesley squatted down to my level.

"Oh dear, David, you are in a jam aren't you" she sneered "locked in your cot
in your pretty baby clothes, Bill will be here soon, and you haven't even got
any covers to hide under" she threw her head back and laughed.

She walked out of the room, leaving me alone in my baby cage. I felt like a
condemned prisoner in his cell as the time went by slowly.

     When the door bell rang, my heart missed a beat. Lesley had left my
nursery door open purposely, I heared her high heels walk down the hall and
the front door open.

"Bill, how nice to see you, I'm so glad you could make it" Lesleys voice

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world" Bills voice said "Jesus, but you
look stunning Lesley."

"Why thankyou kind sir" she giggled "I bet you say that to all your

I listened as Lesley flirted with him in the hall.

  "Are you wearing stockings?" he asked "I cannot resist beautiful ladies in

"Why don't you find out?" she replied huskily.

It went rather quiet for a few minutes and I imagined his hands running up
and down her thighs exploring for suspenders.

"Oh Bill" she moaned, I then heared them kissing each other loudly.

"Lesley, were you joking about Dave being in a babies cot last night?" I
heared him enquire eventually.

 "Certainly not" she laughed, "I've got him all ready for you upstairs."

"I've got my Poloroid camera with me can I take some photo's to show the
lads?" he laughed.

  "Be my guest" she giggled "come on I'll show you where he is"

I shut my eyes in shame as I heared them climb the stairs.

"There he is" Lesley said "my pretty baby  girl"

I opened my eyes to see them both standing in front of the cot, the room
echoing with their laughter.

"Smile Dave" Bill said pointing his camera at me and blinding me with the

He took a full pack of film, Lesley laying them on the dresser to develop.
Satisfied he had taken enough pictures he put his camera down, Lesley joined
him at the cot side and their arms went round each others waists as they
looked down on me.

"Don't you think he makes the prettyest baby girl, Bill" Lesley giggled.

"I've got to say that dress really suits him" he guffawed "the ribbon, the
ringlets, those frilly socks and those cute baby shoes are really you, Dave, I
don't think I have ever seen you in clothes that suit you so much"

I hung my head in shame trying my hardest not to burst into tears.

"But there is one thing that suits him more than any other" he added

"Whats that Bill?" Lesley asked.

"His nappy" he burst out laughing, I burst into tears.

He pulled Lesley close to him and they french kissed, his hands all over her.

"Oh Bill your such a real man" she moaned.

Bill forced her to the floor and was soon on top of her pulling at her clothes.

"Oh, Bill, not in front of the baby" She laughed looking at me crying in the

Her dress was off now

"Baby is much to young to know what we are doing Lesley, baby will just
think were playing horsey" he laughed removing his clothes.

I was forced to watch as he kissed her breasts then between her thighs, she
moaned with pleasure. She returned the compliment, she took his rampant
manhood in between her lips. Soon they were making love and the room
filled with their rythmic moans until they both climaxed together. They lay
ther gasping in each others arms for a while then they sat up and looked at
me, they both burst out laughing.

"That is what real men do Dave" Bill sneered , "they do not wear dresses and
frilly baby pants with wet nappies underneath."

"Baby girls do though" Lesley joined in "come on Bill lets get something to
eat and drink."

"Nighty-night diddums" he mocked . "Nighty-night babykins" she laughed.

They turned and left in each others arms leaving me in the darkness.

           I must have cried myself to sleep for I didn't hear Bill leave. It was
also quite late in the morning as it was light outside and still Lesley hadn't
unlocked the cot lid. My nappy was wet as I had had to relieve myself in the
night, and now I was desperate to open my bowels. For the last couple of
hours I had fought against soiling my nappy, but it was a battle I couldn't
win. Suddenly my will power collapsed and I felt the mess squeeze into my
nappy and between my legs. It was the most degrading act, it confirmed my
status as a baby.

     Shortly after, Lesley danced into the room, wearing a flimsy black
negligee with nothing underneath. She looked like the cat that had just had the
cream.   "Pooh, has babykins had an acccident" she giggled unlocking the

"Goo goo goo goo ga" I stammered.

