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Author Topic: Revenge of The Babysitter  (Read 31299 times)

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  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2017, 01:22:30 PM »

"Guess I'd better get you in something because mom's going to bring Tammy in here soon." Susie pulled out a pink garment of some kind and brought it over so I could see it. "I wore this a lot daddy...it was one of the things you got me that was OK because I do love sleeping in stuff that feels silky next to my skin. Of course I've not worn this for a few years, but now it's yours! Perfect for a sissy boy...or sissy daddy."

It was a shorty nightgown that had two layers of nylon...an inner one that was a shiny, sleek pink color and an outer layer that was a sheer light pink, drizzling with lace at the top and around the bottom hem. It was sleeveless with two thin straps and a big satiny pink bow just below the neckline. Even I had to admit that this was, indeed, a sissy garment, and she helped me sit up to where she could slip it over my head. As the cool, sleek nylon touched my skin I got goosebumps and as it slid down my body and made contact with my sensitive turgid nipples I let out an audible gasp.

"Doesn't that feel heavenly on your lil' boobies, daddy? I can tell it does. Just wait til we get all that ugly hair off your chest...and everywhere else. Things like this are gonna feel SO good on your hairless body. I'm gonna get you addicted to silks and satins just as easily as I did Andrew."

"Of course he doesn't wear THIS kind of stuff much anymore. But
you are so much more femmy than he is with all those girly hormones you
have flowing through your veins. Mmmm....you're gonna be one sweet
little sissy baby girl! And I'm going to be your mommy! Aren't you lucky
to be staying in my old room...it's perfect for my sweet baby girl.....my sweet....wow, we need a name for you precious....hmmmm, how about CupCake!"


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2017, 12:55:47 PM »

I was really getting scared hearing how she had thought all this out
already, like she had been planning it for some time. "Brock is gonna
hate having to give up this room when he comes to visit...he loves
sleeping in here. But I'll explain more about that another time. Brock
has a very sensitive side to him even though you've tried hard to make
him tough like you...or like you USED to be, CupCake! I'm not the only
one in the family who has hated the way you've treated us. Let's just say that you and me aren't the only ones who have worn this sweet frilly
nightie. Andrew looked so very cute in it...as has someone else!"

She then winked at me, lightly carressed my tender nipples with one hand
while rubbing the front of my diaper with the other and whispered in my
ear, "What do you suppose Andrew would think of seeing you like this, huh? What if he were standing right here, right now? Can you
picture that? Maybe I'd let him take my place and have him start rubbing
you like this. He might just do it...well, I KNOW he'd do it if I told him to."

I tried not to imagine what she was suggesting to me, but as I again approached orgasm I started pushing myself harder against her hand but she quickly moved away saying, "Seems you like that idea sweetie the way you are reacting. So do I...and who knows...Andrew might too...hmmm...maybe someday."

Her teasing me this way was driving me crazy but I was totally at her mercy and under her control. There was no way I'd ever want such a thing to happen. I was sure my reaction was only because of her manipulating both my mind...and my urgent need for orgasm. "Andrew has helped me before with...well for now let's just say Andrew seems to enjoy SPECIAL boys as well as girls...especially cutie-pies like you." 


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2017, 01:17:43 PM »

Betty went to the door and it was Tammy, Bonnie's sister. I was hoping
she wouldn't come in and see me wearing only a diaper and frilly nightie. But Betty brought her into the room and Tammy was carrying a big bag that had 'baby - love me forever' printed on it. I couldn't imagine why she brought it and I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

Tammy is the youngest looking 18 year old I have ever seen and looks to be closer to 16, but is also what you'd call 'hot'...probably what got her in trouble in the first place. She was a skinny little thing before her pregnancy with a very cute, trim figure but not overly developed. Hannah is now 2 months old and Tammy amazingly had lost most of the weight she had put on during her pregnancy and, again, was a very fine looking young lady. Her breasts were somewhat larger, but other than that she looked just as she had before her pregnancy.

I could tell she was very shocked and surprised when she saw
me laying there...Betty was somewaht surprised to see how Susie had
dressed me too. "I figured Daddy wouldn't want Tammy to see him in just a diaper mom, and I didn't have time to find anything else so I just
quickly put this on him", Susie said. Betty responded, "It's OK
sweetie....but it is kind of frilly for a grown man, don't you think?"

