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Author Topic: The Fancy Dress Party  (Read 87205 times)

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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2006, 05:22:11 PM »
In the evening Helen came in to tell them that Mr. Ramsey had finished Shane’s cot already.  â€śHe’s bringing it over now.”  Shane listened as the cot was manoeuvred up the stairs and into his room.  Then he was brought upstairs.

The cot was a perfect replica of a baby’s wooden cot, only big enough for Shane to lie down in.  Needless to say it was painted pink.  Mr. Ramsey was proudly running his hand over the smooth headboard.  Cartoon characters had been stencilled on both ends of the cot.

His mother unclipped the side bars and signalled Shane to get in.  He waddled over and climbed into the cot on his hands and knees giving a everyone a perfect view of his frilly panties.  He turned and sat.  His mother replaced the bars.  They clicked into place.

Mr. Ramsey showed her the catches holding the bars in place.  â€śHe won’t be able to open the catches with his hands in the mittens.  Of course, he could climb out over the bars but I have something else here”, he said.

He produced a white leather harness and pulled it over Shane’s arms.  He showed his mother how to tighten it around Shane’s chest and buckle it in place.  Shane looked down and saw the words “Pretty Baby” stitched into the leather.  â€śThat was Mrs. Ramsey’s idea.”

Mr. Ramsey demonstrated how the reins could be tied to the cot’s bars to make absolutely sure that Shane could not get out.  â€śIt will work with the play pen too”, Mr. Ramsey told them.  â€śI’m sure that won’t be necessary”, Helen said.  â€śHe’s being such a good little baby girl now.  Aren’t you?”  Shane nodded.  â€śYou won’t try to get out of your beautiful new cot will you?”  Shane shook his head.  â€śDon’t you just love your new cot?” she continued.  Shane clapped his hands and they all laughed.

His mother looked at the bed propped up against the wall to make room for the cot.  â€śWhere are we going to put that?”  Helen had an idea.  â€śEmily needs a bigger bed.  Maybe she should have it.”  â€śSure”, his mother said, “if she would like that.”  Emily was thrilled at the prospect.

Shane was less pleased.  They were taking away his old bed and leaving him with a pink wooden cot.  The prospects of him getting out of nappies and baby dresses seemed to be receding further and further.  He got up on his knees and held the bars of his cot as he watched his bed being taken away.

Later, Helen produced some old items from when Emily was little.  She strung across a line that had various rattles and bells hanging from it.  She made Shane lie down and slap them with his mittens.  She hung a carousel of cut-out animals that revolved above him.  She called out each animal and made him point to them.

Then she placed a baby monitor on the bedside  table and got Emily to go down and check if it was working.  â€śYou won’t be able to get out of the cot when you have a wet nappy now so you’ll have to cry into this so that Mummy can come and change you.”  She made him cry to see if Emily could hear it.

Next she produced a tape recorder and half a dozen tapes of nursery rhymes and lullabies.  She put a tape in a pressed play.  â€śGo to sleep.  Go to sleep,” a lady sang.

Emily helped her arranged cuddly toys around the cot.  â€śSo you won’t be lonely all night”, Helen told him.  Finally she plugged a night light into a corner socket and switched off the main light.

Shane was undressed, given his final bottle and tucked in.  â€śCan I read him a story?” Emily asked.  â€śWould you like Emily to read you a bed-time story?” Helen asked Shane.  He knew the required response and clapped his hands.

Emily pulled up a chair and opened a book.  It was Cinderella.  â€śNo.  That’s too grown up for you”, she decided.  She searched for something she thought would be more appropriate.  â€śAh.  Noddy and Big Ears.”

She read to him for half and hour and decided that was enough.  She turned on the tape of lullabies and crept from the room.  Shane knew he was going to wet himself before too long.

His mother was seeing Helen and Emily to the door when they heard the cry from the baby monitor.  â€śOh what’s wrong with the poor dear now?” she wondered.


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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2006, 08:02:16 PM »
The next day Shane was let out of his cot in the morning, changed and dressed in his blue pastel outfit.  He was given a bottle of juice and then his mother spoon-fed him his rusks in the high-chair.  He played away in his pen for the rest of the morning.  He could occasionally be heard plinking on the toy xylophone or shaking rattles.

Around noon he was lying back on the changing table having his stinky nappy changed.  As he nursed on the dummy, he realised that nobody had teased him about his nappies or baby dress that day.  Or the fact that he was holding his favourite dolly all morning.  His mother was changing him in a matter-of-fact manner.

Helen and Emily arrived and seemed only mildly interested in Shane.  Although it felt like an eternity, it was only his seventh day in nappies.  But already everyone else seemed to have gotten used to the idea.  It was as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

But it wasn’t.  He still wanted to scream to be let out of his nappies and baby dress but he didn’t dare.  He was helpless and totally in their control.  He had no choice but to grin and bear it and pray that he would be released soon if he was good.

