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Author Topic: Ashley's Babysitter  (Read 67200 times)

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  • Princess
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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2018, 11:47:08 PM »
"Good morning, honey!" came the chipper voice of Ashley's mother.

Ashley blinked and tried to burrow beneath her soft pink blanket, but her mother wasn't having it. Helena brought down the side of Ashley's white crib and gently pulled the blanket off from over her. From the moment her mother had seen Ashley curled up in Lizzie's pink crib, she had immediately decided to get Ashley's own crib out of the basement. Ashley had been put to sleep in her old crib that very night, and had slept in it every night for the past six months, as well as her three hour-long naps per day.

At first, Ashley had complained, or tried to. While she didn't mind the crib, as it made her feel very secure, she loved her white canopy bed. But her mother paid her wordless protests no mind. Which was easy to do, considering that Helena kept Ashley's pink pacifier in her mouth almost all the time now. Only during feedings was the pacifier popped out of Ashley's mouth and Helena popped it right back in afterward. Even then, it was only during dinner between spoonfuls of baby food made from peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, or her favorite, bananas, that she was able to talk. Otherwise, the bottles of warm milk mixed with formula were just as effective as her pacifier at keeping Ashley's mouth occupied.

"Aren't you excited, honey? You have guests today!" Helena said, smiling down at Ashley.

Ashley realized that her mother was right. She didn't have a calendar in her room, but if Ashley had guests, it must be her birthday. Her 15th birthday, to be exact. Though judging from the fact that the toddler dresses Aunt Sara had bought for her still fit her well, she hadn't grown a centimeter since. That included her pee-pee, of course. Though Ashley checked herself often, she was still entirely hairless below her eyebrows.

Above her eyebrows was a different story, however. In the past six months, Ashley's honey-blonde hair had grown out considerably, and was now down to her shoulders, to the delight of Aunt Sara. Her aunt loved to give Ashley a bath in order to towel it off, brush it, and put it into a cute style. Sara never bothered consulting Ashley about what style she may have wanted, though. Ashley simply found her blonde hair in pigtails or a french braid.

It cemented the view of her as a girl to strangers. Before, when Ashley tried to dress like a boy, strangers just assumed she was a tomboy. Something about Ashley's big eyes, slight build, smooth skin, and nervous sweetness made people think she was a girl no matter what. And now, thanks to her toddler dresses and long hair, there was no mistaking it.

Her mother and Aunt Sara had been relentless in using female pronouns for Ashley. About a month into solely being referred to as "she" or "her", Ashley started to accept it. By now, her memories of hopelessly trying to dress and act like a boy seemed weird to her. Her mother said she was a girl, and as far as Ashley was concerned, her mother was always right. So that was that.


  • Princess
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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2018, 12:59:33 AM »
Helena lifted up the front of Ashley's lilac-colored nightie to check her pink Pampers. She had wet herself during the night, several times in fact. But the snug plastic panties Ashley wore every night had done their job: Not a drop had leaked, leaving Ashley's nightie and her crib dry.

After six months of being diapered 24/7, Ashley no longer had the slightest control over her bladder. She tended to wet herself most frequently when she was deeply relaxed, such as when she was securely in her crib, or being fed with a bottle. Something about being in her mother's lap, suc-king contently on a bottle of warm milk that she was holding, caused her bladder to release. Of course, Ashley could wet herself at any time, which meant that Ashley was always kept in her Princess Pampers.

"Let's get you changed, honey." Helena said, lifting Ashley out of the crib.

Ashley obediently clung to her mother as Helena moved her from her crib to her changing table. Helena was extremely practiced at this by now, and shimmied Ashley's snug plastic panties down her legs in a trice. She tossed them into the wash hamper and untaped Ashley's diaper.

As Helena wiped her with baby wipes, Ashley was dimly aware that she had once found this embarrassing. But having her diaper changed by her mother was the most familiar thing in the world to her now. Ashley simply suc-ked on her pacifier and waited for her mother to finish. Her pee-pee got stiffer, of course. Though it wouldn't get any bigger, it did stiffen slightly when her diaper was off.

Emily had rubbed her pee-pee months ago, but that was the last time it had happened. Ashley had no chance at all to do it herself. The only time she wasn't securely diapered was when she was being changed, or in the bath. At both times, Ashley was under the close supervision of her mother, so she couldn't do it then either. And asking was out of the question, especially since Ashley was kept quiet by her pacifier.

The first few weeks were stressful. Her mother obviously didn't understand, and put down Ashley's fussiness to her deciding to be difficult. Eventually, Ashley was able to put it out of her mind. The desire to make her pee-pee spasm never left her, in fact, it subtly increased over time. But aside from certain instances like seeing her mother dressing up for a date, (Helena reviewed lingerie for a women's magazine, and had an entire closet full of bras, panties, garter belts, and stockings. She also took for granted the idea that Ashley didn't care if her mother showed up to check on her while she was wearing nothing more than a push-up bra and a pair of matching panties that she was writing about.) or talking with Aunt Sara about a man she had met, Ashley was able to ignore the feeling.

