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Author Topic: Revenge of The Babysitter  (Read 31298 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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Revenge of The Babysitter
« on: July 28, 2017, 09:40:55 AM »
Note: This 1st chapter of the story starts out with a lot of background details which are instrumental to the storyline. Later chapters will be much more exciting!


My name is Pat, and Betty and I have been married for many years and
between the two of us we have two children. I have a boy from a previous marriage, and Betty and I have a girl. Susie was four when we got married and although she was cute as a bug, she was sort of a tomboy...and I decided right then and there that she would become more
feminine as she grew up. I adopted Susie soon after Betty and I married
so she was legally my daughter. Brock, my son, lives with my ex-wife, who gained custody of him when we divorced. But he lives close by and does visit often and even stays with us periodically.

Betty and I have had a fairly happy marriage although
Betty and, especially Susie, had built up a resentment for my
authoritarian philosophy in how a family should be handled. I was very
strict in the early years and wasn't afraid to discipline Susie when I
felt it necessary...including spankings at times. I also insisted that
she dress and act very girly and would even go so far as to purchase a
lot of her clothing that fit my idea of what a girl should wear. Betty
never really agreed with a lot of what I did but just sort of let it go
since she didn't want to confront me, knowing how unpleasant that could
be. Susie, on the other hand, has been a handful since she was about age 10.

She developed early in life and matured quickly, size-wise and emotionally, and by the time she was 14 looked and wanted to dress more like an 18 year old. She knows what she has and uses it every chance she gets. This has led to many confrontations between Susie and me the last few years although I have maintained my my strict control over her....until recently, that is. When she turned 16 things changed dramatically with our family dynamics. I still don't like the way she has now been allowed to dress, and don't think her choice of clothing, friends and activities are healthy for a girl her age. And now whatever authority I may have had with her she has managed to undermine and she is sometimes even disrespectful to me....like she's trying to get even for all the years I was totally in charge. Plus, Betty seems to be enjoying the fact that I am no longer calling the shots.....including in our bedroom, where I always was the dominant in our lovemaking. Abrupt changes to my health are what was responsible for upsetting our household routines.

About a year ago I started having pains in my lower abdomen and noticed
that I was having to frequently make visits to the bathroom....like I
just couldn't go long without having to urinate. It finally got to where
I went to my doctor who did the normal routine of tests. It was
determined that I had an enlarged prostate as well as the early stages of developing a tumor. Luckily it was benign, but I still needed to get it reduced as well as the size of my prostate. Several different medications were tried either with little success or my suffering allergic reactions. A testosterone blocker was one of the drugs which not only gave me adverse reactions but also quickly reduced my libido to almost zero. Hence the intimacy problems between Betty and me.

So my doctor then decided to try a medication that had proven to be
successful in men who couldn't tolerate other medications. Female
hormones had years ago been the primary drugs used to treat my type of
condition, but recent discoveries of alternative medications had mostly
made them obsolete, except in cases such as mine. I was put on a moderate dose of a powerful synthetic female estrogen hormone called Estinyl and it seemed to work quite well. Only problem was that it has to be administered in such low doses that the healing process would take
longer....possibly up to a couple of years or more. And I had to learn to live with side-effects, one of which was a lessening of my aggressive
attitude. In fact, the Estinyl had calmed me to the point where I no
longer was able to maintain my authority status at home, and therefore
the reason I said that Susie was finally able to assert her own true personality. Plus my wife was very lenient with her and even encouraged her to spread her wings and start making her own choices in clothing and everything else. She even allowed her to start dating the 18 year old boy next door, Andrew, which I was totally opposed to.

I also had to learn to live with other side-effects from the medication such as mood-swings, hot flashes and some puffiness and tenderness of my nipples. But the Estinyl did gradually restore my libido, which had
suffered dramatically from the first drugs that were unsuccessfully
administered to me and caused me losing my ability to have an erection as well as loss of libido. But my wife had grown tired and gotten bored with my lack of sexual prowess after awhile and no longer was even
interested in sexual contact with me. However, I was soon to find out
that the proper stimulus, from a very unlikely source, could still bring
me arousal and release.

It all started in late April when I began doing some remodeling around the house. One day I was up on the ladder in Susie's room washing the walls and getting them ready for paint. Susie came home from school and ran into the room screaming about my being in her room without asking and shook the ladder. I lost my balance and fell hitting my head on a sharp corner of her dresser. I could see Susie yelling for her mom but could hear no sound and then the room went black.