Because he’d been so good that morning, Emily offered him a lollipop after his lunch.  Normally he would scoff at the idea of suc-king on a lollipop but it would be a real treat compared to what he was being fed.

After lunch, Emily brought him into the garden.  She had brought a small plastic football.  She rolled it towards Shane.  He waddled forward and tried to kick it back at her.  The thick nappy restricted his movement and the t-bar shoes were not made for kicking ball so the football shot off at an angle but Emily still clapped and said “well done!” not wanting to dent his confidence.

His mother came out.  â€śBe careful you don’t get those lovely white tights dirty or there’ll be hell to pay.”  Emily kicked the ball to him again but he was reluctant to risk dirtying his tights so he was brought back into his pen.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Hall dropped in.  She chatted with his mother in the front room over coffee while Shane played with his dolls in the play pen between them.  Other than admiring his dollies and occasionally smiling at him during lulls in their conversation she paid little attention to him.

Shane began to wonder which was worse – people teasing and taunting him about being a big sissy baby or people acting as if all this was normal.  He cried quietly to himself in his cot for hours that night thinking that his uneventful day may well have been just the first of many.

However, the next morning his peace was shattered.  His mother seemed to be fussing over him more than usual.  She renewed his sausage curls and then dressed him in his pink baby dress.  She fussed over his petticoats and took ages making sure his bonnet was on just right.

As she pulled on his pink tights she said “It’s about time we brought you out and about.”  Shane was shocked.  Did she mean she was going to bring him out in public?  He gave her a seriously concerned look.  â€śThat’s not going to be a problem is it?” she asked.  â€śYou’ve been so good.”

He was torn between desperately wanting to resist being brought out like this in public and the likely consequences of any such disobedience.  He just suc-ked on his dummy as she pulled up his frilly panties and tried to fight off thoughts of being brought down the main street in broad daylight dressed as he was.

Once he was fed, his mother fetched the harness.  She let him out of the high-chair.  He was very reluctant to get down but did eventually.  How was he going to avoid public humiliation without disobeying her and suffering the consequences?

She tightened the harness around him and took the reins.  â€śNow, if you’re very good and do everything you are told, I’ll get you a nice ice cream in Mr. Ramsey’s.”  Shane fought back the tears.  Mr. Ramsey’s shop was in the middle of the main street.  It wouldn’t be worth an ice-cream to go along with this but the consequences of refusing were not palatable.

His mother fetched his favourite dolly, made a few last adjustments to get his outfit just right.  She made sure the lace trims on his two ankle socks were level and decided he was ready to go.

She tugged the reins and he stumbled after her.  He eyed the door with growing trepidation.  He held his dolly tight as she opened the door.  She walked out but was jolted back when his rein drew tight.  He was rooted to the carpet.  She gave him a cross look and tugged at his rein again.  He toddled out the door and carefully went down the steps.  His mother closed the door behind him before he could change his mind.

When they were out on the footpath his mother told him to skip along.  Again, he wanted to cry.  It was bad enough that people would see him dressed as a baby girl but he was going to look like he was happy about it.

Still, he had no choice.  He skipped as best he could in the thick nappies and his petticoats flounced around him.

They hadn’t gone far when a neighbour saw them.  Mrs. Grimes had heard the stories but still couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Shane happily skipping towards her in a big pink baby dress, revealing glimpses of his frilly panties that were obviously covering a thick nappy, suc-king on a pink dummy, his sausage curls dancing beneath his bonnet.

His mother tugged him to a halt as they met Mrs. Grimes.  â€śI heard you had him in nappies and dressed like a baby girl”, she gasped, “but I never realised he was so happy with his new life.”  Shane cringed but didn’t dare drop his act.  He felt another tug on the reins and realised it was a prompt.  He held out his petticoats and curtsied to Mrs. Grimes.

“What a gorgeous dress”, she commented.  Shane remembered what he was supposed to do.  He turned around so she could admire him from all angles.  Then he bent over.  She put her hand to her mouth at the full sight of his frilly panties.  â€śAren’t they delightful”, his mother said and he felt one of the women run their fingers along a row of lace.

“You obviously have him in old-fashioned cotton nappies”, Mrs. Grimes observed.  His mother smiled her confirmation.  â€śI’d forgotten how big and thick they look compared to these modern disposables.  Must be a bit unsavoury though”, she said with a grimace.  â€śHe does go through a lot of them in a day”, his mother told her.

The women chatted for a while about other things.  Shane was fine with that.  He was in no hurry to go anywhere.  But after a few minutes his mother had him skipping on towards the main avenue.