Before, Helena would make certain Ashley was out of earshot before she got into the juicy details, but now, her mother seemed to think any such conversation went over Ashley's head. Which wasn't to say that Ashley understood everything Helena said about sex, as she was quite sheltered. But Ashley understood enough to make her pee-pee stiffen considerably, with no hope at all of doing anything about it.


  • Princess
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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2018, 10:51:00 PM »
"All done!" Helena said, taping up Ashley's new diaper.

Helena lifted Ashley into a sitting position. Ashley was quite used to this by now, so she lifted her arms automatically to make it easier for her mother to pull her nightie over her head. Clad only in her Princess Pampers, Ashley watched her mother pull open the closet and select a toddler dress for her. Helena pulled out two dresses: one was a lime green dress without much lace that was designed for movement, and the other was a sunshine yellow dress with plenty of ribbons. Ashley shyly pointed at the yellow one. Thanks to her pacifier, pointing was Ashley's main method of communication now.

"Yellow looks so pretty on you, honey. Good choice!" Helena said cheerfully as she put the other dress away.

Her mother slipped the toddler dress over Ashley's head. Helena smoothed it out, planted a kiss to the top of Ashley's head, then gathered up Ashley's hair. Unlike Aunt Sara, who loved to spend time putting Ashley's hair into complicated french braids, Helena had plenty of other things to handle with her daughter. She simply placed Ashley's honey blonde hair into two cute pigtails. Helena then picked Ashley up, with one arm under her diaper-clad butt. Ashley reflexively clung to her mother, realizing that it had been awhile since she had actually walked anywhere.

Recently, any time that Ashley needed to go somewhere else in the house, her mother had lifted her and carried her there. Just now Ashley had gone from her crib, to the changing table, and was now heading downstairs, all without even standing up, much less walking.

"You're going to look so adorable for your friend! I called Emily and asked if she could come for your special day. She said she'd try to make it, but that her mother would be bringing Lizzie for sure." Helena said to Ashley as she carried her downstairs to the kitchen.

Helena, always organized, opened the fridge and retrieved one of the bottles of milk she kept there. She popped it into the specially-designed bottle warmer Aunt Sara had purchased. In less than 30 seconds, it brought the bottle of milk to the perfect temperature for Ashley.

Her mother then sat down on a chair at the kitchen table. Ashley's highchair was close by, but that was only used for dinnertime. Helena settled Ashley down on her lap and popped her pacifier out, then set it on the table. Her mother then inserted the rubber nipple of the bottle into Ashley's mouth, who began suc-king at once. Warm milk filled Ashley's mouth, causing her to swallow, which caused her to suc-k more, and the process repeated without any conscious effort on Ashley's part. After six months of this reliable routine, drinking from a bottle was as natural as breathing to her now. Helena, for her part, had one free hand now. She took advantage of this by pulling out her phone and dialing someone while Ashley contently drank from her bottle.


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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2018, 11:49:01 PM »
"Hello, Mrs. Carmichael? I'm calling to ask when you want to bring Lizzie over today." Helena said over the phone.

"I'm thinking a little before noon. And please, Helena, call me Julia." came the voice from the phone.

Their conversation progressed to more adult topics, and not the kind that Ashley had any interest in. She stopped paying attention to the phone call and simply focused on enjoying her milk. As Ashley kept drinking, her mother tilted the bottle higher and higher until it was nearly empty. Only when the bottle was drained was Ashley aware that the front of her diaper felt a little warm. Ashley had wet herself while she was drinking, but just a little. Certainly not enough to warrant a diaper change this quickly. Helena took the rubber nipple out of Ashley's mouth and wasted no time in popping Ashley's pacifier back in its place.

"Alright, honey. Time to play!" Helena said in the singsong voice she used to keep Ashley content.

Helena carried Ashley over to the living room, in the middle of which stood a playpen. She carefully lowered Ashley into it before planting another kiss on the top of Ashley's head.

"Have fun, honey. I'll check on you in a little while." Helena said, wiping her hands free of nonexistent dust before she turned to leave the room.

Ashley watched her mother go, trying to calm the feeling of nervousness that came over her whenever her mother was not right there to handle any possible problem. Helena turned to give Ashley a small wave, which Helena did whenever she had to leave her daughter in a room for any length of time. Ashley waved back, and only then did Helena leave the living room.