I gradually became aware of my soundings. I could hear sounds and murmurs and make out blurry figures but could not focus on the details. I must have drifted in and out for a while. I finally woke up and could hear clearly and see much better and realized I was in the hospital. I tried to move but nothing would respond, I could not move my arms or legs and I realized that I had a tube down my throat to help me breathe. My wife stood over the bed and realized that I was awake. She asked if I knew who she was and could understand her. I blinked my eyes rapidly in response and she said she would get the doctor.

The doctor came in and stood over my bed. I could see Betty take my hand
but could not feel her. I was scared that I would be like this forever.
The doctor smiled down at me as she explained what had happened and that I had been in the hospital for almost a month, mostly unconscious.
Apparently, the blow to the head had caused some internal bleeding in my
brain. They we able to stop it but as there often are, some complications set in. I had contracted a viral infection. The infection was short-lived but the results would take some time to recover. The infection had caused a severe paralysis. I had lost all control of my nerves hence the ventilator and the lack of feeling and movement. She went on to explain that this infection was rare but in most cases recovery was 100% with a great deal of physical therapy. I blinked my eyes in understanding as she asked if I understood what was going on. She went on to explain that later that day they would see if the ventilator could be removed. I continued to blink in understanding.

A week after waking up, I was starting to get some mobility back. I could breath on my own and sit up for longer periods of time and had some movement in my arms and legs. My throat muscles were still very weak and I could not talk or swallow solid food. My wife asked about bringing me home and the doctors felt it would be ok if I had someone around all the time to help care for me. That's when I heard the bad news. Betty had gotten very busy at work and would need to be away from the house quite a bit, but Susie would be glad to care for me since her summer break from school had just started. The doctors felt I would recover quicker at home and agreed.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2017, 09:53:07 AM »

As I was wheeled out of the hospital a week later, I took stock of my
condition. I could still not talk or eat solid foods so I would have to
be on a completely liquid diet. I had been fed by a tube the whole time
in the hospital and I wasn't sure how I would be fed at home. But I did
overhear bits and pieces of a conversation Betty had with the doctor and
she was asking him about some kind of diet she had in mind...and all I
heard was her saying that it was a little unorthodox but that the
nutrition would be excellent for me. The doctors felt that it would be
sometime before I would get total control of the muscles in my throat. I
couldn't even swallow pills, so I was to start getting regular injections of the Estinyl, which Betty was shown how to administer.

I could sit up for longer periods and had some movement in my arms and legs but very little motor control. Worse yet I had no control of my bodily functions, a fact that was evident by the bulky disposable diaper under my scrub pants. The fact that I had been off solid foods for so long helped in limiting the number of messy diapers but did not lessen my embarrassment. I also had lost a tremendous amount of weight and muscle tone and looked like a mere shell of my former self.

I actually was smaller than Susie and looked to be about the size she had been around age 12 or so. This was quite humiliating to a guy who had always been in total control of everything and everyone until recently. First the side-effects from the hormones I was on for my prostate problem, which I had to still take for quite awhile longer...and now this. All I could think of was...what next? And then I remembered about how Susie was going to be taking care of me most of the time. Sort of like a babysitter. I cringed at the thought realizing that she would be totally in charge of me. What a cruel twist of fate...my own daughter, who I used to have total control over, now becoming my virtual babysitter. What might be in store for me?   

We drove home with me in the backseat in a special harness that kept me
sitting upright like a small child who had to be strapped in. Betty
explained that she was able to have some modifications made to the house
in order to be ready to care for me at home. Susie was home when we got
there and with a lot of help I was able to get myself into a wheel chair and Susie pushed me inside. I was wheeled into the front room and a few of Susie's girlfriends were there. Judy who lived next door and was
Susie's boyfriend Andrew's sister. Bonnie, who lived across the street,
and Lisa, who lived just down the street. Susie smiled as she came up to me and gave me a big hug, apologizing for knocking me off the ladder and promising to take good care of me while I recovered. She had a huge devilish grin on her face as she said that. She must have seen the bulk under my scrubs, squealing, "He's wearing diapers, does that mean I have to change him?", she asked my wife while her girlfriends giggled at the thought.

