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Author Topic: Susan's Three Way Revenge  (Read 155097 times)

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Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2017, 10:59:27 PM »
For most of the day John tried to keep his distance to Susan but he knew she was up to something. as John sat down at his usual lunch table he noticed Susan pull up a chair from right across him and sat down without asking his permission. John gave Susan a concern look but didn't say anything

"So Johnny, did you have a busy weekend? Do anything fun? It was a great weekend for me in fact. I cheered the team to victory on Friday, had my dance classes Saturday and my mom made my favorite meal Sunday. All and all it was a great weekend for me. It must have been a great weekend for you as well, I heard you were a Dry Danielle for two days in a row! That's a great job Johnny, when was the last time you been a Dry Danielle for more then a day?" John's face lost all color for a moment and then a flood of red filled his face very  similar to the flood of urine his bed and now his diapers get on a  regular basis.

"I, l, I have no idea what your talking about" was the only thing he manage to stutter out." Johnny, you dont have to lie to me, were friends now. I'm proud you were a Dry Danielle for 2 days, you must of gotten some good Potty Treats for staying dry" she said in an overly sweet voice. John was not only completely embarrassed but rage was filling his body  "I have no idea what your talking about you fat bitch! Why don't you go eat yourself to death and make everyone happy?" He yelled at her as he started to push away from the table Susan sitting started right back and him smiling with a  Coy smile. " well Johnny, if that's how you feel about our friendship maybe I should post these all over the girl's locker room since you don't care for my enthusiasm about your bedwetting. " Susan raised her photo up to John's face and he went into pure shock. It was a photo of him on his bed, eyes closed wearing nothing but his "protection". The same photo Janet Jones texted to  Barbara Stall to confirm she pinned his "protection" right. John had no idea the phtoto even existed and now his newest worst emeny had the last thing he ever wanted an emeny to have. This picture could sum up John's next four year of high school.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2017, 03:22:12 AM »
"What do you want from me then?" John said weakly in the now crowded and loud lunch room. "Friendship Johnny, I noticed you don't have any friends, you sit by yourself for lunch everyday, that probably adds stress which leads to more bed wetting. With my help as your new special friend I think you could be a Dry Danielle full time by Christmas break." John was taken back, she was being so blunt all in the noisesy lunch room, thank god no one sat near that table.

" why would you want me to be your friend? I was so mean to you. Why be friends with a jerk  like me?" John honestly replied.  Susan who still held all the cards said " well John, I don't have many friends either, Cindy Rockwell tells all the other cheerleaders to be mean to me. All my other friends are in my dance classes but there in Junior high school still. I think we could be great friends. Besides you really have to be my friend now because I could show the whole school this picture, so you really don't have much of a say do you? How would you like for the next four years to have diapers stuck to your locker? For all the boys to pants you in gym class everyday? Can you image what the locker room would be like for you? I'm sure no girl would ever want to date a boy who still wore diapers to bed every night. Plus I know your entire  schedule. I could get copies of your bed wetting logs and pass it around with the photos. You could be known as  betsy Wetsy for the next four years of high school.  So it's that or be my friend. Up to you." Susan was glowing. She was the spider who got herself a fly. John just slumped into his chair. It killed him to realize it but he was stuck.

"What do I have to do?" John said with his head lowered in a defeated voice. Susan was glowing with joy knowing she had John right where she wanted him. "Well first, you can't tell your mother any of this. You can say we're friends but that's it. Second, we will sit everyday together in the lunch room. Thrid, we will sit on the bus together everyday. Your days of bullying and teasing me is over. Also text me your number so we can become better friends." John exchanged numbers and they said in an awkward silence for the rest of the lunch . John having no idea what Susan was planning, and Susan  ecstatic that phase 1 of her plan was about to kick off.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2017, 03:08:52 AM »
John had mixed feeling over the next school week. Now that he was "friends" with Susan he was getting bullied more by other students, nothing to the extent that he himself did to Susan, but it did make him feel weak and small. On the plus side he sort of liked  the company of having someone sit with him on the bus. Susan was a chatterbox who never stopped talking and would only talk about things she was interested in. She never brought up his "protection" during the lunch room or bus talks either. He Had theee wet beds during the school week which his mother didn't seem to mind and was happy it wasn't five wet beds. He also noticed that his mother had yet to  teach him to pin his own protection on.