Ashley knew that even if her mother wasn't here, she could still see Ashley. A camera was placed on the ceiling light over her playpen, and Ashley knew that the video from the camera could be accessed with the press of a button on her mother's phone. The same was true for the night-vision camera above her crib, which meant that Ashley was never truly out of her mother's sight. Still, just the feeling of being alone made Ashley nervous.

Standing up for even this long was surprisingly tiring, so Ashley quickly sat down in her playpen. After months of usually being carried while inside or riding in a stroller while outside, Ashley wondered how far she could walk if she wanted to right now. It was mostly a moot point, considering her playpen was the only place where she had room to walk. And especially since everything in here was easily accessible from a seated position. Without really realizing it, Ashley found that using her hands and knees was an easier way of getting around the playpen than trying to stand and walk.

Ashley quickly found her dolls, Ashlyn, Emerson, and Willa. Lately, whenever she played with them, Ashley couldn't help but imagine they were her older sisters. The way they were dressed seemed more mature than Ashley felt, considering that none of them wore Pampers like her. Ashley liked to pretend that Ashlyn loved to brush her hair, while Emerson, the most Emily-like of the bunch, liked to tease Ashley. Sometimes she went too far, which caused Willa, who had the same color hair that Ashley and her mother had, to want to protect Ashley.

Ashley was dimly aware of her mother checking up on her every 30 minutes or so, but was too engrossed in her play world to pay Helena much mind. It was only when Ashley heard the doorbell ring that she realized that hours had gone by. She looked down to see that the flowers on the front of her pink Pampers were in full bloom. Ashley had wet herself once or twice more, and definitely needed to be changed.


  • Princess
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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2018, 02:15:52 PM »
"Hello, Julia! This must be Lizzie. She's so cute." came her mother's voice from the door.

"Hi! And thank you. Say hi too, Lizzie." Julia said, in the same friendly tone as her mother.

"Hi." came the quiet but happy voice of a little girl, who could only be Lizzie.

Ashley crawled to the edge of her playpen and stood up, with a little difficulty, so she could see over the sides. Helena came into the living room, followed by another woman who was carrying a little girl. They walked right up to the other edge of the playpen and looked down at Ashley.

Ashley's eyes grew wide as she saw how beautiful the other woman was. She was like Emily, only instead of looking as if she was fast approaching womanhood, it was clear that she was already there. The woman had Emily's dark, shiny hair, brilliant green eyes, and was as tall as a model. It was obvious where Emily had gotten her very impressive cup size, as this woman had fantastic breasts. She was wearing a dark purple blouse that showed the outline of an oddly shaped bra beneath it. It took Ashley a second to realize that it must be a nursing bra.

"Here's my beautiful little treasure. She's the birthday girl today. Wave to Julia and Lizzie, honey. " Helena said, directing the last part at Ashley.

Ashley obediently waved to the woman, who was regarding her with a smile that included just a hint of amusement. Clearly, Emily had already filled Julia in with the details, or some of them. But seeing Ashley in her yellow toddler dress, which did not fully cover her Princess Pampers, must have been quite a sight. She had the same teasing but ultimately friendly look that she could remember Emily having as she gazed down at Ashley in her playpen.

"Oh, she's wet herself again. I'm going to have to change her real quick." Helena said apologetically, though the apology seemed to be directed at Julia and not at Ashley, about whom she had shared this embarrassing fact aloud.

"That's fine, really! Lizzie wet her pull-ups on the ride here, and I was actually going to ask you if you had a changing table." Julia said, hiking up her daughter on her arm.

"We sure do! Follow me." Helena said cheerfully, bending down to pick up Ashley.

Ashley, well used to this by now, lifted her arms up to make it easier for her mother to pick her up. Helena settled Ashley on her arm before heading out of the room, with Julia following her. As they both headed upstairs to Ashley's room, she looked over her mother's shoulder at Lizzie.

Lizzie had the same dark hair as Emily and her mother, Julia. Her eyes were more of a green-blue color, and she was looking at Ashley with quite a bit of curiosity. She was wearing a dress as well, and though it was definitely made for toddlers, it didn't have nearly as much lace and ribbons as the dresses Ashley had. They also completely hid what Julia had mentioned as her pull-ups earlier, which meant that Lizzie must be progressing toward being potty-trained. And of course, Lizzie did not have a pacifier in her mouth like Ashley had. The 3 and 1/2 half-year-old girl waved at Ashley, who waved back as her mother taught her to do.


  • Princess
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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2018, 04:28:53 PM »
Helena opened the door to Ashley's room and placed Ashley down on her changing table. Her mother placed her off to one side of it so that there was room for Lizzie, who Julia had placed down beside her. Both women flipped the skirt up on the dresses of the toddlers on the table and got to work changing them. Ashley's diaper was not as easy to handle as Lizzie's pull-ups, but Helena's practiced efficiency made up for the difference.

"You're pretty good at this." Julia remarked as she took some of the baby wipes from the table.