Betty explained that I had very little muscle control and that I was very much like a 6 month old baby. I would need to be changed, fed, bathed and cared for until I could learn to do it myself. She explained that it might take me a year to recover. I sat there mortified. I tried to communicate my displeasure but all that would come out was a garble of grunts and noise, and one of her friends said, "oh my gosh he even sounds like a baby." I turned beet red and stopped making any sounds, not wanting to reinforce my helplessness. Betty asked Susie to push me back into my room and she would show her how to help me in and out of bed and to change my diaper. Susie asked if her friends could help her and Betty thought it would be ok, thinking the more help Susie had the better care I would get.

Susie pushed me back past the master bedroom to the room at the end of
the hall. My wife explained that she had fixed up this room in order to
make it easy for Susie to care for me. The spare room had been Susie's up until a couple of years ago when she moved into another of the 4 bedrooms we have. Her new room is decorated much differently than this one....not nearly as girly. This room is decorated in a Barbie theme. The walls are light pink, a Barbie bedspread and matching curtains as well as decals of Hello Kitty and Barbie's on the wall. Brock had to start sleeping in this room after Susie moved and redecorated the room that he had used when he stayed with us. I can't imagine how he must have felt having to sleep in Susie's old room, decorated as frilly as it was and even having most of her old clothes still in the dresser and closet. But he never complained. And now he will have to start sleeping in the guest room when he comes to visit since this was to be my room for the forseeable future.

The bed had been replaced with a modified hospital bed, a little lower to the floor to make it easy to get in and out of but still had the side
rails that came up to prevent anyone from falling out. Way too much
similarity to a baby's crib. There was a low padded table along the wall and underneath it the shelves were stacked high with what looked like cloth diapers. Susie wheeled me over to the table, looked at me and winked...and announced "time for a didee change". Her friends just giggled.

Betty showed her how to lift and roll me onto the table on my back.
Straightening out my legs, she slipped the scrubs off, exposing my soggy
diaper, much to the amusement of the audience in the room. "Man he's
really wet," Bonnie commented and my wife explained my only food source
was liquid and cautioned about letting me get dehydrated. She reminded
Susie that she would have to make sure that I drank plenty of liquids and the only way she could figure to do that was by feeding me with a baby bottle. Susie flashed a devilish grin at me when that was said.

"Oh, that reminds me," said Betty. "Bonnie, would you please go
call your sister and see if she can bring over some supplies that we're
gonna need right away." Bonnie's sister, Tammy, was 18 and had dropped
out of school after she became pregnant while a junior at age 17, but
she decided to keep the baby and her family was very understanding and
supportive of her. She continued to live at home and was even being home-schooled so she could be with her baby and still get an education. The father of the child, Tammy's boyfriend at the time, was a very immature 18 year old who just dropped out of sight when he found out about the pregnancy leaving her alone to handle everything. So Tammy now had a 2 month old baby girl named Hannah. All the girls wondered what supplies Tammy might have for me. And, so did I!

Bonnie returned and said Tammy would be over soon and Betty went on to
explain that she had ordered all of the supplies to take care of me
through a store that dealt with adult babies. Susie asked what she meant
about adult babies. Betty explained that some grownups like to act or be
treated like babies and there were stores that provided all of the things a baby would need but in an adult size. She reached down and picked up a cloth diaper, holding it to show the girls. I could see the diaper was indeed adult size but not plain white, rather a pastel pink. She chose a few more and each was a different color and some had childish patterns with nursery rhyme characters. Betty also pulled out a number of plastic pants, "see they even have baby pants that fit over them."

The girls started laughing as she held up a couple of frilly baby pants
large enough to fit over my diapered bottom. Susie asked why she had bought frilly girly stuff. A good question, I thought. Betty explained that she had placed a bulk order and had let them know she needed complete baby care items to care for an adult 24 hours a day. She explained that she was not sure what all she needed and had asked the company to provide everything they thought she might need. The store said they had a special sale price of a huge package of supplies/clothes for a customer who had never picked them up and Betty had told them that would be great and bought it without knowing it had all been ordered for an adult baby girl. She said there were many boxes of clothes that she did not think we would need as most were big baby girl clothes and she had left them in the garage.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2017, 03:17:23 PM »

Betty showed the girls where the bottles were that would be
used to feed me until I could do so myself. Next to them were two large
pacifiers and Susie picked them up and put one in my mouth. I did have
enough control to spit it out and Betty snapped at Susie not to tease me, but I also saw her smile and wink at Susie and Susie winked back. Betty then leaned over me and whispered in my ear to where the girls couldn't hear...."maybe you shouldn't have been so hard on Susie all these years, snookums!" Then she gave me a look that I knew she was enjoying every minute of my torment. I laid there with my disposable diaper for all to see and could do nothing about it.