Friday was game day so Susan was in full uniform. The uniform still made John sick to his stomach since the skirt was so short and Susan's thighs were so large. John wished he could be Cindy Rockwell friend and just stare at her all day in her uniform, instead he had Susan who sadly looked a lot different in uniform. John was with Susan outside her locker when she asked him to hold something. John grabed the item without thinking what it was. "Oh man is Little Johnny the newest cheerleader"? He heard one large football player yell out. John looked down and noticed he was holding Susan's Pom Poms. A roar of laughter filled the hallway. "Johnny show us one of your cheers sweetheart"!'another student yelled out. John's face went bright red as he threw the Pom Poms in Susan's locker. Another awful way to start the weekend happened. As Susan closed the locker shut he saw Cindy Rockwell walk by with three other cheerleading beauties. "Susan when is your little boy toy going to join the squad? He looked soooooooo cute holding those Pom Poms." Susan laughed out loud as john wanted to die at that moment.

The rest of the day went by with comments of John being a cheerleader to many students. He heard people ask where his skirt was, who his favorite football player on the team was and was he as slutty as the rest of the girls on the squad were. At the end of the day someone even printed out a picture from Microsoft clip art or a little cheerleader and taped it to the front of his locker. He sprinkled a little pee pee on himself at that one. As he got home from the weekend he was so happy to have an escape for a few days. No bullies, no Susan, just him by himself for the weekend. Friday night John was put into his "protection" by his mother who was quickly becoming an expert At getting him ready for bed. She powdered, creamed and pinned him in a matter of mins just like a seasoned Mommy.

That night John had a dream. In the dream Cindy Rockwell was holding John's hand and leading him down the hallway alone. She ushered him into the girl's locker room and begain kissing him, full toinge kisses, john returned the pleasure by feeling Cindy breasts, suddenly the dream got more intense as Cindy went down on her knees and unbuckled John's pants. He closed his eyes in excitement when he suddenly heard cutting laughter coming from Cindy. John opened his eyes and looked down and noticed his pants down by his ankles and Cindy pointing and laughing at him standing in the locker room wearing his "protection". The dream got only worse when the whole squad came out of nowhere and all roared with laughter. John felt sick to his stomach as tried to cover himself with his hands only to see he was now holding Pom Poms and wearing the school  cheerleading uniform. As the dream became a full nightmare he noticed Susan approach him, stick her finger inside the side of his "Protection" and announce "Girls, I think our little squad mate needs a changing"! Panic rushed though John's body and forced himself to wake up.

It took John several mins to calm himself down after the dream and noticed his alarm clock read, 7:45am. He was sweaty, breathing heavily and still shooken up from the dream. He felt the front of his "protection" and noticed it was a bit damp but not like normal. he really wanted to be dry but was unaware of the feeling in the front of his croch. His mother heard the sound of him waking up, came into his bedroom and begain the morning routine of checking him. She had the hated log book and in a sweet voice said "let's see if someone gets a Potty Treat"! As she unpinned him she observed the front of his protection for more then usual. John was wondering what could take so long in her observation. "Oh dear john, it seems you made a sticky #3 in your protection last night" she said slightly giggling.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2017, 05:44:45 AM »
John felt totally emasculated as his mother finished changing him. He had only recently discovered self pleasure and now his mother was cleaning up his wet dream. He highly doubted that his male classmates had their mothers clean them after a wet dream. John could never look his mother in the eyes when she was changing him after a betsy Wetsy night. It pained him to be back in "protection". Pained him that his mother changed him on an almost daily basis. When John started High School he was thinking this is where he would grow into a man. Learn to drive, get a girlfriend, he did not factor that he was going to have his mother clean and change him almost every night after him wetting his bed. John opened his eyes and took a quick peek at his mother changing him. It scared him to see his mother smiling brighly as she took a baby wipe and cleaned the tip of his manhood. Was she enjoying this? How come she wasn't disgusted at having to change a teenage boy's wet dream? Did she always enjoy cleaning him? John began to worry that his mother liked him in protection.

After finishing cleaning john he was led upstairs to breakfast. "Now since this wasn't a wet bed I won't count it as a betsy Wetsy but you still made a mess and in return won't get a Potty Treat" his mother Told him in a smug voice. The words " betsy Wetsy", Dry Danielle" and "Potty Treat" still cut John like a knife. He hated hearing those words more then anything. As he ate his cereal his mother sat down at the table to join him.