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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2006, 06:52:52 PM »
The main avenue was busy with traffic and pedestrians.  Shane tried to ignore the gaping mouths as he skipped along.  Cars slowed down as the disbelieving drivers and passengers took in the sight.

Resigned now to the fact that the whole town was going to see him apparently thrilled to be seen in a pretty pink baby dress with frilly panties, Shane just wanted the whole thing over as soon as possible.

They turned into the main street and his mother had to give a little tug on his reins to slow him down as Shane skipped along, eager to get into the relative privacy of Mr. Ramsey’s store.  Traffic was now tailed back due to the rubber-neckers.

Shane pushed the door into the store.  Mr. Ramsey was behind the counter.  He beamed on seeing Shane waddle in.  “Hello, there!  Glad you could drop by.”  A little tug on the reins and Shane curtsied.  “Doesn’t he make the perfect baby girl”, Mrs. Ramsey chipped in.  Without prompting Shane did a twirl and bent over to show off his frilly panties.

“I’m sure our little baby would love a lollipop”, Mr. Ramsey said, unwrapping the plastic from a red piece of confectionary.  Shane’s mother took it from him, removed Shane’s soother and inserted the lollipop.  Truth be known, Shane was delighted with the treat.

His mother held up one of Shane’s mittened hands.  “I don’t think you need worry about him stealing anything today - or any other day.”  Shane frowned wondering did she mean this because she was going to keep him in the mittens and baby outfit or because he would learn from this punishment.  “He’s quite helpless”, she continued.

“You’re welcome to bring him down here anytime”, Mrs. Ramsey told his mother.  “He is always welcome to a free lollipop.”  The lollipop was nice, Shane thought, but hardly worth being paraded in front of the whole town.  “That’s very kind of you”, his mother said, “we’ll take you up on that.”

“He just loves his new cot and the high-chair is just perfect too”, his mother commented to Mr. Ramsey.  She looked at Shane for confirmation.  He smiled vaguely and clapped his hands.  They all laughed.  “My pleasure”, Mr. Ramsey said with a broad grin.  “Anything else you need, I’d be more than happy.”

Shane braced himself for going back out onto the main street.  Outside the shop he waited to see which way his mother would go.  To his relief, she headed for home.

As he skipped past the entrance to the park, he was halted by a tug on his reins.  His mother was heading through the gate to the park.  Shane sighed.  He thought he was on the home straight but she had other ideas.

She brought him by the playground.  The children all stop their playing as Shane appeared.  “There’s the teenage boy who’s being kept in nappies”, he heard one of them shout.  “It’s true.  He’s wearing a really sissy baby dress.”  They all ran over and surrounded Shane.

“Does he really pee in his nappy?” a girl asked his mother.  She nodded with a smile.  “That’s what it’s for.”  “And does he do poos?”  “Of course.”  Shane was burning with embarrassment but could do nothing but suc-k on his dummy.

His mother brought him over to the swing and tied his reins to the frame.  “Now you can watch the children playing.”  She left him standing in the middle of the playground and went to sit on a bench.

The children played around Shane.  A four-year old girl came up to him and asked “why are you wearing a nappy?  And why are you wearing a baby dress?”  Shane was unable to answer.  He suc-ked on his dummy and looked at his mother.  “Do you not think he looks pretty in his pink dress and frilly panties?” she asked the girl.  “He looks stupid”, she replied and they all laughed.  “Aw.  Don’t be like that.”

Shane’s tummy rumbled and he knew that this would soon be followed by him filling his nappy with poo.  With the diet she had him on, there was nothing he could do about this.  Sure enough, ten seconds later he noisily produced a nappy full and several children stopped in their tracks.

Those closest to him ran away laughing when they got the smell.  He looked desperately at his mother who realised the situation and came to his aid.  She untied his reins saying “now you see why he needs to wear a nappy.”  The children all watched as Shane walked gingerly away.

He headed for the shortest route to the main avenue but at a fork in the path his mother tugged him in the other direction.  This led past the football pitches and he could see a dozen boys kicking a ball around.

He desperately did not want to go near them but resistance was not an option.  “Why aren’t you skipping?” his mother asked.  He glared at her and looked down at his nappy.  “Oh yes.  I suppose it wouldn’t be very nice”, she conceded.

As they came closer to the football pitch, he recognised some of the boys from his own class in school.  He stopped in his tracks but his mother tugged him on.  He followed very reluctantly with tears forming in his eyes.  He was facing social death.  He knew that everyone had heard about his predicament by now but it was different seeing it for themselves.