Betty told them she would show them how to change me. She said that the
disposables were not good for my skin and that the girls would be using
cloth diapers on me. Bonnie piped up with "that's what Tammy uses on
Hannah." Betty smiled and explained that she would show them how to
change me and if each of them wanted to practice, they could. She untaped the disposable exposing my manhood to the open air causing it to shrink to about half it's size. The girls started to snicker as my manhood twitched and shrunk in size. Betty arranged two poles, one on each side of my waist attached to the table and showed the
girls how to gently pull my legs back and place them in the stirrups at
the top of the pole. She explained that this would raise my hips and
spread my legs so that I could be cleaned and a new diaper placed
underneath me. Lisa piped up and said "this is like when I had to go for
my first pelvic exam last month....having to put my legs and feet in
stirrups". Everyone laughed when she said that.

Betty removed the disposable diaper after my bottom was raised and
exposed and quickly disposed of it. She then reached out for a tube that
contained pre-wetted baby wipes and pulled one out from the opening in
the top. "You have to make sure you thoroughly clean up all the mess so
that he will be ready for a clean diaper." With that she started rubbing
the baby wipe all over my bottom crack. Then she got a fresh one and
started running it over my crotch...around my scrotum and the delicate
testicles inside. More giggling as the girls got a close-up view of my
privates which had shrunken even more. Susie suddenly exclaimed, "how the heck was he ever able to father a son with those pathetic little things?" More laughter.

I was so embarrassed but could do nothing but take it. Betty explained to the girls that I was also on a medication that had
caused my privates to get much smaller than they used to be. Judy asked
what she meant and Betty asked her if she had ever heard of when a man
has prostate problems and she said she did cause her granddad had that
years ago. Betty told them that the medicine to help that problem can
cause side-effects in a small amount of men that make the genitals
shrivel up a little. She emphasized the words 'small' and 'shrivel' and
'little' and the girls picked up on that and giggled even louder. Betty
then looked at me and mouthed the words "serves you right". Susie then
piped up, "looks like he's one of those SMALL amount of men!" All I
wanted to do was crawl away and hide...but I had no choice but lay there, legs secured up high in stirrips and my privates exposed for all to see.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2017, 03:02:54 PM »

Betty then wiped around my pen-is and explained that we had to make sure
every LITTLE thing was clean!! More giggles. Once I was clean she asked
if anyone wanted to put baby lotion on me and Bonnie said she
would...that she was used to doing it with Hannah. I cringed as this
cute, sweet girl came towards me and picked up the bottle
of Johnson's baby lotion. She smiled at me and poured a generous amount
in her hands and moved closer to me.

First she rubbed it on my bottom and up my crack moving closer to my genitals. When she reached my scrotum she said that Hannah didn't have anything like this. Betty told her to be careful as she rolled my testicles around in her hands. She did squeeze too hard a couple of times and I raised my bottom up as she did. Judy said she thought I was really liking it since I was thrusting up for more. With that Bonnie started rubbing the lotion all over my genitals. Her motions were even beginning to stimulate me...the first I had actually felt in months. It was then that I realized my libido was returning. I still couldn't get erect, because if I had been able, I'm sure this handling would have done it.

I started rotating my bottom around and Susie said, "I think he's really enjoying this, Bonnie. Looks like you have another baby GIRL who likes baby lotion." With that I almost lost it, but of course Bonnie had no idea what she was causing in me and just stopped when she thought I was
lotioned enough. But I did leak a little clear fluid that Susie noticed,
but she didn't say anything. She just smiled at me and winked as if trying to tell me something.

Betty then asked if anyone wanted to powder me and Lisa said she would.
She took the bottle of baby powder and opened it and started sprinkling it all over me. Betty told her to get it all over...so Lisa sprinkled it all around my scrotum and even lifted my pen-is so she could get it in every nook and corner. I was almost starting to enjoy this even though my mind was rebelling. I hadn't realized until that moment when this diapering started that my pen-is would actually respond to touch again. It had been so long and felt so good. I had never dreamed that my limp pen-is could be so responsive.