"But Mom, he's the same size as I was several years ago, and besides,
this was so easy to get on him and will be easy to get to his diaper, ya
know?" As Betty was thinking about this Tammy spoke up, "Susie really
does have a point...I know with Hannah and all the changes of diapers she needs I try to make it as easy as possible."

Oh my god...not another young girl who sees this as all a good thing. "You're so right, Tammy...none of this is what a grown man would normally have to go through anyway, so we may as well make it as easy as possible for everyone. Besides, it will only be a few people who actually see him as he regains his health anyway." As Betty said this, she was looking right at me with that strange glint in her eyes.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2017, 12:52:05 PM »

"This is so wonderful that you are willing and able to help us like this, Tammy," Betty said to her. "Pat is going to benefit so much from this and I have no idea how we can ever thank you enough." Susie had a huge grin on her face so I knew she already was aware of what was going on, but I had no idea.

"Well, it's really no big deal for me and I'm just glad I
can help you guys out and just want Pat to get better as soon as he can," Tammy said. I could tell she was amused looking at me wearing a pink diaper that had 'hello-kitty' all over it as well as a very frilly pink

She looked at Susie and Susie piped up and said, "oh, daddy's gonna
have to wear mostly baby girl stuff cause mom got it cheap." I could tell Tammy was a little shocked by this but all she said was, "Oh, I see. I guess it doesn't really matter as long as he has what he needs. And he does look really sweet like that. Hannah has some diapers with hello kitty on them too."

Tammy then opened the bag while saying, "this is really not going to be
any problem since I've always had much more than Hannah needs so now we
won't have to waste any of it. I also talked to my doctor and she said
that I'll produce even more if I start pumping more." I still wasn't sure what was going on but figured she was talking about nursing Hannah and pumping milk from her breasts.

She reached into the bag and pulled out a bottle and then another one. Both bottles had Hannah's name written on them. "Since I do pump and bottle feed my milk to Hannah at times we might as well use her bottles so I won't have to worry about using separate ones for him and her. I'm sure Hannah won't object to sharing her bottles with him."

Tammy sort of giggled and winked at me as she continued to eye me up and down. I could tell she was finding it amusing seeing me this way. Susie was grinning from ear to ear and finally said, "Oh, so I not only get to feed daddy your milk but also from the same bottles as you feed Hannah, huh? Wow daddy, isn't it nice of Hannah to share not only her milk but also her bottles with you?"

"No problem," Tammy said, "since I always sterilize the bottles and nipples each time they are perfectly clean." I then understood what was going on...and how I was to be fed. The 2 bottles Tammy brought out of the bag were both full of milk and one of them already had a fat rubber nipple attached to it. And I realized it was the same rubber nipple that Hannah had nursed on many times. "I thought he would probably need a feeding soon so this one you can use right away and the other you can store in the frige til later. I just pumped a few minutes ago so this is still very fresh."

Betty noticed the shocked expression on my face, "Now honey, I discussed this whole matter with your doctor as well as with Tammy...and her milk will be better for you than any kind of formula...and we do want what's best for you, don't we snookums?" Susie and Tammy both supressed giggles as she called me snookums. It was obvious that Tammy was also going to be enjoying my new temporary lifestyle.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2017, 01:18:38 PM »
Revenge of The Babysitter - Part 12

"Mom, I'm going to feed him now cause it's been quite a day for him and
I'm sure he's hungry," Susie said to Betty. I could tell that my wife was proud of Susie for taking on this responsibility. "Sure you can sweetie. Tammy and I will leave you alone with your new baby!"

Tammy laughed out loud at this but quickly brought herself under control and said, "and if I can ever help you with her...sorry, I mean him, just let me know since I have lots of experience with babies." Susie piped up, "I'm sure there will be a LOT you can do to help Tammy...just as we discussed the other day." They exchanged knowing grins and then Tammy and Betty left the room.
Susie easily picked me up from the table...which just reinforced to me how small and helpless I had become. She carried me over to a big rocking chair that I hadn't noticed when we first came into the room and sat down. Positioning me on her lap, she cradled my head in her arms, and by then I was so tired from my eventful day that I did not try to fight it.