I was told to go down stairs and get in my highchair. She followed and
locked me securely into it. The kitchen was full of the smells of a cooked
breakfast, my mouth watered as she filled two plates with bacon, eggs,
sausage and beans. She put one plate close to the highchair,

"Hungry baby?" she smiled.

I nodded. "Goo goo" I said in my best baby girl voice.

"Well mummy will get yours after me and Bill have had ours" she laughed.
"Bill its on the table" she called up the stairs.

Bill came into the kitchen wearing one of my robes and kissed Lesley full on
the lips

"God you are one sexy lady" he said patting her bare bottom.

"Get your breakfast before it gets cold" she giggled like a schoolgirl.

He sat down and looked at me.

"Coochee coochee coo" he laughed and pinched my cheek viciously.

They both ate their breakfasts laughing at me in between mouthfuls.

"Baby has pooh pooh'ed his nappy" Lesley informed him.

He shook his head in disbelief

"Wearing baby clothes is one thing" he sneered "but actually soiling himself
is another, do you know, I actually think he enjoys being in nappies".

Lesley looked at my beetroot red, tear stained face.

"I don't think so" she laughed " but babies have no choice, they wear nappies
whether they like it or not" 

Lesley finished her  breakfast first, poured some coffee, then filled my large
plastic bowl up with baby mush.

"What is that?" Bill asked "it looks revolting."

"It is" she laughed, "its babies breakfast"

She took a large spoonfull and held it to my lips.

"Open wide babykins" she ordered.

I shook my head.

She just held my nose until I gagged for air and in it went. Bill howled as I
was force fed. Lesley then gave me my bottle in front of him. Tears were
soon flowing again as they both mocked me for being a  great big baby in a
dirty nappy. Lesley sat on Bills knee in front of me, and I watched as Bills
hand slipped in between her inner thighs.

"It's a pity he wasn't at the squash club last night" he said carressing her sex.

"Why?" moaned Lesley.

"He would have found out that we are having a fancy dress night this week"
Bill smiled.

"Your kidding" she screamed.

He shook his head.

"For all members and their wives or girlfriends, and fancy dress is
compulsory" they both laughed again at my tear stained face.

"We'll have to go" she said excitedly, getting aroused again by Bill's
attentions to her sex.

"Promise?" Bill said kissing her deeply on the the lips.

"Promise" she moaned and her tongue plunged into his open mouth.

Bill stood up, picking Lesley up physically, as he rose. She clung on to his
neck still kissing him "

Oh Bill you're so strong" she gasped.   "I'm just taking your wife up to her
bedroom to make love to her again, Dave." he triumphantly informed me,
"you be a good little baby while we are away"

They left me alone in the highchair, the babyfood around my mouth drying
hard, my soiled nappy reminding me just what a big baby I had become.

      Bill stayed all day, I never saw much of either of them, I was put back
into my cot with my doll and rattle to play with. The lid was locked back in
place and I was forced to listen to their love making as I played with my toys.
The dirty nappy was not changed either and I could feel a severe nappy rash
developing as the acids in my eliminations worked against my skin.

     It was early evening when Bill had to go, he came into the nursery to pick
up the photos he had taken the night before. They both laughed as they
flicked through the snaps.

 "Wait until the guys see these tonight" he laughed.

They kissed again then Lesley showed him to the front door, where Bill
promised to call round tomrrow after work.

"I'll make sure I'm properly dressed then" Lesley giggled

"That nightie will do just fine" he replied, then he was gone.

    At last Lesley turned her attentions to me, I was stripped of my dress,
socks and shoes, then in the bathroom she removed my nappy. All the time
she spoke to me as if I were just a baby, I goo gooed and ga ga'd my replies.
The scented bath water stung my sore bottom as Lesley scrubbed me. A clean
nappy was pinned on me as soon as I was dry followed by my rhumba baby
pants and my baby nightie. I was fed in the highchair but she allowed me to
lay across her lap to give me her bottle, telling me what a pretty baby I was
and that I was going to be her baby for ever and ever. Before she put me to
bed, she put the pink hair net over my curls.