Betty then said it was time for the diaper to be placed on me
and Susie quickly said she would do it....since it would primarily be her doing it from now on. I winced as she brought one of the cloth diapers out to where I could clearly see that it was a light pink color and had Hello Kitty printed all over it. As she drew it up through my legs and got ready to pin it, she quickly put her hand down the front and grabbed my still excited pen-is ....staring into my eyes...and I felt a jolt as I leaked another small dab of fluid into her hand. I also realized that my baby sized pen-is was becoming slightly erect...oh my gosh! She then stopped and I'm sure it was because she sensed what was about to happen to me. I then wondered just how much she knew about male anatomy and sexuality. It appeared she knew much more than I would have ever thought she could have and I wondered if it was due to her now dating Andrew. She leaned down and whispered in my ear.."daddy, you and I are gonna have so much fun with me being your babysitter...it will be so cool to have a BABY GIRL to take care of and I'm gonna take good care of you."


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2017, 02:17:01 PM »

Susie then pinned the diaper snuggly and stood up and went "ta da!!"
Everyone applauded and I just laid there wishing a big hole would swallow me up! Betty then released my legs from the stirrips and told the girls how well they had done and that she knew she could trust them to take good care of me when she couldn't. Susie looked at her mom and smiled and said "oh, don't worry mom........we'll take very good care of HER!" I knew I was in trouble!!

Betty then told the girls they probably should also clean me up the rest
of the way since I hadn't had a good bathing in quite awhile. Judy said
she'd take off the scrubs top and moved to start unbuttoning it. Lisa had helped me to lift up so she could get it off and I sat upright as it was removed. Susie started pointing at my chest and had the funniest look on her face so I, as best I could, looked down and saw that with all the weight I had lost, my skinny chest was displaying two very small, but distinct, breast buds.

I was horrified as I realized that my previously muscled chest had pretty much hidden what I had thought were just two very sensitive areas around my nipples. But with the muscles gone, there was no question that the Estinyl had caused my normally manly chest to now be proudly displaying two small, budding orbs that an 11 or 12 year old girl would have been so proud of.

"Oh my god, mom...what is that? What's wrong with daddy's chest?", Susie shouted out. The other girls had gathered around me and were staring at my engorged nipples. Susie reached out and touched one of them and then squeezed it. I winced in a combination of pain and pleasure. Her touch felt both bad..and good all at the same time. It seemed everything my daughter was doing to me was turning me on.

Betty sort of gasped also because she had no idea this had happened, even though she knew it was one of the possible side-effects of the Estinyl. Then she smiled and again gave me one of those 'serves you right' looks. "Well, you remember what I told you about the medicine he's taking that caused his 'privates' to shrink...well this is another possible side-effect that happens to just a SMALL number of men."

"You mean he's growing boobs?", Susie asked. "Just what kind of medicine
is that stuff anyway, mom?" "Well, it's estrogen...like the hormone you girls have in your bodies. But it's a very small amount that works to help heal his prostate. And sometimes this happens." Susie wouldn't let up, "you mean he has hormones in his body that are just like the ones I have and it should make him feel better but it also makes him grow boobs and be more girly? Wow....we really DO have a baby GIRL here, don't we?" Bonnie giggled and said, "well even Hannah doesn't have boobs yet." That caused everyone to start laughing and I knew the humiliation was just going to get worse.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2017, 03:27:34 PM »

Not only am I having to suffer with an injury that was caused by my daughter but it's even going to be worse because of my other medical condition too. And it did get worse because Judy spoke up and said, "this is so cool...his boobs are almost exactly like mine are." And with that she pulled up her tank top and revealed a small training bra that had two enlarged bumps in the cups. "Glad I'm not the only GIRL here with small boobs". Lisa told Judy that she could share her training bras with me. More giggling!

This was getting worse by the minute! Betty had a concerned look on her face but also was just sort of going along with it all. "Now girls, please don't tease him TOO much. None of this is his fault and we have to take good care of him. So try not to embarrass him TOO much." She then looked squarely at my chest and just started shaking her head.

Susie's friends had to leave and I was relieved that I wouldn't
have to be humiliated anymore in front of them...at least for this day.
They each told me good-bye and said how sorry they were that I had to
face being in this condition, but that they would be happy to help in any way they could. I heard a lot of giggling and talking as they were
leaving and I'm sure they all had a lot to think about from what they had seem the last hour or so.

Betty then told Susie that she needed to show her how to administer my
injections since she would probably have to be doing most of them. She
got a syringe and a small bottle of sterile water and told Susie to roll me over on my stomach. All I could think of was that my 16 year old daughter was going to be giving me shots of estrogen with the full knowledge of what it was doing to my body. She was grinning as she rolled me over indicating that she was enjoying this way too much.

"Now you have to be very careful, so pay close attention. I'm just going to put this sterilized water in it to demonstrate and then you can try with the real stuff." Betty then stuck the needle of the syringe into the bottle of water and showed Susie how to measure it and draw the plunger back to get the liquid into the syringe and check to make sure it was at the right mark.

"He is to get 25 cc's every other day...no more, no less....the dosage
has to be exact. I've marked on a calendar the days he's to be dosed so
you won't forget." Then she came closer and pushed my diaper a little to
the side so my butt cheek was exposed and she pinched a little skin
together and quickly plunged the needle into me and depressed the plunger sending the liquid into my butt. It didn't really hurt but it was, again, more humiliation for me to endure.

"Now I want you to try it but with the real medication this time." She handed Susie a clean syringe and the bottle of Estinyl. Susie must have paid close attention to what her mom did because she quickly and almost effortlessly had the syringe ready for me. She then pulled the other side of my diaper to the side exposing my other butt cheek and plunged the needle into me. I was able to watch her face as she slowly depressed the plunger and she had a very wicked look in her eyes...like she was realizing that not only did she have almost total control over me now anyway, but that she was injecting me with medicine that would keep me calm, compliant and under her control.

My pen-is twitched at that thought and I again couldn't understand why I was reacting to Susie like this. "Looks like you'll have no problem doing that," Betty said, "Just make sure you follow the schedule and dosage. And remember that giving him too much could make the side-effects much worse so be very, very careful." Susie grinned at her and said, "Don't worry mom, I'll do it right. In fact, I think I'll go on the internet and read up on all this prostate and hormone stuff so I'll know a lot more about it. I want to make sure he gets what he needs." She then flashed a devilish grin at me that her mom couldn't see and clearly mouthed the words, "I'll decide how much you need!", as she pointed at my budding boobs. I shuddered at the thought of her possibly injecting me with incorrect dosages of the Estinyl.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2017, 03:32:27 PM »

The doorbell rang and Betty said that must be Tammy and told Susie to get me dressed in something. After she left to get the door, Susie started talking to me. "Daddy, we need to get you in something nice for when Tammy comes in to see you. Oh my gosh, you are so hairy...we'll have to do something about that soon cause baby girls shouldn't have hair all over them now should they?"

She flung open the closet doors and I could see that a lot of her old clothes were still in there just as they had been for years. There were stacks of her underwear, hangers full of her cute dresses and shoes of all kinds.  "I'm so happy you lost so much weight and are the size you are now, daddy, cause a lot of my old stuff will fit you just fine....won't we have fun playing dress-up?"

"Do you know that Judy and I...and sometimes just me would play dress-up with Andrew in here a few years ago? It's one of the reasons I'm dating him...cause he's sweet and sensitive...not at all like you used to be. But I'm gonna make sure you stay being a sweetie, daddy! And maybe Andrew will even help me." I couldn't imagine where she was going with all this but had visions of Andrew seeing me like this and I cringed.

"Oh don't worry daddy, Andrew will think it's all OK...he understands that some guys need to be able to express their, er...feminine side once in awhile. He never has gotten over playing dress-up cause Judy and I made it so much fun for him...and made him feel SO good too!"

She started pulling things out, showing me frilly panties
and slips and socks and tights...most of it being stuff I had bought her
while I was trying to make her into more of a femmy girl. "Did you have
any idea when you bought this stuff that you were buying it for Andrew
also? He's worn almost all of this stuff at one time or another. Oh, and
it now looks like you were buying it even for yourself. You must be SO happy to finally get some good use out of these things."

"Ya know what daddy? I think you liked this stuff a lot more than I ever did, didn't you? Was it because you were hoping that some day you were going to get to be a little girl and have me dress you in all this sissy stuff? That's what I always called it...SISSY stuff, because I figured only a sissy would want to wear it. We're going to have a fun summer, daddy. We'll be alone a lot so we can just do whatever I want us to do. And I have some very interesting plans too!"


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Website, forum design, software, & security on this site is copyrighted. It was made personally by Betty Pearl, of Betty Pearl's Pubs, Sissy Stories, buffalobetties, pearlcorona. Betty's Pub is a non-profit organization & support group for the transgendered, & Fetware community. We don't sell anything, & we don't data mine your personal information & habits to sell like MOST other sites do. We respect your privacy & won't sell it out for a few bucks.

Site for: Sissy Stories, ABDL Stories, Sissy Art, Crossdressing, Transgender