Cooing gently she reached over the top of me and grabbed the baby bottle
Tammy had ready for me and slipped the fat rubber nipple into my mouth. I
saw the name Hannah on the bottle and thought about how this very nipple
had been in her small mouth many, many times. As the warm milk started
flowing I felt a stirring in my diaper as I pictured Tammy pumping her
breasts of her milk just for me.

I had known Tammy since she was a little girl...watched her grow up...even had admired her changing figure, especially her small breasts as they developed. And now those breasts were...wow, oh my...I was getting aroused with these thoughts.

Susie noticed and placed her hand carefully and gently inside my diaper until her fingers made contact with my tiny, but throbbing pen-is. "Well,
CupCake...seems we like nursing on Hannah's bottle, huh? Do you like the
taste of Tammy's milk, snookums?" She was slowly and easily stroking me
since the baby lotion was still freshly coating me. "Told you I was going to make you feel really good...you like feeling my hand on your baby winky like this?"

OMG...her hand did feel incredible, and it was the
first stimulation I'd had in months. She gently continued her stroking as I slowly nursed on the bottle...the milk was delicious, so sweet and flavorful, and I was suc-king as fast as I could. I closed my eyes and drifted off to a soft safe place in my mind.

Susie's hand slipped from my pen-is and I wiggled and groaned trying to get her to put it back. The bottle's nipple came loose for a second and I tried to plead with her but all that came out was, "ne-mo-mama nee mo-mo." "Shhhhh...not now, CupCake...but soon. And how sweet...you calling me mama." That's not what I was trying to say but what could I do.

I felt the weight of her arm and hand between my legs, holding me snugly
on her lap. Even though she had teased me without allowing me release I
felt warm, safe and snug. She started humming softly as I continued to nurse on the bottle and I must have drifted off to sleep, dreaming of
another time, a much earlier time in my life where there was less stress
and life was good.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2017, 02:07:51 PM »
Revenge of The Babysitter - Part 13

The next morning started a routine that was to last for a long
time...diaper changes and baths. Susie hadn't yet changed out of her
silky nightgown. She removed my soggy diaper and placed it in the diaper
pail and then easily lifted and placed me in the tub of warm water in the bathroom.

With the attached hose, she washed my hair and I was surprised that my hair had grown rapidly due to the hormone I was taking and Susie was very gentle with my long hair. Applying cream rinse, she let it soak in
while she scrubbed my body down with soap and a washcloth.

As she washed my tender and sensitive nipples she said, "I remember when my boobs first started to bud how sore they were so I understand what you're going through, but doesn't it feel heavenly too? I love that you're growing breasts, daddy, and I'm going to see to it that they get plenty of attention as they continue to grow...as my CupCake grows from a baby into a sweet little girl."

As she washed my groin I was again surprised
as I could feel my small, but stiff arousal growing in her hands and she
giggled and continued until I was rock hard. Moving down she finished
washing my legs and toes. Afterwards she rinsed out my hair and had me
stand holding on to the bath bar so I would not fall. After washing my
back she went to my bottom, spreading my cheeks and made sure I was clean and she quickly finished before I got too tired.

With ease she helped me into a chair protected by a towel and started
drying me off but she all of a sudden jumped back and quickly placed a
towel between my legs. "Silly girl, you need to tell mommy if you have to go wee-wee. Next time I might have to spank you so be careful." My mind screamed but all that came out of my mouth was, "no-no cu-ca mama." "Oh how cute...you're trying to say your name...it's CupCake sweetheart. Can you say CupCake?" I babbled again, "Cu-ca no-no."

She continued drying me off. Still naked I sat and she brushed out my long hair and before I could shake my head no she quickly separated my hair and placed it into two pigtails, tying them off with bright pink ribbons. "Oh honey, your long shiny soft hair looks so cute this way. I think a little baby girl has been hiding inside of you for a long time...and now she's come out." I wanted to scream but of course I couldn't.

Carrying me back into the bedroom she lifted me onto the changing table. Placing my knees in the stirrups, she rolled me back fully exposing my naked crotch and my small but rock hard pen-is. "Goodness, CupCake, seems you really are enjoying this. So just what should I do? It keeps getting in the way", she said while looking me squarely in the eyes. "Well I think I know the answer to that." And she grabbed the bottle of baby lotion and squirted a glob onto her hand.