"I want to make sure your ringlets are still in for when you go back to work"
she said.

        The next day we seemed to have more visitors than normal. Bernard had
obviosly been spreading his gossip. Lesley made them  most welcome and
did not spare me from their curiousity, I was paraded in front of them dressed
exactly as I was for Bills visit.

Oh how they laughed as I crawled at their feet playing with my rattle and
suc-king my thumb. After their initial shock of seeing a grown man in such
pretty clothes and pinned into nappies, their contempt was evident.

For one of the so called "superior" sex, to allow himself to be humiliated in
such a manner was beyond belief, and they all agreed I deserved all the
humiliation I received at their hands. I had given up my rights as a man, I
was a disgrace to the male sex, they also agreed to make sure that I would
never be able to claim my rightful position among the male sex again by
effeminating me to a great big sissy-boy.

I was promised that by the time they had finished with me I would definitely
not be a man, I would be a baby girl.

       I was treat like a doll, they tied and re-tied my ribbon in various positions
in my ringlets until they found the place they thought it suited me most, my
frock was fussed over, my nappied bottom patted just like a baby girl. They
loved having a "man" in this position and took out all their frustrations with
the male sex out on me.

 Lesley told them of her night of passion with Bill, they all agreed that she
deserved a "real man", and volounteered to baby-sit me if ever she wanted to
go out. Mrs Franklin suggested her daughter, Jennifer, for the job, although
she was only sixteen, she was quite capable of taking care of such a big
baby. I was a whimpering wreck when they all left, I stank of sweet
perfume, my eye-brows had been died the same clour as my hair, and my
face made up with eye shadow, mascara and lip-stick.

I lost count of the times I had my lip-stick repaired whilst sat on one of the
neighbours knees, the constant suc-king of my thumb smearing the bright red
cosmetic around my mouth.

   Bill turned up later, Lesley had changed into her sexy negligee ready for his
visit. They greeted like lovers, embracing and kissing each other whilst I
played at their feet with my doll. Bill told her of his night at the squash club.

"I couldn't get away" he said "everyone wanted to see the pictures of him in
his baby dress, and I just had to tell them that I made love to his beautiful

Lesley kissed him pasionately on the lips her tounge  invading his open

"They have all bought tickets for the fancy dress on Friday, I told them we
would be taking him in his nappies and baby clothes".

They both looked down at me laughing at the tears that were running down
my cheeks. They talked about me as if I wasn't there, as adults do with
babies in the room. Lesley dragged Bill on to the sofa and they cavorted
sexually in front of me, I was extremely jealous, but felt so impotent in the
baby clothes, I just played with my doll.

        Over the next three days I was kept to a strict nursery routine,
supervised by Lesley and the neighbours. Indignaty after indignaty was
heaped upon me. I was introduced to Jennifer, my new baby sitter, and two
of her school friends who found my situation hilarious.

It was totally embarresing sat on a sixteen year old girls knee, being bottle
fed, while Lesley told them all the baby things I did including poo'ing my
nappy. They were given a couple of photos to show all of their friends at

I also had to suffer the ultimate humiliation of having my nappy changed by
Mrs Franklin, she led me away, with Lesleys permission, to the nursery. I
whimpered all the way to the nursery, knowing that this woman I hardly
knew was going to deal with my most private of parts, but I had become so
docile I did not even think of rebelling and got up onto my changing table,
like a gentle lamb.

As Lesley had pointed out, babies have no modesty, they are not old enough
to get embarresed when a total stranger changes thier nappies.

      I felt totally humiliated as Mrs Franklin lifted my skirts, pulled down my
frillies and removed my wet nappy. She spoke to me throughout the
operation, telling me what a dirty baby I was wetting and poo'ing my
nappies. She spent ages cleaning around my limp privates, amused at the lack
of reaction to a females touch.

"By the time we are finished with you, you will be incapable of having an
erection" she sneered "your little dic-kie will never get hard ever again, its
only use will be to wet your nappies".

It was true, the humiliation of wearing nappies and dresses was
immasculating me.


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender