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Author Topic: New Arrangements for Josh  (Read 112303 times)

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sweet baby katie

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Re: New Arrangements for Josh
« Reply #231 on: May 27, 2024, 02:58:22 AM »
I love this story.  Josh is living the dream.  thank you for continuing this lovely sissy-baby journey.


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Re: New Arrangements for Josh
« Reply #232 on: June 17, 2024, 10:02:00 AM »

     â€śOh dear, the parking lot is full,” Gwendolyn observed as pulled the car up to the restaurant. From the back seat, Josh looked and saw the restaurant’s small parking lot had no empty spaces. “Oh, I see now, they must share the adjacent lot with the park” she added as she noticed a small sign that indicated “Additional Parking.”  As his mother wheeled into the other lot, Josh could see that this parking area was next to a small park with a baseball field.

     Then, the sissified teen was horrified as she pulled the car into a space right next to the field where a boys baseball team was apparently in the middle of practice. Josh’s skin practically crawled as he realized that when they got out of the car, he would be in full view of all those macho boys in all his prettified glory!

     In short order, his mother parked, and she and Kathy got out of the car. It was obvious that the boys noticed Kathy right away, and she smiled back at them. Josh practically froze. He did not want to get out and be seen in front of all those boys who appeared to be about his age.

     â€śCome on, Josh,” his mother called a bit loudly.

     Very reluctantly, Josh got out of the car. He was beet-red. His gorgeous pink velvet Fauntleroy suit shimmered in the daylight, and a slight breeze made his adorable lace collar dance gaily atop his shoulders. He desperately tried to avoid looking toward the field as he followed his mother and Kathy toward the restaurant.

     He nervously glanced over again and saw one of the boys was staring very closely now at him.

     â€śOh my GOD,” he heard the boy tell one of the other players, “That’s a BOY!” Apparently he had overheard Josh’s name when his mother called him.   

     The second player’s jaw dropped as he began gawking as well. In short order, the whole team had stopped what they were doing to stare at the sight in front of them.

     Now fully exposed, Josh felt his cheeks burn as he scurried behind his sister and mother. They had to walk right by the field as they made their way to the tea. Mincing along as quickly as he could in his pink velvet slippers, Josh was very aware of the way the added bulk of his diaper and his tightly laced corset constricted his movements. His adorable ringlet curls fluttered charmingly in the slight breeze. The contrast between his feminized state and the normal teenage boys on the field drove home just what a sissy he had become. They were all wearing red baseball caps, tee shirts and dusty cleats while they played roughly; he wore a darling pink hairbow pinned in his ringlets, an elaborately frilled silk blouse, delicate ballet slippers and of course his exquisite lace Fauntleroy collar. The differences could not be more striking!

     â€śWhat a sissy!” he heard one of the boys say, as if on cue.

     Then he heard a wolf whistle from one of them, and they all broke out in chuckles.

     â€śJust ignore them sweetheart and come along,” his mother said.

     Then Kathy reached back and grabbed her feminized brother’s hand. “I bet they’re all just secretly jealous of how pretty you are,” she said with a grin. Tugging him along, she added “Let’s go!”

     At the sight of the sissified boy being tugged along by his "big" sister, the giggles and chuckles behind him grew louder. Mercifully, as Josh finally got farther from the field, he overheard a man’s voice say, “That’s enough boys!” Obviously their coach, he continued, “get your attention back on the field or you’re all running laps!”

     Josh was grateful when they reached the restaurant door to go inside at last. Although he felt sure there was more embarrassment to come, he was eager to escape the attention of the boys playing baseball.

     As they stepped inside the entry foyer, Gwendolyn exclaimed to her children, “Finally we’re here! Oh we’re going to have such fun!” Then, she seemed to notice something amiss and said to Josh, “be still honey.” Josh meekly complied as his mother reached down and began tugging gently at his collar. “It seems your collar got a little twisted in the breeze, sweetie, I just need to straighten it up.” Josh stood helplessly while his mother fussed over his huge lace collar until she was satisfied.  “We can’t have our Little Lord Fauntleroy looking sloppy for his debut, can we dear?” she asked with a smile. Without waiting for a response, she added, “there… you’re picture perfect now!”

     With resignation, Josh replied in a small voice, “Thank you Mommy.”


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Re: New Arrangements for Josh
« Reply #233 on: June 17, 2024, 05:37:21 PM »
Thank you to Andlat and sweet baby katie for your earlier comments. I appreciate your feedback and feel like I should be courteous in responding in kind to fair compliments or criticisms.

Kisses :)


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Re: New Arrangements for Josh
« Reply #234 on: June 18, 2024, 09:32:57 AM »
I love the comparisons between Josh and the "normal" boys. With a whole team, surely one or two of them could be looking at their future, one can hope.


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