  • Mommy's Dearest
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Re: Revenge of The Babysitter
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2017, 12:17:09 PM »
Revenge of The Babysitter - Part 14

So there I was...naked on the changing table with my legs in the air and spread wide in stirrups, and my small but rock-hard pen-is exposed to Susie who was warming her hands after coating them with baby lotion. "OK CupCake, I've been promising you some relief soon...and soon is almost here. But it shouldn't be me doing it for you. It just doesn't seem appropriate that a daughter do things like this with her daddy, ya know? But don't worry...I promised and I always keep my promises."

About that time, the doorbell rang. "I'll go get that. And you'll have to wait just a little longer to get your relief." She quickly left the room, leaving me helplessly exposed. I heard laughter and voices coming down the hall, and as the door opened I was fully exposed, again, to Susie's 3 girlfriends. They rushed around the table laughing and giggling at my predicament.

Susie appeared at the foot of the table holding a can of shaving cream
and a razor. She gently smeared shaving cream on my bottom, even in the
crack and quickly removed all of the hair on my bottom, paying close
attention to the hidden areas. "Mustn't let our little girl get dirty or
messy down there."

The rest of the girls laughed. I looked up into three sets of eyes pleading with them as one asked, "what do you mean...little girl?" Susie replied, "I decided I did not want to baby-sit a nasty little boy", as she
smiled wickedly at her friends. "We are going to change him into a sweet
prissy little girl named CupCake." Giggling, her friends were all excited about that prospect.

Susie slipped a thick diaper under my hairless bottom and released my legs, smearing shaving cream on my groin. "Can one of you help hold his winky out of the way," she asked as she carefully ran the razor up from the underside. Judy's hand darted out, captured the head of my pen-is, and gently tugged it out of her way. I glanced up into a set of dark brown doe eyes, mouth slightly open and just the glimpse of the tip of her tongue pressing on her bright red lips.

The other two girls were engrossed in Susie's project. I blushed and quickly looked away as I felt my manhood, actually my babyhood, growing in her soft hand. Susie said, "that helps," and with a giggle, "its much easer if his little winky is stiff." The other girls laughed as the hand that held me started massaging me. "Wow, not so little winky now...well still little, but much harder anyway," commented Bonnie.

Susie finished her chore and quickly deflated my manhood with a cold baby wipe. "Aren't you going to lotion and powder him?" Bonnie asked as Susie pulled the thick diaper up between my legs. "Oops," and she let the diaper fall, "why don't one of you do that?" They all looked toward the girl with the brown eyes. "Judy's touched it already so let her do it," Lisa said laughing nervously.

Judy swapped places with Susie and picked up the creamy baby lotion. She poured some in her hands, rubbed them together, and warmed up the lotion. Gently pushing my legs back with one hand, she slowly smeared lotion over my bottom rubbing softly until my skin absorbed the lotion.

Picking up the baby powder, she sprinkled powder over the area. Laying me gently down on the diaper she picked up the lotion again and poured a generous amount into her hands. My eyes locked with her deep brown ones as my mind stirred with fear but, at the same time, my pen-is was stirring with anticipation. I saw her lick her lips as if she had a plan of action.

She slowly massaged the lotion into my skin, making sure every area was well coated. As she rubbed my family jewels, I started drooling pre-c-um profusely. Lisa piped up, "wow, Judy, looks like you really don't need the lotion...he seems to be making plenty of his own." More nervous giggling and a lot of curiosity. I was wondering just how much these young girls knew about such matters.

Judy then started rubbing up and down my stiff pen-is, her gaze still locked on mine. It was apparent that at least Judy knew what was about to happen. It had been months since I had orgasmed and the pressure was building to an extent I'd never felt before. Judy could sense that I was about to erupt and she started rubbing hard and fast on that most sensitive spot just under the head of my pen-is...no question she had done this before.

With that thought I suddenly lost it, spurting my thick, hot seed in
several huge jets over my stomach, up to my chest and splashing my face. The sudden release and the gasps from the watching girls broke my concentration as my surroundings came back into focus.

Lisa and Bonnie were lost in their own thoughts, their eyes locked on to my still spurting pen-is. And Susie, still in her nightie with one hand down her panties, appeared to be rubbing her crotch. OMG...this scene had turned on my daughter.

Her eyes widened as she looked at me and a low moan escaped her open mouth as a shudder rippled through her young body, and her eyes glazed over as her orgasm hit her just a few seconds after mine.


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