"Well, my little princess wets herself a lot. I swear, she has a bladder the size of a thimble." Helena said, making use of the baby wipes for Ashley as well.

Julia's mouth moved into what might have been a smirk at the word "thimble". Ashley's pee-pee would have fit comfortably inside one, as Julia seemed well-aware of. Her pee-pee stiffened from the wiping, which still did not keep it from fitting into a thimble, but it did mean that Ashley wanted very much to ask Julia to touch it. Needless to say, she couldn't. Ashley's pacifier made that an impossibility. Lizzie did not have any such impediment, though.

"Pee-pee! She has a pee-pee!" Lizzie said, trying to point toward it.

Both women laughed and continuing changing them. Lizzie was done first and Julia picked her up, which meant that she got a much better view of Ashley, who was still on the changing table. Helena took her time in selecting a new diaper for Ashley. Her mother was about to decide when she picked up two of them and showed them to Lizzie.

"What do you think Ashley would like, sweetie? Elsa or Moana?" Helena asked, holding the two pink Princess Pampers up.

"Elsa! Elsa!" Lizzie said at once, pointing toward the Elsa diaper.

"Good choice! I think Ashley likes that too." Helena said, looking from Lizzie to Ashley, still on the changing table with her skirt flipped up and her pee-pee exposed.

Ashley nodded despite herself. Lizzie seemed very pleased at herself to have chosen the "right" one and clapped her hands as Helena bent down to put the pink diaper on Ashley. As Helena slid the diaper beneath her butt, Ashley knew that another chance for her pee-pee to get touched was gone, but she wasn't expecting it to happen anyway. Only if Emily arrived would it be a possibility. Her mother finished taping up the diaper and picked up Ashley once more.

"Let's go to the kitchen, shall we?" Helena asked, fixing Ashley's hair with her free hand.


  • Princess
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Re: Ashley's Babysitter
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2018, 10:10:01 PM »
Ashley settled on her mother's arm, feeling more comfortable with a dry diaper. The hours had flown by quickly in her playpen, but her stomach reminded her how long it had been since her morning feeding. She was quite looking forward to more milk, even though it would probably mean getting fed in front of Julia and Lizzie.

Helena walked over to the fridge and took out another bottle of milk for Ashley. She was on the verge of putting it into the bottle warmer when she turned around to see that Julia had already sat down at the table. She had put Lizzie down in front of her on the table in order to free her hands.

"I hope you don't mind, but it's been awhile since I've fed Lizzie." Julia explained as she unbuttoned her blouse.

"Oh, not at all. I wish I had kept up with breastfeeding Ashley, actually. It can be a hassle to warm up bottles for her all the time." Helena said thoughtfully.

"I'm going to miss it when Lizzie gets tired of this. It makes me a whole cup size bigger." Julia explained as she pulled the flap to the side on her nursing bra on her right breast, exposing her nipple.

Julia picked up Lizzie from the table and settled her on her lap again. After some hesitation, Lizzie began to suc-kle from her nipple. Ashley squirmed slightly in her mother's arms, feeling distinctly jealous for some reason. Helena noticed this and looked at Ashley curiously.

"You know, it's not all that difficult to start the process up again. There are some pretty safe drugs you can use." Julia said, showing no discomfort at all.

"I've thought about doing that. I'm not sure it's worth the effort, though, if Ashley won't take to it." Helena said, shaking her head.

"Well if you want to find out, you can give her here. Lizzie doesn't drink much anymore." Julia offered.

Ashley squirmed in her mother's arms, wishing she had a way of communicating her interest more definitively. Helena was quite in tune with her daughter, however. She nodded and brought Ashley to the table, sitting her down in front of Julia.

Julia uncovered her left breast and exposed the nipple there. It was the first time Ashley could remember seeing an uncovered nipple. Unsurprisingly, her pee-pee stiffened in her diaper, but it was mostly hunger that was on her mind. Julia pulled her into her lap and popped her pacifier out, leaving her nipple right in front of Ashley. Ashley felt a little shy about this, but her empty stomach drove her to lean forward and starting suc-kling Julia's nipple.

Warm milk trickled into Ashley's mouth. It seemed like the absolute perfect temperature for her mouth. It was a little bit like her usual feeding, but it tasted sweeter. Something about the taste was very appealing to her, however, and she found herself suc-kling with more enthusiasm. Ashley quickly understood that a bottle was really just an imitation of a nipple, and the real thing was far more satisfying.

"Wow, she definitely likes it." Julia said, laughing a little at Ashley's enthusiasm.

It was then that the doorbell rang.

"That must be Emily." Julia said offhandedly as Lizzie stopped suc-kling.

"I'll answer it. Ashley is going to be so glad she made it!" Helena said cheerfully as Ashley heard her leave the room.


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