The goalkeeper was bracing himself to save a shot when he saw Shane.  He straightened up and stared at the approaching spectacle.  The ball whizzed past him into the net.  The attacker couldn’t understand why he made no attempt to save it.  But then he following his line of sight and saw why.

The boys came running over towards Shane.  “Would you look at him!”  “I didn’t believe it but it’s true, Shane IS in nappies.”  “What a sissy!”  “Look at his hair!”  They surrounded him.  “What a big sissy baby!”

His mother continued walking.  “Sorry boys.  I’m sure Shane would love to stay and watch you play but he has a stinky nappy and I need to get him home to be changed.”  They roared laughing at that.  A couple of them came nearer and made exaggerated sniffing movements but they were taken aback at the very real stink from Shane’s nappy.

Shane was in floods of tears as he walked away from them.  How was he ever going to be able to go back to school after this?  He could still hear their laughter.  “That’s unbelievable.  Did you see those frilly panties?  And the way he just suc-ked on his dummy?  He’s a complete and absolute baby.”


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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2006, 04:55:11 AM »
The next day he was brought down to Mr. Ramsey’s shop again.  As before, he was told to skip along and he had to curtsey and show off his bloomers to anyone they met.  It was worst when they met complete strangers who had not heard of Shane’s predicament.

They would stop on the pavement and stare at the approaching spectacle.  He knew there was no avoiding it.  Even if the strangers were too polite to say anything, his mother would stop and engage them in conversation.  Inevitably, the first question would be “is she wearing a nappy?”  To which his mother would proudly reply “actually, this is my fifteen-year-old son Shane and, yes, he is wearing a nappy.”

Once the strangers realised how eager his mother was to talk about his situation, they would pepper her with questions.  â€śDoes he do everything in his nappy?” they would ask, too polite to use a word like poo.  â€śAbsolutely.  He hasn’t used the bathroom in more than a week.”

“Where did you get the big baby harness?”  â€śA neighbour of mine is very good with his hands.  He also made a high-chair and cot for Shane.”  This would generally be met with raised eyebrows as the stranger realised how complete Shane’s new baby life was.

He would try to focus on the lollipop Mrs. Ramsey would give him when they eventually got to the shop.  He tried to avoid tearing-up and sniffling as the strangers tittered and sniggered at the details of his feeding or changing routines.

At the shop Shane was duly given his treat.  It also gave him a break from the dummy, which still dangled from his dress on the end of a ribbon.

Outside the shop his mother was pleased when Shane resumed skipping without having to be told.  In the playground she again tied Shane’s harness to the swings and went to sit on a bench.  Shane was not pleased to see she had brought a book.

She became quite absorbed in the book.  After fifteen minutes or so she looked up.  Shane had finished his lollipop and was absent-mindedly nursing his soother as he watched the children play.

After half an hour, one of the little girls had to come over to her to get her attention.  â€śShane has wet his nappy and needs to be changed.”  She looked up and saw him standing in the middle of a circle of children, tears streaming down his face from the humiliation of having to signal to the children that he was wet.

As she untied his harness from the swing the little girl asked “can Shane not play with us?”  His mother thought about this.  â€śI’m afraid his baby dresses are too pretty for playing in.  And he’d dirty his lovely white tights.  Maybe when Mrs. Wilson is finished your new dress, she might make you a special play dress.”  Shane hated to hear such long term plans being made.  â€śI’ll ask her if she can make a nice navy sailor dress”, she said warming to the idea.

The next morning Helen was spoon-feeding him his rusks when she asked his mother if she was going to Mrs. Hunt’s dinner party.  â€śI’d love to but I’d need to get a baby sitter.”

“Well, Marsie will be babysitting Emily for me”, Helen said.  â€śMaybe she would agree to babysit Shane too.  Emily could stay in the spare room here tonight.”  â€śWould Marsie be prepared to change Shane if it was needed?  In fact, there is no way he’ll go a whole evening without producing something and she probably wouldn’t be used to the cloth nappies.”

“I’ll ring and ask her”, Helen said.  â€śFailing that, Marsie is one of a dozen babysitters in a group that shares out the work.  I’m sure we can find one of them who will be prepared to.”

At lunchtime Helen returned.  â€śI talked to Marsie and she has no problem looking after Shane tonight.  In fact, she seemed to be quiet excited at the prospect”, she added smiling at Shane’s obvious discomfort.  â€śDid you explain to her that she would probably have to change him?” his mother asked.  â€śYes, she actually said that she couldn’t wait!”  â€śShe might change her tune when she sees one of his messy nappies”, his mother said.  â€śWon’t she?” she asked Shane as she inserted another spoonful of parsnip and prune puree into his mouth.”

“Marsie rang back after a while and asked if all twelve of the babysitters could come over and see Shane being changed this afternoon so that they would know how to handle the cloth nappies”, Helen continued.  â€śSeeing as any of them might be called on to babysit Shane at some stage.”