"Now John, later today I'm going to go visit your Aunt Abby for the day and spend the night". His mother stated. John was on cloud nine, finally a day all by himself without anyone bothering him. A day to play video games and maybe skip a night of wearing the dredded "protection". After a awful day at school yesterday at least Saturday would be a good day. His excitement was short lived when his mother followed up by saying "So I'm going to drop you off at Ms. Stall's house where you can have a play date with Susan and a slumber party! Since Ms. Stall is awhere of your problem and protection she agreed to help out and take notes on your bedwetting progress." She told him in an exciting voice. John's stomach dropped to the bottom of his feet. He was going to spend the night at Susan Stall's house. His face went pale as he noticed the pink diaper bag on the table packed up and a change of his clothes folded next to it. Panic flowed though his body as he realized he would be wearing his "protection" at Susan's home for the night.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2017, 03:36:31 PM »
"MOM! I CANT SPEND THE NIGHT THERE, I CANT HAVE SUSAN SEE ME IN MY PROTECTION" john said. He tried to sound firm but just came out as whiny. "John, don't worry about Susan, she's one of your best friends and went though the same problem your going though. Ms. Stall has been telling me how supportive she's been with you for the whole process". This took john back a bit, how could this be? What was Susan telling her mother? What was Ms. Stall telling his mother? Between John's mother smiling while Changing him this morning and now the reports from momma and Susan Stall john begain to Feel like something was going on that he didn't know about and feared the worst. 

John showered for the day and got ready for the worst thing possible. He gulped loudly as he saw his mother grab his diaper bag. John had his back pack and clean clothes ready to go. "Please mom, don't make me do this, this is very  humiliating for me". John's mother put her arm around him and talked in a calm slow voice. " now John, there's nothing to be worried about, Ms. Stall cares about your progress very much. Susan had the same problem you did and was cured in six weeks. Your only on week one and she really wants to see your progress. I know this is hard for you, but if I get a good report from her, I promise I will get you what ever new Xbox game you want. But you have to be on your best behavior and do everything she says" john really didn't want to go along with this, but what choice did he have? Susan all ready knew about his protection, she all ready had a picture of him in the protection, How much worse could it get? At least he could get A new Xbox game out of it.

The drive over was brief and quiet. As they pulled up to the house John could see Ms. Stall watering her plants on the front porch. John and his mother approached the front steps, john walked slowly feeling like this would be his last walk.

Ms. Stall greated them both warmly with a large smile. She gave john a large hug and a kiss on the cheek which caused john to squirm with embarrassment. John never  realized how tall and wide Barbara stall was. She was at least six feet and had to be 230 pounds. Her hug felt like a bear hug. As they opened the front door to the Stall  residents classical music could be heard In the background. Susan was doing some basic ballet warm up barre movements to the classical music. She was dressed in a black long sleeve leotard, light pink ballet tights and her pink slippers. The image made john want to throw up. If he though the cheerleading uniform was bad , this was a million times worse.

Susan gracefully moved from he barre to Janet Jones and her new best friend. John's mother  complemented her by saying she moved so sweet and dainty and must be a talented dancer. John remembered that Susan always talked about her dance classes on Saturday and figured she must of just came back judging by the way she was dressed. "Don't worry about Johnny, will take great care of him"   Barbara Stall smiled wickedly. John noticed the  unusual smile as Janet handed her the diaper bag. Janet Jones gave john one last reminder to be good and so everything Ms. Stall said and he would get a new Xbox game.  As she left the house and saw her pull away in her car he was upset. How bad could this weekend get? He looked down at his watch and saw it was 330pm. "Ok Johnny"!  Barbara said loudly, "let's get you into your diapers!"

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2017, 11:53:27 PM »
John was in shock. Shock for several reasons. Shocked because His "protection" was never called Diapers. Shock because Ms. Stall brought it up right in front of Susan and shock because it was only 03:30 in the afternoon.

"Ms. Stall I don't wear my protection until bedtime". John managed to squeak out in an embrassed voice. "John, this is my home. In my home I make all the calls and all the rules. any teenage boy who still needs to wear diapers like a little baby will not get any say in the rules. You can't even control your bladder so why do you think you get to choose anything in this house?" Ms. Stall said coldly and boldly. John was in complete shock now. Ms.Stall was being so blunt and mean, she had  completely changed in the 5 minutes after his mother left. Susan sat there grinning from ear to ear looking at her new prized captive.

Ms. Stall had John's diaper bag in one hand and grabbed His wrist with her other hand and begain dragging him though the house. Her sheer strength and long legs made keeping up with her very tricky. Susan followed behind skipping with delight. As they walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom Ms. Stall opened the door and placed the diaper bag on the bed. "All right start striping so we can pin your diapers on you Johnny". John hated the term diapers, it made him feel so babyish in front of Susan. "Can I get a little privacy first, and does Susan have to be here for this?This is very  humiliating to wear my protection like this". John pleaded with mercy.