“That’s a good idea”, his mother said.  â€śTell them around six o’clock.”  As she turned to give Shane another spoonful tears were flowing down his cheeks again.  She wasn’t sure if it was the prospect of being changed in front of a dozen girls from his school or the taste of the parsnip and prunes.

At around five in the afternoon she was out in the garden when she heard a cry from the play-pen inside.  She peeled off her gardening gloves and went in.  Shane was kneeling in the pen with his hands on the frame looking up at her.  â€śWhat’s up chicken?”  Then she recoiled at the smell.  â€śOh!  Gosh that’s a bad one.”

She looked at the clock.  â€śIt’s only an hour until the babysitters are coming to see you being changed.  You’ll just have to wait dear.”  He gave her a desperate look.  â€śBut if I change you now love, you mightn’t produce anything for a few hours.”  Shane gave a heavy sigh.

“I think we’d better move you outside though”, his mother suggested, having retreated to the door.  She moved the pen to the middle of the lawn and put Shane back in it with a few dolls to keep him amused.  He knelt down again.  â€śWhy don’t you sit dear?”  He glared at her.  â€śOh.  I see.”

She resumed her weeding.  Every few minutes there was a whimper from the play-pen.  She’d look over at him sympathetically and say “they’ll be here soon.”

At five to six the door-bell rang.  He didn’t know whether to be relieved that he was finally going to be changed or despondent at the prospect of being changed in front of twelve girls.

His mother passed downwind of him as she headed inside.  â€śPhew.  This one will really test their resolve.”


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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2006, 05:40:37 AM »
His mother directed the girls into the utility room. When she brought Shane in the girls were all examining the nappies and creams and powders. But they all stopped dead when they saw him. He was so mortified as he was brought into the middle of the circle of girls tittering and sniggering.

Some of them composed themselves and made comments like “isn’t he adorable?”. “Those ringlets really suit him.” That was followed by snorting laughter.

Then the smell hit them. “Ew.” “Oh my Gawd!” A couple of them left the room gasping. Other waved their hands in front of their faces and tried to withstand the stink.

Shane hopped up on the changing table. He grimaced when he sat and all the poo was squished around his nappy. “Right. Will someone remove his dress?” his mother asked. None of them were too keen to get any closer. Eventually, Marcie was shoved forward and proceeded to take off his dress while making faces.

Shane lay back. “Now. Take off his shoes, panties and tights.” There was more tittering. When that was done Marcie looked at the plastic pants with great trepidation. She looked up at his mother. “Go on.” Shane raised his bottom. With arms at full stretch, Marcie tugged at the elasticated waist band. She pulled the plastic pants down.

More girls ran from the room. Marcie backed off and then inched her way forward. The others watched from outside the door. She unpinned the nappy, Shane raised his bottom and she pulled it off him. As she dropped the soiled nappy in the bucket she jumped back.

Many of the girls had to turn their backs when Marcie went to wipe Shane down. When she was done his mother took the bucket from the room and put it outside the back door.

With the major cause of the smell gone the girls inched back into the room to watch the rest of the changing routine. Shane tried to ignore their intense interest and nursed his dummy. His mother showed them how to pin the nappy on him securely. He was never so anxious to get his tights, panties and dress back on.

He hoped that the girls would be so disgusted by what they saw that they would lose interest in babysitting him but they all wanted to stay and assured his mother that there was no problem whenever she wanted a babysitter.

“He’s to get a bottle now and another one before he goes to bed”, his mother told them. “Please can I feed him?” a girl piped up immediately followed by several “no, me!”

His mother put her coat on. She came over to Shane who was in his high-chair s...ing on a bottle being held up by Jane. “Now you are to be a good little baby girl and do whatever the girls tell you.” The girls smiled at each other.

“He has to do what he is told or he doesn’t get his nappy changed”, his mother explained helpfully. Shane spent the rest of the evening curtseying, skipping back and forth across the room, posing angelically for photographs or sitting in his play-pen kissing and hugging his dollies.

The girls all sat around as Heidi read him his bed time story. He was so relieved when they turned on the tape and baby monitor and finally switched out the light.


The next morning the phone rang just after his mother had started feeding him his rusks.  She put the bowl and spoon down on the tray in front of him.  He made a cross face at this interruption to his feeding.  “I’ll only be a mo”, she assured him.  “Here.”  She popped his soother in.

She was a couple of minutes on the phone.  Shane was left staring at his bowl of rusks and wishing he could pick up the spoon.  “That was Mrs. Wilson.  She has finished your new dress!  She’s bringing it over later.  Isn’t that exciting?”  Shane feigned a smile.

His mother picked up the kettle and went to fill it.  She seemed to have forgotten about feeding him.  “Mmmmm” he grunted and he wriggled about in the high-chair to show his frustration.  She looked over.  “Oh sorry!”  She put down the kettle and came over to him smiling.  “Sorry about that love.”  She removed his dummy, picked up the bowl and spoon and resumed feeding him.  “There we go.”

“Now remember when she shows us your new baby dress, you are to be all excited, do you hear?”  Shane gave her a very slightly wistful look – it was as much as he dared.  “She’s gone to a lot of trouble making you a pretty dress so you are to appreciate it do you hear?”  He nodded unenthusiastically.

“Now let me see how excited you are to see your new pretty baby dress.”  Shane smiled and bopped up and down in his high-chair.  “That’s a good baby.  And there’ll be gorgeous frilly panties to match, isn’t that great?”  He clapped his mittens excitedly.  “We might even get you a lovely ice cream in Mr. Ramsey’s shop later if you are very good.”  He didn’t have to fake his excitement at that.

He was sitting in the play-pen when Mrs. Wilson arrived.  The women came into the front room and sat near the pen.  “Mrs. Wilson has brought your new dress”, his mother said.  Shane tried to look excited.

Mrs. Wilson reached into the bag and pulled out the dress with a flourish.  She held the yellow dress up in front of them.  Shane’s mother clapped and said “Oh my goodness.  Isn’t that just wonderful?”  Shane went “mmmm, mmmm” and bopped up and down in his pen.

Mrs. Wilson tugged at the puffed sleeves and then ran her hand along under the Peter Pen collar.  Shane got up on his knees and leaned on the side of the pen pretending to be enthralled by the baby dress.  “Look at those little pink bows”, his mother gushed picking at one of them.

Mrs. Wilson pulled up the organza petticoats and ran her fingers through their fullness.  “Do you want to try in on now?” she asked Shane.  He nodded enthusiastically.  “Mmmm.  Mmmm.”  The women smiled and his mother opened the pen.  She took off his blue dress, bonnet and bloomers.

Mrs. Wilson pulled the yellow dress over his head and zipped him in.  She fussed over the petticoats to get them settled correctly.  They were so enormous that Shane had to hold his arms out.  He tentatively let his arms down and found that the volume of the petticoats meant he could rest them on his skirts.

Then Mrs. Wilson took the pettipants from the bag.  “My goodness.  They’re enormous”, his mother said.  “I know.  It took yards and yards of lace.  There are about twenty rows from the waist down to the leg openings.  Shane wanted to cry but tried to keep his smile fixed.

He stepped into the pettipants and his mother pulled them up.  Mrs. Wilson held his petticoats up while he could feel his mother picking at the lace on the seat of his pants.  “This must have taken you ages.”

Shane looked down but could see nothing beyond his voluminous dress.  Mrs. Wilson took the broderie anglaise mop cap and sat it on top of his head.  His mother ran her fingers through his sausage curls.

“You must see yourself in the mirror”, she told him.  He was dreading it as she tugged him out to the hallway where there was a full length mirror.  He wanted to throw up but he jumped up and down in excitement.  That made him a mass of dancing ringlets, fluttering organza petticoat and shimmering lace.

He curtsied.  Normally he would raise out his skirts and petticoats when he curtsied but in this case they could not be raised out any further.  He turned around and twisted to see the reflection of the back of his dress.  He was about to bend over to expose his panties to full inspection as usual when he realised there was really no need.  Only the top couple of rows of lace were covered by his dress anyway – the other eighteen were fully visible.

His mother brought him back into the front room.  “We’ll have to take the dress off now and keep it for special occasions”, she told him in a sad voice.  He looked up at her plaintively and looked down at his new baby dress longingly.  “I know you want to keep it on but, I’ll tell you what, I’ll invite all the neighbours over tomorrow for a coffee morning and all the babysitters and we can show it off to everyone then.  How’s that.”  Shane pretending to be somewhat consoled by that and his mother set about removing his new outfit.


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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2006, 03:40:20 PM »
The next morning Shane’s mother reset his sausage curls to have him looking his best.  Despite the fact that he had already been displayed in front of just about everyone in town, he was not looking forward to being paraded in front of all the neighbours in the sissiest baby dress he had ever seen.

His mother put a little blush on his cheeks.  Then she took his new dress and ruffled the organza petticoats so that they stood out as much as possible.  She put the dress on him and zipped him up.  She took a brand new pair of snow white tights from a packet.  She rolled the tights up and put his feet into them.  Then she pulled them up over his nappy.