"Johnny, did you not hear me before about the rules? This is the second time your disobeying me. Also this isn't protection, you have to understand that now. These are diapers. Diapers are what babies wear because they can't help themselfs just like you. Babies get special care just like you. You are a teenage baby. You have to understand that now. Susan needs practice diapering babies since she wants to become a baby sitter and your going to be a perfect model for that. Don't be  humiliated  by this, this is what you need." The cold words brought tears to John's eyes as he started to cry. "Boy mom, he really is a big teenage baby, look at him cry." Susan said smugly. Before John knew it he was pushed onto the guest bed by Ms. Stall which has a plastic changing mat On it. Susan begain to take off John's pants which caused John to defend his pants by blocking the fly with his hands. This only angered Ms. Stall.

"That's it. I gave you more then enough attempts." Ms. Stall used all her strength and pulled John's pants down with one mighty tug. All john could think about was how strong she was. thinking how strong she was replaced by her flipping john over her knee and begain spanking him with all her might. John hadn't been spanked since he was 5 years old. His eyes were bugging out of his head after the first few spanks. It hurt. It hurt real bad. Soon he closed his eyes wishing for it to be over. Then came the crying, then came the sobbing. Snot was running down his nose as he continued to wail."Will Johnny wear his diapers now"? Ms. Stall said firmly. "YES"! John screamed. "Say you want to wear your diapers!" Ms. Stall said coldly. "I want to wear my diapers" john sobbed. "Say please put my diapers on me because I'm a big teenage baby". She said while spanking him. John knew he was trapped. He had to play by there rules now, the spanking was the worst  physical pain he had ever been in. "Please put my diapers on me because I'm a big teenage baby" he wailed. Ms. Stall stopped the spanking and pushed him off her lap. John laided on the floor a big crying mess. "All right Susan, let's go to work". Ms stall said  confidently.

Sissy Ballerina Boy

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Re: Susan's Three Way Revenge
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2017, 02:23:35 PM »
"Get up baby!" Susan yelled at the crying mess of her former bully. John got up, still crying pulling down his t shirt with one hand trying to cover up his manhood while holding his butt cheek with the other hand. Susan came forward and took of John's t shirt and pushed him down on the bed. He was now completely naked expect for his socks.

"Now Susan, first thing we have to do with Baby Johnny is do a a Tammy temperature". John who got used to his mom doing his changings had no idea what a Tammy  temperature was. Like a flash  Barbara grabed John's ankles and lifted his legs up in the air. Laying on his back he felt like a complete baby. "Tammy  temperature time"  Barbara sung. John's eyes  went huge as he felt a large glassy item plunged deep into his butthole. He then  realized what a Tammy temperature was. John was getting the  rectal  temperature from hell. John couldn't see the smiles or Barbara and Susan but could hear the giggles coming from them both. "Please stop! It hurts! Pleaseeeeeeee!" John cried out.

"You are the biggest baby ever. Babies don't even cry when they get there  temperatures checked. Susan can you give baby Johnny his pacifer so he can stop crying?" Susan pulled out a large pink pacifer and pushed it near Johnny lips. John trying to save any  masculinity turned his head away from Susan while crying.

"If you don't take your pacifer will place Tammy  temperature in your mouth baby!" Susan told the now helpless Johnny. John got sick at the idea taken a  rectal thermometer in his mouth so he opened up his lips to the pink pacifer. "Say you want it! Say baby needs his Binky!" Susan  instructed him john wanted to die, he never wanted to be in his diapers so bad right now.

"Baby needs his binky" john cried out. Susan rammed the large pink pacifer into his mouth. John actually started to nurse the pacifer for Comfort due to his rectal temperature being so painful. While suc-king he felt  Barbara take the probe out of his butthole. For the first time in the last 20 mins he felt relieved.

"Go ahead Susan, get his diapers on" Susan jumped into the changing process and took her time by lathering his boyhood with cream. This feeling felt so new and different to Johnny then he begain to get hard which caused Susan to laugh. "Wow mom, you were right about him always liking me, that's why he bullied me, just to get attention. Well look at the attention his little pee pee has." John couldn't believe he was getting a boner for Susan Stall but the feeling of her rubbing the cream felt so good. She covered his member in powder and before he knew it he felt the known feeling of being pinned into his diapers.


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