She flapped out the pettipants, still marvelling at how enormous they looked with all that thick lace.  She pulled the pettipants up over his tights and nappy.  She also had a new pair of ankle socks with yellow lace at the tops.  â€śLook, there are little rose buds on the front and back of the socks”, she showed him.  Then she put on his t-bar shoes.

She sat the mop cap on his head.  Then she took out a dozen little pink bows and attached one to the end of each of his sausage curls.  She told him to skip across the room and was delighted with the way the bows swayed back and forth with his curls.  Finally she attached his soother to his dress and pushed it into his mouth.

She looked at her watch.  It was still half-an-hour before guests were to arrive.  â€śI’m afraid to let you sit down in case you crease your dress.  You look just perfect now and I want you that way when you make your big entrance.”  The thought of walking into a room full of people dressed as he was nearly made him wet himself.

She took his harness and strapped him in.  She pulled him across to the window.  Then she stood on a chair and tied the reins to the curtain rail.  â€śNow you just stay there while I get ready”, she told him.  The reins were at full stretch and ensured that he had to stay standing.  At least the net curtains protected him from being seen from outside.

Forced to just stand there in his baby dress he couldn’t get his mind off the impending humiliation.  He looked down at the dress and the huge skirts.  The bows on his sausage curls danced at the edge of his vision when he looked down.

He looked around the room trying to find some distraction but instead saw his reflection in the wardrobe mirror.  He couldn’t take his eyes off the lines of frilly lace surrounding the huge bulge of his nappy.  Tears came to his eyes as he thought of the reaction of all the neighbours to his appearance.  All those babysitters would just love it.  He badly needed to do a wee.

The doorbell rang.  He jumped a little.  He heard his mother open it and it sounded like about a dozen women came in, all giggling with excited anticipation.  â€śWhere is the little darling?”  â€śI’m waiting until everyone is here so that he can make a grand entrance”, his mother said.

Shane looked down in horror.  Warm pee was spreading around his nappy.  He didn’t remember deciding to pee.  Tears streamed down his cheeks.

The babysitters arrived en masse before his mother came up to get him.  His blush had been streaked by his tears.  â€śOh now, what’s wrong?”  What’s wrong!  He was about to be displayed to half the town in a big sissy baby dress and frilly panties!

She dried his cheeks and renewed the blush.  He sniffled and pointed to his nappy.  â€śWhat?  You’re wet?”  He nodded.  â€śWell you’ll just have to stew in it.  It took me ages to get you to look just perfect, I’m not going to risk upsetting it now.”  Shane sniffled again at the thought of having to walk in there with a soggy nappy.

“Now I don’t want you going in there with a big puss on you”, his mother scolded while untying his harness.  â€śDo you hear?”  He nodded glumly.  â€śYou are to skip into the middle of the room and twirl as if you have never been so happy.”  That nearly made him cry but he recomposed himself.  â€śYou’re in for a pretty miserable week if you don’t convince them all that you are delighted to be a big sissy baby.”

She handed him the biggest doll he possessed.  The doll had a big full length ballgown.  Shane wished he could wear that instead of the ultra short dress that didn’t even cover his nappy.

His mother took him by the arms and led him downstairs, taking her time at the stairs to allow him to safely descend one step at a time.  He tried to be brave despite the unavoidable mortification that awaited him just inside the door at the bottom.

She paused before opening the door.  She looked at him. “You know what you have to do.”  Shane nodded.  She threw the door open.  Shane took a deep breath and skipped right into the centre of the room.

He curtsied to delighted clapping and twirled about, petticoats whirling around him, revealing his pettipants from top to bottom.  The bows on his sausage curls caused them to swing in a perfect arc around his head.

There were gasps from the surrounding women and girls, induced as much by the boy’s apparent delight at being dressed in such a babyish outfit as by the dress itself.  â€śI’ve never seen so much frilly lace in my life”, someone commented.  Mrs. Wilson sat proudly absorbing all the compliments.

“That must have taken you so much time”, Mrs. Hall commented.  Mrs. Wilson came over to Shane and made him bend over so that she could describe to the enthralled ladies how she had made the frilly panties.  From his bent over position he looked up and saw the satisfied smiles on the faces of the babysitters as they relished his humiliation.

When he was allowed to stand upright again, his mother called for another twirl.  This time Shane could feel some pee, that had not been absorbed by his nappy, slosh around in the bottom of the plastic pants.  He cringed, pressing his knees together.

“What’s wrong?” a lady asked.  â€śHe wet his nappy just before he came down”, his mother told them all.  â€śHe looked so perfect I didn’t want to disturb a thing.  I suppose I’d better change him now.”

Shane cringed even more pathetically when his mother told them all about his predicament.  As she took him towards the utility room he heard one of the babysitters say “oh, you’ve got to see this.”

He tried to focus on the ceiling as he lay back being changed.  He looked down between his spread legs at one point and saw people standing on tippy toes in the corridor trying to see over the crowd in the door.  He directed his gaze back at the ceiling and tried to concentrate on nursing his soother.  The women standing at his head saw it bob in and out a few times and they chuckled.


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The Fancy Dress Party
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2006, 06:37:42 PM »
The day after the coffee morning to show off Shane’s new baby dress he sat in his play pen wondering how he was ever going to have a normal life in the town after all this.  Even if he was freed from his torment now (and this seemed unlikely since his mother had just ordered his next dress from Mrs. Wilson) he was certain that he would forever be known as a big sissy baby.  Did the neighbours really think he loved his pretty dresses and frilly panties or were they aware that he was forced into this humiliation?

Anyway, his mother was telephoned by Mrs. Hunt to come over to her garden to see some new plants.  Shane was strapped into his harness and they headed across the road.  He was relieved to see that there was nobody on the road but as they crossed, a lady appeared and his mother stopped to talk to her.

Shane curtsied and showed off his frilly panties for inspection as usual but had to wait anxiously while the women chatted.  He tried to ignore the talk about his nappies and baby dresses and scanned the road for anyone else approaching.

A group of boys appeared from a front garden, obviously heading down to the park to play football.  Shane moved towards Mrs. Hall’s house and when his reins were fully extended his mother felt the tug.  â€śDon’t be rude, dear.  We’re talking.”

So Shane had to stand there while the boys passed on the other side of the road.  They exchanged muttered comments and sniggered.  Before they went off, one of them turned and made a mock-curtsey towards Shane.  Another one bent over and shook his bootie.

Finally, his mother took him into Mrs. Hall’s.  Her eight year old daughter Judy was there.  â€śYou mind Shane, Judy, while we’re in the garden.”  His mother made him sit in the middle of the floor.  He plonked down, used by now to the substantial cushioning effect of the thick nappy.  The women went out to the garden.

Judy looked down at Shane with a disdainful smirk.  â€śWhat a big baby!” she said.  Shane glared at her but had no intention of reacting and getting into trouble.  â€śWhat a sissy dress!  Let me see your frilly panties.”  Shane rolled over on his hands and knees and displayed his panties as instructed.  Judy laughed and he felt her tug at the lace on his panties.

Shane rolled onto his bottom again.  â€śI heard your mummy’s going to keep you in nappies and baby dresses forever”, she sneered.  Shane frowned.  Did she know something he didn’t?  â€śYou’re going to be a little sissy baby girl in frilly dresses and nappies forever and ever.  You’ll never use a toilet again.  You’ll always have to wear tights and bonnets and be spoon-fed for ever more.”

He wasn’t sure if she was right but the possibility had been haunting him.  He started to cry and that only encouraged her.  â€śOh boo hoo!  What a sissy!  You deserve to be kept in nappies forever.  I hope she does keep you as a baby because that’s all you are.”

Shane noted the word “hope” which suggested that she wasn’t sure about his fate.  But he was still in floods of tears when his mother came in.  â€śWhat’s wrong pet?” she enquired.  â€śI asked him to show his frilly panties but he won’t”, Judy claimed.  â€śNow Shane, you know you are to do whatever Judy tells you to”, his mother scolded him.

Shane was fuming at the girl’s lie but he was in no position to argue.  Again he rolled over and showed his frilly panties.  â€śCan I bring him down to the park?” Judy asked.  â€śCertainly”, his mother replied.  â€śThe fresh air will do him good but he’s not to play on anything that will get his dress or tights dirty.  Shane?  Are you going to be good for Judy and do everything she says?”  Shane nodded glumly.

Judy picked up his reins and yanked him along.  Shane waddled towards the door giving one despairing look back at his mother before she pulled him outside.

After an hour the women decided to go down to the park themselves.  When passing the football pitch they noticed that Shane was standing beside the goalposts.  The other boys were playing football while throwing the odd comment in his direction.

“Careful you don’t get your frock dirty.”  â€śHe’s always suc-king on that dummy – he obviously loves it.”  Shane had discretely removed his dummy as Judy brought him by the football pitch but she noticed and instructed him to continue nursing it.

As the women got closer they wondered why Shane was hanging around the boys that were taunting him but then they saw that Judy had tied Shane’s reins to the goalpost.  She was off playing on the swings.

Later that day when Shane was returned to the comfort of his play-pen, his sister Helen asked his mother what were her plans.  â€śDo you intend keeping him in nappies much longer?” she asked.  His mother down looked at him and thought about it.  â€śI suppose I’ll have to decide soon whether or not to keep him like this.  School will be restarting soon.”  Shane looked up very anxiously.  He was going to have to be on his best behaviour.


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